View Full Version : Ye Olde Bad Company IC

2011-01-21, 08:37 PM
The cool morning air rushes into your squad's barracks where you are all sleeping and the bugle calls out to alert everyone to the ready. "ATTENTION SOLDIERS!" calls the newly appointed Lieutenant Saul. "As you may already know your former lieutenant was killed in the battle of Fellowain down south about a month ago and I am his newly appointed replacement. Saul had come in a few days ago and inspected the camp. "For those of you new to the company" he takes a good look at all of you "I plan on making this so called 'bad company' the best company in the whole damn battalion and I am starting with you! I will make you cry yourselves to sleep at night, I will work you like dogs and when you beg for mercy I'll jus' kick dirt in your face. I heard about how laid back Lieutenant Cyril was, you will get absolutely none of that from me! DISMISSED!" Saul rushes out as quickly as he came in and leaves your squad alone in your tiny barracks.

This is open RP time, you can just accept your fate with this new haughty Lieutenant Saul and maybe learn something or you can teach him a lesson and have some fun.:smallwink:

I have a general plan for how this is going to go but I will be building off of what you decide to do, just remember have fun!

The first adventure is ready to start whenever you are, but I would like it if (and hopefully you would like to as well) see some RP.

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-21, 08:50 PM
Grave is the first out of his sleeping bunk and the first thing he does is give the new Lieutenant a piece of his mind (behind his back).

"I would watch *shlurp* what you ssssay if I were you, Lieutenant Sssssaul... You never know what can *shlurp* end up in your sssssuper..."

Grave's face betrays no hint of emotion.

2011-01-21, 09:11 PM
As the new lieutenant leaves, Nevare turns and looks after him. I wonder if he can actually make good on his word. He'll have his work cut out for him, whipping this sorry lot into shape. He looked around at his fellow soldiers. How did I ever come to be a part of this?

2011-01-21, 09:16 PM
No. No. No.

This was no good. Scraps demaned his beauty sleep. There were certain things half orc barbarians did not do before noon... waking up is one of those things.

He growls as he flips the blanket over himself and tries to find a comfortable spot on his pillow. Unfortunately his eyes refuse to close, and he keeps hearing Saul's shouting words continued to ring in his ears.

So with a heartfelt growl he rose out of bed and began stretching and yawning.

Scraps walked over to Martin and gave him a nod. Out of all the people in this company, Martin seemed most capable in a fight. Scraps liked that.

"So... that's the new guy? You know anything about him? We gotta do something. If he kicks dirt in my face I'm gonna gnaw his ears off."

He makes a chomping sound that is kind of funny, if it were for his razor sharp teeth grinding together.

2011-01-21, 09:22 PM
Martin cracks his knuckles waiting for the idiot to stop talking. He had heard this bravado before, and nothing good came from it. It was all the same, but he hadn't decided how to handle this one.

"Wonder how he screwed up to end up here, and when he got that stick installed in his ass." Martin looks over at the others, men he had barely bothered to get to know. "I was with Cyril when he died, he told me something very interesting. Every officer that gets assigned here is as big a screwup as any of us. Even more, because officers have to screw up on a much grander scale for it to get noticed."

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-21, 09:33 PM
"If only I could sssstill suck out some *shlurp* brains, his would be the first to go. Wouldn't be much of *shlurp* meal though."

Grave seems to be muttering to himself.

2011-01-21, 09:59 PM
A small boy then runs into the barracks and pins a sheet of paper up on the wall. The boy leaves and the note is now visible:

This Week's Duties:
Martin Stonefist- Cleaning latrines
Maximus St. Olid- De-Licer
Nevare Chane- Chopping Wood
Scraps- Catching rats
Geralt Five-Fingers- Food packaging
Jonathon Moss- Cannon Polishing
Grave- Kitchen Duty

Followed by training for the remainder of the day.

2011-01-21, 10:11 PM
"He screwed up to get this job?" Scraps thought that was something to look into. He had no way of knowing how to look into it, or what it might be useful for, but it was a start.

"We just need to find out what he did to get this duty..."

And then he sees the young lad and the piece of paper. The illiterate barbarian looks at the paper with a furrowed brow. He didn't understand much, but he knew that one string of letters was his name.

Scraps. They taught him those letters so he could sign his own name when he enlisted. The letters looked funny to him, lots of curves.

"What is the meaning of this? I'm on this piece of paper. Why am I on this piece of paper?" He growls, looking at those who perhaps know how to read.

2011-01-21, 10:14 PM
"Apparently he has a death wish." Martin says nodding towards the list. "If we all refuse to do our duties he will be forced to do seven times the work of just one of us refusing." Martin takes the list down, and crumples it up. "Or we could just say the list was never put up and get that little blighter to take the punishment for us." He throws the paper to Scraps.

"It says you are to catch rats. Of course I could be telling you my duties, just to make sure they get done without me having to lift a finger. Or I could be telling the truth." He smiles mischievously, taking joy in messing with the illiterate barbarian.

2011-01-21, 10:28 PM
Scraps looks down at the paper and then up at Martin. He uncrumples it and tries to understand the words.


Does this little paper say that he should go catch rats? Or does it say Martin needs to go catch rats? Darn this little paper and all of its untold secrets!

"Scraps ain't catchin no rats!" He says. He tears the paper into shreds and then lets it fall to his feet.

"There... that'll teach you. Stupid piece of paper!

He should just trust Martin on what to do. Martin is smart enough to have a plan in all of this.

"So... if we don't go catch rats, then what do we do?"

He looks around.

"We could go get some breakfast..."

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-21, 10:40 PM
"I, for one, think *shlurp* that Nirull hassss granted me the chance to wreak a little havoc with the new Lieutenant. I shall *shlurp* not wassssste this chance, I accept my kitchen dutiessss."

Grave trills his fingers together maliciously.

2011-01-21, 10:56 PM
"I'm tired of this coddling. We are not recruits, we are very potent combatants, and our skills are being wasted so a large clod can pretend like he has some power."

Martin begins to brood. It is clear that while monks are a disciplined lot, this was not the sort of discipline he reveled in.

"We should convince them to give us something challenging to do. Maybe I should go and see our dear lieutenant's boss and have a little chat."

2011-01-21, 11:07 PM

Geralt had lost his focus while listening to the new commander. Dear gods, that man was boring.

Shaking his head as the man left, Geralt looked over his comrades-in-arms.

A half-orc, a man with no weapon, a swordmage (or was it sage), and a... thing that should not be speaking as it did. Hmmph.

As the duties list was looked over, Geralt took a disdainful glance at the list.

"What a glorious honor I have, the package-bearer in the fight against spoiled food."

He idly fingers a piece of gold he had stashed under his pillow, then turns to the mind-flayer.

"Graves, right? I trust you less than the halfbreed, mainly because I know where he came from, and I have no idea what dark hole you crawled out off. But it looks like we have similar jobs. Perhaps we could slip a little something in the commander's packaged food, eh?"

2011-01-21, 11:16 PM
A man walks up to the door and pushes it open. "What are you bums still doing lazing around, your late for your duties!" You soon recognize him as your squad's Staff-Sergeant Alden. He then looks down at the shredded piece of paper that was once the duties list and sighs. "Boys, I know this new guy has got a stick up es' ass and all but we still gotta get work done around here." He then quietly opens the door and walks off to whatever duty he has.

Luckily he had just missed the part about adding the "special ingredient" to the Lieutenant's food.

2011-01-21, 11:19 PM
"Sergeant, a moment of your time," Martin runs after the sergeant. If he catches up to him, he quickly asks. "Do you know when we are going to see some action again? And what did the new lieutenant do to get stuck in this outfit?"

2011-01-21, 11:24 PM
Alden turns around "Sure lad, oh you want action again. I am not sure, I heard we might end up being used as mercs to make the army some extra gold. Lots'a people need help nowa'days especially with the increase in monster attacks. I sure hope it doesn't come to that though, nothing shames a soldier more than bein' used as a civvies lackey" He then looks down at his feet and seems to think for a bit "I don't know much about why the Lieutenant got sent here but I think he mighta ad' somethin' to do with the loss at Fellowain, I think he was an artillery commander before this."

2011-01-21, 11:33 PM
Max cracks his bleary eyes open, then shuts them again.

I am hung over, he says deliberately with no lady in my bed, and no money in my pocket. I am surrounded by miscreants and malcontents. And I still don't have no bloody uniform. He reached out and dragged himself out of bed, and flexed his fingers.

Ha. Hangover or no, he still had his juice. He smiled.

Alright punks. Time for your sanitation checks.

2011-01-21, 11:33 PM
"Man like that isn't fit to command a herd of sheep let alone this lot. I'm keeping you from your duties, forgive me, Sergeant." Martin snaps off a quick salute at one of the few men here he respects, and walks back to the others.

An artillery commander. He must have done something horrible to end up here. Artillery isn't that hard if you have competant engineers...but with the way these wars are going there are probably not many good ones left.

2011-01-22, 12:09 AM
Nevare looks at the scraps of paper by the half-orc's feet. Now, what'd you go and do that for? Eh, nevermind, it doesn't matter anyway. I'm sure whatever he wanted us to do wasn't terribly important anyway. Probably just more woodchopping and rat-catching. I swear, I don't think this guy even bothered to look over our stores. We've plenty of wood for the rest of the month, barring some unfortunate fire-related incident. Nevare shook his head. I'm heading down to the training fields now. Anyone care to join me?

2011-01-22, 07:21 PM
Jon rolled off the hay stuffed bed his clothes from last night stank of pipe smoke and he still wore his boots. The ruckus had sounded like a poor mash up of pipes and strings before Lt. Saul was gone. He walked over to the group of fellows standing next to the duty bulletin.

"So what job did I have? And how bout I plays a jaunty tune tonight for whoever that wants to do it for me?"

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-22, 07:50 PM
Grave walks over to his supply pack next to his cot and starts dressing himself in traditional Mind Flayer attire (with padded armor underneath of course).

I don't know *shlurp* about you, but I am going to get a early sssstart on my dutiesssss. Do not be ssssurprised if the good *shlurp* Lieutenant does not come and meet ussss tomorrow *shlrup* morn. A ssssmall pinch of Botulinum in his ssssuper sssshould be ssssufficient.

(Botulinum is a real world poison and the most deadly poison, to humans, in existence. It can be found mainly in outdated canned tuna. It makes the nervous system hapless victim slowly shut itself down, causing a excruciatingly slow and painful death.)

2011-01-22, 08:44 PM
OODM: Assuming you are going to your duty immediately after grabbing the poison Mr, I want you to make a cooking roll (wisdom based modifier).

You enter the mess-hall and see that the cook is currently in the back room getting supplies for lunch which will be starting soon. You can hear the cook singing a song as he works:

"Oh, the Colonel kicks the Major,
And the Major has a go.
He kicks the poor old Captain ,
Who then kicks the NCO.
And as the kicks get harder,
They are passed on down to me.
And I am kicked to bleeding hell
To save my country!"

OODM: This song is a slightly altered version of an actual army song.

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-22, 08:49 PM
Grave sneaks off to the mess hall and into the kitchen. After looking around he finds the ingredients he is looking for flour, fish, outdated tuna, and a few extras for good (or bad) measure. He tries his best to make the evil dish look and hopefully taste the best he can in order to trick Saul.

Cooking Roll:

2011-01-22, 08:52 PM
@Mr.-You look down in front of you at the monstrosity you have created, it looks like a pile of fish guts and bread mashed together into the general shape of a deformed cube. It smells ok though, and could possibly be mistaken for cuisine.

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-22, 08:54 PM
Grave takes the horrid dish and brings it to Saul's private quarters. He leaves it on the a table inside the room, hoping that a servant will deliver it to Saul.

2011-01-22, 08:58 PM
"Morning Jon. Oh, right, your assignment?"

Scraps looks down at the pieces of paper on the ground. He didn't know anyone's jobs. The only thing he knew for sure on that list was someone, maybe him, had to go catch rats.

And then he got a brilliant idea.

"Jon, the paper said you go catch rats... sorry can't help you with that. I gots duties of my own."

And with that clever little lie, Scraps heads off to the mess hall for a late breakfast.

Just cause I wanna see how badly I do. Considering the illiterate barbarian just told you what was on that piece of paper...

He goes into the mess and piles up his plate with breakfast items. Then he'll go out to the training fields. Nevare said he would be there. Scraps wants to meet up with him. Perhaps Nevare has a plan about how to take down this new lieutenant.

2011-01-22, 09:09 PM
Everybody goes about what they planned to do, goofing off, training on their own, etc. The sun reaches its peak and starts to descend. Oddly enough nothing is heard of from any of the higher ups, and even Saul seems to have shut up inside of his quarters.

OODM: It is now later in the day, you may continue to RP, walk around, ask questions or go to sleep no one is asking about you and training has been canceled.

2011-01-22, 09:31 PM

Having carefully avoided doing any actual work today, (and being pleasantly suprised by Saul's absence) Geralt decides to celebrate by ah, "liberating" some of Saul's possessions. Liberating them by moving anything valuable to Geralt's quarters, of course.

Gearing up in his thief's gear (along with taking his deafening thunderstones for a backup plan, Geralt walks quietly along to the officer's quarters.

Once at the quarters, Geralt attempts to both open the door, and if successful, creep in as quietly as he can.

Open Lock (4 skill, 3 Dex bonus) [roll0]
Move Silently ( same bonuses as Open Lock)[roll1]

2011-01-22, 09:39 PM
@RationalGoblin- Luckily you find the door is unlocked, you enter and soon hear a slight moaning and shuffling noise like fabric being rubbed against fabric. No one seems to have noticed you coming in, in truth it doesn't seem that anyone but the moaning person is present. You notice that the hallway you are in is quite bare except two doors, one at the end of the hall and one to your right.

2011-01-22, 09:47 PM

Geralt narrows his eyes. It can't be this easy...

He continues along the hall quietly, striding towards the door at the end of it. He pulls out his dagger, the thin blade reflecting his frowning face.

2011-01-22, 09:56 PM
@RationalGoblin- You enter a small living area with a table, some padded chairs, and an empty fireplace. On the table lies 4 gold coins, a small box with a lock on it, and stamped letters of all sorts. On the wall you see a portrait of Lieutenant Cyril above the fireplace and a small mirror above the table. There are only two doors, the one you came in and another closed door across the room. The moaning is more muffled than before but still continues to drone on, seeming more and more anguished by the second.

2011-01-22, 10:36 PM
Martin wanders around the camp looking for anything peculiar. It was very strange for routine to be interrupted, especially a new routine. Should he find anything worth investigating, he does his best to remain hidden and silent, observing and listening.


2011-01-22, 11:00 PM
@tigerusthegreat- You are able to move around completely unnoticed and spot a group of NCOs (non-commissioned officers) standing behind the mess-hall. You overhear the conversation they are having by staying out of their sight but close-by.

"So you hear bout' Saul?
Yeah they say es' sick as a dog, he can't even move es' body.
Apparently es' been moanin' in es' quarters since around 11 hundred hours and they decided ta cancel almost everything today.
Well ifn' he don't make it good riddens, he had a big ole' stick up his arse and was gonna make us work like dogs."

Suddenly you hear another voice, the cook's coming from around the corner

"Get, I say get! I don't want you loiterin' near ma kitchen, get, get ,get!"

You also notice your fellow squad members scattered about the camp doing whatever they please.

2011-01-22, 11:06 PM

Geralt grabs the few coins, putting them into his pocket. He then takes the box, and if possible, places the box in a small pouch. He grabs a few of the letters as well, making sure to take the most official-looking ones.

"Sounds like I'm waking the dead. Might as well tell them to pipe down while I'm here."

Geralt, ever-cautious, creeps over to the closed door, and opens it softly.

2011-01-22, 11:12 PM
Nevare when Nevare arrives on the training fields, picks out a dummy that is slightly apart from the others, and begins practicing his maneuvers. Meditation, stretching and basic forms were all a part of his morning ritual, but he repeated them here on the field anyway. When he was finished, he turned to the dummy he had selected. Alright, Nevare, just like always. He dropped into a defensive stance and drew his weapon, an old-looking shortsword. He studied the dummy for a fraction of a second, then unleashed a single solid strike to its core. He then pulled the blade out and fell back into his stance, before dropping to his hands and sweeping his leg under the base of the training dummy, knocking it off balance. Before it could hit the ground, Nevare used his momentum form the sweep to bring himself around and back up into a kick to the chest of the falling dummy, sending sailing in a low arc through the air, and causing ti to crash to the ground in a heap ten feet away. After the kick, Nevare landed gracefully back in his defensive stance, before pulling himself out of it and dusting himself off. He went over and picked up the dummy, then went through his routine of meditation, stretches and forms again, before continuing to beat on the dummy. He repeated this sequence several times, sometimes changing the forms he practiced beforehand, until the sun was high and he grew thirsty. He picked up the dummy again an set it right, before going over to his pack and grabbing his waterskin and a cloth, splashing some water on his face and neck, wiping himself down with the cloth, and taking a long drink from the skin. When he finished, he looked up and saw Scraps coming toward the training field from the direction of the mess hall. Nevare waved and called out to him, Oi, Scraps! What brings you out here?

2011-01-22, 11:16 PM
@RationalGoblin- Inside the room you see a standard bedroom, nothing fancy with mostly mundane furniture. Most of the clothing is still lying around and there are scraps of scribbled on paper sitting on a small writing desk. The most prominent feature though is the Lieutenant. He seems to be frozen in a sort of shock but his eyes still dart around looking scared, helpless, and pained. As he notices you the moaning increases ten-fold and he seems to be calling for help. Then suddenly he starts choking, and he coughs blood out of his mouth. Then you can hear his breathing stabilize again and he stops moaning altogether, he just sits there staring at you. You see that in his hand he is holding a letter addressed to Mrs. Cyril.

2011-01-22, 11:23 PM
Curious, Martin sneaks over to the Lieutenant's quarters to investigate.

2011-01-22, 11:35 PM
@tigerusthegreat- You go up to Saul's quarters and see the door is slightly open. No one seems to notice you and you hear a moaning coming from down an empty hallway and through a small living room. Standing in the opposite door of the living room stands Geralt dressed as a thief.

2011-01-23, 12:11 AM
Walking carefully up to Gerald, Martin makes himself known to the thief.

"Did that squid-head actually manage to kill the bastard or is he still alive?"

2011-01-23, 12:36 AM
Saul starts to moan again, but much quieter than before and his eyes widen again.

2011-01-23, 12:40 AM
Martin goes over to examine the lieutenant to check his physical condition, and see if there is anything he could possible do for him (not that he will).


2011-01-23, 12:47 AM

Geralt's eyes widen at the sight of the dying Saul.

"I didn't... I wasn't... That thing actually did it? I never wanted this... I'm no killer..."

Looking despondently at Saul, Geralt does not turn when Martin makes himself known.

"I think he's still alive. Gods, I wasn't serious."

Shaking his head, Geralt shifts into an entirely different mindset than his shocked state. A devious part of his mind takes over, a portion obsessed with money, power, and deception.

"It seems like he has no chance to survive. We should end his misery. I have an idea on how we can both make sure no one finds out, and profit at the same time."

Geralt draws his dagger, but waits for Martin's input.

2011-01-23, 12:57 AM
"What do you have in mind?" Martin's voice is impassive, and his eyes are cold.

2011-01-23, 12:59 AM
Max grabs a few fellow recruits at random, slaps some magic down on their scalps and calls it done.

Using prestidigitation to clean. Also, to color, so Max doesn't accidentally clean up the wrong person. And also to see how long it takes them to notice their hair's gone pink.

Casting 5 times and damn it I know I picked out the rest of my spells. Musta forgot to save.

Then he moseys out to the training yard to take bets on sparring bouts and how long the new captain lasts.

Any NCO or officer from the Bad Company or otherwise who asks the layabout to do anything more strenuous than... anything is informed that Specialist St. Olid has done his duties as per direct orders from above, and is currently resting and recuperating.

Rolling bluff... oh wait, that's true. 'Least from Max's perspective.

2011-01-23, 02:22 AM
Hey," Scraps found himself liking the way Nevare takes out those dummies. It's all calculated and practiced. Scraps never did that when he took people down. He just got angry and smashed things until they stopped moving.

"I got some food?" He offers Nevare an apple.

"I wanted to talk about the new lieutenant and what we're going to do about him. I don't know. You seem pretty level headed about these things. I ain't that smart, but I'm smart enough to know when people are.

"What do you think we should do?"

2011-01-23, 07:44 AM
Thanks. Nevare takes the offered apple and begins eating it. In between bites, he says, I'm not sure there's much to be done about the lieutenant. I don't know what he did to get stuck out here with us, but I don't think he really gets just how much work he'd need to do to get us functioning like a real military unit. Nevare finishes the apple and tosses the core away. Why do you ask? You got a problem with him already?

2011-01-23, 10:02 AM

Geralt holds up the letter to Mrs. Cyril.

"I have a little skill in forgery. I can take some time every day to forge Saul's handwriting in letters. No one will know that I am not Saul, and we can split his salary between us. And an extra bonus is that we'll never have Saul breathing down our necks ever again. Shall I do it?"

2011-01-23, 10:19 AM
"And how does your plan deal with the dear lieutenant here? If he stays in this condition, he will be relieved of duty, which shatters your plan to pieces after a few days. If he dies and is discovered, then there is a lot of trouble as well."

2011-01-23, 10:24 AM

"He seems to be dying already; coughing up blood isn't a good sign for his continued survival. He won't last through the night."

2011-01-23, 10:36 AM
"Then what do you plan to do with the body once he does die?"

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-23, 10:37 AM
Meanwhile, Grave is doing everything in his power to stay away from the Lt.'s quarters, for fear of being discovered. Even by fellows members of his company. He walks back into the sleeping quarters and starts surreptitiously packing away all of his belongings.

I musssst get out of here before they find me, or else I will become the next ssssushi dinner this place hassss!

(Grave hisses even in his thoughts... although he doesn't *shlurp*)

2011-01-23, 10:45 AM

"Bury it or give it to the squid-thing. Or, give it to the dogs after keeping things quiet for enough time to get the poison out of his corpse."

Geralt shrugs.

"He's already been poisoned, and besides the cook, either me or the squid are the only possible culprits for such an action. So if he's killed by other means, such as a dagger, it takes the suspicion off of any one of us.

That is, if we're discovered. Which I don't plan to be."

2011-01-23, 10:49 AM
Martin paces a bit. "We could post blame onto the squid, everyone in the squad heard him threaten the lieutenant." Martin pauses for a minute. "What exactly is in that letter?"

2011-01-23, 11:04 AM

Geralt frowns.

"I have no idea. I was going to look at it after our course of action was decided. Let me read it now."

Geralt proceeds to read the letter to Mrs. Cyril that Saul apparently wrote.

2011-01-23, 12:59 PM
Martin goes over to examine the lieutenant to check his physical condition, and see if there is anything he could possible do for him (not that he will).


You can see that he is in a state of shock and unable to move most of his body. From the looks of it there is little you can do now, even with the right sort of antidote if one exists.


Geralt frowns.

"I have no idea. I was going to look at it after our course of action was decided. Let me read it now."

Geralt proceeds to read the letter to Mrs. Cyril that Saul apparently wrote.

Dear Mrs. Cyril

I can never forgive myself for that mistake I made so far away to the South. It not only lost us the battle, but it lost me my friend, and you your dear husband. I don't know why it happened or how, but please forgive me and take this small amount of gold that they still think I somehow deserve. You won't be receiving any more letters from me again, I am dying you see for I no longer deserve to live and the gods have granted me my wish. One of my men must have poisoned me, good riddens then one less villain in the world. I hope you can still find happiness, gods know I tried. I can't write for much longer, poison cramping hands. Maybe could have made bad company best, too late, goodbye..

From little love still in heart, farew...

-Lieutenant Saul

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-23, 01:22 PM
Grave walks outside and sees the door to the Lt.'s quarters open...

Oh no... They've found out, I need to get out of hear now!!! Wait, I should see who it is, maybe I can convince them it wasn't me!!!

Grave rushes through the open door to be confronted by Martin and Geralt.

2011-01-23, 02:43 PM

Geralt pales considerably as he reads the letter. He then hands it to Martin.

"I... Think we should honor his last wishes. Even if we hated him, it... looks like he was a good man. We should make our little piece of Bad Company better than all the rest. We owe him that much."

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-23, 03:04 PM
What issss thissss? A letter, let me read it.

Grave snatches the letter from Geralt.

Oh poor little Lt. All he needed was a little love...(his voice oozing with sarcasm)

Grave rips the note in half.

Oops did I do that?

2011-01-23, 03:16 PM
Martin calmly watches the squid-man grab and tear up the letter. Then proceeds to calmly punch him hard in the face.

I'll use my stunning fist, if I hit, DC 15 Fort save.
Dodge declared against Grave.

2011-01-23, 03:17 PM
forgot a slash, [roll0]

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-23, 03:50 PM
Fortitude save:

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-23, 03:59 PM
Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

After being punched in the face but sill on his feet. Grave swings his heavy mace directly at the monk's head.

2011-01-23, 04:11 PM
Martin partially dodges the head-blow, but still takes the heavy mace on his shoulder. The young monk is clearly getting warmed up as he throws two more punches at the giant squid.

Flurry of blows, full attack action, dodge target is still mr squid.

2011-01-23, 04:17 PM
Grave falls to the floor now unconscious (assuming you were using non-lethal damage). The Lieutenant seems to have stopped moving and no more noise can be heard from him. Grave has two large bruises across his face.

2011-01-23, 04:27 PM
After knocking the poisoner out, Martin proceeds to search him for any weapons and his holy symbol, removing them from his person. He then stabilizes the dying man. He turns to his companion. "It would seem that this poor bloke has a date with a military court. Gather up the pieces of that letter, its evidence."


2011-01-23, 04:29 PM
Martin continues working on the downed mind flayer until he stabilzes.


2011-01-23, 04:47 PM
Scraps makes a grumbling sound that reminds him of the roaring ocean.

"I think he made me go catch rats," He says. Marin's mind game of the chores didn't help in the matter, but still something on that piece of paper told him he had to do menial chores.

"I'm a proud fighter! I know how to fight. I get angry! Why do I have to go catch rats? We should be doing something better... something that pays well."

Yes, the idea of money sounded good to him. That's what he wanted.

"I don't know. I just want to do something more, and you're pretty smart. You don't play mind games like that Marin. So... I guess I trust you."

2011-01-23, 04:53 PM
You are able to stabilize Grave and you then hand him over to Alden your squad leader for processing through the military court system. "Don't worry lads, well ave' em' hung by tomorrow, nobody deserves to go like he made Saul die." He then tells everyone to meet near the mess-hall and when all of you arrive he announces Grave's terrible deed and how he will be brought before the court-martial. "Now get some rest lads, days been long enough as it is.." The next day brings the trial and the funeral, Saul is buried and given the final words. Soon it is time for the court-martial and Grave is dragged from his holding cell still bound and gagged, placed upon the stand to face the court. Everyone is there watching to see what will happen to the killer disguised as a healer. The court-martial is quick and too the point, multiple people come up to the stand and state they heard him mention wanting to kill the Lieutenant and when checked there was a can of tuna missing from the store room. "GUILTY!" the judges reply, "and sentenced to death by hanging." The gag is removed and the head judge (Alden) asks "Do you have anything to say for yourself Mr. Grave?"

OOC: Tell me if you guys think this went a little too fast or seemed unfair, all in all I am just trying to keep from getting bogged down in a lengthy trial scene (since I am not sure how to even go about doing one). Mr. you are free to make the final cries of a man condemned to death if you please! :smalltongue:

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-23, 05:04 PM

Before the court-marshal can grab Grave he produces a vile of poison (that he had kept hidden from everyone) from one of his tentacles and drinks it in one swift gulp.


And with that, Grave slumps over dead.

OOC~Yes I already PMed Shadowysilence and he said this was a-ok for rping purposes.

2011-01-23, 05:17 PM
The crowd is stunned like only one ranted at by a madman can be. Slowly people disperse and the already rotting body of Grave (due to the type of poison) is buried. "Eh' doesn't deserve a proper burial!" some people remark throughout the day. It is now nightfall of the next day, the funeral took up most of the day and the trial took place around 1600 hours. Your party now minus one is sitting in your barracks. Suddenly the same boy that hung up your duties list comes in again and hangs up another smaller sheet and leaves.

2011-01-23, 05:49 PM
"Before any of you get any ideas, I had a good reason for beating the crap out of squid face. The new lieutenant wasn't a bad person, he just needed to be brought to heel. Now that he is dead we are all under worse scrutiny and probably under someone even worse than that sack of fat. If any of you disagree with what I did, let us have it out now."

2011-01-23, 06:06 PM
Maximus watches the proceedings, then proceeds to get doubly drunk in the aftermath.

There's simply not much else for him to do.

2011-01-23, 07:29 PM
"Yeah Scraps I'll get right on that..."

Mr. Moss spent part of the morning in the barracks putting crumbs from one of his ration packs in Scraps' bunk in order to attract rats. What better way to catch rats that to lure to a sleeping barbarian to be pulped in a fit of rage.

The rest of the day's events came as a something of a shock with the murder of the Lt and the sudden confession the squid faced monster. The days events went by in a whirlwind. Jon spent most of the night strumming a tune for the boys to commemorate Saul for a few coins while Maximus drank himself stupid.

Perform: Lute [roll0]

The next morning seemed to promise much of the same Jon decided to read the list after he woke up before it ended up shredded.

2011-01-23, 08:35 PM
I'm honored to have your trust, Scraps. Nevare looks up when he hears a bell ringing from the parade field in the center of the camp. I wonder that could be? C'mon, let's check it out. Nevare hurries toward the parade field, and then is swept along with the rest of the company to Lt. Saul's funeral, the mind flayer's trial and suicide, and finally back to the barracks. Nevare is still attempting to process, deep in meditation on his bunk, when the boy brings in the new sheet of paper. Nevare opens one eye and looks over at it. What now? He rolls out of bed and heads over to the board where the paper has been pinned. Pulling it off, he reads it aloud for the benefit of all.

2011-01-23, 08:37 PM
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]The next morning seemed to promise much of the same Jon decided to read the list after he woke up before it ended up shredded.

Today the note isn't about duties it (although it does say as a P.S. at the bottom that all duties remain the same only not as hard or rigorous). It actually is declaring the new Lieutenant, it reads:

"From now on the active Lieutenant of Stonewood camp shall be Alden Foremer, may he live longer than poor Saul."

2011-01-23, 08:45 PM
Nevare looks at his comrades. Well, I don't knwo about you guys, but I'm thinking maybe we should go introduce ourselves to this Lt. Alden character.

2011-01-23, 08:47 PM
OODM: Your characters actually already know him, he was your squad leader and helped get Grave hung for his crimes. You guys and him are on pretty good terms. You could go and congratulate him though.

2011-01-23, 08:48 PM
Martin reads the notice, and begrudgingly goes about his tasks. As much as he hates latrine duty, he respects their new officer, and is glad an NCO got promoted.

2011-01-23, 10:00 PM
Maximus, well hung over, (again) goes to find the newly minted officer, gives him a halfhearted salute and says, "Sir. Congratulations, I guess."

2011-01-23, 10:29 PM
"Thanks lad, I know it has been a rough time lately but don't let yer'self get too drunk now your first major assignment comes today! Go and get yer fellow squad-members and have them report to me immediately, you boys get somethin' special."

2011-01-24, 12:27 AM
"Good morning, fair Sir. Huzzah for the new rank, though a shame about Saul."

Jon walked up to Lieutenant Alden and Martin seeing the man's new rank pinned on he tossed a salute to him with an easy smile. Last night's drinking left his eyes red rimmed he was still carrying his lute strapped back to his back.

"What's this about a special assignment, anyway?"

Diplomacy:[roll0] (To establish better report)
Gather Information:[roll1] (Find out about the mission details)

2011-01-24, 01:08 AM

The rest of the day's events seemed to go by in a blur for Geralt. Grave's callousness and the execution it bought him, the announcing of the new commander, it all went too fast for Geralt to really grasp.

But at the end of it all, the thief walks up to Lt. Alden, and after Maximus greets the man, Geralt gives a sloppy, but eager salute to his new commander.

"Sir. I feel I owe it to Saul to do as he would have wanted; I want to help you make Bad Company the greatest company in the army, sir. Starting with making a good name for ourselves."

Geralt pulls the gold he stole from Saul's quarters, and gives it to Alden.

"Send this to Mrs. Cyril. I want Bad Company to gain honor, and how can we do that if we don't aid the widows and the weeping?"

OOC: Yeah, we're going a bit fast for me. I think we should slow it down a bit.

2011-01-24, 08:58 AM
Nevare follows his companions over to the new lieutenant's quarters. Congratulations on the new rank, sir. He offers a salute and then stands at parade rest, waiting to hear about this mission.

2011-01-24, 02:00 PM
Maximus gives Nevare a bemused look over.
Cor, but you think you're a real soldier don't you? Maximus offers another untutored salute of his own. If you'll pardon me sir, just tell me what I have to do and I'll try to get it done. Leave my recreation to me.

2011-01-24, 06:38 PM
Alden hands Geralt back the gold and says "That is why I called you here, your first mission is to take the repaired letter and the gold to Cyril's Widow. I know this doesn't seem much like a military assignment, but like most of you I want to see the Stonewood Company returned to its former glory, and this is the start. Pack your bags and be ready to head out by tomorrow, and make sure your other squad members know what is going on as well." He hands the repaired letter to Geralt. He then turns to Maximus and says "I know, the drinking suggestion was coming from Alden your friend not Alden the Lieutenant. Dismissed!" He says dismissed in a more friendly tone than usual for a Lieutenant but stills is able to command respect through it. He then smiles and walks off to his other duties.

2011-01-24, 07:21 PM
Nevare comes to attention and salutes the lieutenant, then sinks to ease and looks at his companions. So, shall we? Nevare turns and heads out the door and back to the barracks. Upon arrival, he looks over at Scraps and tells him to get packed. Hey, Scraps, get your stuff together! Lt. Alden's just handed our squad a mission, and we need to be ready to go for tomorrow. Nevare then pulls his pack out from the locker at the foot of his bunk, and begins going over his checklist of essentials. Rope, check, weapon, check, bedroll, check, whetstone, check, flint and steel, check...

2011-01-24, 08:02 PM
For some reason there were rats in Scrap's bed this morning. He woke up to find one gnawing on a piece of cracker or something. He shooed it away, trying to get back to sleep, but it was no use.

Now he saw three more.

Where had all these rats come from, and why were they coming at his bunk?

He grumbled as he spent most of his day catching rats. He felt like this was all Martin's fault for some reason. Martin played some head game with him and the rats were in on it too.

A conspiracy.

By the afternoon he had tired himself and went to rest in his quarters, but Nevare came in and spoke of a mission.

"A mission?" His eyes beamed, "An honest to goodness mission? Now that's more like it!"

He pulled his greatsword out of its scabbord and admired its glean. What were they going to do? Take down some monsters? Goblin hunting?

"I gotta get packed," He pulls out his backpacks and loads himself up for adventure.

"So what are we going to do? Is it dangerous?"

2011-01-24, 08:07 PM
Nevare chuckled at Scraps' desire for a dangerous mission. No, my friend, if we're lucky this will be a fairly simple exercise. We're just delivering a letter to Lt. Cyril's widow. The only danger we'll hopefully have to face is boredom. Nevare secures the last ties on his backpack, then hefts it and tests its weight and balance, checking how it settles against his back. That'll do, I suppose.

2011-01-24, 08:22 PM
"Delivering a letter?"

Scraps could feel the anger rising up in him once more.

"We're going to deliver a letter?"

So they've been demoted to messengers?

Scraps didn't like this mission at all. He understood it needed to be done. After all, he wanted to kick the Leuitenant in the butt, but it was still his Leiutenant. Even a bad chief deserves his last letter being delivered.

"Ahh, I guess so," Scraps agnrily mumbles obscnities as he finishes packing.

He takes his full backpack and throws it over his shoulder. It isn't too heavy at all. A small stop to the kitchen to fill up on some rations and he's all set.

"Ok, I'm ready for tomorrow."

2011-01-24, 09:48 PM
You all wake up quite early in the morning to get a head start on your long journey, Cyril's widow lives in the capital city of Eston, Stoneston. (The large city on the shore on the map in Eston). No major caravans run through this region this time of year so you will be walking it. The trip will take you approximately three days of straight walking so with rest added in it will take slightly longer. You walk without much eventful things for many hours, you chat and do other various activities as you walk along and every little while you rest. You sit down in a grove to eat lunch (free pack of cheese, bread, and ham given to each of you for first day of travel). The birds are chirping overhead and a lovely calm seems to permeate the forest floor. You are just finishing eating when suddenly a young (looking anyway) elf rushes into your clearing huffing and puffing like she is running for dear life. Four large men are running after her but are still pretty far back into the forest.

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-24, 09:51 PM
Run, run for your lives! They are going to kill me! Run while you still have a chance!

The young elf rushes into the middle of the encampment, a look of utter terror spread across her face.

2011-01-24, 10:20 PM
Scraps didn't tell anyone that he had a good time walking for most of the day. It's hard to keep an angry scowl when there is fresh air and wonderful scenery passing you by.

Scraps mostly kept quiet and to himself.

He sat down to eat with the rest of his group when suddenly he heard the young elf call out for help.

It looked like some men were chasing her. Sraps got up, wiping away cheese from his mouth and pulled out his sword.

"What is going on here?" He looks at the elf and then the men behind her, "Why are they trying to kill you?"

He looks at the men running towards them.

"Hey! You men! What are you doing? Why you trying to kill this girl."

2011-01-24, 10:44 PM
As the men near you can see they are all carrying short swords and wearing highly worn leather armor. "This wench ain't lettin us hunt roun' here, she damn near killed Georg a week ago! We honest men just trying to make some gold on the side and we gotta worry about ere' sendin' animals after us." the man in the center says. The men are panting and fear comes into their eyes as they see the sword Scraps produces. "Eh' we don't be wantin no trouble with you guys, just let us ave' da girl and we'll be goin'." the man to the left chimes in.

OOC: Edit- Forgot to mention, please roll initiative

2011-01-24, 10:45 PM
Jonathan spent most of the previous day packing a light pack and carrying out his duties before today's mission began. The pack was barely twenty five pounds plenty light enough to hardly hamper his movement at all with fresh rations and clean water as well as a clean blanket for sleeping. Once ready the rest came easy polishing the cannonade along the fort's stoneworks took the rest of the day and well into evening.

Profession: Soldier: [roll0]

The next morning started early with three days of hard marching ahead Jon couldn't find much to groan about after all that polishing he felt a few days in the woods would be good for his constitution. With his light load Mr. Moss strummed a steady marching cadence for the men as they went, invisible arcane magic was woven in to the tune of his song.

"They say that in the Army the coffee's mighty fine
It looks like muddy water and tastes like hogswine
Oh Lord, I wanna go
But they won't let me go
Oh Lord, I wanna go hoo-hoo-hoooome EH!

They say that in the Army the chow is mighty fine
a chicken jumped off the table and started marking time
Oh Lord, I wanna go
But they won't let me go
Oh Lord, I wanna go hoo-hoo-hoooome EH!

They say that in the Army the biscuits are mighty fine
one rolled off the table and killed a friend of mine
Oh Lord, I wanna go
But they won't let me go
Oh Lord, I wanna go hoo-hoo-hoooome EH!

They say that in the Army the training's might fine
last night there were ten of us, now there's only nine
Oh Lord, I wanna go
But they won't let me go
Oh Lord, I wanna go hoo-hoo-hoooome EH!"
Bardic Music: Inspire Courage +1 ST v Fear & Charm : +1 AR & DMG:
Perform Lute: [roll1]

When the four men and the elf girl burst out from under brush. His music never missed a beat as he got ready for a fight.

Initiative: [roll2]

2011-01-24, 10:48 PM
Edit: ^^^^ Ninja'd. Say I did this before they stopped to talk?

Say... Max says thought fully. You think Mrs. Cyril would be attractive? Then the screaming starts. Maximus stands up, and cracks his knuckles.

Never mind, grieving widows are hard. Damsels in distress, easy.

He pauses right before unleashing his magical powers.

Provided you can actually save them instead of joining the distressed. Back me up if this goes south.

I'll save you m'lady!

Then he whipped his hand out, laying a splotch of grease behind to woman's feet.

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-24, 10:51 PM
You men are not going to make gold by killing innocent animals, you evil bastards!

Rage is clear and present on the elf's face.

2011-01-24, 11:16 PM
Nevare had been marching along quietly, contemplating where he wanted to take his studies of the Sublime Way. Hmm...Buel had focused on Shadow Hand, but he had dabbled in the others as well. Diamond Mind and Shadow Hand appeal most to me, but Tiger Claw is a powerful discipline if used right... His thoughts continued through lunch, and after he finished eating, he was preparing to spend the rest of the break meditating when the elf girl came running up. Drawing his own short sword, he looks at the men chasing her. Well, Scraps, I guess I was wrong after all. Lucky you.

Dropping into my Island of Blades stance, and rolling initiative [roll0]

2011-01-24, 11:30 PM
Martin walks up, having just finished packing his meager belongings. The tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife. He says nothing, but cracks the joints in his neck and spine, and limbers himself in case there was one.


2011-01-24, 11:54 PM

Geralt simply narrows his eyes and draws his dagger.

Initiative [roll0]

2011-01-25, 04:25 PM
Staying in his stance but waiting to act until he has more information, Nevare speaks to the she-elf. Elf, why aren't you letting them hunt in these woods? He then waits for a response before doing anything else.

2011-01-25, 04:35 PM
Scraps turns his head to the side at Nevare.

That sounded like a good idea. Asking questions. Why didn't he think of that?

"Hey! Yeah, that makes sense. No one's killing no one until we find out what's going on. Why is she attacking you, you guys poaching or something? You do know we're army right?"

He shows his little leather badge pinned onto his shirt. That means power right there. They're supposed to listen to him cause he's army.

"So... we're in charge here."

Angry Intimidate!

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-25, 05:12 PM
These monsters are killing hapless animals and tried to rob and kill me in the process. So you see it is not only animals they are killing, it is people to!

2011-01-25, 05:16 PM
You'll forgive me if I don't view hunting in open territory as a crime, given that it's the natural order for prey to be killed by predators. Nevare turns to the men now. Did you try to beat and rob this woman?

2011-01-25, 05:24 PM
(ignore, I read something wrong)

2011-01-25, 06:24 PM
The men cringe even further as they notice the badges present on every one of the interlopers. Thinking fast the man in the center says "Cm'on now, we would never do such a thing as robbery. We just live a simple life out here in the woods, we hunt when we get hungry and sell what we don't need. She is one of them darn'd nature folks, ya know the ones that tried ta keep the king from clearing old Saree forest a few years ago and use their magics to keep the wilds wild. By taking her out we are helpin' make the world a better place I say." Oddly though as the man was speaking and using his hand to make a gesture, the hand was covered in both dry and wet blood. He then noticed this and quickly wiped it off trying to look nonchalant. "Once again, just and' ere' over and we can be on our separate ways."

2011-01-25, 06:43 PM
Sense Motive on the speaking hunter: [roll0]

2011-01-25, 06:46 PM
The man seems to be hiding something, and his eyes are shiftier than they first appeared. All in all your gut thinks he might be lying, but you aren't sure about what.

2011-01-25, 06:52 PM
"I told you once, I told you again!" The half orc growls and holds up his greatsword, "Ain't no one killing no one til I say so!"

He furrows his brow back and forth between the two. He didn't like this one bit. He didn't understand. Both of them seem to be telling the truth. That don't make no sense though.

He wished someone could figure this out.

Oh, wait!

Someone can!

"I'm gonna need all your names," Scraps says, "And where you're from. You too, elfy! We'll get to the bottom of this."

Scraps turns to Jonathon Moss, "Jon, you know most things about most people. Do you get anything from these guys or the elf? Some story, or knowledge that will help us out?"

2011-01-25, 06:56 PM
Nevare eyes the man suspiciously. I know you're lying, I can see it in your eyes.

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-25, 07:08 PM
Well, kind sir, I am Pari Greenslope at your service.

2011-01-25, 07:17 PM
Maxwell momentarily dips his face into his hands at the barbarian's amateur detective work, and then, bored by the technicalities of legality, lifts Tom out his back pack and starts to pet him.

The logic here was quite simple:

Cute cat + babes = interested babes.

Cute cat + animal hugging elf chick = very interested babes.

Though Max wasn't about to give up on bacon.

2011-01-25, 09:23 PM
Jon smiled for a moment glancing at all five new comers. He let his lute drop and began speaking.

"Lads, lads, its one thing to believe in superstition but to commit a murder is a serious offense it might be a little better for everyone if we just slow down a bit and talk this out."


2011-01-26, 06:52 PM
"I told you once, I told you again!" The half orc growls and holds up his greatsword, "Ain't no one killing no one til I say so!"

He furrows his brow back and forth between the two. He didn't like this one bit. He didn't understand. Both of them seem to be telling the truth. That don't make no sense though.

He wished someone could figure this out.

Oh, wait!

Someone can!

"I'm gonna need all your names," Scraps says, "And where you're from. You too, elfy! We'll get to the bottom of this."

Scraps turns to Jonathon Moss, "Jon, you know most things about most people. Do you get anything from these guys or the elf? Some story, or knowledge that will help us out?"

The men continue to eye the barbarian with worry and slowly they each give you their names. "Dalton." says the man on the left, "Elwood." adds the man near the leader cautiously, "Carlton." says the man to the right, and finally the center man and the leader says "Fine ya can have my name, its Jaime." The others seem slightly happy to have some of the tension broken but the leader continues to give a slight glare.

Nevare eyes the man suspiciously. I know you're lying, I can see it in your eyes.

At hearing this Jaime says while staying quite calm "Now why would ya say that boy, what have we done wrong yo ya?"

Jon smiled for a moment glancing at all five new comers. He let his lute drop and began speaking.

"Lads, lads, its one thing to believe in superstition but to commit a murder is a serious offense it might be a little better for everyone if we just slow down a bit and talk this out."


"We are being quite reasonable I believe, but she's a monster that needs ta be dealth with harshly! I do agree though, let us talk and not go to arms so quickly." His eyes continue to dart around seeming to scan the party members, measuring their possible threat levels.

2011-01-26, 07:34 PM
Nevare looks at the leader, this Jaime character, incredulously. Why would I say you're lying? Oh, I don't know. You aren't looking me in the eye, your voice has the slightest waver to it, you've got swords when you say you're hunting game... Nevare looks again at the man's hand. The partially dried blood on your hand that doesn't seem to be yours really seals the deal for me, though. So, what are you really doing out here? It doesn't sound like you're hunting game at this point, so why not try to convince me that you're not hunting this woman, and probably others as well? What drew you here? Somebody post a bounty for her? Thinking to capture some elves and sell them as slaves?

2011-01-26, 07:43 PM
Maximus, seeing the other man assessing him, shakes out his hand and with a quick movement starts magically cleaning his crossbow. That and the patch of grease on the ground ought to clearly lay out his own particular brand of dangerous.

The fact that he had no intension of letting himself get stabbed was quite beside the point.

2011-01-26, 07:47 PM
"This game has gone on long enough, kill em boys!" Jaime draws his sword and rushes towards Scraps, unluckily for him his fellows just stand there not seeming to find a good reason to join their leader. "Sirs, we just joined up fer this not that long ago. We robbed from some old lady who din' even have nutin' anyway, so we let er' go. We ain't cut out ta be bandits like Jaime, so why die fer it. I think wer' just gonna head home, we dint sign up fer murder." says Carlton the other two nod their heads and Jaime spins around awestruck just before reaching Scraps. "WHY YOU NO GOOD, DOUBLE CROSSIN' BACKSTABBERS! YOU TOLD ME YOU DIN'T GET NUTIN' CAUSE THERE WERE TOO MANY GUARDS WITH THE TRADER!" Apparently Jon's little mention of murder got to the new bandits and turned them off from the business, too bad for Jamie but a smart move for them. They throw their rusty swords down "Can we go?" Dalton asks.

2011-01-26, 08:23 PM
"Ahh... this is much easier to figure out," With Scraps thoroughly convinced that he solved the problem with these bandits due to his own cleverness and detective skills, he lets out a ferocious growl as he charges towards the one called Jaime.

Charging and power attacking.


2011-01-26, 08:35 PM
Nevare glances at the now-unarmed men. You're all free to go, but I don't want to hear anymore of you and things like this. Straighten your lives out! Nevare then turns his focus back on the armed leader, Jaime. Man, you've just chosen a world of hurt. Nevare dashes forward to Jaime and drops, sweeping a leg out to knock Jaime off his feet. When Jaime starts to fall, Nevare uses his momentum to bring himself around and plant a kick squarely in Jaime's chest, sending him flying back the way he came.

Moving up to Jaime and initiating my Mighty Throw maneuver.
Touch Attack: [roll0]
Dexterity Check: [roll1]

Jaime needs to make an opposed check with either Strength or Dexterity, and if he fails, he gets sent flying 10 feet back and lands prone.

2011-01-26, 09:27 PM
Jon nodded for the bandits to go as soon as they threw down their weapons his companions were already getting a little overzealous with taking down this Jaime character. He drew his bow and nocked an arrow then called out.

"Surrender now Jaime! You're only making it worse now."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2011-01-26, 11:24 PM
OOC- Ok I went through the attacks and did the appropriate rolls, and then looked at what order for initiative you are all going in (you all get a surprise attack due to his, well um.. surprise :smalltongue: ).

The first to reach Jamie is Nevare, and just as Nevare is about to kick him into the air Jamie dodges with lightning reflexes. Sadly for Jamie he only has just enough time to hear Jon's diplomatic reasoning before Scraps slashes him right down the chest with one mighty swing. The last words Jamie hears are "You're only making it worse" and then he slumps over a bloody mess dying and broken. He still breathes but he won't make it without some sort of medical attention and fast. The other bandits had run off after receiving the nod from Jon they looked younger as they disappeared without their weapons, more like village boys than men.

2011-01-26, 11:36 PM
Yeah let that be a lesson to you! Maximus yells after the retreating kids.

It was not, actually, advise about morality, more the wisdom of bothering armed men working for the government. Then he sidles up to the elf. Hey. I'm Max. He holds up a rather scruffy tabby. This is Tom. The cat narrows it's eyes, clearly only putting up with this treatment because scratching someone would take effort.

2011-01-26, 11:38 PM
Nevare's kick misses, but he is still able to land and right himself without wasting any motion. As he straightens, he looks at the crumpled and bleeding Jaime. So...Anybody care to do something about that?

2011-01-27, 10:09 AM
Jon rips a piece of cloth free of the man's clothes and tries stuffing it in the thieves open wound to stem the flow of blood.


2011-01-27, 11:46 AM
Scraps stood over the man bleeding and broken down before him. That's why you didn't mess with a person who has a leather badge pinned to his shirt.

"The elf should decide," Scraps pointed to the new elf, "Pari... what do you want to do with this bandit?"

Scraps wipes off the blood from his sword and puts it back into his sheath. He only needed it for 6 seconds, but that's all it took. That's how a good army works.

2011-01-27, 01:19 PM
Jon looked over his shoulder at Scraps.

"We're Soldiers Scraps not mercenaries we take orders from the squad leader or the LT not forest rifraf.."

Looking down at the mess in his hands though Jon clearly saw there was little effort left that could save the man. It would be better to give him a swift death, he unbuckled his kukri from its sheath.

2011-01-27, 01:24 PM
"One attempt to staunch his blood and you decide its better to stab him?" Martin asks. He pushes past Jon and tries his hand at keeping the bandit alive.

"Tell me, elf, who are the local authorities? Or do you have some council or tree hugger's union you'd rather this man be sent to should be live?"


Here's hoping its not bravado, come on 11 or higher!
Well that failed miserably. Wonder how long we have before he dies

2011-01-27, 05:39 PM
Jon grunted a moment but fell silent as surer hands prevailed, "Just saying more than one way to solve a problem. Being as the garrison is only a day back I'm pretty sure we qualify as local, I can remember patrolling past these parts last season."

The bard retrieved his items from the ground he took a moment to tune his lute before strumming a tune.

"Heal, Heal, Heal the bandit we're probably gonna have to kill anyways.

The lute fell silent and Jon took a few steps away from the group looking around the area to see if anything jogged his memory about the lay of the land of any other obscure knowledge that party may or may not need to know.

Bardic Knowledge: [roll0] Local area population and last time a tax collector has been through the area.

EDIT: D'oh!

2011-01-27, 05:55 PM
"Killing someone and seeing that justice is done are two different things. Killing this wretch now is pointless, his friends are already scared of the consequences of pillaging, and were before we came around. However, a trial and hanging or trip to the headsmen in public where all can see will do much more to keep the bandits and thugs in line, if it comes to that." Martin finishes his work, and glares at the bard. "And stop that racket."

2011-01-27, 07:31 PM
Nevare sheathes his sword and looks at Jaime and his companions. I say we tie him up and bring him with us. We can drop him off in the next town we pass and let them handle it from here.

Mr Serendipity
2011-01-27, 09:16 PM
Wait, this man has done horrible things in his time; but everyone deserves a second chance. Take all of his possessions and bring him to the tallest tree you can find and put at the top of it. Let him figure things out form there.

Pari talks very quietly to Bad Company as to not let the bandit hear her.

2011-01-27, 09:55 PM
There are two problems with that idea. One, you are not the reigning authority in this land, and two, that sounds like far more work than he's worth. I still say we either bind him and drag him to the next town, and hand him off there, or call field justice and execute him here.

2011-01-27, 11:06 PM
Me, I say dragging him around is to much work.

He got any booze on him?

2011-01-27, 11:11 PM
"I'll carry him," Scraps says. The guy looks about as heavy as a big bag of flour, and he used to carry those things around all the time.

"Just bind his hands together and someone check all of his pockets. Bandits are known to be sneaky secretive buggers."

2011-01-30, 10:26 PM
Nevare gives Maximus a sideways glance. You're obsessed with the booze. We can pick some up for you in the next town. He looks at Scraps. Alright, you said you can carry him, so grab him and let's be on our way. Nevare pulls some rope out of his bag and binds Jaime's wrists, ankles and neck together, leaving some extra rope trailing off. There, now he won't be able to struggle. If he does, he'll just tighten the rope around his neck until it strangles him. Plus, if Scraps doesn't feel like carrying him at some point, he's got a leash so we can just drag him along behind us.

2011-01-30, 10:53 PM
Can't play dice and walk at the same time.

2011-02-05, 02:27 AM
Martin is clearly less than comfortable with the turn of events, but doesn't do anything to intervene.

2011-02-08, 05:07 AM
Once the bandit is tied Scraps makes a particularly satisfying grunt and adjusts the weight on his shoulders. He picks up what little equipment he has and looks back at everyone else.

"Onto the next town then. We can drop them both off there."

Once people are ready, Scraps begins walking towards the next down.

2011-02-08, 08:17 AM
Nevare nods at Scraps and falls into step along with him. To the town, then.

Mr Serendipity
2011-02-08, 08:22 AM
Please you can't drop me off, you have to take me with you! What if this bandit has more lackeys around here, they will kill me for sure.

2011-02-08, 09:57 AM
Nevare looks at the elf. There's a problem with that. We're military. We can't just pick up any old civilian who wanders over and asks to join up. The best we can do for you is let you come with us until we finish this mission, but you'll have to talk to our lieutenant about enlisting if you want to stick around any longer than that.

Mr Serendipity
2011-02-15, 06:10 PM
You must, I have nowhere else to go!

2011-02-15, 06:15 PM
"I say we drop the elf at the nearest recruitment depot, collect our finder's fee and pray it doesn't get assigned to our company." Martin grumbles.

2011-02-15, 06:21 PM
If everyone is ok with the Elf coming along then you set off towards the next town. You continue on uneventfully and come to the small town of Kingston, there you are able to turn over the bandit to the local guards (who are a part of the military). The man is actually a wanted criminal and you are all payed 2 gp a piece for bringing him in and they are going to hold him until a trial can be held. You aren't required to stay for the trial but they do want you to explain what happened for the court files. You are escorted to a waiting room and each of you are to meet with the guard captain separately. (PM me your story, and any requests and I will do what is needed)