View Full Version : AvB - Ymeo

2011-01-23, 01:45 PM
Player or DM only. Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.

Jack shakes your hand. His grip is firm, but gentle. "So, you're looking to maybe help me out? Well, it's a tough job and I'm not going to babysit anyone. How about you prove yourself with the first job and we'll see how you do. I'll pay 100 gold per thug that you help me by taking to the city watch. Another 250 for finishing the job. What do you say?"

2011-01-23, 05:50 PM
Ymeo nodded and motioned to the Joss to bring two glasses of wine to their table giving two gold instead of one as a tip.

"That sounds agreeable. I can tell you one thing about myself if you want to know with who you are working with. I am not a subtle type person. I can be inconspicuos but I dont do silent sneaky type jobs, its not my style. Also my personal guarantee is no innocents and no bystanders. Whoever you tell me as a target that is what you get." he said seriously while subconsiously his hand moved to touch the pendant he was wearing. ((ooc: he can make a knowledge nobility/religion and I can desrcibe it further perhaps?))

"Now could you give me a few more details about the legal system in this city? Are we allowed to harm people that have openly wronged someone else or commited a crime? Can we go around bashing people and taking them to the guard or will it end up with the guard accusing us of vandalism etc? Also how does it work with self defence in these cases? Lets assume we find two thugs mugging someone, we jump them and they try to kill us to escape... what happens if in the hit of battle one of the thugs or both end up dead. Is it murder or is it accepted as part of the risks and due process?"

"Oh and not to forget. What type of thugs are we to hunt down and what have they done? Are they part of a greater organisation or working indipendently?"

2011-01-23, 06:50 PM
He picks up on your motion. "So, what does that pendant represent to you?"

"As for your questions, let me deal with them in a systematic way. Citizen's Arrest is part of our legal system, for those who are known criminals. Vigilantism such as what you and I are discussing is... not quite so. However, the City Watch is swamped right now with the explosion of street gangs in the past few years, so they are not prosecuting vigilantes that cause more good than harm. However, killing those people in the name of vigilantism automatically puts you on the 'trouble' list. The marks I am about to discuss with you are part of an organized crime syndicate, and they regularly extort money from the local shop owners, as well as kill others in their turf wars with the other gangs. The gang is composed of humans, and has a rather formalized hierarchy. It is whispered that they also have a cadre of assassins who are responsible for a series of disappearances about town. Does that satisfy your questions?"

2011-01-23, 07:14 PM
Ymeo looks at the man for a few moment before nodding and showing him the pendant.


"It represents the fact that there is an inherent order that must be upheld mr Jack. Some times the means by which order is upheld are not as obvious and may even fall into the category of clandestine. But order and stability has no concerns about things as means. The ends are important just as long as no further ripples are caused in their persecution." he paused for dramatic effect

"... And always give a receipt".

"So let us be clear. If we apprehend thugs in the act and we can take them alive we should do that and hand them over to the Watch. If one of these assassins or whatever come into our way, then fighting them to the death and then returning them to the watch is not an option correct? It would be best to let us say leave none that can accuse us of murder assuming we both agree at the time about the particular circumstance?"

if its not clear enough from the flourishing speech I mean the following

a) If we can get them alive we will and give them to the guard
b) If its obvious we cant take them alive (they fight to death, they are too many to capture, we roll a crit when the guy was at 1 hp) do we let them go or do we kill all of them risking this trouble list on one hand (but on the other no "thug" witnesses reduces that chance
c) From what he tells me, do I understand if he accepts the concept of vigilantism if it leads to the death of these assassins etc? I mean does he consider going into this trouble list a small penalty for ridding the city of them?

2011-01-23, 07:33 PM
"We here right now are discusing potentially giving ourselves a black mark in the eyes of the law in exchange for the future stability and safety of the city as a whole. Are you able to accept that?"

2011-01-23, 07:46 PM
"Yes" he said and nodded approvingly the notion of the job fitting with his beliefs and the motto of the Order "nil mortifi sine lucre" ((no killing without payment)).

"will I be working with you or on my own and what more do you know about them?"

2011-01-23, 07:48 PM
"You're on your own. I need your help because I can't be in two places at once. What more do you need to know about the gangsters?"

2011-01-23, 07:53 PM
"Names, descriptions, any clues as to their aptitudes especially if they employ casters and off course where can I find them and where should I start looking for them. Do they wear any house or clan marks and do they have any obvious or if you know non-obvious patrons among the merchants and nobles? And lastly two more general questions not so much about them... as there is always the chance things can get hot... how can I reach you if I cant wait long enough to meet you here and do you have any safe-houses around the city in the areas I will be working with in case I need shelter?"

2011-01-23, 11:21 PM
"They're a bunch of ne'er do well thugs with no magical aptitude to note. If I knew the names and personal history of every member of the gang, it would be a simple matter to report them to the watch. All I know for sure is that they will be at Pier 7 tomorrow night, where they will bring a shopkeeper to half-drown until he agrees to give them 'protection' money. There really isn't much more to say about them, and only one thing to do about them. If you need to reach me, leave a letter to Jack at the Serpent Ring. It's a small boarding house in Old Town. I'll find it. As for protection, for that you'll have to get creative. Do it right, though, and the guard will thank you this time for the arrest, so long as you have a believable story for why you're in the docks."

2011-01-24, 12:36 PM
Ymeo inclined inclined his head once more and shook the mans hand.

does this tavern here also offer rooms or only drink?

The plan: I will go today to the docks and essentially familiarise myself with the area. Especially pier 6-7-8 and if its not a huge area pier 5 and 9 as well.

Following that I will ask if there is any ships expected to arrive tomorrow (especially merchant ships) in these piers and if generally they hire people to help with unloading merchant ships and the like.

If that is not an option I will try and find out if there are any other errands one can run for any employer around the harbor and especially near those piers.

2011-01-24, 02:33 PM
Rooms at the tavern are five gold per night, meals not included. It does, though, guarantee the safety of your possessions within.

what you want sounds like a gather information check for knowledge about the ships.

Piers 5-9 are literally just wooden piers spaced evenly along the beach.

2011-01-24, 02:54 PM
I will spend most of today doing that then. I will make 3 rolls up front but essentially whether or not I continue to ask around etc depends on previous gained info. So if for example I roll a 18 on my first 1d4+1 hours worth of investigating I will assume there is not that much I would have learned and hence stop. If I roll low I would continue for another 1d4+1 hours... and repeat until its evening.

I will rent a room here and pay the five gold up front (overall I have spent 1 gold yesterday, another 2 gold for drinks now and now 5 for the room and assume I spend another 5 to improve the gather info checks if you want to give a situational modifier. The gold does not go to outright bribes but rather to a drink for a tired sailor or something to eat to a harbor kid urchin etc)

If you allow it I will leave in my tavern room most parts of the full plate and only wear the breastplate in order to be more flexible and then use hat of disguise to make it look like a hide leather armor of low quality. I retain my characteristics mostly only doing some minor cosmetic changes to fit with the harbor crowd... 6 day unshaven, small scar, stronger tan, shorter hair etc.

so here goes

[roll0] time: [roll1]


[roll2] time: [roll3]


[roll4] time: [roll5]

Edit: I will stop after the tenth hour essentially satisfied I have learned what I need and could learn anyway about something as mundane.

2011-01-24, 03:07 PM
By early evening, you've spent 3 gold on drinks for new-found buddies. You've also gained for your troubles some interesting tidbits. There are ships inbound to dock with piers 5,6,8, and 9, but despite the activity, no one you talked to entertained the notion of docking at pier 7. You eventually learn from one sailor who'd had far too much to drink that it's because the pier is cursed. No human sho sets foot on it at night is heard from again.

2011-01-24, 03:20 PM
From one of the taverns in the docks/harbor I shall purchase two bottles of cheap brandy/grog or something typical sailorlike drink but NOT beer or wine and similarly I will purchase some very common quality clothes. Then I will return to my room and rest for the night asking Joss if possible to wake me at first light (6?)

I will head down to the docks (once again only breastplate appearing as hide and wearing the common clothes) looking similar to yesterday though perhaps with a bit more brawn and offer my services as a loader/unloader of goods for just a silver or so below what others are asking to ensure I get the job plus I do actually look the part both with and without the illusion as I am "physical" type.

Eventually I will do this most of the day taking the occasional break to drink water (and a sip of my alcohol once every 2-3 hours to create the image that I am indeed drinking) eat and rest.

When the sun touches the water I shall wish everyone farewell pretending to be slightly drunk and say I have business to attend to showing the second bottle I have with me. I will withdraw under pier 6 ((Assuming its within a close distance to pier 7, otherwise I will be under pier 7 and that there is actually part of the pier that has sand under it and not all of it above water)) and slowly as the time passes spill more and more drink around me and on my clothes but not all at once to ensure the fabrics really drink it in.

And then... wait.

Also I assume there is some form of lighting even at night around the area? Is there any movement or activity in the general area as the night comes?

2011-01-24, 03:36 PM
From one of the taverns in the docks/harbor I shall purchase two bottles of cheap brandy/grog or something typical sailorlike drink but NOT beer or wine and similarly I will purchase some very common quality clothes. Then I will return to my room and rest for the night asking Joss if possible to wake me at first light (6?)

I will head down to the docks (once again only breastplate appearing as hide and wearing the common clothes) looking similar to yesterday though perhaps with a bit more brawn and offer my services as a loader/unloader of goods for just a silver or so below what others are asking to ensure I get the job plus I do actually look the part both with and without the illusion as I am "physical" type.

Eventually I will do this most of the day taking the occasional break to drink water (and a sip of my alcohol once every 2-3 hours to create the image that I am indeed drinking) eat and rest.

When the sun touches the water I shall wish everyone farewell pretending to be slightly drunk and say I have business to attend to showing the second bottle I have with me. I will withdraw under pier 6 ((Assuming its within a close distance to pier 7, otherwise I will be under pier 7 and that there is actually part of the pier that has sand under it and not all of it above water)) and slowly as the time passes spill more and more drink around me and on my clothes but not all at once to ensure the fabrics really drink it in.

And then... wait.

Also I assume there is some form of lighting even at night around the area? Is there any movement or activity in the general area as the night comes?

The typical wage for such unskilled laborers is 1 silver a day. You spent 1 silver and 3 copper on your goods for today.

You are now lurking at Pier 6, which is within running distance of Pier 7.

at night, the docks are basically unlit. Each pier has an everburning torch at the corners to help keep late night ships from hitting them. Other than that, only the moon and starts light your way.

2011-01-24, 03:42 PM
No problem. I wanted to check if there is any light at all since I was told the gang was humans so they should also have trouble seeing unless they carry their own light or do it by the everburning torch. In either case the advantage of having adapted to the limited light for a long time is to my advantage.

Quiet and essentially curled into a ball his back againt one of the support beams of Pier 6, Ymeo, smelling of sweat, sea, salt and sun as well as copious amount of alcohol from his body and even his breath waited for the thugs to approach.

I dont know if you would allow a take 20 on hide since I have been here for some time to find a suitable spot where the light doesnt hit me etc etc. Otherwise I could roll though I am going by expectation that they wont see me due to conditions rather than actual hiding and if they do that they wont pay attention to the drunkard sailor type

2011-01-24, 03:50 PM
About three hours after sunset, six humans arrive and walk down Pier 7. One of them has a bag over his head.

2011-01-24, 03:55 PM
Ymeo will crouch low, almost crawl with his belly on the sand and carefully approach closer so he can hear but as noone has been harmed so far he wont intervene.

Do I see how they are dressed and how armored they are and also could I know exactly what the distance between us is?

2011-01-24, 03:57 PM
I'd like a hide check. That will determine how close you can get without being seen.

2011-01-24, 04:09 PM
Okay, so my hide is +2 (from dex) and I have an armor check penalty of -3 (breastplate is -4 but masterwork reduces this by 1) so a total of -1.

If I feel I am getting too close I will stop though for a few moments and try and see whats going on before continuing.


Also my current ac since I am wearing the breastplate only and not full armor is also lower and now is 17

2011-01-24, 09:55 PM
You have to stop about 150 feet off; if you approach any closer, you're afraid of being spotted. The piers are 200 feet apart. You're not totally sure why there's such a large space in between them.

You can hear voices, but they are difficult to make out.

a spot check could reveal more.

2011-01-25, 11:14 AM
i can see my sheet from work so I will do the roll on its own and you add the modifier


and a listen just in case


Ymeo cursed for not finding a place to hide under pier 7 and tried to see and hear what was going on.

((If I cant see details, I will wait one minute or so and then start approaching carefully))

2011-01-25, 11:20 AM
er, I meant listen. The 16 alone would have made it. you're good.

After straining for a bit, you can hear the voices distincly. With a bit of focus, you can pick out what is being said.

"Look, brutha, just hand over the money for this week, and we'll skip the beating for being late. It's real simple. We scouted you out today, and we know you have the money." The voice sounded quite reasonable in tone.

The man with a bag over his head gave a muffled response. You'll have to approach closer and risk being spotted in order to hear his words.

The thud of a fist connecting with flesh, though, is pretty unmistakable.

2011-01-25, 12:50 PM
Ymeo had heard enough. There was no need for more. He backtracked a bit to get out of the light and back on the road leading to the piers.

A few seconds to focus and then he started approaching all the while belching and grumbling. Every now and then he would stumble and almost fall.

The drunken sailor or harbor hand, whatever he was, approached towards pier 7 and seeing the figure he yelled.

"Ehhhh frieeeend! 's a cold night eh? Dontnt Supause youu fine peopl have any rum left? Why is RUM GONE? EH? I ASK YOU! hahahahaha" he burst out laughing and fell on his knees for a moment trying to get back up and slowly started to approach closer.

2011-01-25, 10:37 PM
bluff or disguise check, whichever's higher, unless you character is genuinely drunk.

The thugs turn around and stare at you for a second...

2011-01-26, 08:41 AM


I am putting a +10 for the hat of disguise part. Also I expect I could have a bonus from all the clothing that i bought and the fact that I smell of alcohol and look dirty etc...

"Heys youz, yeaar youz, I see you fellers over there by the thingy...s'talking to youoo"

2011-01-26, 08:46 AM
.... and decides that you're a harmless drunk who stumbledon wha he shouldn't have.He says, "Get lost, moron. We don't have any free booze for you tonight.?

2011-01-26, 08:52 AM
With his hands moving about pretending to try and balance himself out Ymeo continued to approach.

"hey guy, you are not my friend! man your being soooo friggin rude its not even funny! I am... I am nnnnn... I am not Drunk! I am Ymeriows I dont get draaank... slike Im made of stone or something or other or something. Can't touch this friendo....hooooohooohooo. But come on if you got no booze you gonna lose! ahahaha..." he almost spasmed out laughing and continued to approach.

"I mean gife some glod plis and I find me own drinkings. S'all for good cause! And I dont tell anyone how nasty you are to that paperbagheadman... hahaha paperbagheadman!"

the aim is to approach within 50 feet of them.

2011-01-26, 12:58 PM
Your performance lets you stumble within 50 feet of them . They mostly ignore you, expecting you to fall off the pier before too long.

2011-01-26, 03:04 PM
The drunk man stops around that part and stumbles trying to keep his balance. He kind of hovers there looking around glassily and if noone bothers him stays there pretending not to pay attention to them

I will stay there to hear a bit more and see what they are doing to the mechant.

If they react aggresively I curse them and make fun of them like a drunkard but dont approach any more.

If they approach or if they start being very violent to the guy then I will act

2011-01-26, 03:33 PM
One of them turns to you and says, "Little moron, leave now or you're gonna hurt in the morning."

2011-01-26, 03:53 PM
"'sright yea? You... you and whosis army? eh? I see both of you and you the ugly brothers. Dont you go makin no ... no.... nooo... threats on me friendo cause I got a second cousin whose wife has a brother who knows a guy in the friggin watch mkay? So i'll tell em... I'll tell on you picking on poor drunk sailors and on people with sacks for heads... how you like them pears... or apples! 'sall good!" said the drunk half collapsing to his knees but straightening up again before falling down.

2011-01-26, 04:59 PM
He nods, and two of the four walk over your direction. "Last warning. Find somewhere else to pass out, or you're gonna hurt tomorrow morning in more places than just your head."

2011-01-26, 05:09 PM
The drunkard stumbled a few steps back maintaining the distance at around 50feet while separating them from the other group.

"Listen you dirty stupid silly bastards. Listen... I dont want to no trouble skay? I am just a ... I am just... I am just a poor boy and nobody loves me. easy come easy go, I wont let you go... ho ho ho!" he yelled.

"I am warning you little green men! I am warning you, a few more steps and if you try to HURT ME I will retaliate hahahaha. RETALIATE! That sounds like a snake's name! Reptaliate got it? Okay okay, enough enough, dont come closer boyos I will defend myself against such big evil guys like you. If you come closer I will whip the hell out of you. I shall tan your hides and then laugh at the moon. And they will all say... all will say how Ymeriow the amazing sailor destroyed the evil octopus men of pier 27! hahahaha"

he said and took out his "belt" slowly and deliberately as it had been put around his waist twice!

hint: belt equals spiked chain under the effects of the hat of disguise.

2011-01-26, 05:24 PM
you are overdoing the effects of disguise self. You'd have to wear that spiked chain around your waist to have it appear as your belt. Doing that would be dangerous, and likely hurt you. You either take [roll0] damage, or you aren't wearing your SPIKED chain as a belt.

It would take you more than a few steps back to keep the distance at 50. They used 2 move actions to close the distance.

a slight of hand check is required to keep them from noticing what you are doing with your belt, which requires coordination that would break your disguise.

Annoyed with your ranting, one of them kicks at you somewhere around your threat to tan their hides.

he hits for [roll1] nonlethal damage.

2011-01-26, 05:43 PM
Ok I can assume I will have some points of damage on me. The 5 you mentioned.

But on the other hand as they approach that close ((You didnt mention they practically run. We can go in full rounds then by the way)) I would have indeed taken the chain/belt out regarding on how I cover it and the spell along with the overall dark conditions to cover it since they are on their way and almost running.

So when the guy tries to touch me and I have a weapon in my hands it provokes attack of opportunity. The role having been played I dont really care even if THEY see through the disguise.

I dont know if you will allow for a suprise round.

Personally I will roll bellow for the AoO for him making an unarmed attack without the improved unarmed feat [[again I assume he doesnt have that]] and an attack as suprise round.

If they are somehow not suprised that the drunk guys turns around and whips them with skill then ignore that one as well but please go for initiative cause I will most certainly attack them. I shall still pretend to move with drunken moves and yell as if I am drunk but I am actually fighting now.

Also disguise self is broken for a particular target when he INTERACTS with you (i.e. touches you etc) and not if you yourself move etc. Also I am not exaggerating it, it mentions specifically how you can alter your weapons and armor : from phb [[A battleaxe made to look like a
dagger still functions as a battleaxe.If you use this spell to create a disguise,
you get a +10 bonus on the Disguise check.
A creature that interacts with the glamer
gets a Will save to recognize it as an
illusion. For example, a creature that
touched you and realized that the tactile
sensation did not match the visual one
would be entitled to such a save.]]

So they can roll will save to resist the effects but only the two that are actually affected.

So here are the rolls

AoO on the guy trying to touch me with power attack for 2 [roll0] and in case of crit confirm [roll1] and damage [roll2]

In case this puts him down the other attack on the other guy. If it doesnt the suprise goes on him again.

Suprise attack: power attack for 2 [roll3] and in case of crit confirm [roll4] and damage [roll5]

Initiative: [roll6]

As the men approached fast the drunk took out his belt very quickly causing small cuts on himself.

When the first tried to touch him the laughter and yelling stopped for a moment and he sent the belt to tear the man and followed with a similarly powerful strike.

2011-01-28, 03:21 AM
hey, did you forget about me?

2011-01-28, 03:24 AM
sorry. My dm plate is getting full. Mind if Riz takes over?

about to head off to bed, so won't be able to respond for a bit. won't have much time this weekend as I go to a retreat.

2011-01-28, 03:28 AM
no problem with Riz, you guys are both the people that inspired this so I am good :)

But I guess we will continue this with him right? not another mission?

2011-01-28, 03:43 AM
indeed, he'll take over where I left off, but probably take it his own direction.

2011-01-28, 12:46 PM
I'm out of town until Sunday evening. I might be able to post once or twice a day while gone, but I can't guarantee anything. I'll read through your thread and update as soon as I am able.

2011-01-28, 01:15 PM
cheers thanks. I will wait for any answers to actions above from you ro planswalker.

2011-01-31, 08:50 AM
Hello anyone? I am all alone here!

2011-01-31, 12:49 PM
Ended up without internet after all. I'm back in town now and will be getting caught up immediately. Reading through your thread now.

2011-01-31, 01:15 PM
The attack you make against the thug fails to harm him as your chain scrapes harmlessly across his armor. He succeeds his Will save and recognizes you for what you are, and unfortunately, your attack against them has put them on alert, causing you to not receive a surprise round. You do win initiative and get to attack.

2011-01-31, 01:40 PM

5 foot step back
full attack on the first guy. Power attack for 2.

First attack: [roll0] - in case of crit [roll1]
damage: [roll2] (in case of crit damage x 2)
Second attack [roll3] - in case of crit [roll4]
damage: [roll5] (in case of crit damage x 2)

Free action - Yell loudly for the benefit of the other still in the pier - 6 words.

OOC QUESTION: Do you allow for "pulling the blow" in the case of full attack? So if I see that the attack downs him can I redirect to the next guy or even not do it at all so I dont kill him?

Also can you describe them a bit more now that I am close? Do they seem like trained fighters or just thugs and also what kind of quality and type of weapon and armor do they have? Shields? chain etc?

Ymeo darted back a few feet putting some distance to allow more flexibility and snapped the chain towards the closest of the two men trying to hit him twice.

At the same time his eyes flying towards the pier he yelled

"Heeeeysss Go Away youzz Biastardddds!"

2011-01-31, 02:59 PM
Your chain pierces the thug's armor, leaving bloody holes as you pull it back, but he manages to duck out of the way of your second attack.

Yeah, I assume that your character can change those kinds of decisions after each "movement."

The thug you hit, "Ugh! I'm going to kill you for that!"

The other thugs look confused for a moment as to how your "belt" left bloody holes in their comrade and assume you must be under some kind of illusion, no longer believing your drunk routine.

The second thug that attacked you grabs a shield from his back and unsheathes his longsword as he moves toward you, stopping just outside of your reach.

The other two thugs in the back ratchet bolts back into their crossbows and level them at you.

Their leader yells out to you, "Drop your 'belt' or we'll kill you where you stand!"

Note that the leader still has his actions to do before you get another turn.

2011-01-31, 07:34 PM
Well I dont have another action this turn so I cant really drop the weapon or do anything in any case.

How wounded does the thug seem to be from this first attack? Also if I understand correctly I have 10 feet distance from the 2 thugs near me right? So I cant hit them but if they try to get to me they will be in the threatened area and I get AoO correct?

2011-01-31, 11:46 PM
You can drop a held weapon as a free action, and I'll DM fiat allow you to do so off turn.

You estimate that he looks moderately to severely wounded, though you really aren't sure exactly how wounded.

The one you hit is within 10ft, as he was next to you before you took a 5ft step back. He didn't move after that. The other one is 15ft away, just out of your reach. The others are farther back than that.

2011-02-01, 03:31 AM
The guise had been penetrated by some if not all of the thugs but it was not for their benefit that he had conjured it in the first place. For that reason he maintained it and smiled inwardly

"Oh yea? Oh YEA? -s you and what armies pretty boy? I am a poor sailor down on his luck, no ship to call home, no mast to climb, no whale to catch! But you... you... I know you... you are trying to beat the crap out of poor mister paperbah head and thats probably illegal!" he cried out and flipped the finger at the leader goading him.

2011-02-02, 07:41 PM
The leader just rolls his eyes and shoves the bound and "head bagged" merchant off the pier into the water below.

Your turn in initiative.

2011-02-02, 08:26 PM
not sure if you mean I get initiative or I need to roll it. In any case I am rolling for good measure



Full attack. on the guy I have already wounded. I wll be taking the -4 and going for subdual.

[roll]1d20+7[roll] and damage [roll]2d4+7[roll]
[roll]1d20+2[roll] and damage [roll]2d4+7[roll]

then another 5 foot step back to try and not be an easy target for the crossbowmen since there is little light in the area.

Free: say 6 words.

Ymeo frowned. It would take some time for the merchant to drown but he was unsure if he could dispatch all of them so quickly if they did not actually come to him.

He lashed out at the already wounded target to at least make sure one was down but he used the chain more as a means to make the man lose balance and bash him rather than tear flesh again. It was a difficult maneuver to pull but he had to try as the employer had specified that wounded was better than dead.

In the mean time he called out


2011-02-02, 08:31 PM
I did not put the slash / to close the parenthesis up there and hence the code did not give results

here goes again.

[roll0] and damage [roll1]
[roll2] and damage [roll3]

2011-02-02, 08:46 PM
I meant that initiative rolled around to the next turn, and it was your turn to act.

The injured guard falls unconscious as your chain cracks him across the temple on the first swing.

The two crossbowmen fire at you then rapidly reload.

[roll0] [roll1] miss

[roll2] [roll3]

The guard nearest you charges, provoking an AoO.

[roll4] [roll5]

The leader also charges you, provoking an AoO.

[roll6] [roll7] miss

2011-02-02, 09:03 PM
So since they charged they are at -2 AC right? cool more power attacking for me then!

AoO on guard 1
Power attack for 4
[roll0] in case of crit [roll1]
damage [roll]2d4+15[roll]

AoO on leader
trip attack - melee touch attack
Strength Check

If I succeed he falls prone. Getting up from prone provides an attack of opportunity as well and is a move action.

After the AoO is it my turn again?

2011-02-02, 09:08 PM
friggin slashes again... I keep forgetting the back slash to finish the code! its late I guess and my mind doesnt like it :D

they should put the rolling function as a standard buttong!

anyway rolling damage for the AoO on the simple guard who charged (dont know if 14 hits but remember he has -2 from charging)


2011-02-02, 09:28 PM
Your first attack ricochets off the thug's armor.

Str Check

The leader falls prone.

You still take 15 damage from the other attacks, and it's your turn.

2011-02-03, 05:43 AM

Full attack.
Power attack for 5.

First attack against the thug. Remember he charged so he is still at -2 AC
[roll0] - in case of crit [roll1]
damage [roll2] if crit x 2

Second attack against the leader. He had charged and is prone so he is at -6AC. Could you also tell me how he is armed and armored?

[roll]1d20+1[roll] - in case of crit [roll]1d20+1[roll] rolled in post below.

damage [roll3] if crit x 2

Also if we are face to face with both of them (since they charged me) I will take a 5 foot step back.

Ymeo doged and weaved some of the attacks against him but things were getting trickier. He had to take out those two so he would have a clear road to the two archers.

As the two men charged at him he used the extended chain to pull the legs out of the leader and he fell on the ground but unfortunately the same did not work for the other one.

2011-02-03, 05:48 AM
okay if I forget the slash again I shall just kill myself and avoid the embarashment.

rolling the attack on the leader...

[roll0] and if crit [roll1]

the damage was up.

Also to save time, if he tries to get up from prone (a move equivalent and provokes AoO) remember he still has the -6 AC so I will power attack for 2 and also go for subdual if the previous attack hit to make sure I dont kill him.

[roll2] - in case of crit [roll3] (these are at an additional -4 if it is for subdual)

damage [roll4] in case of crit double it.

2011-02-03, 04:19 PM
The leader wears a chain shirt but is otherwise armed like the others.

You heavily injure the standing thug, but he remains standing.

Attacking the prone leader harms him, but he looks like he's still ready to fight.

You take a 5 foot step back.

The two guards with the crossbows fire again and then reload.

[roll0] [roll1] miss
[roll2] [roll3]

The standing thug tries to run away, provoking an AoO as he leaves your threatened square.

The leader curses himself for underestimating you and rolls across the ground, tumbling to avoid your AoOs, until he is behind you and out of your reach. He then stands to try to block your escape. [roll4]

The bound merchant sinks below the surface and will soon begin to make checks to avoid drowning.

2011-02-03, 04:38 PM
Mechanically speaking how many rounds does he have before drowning? dmg says twice your con score so even if he has like 10 its 20 rounds before he starts actually drowning.

Anyway. I want to save him but they must be dealt with first.

AoO on the guy running - subdual damage.
[roll0] in case of crit [roll1]
damage [roll2] x 2 if crit.

Then for my actual round. Since he tumbled out of reach it means he is more than 10 feet away. So... CHARGE

Standard Action: Charge (+2 to attack)
Free action: 6 words
Swift Action : Activate Rhino RushPower attack for 2 ( I will try to pull the blow if I fear I am going to kill him)

damage [roll4] - this damage is doubled due to rhino rush. - so 32 points of damage

Ymeo frowned as he saw the man tumble expertly away. Perhaps attempting to trip him had not been the best idea. As the second bolt hit him he growled angrily momentarily going out of the role of drunkard. As the wounded guy went to run though he refocused and yelled

"WERDTSA think youzaa going mister?" as he tried to pull him down as well to make him drop on the wooden floor and fall unconsious like his mate

Then turning to face the leader who though he had blocked his way he charged with all his fury as a pure drunkermaster would have done in this case.

2011-02-03, 05:12 PM
Mechanically speaking, you have no way of knowing his Con score and thus no way of determining the number of rounds he can hold his breath.

Additionally, the bag over his head restricted his ability to breathe somewhat, which does (even if not significantly) reduce the number of rounds he can hold his breath, due to not being able to get a good breath of air before going under.The fleeing thug also falls unconscious next to the first.

The leader seems to be barely standing, yet he grins at you savagely as you charge him. Your chain swings through the air at him, and he leans to the side, avoiding it entirely. Spinning to the side, he steps closer to you and swings his sword hard, deeply impacting you and seemingly bypassing your armor.

[roll0] [roll1]

Two bolts fire at you yet again.
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5] miss

2011-02-03, 05:39 PM
no worries about the rounds and drowning you are right. hmm... I am taking alot of damage. Overall I have suffered 44 points but not sure if that last arrow hits me... he is firing in melee and it was dark in the peer according to Planswalker and with all these moving back etc we are some distance from the light at the pier.

Also if the last attack did not hit why is he barely standing? Anyways....

back to actions.

Standard: - Single attack on the leader.
Free action: pull smokestick (its free cause of MW bandoleer)
Move equivalent: throw it on the ground
5 foot step behind the cloud.

[roll0] - in case of crit [roll1]

Ymeo frowned as the weapon passed through his armor and wounded him severely. Things were becoming dangerous but he had sworn an oath.

He swung his chain once more towards the leader and then tried to buy some time against the archers.

2011-02-03, 06:16 PM
not sure if that last arrow hits me... he is firing in melee and it was dark in the peer according to Planswalker and with all these moving back etc we are some distance from the light at the pier.Firing into melee penalties are negated by Precise Shot, which the two archers have.

By my count, including the last charge, you've only moved 20ft back from where you started, well within crossbow range. The various light sources in the city as well as the moon and stars cause pretty much any open area (such as the docks) to be shadowy illumination. This causes a 20% miss chance. You have not been rolling miss chance for your attacks, and neither have I. Shall be both start rolling them based on illumination now?

Also if the last attack did not hit why is he barely standing? Anyways....Because you hit him pretty hard already, and he's taken some damage. Just because the charge missed doesn't mean he's uninjured.

2011-02-03, 07:09 PM
players gramble :) you shouldnt mind me that ;) especially since you have been quite lucky with the shots and especially with the damage rolls!

Anyway, I rolled my dice for it ;). Didnt realise they had precise shot. I guessed they had rapid reload and weapon focus or something but up to that. Its not as if I know their levels!

2011-02-03, 07:59 PM
Your attack crunches through his light armor, chopping into him. He staggers under the blow but manages to catch himself before toppling to the ground in pain. You toss down the smoke stick and disappear into the resultant cloud.

The leader grumbles to himself, but at more than 5ft away from you, he is completely obscured from your view.

"Don't waste your bolts! Shoot over there!"

A second later, you hear two more bolts fire and immediately splash into the water. A feeling of dread creeps into your mind as you hear the leader run down the pier away from you.

2011-02-03, 08:29 PM
do I get an AoO with 50% miss chance for total concealment if I can hear him but not see him?

If yes an AoO with subdual: [roll0] - in case of crit [roll1].

for miss chance [roll2] 11 plus is a hit (unless if you want me to roll d100 instead) . [roll3] for damage.

If you wont allow it I will ignore the leader anyway since they may end up killing the merchant and in any case we have 2 prisoners to interrogate.

Actions: I shall charge towards the men with the crossbows.

Actions: Charge closest guy with crossbow
Swift - activate rhino rush
Power attack for 2
[roll4] - in case of crit [roll5]
damage [roll6] and damage is doubled.

Lashing the chain towards the sound of the running feet almost blindly he tried to make the leader pay for his crimes though not wishing to kill him.

The next moment he run towards the pier crashing through the smoke and lashed at the closest enemy trying to stop them from shooting again at the merchant and hoping the water will have stopped the arrows from impacting on them.

2011-02-03, 10:34 PM
do I get an AoO with 50% miss chance for total concealment if I can hear him but not see him?No, he used the withdraw action.

You can't see them, so you can't charge them.
If you don’t have line of sight to the opponent at the start of your turn, you can’t charge that opponent.

2011-02-04, 03:58 AM
well it only lasts for one round so at the beginning of my next I actually should see them but anyway.

Since I cant charge I will move towards them with a move action. trying to block the pier entrance so that they have to push through me if they want to escape.

I dont think I have enough movement to reach them though as they were towards the end of the actual pier.

So actions.
Free - pull a cure light potion from bandoleer
Move action - move to pier "entrance"
Standard action- drink potion


If the simple move + reach IS good enough to bring me within striking distance I will attack as above (we can use that roll to gain time with -2 for nor chargin)

As the leader smartly withdrew he would be too far for him to stop him. Instead he moved towards the pier in an attempt to block the escape of the other two and at the same time used the potion to regain some health.

"Surrender or die... youzzz bastarts" he called out.

2011-02-04, 12:38 PM
The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.I always took this to mean that it takes a full round to burn out, i.e. if you light it as the last action of your turn, it doesn't burn out until the last action of your next turn.

When you emerge from the smoke and begin to move towards the two crossbowmen, one turns, leaps into the water, and begins to swim away. The other hesitates long enough to fire one last bolt into the merchant before also jumping into the water and swimming just out of your reach.

2011-02-04, 12:52 PM
Ymeo was torn momentarily. His mission was to help the watch apprehend villains. On the other hand the reason his employer had cited was to save the local merchants that were being extorted.

Hence it would take the mission a step further if he were to break parameters.

The hesitation gone from his mind he run towards the spot where the man had been thrown and tried to fish him out using the chain as a hook.

2011-02-04, 07:19 PM
Were the spiked chain even long enough to reach the merchant, it would do more harm than good to hit him with it...

2011-02-04, 07:54 PM
Heh, I am not trying to hit him. I am trying to use the spikes to hook onto his clothes and pull him out!

I am very profficient with the weapon and can even make subdual damage in combat situations normally so doing a "fishing" trick should be doable.

As for length I dont know up to you, but if I sit with my chest on the pier and my hands dangling off and the chain as a "rope" I can do about 15 feet...

In any case,

if that is not enough I shall jump into the water and attempt to pull him to the shore.

2011-02-04, 08:34 PM
The merchant is about 20 feet away from the pier, floating face down in the water.

2011-02-05, 06:41 AM
If its only 20 feet and since the chain wont reach I will use the rope.

I shall make a noose style knote(or however its called) and use it to fish him out.

will roll it below in case you need me to. The dc for the roll should be 15 for the complicated knot that becomes smaller when you pull.


As it seemed despite the quiet calm waters the man had drifted beyond reach Ymeo quickly took out the rope, made a noose and threw it towards the man in an attempt to fish him out from the water.

2011-02-05, 04:08 PM
You manage to loop the rope around one of his arms and pull him to the pier. He does not react to you and is now floating in the water about five feet below you.

2011-02-05, 04:33 PM
I shall pull him up and try to help him get rid of the water in his mouth/lungs.

His hands/legs were not tied so he cant have been under for too long. Plus he was in the water for only a few rounds.

But in any case, I try to revive him, use "cpr" and that kind of stuff.

2011-02-05, 04:56 PM
As you pull him to the surface, you notice that there are several crossbow bolts protruding from his back. It appears as though one punctured a lung, and you are unsure whether or not he is even still alive and merely hovering on the brink of death or has already crossed over.

2011-02-05, 05:06 PM
I will roll a healcheck but honestly speaking with my +1 I doubt I can understand if he is alive and just in minus or actually dead.

[roll0] heal check

Regardless of the check result I shall give him my last potion of cure light in an effort to bring his from the brink.


Regardless if that gets him better or not he will stop bleeding and dieing if he is still alive.

Looking at the body for a moment he quickly drew the small vial and forced it down the mans throad trying to ensure that if there was even a chance he would live.

2011-02-05, 05:50 PM
He coughs and sputters and regains consciousness, but he still appears to be in too critical of a position to be moved without reopening his wounds.

2011-02-05, 06:20 PM
I will tear part of his clothes and use it as a bandage. Then I will go check the two unconsious thugs in case they have any heal potions. I will also pocket their money at the same time and remove their weapons just to be on the safe side and take any other obvious valuables they have. Do I find anything interesting on them?

If the man regains consiousness I will give him some water and if he wants something dry to eat and then I will start calling for help.

2011-02-05, 06:24 PM
to bind his wounds I can roll once more as well now that he is around.


if that is still not good enough I will take 20 while waiting for help/guards to arrive.

Ymeo spent some time by the merchant after having taken care of the two thugs and having relieved them of valuables and any potions they may have had.

"Are you okay mister? Thank the gods I was here. Can you talk? Is there someone you want me to call?"

2011-02-05, 10:35 PM
Other than their armor and weapons, which are not noteworthy as far as you can tell, they were very careful to carry nothing with them that could be identifiable. You do, however, find a few coins on them, 3 gold and 5 silvers. Additionally, you manage to find 1000xp.

He just moans in pain and vaguely nods his head "yes" as he tries to says "healer."

2011-02-06, 03:37 AM
Is there any port tavern or port authority nearby somewhere? Have I heard about any healer in this part of town or even guardhouse?

Also I will use the rope to ensure the two guys dont go anywhere. They are unconsious and not struggling so I will take 20 and tie them against the pier light pole legs and hands mixed together so they cant go away.

Ymeo took the few gold coins and put them in his belt pouch and then took the XP and put them in his levelling pouch. Having done that he brought the men closer to the pier and tied them against the poles there ensuring they wouldnt go anywhere. For good measure he kicked them hard a couple of time ensuring they would be unconsious for longer.

He looked around trying to remember if he had seen any healer or something similar near here. If indeed there was such a place he would take the man there carefully not to reopen his wounds.

If there was no such place he would take him to the closest guard house or the port authority in the docks.

"So whatziz your names? I am Ibrahim. Why did those guys jump you misterr" he said pretending to have sobered up slowly after all that happened.

2011-02-06, 03:23 PM
Around the docks themselves are only warehouses and storage. The nearest inhabited structures are at least a block or more away. The port authority itself is in the island in the center of the river, and the gatehouse on the bridge leading there is closed this time of night. Indeed, you are cut off from the majority of the city short of swimming across the river.

As you kneel to speak to the merchant, he looks just past you in fear. Before you can react, you feel a knife stab you in the back for [roll0] + [roll1].

"Such tasty little morsels..."

2011-02-06, 06:03 PM
Ymeo turned around suprised the pain at his back burning him.

His hands drew the chain from the ground next to him and he went into a full defensive stance as he turned around to face the new foes.

Action (if I get one) full defense.

If I dont get and this was suprise round I shall roll initiative


Depending on what I see I shall act.

2011-02-07, 12:35 AM
It was a surprise round.

You win initiative, and picking up your weapon is a move action which provokes an Attack of Opportunity. Fortunately, its dagger pings off of your armor as he stabs. The creature before you appears to be human, but its hairless, gray body seems completely inhuman. It wears only a dirty loincloth and carries only its vicious looking dagger. It smiles a nasty, smirking smile as it tries to kill you.

2011-02-07, 01:50 AM

Move equivalent pick up weapon (already done I guess)
Five foot step to the side.
Fight defensively and power attack for 1. Also activating the weapon capsule for the extra damage

[roll0] - in case of crit [roll1]
damage [roll2] - in case of crit double + [roll3] electricity damage

Frowning at the alien looking human Ymeo grumbled. What else would happen tonight. Despite all the things he had heard about heavy handed guards it seemed the docks where a whole diffrent place.

He swung his weapon towards the creatures flicking open the small capsule at the end of the chain making sparks run down the length.

2011-02-07, 03:35 PM
You manage to hit him, but he reaches around your sword trying to stab you, suddenly spinning to the other side to stab you from the complete other direction.

Roll a Sense Motive against his Feint attempt. It will determine whether or not he manages to hit you.

2011-02-07, 03:53 PM
If he hits and I am denied dex its a sneak attack and that WILL hurt... perhaps with the extra AC from defensive fighting I will survive anyway...

here is the roll


(+1 sense motive, +6 BAB)

Come on baby roll high!

His eyes go wide as the creature jumps around and he tries to follow it with his eyes!

2011-02-07, 05:12 PM
You successfully avoid his stab as you see through his feint.

2011-02-07, 05:20 PM
next round?

My turn?

2011-02-07, 10:30 PM
At that moment, a pair of strangers walk up to the edge of your vision.

One of them says something you can't understand, and two energy missiles fly out, one at you and one at your opponent.

roll a reflex save. two of my pc's just entered your area and decided to interfere.

2011-02-08, 01:40 AM

Er... do they know the whole scene or the just come in and shoot the missiles at me? I mean seems kind of harsh. I am standing over a wounded man in a protective manner, there is a creature jumping around attacking us and two more men at the pier beginning tied on a pole unconscious.

There is light where we are (and the same where the prisoners are I tied them on the pole with the light actually) so unless the new comers materialised out of nowhere they will have seen more of the scene no?

In any case could you also give me their descriptions etc?

2011-02-08, 10:21 AM
You take 17 fire damage from the missile, and the other one charges you with a greatsword.

Torches give off 20 feet of bright illumination, 40 feet of shadowy illumination. They came from around a corner of a building and were 60 feet away when they heard the ruckus from y'all's latest turns. They decided to attack both of you, because it's not entirely clear that you are the good guy, and you don't know for sure that they are good guys at all for that matter. Also, best I know, trying to rip someone's guts apart with a spiked chain is hardly a "defensive" manner of protecting someone else. Please, if you can't refrain from trying to tell the DM's how the story unfolds, at least don't try to tell the other players how they should react.

btw, you may take an AoO against the greatsword-wielder, provided you survived the 17 damage from the missile.

He hits you for another 14 with the sword, and 3 acid damage.

2011-02-08, 10:31 AM
I wasnt trying to tell anyone how to run the story or what to do with their characters. But the vibe I had gotten from the city was how strict rules are and hence if you saw I was doing subdual out of fear of killing anyone not because I am good guy etc... I am not aware of what the other PCs know or dont know IC or OOC actually. As you said for all I know they came to help the two prisoners or they are simply Chaotic Evil dudes that slaughter everyone they meet when the opportunity arises as would be implied by a shoot first ask questions later attitude.

But from that to wanting to stop a fight by doing a large amount of lethal damage, not even subdual is another thing no?

There is a difference in the end of how things are perceived and indeed how they actually are, you are right. But the fact that there are 2 people tied in a pole, a body behind me and me standing in front of it against the creature should be obvious. Also if they are arriving slowly they would have not heard the many times I call out for help?

In the end its your game, your calls but I would I at least get a say or am allowed to say how I view things.

All this does not matter though as I drop to -9 from the hit with the magic missiles... dont know if the other guy still hits me when he sees me drop.

2011-02-08, 10:52 AM
they heard noise and confusion, but couldn't clearly make out your words. And, from their viewpoint, a guy with a spiked chain and a guy in a loincloth with a dagger are fighting over one corpse (they failed to recognize that he's still alive)

as for the other two, I've been following your thread and I didn't notice where you were doing nonlethal as opposed to lethal damage.

By my count, there are two dying man that you "took care of".... not tied up to a pier.

as it stands, though, I don't see why they would think either of you innocent, and are attacking both, not sure which of you is responsible for this.

2011-02-08, 11:00 AM
You can check most posts I have made... I would ussually do -1- hit normal damage and after that point taking the penalties for subdual damage. You can also confirm with Rizban on that. Also if you read through the thread you will see he mentions they drop unconsious and that I took them and tied them in case they wake up.

As I said. Their actions are theirs to do as they like. But at least allow me to voice my opinion no? Whenever Rizban made a call I went with it regardless of anything else.

In my defence I had not actually realised the docks where so much of a diffrent world... Far from everything, not guarded etc... I thought its just a normal dock/port area at one side of the city...

As you see I am not even doubting the how or why the ended up here just at the same time and at this particular pier(considering the fight was about 10-20 rounds that is about 1-2 minutes ever since the thugs came to the area) since that is your call!

2011-02-08, 11:20 PM
The docks are a dangerous part of the city and almost completely lawless at night. They're actually outside of the city walls and on the other side of the river, as the side of the river with the city has a very steep stone embankment. A stone bridge connects the two via an island with a strong keep built on it.

The two players are far enough away that all they can see is one body laying on the ground and two others leaning against posts of the pier. The slumping of the bodies, from a distance, appeared to indicate death. They know one of you is responsible, but they don't know which one. Unable to make that determination (based on what pw already described as the scene), the two "vigilantes" decided to attack first and ask questions later, figuring the gods can sort it out if they accidentally kill an innocent. As I said, the docks are a dangerous place, and they don't really want to take any chances.

2011-02-09, 03:41 AM
Thank you for making it more clear Rizban. As I said I was not aware of how the dock situation worked and how dangerous it is. My fault for not asking I guess but I did spend the past two days there looking around and gathering info. In any case I did not ask for a complete description so that is 110% on me.

As you saw from my whole "strategy" I was acting under the impression of a guarded area and expecting guards or people to show up at any time. Hence all the "I am a drunk sailor/harbor hand" routine that I was even yelling it so that should the Watch come I could explain my presence here at night and to attract attention. Furthermore that was the whole reason for the subdual/careful attacks and for letting the leader go. I thought that you know a guy full of blood will get stopped and caught anyway by any approaching guards attracted by the yelling. Otherwise I would have simply killed them or for sure not cared as much.

Once again, my fault for the assumptions though and for not asking more direct questions and better description.

Also because I was a bit taken aback by PW comment about trying to run the story or tell you the outcomes I just wanted to say that I thought thats how you make a good story... not just put a tag [roll] / [roll] and everything but actually take part in describing what your character actually does. If I caused offense sorry for that.

The whole combat scene with you (Rizban) was well played out and if I was asking questions or clarifications thats just my nature, as you saw I did not challenge anything after you explained the details of the scene/round.

My only... qualm is about the plausibility of meeting another PC at that exact moment.They didnt come when the merchant was being slapped, they didnt come when I was fighting the 5 guys, they didnt come when I was tending to the wounded person, they didnt come when the loin cloth creature stabbed me from the back, they came right at the moment I was attacking back. Now if PW asked his players "hey guys when do you stroll on the docks" and they said "We go at exactly 9 and start walking from pier 5 to pier 9 spending 5 minutes in each" (the whole scene took place 3 hours after sundown) then sure no worries... it just is too coincidental no?

For the PCs sure I guess depending on alignment/character background it may make absolute sense. Plus they dont know how wounded I was so it even makes sense to soften up potential enemies. No issues there they are more than welcome to my loot and body and hope its put to good use!

Anyway, seeing as I had initiative, regardless of if the other guy hits me I would end up playing first on the next round so they dont have a chance to stabilise me if I dont stabilise myself.

Here is the roll

[roll0] go dice gods go.

Ah and remember... there is a witness next to me body even if I dont stabilise. The merchant who is consious though wounded is still there... he sees what is happening and he can talk to them or whatever.

And all this for 100gp per captured thug!

The missiles find their target and the armored warrior collapsed on the ground next to the wounded merchant and the loin cloth wearing loon. His heart pounding slowly towards a calm final death.

But the heart did not stop but kept beating after all as the warrior spirit inside him clinged for life!

2011-02-09, 09:13 PM
well, I will apologize for putting my opinion so harshly last night. I was in a foul mood and shouldn't have taken it out on you. The other two pc's did indeed choose that exact moment to enter your part of the docks. I had even asked them and they chose. I did not pick the timing.

What I really meant by you trying to dm the game was that you seem to be constantly trying to "correct" your dm with rules that you believe should apply based upon your assumptions. It also seems like you second-guess everything either of us says and we're havingg to justify our actions to you, when we are in fact aware of a larger portion of the game world than you are.

Sorry for being harsh last night. I was wrong to have said things the way I did. If Riz is fine with the dynamic between you two, I'll just try to keep out of it.

sorry about the tough break. Don't worry, though, the other five enemies that were waiting in the shadows to see if the initiate had what it took just stepped out. They're going to have an even harder time in the docks than you did.

2011-02-09, 09:35 PM
Also because I was a bit taken aback by PW comment about trying to run the story or tell you the outcomes I just wanted to say that I thought thats how you make a good story... not just put a tag [roll] / [roll] and everything but actually take part in describing what your character actually does. If I caused offense sorry for that. That's mostly because we've had some players telling the DMs that they are wrong and arguing over very minuscule and irrelevant things, and it's made both of us a little bit touchy about it recently. :smalltongue:
I really wasn't bothered by it and look forward to the next character you create.

My only... qualm is about the plausibility of meeting another PC at that exact moment.They didnt come when the merchant was being slapped, they didnt come when I was fighting the 5 guys, they didnt come when I was tending to the wounded person, they didnt come when the loin cloth creature stabbed me from the back, they came right at the moment I was attacking back. Now if PW asked his players "hey guys when do you stroll on the docks" and they said "We go at exactly 9 and start walking from pier 5 to pier 9 spending 5 minutes in each" (the whole scene took place 3 hours after sundown) then sure no worries... it just is too coincidental no?Actually, the players did specify a time that was very, very close to that time, and they headed to the docks at about the time you were having the fight. It would have been rather difficult to try to tie them earlier in the battle...

2011-02-10, 01:30 AM
no harm no foul. It is a game in the end :D

So, do I stabilise? What happens in the end? I got an 8 for my d100 to stabilise from bleeding out.

2011-02-10, 02:02 AM
I'm afraid you're not out of the woods yet. You stabilize, but are still unconscious.

your next round of stabilization checks is every minute, 10% chance of not taking one damage. (as per the rules on stabilization)

all that of course is dependent on the other pc's not deciding that you should be finished off, and the monsters not use an AoO, or they decide to finish you off, or someone flub the heal check to stabilize you....

It could take a while to know whether or not this character even can survive, unfortunately. There is currently a 5 on 2 battle happening basically on top of your body.

2011-02-10, 03:27 AM
Okay, so I stabilise and am not bleeding but I am indeed unconsious.

I didnt exactly get this damage part, I thought when you stabilise you are good until you get healed or damaged by an outside source (I pray the dont have grenade like weapons)

Is there a thread I can check out to see whats going on from an OOC perspective so that I can follow what happens and what to expect?

Rizban thanks for the vote of confidence. I know I may become annoying with my "whys" but after a DM makes a call (and occasionally just tells me why - like the one with the smokestick for example) I am good :D. I believe this comes from being on pbp as opposed to Tabletop game where you are able to explain things better and nip it on the bud.

2011-02-10, 03:55 AM
that works for the short term, and in a party that's generally all you need. However, the DMG gives rules for what happens if you don't recieve medial attention immediately, you have to start making stabilization checks every minute, representing possible death through slower bleeding or floating clots that may have formed, etc. After that, you must roll every hour or take 1 damage, representing the risk of infection.

I am aware of how rarely this comes up, but if the pc's ignore you for too long, you might have to roll that check.

for now, though, you life hangs in the balance of a thread you can't read, and you're unconscious, so anything I'm telling you is all meta.

if you want, you can go ahead and declare him dead, since at -1 chances are good you're gonna die. However, there is a non-zero chance of survival at this point. especially since everyone involved thinks you're dead.

2011-02-10, 04:42 AM
Ah okay, I have never before been at that situation (so low in the minus) so that rule had never came up :D

Anyway, if its okay with you I will roll stats for a potential new character and see what I get (I despise point buy). If Ymeo does bite it would it be okay if the next character is from the same "faction"? I didnt get to enjoy the whole idea at all and though it would be a diffrent character with diffrent style I would not mind if he had similar roots.

2011-02-10, 05:01 AM
that is acceptable, all except for the die rolling. You may do all the rest of the crunch for the character.

We use rolling for stats as one of two primary means of regulating everyone to one character at a time. We also want to prevent people from getting free virtual rerolls by rolling up a bunch of stats one at a time while their current character is still alive.

btw, we don't care if you use the same character and just plug in the new stats when you roll them.

I think though, since you're stuck in limbo for now, I will allow you to roll, but if you do, those are the stats you must use for your next character submission to this thread, whenever that is.

allowing for PHB rerolls as they come up.

2011-02-10, 05:21 AM
Heh yes off course thats what I meant. I won't roll, see what I get and if I dont like it roll again. Or come back a week later and roll again or something! That would be cheesy!

I meant more like, to get me started since I am waiting and since 6th level character does take a couple of days to think out I could get the rolling done and if Ymeo survives this I keep him and if/when he dies possibly in another scene I come back and use THESE rolls but not roll again off course.

And also I would definetly not use the same background. Thats like Knights of the Dinner table style... "Knuckles the King of Wall climbers the 5th. When he dies you play Knuckles the King of Wall Climbers the 6th" etc etc... Just the organisation of this Kelemvor run cadre of assassins.

2011-02-10, 05:24 AM
You dream strange dreams of blue-white snakes swimming through salsa as you body lies broken on the ground.

sounds fine to me. Adding the bit of story in as a token rp

2011-02-10, 06:54 AM
rolling here so as we agreed I keep whatever I get if I need to make a new character


Also another question! Would you consider a Dark Elf or a Githzerai/Githyanki?

And what is city policy on non-standard races? Would a Gnoll for example be able to roam the city streets?

2011-02-10, 02:33 PM
from the OP of the recruitment thread:

# Any race with no more than a +1 level adjustment is allowed. Anything with a +2 level adjustment or higher is banned, regardless of your reasoning or explanations.
# Characters may not be of a race that has more than 2 racial hit dice.

2011-02-10, 04:09 PM
oh yea sorry I had forgotten about that! Hmm... does the LA and Hit Dice stack? So I can be a 2HD LA+1 creature that will start as 3rd level instead?

Also do you allow for buying LA+1 with xp? I read an article about how you can spend some XP to get it removed after reaching a particular level.

Point is I am thinking of a Tiefling or something simple as that but the LA+1 for the powers it actually gets is too much and I had heard about this reducing LA

For the record I am not asking if I can get a LA+2 reduced and then claim "hey its LA1 now so I can take it". I am talking about straight LA1

2011-02-10, 04:13 PM
you can have 2 rhd and a +1 hd.

you may not buy off the LA. That's actually specifically banned, just not by name. It comes from Unearthed Arcana, and is one of the banned sections of that book.

2011-02-11, 02:43 AM
Your river of salsa suddenly freezes, and your soul joins the great d20 in the sky.

sadly, you are dead. Someone decided to include your corpse in the area effect spell.

on the upside, though, the two of them are just as likely to die as well.

2011-02-11, 07:00 AM
Heh okay! Well them dieing is not a good thing. PC deaths are never fun.

I have the background ready, I got good stats but I still dont know what race to go for...

I want something decent (with max LA+1) but not tooo exotic and weird. Any suggestions on what kind of non-human , non core populations the city has?

I am going for a bit more rogue-like style this time.

2011-02-11, 03:05 PM
well, there are skulks, the race that attacked you just now. Basically any race that qualifies as pc-ok can have at least a few members in the city. What sources do you have? Since you'll need to be able to look up any races I might throw your way. It does me no good to suggest Kenku from MMIII if you don't have it, for example.

2011-02-11, 05:19 PM
To put it diplomatically I have access to all DnD 3.5 Books. My uncle owned a game store till 2007 and he used to get a store copy which is now sitting in my library

2011-02-11, 05:22 PM
I find kenku from MM3 to be quite non-standard, a good +0 las rac3e, and quite fun. Great potential as rogues with a buddy. Yes, it's actually not hard in AvB to team up with another player.

2011-02-12, 03:33 AM
I actually saw the skulks and OH MY GOD! Sure you end up 3rd level with them but... they are SOOO amazing! +15 hide? Hide will running? Non-detection AND trackless?

Essentially if I get it right it means I can spend an action to run away (30 feet) and... dissappear with a hide check? (which assuming I go full ranks at 3rd level will be +5 from dex +6 skills a total +26!!!)

I do have one question though, how do racial HD work? For skill purposes etc? Do they count as levels so my max is as if I were 6th level and not 3rd or am I still limited to that?

The same for the bonus attribute normal characters gain at 4rth level, do I get that when I become a 1st level skulk? (2 hd +1 LA +1 lvl =4) or only when I become a 4rth level rogue will I get the attribute?

In short do the racial HD count as proper levels for all intents and purposes?

And the most important question as the starting skills for a skulk are really low... when I get first level of rogue, ie the actual first class do I gain the rogue ranks as if he were a first level character?

PS. The kenku look nice and do play well with others but they are... bird men. The skulk filthy and disgusting as they may be, they still have some basic humanity in them... :D

2011-02-12, 03:54 AM
If you look in Races of Destiny, all your questions are answered.

also, the level adjustment does not count as a level for any purposes (max ranks, skill points, hp, feats, ability increases, hit dice etc) EXCEPT for xp gains and xp required to level up. You would have 2 levels of humanoid, and a +1 level adjustment. That means you get 3 class levels to choose from.

2011-02-12, 04:49 AM

I think I will give that a try then... the sheer awesomeness of just running away and ... dissappearing without actually using magic and people cant detect you (easily) or follow you (again - easily... a really good tracker cant still find you) is just too good.

I need to change the Background I had in mind though to include the fact that these things hate humanity etc...but I should have it ready later today!

2011-02-12, 05:22 AM
Rolling for HP

The first level is full 8hp and the next ones are one more racial and 3 rogue levels.



Also would you and Rizban allow for the clever fighting feat? He mentions in his post that some non Wizards sources can be considered if not overpowered.

its from Midnight campaign setting the supplement for rogues and rogue like classes.

I am pasting the description below

Clever Fighting [General]
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +2.

Benefit: You are able to place finesse attacks where they deal greater damage. You may apply your Dexterity bonus instead of your Strength bonus to damage rolls when using any light weapon, as well as any weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse, such as a rapier or whip. You cannot use this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. Targets immune to sneak attacks or critical hits are immune to damage from Clever Fighting.

Source: Star and Shadow, p. 51

2011-02-12, 05:23 AM
another thing to note: Skulks in this city already have a very powerful organization that has many pre-set things about them. You either need to be part of it, a newcomer in town that they haven't recruited yet, or a renegade from them.

If you are already a member, You'll need to have a +1 humanbane dagger or better. It's the sign of guild initiation. If you choose to be a renegade, you'll have them angry with you, but can probably find help to protect you from them in exchange for information.

If you choose to be a newcomer, well, you could take either path.

edit: Why not just use the fey-craft template from dmgII?

If you search for "x stat to y bonus", you'll find plenty of things to help you out.

2011-02-12, 05:29 AM
I think newcomer fits better in this case...

Since I will be part of The Guild but unlike Ymeo who took it upon himself to avoid brining emotion in his work Ishmael uses his hatred for more destructive purposes...

So eventually I could see him joining this group but it would make sense that he does not know them from the start


re-rolling for the 1 above for hp


2011-02-12, 05:35 AM
notice the ninja-edit in my post.

2011-02-12, 05:46 AM
The issue with feycraft is that not only it reduces the damage for the weapon but it doesnt work on the damage.

Clever strike was created for Midnight because there is little magic and hence being able to have a high dex (which is important for most characters wearing light or no armor) and use it for something other than to hit and initiative was important...

hence you "sacrifice" two feats (weaponess finess and clever fighting) to have your dex based character actually do some damage without spending points on strength which is a dump stat for most rogue like types (Considering that you need high dex and high int as basic skills and when choosing between con and str, con wins due to d6 hp and contributing to a save)

2011-02-12, 05:57 AM
I think I will approve it, so long as you and I both understand that wielding a weapon two-handed does not let you add 1.5 dex.

2011-02-12, 06:07 AM
Yes off course... it simply allows to use dex as your maxed skill but its based on precision not on power so the x1.5 thing would make no sense...

the "chain of feats" starting with Clever fighting has more down the line but they are kind of ... broken. They are good for Midnight because its a low magic world that even when you do find magic it causes alot of danger to use so damage through feats is the way to increase it.

There is a feat called canny strike (which needs finesse and clever fighting) that gives you +1d4 damage per int bonus point... and then the final of the tree allows that extra damage (the 1d4 per int) to be applied against undead etc (but is for like level 12 or above).

But all that is in a world were a +4 intelligence item is found on level 18-20 characters and magic weapons do not exist as normal but rather as weapons that grow as the character grows (so an exotic magic weapon on 1st level attunes and gives the character the feat to use it, on 3rd level it gives him weapon focus on it and when the character is 5th level it become +1 etc)...

Edit: I am not suggesting you approve those feats by the way, just saying what was the idea behind the chain of these feats there. In a world were magic is not uncommon it makes no sense.

2011-02-12, 06:25 AM
The dex to damage feat is approved, but the others are, well, NOT.

2011-02-12, 06:38 PM
Four and a half more questions before I can finish him.

a) What happens if I try to use a wand with use magic devise and fail? Is the charge spent or since I failed to activate it it doesnt waste a charge?

b) Can I use ready and cast a spell on myself? The reason I am asking is for Spellfire user. I had it in the last character (mostly thought of it as a technique the guild teaches to help assassins be more versatile into healing themselves and also being able to have a chance against wizards) but didnt get to use it.

So I was thinking that now that I have as class skill use magic devise I could buy a wand and charge myself but the problem is that it requires a readied action so can I this round ready vs spell and then shoot myself with a spell?

b2) If I cant do the above, is there a guild or even hireling like wizards in the city? Could I hire someone and ask them to use a wand (I provide) on me? They dont need to spend anything but their time essentially since raw material is mine. If yes how much would such a service cost?

c) How much does a ring of invisibility with 3 or 5 charges a day cost and how much if it is a swift action?

Reason I ask is as in general I may end up soloing due to creature nature being able to dissapear after an attack and reppear again to re-sneak or just to leave may be invaluable. Skulks can indeed run away a bit and... blend due to their ability to hide while running but its still not "hide in plain sight" which means if I hit someone (suprise round) and then in a normal round run away I still dont have a chance to hide... and the other way around. I can move a 5 feet and hide (assuming I have a way to do so if they are looking at me) but then cant move anymore! So a swift turn invisible and walk away would work perfectly but as a normal ring is 20k its out of scope!

d) Do you allow Quick draw to be used with potions/items or only weapons?

2011-02-13, 05:16 AM
Four and a half more questions before I can finish him.

a) What happens if I try to use a wand with use magic devise and fail? Is the charge spent or since I failed to activate it it doesnt waste a charge?Failing to UMD it means it doesn't activate at all. If you roll a 1 and fail, you can't activate that wand at all for 24 hours.

b) Can I use ready and cast a spell on myself? The reason I am asking is for Spellfire user. I had it in the last character (mostly thought of it as a technique the guild teaches to help assassins be more versatile into healing themselves and also being able to have a chance against wizards) but didnt get to use it.No. Readying an action ends your turn. From PHB: "Then, any time before your next action, you may take the readied action in response to that condition." This line clearly indicates that if your next action comes around before your readied action activates, then you just lose the readied action. Your readied action would be wasted the instant before you were capable of casting the spell.

b2) If I cant do the above, is there a guild or even hireling like wizards in the city? Could I hire someone and ask them to use a wand (I provide) on me? They dont need to spend anything but their time essentially since raw material is mine. If yes how much would such a service cost?You can hire a wizard or someone similar to cast the spell from the wand. There are a number of places this is possible in the city, but I'll leave specifics up to your next character to discover. As for price, you're looking at a few gold, depending on just how much you ask of the person.

c) How much does a ring of invisibility with 3 or 5 charges a day cost and how much if it is a swift action?3 charges per day is 14,400gp, as per standard crafting rules. 5 Charges per day is the same as the 20,000gp continuous invisibility ring in the DMG. Adding the Quicken Spell metamagic to it bumps up the continuous price to 56,000gp and the 3/day to 33,600gp.

d) Do you allow Quick draw to be used with potions/items or only weapons?Quick Draw is specifically for weapons. I suppose it really depends on the item though.

2011-02-13, 07:29 AM
character sent to pw.

2011-02-13, 02:39 PM
I didn't do a thorough review of the sheet, but I don't see any glaring errors...

My only question is how did you obtain all 6 feats, as in, what granted you those feats? I am only seeing where you should have 4.

2011-02-13, 02:47 PM
1 starting feat
1 feat from 2 racial hd
1 feat for level 3
1 feat for level 6
2 feats from flaws

Edit: I just realised that I am not actually level 6 because of LA+1... so I need to remove 1 feat! Removing Lucky Start but other than that it should be 5 no?

2011-02-13, 02:53 PM
you do NOT get a bonus feat from the 2 racial hit dice. What they mean by that is that you get your feat for first level.

2011-02-13, 02:59 PM

Okay then sorry about that, then indeed its four feats!

Sorry, changing it now... I guess I will be removing the combat reflexes for now and will be getting when I eventually level!

Edit: Done!

I am with 4 feats now! wow thats harsh... so few feats! I miss the fighter now with the oodles of feats! heh anyway, is there anything else that needs changing?

2011-02-13, 08:51 PM
Okay, with that change, nothing else is really jumping out at me. I'll approve it.

2011-02-14, 01:32 AM
so shall I head over to the tavern and start my career?

2011-02-14, 02:06 AM
well, you may head over to the tavern. What it starts, though, none shall know...

2011-02-14, 02:09 AM
You know, you don't have to start in the tavern...

2011-02-14, 02:16 AM
heh sorry guys, I am pretty excited about this guy...

damn I have 28 hide before rolling... and with no magic item...

Its just... the most sneaky character I have ever played!

as for not starting in the tavern... well I didnt know that since I believe so far everyone started off in that topic!

I know its called city streets but I doubt you can go around peddling your skills on the street if you dont have any contacts... I guess I shall see what the tavern has to offer and if nothing good pops up I shall head over to the streets and gather info for potential employers

2011-02-14, 02:26 AM
well, there are other potential plots not provided by the tavern.

The tavern is the fast track onto the railroad of obscure but lucrative jobs.

The high-profile big risk-big reward jobs are ones that need to be fished out.

and, several crafty pc's went straight into jobs that are more likely to produce higher levels of fame by avoiding the inn, not to mention the ridiculous layers of bureaucracy.

2011-02-14, 02:30 AM
One player ended up allowing himself to be arrested and shipped off to work the mines...

Hint: This was a bad ending.

Edit: Everyone starts in that topic thread, but The Sad Flint tavern is only one building in The Plaza, which is where "The City Streets" takes place.

2011-02-14, 02:50 AM
in fact, each building there has a plot hook.

2011-02-14, 03:05 AM
Or several...

2011-02-14, 03:38 AM
Okay well there is no reason not to get two jobs at once :D...

Now that I am aware of that I shall pursue further,

would a knowledge or gather info be needed to have heard a shadowy rumor about such opportunities?

2011-02-14, 03:45 AM