View Full Version : When 3 worlds collide with the only people helping are from another entirely.

2011-01-22, 02:29 AM
You awake to find yourself in a Dark Blue room, in the centre is a man in some Blue with red striped robes holding a halberd with a whip on each side.
You can see a female looking demon advancing towards him also armed with a whip.The demon clicks his fingers and a Transparent Semi-Cylinder appear with a flat bottom and they start to fight.

Welcome to the IC
First you will see my charecter fighting the demon, oyu can either watch, try to get into the orb or just talk to each other.

2011-01-23, 01:51 PM
Lakajan trys to go into the cylinder-thingy.

Just delete the stuff in your URL and copy and paste this in the URL.

2011-01-23, 02:35 PM
You try to find a way into the cylinder however you are unsuccesful.

Overlord Rion
2011-01-26, 02:20 PM
Rurik decided to take quick stock of the room around him."Dark...it's blue, well, that's not a very nice color. Why not red? Oh we-what is that?"

Yeah, that's right, he only just noticed the fight going on.

2011-01-26, 02:47 PM
The Demon colapses and the cylinder dissapears. The figure walks out of the center and looks at the people in the room.
You notice the figure is quite good looking

More Drifters, great.
He then turns away and goes into a small corner, muttering and grumbling about attacks from outsiders and more drifters arriving.

Overlord Rion, is there any reason to not having responded to the game yet?

Overlord Rion
2011-01-26, 03:58 PM
"Well, that's a friendly sort. Let's see if this room has anything in it besides the grumpy one and the gnome."

I've been having problems with my internet company (problems that involve me being on the phone for hours. I was on so long they hung up on me once.) I've had to trek out to the library to access the internet.

2011-01-27, 04:09 PM
"Too bad I didn't multiclass in ROGUE." :smallsigh:

2011-01-28, 11:08 AM
The figure turns round
I heard that!

2011-01-28, 04:48 PM
I reply by saying, "And who the hell are you again?" (to the man)

2011-01-29, 04:54 AM
The man turns round and glares.

I am Steve, a bard and crusader of the planes, I ensure that those who are evil do not go to other planes to take over, and you have just drifted into my domain and I'm now trying to find a way to wipe your memories and send you back to whatever place you came from.

He then casts a spell attempting to get rid of you all.

Damn,Looks like I can't get rid of you so I might as well get you to help me with what I do.
First of all, the reason I can't get rid of you is because of some sort of magical power inside of you that resists my magic.
This can manifest in you can read spellbooks and cast spells from them or your incredibly skilled with a sword.
I am now going to attack you and you are going to have to attempt to stop me with your powers.

He points and Lakajan.

I can tell that you Gnome already know how to use your magic.
So I won't be testing you.
And you!
Points at overlord rions charector,

I will test after I get some sleep, I'm goddamn tired after that succubus.

Overlord, could you finish that sheet by tomorrow please?
Also sorry to inconvineance you I forgot to mention taht we are using this weapon proficency system,

2011-01-29, 10:58 PM
"Tis' getting a bit late, eh? Heheheh... noone else get that?"

Overlord Rion
2011-01-30, 08:46 PM
"Wonderful, I get the test. I feel so lucky" Rurik sigh and shook his head. It figured. He always did get the short end of the stick.

Here's Rurik (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=270741)

2011-01-31, 10:29 AM
Belive me, It's either I test you now or when I take you with me we risk you being dead weight and dieing, I do not want to be responsible for your corpse.

Just so you 2 know Tacitus and Scoot aren't joining us, if you want I will advertise for more players, do you 2 want to or are you happy it just being teh 3 of us.

Overlord Rion
2011-01-31, 02:32 PM
"I'm perfectly fine with my death thank you very much. There's been so many things trying to kill me over my lifetime that sometimes I had to hit things with my guitar. Come and get it buddy, I'll show you how a real bard fights."

Personally, I'm fine with it either way.

2011-02-01, 04:08 PM
"Let's not take it personally, now guys. It's only a matter of time before another one of those things you call 'succubus' flys back in here and, "woo's us to death," or something. Plus my Telepathic Imagery Phingy (TIP) isn't built to get whacked by a guitar. I just need a second to put it away..."

I'm fine wif it. I mean, 4 may be better than 3, but 3 is better than 1. And might I ask permission that our world uses cell-phone type electronics? A Telepathic Imagery Phingy (TIP) is sort of like a telephone that you can use to send mental messages, audio, and imagery to other people, considering the other person on the line has one as well. How It Works: You have a cell phone type device that has an interface in which you can either 1) RECORD and send an audio recording. 2) CAPTURE a picture and send to the receiver. or 3) SEND a message in script (comes only in common.) Anyways, the rules for it should be limited to where the players can't cheat. Also, there are only a sparingly small amount of these found ANYWHERE, mostly around 15, luckily enough for Lakajan, he happened to know the creator of such an item. Finally, yes, I said finally, it uses a brain-infused chip to use what is called Telepathy, of sorts. Again, you, the DM, can decide whether we are able to use this or not.

2011-02-04, 11:41 AM
I don't like the idea of you carrying magical technology between worlds. Some of the worlds have very primitive technology and magic is rare.
Taking your TIT to a primitive world could chaneg things a lot. I watch over the worlds ensuring that the worlds stay separate for better or worse.


Could you call it somethign else please, I don't think the mods approve of that sort of thing.

2011-02-06, 02:07 PM
(I trip and the TIP shatters)

2011-02-09, 10:19 PM
"Sooo, what are we doing now?"

2011-02-11, 06:34 PM
I'll test rurik now

Steve draws his halberd and Rurik draws his weapon.

Steve gains maneuvers:
Charging minotaur,
douse the flames
Vanguard strike

Enters Martial spirit,

(surprise round used on drawing weapon and entering stance, Rurik draws the weapon for free, Dm fiat)
Uses charging minotaur, so rurik can't make an AoO

Steve Charges:
Confirm Crit

2011-02-26, 05:45 PM
Out-Of-Character Comment:

Are we playing yet??:roy:

2011-04-13, 04:24 PM
Well, I have no idea WTF happened, so I say to you all, au revoir.

Lehman's Terms: I'm gonna join a different game. Not to rain on anyone's day, but I am getting so impatient that I think I might die. Unless you're dead, of course. Then, I say to you, I am sorry. I'm just an impatient little bugger. Good-bye. :smallwink: