View Full Version : In Search of Wonder (IC)

2011-01-24, 02:01 AM
The city gates were still closed. The sun was slowly making it's way up the horizon. In a major city, it wouldn't be a big surprise to see a crowd waiting at this moment. However, this wasn't an ordinary crowd.

It was obvious from the very first look that most of them were not ordinary travelers. For one, most of them had this aura of strength around them. For another, it would be the weapons many had on their backs. Take that longsword that a unusually short human was holding for example. Blatantly magical.

One of them pulled out an envelope in his pack, carefully rereading the letter that had been sent out to some of the most famous throughout the world.

"To all invitees,

Thank you for your swift reply to the invitation to the expedition leaving on the fourth day of the month.

As this date coincides with mid-autumn, we thus cordially invite you to our annual 'Feast at the Waterfront'.

If you wish to turn up for this event, please report to the Waterfront by noon on the third and present the medallion that was issued as a city entry pass with the previous invitation.

We sincerely hope to see you at the event.

Carthana Milner
Owner of the Waterfront Hotel"

As he finished reading through it, the loud sound of the city gates opening could be heard. The expedition was about to begin.

2011-01-24, 05:39 PM
The stout dwarf, Tungadil Heavyhands, stroked his long red beard, twisting one of the many silver beads which adorned the smaller braids around the edges. He looked up at the grand wall encompassing the city he had arrived at earlier that morning while the waining moon still held watch over the coastal lands.

"An 'ere I thought humans were t'bein' trustin' folk" he grumbled in his thick dwarfish tongue. "a dwarf'd be killed o'cold an'angrey as a badger fer waitin' this long afore welcome was givin outside one o'our gates"

His hand slowly raises as a soft blue form materialized to his left, the stout, shimmering spectral form of a black bear muzzled into the dwarf's flank. "Aye me friend, fer sure'n Moradin's be needing us fer something but dwarves be only patient fer two things and a closed door ain't one of em' "

The dwarf began to glance at the others gathered at the gate. Noticing a few odd beings of the far realms and some others he had been warned about since birth. But the spirits were a forgiving bunch and had shown him the ways to acceptance far beyond that of his mining race. Maybe these fellow wanderers would become fast friends not moving targets.

Mando Knight
2011-01-24, 06:51 PM
At over six feet tall, the Dragonborn sorceress stands out among the group, and her unusual appearance (even for seasoned adventurers) helps draw stares. She doesn't mind. In fact, she enjoys it. Let the fleshy ones marvel at her. It makes them easier to control.

Upon the opening of the gate, she strides confidently into the city, looking for the Waterfront Hotel while palming the medallion she received.

2011-01-24, 07:22 PM
The large Warforged, Brel, ignores the stares that he is getting for his friend, Ensaed the bobcat. Brel is currently carrying his friend, lightly petting her as he walks.

As he walks through the gate, his attention is immediately drawn to all the interesting buildings. Ever since leaving Graywood Forest two years ago, Brel has been amazed by non-elven designs. He learned about how doors worked fairly quickly, but still finds them interesting to look at. He is in awe over the shear number of things to look at.

He tears his eyes away from a fairly interesting looking building to show Ensaed his medallion after setting her down, "Look, Ensaed. Isn't that an interesting design?"

In response to his question, Ensaed glances at the medallion before starting to take a bath, not overly interested in the appearance of a medallion.

2011-01-25, 01:05 AM

Kat (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=266058) looks around at the others gathered and smiles sadly, as if the crowd brings back bittersweet memories. Of average height for a human, he does not particularly stand out among these heroes. At first glance he appears to be an average human male, with blond hair, wearing high quality leather armor (drowmesh, for those knowledgable in such things), and carrying a solid looking quarterstaff. The only thing that makes him stand out is his eyes, which lack irises, or if they're there, they're white. Small black pupils are the only thing to be seen.

Those eyes are now focused on the opening city gate. He appears neither excited nor nervous, merely curious. "Well, now we'll see what we'll see," he thinks to himself.

Dacia Brabant
2011-01-25, 04:49 PM

One of the invitees, a tall, black-cloaked and hooded figure, seems ill at ease as he surveys the crowd for any possible threat. Given that his gaunt frame, mottled greenish-yellow skin, cruel features and thickly braided black hair mark him as a Gith, the reason for his wariness should be obvious.

Pulling out the invitation he gives it a brief second look before crumpling it up and stashing it in a pocket, though he does put on the medallion.

He gives the dwarf a quick glance after overhearing his remark. "What welcome should be offered to thoshe who are to be shent away to unshertain fatesh?" he hisses dryly, perhaps against his better judgment.

2011-01-27, 09:23 AM
The city has clearly gone full out on this event. A set of markers set in gold are placed as regular intervals along the main street. At the end of this road, lies the ocean. Near the end of the road, there is a building that looks like it has been carved from the finest marble. A sign engraved just above the doorway marks this out as the Waterfront hotel.

((Everyone roll for Perception))

2011-01-27, 10:45 AM
Brel quickly spots the Waterfront hotel, and pipes up, "Ooh, look at that, Ensaed."

He is amazed by the carved marble, and wonders if humans regularly make buildings out of this.

Perception: [roll0]

Dacia Brabant
2011-01-27, 01:46 PM

"Hmm. Quite the funeral proshession," the Gith quips humorlessly, though he can't quite hide his admiration for the marbled structure.

Perception: [roll0]

((Apparently he was so entranced by the building that he ignored everything else around him.))

Mando Knight
2011-01-27, 03:29 PM
Ixen, the Dragonborn Sorceress, sees her target and heads straight for it, though is uncannily aware of her surroundings.

2011-01-27, 04:08 PM
((Are there people standing around watching the procession?))


Kat walks with the others, staring curiously at the various sights, unsure what to expect, but surely not expecting this.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-01-31, 11:10 AM
Tungadil wanders slowly into the city with the rest, using the long handle of his battle axe like a cane, the shimmering outline of his spirit bear companion can be seen flitting in and out of view beside him.

Could never get the hand of the forum dice roller.
Perception: 1d20+15=30 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2864633/)

2011-01-31, 05:58 PM
"Try to say focused, blood-traitor." Doivak remarked. It was hard to tell whether the nickname for the githyanki was to be offensive or not. He kept his eyes out for anything odd, ready to draw his shield and hammer at a moments notice.


2011-02-01, 09:47 PM
((Yes there is a crowd watching the procession.))

Ixen, Kat and Tungadil all notice a small metal object attached on the right most pillar of the entrance. The object doesn't look like anything any of you have ever seen before.

However, before any of them were able to do anything about it, they were ushered into the lobby which looks as opulent as it does from the outside. A large chandelier hangs from the ceiling while a huge fountain takes up the entire center of the room. At the end of the lobby lies a set of large double doors while on either side of the room there are a pair of staircases leading to the upper floor where the reception seems to be held.

2011-02-02, 03:44 AM
((It seems I forgot about Tyrail... Oh well. Might as well work on it now))

"Huh, interesting place." The vast building that stood before him was definitely spectacular. One might call it opulent. Others might call it gaudy. Regardless, it was an extravagant place for this event.

Entering the main hall, he discovered the lobby to be just as he expected. Bright and shimmering with needless bright lights reflecting off hundreds of metallic objects throughout the room. Somehow, despite the bright lights it seemed dimmer inside than outside. He sighed and started the long walk up the stairs into the main hall.

Dacia Brabant
2011-02-02, 08:51 PM
Veloresh glanced over at Doivak, and from the look in his eyes it seemed he might renew the blood feud right then and there, but in truth he had bigger concerns than such petty squabbles. "If you meant to provoke me, voidmind, you failed misherably," was all he said before entering the main hall.

2011-02-03, 12:01 AM
Brel calls out happily to his friend "Come on, Ensaed!" Though he doubts that they could truly become separated, he finds it better to keep close.

Ensaed, for her part, slinks through the mass of limbs around her to get to her master. While moving, she sniffs at the air, taking in the strange and foreign smells of other races.

2011-02-03, 12:27 AM
Kat raises an eyebrow at the bickering gith, but says nothing. He climbs the stairs, his attention focused on the reception, trying to see if he can make out who his host(s) might be.

Mando Knight
2011-02-04, 01:56 PM
Ixen snorts softly at the strange, silly outsiders continuing their racial bickering instead of paying attention to the matter at hand. As the reception is to be held within the next room, she continues onward.

2011-02-13, 06:05 AM
The main hall looks as grand as the first. Two long tables laid with a great variety of food are placed near the side of this room. A large stage lies at the end of this room. Upon this stage stands a single person observing the people entering this room.

Before long, everyone has settled the room and he begins his speech.

"Welcome to the Waterfront Hotel, It is a great pleasure to see all of you here today.

"You have all come here for the expedition. And it is completing it's final preparations as we speak. But first, comes our annual mid-autumn feast.

"As you can see, we have brought in various different delicacies from every nation just for this special day.

"Well, I would hate to drag this speech on so, have a great meal."

As he finishes this sentence, the near silence is broken as people crowd the table to have a taste of these interesting delights.

2011-02-13, 10:50 AM
Brel looks at the tables in confusion. Why are non-Warforged so intrigued by these things? Ensaed, though, goes to find some meat while Brel wanders around.

He looks for something to do while everyone and his companion are doing this "eating" thing.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-02-13, 11:06 AM

Not wanting to push into the crowd at the table, but curious as to what delicacies are being offered and, to be honest, feeling a little playful, Kat mutters a cantrip (mage hand) and a plate moves through the air and along the center of the table, resting occasionally as small portions of each food move onto it. Once it is full, the plate moves into the hands of Kat, who looks around for a chair and, finding one, sits and eats.

Mando Knight
2011-02-13, 01:24 PM
Ixen finds her way through the crowd to get at the food and a good spot to sit at. Not many people intentionally shove a six-foot draconic person, even when there's food involved.

Dacia Brabant
2011-02-13, 03:42 PM
Veloresh doesn't join the crowd, preferring to stand back and wait until they've dispersed before he goes up to take a drink, a few choice meats and sitting alone.

2011-02-16, 03:29 PM
Tungadil wades in and grabs a plate [or two] of some of the more heartier foods on display, and with a slight maneuvering of his now full hands is able to fill his mug with some dark malt beer without spilling a thing.

2011-02-19, 10:55 PM
As everyone begins to get their food, a large tremor can be felt.

A bellboy runs into the room. Spotting the person who had been speaking on stage, he runs towards him and whispers something to him.The man who had just got off the stage looks flustered and runs back up on stage.

"It seems that we have some sort of an emergency going on outside this hotel. But you shouldn't worry. Security is already handling it as we speak.

"It's definitely nothing to worry about. Our security team has been trained to handle just about anything-"

The building shakes again, this time more violently. One of the chandeliers breaks loose and falls to the ground sparking general pandemonium.

((Please tell me where you are standing and what you do))


Dacia Brabant
2011-02-20, 10:06 PM
Veloresh will get up from his seat at a far corner ((H-9 on the map)) and look for a window to see if the source of the shaking is outside.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-02-21, 01:21 PM
Tungadil stands motionless in the center of the room [[E6]] though doesnt seem too disturbed by the quake, his strong swarven legs keeping him in perfect balance.

Mando Knight
2011-02-21, 01:31 PM
Ixen scoffs at the terrified fleshlings. Until this issue clears up, she can't enjoy her meal. Thus, she prepares herself for battle.

Start at C5.

2011-02-21, 01:55 PM
Brel whistles for Ensaed, calling her over to his side as he glances out the door. [Brel at C-9, Ensaed will take up B-9]

Perception: Brel looking out the door: [roll0]

2011-02-21, 11:15 PM

Kat gets up from his seat in the corner ((A1)) from which he had been observing the rest of the attendants, and decides to make his way to the doorway. "I knew I should have learned a teleport spell," he mutters to himself. ((Moves along the wall, column A, to as close to the door as he can make it.))