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View Full Version : Advanced HeroQuest

2011-01-23, 11:48 AM
[NB - I'm talking about the Games Workshop update to the MB/GW board game Heroquest in this thread...just so you know]

For a long time, I've always thought that this fairly average (but addictively brutal) board game would make a half-way decent roleplaying game with a few modifications...until today when I was looking over the rules and noticed (for the first time) that right there on the front cover of the rules, it says "Rules for Heroic Roleplay"!

All this time I've been thinking of it as a rather detailed boardgame, when it's always been intended to be an RPG. Has anyone else had any experience with this game in its guise as an RPG? I don't just mean having played it, but played it as you would Dungeons and Dragons or the like, with in depth character interaction and such?

If so, what modifications or house rules did you make (if any)? How did it play and would you recommend it? Or would you suggest simply going and playing Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (...after all, they share the same setting).

2011-01-23, 12:31 PM
Sure. Back in my early teens we did not have a copy of the actual Warhammer RPG rulebook, so we used Advanced Heroquest in conjunction with whatever White Dwarf articles we had, and whatever else we could lay our hands on. I remember the "Burning of Marienburg" as a distinct event, shortly afterwards we abandoned the use of the board and miniatures, since we thought they were limiting the possibilities. I remember drawing up a bunch of critical hit tables after that. :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-23, 02:39 PM
You might find this link interesting: Greywulf's Advanced Hero Quest (http://greywolf.critter.net/ahq.htm).

2011-01-23, 02:48 PM
Oh, HeroQuest. I never actually got the advanced version - actually, the game was already old when I was playing it - but it was my first introduction to RPGs, so it has a special place in my heart.

About a year ago, I actually drafted up about a dozen pages of rules stuff to make it a bit more like a proper RPG...but in the end came to the conclusion that one might as well just play D&D.

Perhaps I'll see if I can scavenge up those rules, though.

2011-01-23, 02:52 PM
I have! It wasn't a very long game but me and a friend got through several dungeons with each of us playing two players and taking turns as the GM.

The dialogues we came up with were quite entertaining, for sure.

Great game, advanced version or otherwise. Never plan on getting rid of my copy (which I bought for 8 dollars on eBay).