View Full Version : The Scarlet Liturgy (IC)

2011-01-24, 12:24 AM

It has been ten thousand years since the creation of Darkath, the world in which you live. New discoveries on Caelin Island have unearthed ruins that date back as far as 100 R.D., over 9,900 years ago. While it has yet to be confirmed, it appears that the ruins may have been a collective temple to all the current deities. The doors have proven impossible to open without damaging the writing upon them. The magic around the ancient temple have been unstable, so there has been no attempt at teleportation as of yet. While the discovery is the source of much conflict in the Lycian League, the rulers of each of the five nations have refused to make any official statements on the ruins. While the historical significance is immeasurable, there are those who would put a price on the ruins. Treasure collectors and pirates alike have set their sights on the ruins, only thinking of the potential riches within.

Clerics of all faiths are declaring the site as condemned in the eyes of their respective fates. There are even some zealots who claim that their gods have given them orders to destroy the ancient ruins of the temple. Both Caelin and Ostia, the only two nations close enough to the island to have sailing ship transportation, have placed heavy restrictions on water traffic. Only those with approved passports are allowed to leave port, though there have been rumors of pirates offering transportation to zealots and others who are against opening the ruins.

Our adventures find themselves in the port city of Theriain, an old dwarven stronghold turned city. To the north of the city lie the great Caelin Mountains. It is a two day ride through the mountain pass to the north-east to reach the capital of Caelin, Arigylph. Travel to the west, north, and east is blocked by the two mountains that connect to make the pass to Arigylph. Theriain has expanded since its days as a dwarven stronghold, and it now reaches from the base of the mountains to the shores of the Aventi Gulf. Each of our adventurers has been summoned by a letter.

My master has heard of your great skill, and he wishes an audience with you to discuss an assignment. Enclosed is a receipt for transportation that you will present to the local traveler’s guild along with five hundred gold. This is a gift for considering my master’s offer. I assure you, should you accept his assignment, this gift will pale in comparison. Your audience is for the first day of the new month at noon, do not be late.

The sun hung high in the sky as you arrived in the Port City of Theriain. The local traveler’s guild had been expecting you; a coach was already being readied at the city gates as you arrived with the receipt from the letter. You rode alone, the driver being the only company on this trip through the city. He wasn't very talkative and did little more than say "Yes, Sir." and "No, Sir." if you tried to speak to him. The coach took the shortest combinations of roads to take you to the north gate district. As the coach passed through the gate, guards would stop the driver to ask the business of those inside. A paper would be shown to the guards, and the coach would begin to move again.

It was late morning, the day of your supposed meeting with the mysterious 'master' mentioned in the letter. The handwriting, paper, ink, even the envelope were all very common. Not a single trait about this letter could be determined to be strange or unquiet in any fashion. How it could be so very ordinary was the only thing that you would find strange about it.

The coach would approach the guildhouse for the traveler's guild, coming to a stop just outside of the stables. It would appear that four other similar coaches were there as well, five in total, all having seemed to arrive within at least half of an hour of each other. The drivers would busy themselves with the horses while a man wearing a dark red robe approaches. He does not have the hood drawn, so his face is clearly visable. He is an older human, with spots of greying hair and wrinkled skin. He still seems, however, to be able to perform his duties... whatever they may be.

"I see that you have made it here just in time. Your meeting is scheduled for noon, yes? You may not have long, but we have a room prepared and available for you to freshen up before you are to meet with the master. If I may suggest, Sir, do change into something presentable."

2011-01-24, 02:04 AM
Alfred bends the invitation in his fingers, then raps it against his other hand. It was not addressed to anyone specific but then he doubted anyoe would go through this lengths to summon a chef.

It could be for his mother but then... well, she was out of town and lateness was, apparently, not a good option. If they were looking for her, they'd have to settle for a similar skill set.

Well, mostly similar. Still, sounded like a lark. Maybe a lucrative one.

Alfred slipped out a piece of paper and wrote a note of his own.

Anna, going out. Other family business. May be some time. Handle the tavern while I'm gone. If I'm not back in a few days, I left 50 gold under my bed for upkeep and general funds.

Alfred (Boss)

PS. Keep the crossbow behind the counter loaded, but unarmed.
PPS. Don't let Thomas drink all the brandy.
PPPS. If I'm not back in a week, you can stay in my room. Don't touch my stuff.
PPPPS. Not even to clean up.

He left via the trapdoor on the roof, hopped across several roofs and came down in an alley several blocks away. Then he sauntered back to his Tavern and sat in the patio area outside (built for those to tall to comfortably fit in the main dining room), awaiting the carriage. He winked at Thomas, but he doubted even the regular would recognize their proprietor dressed so, in a fashionable black outfit, and made up to look a good deal older, his hair slicked down and conservative in contrast to it's usual debonair disheveled state. Once he entered the coach he put on a mask that covered his upper face, and would not have been out of place at one of the city's highest class masquerades.

Hells, it was overblown. But they were, apparently operating on conventions that included anonymous and vague notes, considerable payments up front back by ominous sub-textual threats, and hired coaches.

2011-01-24, 09:20 AM
After a long, somewhat one-sided argument, Juno was finally coerced into the carriage by the poor chauffeur without anyone being beaten up or humiliated further. Oddly enough, it didn't take all that long to spot the little savage, coming into town: riding atop a black charger far too big for her petite form (though through sheer onryness she didn't have any problems controlling him either) with an exotic looking halberd for her banner and blue warpaint over her face.

Finding her had been easy. A considerable amount of time, however, was spent (though with little effort) by the driver to explain some particulars of the meeting with his master: No, she can't follow the carriage on her own horse, no the same horse cannot be lead along with the "cart", no the carriage won't stop anywhere for her to get something to eat, and no, this had not all been some elaborate set up (using a "poisoned carriage") made by her father once again trying to kidnap her.

Perhaps the most infuriating part after all of this would be that Juno was rather peaceable once inside the carriage, kicked back and relaxed, having no further fuss to give to the driver after all the trouble he'd gone to getting her inside, her own horse safely stabled with the guild.

No, that's not entirely accurate. The most infuriating part is for the old man in red to deal with her, particularly when she asks: "The hell's wrong with my presentable now??" A bit of a touchy subject as one may imagine. With her hair the way it is, unless there's a wig in her room, Juno will likely look more awkward in anything but her scout leathers and chainmail...

2011-01-24, 10:31 AM
"Miiri someones here for you."

The dragonborn cracked open an eye at her sisters call and glanced around somewhat irritably. The day had finally reached that perfect time for the Inn's rooftop where the light was strong and warm but before the stone had absorbed to much heat as to be comfortable. Peering over the low wall surrounding the flat roof however she took the call a little more seriously, a carriage that certainly wasn't there before was parked out front. The letter he handed her was a surprise, the contents more so, but an interesting one none the less. After taking a few moments to gather her things Miiri went without to much fuss. Someone was flattering her and that aside she could handle herself if trouble came knocking.

The ride was pleasant enough, though the driver seemed both pleased and irritated when Miiri would sit at the window and sing. Poor man probably didn't want his charge to draw attention but reluctant to chastise her. People would occasionally gawk as they often do if they caught sight of her, children sometimes ran along side the carriage as it passed through some town or other to listen to her sing. Even if the driver didn't Miiri certainly enjoyed herself.

perform (for the hell of it)

I'll sing thee ONE, o
green grow the rushes, o!
what is your ONE o?
ONE is all and all alone and ever more shall it be so
I'll sing thee TWO, o
green grow the rushes, o!
what is your TWO o?
TWO, two pretty white boys,
clothed all in green-o
one is all and all alone and ever more shall it be so

All good things must come to an end however, Miiri reflected as the carriage drew into what apparently was her destination. She couldn't help but arch an eyebrow at the man that received her.

"Is this," Clothed similarly to the style of the dancers of the desert, abet with a little more cloth, she gives a slow twirl letting it flare out prettily. "not good enough for an audience with your master? Very well... though we'll have to see if something will even fit properly." She finishes with a coy smile.

2011-01-24, 03:10 PM
The first of the five to arrive appeared to be either a halfing or a tall child dressed for a masquerade ball. The elderly man in the red robe would say a few short words to him before allowing him to continue up the stairs and into the house proper. The human seemed confused to see Alfred's manner of dress, so when he spoke to the halfling he left out the bit about wearing something presentable. Inside there was another human male dressed in an evening tall coat along with formal striped trousers and a long black tie. He would take any of Alfred's affects that were offered before showing him to his temporary room. This manservant would wait outside until it was time to take Alfred to the meeting.

The next to arrive was the battle ready savage with the badly tussled hair and azure markings on her face. The driver did his best to avoid her once he opened the door to let Juno out. He almost scampered out of the way when she stepped down. After giving his message to the woman, the elderly man in red robes simply took one look up and down her before shaking his head in shame. It was obvious, at least to him, what was wrong with her current state of ‘presentable’ or the lack thereof. Inside there was a woman in a simple black dress with a dark purple lace shawl, the exact opposite in appearance and attitude from Juno. She would lead the savage to her room, pointing out where the washbasin and other such accommodations were located before closing the door and waiting outside.

The children chasing the coach were being chased in turn by their parents, attempting desperately to stop them from running into the North Gate District for fear of reprisal by those of the upper class. One of the more sly children slowed to the point of almost being caught before taking his father's coin purse and tossing it at the coach. Seven pieces of silver would fall into Miiri's lap as the coach sped on it's way toward it's destination. It seemed that all that heard the song was glad, even some of those in the North Gate District smiled at the passing of the coach. The man in the red robe nearly fell over backwards when Miiri stepped down from the coach. He was able to regain his composure long enough to ramble out his message, only somewhat garbled. He would nod in response to her question, smiling as best he could. Inside stood a woman wearing similar grab, with a face veil that could not be pierced by Miiri's keen eyes. The woman would lead the dragoness to a room adorned with many comfortable pillows and a high sitting window. The veiled woman would wait outside until it was time for the meeting to begin.

2011-01-24, 05:06 PM
It had come as quite a surprise, really. There Cillian was, minding his own business within his room at the Precocious Pixie Tavern in Ariglyph, toiling over the latest slew of scrolls he'd had the good fortune of procuring through a vast expenditure of funds from his last venture when the soft sound of parchment grinding against wood caught his ears. The letter certainly piqued the scholar's interests, the notion of wealth in exchange for services rendered not uncommon for the dapper mage these last few months. 'Twas not the coin, however, that spurred the religiously chastised human to accept the offer. No... 'twas the curiosity of the prospect itself. After all, one does not simply bandy about five-hundred pieces of gold and a receipt for transportation, all of which are neatly contained within a sealed envelope, unless there is some substantial reason behind the cause.

Cillian was no fool. Whomever felt so enamored to single out the former initiate of Boccob, they did so for a reason. A reason which, the mage aptly deduced, was of at least substantial importance to the individual requesting his services. But what, pray tell, would drive someone so fervently to enlist his adventuring talents specifically? What task of supposed significance could this "master" wish from someone such as Cillian? The note, of course, held naught an answer for him, much to the former priest's chagrin.

Two weeks. Two weeks was how long the curious spellcaster had to ponder the cryptic note, its carefully hidden agenda gnawing upon his brain not unlike a half-starved illithid, the notions unmentioned causing what felt like countless hours of lost sleep. As the first of the month grew ever closer, Cillian soon found himself pondering more and more of the plain, unassuming letter, its arrival having haunted his dreams with thesis' and hypothetical intentions since it was slipped under his door. No longer could he stand to dwell upon it; he had to know whom was so interested in his services, and why such the lucrative incentive.

And so here sat the mage of whom the letter requested within the confines of a comfortable carriage precisely upon the first of the month, garbed in his scholarly robes of vivid goldenrod yellows and passionate carnelian reds, his pack slung about his back and an odd calico cat standing upon his lap; its paws affixed to the window and its eyes more interested on the world beyond the wooden panelings of the horse-drawn modus operandi that would inevitably bring the multifaceted wizard to his destination. Cillian's own attempts to keep himself preoccupied didn't manage to pan out nearly as well, the driver either far too preoccupied with keeping the carriage in-line with the road leading upwards towards the northern gates of Theriain, or simply too well-mannered to exchange in an intellectual conversation.

The scent of the sea was rife on his nostrils, welcoming and inviting even as the carriage finally came to a stop at its destination near the guildhouse for the Traveler's Guild and the door pulled ajar by the less than talkative coachman. Hours of riding, and finally, Cillian's piqued curiosity could be satiated. The desire alone to discover whom and for what reason he was summoned was all the motivation he needed, his mind afire with possibilities both splendid and malign in their designs.

"I thank you, sir," comes the friendly and courteous compliment of the mage as the driver aids him in his descent, whilst Sniffles - his erstwhile furry friend - makes his own way to the ground through leaps and bounds, a ruffling of her coat the only signs of discomfort from the unloquacious trip. Barely having had time to stand up straight from his lengthy sojourn and a chance to notice the entourage of coaches already present, a man in red robes with flecks of grey adorning his head soon presents himself before the berobed wizard, his eyes already appraising Cillian and his garb as he delivers his message.

"Ah. Yes. Of course. A chance to freshen up would be greatly appreciated, sir," concurs Cillian, a warm and inviting smile crossing his lips even as he's rushed along before the meeting can begin. No doubt time was of the essence, and this "master" was of a high-class sort if it meant that the theurge must be deigned unrepresentable in his current dress. Had he known he would be hobnobbing with the wealthier fanfare of society, it might have behooved Cillian to dress accordingly; but ah, such is the nature of anonymity. No doubt this steward was bade not to share information either, much as the coachman before him.

"Please, lead on."

2011-01-24, 08:37 PM
Waiting just inside the doors of the manor was a man wearing robes not dissimilar to those worn by the most recently arrived guest. His face showed no sign of any emotion, and it seemed as if it never had or never would. This man would nod once to Cillian before turning to show him toward his room. Through the several turns it took to reach the door, the man was practically inert aside from what motions were absolutely necessary to reach Cillian's temporary room. Once there, he would stand and wait for the time when the meeting was to take place. He didn't even bother opening the door for the guest, he just simply stood there.

2011-01-25, 07:06 PM
Sariel wakes up in a dark room somewhere in the middle of some town somewhere (don't ask him, he doesn't know) with no memory of the day before. Nor the day before that. In fact, he had only flashes of the past few weeks. His last real memory was of receiving a large sum of money for a job- intrigue, stealth, assassination- and from there he had quickly frittered it away on wine, women and loose living. As usual. The room he was in was a mess, lifeless. No doubt it was once very high class, but with the drapes torn, the bedsheets stained with either blood or wine (likely both- no matter which, really) and much of the furniture overturned, it wasn't looking high class anymore.
He checked his wallet- mostly empty. Time for another job... and what serendipity, in his room a package full of gold and prospects for more. Truly, fate favors the feckless, as it always had.
He reaches under the bed to fetch his case. As opposed to the ubiquitous backpacks and pouches, Sariel carried all his things in a steel-plated briefcase: masks, goggles, ropes, collapsible grappling hooks, thieves' tools, magical trinkets... and then all of his concoctions. Out of an ironic paranoia, he'd switched around the labels a bit: on a vial of acid was a healing symbol, the bottle of brandy had a skull and crossbones, and the poison had the label for the bottle of brandy.
He was dressed in simple silks, his leather and armors and other accouterments all concealed neatly inside his case.

The coach driver would find him rather silent, simply sitting uncannily still and relaxed.

The man who greets him, however, receives a different treatment. He stares him down for a few moments, perfectly calm, eyes dead. He then spreads his hands. "I find myself presentable." While his words are nothing out of the ordinary, he says it with such finality that it does not allow a retort. With that, he heads inside and makes himself comfortable.

2011-01-25, 08:08 PM
The one to lead Sariel to his temporary room was a half elf woman with a certain sheen to her skin. She took his silence as a sign to do the same, but she would glance over her shoulder and smirk every so often as they would turn a corner to head down another hallway. When they finally reached his room, she would say, "You're late. Don't expect to have any time to g..." She would sudden perk up, looking down the hallway as if she had heard something he had not. "...get ready. Well that was the master; you are to come with me." At this same time the persons watching over Alfred, Miiri, Cillian, and Juno all knocked on the doors of the rooms they were watching over. The message was the same. "The master will see you know, come with me." Even though each of the guests were brought to the same place, none of them crossed paths until they entered the dining hall. Each would come from separate doors. Juno and Alfred came from one of the long sides of the room. Cillian and Miiri came from the opposite long side of the room. Sariel, slightly delayed, was shown in through the door on one of the short sides of the room. In the middle of the room lay an ornate table, inlaid with all manner of wood and precious metals. There were six chairs and six places set at the table, and each guest was led to their chair by those that led them here. The seat at the head of the table was empty for the moment. Each of the odd individuals that led them to this room abruptly took their leave as a man walked in from the side opposite of Sariel. A deep chuckle would resound throughout the hall, echoing off the tall ceiling.

"So you are all here, and none of you are late. This pleases me. I'm sure you all have your questions, but those will have to wait for the moment. I am the employer, so it is pertinent that my concerns are met first. I'm sure you've heard the rumors about the discoveries on Caelin Island, or as it is better known The Isle of Dread. Whether or not the findings have any basis in fact, the ruin site is quite valuable. So far no one has been able to set foot inside. This isn't so much as to any inherent danger but more of a legal dispute. It was my people who first discovered the site and I, and my investors, have the sole claim to it. The inhabitants of the island's only settlement have claimed it as their own, but I have taken legal action. The court awarded me full rights to my claim and legal documentation of such. The only problem is that the cost for travel to the island is rather expensive. I would send an official of the law, but he would require five times your upfront payment to travel one way. There is also the issue that no safe trail has been discovered to the ruins. So I have a proposition for you, which by attending this meeting you have conditionally accepted. Travel to Caelin Island. Deliver the legal documents to the local officials. Find or make a safe passage from the port city to the ruins for my historians. And, if you are willing, be the first to view the insides of this ruins. I would, of course, be willing to give you a fair payment for your services. Where you succeed you will be paid handsomely. If there is good money to be made in the treasures found inside I will cut a hefty profit for you. This is all you have to do, a simple task for a group of such talented individuals. Now, your questions as I am sure you have quite a few."

2011-01-26, 01:03 AM
A good thing that she was told they would have to find or make a path to this suddenly popular ruin-site first. Juno would have scoffed if mere-money was the only draw, though even without this obvious means to put her pathfinding abilities to the test, she does admit, only to herself, that this kind of job really will be an adventure.

However, there is a certain catch...

"Legal or no, word I hear is that alotta the high-hats in the churches want this place forgotten," Juno says as she kicks her feet up onto the table. Though they themselves hardly frequent a bar, she's heard enough about how many a cleric feels "You want me to find a path to this place's back gate, I can get you results. But I wanna know one way or the other if we're expected to tell some holy man and his holy cadre of spearmen to bugger off... and/or do something about their response. I'm not so certain they'll respect laws if their God's yelling at them to do different." She doesn't sound too afraid of any crusaders, but the barbarian is aware that it will be... problematic if their actions piss off the entire congregation of some vengeful god. She doesn't seem to be stupid, after all.

"Or better yet, you tell us, why do they have a bee up their butts about this place? There a demon or spook up there noone wants to see again? You gotta know something about why this pisses them off so."

2011-01-26, 01:38 AM
The man at the end of the table watched Juno carefully as she threw her feet up onto his very expensive table. It seemed to take a great deal of restraint to avoid throwing any nearby object directly at her head. The man managed to remain calm, speaking something over his shoulder softly before turning back to the savage. His elbows came to rest on the table, his hands clasped together and held tightly in front of his face.

"You are correct, I do not expect that the religious zealots will give up their cause that easily. Mostly it is the Temple of Heironeous that is causing the trouble. Not many people in Lycia worship him; but the Theocratic Empire of Rausten, as you know, hold him as their one and 'true' god. My sources inform me that they have taken no action against the initial exploration crews. They aren't even protesting that openly. They simply are trying to convert the people of the Isle. The Marquis is not keen on their presence there, but has yet to take any real action. If the zealots attack you openly, I would advise using non-lethal force to subdue them. They are but simple peasants who take their faith a little too seriously. Yes, the ruins have depictions of the current gods with all the wrong symbols and none of the runes make any sense. But this could be a simple mistranslation or it could be a temple to a long forgotten trickster god. We will not know until the historians make it to the ruins and are able to decipher what is written and depicted there."

The man seemed very excited about all of this, though which part was important to him was not obvious. He was practically shaking by the time he finished speaking. Suddenly servants arrived with covered platters. Each platter was laid in the middle of the table, within reach of everyone present. Glasses were filled with wine from bottles that were so old they seemed to be relics themselves. The man quickly took a bite of a pear and seemed to calm from the shaking that had taken him only moments ago. As he took another bite of his fruit, he waited for more questions from the rest of the group.

2011-01-26, 01:42 AM
Sariel leans back in his chair, making himself comfortable. He pops open his briefcase and starts gulping from a bottle marked with a skull and crossbones.
"Simple enough. What's the pay?"

He gazes at Juno. "Any well paying job has its complications. If they're in our way, and we have the law on our side, we can always just kill them. And, lo, no fiery bolt of holy wrath strikes me down." The corners of his mouth turn up ever so slightly, and he continues to drink.

2011-01-26, 01:54 AM
Alfred takes a moment to look over the room, and then stews the proposal over, a rare course of action for him, but then these circumstances were rather extraordinary. Evidently he did not stew for long, just longer than the thrill seeking barbarian and the feckless sociopath. Then he speaks. The particular persona he had adopted for tonight's festivities was from an old con. A blustery, confident (aha) young nobleman ment to provoke reaction out of marks, primarily with blunt and blod statements. Not a bad choice for the moment, all in all, and Alfred could feel the high class airs leaking out of his little mask. I count two charmers, muscle, and a magic man. I do top doors, back doors, dark nights, a little fingerwork, locks some, and, if I do say so, a little bit of charming myself. 'Course, Count de Gra hadn't been quite so fluent in thieve's jargon. Seems to me you might be expecting something a little more... complicated than you laid out. Legality is optional for me, and I presume that we'll might be acting a little more letter than spirit here, but our uncultured friend here has a point about the godly men with the pointy implements, as well as 'inhabitants' with point sticks. You hint at vast shares in possible profits, but few guarantees. Now, in my experience, middle men take seven tenths and fence's one in two of the remaining three. Seems to me, if this place is full of goodies, whatever our share is you're fixing to make it less than Lawman fee's - only split tithes, see? Incidentally, less than we've already been paid. I've preferred to work solo, and off the cuff of late, for lack of trustworthy partners. You've proven you got pull and gold by getting us all here, but I've got your money in my purse ready to hand back to you, and my own little show to run. Now, Alfred leans back and spreads his hands I'm not going to say no to the offer but... maybe you best offer something more concrete that 'If there is good money, I'll pay you well.' He smiled.

Alfred might be impulsive, but he made his margin's cutting bargains, and there was a sharp mind hiding behind bad decisions.

Alfred glanced at the elf and was glad for the mask over his face. He practically screamed loose cannon liability.

There was also part of his mind that recoiled on a far less pragmatic muscle, but Count de Competent Thief in particular wasn't supposed to be so easily perturbed by morality.

2011-01-26, 02:55 AM
Now the man was smiling openly, his pearly whites gleaming in bright light of the various everburning candles lit in the dining room. He waited until he was done with the pear before even considering answering them. It even took a few sips of wine before he was completely done. While he arranged slices of meat and steamed vegetables onto his plate, he answered the most recent slew of questions.

"It seems that an assured payment is a concern for more than one of you. I understand why, of course. An offer for a certain percentage of a profit is very lucrative but merely speculative at best. Even if I stand to gain from such an endeavor, your share may not be as rewarding. In the pursuit of a fair deal, one that insures you proper payment for your services but allows me to see a sizeable return, I purpose the following. I will pay you a certian amount for each individual task completed. Do not worry, I can assure you that your payment will reach you even on the Isle. When it comes time to give you your fair share, I will pay you more than the minimum for services rendered or your percentage. Whichever is larger. I don't stand to gain from making a bad name for myself my leaving those in my employ shortchanged. As for figures... One Hundred Platinum to Finish delivering the papers to the authorities in Eastnumber, of which I've already paid you five hundred gold in advance. One Hundred Platinum to clear a path to the ruins. And a baseline of Two Hundred Fifty Platinum to explore the ruins in search of knowledge and treasure. Your percentage cut will be as the young lord suggested, ten percent. If the total worth is such that your ten percent would offer less than I promised, I am still obligated to pay the Two Hundred Fifty Platinum in its stead. Many of the pieces aren't to be sold, but rather donated to different universities for study. I happen to have an investment in both the research and profiteering aspects of this project."

The man pecked at his food from time to time, careful not to be caught by surprise when someone had something to ask of him. All of these questions were important, but they were keeping him from his meal. He would motion toward the food, as if inviting the rest of them to join in. His eyes seemed to focus on Miiri strongly, but this would be of little surprise. Her appearance was striking and strange at the same time. He did not seem to notice Cillian for the moment. Varrious servants came out of unknown passages yet again, asking each guest if they required anything or had a special order for the kitchen staff. One even had a large metal bowl filled with something that looked like milk but stood stiff like snow. It smelt strongly of mint, and it was offered to any who seemed interested in it.

2011-01-26, 10:13 AM
At least Juno's boots leave the table at the arrival of the food. Surprisingly, she asks for water while helping herself to not just plenty of meats but vegetables as well until she has her own little feast that she methodically works on. Though it still constitutes "shoveling" for the most part, she at least makes use of the knives and forks with appropriateness of each. The wine looks good, but she won't start imbibing the good booze until after she's convinced that the deal's not about to sour. Much like the comment about the law...

The guy (unknown to her) called Sariel's behavior sets her on guard though, instinctively not trusting his focus put on money. She cautiously eats through some of her meal while looking at him over the food pile for just a heartbeat or three until his whole "slipping from a poison flask" raises a flag in her mind. She reasons he either imbibes small droughts of poison for immunization purposes, mislabeled his flask, and/or is about to drop stone dead in a matter of minutes and from there simply pushes the matter away.

Her focus returns to the matter of the ruins while also asking for some of the minty stuff. "Profiteering? What's that mean, uh... mister; you have something in mind for the ruins once we're done picking it clean?" More food goes in. "Hrmpf. Anyway, I don't trust the law, any law to keep a bunch of angry paladins off anyone's back if they propaganda us into demons or heretics or jerks or whatever... Not that I'm saying I'm scared of them either, but really,who wants to make a whole church pissed off? Sooner or later you'll have to buy a healing potion." she pauses again to finish off the majority of her plate. "Anyway, my point is, I want to know if you're willing to give us some extra collateral if we stir up a holy hornet's nest. You can tell me we have legal rights this and that, but it won't stop a flaming sword. And for that matter... Suppose we find something in this place we want for ourselves; we're gonna be 'obligated' to turn it over to you anyway?"

2011-01-26, 01:03 PM
When the door to her room closed Miiri couldn't help but let out a wistful sigh at the thought of a bath, yet there likely wouldn't be time for that. With a flick of her hand and a few hummed bars the dragonborn tried to do in an instant what a bath could but the attempt only produced a brief pop. Oh how difficult her power was at times. The quick mundane approach, via a washbasin and cloth, would have to do for now. When the knock came at Miiri's door she was standing in front of the wardrobe, clean enough, considering the contents there of. Changing outfits apparently wasn't within the time frame either.

Throughout the conversation Miiri sat back letting the others broach questions as they liked. She'd assembled a decent collection of meat and fruit that she picked at, abet a little more heartily as the host was with talk distracting him. A sip of wine is taken before she speaks. "Add magic woman to that list and your closer the the point, though I suppose the former isn't to far off either." A small smile on her face at Alfred's description of the group at large. "As to the gods views on the ruins... Well if Bahamut has something against it then we'll know soon enough when we enter the place... you could say." Here some concern slips into her expression but its gone soon enough. As the servant with the bowl of minty smelling not-milk comes by she nods, allowing him to put some on her plate. "While I do agree some additional collateral might not be remiss in the event of unforeseen circumstances but only up to the ruins themselves. I hardly think we can hold our employer to that standard within the ruins due to the nature of being unexplored." She takes a moment to consider the milky white on her plate before tasting a sample of it with a spoon.

2011-01-26, 01:54 PM
Since the arrival of the troupe of prospective employees and the setting of the table, Cillian has done naught more than smile as the business proposition was heaped upon them just as the small banquet had beforehand. His garb, once somewhat tattered and frayed in some placed, had since been replaced with more appropriate, tailored livery for the arrangement he'd so dubiously been employed for, the depositing of his arms and armor - as well as Sniffles - a necessary amendment so as not to look out-of-place by comparison to some of the other interest individuals gathered before him. Nonetheless, he felt he looked presentable; his dark hair pulled back into a lengthy ponytail, whilst the remnants ahead of him danced just barely beyond his peripheral vision in front of his tattooed visage. While he certainly didn't care for it personally - after all, it made him look at least five years older! - it nevertheless served its purpose of designating him as a man with professional standards.

One by one, the guests said their piece as their ever-gracious host deftly eluded anything as to his personage; a query of which Cillian had taken note to bring up as he picked politely at the lovely squash and potatoes present upon his plate with a silvered fork, every now and then brimming with a smile as he's either glanced upon or addressed, as was the case of the halfling and his astute observation that the human was, in fact, a 'magic man.' 'Twas a befitting description, Cillian assumed, and much better than the last descriptor used by a gruff farmer a few months prior.

More importantly, however, the silent mage's mind was afire with talk of the ruins; payment in coin suddenly taking a backseat in the conversation as far as he was concerned. He'd heard the rumors of this "Isle of Dread" - everyone had, no doubt - and the discovery of the polytheistic establishment located therein. The churches were quick to brand it a site of duplicitous unholy nature, terribly eager to see its already ruined nature smote again upon the landscape to make sure none fell prey to whatever deistic curse had befallen the site. In particular, the notion of Heironeous and his followers quickly piqued Cillian's interests. This could be tricky business if he were to accept the proposal: one ill-begot word, one wayward sword stroke of the others upon the zealots, or one miscast spell on his own part, and it might provoke an international incident... if not an outright crusade.

"Speaking of turning things over," interjected the berobed magician, finishing his glass of water patiently before moving on. "whom are we returning these findings to? I don't mean to pry, nor offend, but you seem to know a great deal of the situation more than even I, not to mention whom we are, lest you wouldn't have been able to reach us in the first place. Yet here we are, sitting at our host's dinner table, partaking of his food and good service as we discuss a business proposition. Before we continue on, I would care to know whom you are."

2011-01-26, 02:08 PM
Alfred returns the woman's smile and makes a small gesture of concession. He wasn't quite into big and scaly, but it never hurt to appreciate sheer aesthetic value.

He turns next to slightly face the barbarian. Paladin's can be... complex. Much less so if we go out killing left and right claiming dubious justification by law, but if you don't push to deep you can push very often and twist that code against them. Worst to worst they take a good hard stare at you and figure you're not worth it. Alfred shoots a sideways glance at the elf again. Most probably. Self-righteous clerics on the other hand, more twitchy. Regardless, I do believe, if I may say so, our employ considers that a problem for us to avoid or deal with at our discretion and direction. Some more information about the extent to which our legality might be enforceable and deployable might help, but otherwise I assume we'll have to work around such issues. Else why the need for charmers, multitaskers though we may be?

A tithe of a tenth share wasn't... bad, especially if that was including the burden of the fence's cut. Good enough that the wetworks could make up any perceived difference in the balance by skimming some goodies off the top... a subject which the barbarian immediately brought up. Ayah, but these weren't professional... businesspeople by any stretch.

Still, pay was good, the job sounded... fun, in that particular 'relies on unreliable variables' way that Alfred knew he ought not enjoy so much. Particularly, not paying this lawman's flat rate had Alfred thinking the employer was either playing the odds of low return (rather too exited for that, unless he wasn't thinking of profits), that it would be considerably to dangerous or legally questionable for a lawman to deal with, which would be good to know but not a considerable barrier if the risks seemed reasonable. Or, last and most worrying, the man was planning on putting the screws into them, which was generally considered poor taste. A concern, but not immediate... they could always sabotage that bridge when they came to it.

Until then, it was time to see how good this man's cook was.

2011-01-26, 02:43 PM
The master pushes his plate away before he is even halfway through its contents, either having become full during the natural course of the conversation or perhaps having lost his appetite somewhere along the way. He seemed to brighten up when Miiri joined the conversation at long last, but he still was regarding Cillian as a mute. Or at least he would have if it was not for Cillian suddenly speaking, much like a statue coming to life. A servant would take the master's plate away, refill his glass, and whisper something into his ear. The man would nod to her, waving her away after she had done her duty.

"My titles are Lord, Guildmaster, and Professor of History. My name is Belven Chorster. My Guild is the Merchant's Guild, and it is through my connections within the Guild that I will sell the items found in the Ruins. The findings will be taken in and examined by the historians I am sending with you. Those with either the greatest historical or material value will be brought back on the first ship. You will receive you payment when the first ship returns and you are free to return with it. If anything unforeseen occurs and you are forced to handle it, I will reimburse you what supplies you used as well as at least five platinum, perhaps more depending on the situation. If there is anything you find that is of personal interest, I more than likely willing to part with it as a deduction from your pay. Since you would be taking out all work out of selling such an item, I would only take seventy five percent of its worth from your pay or I would ask that you pay me that much for it. As the one with the claim, I have first choice on all items held within the ruins. I will not relinquish that right. But you need not worry; anything that is of use to adventurers such as yourself is more than likely nothing I would want or need. Functioning magic items from so long ago may be risky to begin with, but if you're willing to take a chance on them, be my guest. I do believe I have answered all of your concerns and questions. There is a boat waiting to sail for the island. If there is nothing else, I do believe our business is done here."

Lord Chorster would push his chair back before standing, giving the group a strong smile that showed just how excited and confident he was. A servant arrived from nowhere again, throwing a jacket over the Lord's shoulders while helping him to get his arms in the sleeves. There was no announcement as to why he was putting on a night coat, but then again why would there be? He seemed ready to leave, but stood waiting for any last minute questions or concerns. The five that had brought the group members here were waiting at the five doors, ready to take them back to their rooms.

2011-01-26, 11:27 PM
Ah. Historian would explain the excitement, despite questionable capitalization of the finds, they'd be bound to please the man.

The dinner hadn't been bad, it was hard to go terribly wrong with quality ingredients and a dedicated chef.

He was still a Merchant Guildmaster, and had known who to send his money to. A Lord as well. Ruthless jobbing of the disposable help was, if not inevitable, at least still an option should the margins swing that way. Maybe he should ask Anna... nah. He could use the money to build out a new wing, start catering to the bigs in all weathers. Maybe repaint the place too.

Mind decided, price mostly dictated and the dishes ready to be reclaimed, Alfred also pushes back from the table, and begins appraising his new colleagues. The muscle seemed capable, the other male charmer was... a liability, but no doubt had some skills to fill. Figuring out exactly what would remain an issue. The magic man, well, trust in the employer's choice there. And the last... well, Alfred's eye lingered a bit.

You had to admire aesthetic value, and his pseudo de Gra persona wasn't exactly shy.

Or particularly subtle.

Without breaking eye contact, the halfling spoke, at least seemingly to the room at large. As a professional, I'd recommend another meeting for all of us to talk shop and compare notes. I know I have some business in the city to take care of as well. We could meet, discuss, perhaps, specialist equipment we might need to share or purchase between the group, and to formulate a general plan of action. I know a rather good Tavern we can meet at.

2011-01-27, 02:02 AM
Rising in tandem with the Host of the Trade Guild respectfully, Cillian gives a silent but curt nod as the dapper-dressed fellow lets himself out of his abode without a word. Not that the mage would have asked any ways, as it certainly wasn't any of his business. As the gracious businessman makes his departure and his stalwart, perpetually silent servants take up his own plate of finished food, Cillian returns to his seat, a look of amalgam exasperation and annoyance towards their ineffably blunt investor, and excitement towards this rare happenstance of lost lore. It was quite the turn for Cillian, to say the least. For the worst? For the best? Yet to be decided, as the furling of the human's brow aptly indicated, enraptured in his thoughts for a time. Five-hundred platinum was a great deal of coin, and while the prospect of unearthing ancient relics and vastly historical items piqued the list of things currently capitulating Cillian the most, there was still the notion of zealots and heretics playing rampant upon his ideal discovery-of-a-lifetime prospect.

Thankfully, the quaint halfling in the mysterious mask brings about some semblance of the mage's attention, pulling him from his scintillating thoughts of relics and trinkets of an age gone by.

"I wholeheartedly agree that further discussion is in order if we are to consider this proposal," begins the human, his smile steadily returning to his otherwise unbecomingly scrunched face, a lone eyebrow still arched as he peers towards the significantly shorter individual at the table. "though I think it might be rather odd to exchange discourse with a masked man within a crowded tavern; if not at the very least quite out-of-place."

2011-01-27, 11:50 AM
A chance at a substantial sum of money, items unseen for only the gods know how long, and again only the gods know what texts may have been left behind. A smile alights Miiri's face. And mayhaps she can find something in the ruins to really stick it to Tiamat.

A sidelong glance and her smile grows a tic, ooh he's still looking all right.

"Assuming it that we wouldn't be imposing what stops of from discussing such things here and now? Or we could go back to one of our rooms and talk such matters over. I would think this building would be much more... secure for our planning than out in the streets where nearly anyone can listen in, and somehow I would think we'd draw more than enough attention to us conversation aside."

2011-01-27, 02:52 PM
The woman who had escorted Sariel takes a few steps foward to approach the table. When it seems that there is a moment to interject she states, "It is common for Lord Chorster to allow use of his grounds to those who are in his employ. If you require this room for the purpose of planning, it is not only allowed but encouraged. We..." She makes a sweeping motion with her arm as to encompass herself and the four others waiting at the other four doors. "...will wait outside untill your discussion is at an end. There are those who brew potions, craft weapons, and scribe scrolls here. If you need their services, we can show you the way before you are taken to the docks." The woman would give a sly smirk as she turned to walk back toward the door. At the same time the other four individuals would exit their doors, closing them as they exited the room. The woman who spoke would open the door, keeping it ajar for a moment in case anyone wanted to respond. If no responce came she would exit and close her door behind her, leaving the group to speak at length.

2011-01-27, 05:25 PM
Sariel, at this time, has ignored most of the food for the wine. He's drunk enough by now that he should be quite drunk, and either he's a world class heavyweight when it comes to alcohol, or he's suppressing its effects exceedingly well- he isn't showing any signs whatsoever.
He shrugs fluidly, acting as though all others but their little group don't exist. "I don't see why we should need our privacy. Our employer already knows we're suspicious, so unless we're going to stab him in the back- which of course is quite a viable and often profitable option- no need to send everyone else out."
He speaks completely matter-of-fact, as if he were talking about the weather.

2011-01-27, 06:42 PM
"Eh. We may as well use this room; wine's already here and there's gonna be ears here or over in some dank bar. And unless the servants don't have any spare bed-rolls, I'm not leaving unless it's to go get the one I left with my damn horse."

She seems a bit perturbed at finding out that her charger won't be getting used if they're on an island after she spent all her newfound money for him.

"What''d you wanna talk about though?" she looks down at the halfling, unfazed by his mask or his mannerisms, "I'm in for this; finding the safe path is what I'm good for and the job's dangerous; that means there'll be something to fight."Simple enough, to the surprise of utterly no one. However, Juno then demonstrates her ability to work with others:

" But we should probably settle here and now some things. I think we should get supplies in whatever dink-ass town's on the island but cache them and set up 'shop' somewhere out of town; Old man Chorster said that the churches were trying to convert the locals and mentioned a Marquis who wasn't keen on it. So that means either you guys get used to sleeping in a hidden place out in the woods," Juno clearly favors this idea from the look on her face, "Or see if the Marquis can set us up in his place. That way we can focus on finding and excavating the ruins without any knives aimed at our backs."

2011-01-28, 04:19 PM
"Mmm..." hums the mage, silent in his thoughts as words throughout the dining hall were plainly exchanged. Some semblance of a thought process interrupted mid-coitus unfurls itself from the man's face, his hand dipping into his robes only for a moment to reveal a long and withered pipe of ash and wood, as well as a finger full of contents no doubt of the herbal variety. Likewise, the scholarly gentleman's eyes wash over the blood-thirsty woman, an eyebrow arched in quizzical disbelief at her bloodthirsty demeanor.

Knowing his place, however, he remains silent on that subject.

"'Tis not our employer whom I am concerned with." Cillian begins, alighting his pipe by candlelight and puffing gingerly upon the mouthpiece. "You must understand, the faiths take this site - this Isle of Dread - to be a cursed place, its remnants lost for years uncounted and a potential contradictory to doctrines long since documented through clerical historians. Some hearken to see it smote, while others claim it best to be left unplumbed. For them, setting foot upon this landmass would prove to be blasphemous. But more than that, the risk of investigating - legally owned or not by our gracious host - nevertheless runs the risk of inciting an international incident with Rausten."

A moment of silence prevails upon the former priest, Cillain's rings of smoke softly ascending into their erstwhile nothingness overhead as he collects his thoughts with renewed vigor.

"I agree that this Marquis would prove an invaluable ally, should we accept this proposition. It is odd, however, that the Heironeons are pursing less fervent means of action, merely attempting to convert the natives - and, perhaps, the initial survey crews - that happen upon the island. Some legal protection through the nobility would prove an advantage should things take a turn for the worst, as I fear there may be more here than is plainly obvious."

2011-01-28, 11:53 PM
Alfred sighs as the employer leaves them to talk in 'privacy.' Actual plans to wring some extra cash out under the table or no, the possibility would go a fair way to fostering a healthy respect between the two groups.

The halfling then physically winces at the mention of staying outdoors. He was a city rat and his trade was rooftops and balls and the comforts of a warm kitchen. Perhaps it would be best to, at least initially, attempt to blend in with the locals and assert or hide our legal authority as the situation demands. However, as our lovely magic charmer here demonstrated, Alfred bows, my initial assessment was brief and broad. Mrs... Muscle here has laid out a rough action plan, now might be a good time to list out the skills and equipment we have available, and what we think we might need, and maybe, while we're still here with the appropriate amenities, make some purchases to fill the gaps.

2011-01-29, 07:22 PM
Sariel sighs.
"No well-paying job is without its complications, and we already have legal backing. Beyond that, the magic of this job is that we aren't in Rausten. Yes, they won't like us. This is of no concern to me- the most they can do is send some people to stop us, and then we can just kill them."

2011-01-29, 07:25 PM
Myself, I'm not a fan of pointy implements. Talking to someone who isn't trying to kill you is much more fun than fighting someone who is. Muscle is there to crack heads and scare off the locals.

2011-01-29, 09:08 PM
"Whatever supplies we need they would probably be best gotten here, or at least most of them. Aside from a matter of availability if somehow we manage to irritate the island's locals then we'll find ourself for want of supplies. Getting in the Marquis's good graces might alleviate this potential problem but we should plan for a lack of his support or inability to provide support as well." Miiri can't suppress a slight wince at Sariel's... plainly spoken words.

"The fewer people we kill the better off we are. One, we don't want to provoke an incident over killing someone we shouldn't have. Two, after this job we may travel abroad and as such having fewer enemies, much less Rausten itself, would be beneficial to retaining one's spark of life. Just because a group or organization is based somewhere doesn't mean they can't send people." Miiri leans back and lets her eyes slide once again over to Alfred.

"Now as to our individual skills... you can certainly look to me over matters of the arcane and a little for nature's inhabitants. Appearances aside I am handy at distractions and misdirections of various forms as well."

2011-01-30, 02:00 PM
Letting the muscles moniker pass, Juno tries to better explain her position..."Then, what is your talent, Mr. Mask? And that's MS. Muscle to you; *not* Mrs." okay maybe she doesn't let it pass...
She finally heads back to the table, resting against it in ways that would likely anger her new employer.

"But I don't want to fight the locals. It's probably a bunch of fishmongers and woodsmen. Seems to me, if we just snuck onto the island and started our work we could get a path to the ruins going or even open them and then it's too late for the islanders or the church to do anything about it. So I agree with Ms. Dragon... you aren't married, right? We get what we need here, now."

She rubs her chin, thinking. For all her bluster, she does seem to want to help at least, even if she'd as soon fight anything in her path, "Do we even need Old man Chorster's boat? That's like blowing a big horn on our job. We shouldn't sail into port or let anyone know who we are..."

Given her leathers and her ...self... it may not occur to Juno that inspite of her reasoning, there's a problem with how she looks, or that most people would assume what sort of job she's kept around for.

2011-01-30, 04:02 PM
Alfred makes a deep bow. "Apologies, Ms. I suppose the idea of one as talented as yourself proceeding through life uncharmed by a suitable suitor had not occurred to me."

Bluff: [roll0]

"In addition to previously mentioned top doors, back doors, dark nights, fingerwork, locks, and a little bit of charming, I also work faces." Alfred waggles the mask. "This is effective but rather limited in application. I can do better. I've been told I'm good at city reading and I've done some special order print work as well." Alfred taps a finger nervously on the table, then bulls through his hesitation. The boss already knew where to post his messages, so...

Plus, it made for a great cap on the end of that list. "I also do pastries."

Alfred shoots a sideways look at the magic man trying to pin him down. "So far we have the arcane down, but that only rarely patches up injuries. There's vials for that, but if our other magic man can offer such services for free..."

2011-01-30, 05:52 PM
Lips pursed and brow furled for only a moment at the bloodthirsty fellow down yonder table, Cillian's eyes narrow at the prospect of solving problems through the oh-so-tactless format of murder and bloodshed. It is with great reprieve - both to save the assembled lot from another slew of ad verbatim on his part, and to preserve his own wits - that at least a handful of the others propositioned for this task shared his silent point-of-view. A moment passes, as does another ring of smoke from the mage's pipe, as his attention is one again re-centered upon the wily masked halfling at the dinner table proper.

"Mmm. Of course. Where are my manners?" hums the young scholar, standing to his feet out of respect to address the slew of would-be adventurers properly. "Cillian is my name, and I am both a practitioner and scholar of all things arcane and divine."

A humble nod is followed soon after his brief introduction, and the pipe re-affixed between the human's lips as he returns to his seat.

"On the... suspiciously increasing sense that wounds will inevitably be brought upon us," the sagely fellow begins again, shooting a sidelong glance to the murderous lout across the way, "I would be able to tend to such injuries. Provided, of course, you have not already expired. My vast repertoire of magics are limited in that regard, I'm afraid."

2011-02-01, 10:56 PM
An unexpected knock would come from the door directly behind Sariel. A few moments later the half elf woman with the sheen to her skin would appear from behind the slowly opening door. She flashed a quick smile, seeing that the group was reaching the end of their discussion. In her arms was a scroll case, which would be offered to Mirri as she spoke to the group as a whole. "Lord Chorster's boat is leaving soon, and you scarcely have time to reach it. They won't leave without you, but any delay will cost milord which will be docked from your pay. This case contains a map of Caelin, including the Isle. None of you seem like sea dogs, so keep your heads down during the trip and you'll be fine. Come, the coach is waiting. Any further plans you have to make can be decided on board the ship, and you can make your purchases in the market before you board the ship. The docks are in the same part of the city as the markets." The other four doors would open as she finished speaking. From those doors came a elderly man with mismatched formal wear, a woman in a beautiful black dress with curves to match, a woman wearing nothing but layers of silk and a face veil, and a man in dull robes with an even duller countenance. They were those who had escorted the party members to their rooms earlier, and now with the half-elf woman's lead they were escorting the party back outside to another coach waiting to take them to the docks.

Once inside the coach they would be taken back through the town toward the docks. The coach would leave the north gate district, heading through the various markets on its way toward the docks. As the coach was turning a corner the horses suddenly stop, bucking and neighing. In front of the coach a case scene has erupted, where a single scraggly man has turned over a stall in a desperate attempt to slow two armed pursuers. One of the pursuers leaps over the stall and yells "Stop!" over the crowd. The other pursuer draws an arrow and begins to aim at the scraggly man.

2011-02-03, 02:41 PM
"Won't be the first time I was on a boat..." Juno replied, taking the map unless anyone tries to stop her (and even then she'll probably try to anyway) and walks past the lady in black who showed her to the earlier waiting room. Once reunited with her gear she seems more complacent through the carriage ride, though once stopped the petite barbarian becomes as volatile as a viper caught in a whirlwind.

She takes one look out the carriage window, sees the scene unfold and rolls her eyes. Not caring really for any matter of law but not wishing to be held up, Juno kicks the door open of the carriage, and if that doesn't itself clothesline the scraggly fellow, she'll try to fetch hum herself.

Hey!! Steal some bread when you're not in my way, buddy!!" she yells in the process, likely having grossly misunderstood the situation...

2011-02-03, 06:14 PM
As Juno makes a move towards the map Miiri smiles and motions for the half elf to give the map to her instead. "I suppose I've forgotten to give you all my name, 'Miirikaujir Vaeriternesj' (ooc: name in draconic). As some of you might have trouble pronouncing that, nor is it viable in an urgent situation, just call me Miiri." From there she follows her servant back to her own room to retrieve her pack then to the carriage.

As the carriage stops however Miiri can't suppress a sigh. Always something... She reaches into a pouch at her belt and pulls forth a small dollop of something creamy, gesturing towards the fleeing man. Her voice raises in a brief couplet having something to do with falling over... and nothing seems to happen other than the dollop disappearing.
Was casting grease right where the man was about to run through but it appears the attempt has failed.

2011-02-03, 07:04 PM
Alfred tips his hat at the man who'd escorted him in in the first place, then asks for a pen and a few slips of paper and a few dribbles of sealing wax before he goes to sit in the carriage.

Dear Anna.

Going out to deal with other business, could use vacation anyway. Will be gone sometime. Double your wages, and you can stay in the loft if you like. Don't burn the place down.


Your boss, Alfred.

PS. No gentlemen callers in my bed, understand?
PPS. Am sealing this note, will try to hand deliver, but if the seals broken, let me know.
PPPS. If Mom drops by tell her I said hi, show her this note and the enclosed.

ON another sheet Alfred wrote,

Dear Mom,

I know, you said not to take unsolicited calls from strangers, but it seems like fun.

Going travelling, see what it's like. If I haven't sent word in a month SEND HELP. Middle man is Belven Chorster, pay him a visit for me.

Your son,

PS. Be nice to Anna.
PPS. Am sealing this. Might not be able to hand deliver. If broken, see middle man.
PPPS. No I haven't found a girlfriend yet. You're one to talk.

He finished just as the carriage was passing near the Tavern. Alfred was reaching up to rap behind the drivers ear when the horses came to a bucking halt.

The halfling rocked, fast feet shuffling, and by the time he had steadied himself he was quickly out the forcefully opened door, to either stand over the runner's supine body or to join the chase.

Er... know local?

Particularly on the runner and his pursuit.


2011-02-03, 07:13 PM
Sariel peers outside the coach with a glazed look. He examines his nails, speaking in a quite bored tone.
"Stop. Don't. Come back." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDLkXKQ1Ydo&t=0m44s)

Casting suggestion on the man.
In general, I like to think Sariel talks a lot like Wonka does in any crisis situation.
Like this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw_R9SS3kQ8&t=2m24s):smallamused:

2011-02-03, 09:23 PM
The scraggly man succeeds in evading his pursuers for the moment, his face showing more panic than one might expect. As the coach door swings out, missing him by just moments, the man is caught by the suggestive words of Sariel. Even though they were put so bluntly, they seemed to have some effect. The man appears to be confused, wanting to run forward but unable to move and even though the position that he is in would suggest that he should fall back, he fights it with all of his strength. Turning toward Mirri, the man cries out with tears streaming down his face. "Help...me...please...Gah!" THUD. The man falls flat to the ground, a white arrow with white fletching stuck into his shoulder. There doesn't seem to be any blood from the wound and he appears to be unconscious. The sound of wood scraping over cobblestone and heavy booted footsteps approach. The pursuer that had been aiming her weapon had fired a single arrow and the pursuer who was in the middle of the chase now finally caught up with the man. The armed man kicks the sleeping man's side before kneeling down to put restraints on his arms and feet. He doesn't speak a word to those present, and doesn't seem all that interested in moving the overturned stall from the coach's path. In fact his actions have put the stall further into the path of the supposed route to the docks.

The man is wearing garb that would suggest he was imprisoned recently. You do not recognize him, but those pursuing him are licensed bounty hunters. You can tell by the color of the peace bonds on their weapons and the fact that they have not put the bonds back in their normal place.

2011-02-03, 10:07 PM
Sariel gets out of the coach and approaching the bounty hunters. "So then, I'll be receiving recompense for aiding you in the pursuit of a known criminal."

2011-02-04, 12:14 AM
Miiri frowns as she leans out the open door, for more than one reason. "Seems a bit of excessive force sir. I mean, kicking people when their down? Not to mention there were more than enough people in this carriage that seemed to want to help." Something about that arrow bugs her however and a few bars are hummed as she seeks an answer.
One more time! This time detect magic.
perform (sing) DC 20

2011-02-04, 01:37 AM
Alfred pockets the arrow as he bends over the falling man.
I would brother, but you've been nabbed square, he whispers, then turns to the approaching bounty hunters, giving them a brief nod of aristocratic approval.

He frowns as the kick lands, but turns to Miiri without saying anything. Miiri dearie, if you could tell the driver to wait just one moment, I'm off to rustle up some locals I know. They can help get this stall cleared and traffic moving again.

Sleight of hand on the arrow:


If the bounty hunters notice hinkyness and challenge Alfred that'll be fine, if not he'll head over to the Tavern, drop in on Anna, deliver the note, quickly change into something more appropriate, draft Thomas, and come out to move the stall.

2011-02-04, 08:33 PM
The bounty hunter lifts his quarry, not seeming to be paying much attention to Alfred's hands at the moment. Though the comments from the group are enought to nearly send the man into a rage. He spits to the side, growling under his breath as he slings the scraggly man over his shoulder. "You had best watch yourself friend." The man sneers at Sariel. "I'd be within my rights to take you in as well for interfering. And this one gave us a hell of a scare earlier, nearly killed my other partner with all that fire." The woman was observing from her current position, still holding her bow at the ready with no arrow drawn yet. In the distance could be seen the local guard, trying to make their way through the market crowds to where the captured man was being held. Alfred succeeds in drafting his friend as well as some patrons to move the stall out of the way of the coach. They are still organizing to attempt to move it.

You got the arrow, but it is broken. Any ammunition that hits its target is broken, and 50% that misses also are destroyed. It is snapped in half and the arrow head doesn't want to stay on at all. There is no blood on any part of the arrow despite it being imbedded in the man's back up untill you pulled it out.

Based on Alfred's actions, I will say that you have 3 rounds to detect magic here.
1) You detect the presence of one or more magical aruas.
2) You sense two magical auras, the most potent is Faint (3rd level spell or lower).
3) The first aura is a faint aura and it is coming from the unconcious man, Spellcraft DC 16 to determine the school of magic. The second arua is a dim aura coming from the arrow that Alfred picked up, Spellcraft DC 16 to determine the school of magic.

2011-02-04, 09:46 PM
Miiri relaxes slightly as she sees what she expects to see, but her eyes flick back and forth from the duo to the local guard. "And I don't suppose that you've some sort of special writ or some such for the detainment of this man? Seems to me that your not with the guard so I'm curious as to under whose authority you operate that would also allow you to detain any of us. Speaking of which I do hope that you'll be staying long enough for them to get here so that we can clear this matter up."

2011-02-05, 12:32 AM
Alfred's steps falter, his hand dipping towards the knife stuck in his coat, but he turns it into a dismissive flip of his trailing cloak as he passes the man. The De Gra personality might have called the man out for such impertinence, Alfred certainly wanted to on principle.

But he was on a schedule, and had better things to worry about. The broken arrow disappeared into the mouth of his haversack, his own personal revenge.

As the stall is being moved Alfred steps away, ditches the mask, stuffs his fancy cloak into his knapsack, and sets back outside to join the moving party in his regular outfit.

Hey there Miiri dearie, he says out of the corner of his mouth as he passes nearby. Why don't you ask me to tag along in the carriage? A nice reward for helping you out, eh? Alfred glances at some of his patrons, who don't know about his nighttime hobby, tries to gauge if any of them are watching. Give us a nice giggle now, act like I said something funny?

2011-02-05, 10:06 PM
Every patron from Alfred's shop, as well as everyone who can see the coach, is watching the events unfold with much interest. None of them seem to be paying great attention to Alfred though. The bounty hunter shifts the weight of the man over his shoulder, giving Miiri a disgusted look. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a piece of parchment with carefully printed text and a rather large seal imprinted at the bottom corner. "My writ... not that I need it for a fool elf who threatened me." He raises his voice at the end of his short statement, as the guards who were approaching come within earshot. They regard Sariel with a careful eye, or at least they attempt to when they are suddenly distracted by Miiri. The guard closest to them mutters something under his breath before raising his voice for all to hear. "...finally caught the rat? Good, good. Here's yer pay." He hands the bounty hunter a small bag of coin, it looks rather light. The other guards take the 'rat' and drag him back toward where they came. The guard who paid the bounty hunter turns to Miiri. "Miss... I can tell you one of Bahamut's. He is a fair god, why are you traveling with such people? You must know, they can't be redeemed." He turns to leave, giving Miiri only a moment to respond before leaving to follow his fellow guardsmen. The bounty hunters both walk up the street in the opposite direction that the coach is headed. The path is cleared by those who agreed to help Alfred with such endeavors. For now the driver waits for everyone to get back into the coach.

2011-02-06, 02:09 AM
As another man walks by she tilts her head in his direction and raises a questioning eyebrow, but ultimately gives a shrug and a friendly grin.

Turning back to the matter at hand now that the guards have confirmed the hunters legitimacy Miiri gives the man a nod... but is distracted from saying more to him by the comment from the guard. "Unredeemable...? I'm curious what you mean by that as it seems as if it would take a very serious event to be considered such and well known at that. Is there something more I must know of these people?" She asks raking her eyes over the group.

2011-02-06, 02:42 AM
Sariel grabs the bounty hunter by the arm. He leers down at him, grinning animalistically with glazed over eyes. If it weren't for the total composure, one might mistake him for a drunk- as is, though, he's more reminiscent of a shark.
"I would seriously reconsider those words. I aided you in your capture with a limited resource of mine, and I believe I deserve recompense."
His grip tightens to uncomfortable levels on the man's wrist.
Intimidate check:[roll0]

2011-02-08, 08:43 PM
The guards who had taken the 'rat' were now far out of sight, already on their way back to wherever it was they had come from. The last guard present seemed uncomfortable with the bounty hunter's words, but stayed to respond to Miiri. "These type of people, they cannot control themselves. You're bound to get yourself in a situation where you can't esc... What do you think you are doing?!" The guard notices Sariel's threatening of the bounty hunter, and turns to confront him. With one hand on his blade, the guard commands. "In the name of the honorable Baron Killond Thogirn, you will unhand this servant of the law and leave peacefully! Furthermore yo..." The bounty hunter would raise his free hand, stopping the guard mid-speech. Reaching into the moderate coin purse, he would take out a few coins and press them into Sariel's free hand. "You shortened the chase by mere moments. This is what your cut would have been." The coins amounted to four gold, it was mostly silver with a few copper mixed in. It was obvious that the coin purse hardly carried more than that. The driver watched the proceedings with little interest, stuffing his pipe and lighting it while waiting for Sariel, Miiri, and Alfred to return to the coach.

2011-02-08, 08:52 PM
Sariel palms the coins deftly, and nods.
"Your cooperation is appreciated."
He gets back in the coach, motioning to the driver. "I prefer to be punctual."

2011-02-08, 09:07 PM
Juno has kept surprisingly quiet in lieu of the apprehension; past her unceremonious door opener she's kept in the doorway of the carriage with one hand on her curved sword. Her grip slackens as the events play out, and up until the end when she slumps back down in her seat. Nothing of concern for her though she looks at Sariel for a moment with a disapproving look. Oddly, she gave the bounty hunter a worse look moments before.

A pregnant pause follows after his comments, before she finally speaks.

"You know... something stinks," she gestures outside the window. "I hate claim jumpers. Iffin I was that bounty hunter I'd knock out alot of your elven teeth for what you just did expectin' a handout."

Her attention is out the window, literally; she's not accusing or actually voicing her disapproval towards the jack but trying to get the others in on her reasoning: "So how come that horse's arse out there got all generous when the constables showed up?"

Sense motive to check on that very same question! Juno smells a rat here: [roll0]

2011-02-08, 09:36 PM
Sariel shrugs in a fluid motion. "Oh, that man was probably innocent. Or at least harmless. It is all the same to me. I did a job, and received just payment."
He settles into his seat, taking out his bottle and drinking.

2011-02-08, 09:51 PM
Miiri watches Sariel with an exasperated look then turns back to the guard. "Well I suppose I can't speak for all of them but I think that some are not quite as bad as you think." She grins and gives him a wink. "Besides, someone must keep an eye on them before they do something really stupid. Farewell." With that she reboards the coach unless otherwise held up.

2011-02-08, 11:17 PM
The driver grumbles something about not having a chance to enjoy his pipe before calling out commands to the horses to get the coach moving again. The trip was a short one, taking only another fifteen minutes or so before the smell of salt air became apparent. The high masts of the boats could be seen even from behind the buildings that formed the alleys they were driving through. As the alley opened to a square, the full of the docks could be seen. Hundreds of boats were strewn across the harbor. Many bore the flags of their homelands, proving Theriain's worth as a bustling port city. The coach would pull up to one of the better maintained docks. It was difficult to tell if the polished wood was newly built or just well maintained. As the coach slowed, a man wearing nothing more than short pants and an open vest approached. The driver would hop down to open the door as the poorly dressed man spoke. "Captain’s been waiting..." Without another word he would turn and walk up the dock to boat. It was a grand affair, covered in all sorts of wooden artworks depicting amazing battles with all manner of sea creatures and even a few of battles in the skies. Though from the look of the ship it was probably nothing more than simple boasts. With all the ornate decorations and expensive woods and silk ropes, it seemed more like a nobleman's ship than a rough seaworthy vessel. Nothing was wrong with the ship, per say, but it was just a little over the top. There seemed to be all manner of gear for loading and unloading cargo both on the docks and on board the ship, but there was nothing left to be loaded. The Captain was walking down from the Quarterdeck as they came aboard the ship itself. "So you're the lot I have to take to the Isle... You seem capable. Any of you been on a great ship before?" The crew watched while pretending to do their duties, they were curious about the newcomers and were watching closely to see how they responded to the Captain.

2011-02-08, 11:39 PM
Sariel looks around the ship. He seems quite unimpressed, but then again he's had the same look on his face for most of the past few hours.
"Often enough. Make it worth my while and I can man it for you."

2011-02-09, 07:07 PM
Alfred bounces into the carriage without his mask, the noblemen's cloths mostly pulled off, revealing clothes better suit for sneaking and hiding than dancing.

"Hello. All apologies for the cloak and dagger business. I wasn't sure if I was going to take the job, didn't feel like airing myself out for everyone to see. My name is Alfred Glass, and I look forward to working for you." He says as he shakes everyone's hands, pausing to kiss the fingers of the women in the party. Then he sits across from Mirii and asks her about her music, listening politely.

As the coach pulls up to the docks, Alfred sticks his head out of the window and looks up at the forest of masts. "This should be fun, eh?" He shakes the Captains hand cheerfully and denies any sea going experience.

2011-02-11, 11:08 AM
At Alfreds urging Miiri recounts some of her history, mostly how her singing was self taught and led to her discovering other things, as they roll down the road.

"I've a little experience on the water, I won't be in the way." She says gazing over the ship.

2011-02-11, 02:24 PM
Juno's bared teeth and implications of potential lost fingers indicate kissing her hand is probably out during the carriage ride. However, for all her bravado (or bluster,) things take a different turn after the captain introduces himself.

"I've been around..." she says non-committing as her attentions are taken up by the mast and the climbing rigs. She thinks she could very well climb that in a beat, showing up the (assumed) bragging of the captain...

A pregnant pause lapses, as if Juno is toying with doing something foolish.... Were one able to see her way of thinking, the best way to describe it would be if two shoulder beings, one angel, one devil, were tugging at her will.

"No! You agreed to do a pathfinding job, not recklessly fool around on someone else's ship!"

"Hells yeah!!! Climb up that rigging and, I dunno, spin around on one of the mast arms! Cut loose!"

Will save to avoid doing something stupid; DC 12: [roll0]

2011-02-11, 05:08 PM
Cillian seems a bit shaky has he walks about the deck, taking a curious look at the four separate masts of the ship. Crew members are climbing around and over any part of the ship possible, doing something strange with the sails and rigging involving sand and water. Cillian turns to the Captain and simply states, "I am simply a passenger, but I find your ship fascinating. Where might my room be located?" The Captain would lead the group toward the center of the ship, allowing room for even more passengers who were boarding. These latest additions were all wearing robes of similar colors, a white base with green accents. One in particular was carrying many books in his arms, almost seeming on the verge of dropping them all but somehow managing to keep them in his arms. The Captain gave each of the five a stern glance before saying, "I’m Captain Darius Legaus, but you can just call me Captain, I would prefer that you did. I appreciate the offer son, but I have a full crew… in fact I have enough men to cover both watches. But Lord Chorster made it clear that if anything was to happen and you lot were to help that I should cut you in on a fair offer. We'll deal with that if or when it comes. You rooms are below, second deck down. We'll be pulling out soon, you can watch from the Quarterdeck or Foc's'le if you're not heading to your rooms right now. Dinner is at sunset, you’ll dine with me and the senior crew."

The crew avoided the five as much as possible, but they were also avoiding the robed ones as well. True to the Captain's word, the ship was moving slowly out of dock. A couple of crewmen who weren't doing anything important came to Juno and Mirri, asking if they could help them with their bags. Another crew member, a woman with flowing red hair, offered to help Alfred with his. Sariel and Cillian weren't approached by anyone. The sun was still high in the sky, lighting up the Aventi Bay brightly in a mixture of azure and teal. There was nothing in front of them but sea for further than the eye could see. Theriain was shrinking in the distance behind them, first the docks would fade and then the taller buildings built into the cliff faces. The land of Caelin and its great mountains would still be there for the better part of the day, only seeming to disappear as clouds took it from view with the changing weather.

2011-02-11, 06:23 PM
Alfred takes Juno's hand and, seeing her glare, quickly shifts to a rather deep bow, with a hand gesture that did his best to display "as you wish."

He keeps talking with Mirii about her musical talents right up until the red head appears, when his eye snap to front and center.

He smiles up at her, flicking some hair out of his eyes. "Oh, not to worry, it's a magical bag, quite light. Now, if you could perhaps show me to my rooms though, Ms..."

2011-02-14, 06:06 PM
At the offer of taking her bag Miiri gives a shake of her head but a murmer of thanks for the offer. She walks to the rear of the ship, alone for the time being now that Alfred's attention went elsewhere, and observes as the bay slips away. Thinking of what is to come.

2011-02-16, 12:09 AM
The day would pass without incident. Each of the party members would be led to their rooms and given a basic tour of the parts of the ship they were allowed to occupy. At night they were allowed on the 'guest' deck, which included their and others rooms, and on the crew's deck when it was dinnertime. During the day they were allowed topside, provided that they were able to keep themselves out of trouble. The woman who took Alfred to his room giggled at him, but did offer her name. "Claudia. I sit at the table closest to the Captain's... perhaps you'll join me tonight?" With the sunset came the call for dinner, held in a room on the same level as the crew's rooms. They wouldn't be summoned for dinner, if they didn't feel like eating it wasn't forced upon them. The crew was more than capable of finishing the already prepared food on their own if given the chance. Seats remained open at the 'guest' table, with many of the historical scholars and other non-crew passengers and at the crew table closest to the Captain. Claudia was waiting there, seeing if Alfred would be brave enough to show. The scholars were talking amongst themselves, obviously nervous about going to the isle. The crew seemed unfazed by such superstitious talk, or perhaps they were just more focused on their meals. Bowls would be pushed aside at a few tables, games of chance being played by many members of the crew. It seemed like they had a fair bit of coin, and much of it was changing hands. The primary game being played was the card game Skulls, with a few dice games on the sides for smaller amounts of change.

I need to know if you are updeck, in the dinning room, or still in your room. If you are in the dinning hall, where you are sitting and who you are talking to or what you are attempting to do. Anyone who feels like jumping into a gambling game is free to do so.

2011-02-16, 02:48 AM
Alfred paced in his swaying room like a trapped rat, disliking the lack of action and freedom. Of course he'd had to wait before, letting patrols pass or heat die down, but this was... different. Longer, and with no experience on a ship Alfred had no ways to gauge their progress either.

This adventuring stuff was harder than it looked.

Eventually he slips out the broken arrow and attaches a little bow of string to it, and slips it into Miiri's room. He might be thinking of red heads, but the dragon girl had been quite nice, and an arrow wasn't exactly a romantic gesture.

Then he makes his way to the dining area, feeling a bit awkward walking through someone else's tables, and not stopping to shake hands, catch up with regulars, and take soundings on how well meals were going.
Instead he pauses briefly to peer at the card players and to nod and smile where it seemed appropriate.

Eventually he makes his way to the Captain's table, he stopped to smile and offer the compliments due a proprietor (his best approximation for the situation) before turning to Claudia, who he'd been glancing at occasionally the whole time.

"Ah, my wonderful guide. So," he hops up to the chair next to her, "how's the food on this... ship? Boat? Vessel?"

2011-02-17, 12:57 AM
Juno was not really ever one to stick to her quarters, but being on marginally good terms with the sailors after they complimented her prowess, she decides against forcing her way up to the main deck for some nightly fresh air.

So, in the guest deck, she sits on the back of an otherwise unoccupied chair, feeling largely out of place (what with a scimitar on her back and the faded warpaint from her morning application on her face) but amused enough watching the games of chance to stay out of trouble. Quietly so, looking not unlike a cat in the process. Still, after she threatened someone who made fun of her face paint earlier (the threat going on for quite some time, involving several disparaging remarks about goats, Your Mom, and the use of a grappling hook) people have learned she's best left alone.

Presumably, this was before the alcohol kicked in. Juno has yet to join in any gambling, though she does ask (at least once or thrice) if she can go topside....

2011-02-17, 11:24 AM
Sitting in the dining room Miiri chats with a few saliors, mostly by the sea and how the voyage is likely to go. Knowing that she sings a few begin to egg her on, though normally it wouldn't even take that to get her to sing. With a grin she obliges, launching into a song that the saliors likely knew very well.

It's all for me grog, me jolly, jolly grog
It's all for me beer and tobacco
For I spent all me tin on the lassies drinkin' gin
Far across the western ocean I must wander.

Where are me boots, me noggin', noggin' boots?
They're all gone for beer and tobacco.
For the heels they are worn out and the toes are kicked about
And the soles are lookin' out for better weather.

Where is me shirt, me noggin', noggin' shirt?
It's all gone for beer and tobacco.
For the collar is all worn and the sleeves they are all torn
And the tail is lookin' out for better weather.

And where is me crew, me bloody, blasted crew?
They're all gone for beer and tobacco.
Well, they left me on the shore and they left me bloody poor
Now across the western ocean I must wander.

Where is me hat, me jolly, jolly hat?
It's all gone for beer and tobacco.
For the brim is all worn out and the crown is kicked about
And the feather's lookin' out for better weather.

Where are me jewels, me precious family jewels?
They're all gone for beer and tobacco.
Well, I keep 'em in a sack and I toss it cross me back
And you've all got dirty minds for what you're thinkin'.

Well, I'm sick in the head and I haven't been to bed
Since first I came ashore from me slumber.
I spent all me loot in the house of ill-repute
Far across the western ocean I must wander.

2011-02-20, 09:31 PM
The games would continue at the spaces between meals on the various tables of the dining hall. Every so often a pile of gold or silver would come crashing down due to the continuous swaying of the ship in these difficult waters. Drinks would crest and wave, only to slosh onto the tables beneath them. The entire affair was rather messy, and made only more so by the sickly gruel that the crew was expected to eat. It wasn't something that could kill a man, but it might convince one to end his own life given the right circumstances. Claudia just smiled as Alfred sat next to her, almost giggling as she spoke. "It's a ship chere, and you'd do well to remember it. Captain doesn't enjoy landbounders trouncing about his ship, but if you think you can make better slop, he'd be in your debt..." She gives Alfred a sly wink before beginning to dig into her bowl of chow. She didn't seem thrilled with the prospect, but drank enough mead to help mask the taste.

Any crew members who Juno approached, whether before she was intoxicated or after, would refuse to allow her access topside. They seemed rather afraid that the Captain would punish them if she happened to go topside, whether with their permission or not. There were no guards keeping her from heading up, but it seemed to be a rather strict taboo. "Night time sailing..." she was told by one of the senor crew members, "...was for those who knew their way around a ship. Captain doesn't need to be losing a young tart like yerself to the waves when no can see or hear you fall overboard. Stay inside, enjoy the food and games... there are minor bets as to whether you can beat Ox at a wrestling of the arms." The senior crew member would gesture behind him, where there was a mountain of a man currently slamming another man's arm down with such force that the rest of the man went with it. Ox stood, roaring in victory before downing another tankard of ale.

There seemed to be a crowd gathering as Miiri began to play her sweet melody that spoke to the hearts of the entire crew. It didn't take long for the more intoxicated members of the crew to start joining in her song, swaying from left to right and clanking mugs as they drank between verses. It seemed like almost everyone in the dining hall, and from the noise coming from topside every crew member currently running the ship, were all singling along and dancing about to Miiri's wonderful music. At the end of the performance, the crew began passing around a tattered old bag with a few patches of different colored leather around. As the bag made its way to Mirri, it was full of many pieces of silver and gold, seventeen gold and forty eight silver in total. The crew wouldn't accept any modesty on her part, practically forcing the bag into her hands.

2011-02-21, 05:02 PM
Alfred sniffed his food and struggled to keep a straight face. On the one hand, he didn't want to insult someone else's food in their own dining hall. On the other hand, he couldn't ever imagine serving something like this to a guest, much less a crewmate. "Just for you, I might do that," he says, smiling at Claudia before forcing down some of the slop and knocking back a drink or two.

As the music starts he hoists his mug and cheers his approval, and when the energy in the room begins to pick up he ask Claudia to join him in. Should she accept, he leads her in an enthusiastic, if untutored, halfling jig.

2011-02-22, 06:52 PM
Meanwhile on Juno's shoulders, an angel and a devil have it out with further debate, the latter of which once again has the upper hand and tips the scales of Juno's better judgment. And she's barely had anything to drink.

It's not that Juno goes looking for trouble with other people (most of the time) and regarding the wrestling of the arms, it's win some, lose some with her, but dammit, she cannot back down from this.

"Hey, Ox!! C'mere..."

Despite its questionable ethical nature, Juno decides to go into a rage for this, nearly frothing at the mouth with muscles that seem pure, corded iron by the time she sits down for a match with the horrendous man, her hand barely able to clench over his...

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] STR rolls for arm wrestling. Will roll against CMB if necessary in OOC

2011-02-22, 11:05 PM
Claudia seems to blush in the slightest before remembering that she was a tough member of the Captain's crew and shouldn't be showing too much of her softer womanly nature... at least not in public. "If you could save us from this... Kobold Fodder, I wouldn't be the only one in your debt." She'd wink and continue to drink for a time until offered to join in a jig with Alfred. Claudia couldn't resist, and accepts his offer. The dance is not foreign to her, and she even teaches Alfred a few moves before the night is out. The other Halflings amongst the crew dance parts of the jig as well, or at least they attempt to before tiring or falling from a combination of drunkenness and heavy swaying of the ship.

Ox, having just downed a tankard of Ale, almost laughs when he sees Juno challenging him. Through his drunken eyes she appears to be more womanly than normal, which seems to catch him as funny. He falls back into his seat, putting his hand up for her to take a hold of. "Fine little lady, but don't go crying when I... whoa!" Ox was surprised and almost upset when Juno started frothing at the mouth and got the upper hand, literally. The mountain of a man rubs the muscles of his right arm, growling under his breath. "Give the lady her gold boys, before she tears your arms off as well." Juno was given the winner's cut of the betting pool, which was considerable since she wasn't expected to win against Ox. The coin purse tossed to her held a random assortment of gems, gold, and silver adding up to forty gold, seven silver, and two copper.

The swaying of the ship got worse as the night went on, making even the crew worried. Drinks would be knocked from the tables while crew and guests alike were tossed from their seats to the port side of the ship. A roaring sound would come from the starboard side of the ship, so loud that no one could hear the noise of bodies being tossed against the walls of the ship, or that of plates and cups crashing down around them. The members of the crew were lying where they fell, not moving. Alfred was caught by Claudia, who was clinging to a nearly sideways table. Ox had one of his unconscious friends in one arm, and caught Juno's hand with the other. Sariel, having eaten with the guests, had landed on top of the scholars without injury. Miiri had similarly landed on a pile of crew members without being knocked out or hurt in any way. The floor started to even out as the roaring sound faded. Captain Legaus slammed his fist on the table, looking at what had become of his crew. "What is happening to my ship!? Ox, Claudia; go above and make sure we're on course. You four," He points to each of the party members, excluding Cillian who was already attending to the guests and crew members who weren't moving. "...you seem to be uninjured and the only ones who didn't pass out. Find out what is happening and why. I have a ship to tend to." The Captain storms down the dining hall and up the stairs leading to the main deck.

2011-02-23, 12:01 AM
As the crew members shove the bag of gold into Miiri hands she can't repress a demure smile, or as demure a maw full of fangs can be. Certainly she is no stranger to earning a living off her voice but in quarters such as this she had figured the ride itself would be payment enough.

Suddenly being thrown from her seat, Miiri gives voice to a startled meep before slamming into something that was reletively soft. Though with her head raised realizing the nature of her safety. Distangling herself she whispers appologies and thanks then turns towards where the captian went topside.

"I suppose that gives us permission to go up then." Miiri hums a short tune, and a smile spreads across her face as the spell settles into place. Then she heads towards the stairs, pausing until another comes with her.

2011-02-23, 12:08 AM
The dancing was quite fun, and as the music wound down Alfred sets Claudia aside to talk about the business of sailing a ship, her position on the crew, and any other part of her life he felt curious about. When he finds himself throw against her he does his best not take advantage of the situation (he is, after all, a classy man) and as he gains his feet he draws a pair of knifes from his sleeves.

He looks at Claudia for a moment, then Juno. "Juno? You want point?" He's on the balls of his feet and taking quick breaths. Actual fighting was rarely part of the plan for him, and he wasn't sure that something that could tip a ship this large like a toy in a bathtub could even be fought.

2011-02-24, 01:36 AM
For the majority of the night, Sariel had been drinking and playing Skulls. Through a combination of misdirection, magical tricks, sharing his drinks with the sailors and simple sleight of hand he had managed to palm practically a whole deck over the course of the night. He'd collected quite a decent pot, preferring to play it safe until the final stretch where he would take it all: in the last round of the last game, he'd managed to collect a 2 through 5 of spades. And he had an ace of spades up his sleeve. With a perfect poker face- still focused entirely on his cards, and as he passes one to the right he flips the card out of his sleeve... only to be caught in the chance glance of one of the few remaining coherent players. Sariel notices the man's eyes widen... and just then, the ship makes its most violent sway.
As the table slides down the room, Sariel sits stock still, blank, waiting for his moment. And as they near the wall, Sariel gives the end of the table a good push, sending the other end flying up, striking the man on the bottom of the chin and making his head snap back to collide perfectly with the wall. He falls unconscious.
And with a flick of the wrist, the ace of spades is gone. There is no ace of spades. There never was nor shall there be an ace of spades.
And through all this, Sariel keeps the same perfectly blank expression.
He grabs what he can, takes his briefcase from out of a secure corner, and heads up on deck.

2011-02-24, 04:09 PM
Palming her halberd (and using the shaft to poke anyone out of her way) Juno nods down at the halfling. She's ready for trouble, mostly by being trouble itself.

"How much hooch did you all drink?" she asks the others at large, having had very little herself, the question isn't accusatory, but seems more of a gauge of how trustworthy she'll find the others. Odd coming from someone who gives inappropriate finger gestures to Death and Chance, but something about her question seems she has bitter, personal experience involving over-drinking. Whether her own or someone else's is unknown.

Regardless of it, Juno keeps an ear and an eye out as she trots up to the main deck in haste.

2011-02-26, 11:21 PM
Claudia and Ox had already rushed upstairs with the Captain by the time the party was able to make their plans and to prepare for what might come. As they took the stairs from the lower deck they could see the flickering blue light of the torch at Captain Legaus' side. He was holding tightly to the Helm, using all of his strength to turn it port side, and evening out the ship from the heavy beating it took from the harsh waves. The deck was awash with salt water and algae, making it very slippery. The heavy rain wasn't making it any easier to move or see anything. Up ahead near the main mast was Ox, holding a weak lantern in one hand and a blade of decent length in the other, Claudia was nowhere to be seen, but from their position the party couldn't see the full length of the ship. Screaming over the roar of the waves and the hail of rain, Captain Legaus instructs, "Whatever it is, it is at the Bow! We've got the storm, you fight whatever you find! Good luck!" Between the light given by the Captain's everburning torch and Ox's weak lantern there is a region of shadowy illumination.

The deck is heeling, slippery, and under heavy winds. A successful balance check DC (14) allows you to move at half your speed as a move action. Taking a -5 allows you to move at you full speed as a move action. If you want to take a double move or charge, you will need to make a balance check DC (14) for each multiple of your speed traveled. If you walk around the edge of the deck you can brace yourself for a bonus to your balance check. Bracing you body grants a +5 circumstance bonus (can be done with both hands full), bracing with one hand grants a +7 circumstance bonus (can only be done when one hand is free), and bracing with both hands grants a =10 circumstance bonus (can only be done when both hands are free).

The ships rigging is normally easy to scale, but it is currently slippery from the rain and other factors. Climbing the ship's rigging requires use of both hands and a climb check DC (10) to move at one quarter your speed. You may take a -5 penalty to climb at half your speed instead. It is 30 to 40 ft to the mast section (horizontal part of the mast where you can walk). Rigging is located at 0-1, P-5 and O-8 for the nearest mast and I-1, J-4 and I-8.


2011-02-28, 05:52 PM
Eager to find and fight anything not nailed down or in a position of seaman's rank, Juno whips a sunrod from her pack and upon igniting it, wedges it into her belt. Now she has both hands free again to fight, the petite savage tries to move to the edge of the rail so she can move with ease...

Hokay, need a balance check: [roll0] to just get to the side of the boat; given her immense move, all I really need is for her to not botch any balance rolls and she can get to whereever she needs...

2011-03-04, 02:42 PM
Trying to double move to Q-8 to N-8 so rolling first, also note I've got low light vision and darkvision out to 30 ft.
Well crap, crit fail.

Soft footware does not help one maneuver about a deck such as this Miiri quickly finds out. At first sliding about in one place then falling down entirely as the deck gives a particularly violent heave.

2011-03-04, 07:01 PM
"Claudia! You there?"

Alfred hesitates as the ship rocks beneath his feet. Sure, he'd be fine six stories over cobblestones resting on his first two knuckles and a steel piton jammed a mere half inch into the wall. At least the damn building wasn't shaking.

... actually, that wasn't a bad idea. "I'm going to see if I can spot her from up there!"

Alfred's hand dips to his satchel and easily finds a bag of chalk a few hooks, and some intricate knot work. He launches himself upward with abandon.

Climb Check, taking the DC check to move double speed straight up: [roll0]

Hands up everyone who thinks this combat ends with everyone in a crumpled heap of broken bones before we even make contact with the enemy.

2011-03-05, 07:28 PM
Although Juno's attempts to move toward the railing have failed and she is stuck in her current position, the sunrod that she strapped to her belt has illuminated the situation. There appear to be three men on board with weapons drawn and a woman lying behind the furthest one. She doesn't appear to be awake but there are no obvious signs of injury or death either. On closer inspection she appears to be the red haired crew member known as Claudia. Mirri has fallen from the swaying of the ship, unable to stand until things calm down. Alfred has taken to the ropes, moving up twenty or so feet. If he makes another such accent, he'll find himself on the crossbeams of the mast. Sariel has run forward, attempting to get closer to the action. Doing so has proven dangerous, as one of the figures rushes forward and attacks. The blade strikes true, drawing blood from the skilled Sariel and much of it. Whatever had been causing the ship to rock so violently seems to have either passed or become tamed by the Captain. Ox seems surprised by the sudden attack, but steps forward and swings his own blade. He misses, striking the deck with the tip of his sword and lodging it in there. The mountain of a man struggles to free his blade, but to no avail. The other figures in the darkness seem to have a malleable shape and are currently difficult to distinguish.

You take 7 damage.

You have fallen, you can take a move action to stand.

You have failed you balance check, but did not fall. You can move next turn at no penalty.

You are 20ft high in the ropes above your current location on the map

Balance checks to move about have been reduced to DC 10 due to quick action on the part of the Captain.

Climb Checks are still DC 10.

Everyone can see the people marked ???, Captain, Ox, and Claudia due to the Bright and Shadowy illumination provided by the Sunrod in Juno's possession. Juno, Alfred, and Mirri have cover from the Mast between N-4 and N-5. This gives you +4 to AC from ranged attacks and +2 to Reflex saves originating from the other side of said mast.

The odd diamond shaped brown things are Ballista, but they are only designed to shoot in a 180 degree arc that faces away from the ship. This means you cannot use them against onboard invaders, but neither can they use them against you. Win/lose I suppose. You can pass through the squares that the ballista are in without penalty. They provide low cover if you duck behind them or they are positioned between you and your foe. A ballista bolt may be used as a battering ram in a pinch.


2011-03-08, 11:10 PM
"Claudia!" The bastards. Alfred quickly checks his options. More height would be good... if he had time and a crossbow.

I'm coming back down! Alfred loosens his hold on the ropes, and begins to slid down... and as the ship rocks out of a trough his hand catches in on a knot, sending him tumbling away into open air.

Falling intentionally. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#falling)

Tumble DC 15: [roll0]

First ten ft - nonlethal: [roll1]
Next ten: Should I fail the tumble check. Lethal damage: [roll2]

DICE!!! *shakes fist*

Still, got min damage so... gentle landing? Or are we going to take this to the fumble table?

2011-03-08, 11:25 PM
Alfred attempts to land on the deck of the ship, but he forgets that one of his feet is still in the mess of ropes that make the climbable rigging of the ship. Though in his attempt, with all the spinning and flipping in the air, he ends up landing on his feet abeit roughly. The halfling finds that he has more than enough time to react to his sitaution and take another quick action.

You land on your feet, taking 1 non-leathal and 1 lethal damage. You still have either you move or standard action for the surprise round. I concidered falling from there a free action as part of your surprise round awesomness.

2011-03-09, 12:04 AM
Miiri peers at the person that so suddenly struck Sariel. "Whoever you are methinks if you continue to fight you'll be in a world of hurt, even death perhaps. Stop and surrender." Miiri calmly says. Hands up and ready she takes to humming a tune, waiting to see the mystery person's reaction. She looks almost as if she's like a snake coiled to strike rather than someone who'd just fallen.
For lack of diplomacy ranks I'll be rolling bluff, in a sense while what I said could (most likely) be true for all we know we could be the ones getting their tail kicked. Also readying action for if the figure next to Sariel makes any more hostile actions to cast magic missile at him, I'll roll it ahead of time just in case so things can keep moving.
Perform (dc 21)
Fail Chance (just in case)
Magic Missile

2011-03-09, 02:36 AM
Alfred settles himself, shoots a sheepish look at those near by, and drews his knifes as he pushes forward to aid Sariel.

Queries; re-flatfootedness and balance: will we be considered flatfooted only if we've moved this round, or only if attacked during movement (AoO's), or simply on deck?

Also, can we tell if an enemy is flat footed?

Anyway, if Alfred can tell if the enemy is flatfooted and he is, or if we are considered balancing merely by being on deck, Alfred's going to throw his daggers.
Attack Right Hand: [roll0] (BaB 3 + Dex 5 + Halfling 1 + TWF -2 + Range -2)
Attack Left Hand: [roll1]

Right Hand Damage: [roll2]
Left Hand Damage: [roll3]

Right Sneak Attack: [roll4]
Left Sneak Attack: [roll5]

If not, Alfred will move to L5.
Balance: [roll6]

2011-03-09, 07:03 PM
Juno dips one way then then next during her initial attempt to maneuver across the ship, swearing perhaps better than a sailor in the process. We won't get into that. But with her light falling upon the intruders, the barbarian is willing to forgive fate for that transgression because she now has somebody to fight it out with. She doesn't care who they are, or what they're doing, just that perhaps the storm is a better alternative than dealing with her.

She settles for the fellow flanked between Ox and Sariel simply because she can reach him sooner. Trying not to slip again, she rounds the mast, sliding to a near halt before attempting to bring down a storm of her own, axe-head first.

[roll0] Balance check. From there she's moving to attack the closest guy but does she qualify for flanking? If so, add two to this attack roll: [roll1] damage: [roll2]

2011-03-10, 01:58 AM
As the figure stabs him, Sariel wraps his arm around the man's right hand, holding it- and the man- in place. And though his face grows deathly pale, he neither grimaces nor flinches nor grins, but looks the man in the eyes, locking him into his stare. Meanwhile, he raises his sword, flipping it over to hold it backhanded, and stabs down behind his clavicle.
So. Lessee here. I'ma assume I'm flanking the guy with Ox. Also, I'm going to use a swift action to activate critical strike.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Precision dice: [roll2]
Intimidating strike check:[roll3]
Fortitude save for Haemophiliac:[roll4]
Wow those are some terrible rolls.

2011-03-10, 09:20 PM
Alfred rushes forward to get closer to the action, despite the heavy landing he took when he jumped down from the ship rigging. He finds himself close to the action, but not so close that he is in immediate danger of attack. The stranger standing over Claudia's fallen body takes his sword and dagger, crossing them in front of his chest while his eyes attempt to lock with Juno's. The foe who had charged Sariel seemed more than capable of dodging the blows aimed for him, using his own sword to parry Sariel's while leaning backwards to avoid Juno's dragon shaped axe headed halberd. Just as the stranger was beginning to smirk, Ox relieved the ship deck of his blade, raising it high and screaming loudly before coming down on the enemy. The blade struck true and deep, but the man was able to shrug the blow off without much trouble. Now with his attention split between the three people surrounding him, it seems as if his deftness would be put to the test.

The stranger who had been on the starboard side of the ship vanished without a trace. The light from Juno's sunrod illuminated the spot that he had occupied but he was no longer there. Miiri's words of caution would fall on deaf ears, but the music of her magic would not. As the missiles of musical energy shot forth into the core of the surrounded stranger's body, a scream would be heard. The first missile would strike his gut hard, causing him to scream out in pain. The second hit the same spot, striking deeper and causing the man to cough up a good deal of blood. He spat afterwards, wiping the blood from his chin while giving an evil smirk. Sariel could see an opening in the man's concentration, perhaps he could take advantage of it.

*Sariel 21, Ox 19
Mob 18
Juno 16, Alfred 15
Capitan 11, Miiri 9

#Line that just posted (No one as of yet)
*Line that is expected to post next

Explanation of the Initiative

The way this will work is that those on the same line will be expected to post before those on the next line. For example, Sariel and Ox will post in whatever order they manage (in this case Ox's actions were already described in this IC post). When they both have posted, the Mob will post. Then when the Mob has posted, Juno and Alfred, in whatever order, will post. Once Juno and Alfred have posted, then the Captain and Miiri will be expected to post. When they've posted it goes back to Sariel and Ox. And the cycle continues. This allows for the awkwardness of PbP posting while at the same time keeping the initiative important to the flow of battle. If it needs an adjustment to be more streamlined, I'll find a way to fix it. Also there will be a mark as to which line just posted and which line is expected to post next so that things are extra clear.

You're flanking with Ox now that he is armed and no longer busy being stupid. My description of the man's concentration having an opening is just a fancy way of saying it's your turn now.

He looked aggressive, you magic missile hit hard. Very nice.

You're flanking with Ox now that he is armed and no longer busy being stupid.

Thanks for being honest about your lack of armor or weapons... hope it doesn't hurt you too much this battle. Also you're armed if you want to be. I'd suggest It.

Balance checks to move about have been reduced to DC 10 due to quick action on the part of the Captain.

Climb Checks are still DC 10.

Everyone can see the people marked ???, Captain, Ox, and Claudia due to the Bright and Shadowy illumination provided by the Sunrod in Juno's possession. Mirri has cover from the Mast between N-4 and N-5. This gives her +4 to AC from ranged attacks and +2 to Reflex saves originating from the other side of said mast.

The odd diamond shaped brown things are Ballista, but they are only designed to shoot in a 180 degree arc that faces away from the ship. This means you cannot use them against onboard invaders, but neither can they use them against you. Win/lose I suppose. You can pass through the squares that the ballista are in without penalty. They provide low cover if you duck behind them or they are positioned between you and your foe. A ballista bolt may be used as a battering ram in a pinch.


2011-03-10, 09:28 PM
Let's try this again. Rolls first, fluffy bits shall follow.
Activating wand for critical strike, and...
Intimidating Strike:[roll3]

2011-03-11, 01:03 AM
Sariel's blade is quick, attempting for another strike against the unknown foe before he can react. Seeing the attack, the man blocks it with the back of his bracer before turning and walking around Sariel to get closer to the back of the ship. Ox's blade falls short yet again, but this time it is not lodged into the wood of the ship deck. When he is positioned between Alfred and Sariel, the foe finds himself struck twice. First by a small throwing knife by the halfling and secondly by the curved blade wielded by the elf. Again blood comes up in a sudden cough, but the man attempts to shrug off the wounds. He is able to make it around Sariel before suddenly stopping and falling to one knee. Gasping for breath, the man is somehow able to still hold his blade in his own defense. His eyes are wild, like that of an animal, and he begins to growl as if he were feral. The foe standing over Claudia's body yells something in broken common to Sariel and Juno. "Foe here, them coward none fight!" This was the man's best attempt at goading Sariel and Juno to fight. His blades are still crossed over his chest in a defensive position but he has taken no other actions toward them or toward the girl laying behind him. The third enemy is still unseen, and it is not clear how he could have disappeared so easily. The Captain continues in his efforts to keep the ship from getting tossed about in these heavy waves.

Sariel 21, Ox 19
#Mob 18
*Juno 16, Alfred 15
Capitan 11, Miiri 9

#Line that just posted
*Line that is expected to post next

Explanation of the Initiative

The way this will work is that those on the same line will be expected to post before those on the next line. For example, Sariel and Ox will post in whatever order they manage (in this case Ox's actions were already described in this IC post). When they both have posted, the Mob will post. Then when the Mob has posted, Juno and Alfred, in whatever order, will post. Once Juno and Alfred have posted, then the Captain and Miiri will be expected to post. When they've posted it goes back to Sariel and Ox. And the cycle continues. This allows for the awkwardness of PbP posting while at the same time keeping the initiative important to the flow of battle. If it needs an adjustment to be more streamlined, I'll find a way to fix it. Also there will be a mark as to which line just posted and which line is expected to post next so that things are extra clear.

You made an AoO against the foe as he ran between you and Alfred, you did not crit but you did do sneak attack damage as well as the extra 1d6 from critical strike. All in all, you rolled 27 damage, that's alot.

Nothing special for you right now.

The foe ran away, but you weren't in a position to make an AoO. He is now close enough for you to attack but not so close that if you were to go after the one further away that you'd be provoking an AoO. So it's up to you who you go after, no threats (as far as you can tell) keeping you from going either way with it.

You made an AoO against the foe while he ran between you and Sariel, you did not crit but you did do full sneak attack damage. All in all you rolled 24 damage, very nice! You used the throwing knife as a melee weapon by the way.

Balance checks to move about have been reduced to DC 10 due to quick action on the part of the Captain.

Climb Checks are still DC 10.

Everyone can see the people marked ???, Captain, Ox, and Claudia due to the Bright and Shadowy illumination provided by the Sunrod in Juno's possession. Mirri has cover from the Mast between N-4 and N-5. This gives her +4 to AC from ranged attacks and +2 to Reflex saves originating from the other side of said mast.

The odd diamond shaped brown things are Ballista, but they are only designed to shoot in a 180 degree arc that faces away from the ship. This means you cannot use them against onboard invaders, but neither can they use them against you. Win/lose I suppose. You can pass through the squares that the ballista are in without penalty. They provide low cover if you duck behind them or they are positioned between you and your foe. A ballista bolt may be used as a battering ram in a pinch.


2011-03-11, 02:45 AM
Alfred snaps his knife back, takes a moment to be surprised by the red on his blade, then moves... towards the bow. "Ox! Claudia might need help. Let's take this guy by the... pointy end."

Let's see... Craven vs. Ladies Man? In the end I'm going to say I prefer Alfred's Craven-ness as a general 'didn't sign up for this' and counterweight to the natural halfling bonus to fear effects. In addition, charging ahead semi-alone seems just the right balance of smartness (hey, she might need medical attention) vs. not quite thought through (hey, I can't really give medical attention!) Also, I'm fairly certain our disappearing man is either back home reporting to his boss or hanging out in our rigging, waiting to go Sam Fisher on someone, but I don't think Alfred's thinking about him right now. This is what happens if I think to much.

In summation:

Moving to H5, full speed,

Balance: [roll0]

2011-03-16, 06:18 PM
Oh to hell with that. Broken common or not, Juno knows when she's being insulted. However, as devilishly daring as she is, she doesn't need a battle of conscience to know it's stupid to leave an enemy at her back before beating the tar out of the one before her.

Thus, assuming Sariel doesn't finish him off first, the petite barbarian aims to plan her halberd in her current opponent's visage before taking it to whoever just insulted her.

[roll0] Will confirm in OOC if necessary, and damages: [roll1]

2011-03-18, 08:10 PM
Alfred's rush to the front of the ship is cut short by a sudden attack. From behind the mast of the ship comes a set of powerful jaws, and their fangs digs deep into his leg. While the bite isn't enough to disable the halfing, it still hurt like all hell. The powerful beast standing behind the mast roar with such a ferocity, it is a surprise that it had gone unnoticed until now. The beast stood tall over Alfred, and now he was left to the beast's mercy.

Juno's attempt to strike at the nearly dead foe fails horribly, but much to her surprise the man coughs his last breath and lays dead on the deck. The Captain gives a shout of pride and joy at the sight, yelling something over the crash of waves and roaring wind to the savage woman. Whatever it was, he seemed rather excited about it. Pulling a small crossbow from inside of his coat, he aims it at the man standing over Claudia. The bolt strikes true, but the man seems unfazed by the attack... at least until the bolt explodes with a fast burning and intense fire that seems to persist despite the heavy rain and soaked leather armor that the man is wearing. He screams deeply, his voice sounding eerily similar to that of the beast standing over Alfred.

Sariel 21, Ox 19
Mob 18
#Juno 16, Alfred 15
*Capitan 11, Miiri 9

#Line that just posted
*Line that is expected to post next

Explanation of the Initiative

The way this will work is that those on the same line will be expected to post before those on the next line. For example, Sariel and Ox will post in whatever order they manage (in this case Ox's actions were already described in this IC post). When they both have posted, the Mob will post. Then when the Mob has posted, Juno and Alfred, in whatever order, will post. Once Juno and Alfred have posted, then the Captain and Miiri will be expected to post. When they've posted it goes back to Sariel and Ox. And the cycle continues. This allows for the awkwardness of PbP posting while at the same time keeping the initiative important to the flow of battle. If it needs an adjustment to be more streamlined, I'll find a way to fix it. Also there will be a mark as to which line just posted and which line is expected to post next so that things are extra clear.

Nothing special for you right now.

Nothing special for you right now.

You foe died without your help, sorry.

You take 4 points of damage from the savage bite. You leg starts to burn and fester around the bite wounds. Here's your will save, I'll keep the DC secret. [roll0]

Everyone (Some new stuff)
The terrible beast standing over Alfred has cover from the mast in regards to Miiri. He gets +4 to AC from ranged attacks and +2 to Reflex saves from attacks from you, unless you move. If you want to target him with Magic Missile, you need to make a listen check DC 13 or a Spot check DC 16 to figure out what square he is in. Magic Missile never misses, but you have to know where the foe is. You can try both, you're not limited to one choice or the other.

Balance checks to move about have been reduced to DC 10 due to quick action on the part of the Captain.

Climb Checks are still DC 10.

Everyone can see the people marked ???, Captain, Ox, and Claudia due to the Bright and Shadowy illumination provided by the Sunrod in Juno's possession. Mirri has cover from the Mast between N-4 and N-5. This gives her +4 to AC from ranged attacks and +2 to Reflex saves originating from the other side of said mast.

The odd diamond shaped brown things are Ballista, but they are only designed to shoot in a 180 degree arc that faces away from the ship. This means you cannot use them against onboard invaders, but neither can they use them against you. Win/lose I suppose. You can pass through the squares that the ballista are in without penalty. They provide low cover if you duck behind them or they are positioned between you and your foe. A ballista bolt may be used as a battering ram in a pinch.


2011-03-18, 08:35 PM
As the combat continues Miiri frowns now that the majority of it is difficult to see. With a sigh she then concentrates on what she is hearing, trying to get a fix on the source of the new sound. Ready to fling another salvo of missiles.
So listen check then casting magic missile, heres hoping. Also if I still have enough actions (I presume I get a reactionary listen or spot check) I'd like to stand as well.
perform (dc 21)
In case check fails
missile damage

2011-03-19, 02:31 PM
Miiri's keen senses allow her to pinpoint the beast that attacked Alfred. She finds sure footing at the top of the stairs and is able to remain within key despite the cacophony of sound from the storm. Her missiles fly true, and strike hard. Alfred can see them striking the back of the beast, but sadly they do not distract the monster from his current prey, the Halfling before him.

*Sariel 21, Ox 19
Mob 18
Juno 16, Alfred 15
#Capitan 11, Miiri 9

#Line that just posted
*Line that is expected to post next

Explanation of the Initiative

The way this will work is that those on the same line will be expected to post before those on the next line. For example, Sariel and Ox will post in whatever order they manage (in this case Ox's actions were already described in this IC post). When they both have posted, the Mob will post. Then when the Mob has posted, Juno and Alfred, in whatever order, will post. Once Juno and Alfred have posted, then the Captain and Miiri will be expected to post. When they've posted it goes back to Sariel and Ox. And the cycle continues. This allows for the awkwardness of PbP posting while at the same time keeping the initiative important to the flow of battle. If it needs an adjustment to be more streamlined, I'll find a way to fix it. Also there will be a mark as to which line just posted and which line is expected to post next so that things are extra clear.

You can see the beast that is attacking Alfred.

You were able to locate the foe and your magic missiles struck true.

You foe died without your help, sorry.

The beast was struck right before your eyes, but sadly it is still focused on you.

Everyone (Some new stuff)
The terrible beast standing over Alfred has cover from the mast in regards to Miiri. He gets +4 to AC from ranged attacks and +2 to Reflex saves from attacks from you, unless you move. If you want to target him with Magic Missile, you need to make a listen check DC 13 or a Spot check DC 16 to figure out what square he is in. Magic Missile never misses, but you have to know where the foe is. You can try both, you're not limited to one choice or the other.

Balance checks to move about have been reduced to DC 10 due to quick action on the part of the Captain.

Climb Checks are still DC 10.

Everyone can see the people marked ???, Captain, Ox, and Claudia due to the Bright and Shadowy illumination provided by the Sunrod in Juno's possession. Mirri has cover from the Mast between N-4 and N-5. This gives her +4 to AC from ranged attacks and +2 to Reflex saves originating from the other side of said mast.

The odd diamond shaped brown things are Ballista, but they are only designed to shoot in a 180 degree arc that faces away from the ship. This means you cannot use them against onboard invaders, but neither can they use them against you. Win/lose I suppose. You can pass through the squares that the ballista are in without penalty. They provide low cover if you duck behind them or they are positioned between you and your foe. A ballista bolt may be used as a battering ram in a pinch.


2011-03-22, 09:47 PM
Sariel decides that whatever is threatening Alfred is likely a greater threat than the half-dead fellow before him, and blinks.
In a flash, he's several feet closer to the beast, and, taking his jolly good time, he waltzes over to it and unceremoniously stabs it in the back while it's busy with the little person.
Activate Anklet of Translocation+5 foot step to move to I3.
Attack roll:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak attack:[roll2]
Intimidating Strike:[roll3]
I'm keeping track of the bloodloss, by the way.
I'm totally serious, I'm ecstatic that I'll actually probably hit it now.:smallbiggrin:

2011-03-25, 12:31 AM
Now that really does it. Wet, unbalanced, whatever paint she's put into her hair and face washing out, and worst of all she's not actually killing anything, Juno reaches the logical conclusion any barbarian would come to and goes into a rage. Flat out enraged, she undergoes a startling metamorphosis with her muscles bulging and her eyes filming over red. That fellow near Alfred is all she really zones in on in her focused vision, throwing herself against rain and wind to get near him and give him what for.

Balance check: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]