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2011-01-21, 05:48 PM
I'm running the dawn of defiance campaign... One of my players, a mon cal scoundrel with a focus on tech recently posted this in response to seeing the two informants with the hidden blasters. just before the first encounter.

I approached them... keeping my blaster close... THEN I RUN INTO A WAITRESS.... and knock over the stuff she was carrying.... then i continued to approach... but then slip on the stuff i knocked over... I got up... then ran into a bar stool... Then i made it to the place where the two men are. Suddenly my afro hologram went on and the song boogie fever went off... i quickly turn it off and greet the two men. :smalleek::smallbiggrin:

I'm not sure whether to say something about it or just laugh and let it go.

I'm leaning towards laugh and let it go, but wanted to share the story.

2011-01-21, 07:27 PM
Sounds to me like he's purposefully trying to appear harmless and/or incompetent.

2011-01-21, 07:53 PM
Smells like troll, but likely harmless.

I'll ignore the fact that Boogie Fever was recorded in 1975 and Star Wars happened Long, Long Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away.

2011-01-21, 08:02 PM
I know the guy in RL. He isn't a troll just odd and new to RPGs.

2011-01-22, 08:53 AM
He has tech for (seemingly)random situations.
He roleplays beyond the "tough guy" image.
He uses weakness and openings as a way to test the evil/hunter instincts of his adversaries. As well as using a humorous situation to check their good nature and humor.

Good roleplaying.

2011-01-22, 11:58 AM
Ok... Update. The encounter with the 'troopers and the informants has started.

Now for some more .. Said scoundrel has a large ship (to large to actually dock) uncrewed, and weaponless, but the party droid, an astromech was on this ship... When the trouble started, the fish called him and the droid, lacking weapons fired an escape pod into the space station. What sort of result should this get? He was hoping for enough of an impact to get a tremor, or to cause the lights to go out... But I'm not sure how much damage an escape pod would do.

He's running for the hangar, to hijack a shuttle and get out of there. Leaving the jedi behind... Fortunately she has her own ship.

Fortunately he grabbed the alderanian security girl when he scarpered off.

2011-01-22, 01:41 PM
Pods are usually made to exit with great force but have lots of drag so it slows down rather fast. They are usually also pretty sturdy. Not combat armor sturdy, but usually nuff to take a minor hit or two or an impact.

How it interacts with the scenery, idunno. What sort of materials is it made off and what is the support structure?
Anyways, nice distraction. Jedi's can usually take care of themselves, so no need to fret over them when in an emergency. Selfish or not.
Nice trade btw, escapepod for a shuttle...

2011-01-22, 01:46 PM
He still has to succeed in hijacking the thing.

2011-01-22, 11:38 PM
So new update, he got out of there. The jedi managed to cut the troopers off before logging off. So I still need to finish that... But since this guy is on more I've been mostly trying to get him back on the rails... I'm having mixed success.

He ended up on tattooine... and is taking a job from a hutt that should get him in the right place. and get him some more of his precious droids.

Then he posted this... IT took me a second to realize what he was talking about... He just sent a message to senator organa, saying that he dumped his agents body in space... After attempting to ransom her back. He had sent a ransom note and was going to return her in carbonite, despite the fact that she was dead...

Anyway breaking the fourth wall is starting to become a character trait.

"Aye Captain! I shall rescue your son!" I speak on my communicator, "R2-ZM, BEAM ME UP!...... What do you mean we dont have a transporter?!...... What do you mean transporter technology still isnt invented?! What kind of a past but some how in the future do we live in?!?!?!...... What do you mean this isn't Star trek?!?!?!?!.... DONT USE THAT TONE AT ME!!!!.... WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DONT OWN YOU?!?! I HAVE A RECEIPT!!! I COULD RETURN YOU!!! YOU STUPID TWIT!.... bahhhh just send the shuttle down!.... What do you mean its already down here?..... What do you mean your in the next room?" I turn to see my temperamental astromech roll in. "Oh, right then.... Lets go...." I exit and enter my shuttle and then dock with "The Prospector". R2-ZM saids "Beep boop Ba DINg Fling beep beeep" In simple tongue, What do we do with the body? I reply, " I don't know. Put it in the garbage chute and jettison the garbage into space. In the mean time i better call her boss." Calls dead woman's boss, " Yeah.... i cant make it to our meeting.... yeah... i just jettison her into space... Oh no, she was already dead... Goodbye...." I hang up, "Now what was i doing? Oh yeah! OFF TO FELCUIA TOO RESCUE THAT GIANT SPACE SLUG'S BRAT!" I jump into light speed.... Ships stutters and stops moving.... I go to the hyperdrive room to see wahts wrong and see the words printed on the hyperdrive.. MADE IN TATTOOINE... "Figures.... everything is made from there now... STUPID CHEAP SLAVE MADE GARBAGE" I kick the hyper drive and the ship goes into light speed on course................. "I'M A GENIUS!!! OHHHHHHHH MORE SARDINES!!!!"