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View Full Version : Nac Mac Feegle race(PEACH)

2011-01-22, 11:27 PM
Fluff will come later. Game statistics first.

Ability score adjustments: +4 CON, -2 WIS, -2 INT. Feels are tough, but reckless and somewhat unintelligent. THey are far stronger than other creatures of their size, but not stronger than a human.
Tiny size.
Base land speed 30 ft. Although a Feegle is tiny, it is unnaturally fast.
Powerful Build: A Feegle may wield a weapon one size larger than himself without penalty.
Happy Drunk: A Feegle more easily becomes drunk than a human, taking a -2 penalty to fortitude saves. However, he only takes half wisdom and dexterity damage from becoming intoxicated and can never actually succumb to alcohol poisoning, though he can still become unconscious.
Must...drink...: A Feegle has a certain amount of difficulty getting out of pubs. He must make a DC 10 will save to exit any location where alcohol is available.
Natural Weapon: A Feegle has 1 primary natural headbutt attack due to his thick skull. It deals 2d4 damage, and x2 crits on a 20.
Favored Class: Barbarian
LA:Probably +0.

2011-01-23, 05:09 AM
See this: Pictsies (Nac Mac Feegle) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4286274&postcount=8)

Pictsies are 6-inches tall. That makes them Diminutive not Tiny.
The problem with PC pictsies is their size. For example, a pictsie with a Strength of 22 can only carry 1/4 what a normal PC of that strength can carry.


2011-01-23, 12:01 PM
I know they should be diminutive. However, I chose to design them as tiny rather than diminutive due to the desire to avoid a level adjustment, as it is almost impossible to design a diminutive or smaller race without LA because of the extreme differences. This meant I could not be absolutely true to Pratchett's work.
You do, however, make a good point concerning carrying capacity. They are known to carry of entire cattle/Achings. I will include an ability allowing them to carry as a medium creature.
NOTE: This is the Lesser Feegle. I designed it to be a more easily playable race. In the near future, I will design a Greater Feegle that is closer to the Feegles in Discworld, which will have a level adjustment.

2011-01-23, 11:36 PM
Why not just make a racial paragon path instead of creating an all new race?

A racial paragon path is a usually 3 level class that only creatures of one race may take.

2011-01-24, 10:33 PM
:smallsigh:I totally forgot about paragons. Will get around to it sometime this week.

2011-01-24, 10:37 PM
is that negative 2 to all fort saves, or just ones related to alcohol?

2011-01-24, 10:45 PM
Must...drink...: A Feegle has a certain amount of difficulty getting out of pubs. He must make a DC 10 will save to exit any location where alcohol is available.

I don't have much time to critique the whole thing, so I'll focus on this part, since it jumps out as problematic.

Can the feegle retry their Will save after failure? If so, after how long? What if the location with the alcohol is outdoors? What if the feegle is unaware that alcohol is available? What constitutes "leaving" when you're outdoors? What constitutes a "location?" Does a city count as a location, or is there a set radius if a building is unavailable to name as the location?

2011-01-25, 08:04 PM
is that negative 2 to all fort saves, or just ones related to alcohol?
Just alcohol-related.

I don't have much time to critique the whole thing, so I'll focus on this part, since it jumps out as problematic.

Can the feegle retry their Will save after failure? If so, after how long? What if the location with the alcohol is outdoors? What if the feegle is unaware that alcohol is available? What constitutes "leaving" when you're outdoors? What constitutes a "location?" Does a city count as a location, or is there a set radius if a building is unavailable to name as the location?

Must...Drink... Was intended as a humorous fluff ability to be waived or adjudicated by the DM as he or she saw fit. As such, it was not fully fleshed out.