View Full Version : LoZ D20: The Demon's Tome (IC)

2011-01-23, 11:56 PM
A few years have passed since the fall of the evil King Ganondorf and an uneasy peace has taken hold of the land. A group of thieves known as the Shadow Hand have made themselves known for their Robin Hood-esque nature. Having no restrictions on races, the leader Jacob Fallows has made a plan for tonight that will be the last job you'll ever have to pull.

The mansion, which is your target tonight, has been abandoned for some time. Oddly enough, however, no one had ever gone in there since it's occupants had left. Jacob easily picks the lock on the front, allowing you all entrance to the foyer.Some of the furniture in the entrance way is broken. There are two exits, one to the east and west along with stairs leading to the second floor.

2011-01-24, 12:03 AM
"Ooh nice place. Not somewhere I'd live mind you, but it's nice." Derugado steps toward the stairs, but not onto them, "Where to yonder pals?"

Jesse Drake
2011-01-24, 01:24 AM
Silverstone gazes around the empty mansion. "I'd say..." He makes sure he has the two exits covered- "Upstairs."

Are there any more doors inside the mansion? Or is it just a large open room?

2011-01-24, 01:38 PM

The female Gerudo had to duck a bit as she approached the mansion. It wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been... but it was still somewhat annoying.. As she looked at all the ways they had available to go around,, she nods after a bit, looking mainly up at the set of stairs. "Up is usually good. However.... we may as well make sure there's nothing else aside from us here." With that, she began searching the downstairs area, especially the doors and right before the staircase went up but in general she did search all around.

Search Check:

2011-01-24, 10:36 PM
There are indeed more doors upstairs and whatnot but the room you're in right now has only two and the stairs.

As you search the two doors you find no real indication of traps or anything.

The wind howls through the mansion coming from the upper levels of the mansion.

2011-01-25, 12:50 AM

Zewakasa smirked upon hearing the winds. "I did say usually. At any rate.. the doors seem to be clear and if nothing else, one may lead up in the end. What do you all think?" Usually, tolerating men was something she didn't normally do.. but the 22 year old Gerudo seemed to be in a position where it was inevitable. Irregardless, all she was thinking on for now was finishing this mission... nothing more or less. The sooner it was over, the better for her as she'd finally never have to worry about this type of work being her profession ever again. At least that was what Jacob had, in a way, promised them all and she expected him to damn well keep his word.

2011-01-25, 01:16 AM
"then up we go it seems?" Derugado smiles, "Shall we be off?"

Jesse Drake
2011-01-25, 09:46 AM
The young king looked over the group. He had been told the Gerudo were great and honorable warriors- the same went for the Gorons. Yet, both of them seemed content to do this job... but then again, who was Silverstone to judge. He too took up the mantle.

As she spoke, a small smile cracks across his unseen, probably nonexistent face. "As I said- we should go on up. Whatever we are looking for, it's not down here." He stops- allowing Zewakasa to go first. If there were any dangers on the steps, she seemed like she'd be able to sniff them out.

2011-01-25, 12:22 PM

Zewakasa nodded, smirking a bit proudly upon seeing the hints that neither of the men would mind allowing her to go first. True there was the old saying about saving the best for last... but she didn't overly believe in that. Rather, it was the opposite for her. Before she began to go up the stairs, she did give one fair warning to everyone, "Though I didn't find any traps, they might be quite old and just from that, a possibility of them breaking is .... available. Try to step lightly yet swiftly. That being said.... we might want to try going up one at a time, to avoid putting too much weight on the stairs." With that, she began heading up herself. She doubted she'd have too much... if anything it was the Goron she was really worried about but that was why she'd suggested her idea.

2011-01-25, 12:44 PM
As Zewakasa reaches the top of the stairs there is a sudden laughter. To hooded reatures phase into being, lanterns alight as they chuckle and move towards the gerudo

Jesse Drake
2011-01-25, 07:18 PM
Silverstone gasps at seeing the Poes. "Spirits- how interesting." He mutters, poking his stone shooter from under his cloak. "Okay- stand your guard lady and gentlegoron." He takes aim, but does not fire. "And prepare yourselves. These things hardly manifest with good intentions."

2011-01-25, 07:43 PM
Derugado draws out his hammer, and readies himself for combat.
"Time to break some lanterns!"

2011-01-25, 11:19 PM

Zewakasa's arrogant smirk remained as the two readied for combat. Not that they didn't have valid points.... but still, not everything,, she knew, was aggressive. "Hmph... we'll see what type of nature these spirits really have...." She merely replied, continuing to walk up the stairs, slowly moving her right hand upon her scimitar... just in case the guys were right on thinking they'd dare try anything..

2011-01-26, 09:22 AM
They begin to slowly come down the stairs towards Zewakasa, floating to and fro as the first to reach her takes a swing with it's lantern. As it swings it's lantern, it ends up more like a toss, throwing it past Zewakasa.

I suppose it was one of the better times to forget to roll damage ^^;

Jesse Drake
2011-01-26, 09:52 AM
Silverstone closes his eyes for a moment. Then, he whips out his right hand, and tries to pull the missed lantern to himself. "Hold on gentle ghost." He speaks. "We mean you no harm- we are just passing through. Please, do not attack us."


Argh- this better not start up here.

2011-01-26, 12:16 PM
The Ghosts seem to gain in anger as the lanterns burn brightly.

init (rolls)

Jesse Drake
2011-01-26, 12:23 PM
Growling that the ghosts didn't seem to understand how to hold a proper conversation, Silverstone mentally prepares for the fight he already physically prepared for.


Damnit! These forum rollers hate me...

2011-01-26, 12:37 PM
"They started it!"


2011-01-26, 04:32 PM

Zewakasa shook her head, scoffing annoyingly. "Damn persistent spirits... fine then. If they want a fight...." She pulled her scimitar out, holding it firmly in her right hand, "Then that is what they shall get...."

Init: [roll0]
@Jesse: Yeah.... sometimes I have those days on GitP too. :smalltongue:

2011-01-26, 06:34 PM
(Init order then....

Both Poe

In the case of turn order, if it takes longer than 1 day to post in the order, [and by one day I mean by the time I fall asleep then wake up] it will default to the next person's turn. You don't need to wait for the enemies to make their moves, just know any damage applied to them from your actions won't be applied until your turn.)

2011-01-26, 07:42 PM

Zewakasa pulled her scimitar out. "Well... they did, indeed, ask for it I suppose..." She mused, silently agreeing with the Goron's words about the Poes having begun this nonsense. With a light shrug,, she swung at the spirit with her scimitar.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Hehe... first attack and it's a crit. Awesome :smallsmile:

2011-01-27, 12:25 AM
"Could ya lead em down here lass? I'd rather not have the stairs collapsing on us!"

2011-01-27, 02:12 AM
The poes move forward. The first moves towards Zewakasa as it swings it's lantern towards her, the second moves down the stairs towards the goron as it's light brightens, it swings it's lantern as it becomes a flaming bludgeon.


[roll3] +2 fire damage

Jesse Drake
2011-01-27, 08:22 AM
Silverstone still doesn't want to fight them- but he has a duty to do. So, he takes out his stone shooter, and fires directly at the Poe who is attacking Zewakasa's lantern- the Goron are a mighty people, and the power of flames is not as strong against them.

[roll0], though I do believe I take a -4 if this counts as a called shot. (I think called shots were at -4 at least, I don't remember at all), for [roll1]

2011-01-27, 08:54 AM

Zewakasa smiles as she notices an arrow out of the corner of her eye and sees Silverstone's mark hit true. "Hmph... not bad. And no, I won't lead them although they seem to have taken it upon themselves to answer for me. Still.. I wouldn't have anyways. It wouldn't have been a wise maneuver." With that, she turned back to the Poe before her and swung at it.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2011-01-27, 10:50 AM
"You did not just try to use fire on me...
Someone wants to become a Poe rug!"

The goron swings his hammer, with grace, yet brutal strength. Aiming to turn the Poe into a fashionable rug.

[roll1] +1 From Fire Power Attack (Total is +5)
Crit Damage
[roll3] +5 if fire power attack stacks.

2011-01-27, 03:00 PM
As Zewakasa slashes at the Poe, it vanishes, it's lantern falling to the ground and breaking.. The Poe attacking the Goron is amazed at the fiery response it was given and begins to back away a bit, looking for an opening..

Jesse Drake
2011-01-27, 04:55 PM
Silverstone fires another small stone, this one at the Poe Derugadu was facing.

[roll0] for [roll1]

2011-01-28, 09:38 AM
The stone flies wide as the Poe dodges. (top of the order again)

2011-01-28, 12:09 PM

Zewakasa bit her lip as she noted the boys still had yet to deal with their own foe. "Tch.... annoying...." She murmured, looking mainly at the Poe. After a bit, she nodded, jumping off the stairs, aiming to land as gracefully as possible in front of the remaining foe and strike it down.

Jump Check: [roll0]
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Crit Roll: [roll2]
Damage Roll: [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4]

2011-01-28, 05:34 PM
In a spectacular leap,done for flair more than anything,, Zewakasa brings her blade crashing down through the Poe, causing it's lantern to fall and it to be dismissed. The house once again falls to silence. The sound of jingling can be heard as a red diamond-like stone falls from where the Poe stood.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-29, 12:21 AM
"Show off." Silverstone remarks, in a jovial tone. "Well big boy, looks like we need to brush up on our combat skills eh?" He looks up ahead. "So, I take it the place is clear now." He begins to head up the stairs carefully.

2011-01-29, 12:52 AM

Zewakasa merely sheathed away her scimitar, remaining quiet to the, what she interpreted it as, insult she heard from the small man. At least she knew how to get the job done and his words admitted that much. She looked up in thought as she, too, headed behind Silverstone and went back up the stairs, finally speaking after a bit, "At least for now, I think so yes. I doubt that's everything in the whole mansion.... that'd be way too easy and not at all fun." Thinking upon her own words, she smirked at them then, in the end, decided to keep her scimitar at the ready as she pulled it back out, holding it firmly in her right hand and keeping it at the ready.

2011-01-29, 02:12 AM
"They never do want to give up do they?"

2011-01-29, 08:27 AM
With the poes defeated the mansion falls silent again. you hear a creaking come from the door on the ground floor as the wind nudges it open. The wind itself seems almost as if it is searching as well.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-29, 08:54 AM
Silverstone gets to the top, and looks for a door. Any door- and the first one he sees, he'll declare "There's our spot. Let's have a look eh?"

2011-01-29, 02:05 PM

Zewakasa put a hand in front of the Subrosian. "Hold... a bit hasty aren't we? I said only the doors downstairs were safe... never said anything about these." With that, she put herself in the front and began searching the door he had been going for.

Search Check:

2011-01-29, 03:16 PM
Your earch turns up a small spring trap that would have shut the door behind you, not the most dangerous but still it would be startling.

2011-01-29, 03:22 PM

Zewakasa smirked as she pointed to the door. "See? I don't know about you but I prefer to know we have a way out of here, thanks." With that, she turned back to the door and began working on trying to get rid of the trap.

Disable Device Check:

2011-01-29, 03:28 PM
Derugado laughs "Who needs the door to be open to get out of it?"

Jesse Drake
2011-01-29, 04:30 PM
"Ha- we'd have been fine." Silverstone watches as the gerudo worked on the door. "I'm sure between your skills, and this guy's pure muscle, we'd have been able to get out." Though, in truth, it would have been quite a surprise to have the door slam behind them... he wondered what could be behind the door that was so important to keep them in?

2011-01-30, 10:35 AM
You enter the room into a large Library, rows of books along the walls and tall multi-pronged candle stands. The room appears to have a minimal amount of dust considering how old the place is.

2011-01-30, 11:25 AM

Zewakasa frowned a bit upon entering the library. "If this place is supposed to be old but isn't dusty.... I get the feeling someone's been here recently. There aren't many other ways a place like this could be maintained well enough unless someone kept coming here." After glancing around a bit, she began searching along the walls and shelves for any secret compartments.

Search Check:

Jesse Drake
2011-01-30, 11:47 AM
Silverstone heads in the room, and helps Zewakasa search for any treasures. He has a particular way of doing it though- he holds his gloved hand out, and begins searching for any rupees and other metallic treasures.

[roll0] Search, plus any effects from the glove.

*Facepalms*- it's not a 1...

2011-01-30, 01:03 PM
While you both search around, Silverstone manages to hit a hidden switch that causes the book case in front of Zewakasa to suddenly slide to the right, revealing a stair case going down. Other than that, it would seem that the candle stands themselves are made of a very well-refined silver, which may fetch a few rupees on the market or create a nice meal.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-30, 02:01 PM
Silverstone's whole body is thrown towards the switch- he hadn't meant to pull it yet- but everything seemed alright. So, he confidently stands upright, putting his glove in his pocket, and says "There you have it." He decrees, as if he knew that would happen.

2011-01-30, 03:14 PM

Zewakasa moved a bit away at first... then saw it to only be a path revealed. However, she had noted it hadn't been herself that had done it. As Silverstone spoke, hinting she had been right on guessing he had found, Zewakasa found it now her turn to smirk. "Now who's the one showing off, hm?" She merely asked rhetorically before walking through the newly shown passage, her scimitar remaining in her right hand.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-30, 08:20 PM
Silverstone bites the candlestand a bit, and says "Not bad- cheap, but finely crafted." He crunches the rest down easily, it vanishing into his hood before everyone's eyes. Then, he follows Zewakasa down the hall. "You coming?" He'll ask the Goron, realizing he might have wanted a bite.

2011-01-30, 09:00 PM
(The Goron is going to be and have been on auto-follow for the time being)

As you guys arrive at the bottom of the stairs, you enter into a small stone room. This must be where the big haul that Jacob told you about is. Rupees lie on the floors of the room. Weapons and treasures are abound. Sitting on a lone pedestal near the back of the room is a large, darkened tome.

2011-01-30, 09:04 PM
Sorry about that!
"I don't trust this room at all...."

2011-01-30, 09:15 PM

Zewakasa sighed at the Goron's words. "Oh hush... this is the last damn thing we gotta do. Once it's over, we're done. Focus on that if nothing else." She made her way cautiously to the tome, looking down at the cover before her own eyes widened. "H...huh? No way.... what... what is this doing here?" She put her scimitar in her left hand, balancing the tome in her right as she opened it and began silently reading it. What a book written by her own race was doing here was beyond her.... but she intended to find out here and now. Something told her, however, that someone had stolen from one of her own kind. If that was the case... whoever did it would seriously get beheaded.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-30, 09:32 PM
Silverstone pulls out his glove, and pulls all the rupees to himself. "We shall divvy it up into fair shares-" He announces. Then, seeing the gerudo eying some other treasure, he'll ask "What's that you got there?"

2011-01-31, 04:59 PM
The tome seemed to tell a tale of a great king who would be reborn time and time again to destroy the world and remake it as his own. The words are mainly words of magical writing as chants and rituals litter the pages.

2011-01-31, 06:30 PM

Zewakasa kept quiet, continuing to read before finally closing the book and putting it carefully away in her belt pouch. "The answer to what I'm doing once we're done... going back to the desert to return what's ours. That book definitely shouldn't have been here. " In fact, why it was here at all was still trying to race through her mind. She sighed a bit shaking her head in annoyance, "It would have been easier to complete this if Jacob had said exactly what he wanted and not just "a big score".....unless....." She looked down at her belt pouch... then back up.... and shook her head no. If the answer was the book.... too bad. She wouldn't allow it, not while she could still breath.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-31, 10:06 PM
"After this huh?" He hadn't quite thought of what he'd be doing after this. Perhaps he'd try to find his way home again...

Then he hears her quandary, and says "Yeah- well, maybe it's just these rupees... this should keep us living like kings for a while." He began thinking of fine silvers, delicious golds, and other fine metals. "That book must just be a perk."

2011-01-31, 11:07 PM

Zewakasa thought a bit on Silverstone's words before speaking again, "It better be... because I'm not giving that to Jacob. I'll take one last look and if I can't find anything else here he may want... we may as well leave. His fault, in my eyes, for failing to inform us what exactly to look for anyways." With that, she put her scimitar back into her right hand as she began to search around the room, seeing if there was anything they had missed by chance.

Search Check:

2011-01-31, 11:29 PM
You find nothing else.

It seems it is time to leave. From the entrance, the space between the stairs begins to warp and twist as a Hylian dressed in a bright pink robe and holding a twisted staff appears. "Looky looky what we have here. Three little mice running around." She studies each of you before finally stopping at Zewakasa. "I think you have something I need. Now be a good girl and hand it over."

2011-02-01, 12:02 AM

Zewakasa at first blinked, wondering if she was merely beginning to hallucinate from exhaustion. As she saw the woman appear, however, she knew the answer to be nope... it was all real and not some weird dream. She frowned and took a step back at her words. "Nu-uh... no damn way. This belongs to my people and I'm not letting some stranger just take it." Granted, the fact this woman had appeared by, what it seemed, managing to manipulate time and space definitely worried her.... but her words were no bluff either and she intended to hold them true lest she could defeat her and the others in combat.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-01, 06:40 AM
Silverstone glares at the woman appearing ahead. "What the hell..." He mutters. Finally, he draws out his blade. "Alright- if you want trouble, I'm ready to help you find some." He takes a stance that looks like he's about to tip over- though he's quite a bit stronger than that.

2011-02-01, 08:10 AM
She smiles, pushing her hair out of the way with one hand. "Silly silly children. Don't know when to put their toys away and just go to their rooms. Very well then. I, Preen the Magnificent, will just have to give you your spankings."

(Init time)


Jesse Drake
2011-02-01, 08:36 AM
[roll0] Initiative

2011-02-01, 08:47 AM

Zewakasa merely smirked. "I'm not speaking for the others.... but I will say this. I'm way too old for that crap. I'm going to shove those words down your damn throat then leave with my book still in my possession." Her grip on her scimitar tightened as she prepared for battle, glad to see she wasn't in this alone... mainly due to how she'd entered this place.


2011-02-01, 09:38 AM
(Thus Init is as follows....


2011-02-01, 11:13 AM

"Alright you... let's see just what you're really made of anyways." She could definitely feel both her adrenaline and arrogance rushing.... though she wouldn't admit either aloud to either of the men. Zewakasa charged forward, taking a swing at the woman.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2011-02-01, 11:23 AM
"I can flatten her right?"


Jesse Drake
2011-02-01, 11:27 AM
Silverstone runs with a steady pace towards the woman. Then, with a mighty heave, he swings his greatsword at her, and then takes readies himself for the next attack.

"It'd be a pleasure to fight alongside you." Silverstone adds as the Goron steps in. Derugado may notice that Silverstone's sword seems to be a slightly undersized Goron Greatsword.

[roll0] for [roll1]

2011-02-01, 11:49 AM
As both of your blades strike and cut, the wizzrobe laughs. She seems to enjoy the pain as she holds her staff in front of her and begins chanting.

2011-02-01, 12:56 PM
"Oooh snobby little one are we?" Derugado laughs slightly, "I like her, she thinks she can actually win.. That's a distinct confidence that's hard to come by now a days!"

2011-02-01, 05:26 PM

Zewakasa sighed, looking at the Goron out of the corner of her eyes. "Fool! Don't judge her just because she may not look like anything! The so-called 'entrance' she made into here... have you not considered that, if anything,, she's holding back her powers?! That's why... however...." She shifted her eyes from the Goron to the woman, "...we need to take advantage of every hit we can get off of her!" She hissed, swining again, trying to ignore the fact they seemed to be fighting a major masochist.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Jesse Drake
2011-02-01, 06:24 PM
Silverstone flings himself at his enemy, fighting at full force. If Zewakasa was right, and this woman was holding back, it would do no good for them to hold back.

[roll0] for [roll1]

2011-02-01, 08:38 PM
As Preen clutches her staff tightly, she slams it into the ground. "Shadows forth do my bidding! I summon you my servant! Bring me that book!" From the ground in front of her raises a large suit of armor. It holds a sword in one hand and a tower shield in the other. It seems to look impervious from the front as it begins to move forward towards Zewakasa.

In the face of this huge hulking mass of steel, the Goron seems to have frozen in sheer awe or terror... we know not which (24 hour rule. I skip your turn.)

2011-02-02, 08:42 PM

Zewakasa looked up at the Knight before her, frowning at the sight. "Cowardly witch..." She murmured keeping her eyes on her target. She nodded after a bit and tried to sidestep to the right side of it, swinging as she moved her feet.

(5 foot step for sidestep so no attack of opportunity)

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Oh this is already going to be fun x.x

2011-02-02, 09:01 PM
"I still like how overly confident she is! I mean, most people don't want to mess with a Goron!"

With that the Goron steps backwards putting distance between him and the knight.

Taking a 5ft step if the knights in attack range otherwise going to go to the far side of the room and gain as much distance between us as possible.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-02, 09:29 PM
Silverstone aims his glove at the shield- "You won't be needing that!"

I suppose I should make a strength check to keep my ground on this then? Otherwise, I'd just end up facing the enemy. [roll0]

2011-02-02, 09:39 PM
Strength Check

The Darknut fights to keep hold of it's shield but to no avail as it flies from it's arm and towards Silverstone. (hooray you now have a Tower shield hurtling through the air at you, you can roll to dodge *ref save* or shut the glove off before it comes at you to fast

Jesse Drake
2011-02-02, 09:43 PM
Silverstone raises his ungloved hand to cheer- only to see the shield hurdling at him. He tries to duck out the way.


2011-02-02, 09:49 PM
The shield flies over his head slamming into the wall behind him.

The Darknut seems angered as it moves forward towards the small Subrosion. (move 10 ft Attk of op for Zewakasa)

2011-02-02, 10:02 PM

Zewakasa smirked as the Knight turned away from her, making her chuckle a bit. "That may have just caused your downfall, you know?" She merely taunted, taking a swing at it's back side while she had an opportunity to do so.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2011-02-02, 10:55 PM
My turn?

If I'm far enough away
The goron begins to run at the knight then rolls into a ball.

If not.
Keep moving backwards to get far enough away!

2011-02-02, 11:01 PM
The Knigh looks over after taking the strike to the back watching the rolling Goron coming at him (roll to hit like any other attack)

2011-02-02, 11:05 PM
Roll to hit
[roll0] (+4 if I would use x1.5 str since it's my whole body)
I'll roll damage if it hits.

2011-02-03, 07:12 AM
Your roll goes wild passing by the Darknut and his cape and coming out heading for Zewakasa.

(Reflex for Zewakasa)

2011-02-03, 07:20 AM

Zewakasa's eyes widened as she saw the Goron's first move be a rather careless one. Thankfully, however, Gerudos were made to be nimble and she proved that by managing to roll out of the way. "You... reckless idiot! Watch it! The damn witch has enough advantages as it is! No need to give her more by freaking incapacitating me!" She sighed angrily before swinging again at the back of the Knight, figuring while she was still able to move, she'd take all advantages of each hit she could get off of this thing and, hopefully, make it go away ... preferably sooner than later.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Jesse Drake
2011-02-03, 07:24 AM
Silverstone sighs as Zewakasa's hit goes worse than the Goron's. It's a shame, really. But, he doesn't care to show anyone up- he's just trying to rid the group of the knight.

[roll0] for [roll1] Oy... so, we've deshielded him, and now we need to hit him.

2011-02-03, 11:20 AM
The Darknut raises it's sword before it twitches, as if getting hit in the back. The armor falls to the ground, vanishing in a puff of smoke, leaving a dagger behind. Preen turns around quickly, raising her staff just in time to block the attack from Jacob, who has shown up. He pushes Preen out of the way of the stairs and looks to you all, "I'll hold her off! Take what you can and get out of here!"

The female Wizzrobe looks particularly angry as she bites her nail. "Mmmmm!!! You dreadful little urchin! How dare you do that to my poor little Darknut! You'll pay for that!"

Jesse Drake
2011-02-03, 01:28 PM
Silverstone heads to the shield, and begins gnawing on it. "Pah- inferior metal." Then, he glances at Jacob. "What's that all about?" He thinks. Assuming the others are on their way out, Silverstone will follow.

2011-02-03, 02:27 PM

Zewakasa had been trying to think of some way to get rid of the damn knight... until it disappeared before all of their eyes. A sigh of relief left her as she saw Jacob had managed to show up. She bowed her head, truly grateful for him giving them all the chance to get out and, while they still had it, took it to leave as she began running after Silverstone. "I'm assuming you're talking about either the book, encounter between Jacob and that woman, or both. If the two have any history, then I don't know what it's about. As far as the book..... it speaks of an evil king who has apparently continued to reign over and over again. I, myself, have never heard of nor seen him... but it's possible the last time this happened was before I was even born. What's bothering me the most, however, was why that book was in that mansion. It should be in the desert with my clan.... but it isn't. I want to know why and, more importantly, what Jacob wanted with it. I'm grateful he helped us get out of there.... but he's got some serious explaining to do when he gets back."

She made sure to continue running while explaining, her mind and heart both racing all the while. What did Jacob want with this book and how could he even think of asking her to hand something from her clan like that? The mere idea infuriated her... but for now, she tried to avoid making assumptions and, for the time being,, would merely wait until they got an answer from Jacob.

2011-02-03, 07:19 PM
"So... I think we just got on to the top of every evil beasties KILL NOW list..." Derugado then laughs, a loud billowing laugh, "I like you both, it's very dangerous, very fun! You make life exciting!"

2011-02-04, 07:15 PM
You return to the base an find no one there... three days pass before you receive a letter, it is from Jacob. He is wounded but is alright for the moment. He insists you visit a elder Deku living in the interior of the Lost Woods (a map is included) this Deku Sage is named Bixby and he will now what to do about the book. in the meantime Jacob will try to track Preen down as she escaped from him and to learn of her true motives.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-04, 07:19 PM
"Well?" Silverstone asks the Gerudo carefully. "Will you do it? Take this book to this person? I don't know about you, but it sounds fishy..." Why did Jacob want them to find the book in the first place? He must have known Zewakasa wouldn't hand it over easily- and with how he dealt with Preen, he could have dispatched the ghosts and found the book himself, maybe even avoiding Preen altogether.

2011-02-04, 11:39 PM

Zewakasa scoffed lightly. "Tch... yeah right. His explanation is pitiful and will not suffice. It also doesn't explain why he dared to make us all go retrieve it and he doesn't seem to have thought out my reactions to this. Next time he tries to ask again, he'll either hold his tongue.... or get it cut off." She merely replied, gently patting her scimitar with her right hand. "The only journey I am making is the one I mentioned earlier.... back to the desert to return this. I waited, got an explanation no matter how pitiful, and now I'm definitely sure I've made up my mind on what I wish to do. For tonight, I'll rest here but the second the sun rises, I'm off. We all may as well start our lives anew... after all, Jacob did say that was our last mission and while it didn't go how any of us had expected, we did still succeed. Thus, I'm not taking anymore orders from him... especially not in this letter. Simple as that."

2011-02-04, 11:46 PM
"Lass you're not going anywhere alone. If you're going to the desert I'm coming too."

Jesse Drake
2011-02-05, 12:03 AM
"I admit, I've never met a Gerudo, present company excluded. My people say they are great allies, so I might as well go too. Besides, I love deserts"

2011-02-05, 12:09 AM

Zewakasa glared at the Goron. "Yes I am. I am no child and if I could leave the desert on my own, I can just as easily get back to it. Besides... you and Silverstone wouldn't be welcomed. We are not fond of men, especially non-Gerudos. You're more likely to be captured and killed. I would normally say raped but you're not Hylians and that is generally how we... procreate. But since neither of you are one, if my clan doesn't kill you the desert will as I doubt neither of you are going to be used to such extreme temperatures. Besides... it's a way for me to repent for not having been able to keep it from being stolen... a personal mission if you would. Now, unless you can either give me a good reason why I shouldn't go alone or, better yet, prove yourself to me.... I won't listen to you either. The only people I listen to are my clan." Brutal, to the point, and stubborn.... it was but the general ways most Gerudo women were. Of course, a good portion of her didn't overly expect him to know this before hand.... but if he hadn't prior to now, well, now he would know.

She sighed as she heard even Silverstone wanted to go too ... and sighed. "Tch... if you both want to go.... then that's a completely different story it would seem. Fine... but if anything happens to you two despite how hard I will try to shift things around, do not say I didn't warn you about the dangers of our.... traditions. That being said, we'll all need rest then.... you two especially." With that, she waited first for either of them to ask any questions they may have... if neither had any, she would head up to her room to get rest.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-05, 12:18 AM
Silverstone laughs. "I've endured harsher climates than you can imagine dearie. I drink lava for breakfast. And as for your people- I'm sure they'll love us."

2011-02-05, 12:23 AM
"Lass I never said you were a child but someones out to get that book. I'm not letting anyone get at it, but you and your clan. Especially after what you said was in it." Derugado raises a hand to his chest, a show of honor, "Despite your clans rituals, we are closer then is believed, for we both live in the heat that land and sky provides. I am one of the fires of the mountain, born from stone, raised in stone, to die in stone. We honor our friends, and don't let them fall, not without a fight. Your clan is the same, a close group of comrades, a family. You'd never leave a clan mate, and I'll never leave a friend. Derugado stretches his hand to the gerudo, his fist closed, a symbol of faith, "Like it or not, you've got the powers of earth and fire going with you."

2011-02-05, 12:45 AM

Zewakasa sighed again, not even trying to hide how much she disliked this. But it was obvious they were both about as stubborn as she was. Her eyes closed for a bit before reopening. "Then if what you both say is true, the journey should be a breeze for you both as well. For now, I will head off. Prepare to head off as soon as the sun peeks in to gaze upon this land, though, for once it does... we're off. Simple as that. Deserts get cold during the night so best to leave right at dawn."

With that, she headed right to her room, keeping her belt pouch tightly around her waist, her hands clasping around and even covering the book. Unfortunately, the Goron did point one thing out... someone was, indeed, after this book. But why? It only contained information on the previous evil King.... to her knowledge, nothing more, thus eliminating the possibility of reviving him. Unless, of course, she had somehow missed that detail. After deciding to sleep on the matter, she yawned softly then closed her eyes, feeling herself drift off soon enough.

2011-02-05, 03:13 PM
The morning greets you.... with alot of rain. The skies are grey and black in some places as the strom outside pounds against the walls and ceiling of the base.

2011-02-05, 03:36 PM
"Oh goody! Who wants to go dance in the rain!? I'm kidding, let's get going we have a desert to cross!"

Jesse Drake
2011-02-05, 03:39 PM
"This doesn't bother you does it?" Asks Silverstone. "I don't suppose it matters. I doubt our traveling companion will wait for us!" He decides to buy some iron and silver for the road- in the form of coins, cubes, or nuggets, doesn't matter.

2011-02-05, 03:42 PM
"A little rain? No. Not my element but it's not a huge bother either." Derugado straps on his equipment, "Oh, she won't. We should go see if she's ready." With that Derugado walks to Zewakasas room, "Lass! You awake yet?"

2011-02-05, 07:38 PM

Zewakasa had been up for a good hour or so. She sighed annoyingly as the Goron spoke. "The name is Zewakasa. Please get it right and yes, I have been ready." After triple checking to ensure she had everything,, she stepped out of her room. The book had gone back into her belt pouch. Without saying another word, she headed down the stairs. "Make sure you all have everything you'll need because I doubt we'll be back here anytime soon."

Jesse Drake
2011-02-06, 09:03 AM
Silverstone nods to Zewakasa's command, and hurries off to buy his metal. He's mostly looking for iron, but does want to find a bit of good silver. Maybe a small rod or a disk or something.

How much did we get from the mansion? We each got 1/3, so Silverstone will spend most (or all) of his to get his food.

2011-02-06, 02:00 PM
"I have what can be bought here. I would love to see the wares of your people though."

2011-02-06, 02:37 PM
You each got 150 rupees and a level up. My bad for failing to mention this ^^;

As far as finding what you want, it'll cost you 80 rupees.

You all begin heading towards the Kakaro Desert, home of the Gerudo. On your way, you pass through a huge camp of what appear to be traders. It's hard not to notice but most of them are men. As you all exit, one of them runs up to you. He looks mainly at the Goron and the Subrosaian. "You guys aren't thinking of going into the Gerudo fortress are you?! Men aren't usually welcome there." He looks up, finally seeing Zewakasa. "Oh... you.... you have an escort. Ah... I'm sorry. Carry on." He quickly returns to his tent.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-06, 03:26 PM
Silverstone turns and smiles. "What interesting people- they all stand here in fear of your women?" He says to Zewakasa, wondering how rough they really could be. But he relied on his skills as a warrior to earn him their respect.

2011-02-06, 04:53 PM

Zewakasa shook her head as the man spoke without realizing she'd been there... until it was too late. Idiot... Nonetheless, she allowed the man to go on since he made it clear he wouldn't be a complete idiot and try to fight her. A smirk appeared upon hearing Silverstone's words as she spoke, "One could say we're the Guardians, maybe even Owners to extents, of the Desert. We survive these climates the best... and most non-Gerudos know this. Because of our survival skills, we excel with ambushes, in or out of the desert. Even without ambushes, we're good in normal melee combat though I hope I proved that somewhat during our last mission."

As she arrived at the gates, she sighed, sent up a short prayer of sorts... hoping this would go as well as it could before walking through. Changing her tone to her native tongue, she decided to say something before the guards assumed anything,, "They're with me. They are comrades from my previous owner and while I warned them of all that could occur, they insisted on accompanying me. If punishment is to be dealt, the Matron can do so to me for failing to make them remain back at our base." Normally, she'd feel confident about stepping forward but for now, she'd wait to hear the reply to ensure they could all get in and out of here alive.

2011-02-06, 05:54 PM
The guards looked at one another, absorbing Zewakasa's words before nodding and beginning to lead the group. They stop outside of a stone bunker looking-like building.. One of the guards walks up to the solid structure and hits it with her sword as one of the walls falls in, moving to the side. She then talks back to Zewakasa in Gerudo,

"To meet the Matron, you first need to pass these trials to prove your worth. If you happen to fail inside, we'll try to get you before you pass on."

Both Gerudos stand to the side of the opening., waiting for you all to pass through.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-06, 08:07 PM
"Owner?" Silverstone said, in Hylian. "You're people have a different look on employment too I take it?" He might be smiling- either way, he was really glad he mastered the languages. Then, he hears the bit about tests, and only maybe smiles more. "What a perfect opportunity to show off my skills."

2011-02-06, 09:28 PM

Zewakasa frowned slightly. Why the two men had to prove themselves made perfect sense... why another Gerudo had to was just annoying.. Punishment almost sounds better.... Nonetheless, she merely nodded, knowing they wouldn't take any negotiations now that they'd made up their mind. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Silverstone didn't seem at all confused but rather eager, making her wonder if he actually had understood that entire conversation. Shifting her tongue to Hylian, she spoke to the Goron, "Do me a favor and avoid trying to roll over me this time. Thanks." She then stepped forward, walking inside.

2011-02-06, 09:46 PM
Derugado chuckles lightly, then follows along.

2011-02-06, 09:58 PM
As you all move in the wall falls back into place.

Torches light the walls of the first room, it is a large 30 long by 40 wide room, the door is at the other end as a chain runs across it. Many small plants grow off the walls, black round fruits with red flower like tops exist around the room.

The sound of a gate raising echoes as a 5ft long 2ft high lizard comes barreling out of the hidden grate It's scales look incredibly tough as it pulls itself around.

Roll Init

Jesse Drake
2011-02-06, 10:03 PM
Silverstone glances at the flowers, then back at the beast. He's seen those flowers before, but he's not too sure on where. Silverstone just readies himself, hoping to find a way out of this without getting the group torn to shreds... which he feared this beast could do easily.

[roll0] Initiative.

[roll1] to identify monster.
[roll2] to identify flower.

2011-02-06, 10:03 PM
"Haha! It looks so cuddly! Let's turn it into a rug after, yes?"

That should be +3 so i rolled 12 not 11

2011-02-07, 12:09 AM
Plants / Monster
Plants: Bomb flowers: You've seen them in Subrosia. Pulling them fom their foundation results in lighting the fuse like roots

Monster: You've never seen this creature before.

2011-02-07, 06:43 AM

Zewakasa frowned as the Goron merely laughed at her words. If he'd thought her to be joking... oh she'd prove it to be otherwise if he dared lost control. She shook her head, sighing softly as she turned in time to see a lizard-like creature. "Well... hope you two are ready. There are few peaceful things here so most likely we'll have to fight, like it or not." She pulled her scimitar out, getting it at the ready.

Init: [roll0]

2011-02-07, 11:03 AM
Battle Order

Jesse Drake
2011-02-07, 11:10 AM
Silverstone leaps towards the enemy- he slashes with all his might. Hopefully it works. If not, he may have to use those flowers-

[roll0] for [roll1]

2011-02-07, 11:53 AM
The blow lands well but the scales of the best seem to glance your blade off of the creature. You did damage it though as it roars turning towards Silverstone (since he attacked it first) and takes a deep breath before expelling a small burst of flame.

Fire breath
[roll0] vs ref save 13 for complete dodge.

2011-02-07, 12:17 PM

Zewakasa smiled as she saw Silverstone land a hit. Perhaps this trial won't be nearly as bad as I feared.... Pulling her scimitar back, she then swung it forward, swinging at the lizard.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Jesse Drake
2011-02-07, 12:36 PM
Silverstone merely laughs as the fire hits him. "Oh- I think it wants to play." His mustache doesn't even spark, and he doesn't seem to mind at all that he's wreathed in flames. After all- Subrosians are immune to fire.

2011-02-07, 03:09 PM
"Dee da, dum! Let's hammer this thing dumb! Or dead, really whichever you two prefer."

Derugado then slams his hammer at the beast.
To hit!
To Crit!
More damage!

Jesse Drake
2011-02-07, 09:13 PM
Silverstone chuckles as his allies join him in combat. He shifts over so that he can flank with one of them, if possible.

[roll0] +2 if flanking, for [roll1]

2011-02-07, 11:10 PM

Zewakasa smirked as the group hinted they knew more than basic tactics. The more they displayed they did indeed know what they were really doing,, the better she was feeling about doing these trials. Now to just get rid of this annoying... thing.... Staying near the front, she swung again at the creature.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2011-02-07, 11:28 PM
The lizard shakes itself from the repeated blows It turns it's claws in near it's face as it begins digging a hole, burrowing into the sand. It comes up after a bit behind the Goron. For some odd reason, it seems like it's madder at him than anyone else here.


2011-02-07, 11:38 PM
"Yea. Got to do better then that ya damn lizard!"

To hit

2011-02-08, 11:22 AM
The hammer misses it's mark as the lizard fully emerges from the ground now.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-08, 03:29 PM
Silverstone shakes his head as the lizard escapes, and when it emerges behind Derugado, he skitters behind it for another well placed shot.

[roll0], +2 if Silverstone can find a decent place to flank, for [roll1]

2011-02-08, 03:50 PM
As your blade hits the lizard, sparks fly from it's scales, some of them landing on a nearby flower that instantly catches fire as you hear a hissing sound. The lizard seems to perk up when it hears the hissing sound as it quickly dives underground before the bomb flower explodes. Smoke fills the room. The monster comes back up from underground and begins thrashing about wildly. It seems to not like the smell of smoke.

2011-02-08, 04:04 PM

Zewakasa smirked more upon seeing it's reaction to the bomb flower and smoke. "I think we just found our answer on how to win this one guys...." Taking advantage of the smoke still remaining,, she got back in front of it and took a swing at it.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2011-02-10, 12:12 AM
"Damned thing. It's a quick little bugger!"

To hit
Crit Damage

2011-02-10, 12:19 AM
The beast is crushed with a sickening thud as it's scales break and it's head caves in. The beast vanquished now the chains on on the door breaks apart allowing access to the next room.

2011-02-10, 12:21 AM
"Never mess with a Goron determined. We like to flatten things. Now I'm going to collect this beasty."

With that Derugado collects the beasts carcass and attempts to fit it in his backpack.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-10, 07:33 AM
Silverstone raises half of his mustache (as most raise an eyebrow). "Very good." He states, as the Goron annihilates the lizard.

2011-02-10, 07:42 AM

Zewakasa kept quiet, continuing to hold her scimitar tightly in one hand. "Onward then?" With that, she began proceeding forward. While heading out, she looks up and nods, reassuring herself that there aren't many possibilities of traps.... but she'll keep the slim possibility still in her mind.

2011-02-12, 11:50 AM
You find the Dodongo's corpse is much to large to fit into your backpack, even dead it's a bit of a struggle for you to lift.

As you enter the next room the dor closes behind you as you find yourselves in a long hallway. torches line the walls.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-12, 12:04 PM
"Your people sure know how administer a test." Silverstone chuckles, as they leave the dodongo corpse behind. As they get to the hallway, Silverstone thinks We could sure use our minesweeper... but he's far too diplomatic to say something so tasteless. So, he bows, and says "Ladies first."

2011-02-12, 02:01 PM
Derugado drops the body, and turns. "I'll get the next one!" 0

2011-02-12, 05:13 PM

"Damn straight we do." She merely replied before heading onward. She didn't really consider herself too much of a lady... at least not in attitude but she went on and allowed herself to go first anyways. About time we get recognition.... It was kinda different, needless to say, to hear a non-Gerudo complimenting them... but she wouldn't complain on it. She sighed at the Goron's words, shaking her head, "The things you'll encounter in trials are not to be used as trophies. Don't think on that idea.... please. If this were your trial, I'd respect your traditions, thus I expect the same to be returned." She shook her head again, continuing to walk and talk simultaneously.

2011-02-12, 05:27 PM
The torches begin going out one by one before relighting with a purplish flame. For the second the lights were totally dark, it seems something was thrust into the room. A pile of bones begins to shake and rattle before animating themselves, grabbing a shield and sword as it comes towards you.

(Init again.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-12, 05:32 PM
Silverstone leaps up as the skeletons show themselves. Another part of the test no doubt. He draws his blade out again. "I shouldn't even bother putting you away." He chuckles, readying himself for combat.

[roll0] Initiative.

2011-02-12, 05:48 PM

Zewakasa shook her head no, chuckling softly. "No... not really. Some tribes might include more mental-based challenges. Gerudos aren't very well known for that unfortunately or fortunately for you two... depends on whether you deem yourself better or worse with that type of thing." Not that she meant disrespect to her own race... it was merely the truth though. She had kept her scimitar at the ready and upon seeing the skeleton, her grip tightened on it.

Init: [roll0]

2011-02-13, 06:16 PM
The Stalfos charge towards Zewakasa with it's shield.

Shield bash Roll

Attack of Opportunity for the charge.

2011-02-13, 07:00 PM

Zewakasa smirked as she saw the skeleton swing at her. "Gonna have to do better than that." She murmured, side stepping around it to get past it's shield and sword as she slashed at it with her scimitar. This should definitely be a lot easier than the last creature....

Attack of Opportunity: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2011-02-13, 08:03 PM
Derugado mocks the skeleton, in an almost sing song fashion.
"I wonder who, oh yes who, will lend a grave to you!"


Jesse Drake
2011-02-13, 08:46 PM
Silverstone steps forth, and swings his mighty sword at the Stalfos-

[roll0] for [roll1]

2011-02-14, 03:56 PM

Upon seeing her last hit connect, Zewakasa smirked as she side-stepped yet again around the skeleton. "Shame my elders seem to have so little faith in you... though I suppose I should have expected it. Like the human you two met back in the desert said, most non-Gerudo are allowed in here... well.... not on their own accord at least." By the time she finished speaking,, she had completed her sidestep and with that, she slashed at the skeleton. As her swing missed, she nodded to the Goron, waiting to see what he could really do considering he hadn't really been given much of a chance from their last mission.

To Hit Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2011-02-15, 12:25 PM
The Stalfos now took a swipe at the Goron using it's blade rather then it's shield.


2011-02-15, 11:56 PM
It misses unfortunatly but it does seem to have stunned our rock friend into silence. (next turn Silverstone)

Jesse Drake
2011-02-16, 08:45 AM
Silverstone pushes his sword up into the Stalfos. Despite being in full combat mode, he seems to be enjoying himself. This whole "test" thing was actually pretty fun.

[roll0] for [roll1]

2011-02-16, 11:10 AM

Zewakasa tilted her head. So... was this Goron one that hated violence? That was what it seemed like. She lightly shrugged, figuring she wouldn't claim responsibility should he die during these trials. She chuckled as she saw it try to take a swipe at the Goron... and yet dumb luck or something was saving him. Her eyes went back to the skeleton, "Oh come on now... surely you can do much better than what you have been....." Her eyes remained on the skeleton, hinting she was talking mainly to it as she swung her scimitar at it.

To Hit Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2011-02-20, 02:45 PM
I was gone a lot for the past few days. =P

"Alas skeleton, your folly will be that you even tried."

To hit