View Full Version : Together We Ride (Group 1 IC)

2011-01-24, 05:17 PM
Sitting near a fire just past the Engium border, you look around to see the people you met as you fought your way out of Blackglass. Each of them proved their skill when they cut down numerous members of the Gulkat military, and you know that the commander you fought the men of isn't likely to give up on catching you, but won't likely head further into Engium.

2011-01-24, 08:05 PM
Calibar bears a grim grin on his face, his pearly white teeth contrasting sharply with his dark-as-pitch skin. "That was exciting," he says as he sharpens his rapier. The blade is tinted red, while the hilt is made of chromium and gold inlay--all in all, a beautiful weapon. Once satisfied, Calibar looks around at the rest of the group. "I've been giving this Gulkat problem some thought. We need to stop them from conquering the rest of this continent." He looks around at the rest of the group, trying to read their faces and hoping to illicit some response. "I think the only way to do that is to get the remaining powers to set aside their differences and work together. I'm not the smartest guy, but I can see that whatever the personal motivations of these leaders are, there's no way they can ever be realized if their country is wiped out by the Gulkat. No easy task, I admit, but one I think worth doing. And if not us, then who?"

Dusk Eclipse
2011-01-24, 08:05 PM
... I guess that could have worked out better.... so what now?

Akai is a tall, lean man, his dark blue clothing stained red after the battle, he keeps both of his swords on his hands, scanning everything around him

Mando Knight
2011-01-24, 09:01 PM
Helena, a fairly beautiful young woman who is easily recognized as the flying knight from the battle (if not also as Lady Solaris, the heiress to that noble and valiant name), sits at the fire, nodding at the comments.

"That is a sound plan. Though without official support from His Majesty, I am not sure we could gain their help alone."

2011-01-24, 10:19 PM
Altair is tall and very slim. He wraps his dark cloak around his shoulders again and pulls nearer to the fire.

You think there is a pregnant pause broadly Calibar. One way or another, we need to shake that Commander. If we don't take care of him, or dig ourselves further out of the way they're going to come for us. And they are going to kill us. Or at least try to. A thin, wry smile crosses Altair's lips as he looks away from the campfire around the companions. Personally, I have a number of other contingencies I'd like to explore before I add death to my agenda. The rest of you fight like you do as well.

2011-01-24, 11:23 PM
Myller is the fairly tall man standing before you with a wiry frame. He bore few open wounds from the battle before, but had numerous scars along his exposed body. He contemplates the group before him before speaking.

As far as I can tell, right now we only have three viable options if we aim to avoid the call of the grave. We could either disappear into the desert, risking whatever trials lurk within its heart, outmaneuver the enemy, or we could aim to punch straight through the commander's forces with a surgical strike. He bends over, quickly drawing some basic symbols in the dirt. From what I could see while retreating, we might be able to skirt around their flanks here or here,gesturing to the ends of the line he drew, but it would be very risky to try. I feel it would be better to retreat into the desert personally, but we might be able to escape detection long enough to escape. Which path do you want to follow?"

Dusk Eclipse
2011-01-24, 11:25 PM
Personally I am all for an alpha strike into the Gulkat forces, but I fear we aren't strong enough right now. The desert seems risky; but staying here in the open seems riskier

2011-01-24, 11:31 PM
"Thank you," Calibar says to Altair, choosing to take it as a complement. "It seems to me that our immediate objective to should be to take care of the commander, then meet with the King of Thilis. I suggest we head into the desert toward our capital, and set an ambush for the commander along the way." He smiles, and a keen observer might notice that his canines are sharper than average. "I'm in no hurry to meet with the Reaper, either. For the moment, it seems the commander has given up pursuit, but whatever is keeping him from entering Engium may not keep him for long. With the way we handled his men, I'd guess he's waiting for reinforcements, which gives us hours, maybe, before he comes after us. If we head into the desert," he pauses, thinking over the option. "We could find a favorable position, and set a trap for our pursuer."

2011-01-25, 03:29 AM
Hmmmm...Altair taps his fingers against his chin thoughtfully. Certainly the latter of what Akai said is correct. Sitting tight here will make us proverbial fish in the barrel.

He turns towards Calibar. Calibar, when was the last time we knew where the Commander's men were? I don't recall how close they came to us, or how much distance we put between us.


If the response in the OOC thread is yes to trees, Altair is going to Spider Climb one of the trees and try to take 20 on his spot check to see if he can see anything that might look like pursuers.

If there are not trees immediately about, you can ignore this.

Edit: It has been established we're protected by a rock formation in the desert. I'm going to spider climb to to the top of the rock formation and take 20 on a spot check to examine the surrounding areas for signs of pursuit.

2011-01-25, 08:34 PM
To the South, you see distant smoke from fires, as though the Gulkat troops had set up a camp for the night.

To the North, you see, in the desert, a fire a fair distance away from you.

The smoke to the South appears to be coming from about ten to fifteen miles away, while the smoke to the North is around fiive miles away.

2011-01-25, 11:38 PM
Altair skips nimbly down the rock formation with a grim look on his face.

Bad news folks, we've got some company. I see campfires to the south where it looks as though the Gulkat forces have shored up. 10, no more than 15 miles away. There is another fire to the north into the desert around five miles away. He glances briefly around the fire. It looks like we have some decisions to make. Do we think it is safe enough to rest here for the tonight, or would we like press a bit forward?

Dusk Eclipse
2011-01-25, 11:46 PM
Akair seems to be lost for a moment, his eyes un focus, but as suddenly as he fell into that state he seems to return to normal. He speaks quietly almost a whisper. .... could you gather how many are they? Depending on the numbers, maybe we can deal with them tonight..

In the flickering light given of by the campfire, anticpation can be clearly seen on Akaiar's eyes, his tone of voice and body language may seem as if he didn't care; but he was clearly eager for something.

2011-01-25, 11:53 PM
Myller takes in the information about the troop position, pondering it for a brief while. "I believe that attacking now would be a very bad idea, my friend. While we might be able to hold them off briefly, we would eventually be overrun by the sheer mass of enemies we would have to fight. Remember that the chaos of battle will favour large numbers of poorly trained troops. Personally, I am willing to bet my life on the fact that whatever is making the fire in the desert is the thing keeping the legion off our tails, at least for now. I suggest that we should move towards it right away, this night if at all possible."

2011-01-26, 01:15 AM

Was I able to estimate the force size of the southern group, or just able to observe that there were several fires?

I think I'm with you, Myller. I'd rather press on towards less unfriendly territory than fight these Gulkat savages where they want to fight us. Noting Akair's anticipation. Easy man, we don't need to fight them tonight. With any luck they may give up the chase if we continue away from them.

2011-01-26, 01:59 AM
"Agreed, let's press on. We may find the next fire home to a more hospitable sort than the Gulkat." Calibar says, though in his heart he seeks more adventure and combat.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-01-26, 10:38 AM
I think I'm with you, Myller. I'd rather press on towards less unfriendly territory than fight these Gulkat savages where they want to fight us. Noting Akair's anticipation. Easy man, we don't need to fight them tonight. With any luck they may give up the chase if we continue away from them.

... fine then. Akair then ponders for a moment, deep in thought, his earlier eagerness disappearing as suddenly as it first appeared.
Wait... how can we know the northern fire will be friendly? Gor what we now they can be another offshoot of the Gulkat. I suggest to check them before aproaching.

2011-01-26, 11:04 AM
"We don't know their not friendly," Calibar says. "Which is more than we can say about the Gulkat. Let's get going, but I agree we should exercise caution."

Mando Knight
2011-01-26, 01:29 PM
"Look, they're a dozen or so miles off, and they've made campfires. If we just keep watch for the night, we should be fine. Then tomorrow we can hasten our travels to wherever it is we decide to go. Even if they march on us, it'll take at least three or four hours for them to catch us, more if they're bringing armored infantry."

Trying to get a more relaxing position, Helena reclines a bit near the fire. "I say we should camp here for tonight. We've already got our things here."

2011-01-26, 04:28 PM
Altair returns to the fire, and pulls his cloak tighter for warmth.
He gives a small chuckle.
I find myself in agreement with the knight. We are likely in no danger tonight if they've made camp as well. We can redouble our efforts after we've slept. Although, perhaps a watch rotation is in order?

2011-01-26, 04:31 PM
"Very well," Calibar says. "I'll take first watch."

Dusk Eclipse
2011-01-26, 04:53 PM
I guess second I'll take the second watch.

2011-01-26, 06:09 PM
"Then I shall take third watch, unless someone would like me to help with their watch.

2011-01-27, 12:57 AM
I suppose the 4th watch falls to me then.

Altair moves from the fire and begins to prep a sleeping area for himself.


I have a continual flame ioun stone to grant me 20ft illumination, 40ft shadowy illumination during my watch.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-01-27, 09:16 AM
Akair watches with interest as his companions prepare to sleep; he is somewhat envious of them; it seems that the reward for a day of hardship and work is the sweet releases of dreams, yet as the host of one of the dream spirits, he is destined to relive battle he never fought, to kill people he never knew.

He mentally counts his companions, and retrieves two small ball of leather from a pouch tied to his belt. He then carefully places them on the ground , where two tents and four bedrolls appear. Akair makes sure the tents are hidden from views by the rocky outcrops.

I guess if we are going to camp here; we should at least be somewhat comfortable.

I retrieve a pair of tents from my survival pouch, they would last for 8 hour,s

Mando Knight
2011-01-27, 03:20 PM
Seeing that all of the watch positions were taken, Helena just nods and begins to set up her tent. Even though she's the one probably best suited for night watches. (60' Darkvision, Daylight SLA)

2011-01-27, 08:00 PM
"We might want to set up camp away from the fire," Calibar suggests. "That way, anyone who is drawn to the light won't be drawn to us, asleep." After saying this, he climbs up on the rock outcropping to take his shift.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-01-28, 11:54 AM
Wouldn't it be better to douse the fire? Akair ask non-chalantly.

He waits for an answer. while propping his bedroll into a more comfortable position.

2011-01-28, 12:11 PM
"Not a bad idea," Calibar says.

2011-01-29, 12:49 PM
Altair shrugs.

Some us will need light to see as we stand watch anyway, we may end up trading one distinct light source for another. As long as we have a watch, I'd be fine with leaving it to smolder.

Akair, I see you have quite a bit of tent space there, would you mind if any of us made use of it also?

2011-01-29, 01:09 PM
"Here's an idea," Calibar says. "Let's use the fire as a trap, while we're keeping watch. If we set up camp, say, 100 yards or so away from the fire, and our enemy is drawn to the light, whoever's on guard should be able to spot our enemy from the distance, rouse the rest of us, and we can get the jump on them, instead of the other way around."

Mando Knight
2011-01-29, 02:40 PM
Helena looks up from her tent-pitching. "Wait, not all of you can see in the dark? How many of you can?"

2011-01-29, 03:13 PM
Calibar shakes his head, negative.

2011-01-30, 03:35 AM
I cannot without assistance.

Altair takes his dull grey ioun stone w/ continual flame out of his pocket and sets it twirling around his head.

I do, however, have access to some assistance.

2011-02-01, 09:45 PM
Myller seems to rouse from a state of contemplation with a start, noticing the direction that the conversation was taking. "I believe that merely leaving the fire will be enough of a distraction to get us through the night safely, if combined with watches. Based off of my calculations, Gulkat shouldn't be able to catch up to us without wearing themselves down. As long as we aren't taken unaware, we should live through this. In the morning we can head towards the fire in the desert."

2011-02-02, 04:18 PM
That sounds reasonable to me.

Altair puts away his ioun stone and spreads out on his bedroll.

2nd watch, rouse me when it's my turn to keep a look out. We should try to get some rest, we likely have a lot of marching in our future.

Mando Knight
2011-02-02, 04:25 PM
Helena, having finished pitching her tent and putting her stuff inside, nods again. "Very well. I'll see you in the morning, then."

With that, she slips inside her tent.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-03, 09:22 AM
Akair, I see you have quite a bit of tent space there, would you mind if any of us made use of it also?

that is why I took a pair of tents, feel free to use them or the bedrolls.

2011-02-04, 10:20 AM
Calibar shrugs, willing to take whatever space is left to him. He climbs up to the outcropping and watches the horizon, rotating his vision but mostly focusing on the direction the Gulkat came from.

2011-02-08, 07:03 PM
The night passes without event, and you set off in the morn.

When you arrive at the place where you saw the fire, you see a strange circle drawn in the ground, though it appears that someone wiped out what was inside it. Nearby, there's the remnants of a camp.

2011-02-08, 11:07 PM
Myller looks at the circle, trying to guess its purpose. Not being able to think of any, he tries to step inside.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-09, 09:17 AM
As soon as he awakens Akair quietly meditates and stretches as he waits for his companions to ready themselves; the inner peace that meditation brings to him, rejuvenates him almost as well as a night of sleep. He then does a few light exercises to stretch his muscles and be prepared for the battle that will most likely come.

When he reaches the camp, he can't help but wonder aloud

hmm what could have happened here?
He fingers his shortswords, a bit nervously.

Mando Knight
2011-02-14, 07:42 PM
After seeing the circle, Helena flies her mount up to the sky, looking for any sign of other travelers in the area.

(Take 20 Spot & Search: 24/20)

2011-02-16, 07:22 PM
Myller looks at the circle, trying to guess its purpose. Not being able to think of any, he tries to step inside.

Nothing happens, save him scuffing a footprint inside the circle

After seeing the circle, Helena flies her mount up to the sky, looking for any sign of other travelers in the area.

(Take 20 Spot & Search: 24/20)

Scouring the area around the camp, Helena finds a trail of footprints leading to the north, and can see the Gukat forces moving to the northeast of where they started, and have moved about 4 miles from there.

Mando Knight
2011-02-25, 10:19 PM
Helena swoops back down and relays the information to the rest of the group.

2011-02-25, 11:30 PM
Myller, receiving the information, states: "I believe we should head north then. If anyone has any other ideas, they should contribute them now."

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-26, 01:45 AM
Akair nods as he hears the pegasus rider, he ponders for a minute before speaking.

I am not sure if following the trail is a good idea, this could be the camp of a scout division of the Gukat, we should be careful.

Mando Knight
2011-02-28, 09:27 PM
"No, I don't think so. Gulkat is still about as far away from us now as they were last night, and they're following us. I think they're also moving a bit slower than we are, if only just. I think this group was a scout or patrol group from Engium. If we travel along their path, we may be able to find some kind of civilization. Since the Gulkat troops are following us, we'd be better off with recruiting some allies to help our cause."

2011-03-01, 02:45 AM
"I agree completely," Calibar says.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-03-01, 10:25 AM
Then let's move...every second we spend here is a secong Gulkat is nearing us.

2011-03-01, 10:52 AM
Very well. Might I suggest try to remove our footprints while we go, to make it harder to follow us? Myller does one last sweep around the campsite, then starts following the footprints.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-03-13, 11:02 PM
In the intention to keep the game flowing I suggest we fast forward to an encounter or something along those lines

Common, we should keep moving

2011-03-14, 08:35 PM
After several hours of travel following the footprints (putting the time at around mid-day), you finally wind up near another rock formation.

Resting in the shade, you can hear a faint crackling sound coming from further into the desert, as though something were out there.

Everyone make Spot and Listen checks.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-03-14, 08:44 PM
After spending long hours moving through the unknown terrain, Akaiar is ready to suggest the group to take a break; but then a faint crackling noise reaches his trained ears, and almost by instinct he calms his mind to hear with more accuracy. At the same time his hands go towards the hilts of his blades.

Do you hear something?

Listen [roll0]
Spot (Untrained) [roll1]

Mando Knight
2011-03-14, 10:15 PM
If it wasn't for her natural ability for such things, Helena would be completely useless at detecting hidden movements, as opposed to mostly.

2011-03-15, 11:29 AM
Myller suggests resting for a bit when he hears the crackling.

Spot: posting soon
Listen: [roll0]

2011-03-15, 11:30 AM
Spot: [roll0]

2011-03-15, 11:35 AM
Calibar tries to hear what the others are talking about, but couldn't hear the Voice of God if it roared into his ear. "What do you hear?"

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]