View Full Version : Up Up and Away! (M&M Solo)

2011-01-23, 09:28 PM
Garlan High school, NYC.

Our story begins with just another mild mannered high school kid. The new kid at the school, yet unrecognized and often the butt of many jokes, Brady Smith was not unlike any one else.

However things would quickly change, perhaps for the better, maybe for the worse. A chill hangs in the air as another day comes and goes, the last few minutes of freedom trickling away during lunch period.

You sit at a table in the enclosed campus, florescent lights illuminating your poorly cooked cafeteria slop. You look at the clock, lunch was about to end, you had maybe twenty minutes. Twenty whole minutes of eventful nothing.

Supercrazy DM
2011-01-23, 09:43 PM
Brady smiles as he looks around the students milling around casually pushing each other and cracking jokes at each other. His red American eagle shirt and nice blue jeans make him stand out in the crowd especially with his black leather jacket. A gift from his grandfather he loved it and wore it almost everywhere he went.

As the period began to end Brady checked his sheet that had all his classes on it. Looking at it he asked the cutest girl near him " Hey my name is Brady and I'm new here. I'm not sure where my next class is could you tell me?"

2011-01-23, 10:00 PM
The girl looks up at you, her friends smiling and giggling immaturely when your question is asked.

To which the beautiful brown haired, deep green eyed girl, wearing the tight orange jeans and low-cut tank top responds, "Yeeah, actually I don't think my boyfriend, spike, would like that."

If that wasn't the most cliche scenario ever, the situation was only made worse when a tall, deep skinned gentleman dressed in the punkiest punk clothing you've seen outside of grimdark comics taps you on the shoulder from behind.

The boy, "Spike" as he was named, was an imposing six feet and seven inches tall, with enough muscle to make a bull feel inferior.

" Hay man, do we have a problem? "

Supercrazy DM
2011-01-23, 10:14 PM
Brady looks at Spike unimpressed thinking Oh dear, I do hope that I'm not going to have to teach this guy some manners. If it comes to that well I guess.

Smiling amiably at the guy he says " Nope, no problem here, just asking your girlfriend where my next class was. I'm Brady by the way man." Brady offers out his hand for a handshake.

OOC: How common are supers in this setting? Also, if Spike tries to death grip my hand like he will probably do Brady will crank on the strength to make him want to cry. Nothing to break it just a second of intense pressure.

Diplomacy check to make Spike chill: [roll0]

2011-01-24, 02:53 PM

The boy named "spike" does not release his grip on your shoulder as you stand to meet his menacing gaze. He doesen't seem easily scared, but then again, he hasen't delt with someone like you yet.

"Hay buddy, I asked you a question." is all he gives you to go on.

Supercrazy DM
2011-01-24, 03:02 PM
Brady groans mentally inside his head and thinks Great a real smart aleck. Well, I hope it doesn't come to violence because I really don't want to have to lay this guy out.

Brady sighs out loud and says " I gave you an answer to the question there isn't a problem here. So how about you let me talk to my girlfriend or are you so insecure you think every guy at school is trying to compete against your supposed manliness."

Brady says this all with his voice dripping in sarcasm and adds as an after though " Oh and get your hands off my shoulder."

2012-02-21, 11:25 PM
Spike, the faux-punk brute is now seething with anger. The girl you were previously talking to backs away a bit, but doesn't seem afraid. She smiles as "spike" brings his fist back, and gives you a powerful strike to the jaw.
Fortunately for you, and unfortunately for Mr. Spike, you were... unique. The punch caused your chin to turn slightly, but you felt nothing more then a gentle tap. This bully was nothing more then a kitten compared to what YOU were.

The rest of the student body seems to have gone silent, anticipating the eventual fight. The coast is clear, no faculty in sight.

Supercrazy DM
2012-02-25, 01:22 PM
Brady feels the gentle brush of the weak attack. His eyes see red for a moment and his impulse is to lash out and attack Spike with his power. I would end up killing him if I unleashed my power. Even if I barely attacked him he would probably die...but still.

Brady looks at Spike and looks him dead in the eye. He get's very close and says Hit me again and you'll regret it.

OOC: So I will PM you my sheet. This isn't the original I believe but it is something very close to it.

Intimidate Spike: [roll0]

2015-06-11, 01:03 AM

"Oh ya!" the beefy brute says to you in the most cliched manner possible. He pushes you slightly to make it clear YOU are the one to be backing off.

"You better watch yourself around my school chump. If I gotta ask twice to get somethin' outta ya you can bet your ass that I wont be asking a third time."

The Faux-punk raises a fist as a threat, flexing his muscles in all the right ways to make it clear he means business. The show of masculinity would be quite impressive, if you weren't fully aware you could bench-press this adolescent jerk a couple thousand times before breaking a sweat.

Supercrazy DM
2015-06-11, 08:57 AM
The crowd watching, especially the cute girlfriend Brady soaks in his environment. As the rest of the student body watches Brady is struck by the light capturing the sweaty palms of Spike. As Spike's eyes dance wildly Brady hears the chorus of students egging him on to fight. To provide entertainment.

Thoughts rush by in a blur The things I could do to Spike. Not the least of which is fixing his awful hair. Not much part in having all the attention on me by the administration today. I don't particularly want all of that, especially not on my first day.

Calmly relaxing by leaning on the cafeteria table Brady speaks his eyes first darting towards Spike and then the crowds " Listen hear Spike let's just think about how well this is going to go for you. You reek of cheap cologne and your punch was so ineffectual that I wonder if you only use your arm to do yourself a favor." Letting the joke sink in and watching the crowd Brady continues saying, "Now yeah, you could hit me again, but whatever would happen when the entire crowd of the school sees you do that. You know the administration will hear of it and then you're going to have to explain why you hit the new guy for no particular reason. Good luck explaining that with all these eyewitnesses."

Continuing on with his speech carefully watching Spike Brady continues saying " Luckily for you I am feeling rather magnanimous today, so how about we drop it now and you walk away.Brady calmly looks at Spike while cleaning his fingernails projecting how minimal of a threat he perceives Spike to be.

My sheet is still in progress, but Brady has an overall defense score of +6 and I will be using the Total Defense action to increase it by +4, for a total of +10. Unless Spike is an amazing combatant Brady is hoping to dodge any attacks made. Should they come.

2015-06-11, 07:13 PM
You are suddenly met with the furious, pale-complexioned glare of a man who has been pushed to a special point of anger. The crowed begins to chant around you and spike, with calls of "Fight! Fight! Fight!" and, "Creme the new kid Spike!" going around, it didn't seem so likely you had the audience on your side.

However none of that would matter soon. Spike crossed the small gap dividing the two of you, raising a fist and no doubt preparing to break every part of you he could get his raw, calloused hands on. He never got the chance though. The cries and hollers of the crowed quickly turned to screams of confusion and terror!

"Holy S*** look out!" and "Run! It's a B-" followed by an ear-splitting bang. After a few seconds your vision clears and you see the cafeteria thrown into chaos. Fifty or so students had been communing her only seconds ago, but now it looked like something out of an old war movie. Blood, viscera, limbs and horror everywhere. Those who werent dying, dead, or injured were running for their lives. You didn't see what caused the explosion, but you had a pretty good guess.

Standing among the dead or dying was a single figure, dressed in browns and black, a leather duster and wide-brimmed cap covering his figure. You could see the mans hideously scarred face. The way he smiled at you with too few teeth to call it a proper grin. What upset you most of all, however, was how his hands dripped and oozed what looked like super-hot magma.

Each drip that hit the floor sparked and popped like a firecracker, no doubt a larger concentration could blow up the entire room!

The man speaks to you in a soft, almost cynical tone. "I'been looking for ya boy. I smel't'cha 'bout a week ago. Ya smel't good. I want what you got. So give it, or I'll make this real messy"

I will be out of town until monday or tuesday. No posts till than, sorry.

Supercrazy DM
2015-06-14, 10:21 PM
Well this is going to end well. I wonder if Spike hits me hard enough if his hand will break.As Brady idly thought this he felt a shockwave and a bang erupt around him. As the gore flew through the air Brady noticed how That looks like what mom's wine looked like. What a messed up thought that is. What the heck is going on here what is-

Brady's train of thought was punched out of his head as a figure dressed in a leather duster with the scarred face. As the magma dripped to the floor the crackling sound evinced an imagine of fireworks on the fourth of July. Students were running around fleeing not paying much attention to the scene unfolding before him. Taking a quick glance Brady transformed into his costume. A deep navy blue with gold coming from the boots, rising to the center of his chest forming a shield was wrapped around Brady. An eyemask made of navy cloth highlighted with gold trim completed the outfit.

I didn't think there were others, like me... I mean I thought that I was alone. Wait he smelled me a week ago? I just got to town then, has he been tracking me this whole time? Want what I have? My powers maybe, but I wouldn't give anything to this overcooked poptart even if I wanted to.

As Brady looked him over he took a moment to gather his thoughts. Ignoring the carnage before him Brady said" I couldn't give it to you even if I wanted to. How did you get in here fly? You certainly do like to make a scene.

Alright so I have included my sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=243606)in here the backstory should be up tomorrow. In terms of actions Brady used Quick Change to go into costume quickly. He is also shifting his Super-Strength to be 4 with his DAP: Flight to be 1, making his Flight ranks a total of 2. No other actions for the moment.

2015-06-16, 11:04 AM
The oddity of a man offers nothing but a crude growl in response. He wastes little time striking at Brady, hands hot with what looks like ozzing burning light. While standing about thirty feet or so away, each air-punch from his molten fists launches a burning, sparking globule at you. Many go awry, but enough of them seem to be on target and, if they successfully land, look like they will leave a nasty burn!

[roll0] Penetrating Attack vs. Brady's Defense of 16 (correct me if I am wrong).
Potential Damage would be 6 due to Power Rank 6.

Toughness Save: DC 21. Impervious is nullified for a Penetrating attack so it's just shy of a 50/50 chance of success.

Supercrazy DM
2015-06-16, 11:22 AM
Brady watches as the globules speed towards him and moves his body quickly to evade, but his side is struck by some of the molten goo. Some of it feels as if it will bite into him, but focusing past the caustic magma he swats it away before it can injure him. I have to end this and quickly. Too many others can get hurt.

Running towards to man in the duster Brady raises his right fist to deliver a mighty haymaker.

Toughness Save for Unarmed Attack is DC 25.

Supercrazy DM
2015-06-16, 11:27 AM
I will be using a Hero Point to re-roll my toughness save.
Since the Base Roll is 8 and is under 10, 10 is added to the base making it 18. Adding the +11 for the save makes it a total of 29. So Brady makes the save, although is now out of HP, and please use the above post for the previous attack on Magma guy.

2015-06-16, 01:06 PM
Toughness Save [roll0] Vs. DC 25

Attack roll, with a barrage of burning globes!Area Attack DC 18 Reflex Saving Throw.

The man calculates you carefully, his caustic bursts just demolished most of the Cafeteria, it was a bit astonishing to see you completely unharmed by the blasts. He is only kept off guard for a moment however, as killer instinct re-asserts itself and with a howl of fury the dangerous man unleashes a constant barrage of sparking, crackling exploding spheres! (Reflex Save DC 18)

Supercrazy DM
2015-06-16, 02:18 PM
As the punch solidly lands Brady is surprised by the sudden deftness of his opponent. I need to end this quickly or he will destroy the school. What am I going to do with him? However. this thought was marred by the sudden explosion right in front of his face.


2015-06-16, 08:43 PM
The explosion leaves Brady reeling, giving his assailant time to close in! As the dust settles and the smoke clears, you see only the carnage around you, the burns and blasts, the corpses and soon to be corpses laying about the short-term arena.

It takes only a second to realize, the man had fled. In your short daze he seems to have escaped seemingly into thin air. Someone with grace like that shouldn't have been capable of just vanishing, yet there seems to be no sign of him in the area.

That last attack left you with 1 Bruise and stunned if I am correct. Regardless our would be assassin has taken that opportunity to flee.

Supercrazy DM
2015-06-17, 10:01 AM
As Brady was thrown of his feet stunned his thoughts raced God no I can't stop him, I failed. However, once the dust settled Brady saw that the man in the duster was gone.

Taking no time Brady hides behind some of the rubble, and changes out of his costume checking to make sure nobody sees him. Then, not enjoying this part Brady smears some blood over different parts of his body and civilian clothing. If I don't look like I was near the blast and am uninjured that will raise questions.

Brady quickly grabs a cell phone and calls 911 saying, "I am at Garlan High School and am a student. Something exploded in the cafeteria and there is blood everywhere. People are dead and dying please please help." Brady lets the fear and desperation for the others safety creep into his voice.