View Full Version : Level 22 Evil Gestalt (3.5, PC organizations) ICC

2011-01-24, 09:25 PM
OCC found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10229461#post10229461)
Level 22 Evil Gestalt (3.5, PC organizations) ICC

Edit: text will be established soon, more coming.

#1 :
The hum of machinery, was negligible compared to the sirens' choir below, beckoning those below to release them from their torment, only to ensnare those foolish enough to open their cage. Turning your helm, to the rest of the room, you can discern, that it functions as an elaborate cylindrical escalator, with pews designed to ease the discomfort of the momentum, as their passengers descend the spiral. The furniture carved from Laterite masonry, the color of which, resembles a runny watercolored mural. A railing comes into your purview, steadily rising as you descend with each clockwork turn in succession . At the deepest recesses where the unintelligible cacophony of wails were loudest, a more coherent sound was overheard,"Snap" With That a flash of light illuminated the source of the sounds. A small theater with a pole altar at its epicenter bearing a skull with a crown of thorns , its metallic sheen dulled by an maroon stains, the discoloration reveals a number of miniature drain pipes, possibly leading back to other facilities.


The ventilated humidity, germinated the once barren landscape, with an array of plant-life.

Prismatic molds latched onto the cavern's walls, their yeasts bore bioluminescent fungi in the shape of white roses, each petal glowing whenever a shadow encroached them. The trickle of a morning dew, fell from the mold encrusted stalactite, to reach the embrace of the flower/fungi inhabiting the cavern. In the distance lie little burrows, once homes for prey, now the residence of those whom seek to turn the tables on their would be predators. Lethargically tilling the cavern's bedrock with your talons, have unearthed layers of mold revealing far greater curiosities beneath. The yeasts were gradually meshing with far realm's mutagens, molding their form into new and alien plantlife. Each shear towards the weave of reality was a prelude to the maelstrom of unsavored stimuli, overwhelming the consciousness with unfiltered terror and uninhibited curiosity...


Plunging through a sea of sand & soil to the depths of the earth. Gradually widening the subterranean passageway, despite the volume of debris ahead. However the size of this convex, did not deter residue of broken gravel from brushing off you. Behind lay a vast networks of sandy burrows, the older punctures eventually collapsed due to the lack of support, some on your shoulders. These were but minor inconveniences, compared to the unfulfillment of your inhibitions. Overhead the uneasy rustle of the civilized swarm was magnified by a beckoning call to arms.

"All shall fall to the maw, none shall escape, it matters not what it may be, grains of sand & wheat, drops from rains & seas, or the insignificant specks & the hives they barricade themselves in, all shall be consumed and be nothing more... forevermore. What matters to you is when it occurs..."

But this claim was followed, by a defiant rebuke.

"But we shall not be docile when it comes, like any prey we shall escape, rebuild, and if need be, die to protect our kin from the same fate, my children, I ask you whom among you will stand next to your counterpart, to preserve the future? "


2011-01-31, 04:12 PM
The mad dragon smiles to herself, watching unnatural creatures live their lives. Odd, unlikely fish swim through the small lake where the water exit of her lair leads. Little cave-dwelling things with tentacles and too many eyes go about their business.

Some day, she thinks, everyone will be part of the Far Realm and we will all be happier.

It's a pleasant thought, the thought of saving the world from the stifling laws of physics, magic, man and jungle. She shivers with joy and licks her lips in anticipation.

Perhaps she'll go flying, and watch her beautiful madness spread. Yes, that sounds likely.

2011-02-01, 01:24 PM

The armor is eerie silent as the Warmaster turns his body fully towards the altar, his fist clenching tighter around the massive handle of his hammer.
What is this? Some new trickery of those who oppose me? A sign from my Lord?
He silently ponders as he slowly approaches the altar. The sound of his heavy steps echoe through the chamber.
Can We sense anything? He silently asks the symbiont, his gift from the Blood Lord, his prison.
"I have extended my senses, but have yet to pick up any signs of a threat. But as always, be wary."
"Vigilance Prevails" Agrimand knew better than most the value of never letting your guard down, and there was something about this place that felt slightly off.
Stepping into the theater the warrior hesitates for a moment before approaching the altar seemingly dedicated to his god. He pauses for a moment before reaching it, letting his augmented senses search the area once more.

Tremorsense 100 ft. Anything?
Also, using the armor's search and listen checks, and investigates the surroundings. Spot:[roll0], Listen:[roll1] and searches the altar (w trapfinding) [roll2]

2011-02-02, 06:39 PM
I sense it, Another challenge, of war, of diplomatics, of strife.

Maelthra turns and faces the sun.
I know your watching Bahamut, I turned from your light and I don't need you.
He then calls his Drakkensteed mount fline and they flys off.
Note: My drakkensteed mount is my ranger animal companion and paladin mount.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-03-07, 07:40 PM
The Hunter cracked his neck as he scoped out the village. He sighed audibly and stepped out into the open. He walked into the center of town, climbed on top of the Pelorian sign, and began chanting "Pelor sucks! Pelor sucks! Pelor sucks!"

2011-03-12, 03:13 PM
((Intro set in the past because this needs to happen a bit before the main story, but hey, can always run both this one and present time if the different characters may impact each other))

The Imperial Palace of Nara, roughly a year ago

Even emperors sometimes receives surprises in their own bedchamber, this time, emperor Hammanacan found the bed replaced with a table and two chairs, it took him longer for his eyes to focus on her presence than his mind recognised her handiwork, although he would have trouble distinguishing between the methods of Samantha and Angeline at any rate.

Good evening, sire. Shade remained seated, gesturing to the other chair, she only cared for protocol when others were present.

2011-03-17, 01:00 PM
The Medicine Man slowly walked down through the isles of undeads back to his cathedral. He felt rather satisfied with this trip, and believed that quite a few villages had been swayed to worshiping Ka-Dul after he had raised a few elders, restored some limbs, dispatched a few of his escorts to deal with bandits, and a bit of exchanged coinage with a few nobles. All in all everything was beginning to fall into place. As he walked through the isle he muttered prayers, cast multiple "healing" spells on injured undead, and gave a few kind words to those of higher status. He made a point to completely ignore the skeletons working by the mine though. There would be no point in swaying them since they would likely wear down to dust soon enough. The real concern would be to get on to the next stage of operations, for which he needed more access to other lands. When he arrived at the cathedral he sent out five skeletons from the third command one to Nara to try again to open their trade borders... likely another messenger to die... and the other four to secure diamonds and silver from foreign lands, they would be useful in a side project.

Next there was the problem of a few sentient sea dwellers who reject dead flesh patrolling their waters... The Medicine Man than sent the second offensive unit of the second command to the surrounding waters to hunt down some sea life. As usual the necromancers themselves would hang back, but a legion of undead tends to clear up waters. They are to retrieve bodies of allies and foes, and return them to the first command for reanimation, and reassignment to second command members.

2011-03-23, 02:41 PM
Snerrak periscoped his head out of the ground. From his vantage in a mountain, he could see a town not too far ahead. Probably not too tough, but it should be a fun treat. Snerrak dove down and began tunneling towards the town.

Frog Dragon
2011-03-24, 03:59 PM
"Ennes! Livree!" Chanting was heard from the next room. "By forgotten stars! By the light arcane passed from this world! I call thee! Let me hear thine secrets! Hear my call, and realize true might from my hand!" The beautiful voice stopped chanting. Lowering the blade she was holding as the glow emanating from it faded into a tingle.

In the next room, a "god" rubbed his eyes, and wrested himself from his bed. He got up, and dressed, speaking phrases of divine might, but in a much more subtle and less grandiose manner than the lady had. Then he walked over to the next room. "Must you?" He cocked an eyebrow, having been waked by Lithel's arcane chants. "Good morning to you too." Lithel smiled, sitting on one of the couches, her armor set aside for now. The pair really had nothing to fear here. They were inside an extradimensional mansion set into a protected sanctum with the entrance hidden. It was a snowball's chance in hell for anyone to get in uninvited.

An indistinct, transparent, yet barely visible servant appeared, bearing coffee. Both took a cup, and started discussing over the table. "The cultists just got back from the mountains last night. They routed the orcs." Lithel noted, recalling recent events around the base. "Good. They were a minor problem, but they were making traffic difficult. How many lost?" Sarivel asked. "About 10. Most of the orcs were dead in the first few moments of the engagement. Turns out outnumbering a foe numerous times over can be useful." Lithel laughed. "Maybe we should negotiate for a reward from the local temples. You know, to better continue our valiant efforts." Sarivel cracked a little smile. "Too much trouble. They might come to expect something of us."

While now, the situation for the cult was fairly peaceful, both knew that there was rarely a dull day in the life of the leader of a secret cult. They'd just have to wait for now, and see what the future brought.

Casting default (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10273625&postcount=71) buffs.

2011-03-25, 01:54 AM
A black dragon flies over her lands, watching as swamp and beach, forest and plain become karst and cuesta, lick and falesia. The walls of cliffs attempt to climb each other, a river has become the tongue of a lizard-like elemental beast. Boar/rat things with too many eyes leap tiny canyons inhabited by mutant minks.

After an unknowable period of time, the dragon dives into what looks like a small puddle but turn out to be the entrance to a large underground lake. In it swim fish that wouldn't be out of place at the bottom of the deepest oceans. Their glowing lures and numberless fangs would scare a sane creature half to death.

This is not a sane creature. Not by any means.

2011-03-27, 04:51 PM
Halna: With the third deceleration of sacrilege, so too did number of those enraged rose exponentially, each eying towards you as if you desecrated their sacred icon by merely touching it.

Hazerdevil: through the country side you oversee an large mass of people gathering around a building of possible religious importance.

nerd-7i+42e: Their buzzing is becoming too indistinguishable from the insolent insects that they truly are, as you peered towards the town, you noticed numerous hivelike structures, of wasps, the inhabitants....

Havelock: For an instant, every emotion of fear, & resentment emerge in one comically grotesque display shock before reclaiming his composure. The cartilage of his nostrils were inflated via a hyperventilated or overstimulated heart & lungs desperation sought out for air, as one might have sought ale for courage. During this state he sought for whatever possess, or whatever pawn he had on his employ, he still had, yet to his avil he had not. Eventually calming down, he looked towards his "host" with a hint of trepidation.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-03-27, 05:07 PM
The Hunter drops to the ground and draws his kamas, daring the townsfolk to attack him. He clears his throat, looks around, and says "Pelor....sucks..."

2011-03-27, 06:49 PM
OOC: In that case, replace my thought with:

Interesting. Looks like a fun challenge.

Snerrak dives through the earth at the town.

2011-03-28, 09:04 AM
OOC: My impression was that he knows her ways well enough not to be alarmed, she's done this before, whenever she wishes to speak with him without anyone knowing about it. Granted, she pretty much does whatever she wants, even if she supposedly is a subject and should bow before him and stuff.

One should think you would be getting used to this by now, oh well, Walter has your drink ready, as usual. The blank faced manservant entered through a sidedoor with a tray with a pair of wine glasses, moondrop was more than strong enough to calm him down.

Now, as we skip the pleasantries, I have secured the key to bring the lands of former Artesia and it's so called "liberators" under the guidance of the emperor.

2011-03-28, 06:21 PM
The Medicine man considers his plan. He had only just returned, but there was another task to be attended to. He strode down the halls ordering the remaining troops of the offensive half of his second command to prepare to embark. As he left he cast a quick prestidigitation on the wall informing everyone that Kira would be in charge of the oceanic siege. He knew she's hate it, and couldn't resit a slight chuckle, making the liches gathered for his next trip cringe. They knew all too well how this would play over, and they knew he had more or less brought true hell upon the cathedral by adding to the end that he may see Kashac upon his next arrival. With that he quickly slipped down the hill to the trading town, and into a rather large boat with a few of the higher ups among his army. The rest took a vast assortment of other ships, and began to follow. As the ship silently skipped out to sea the Medicine Man's eerie voice picked up as if encompassed in the clips of seawater against the hull. "We sail to dagger ridge."

Meanwhile Kashac discovered his message while scolding a skeleton for improperly hanging a painting. Upon discovery the skeleton found it's head to be broken beyond repair, and it's body quickly clattered to the floor as the feeble energies holding it together quickly dissipated.
Kashac had expected to spend a long night with the Medicine Man, reminiscing of old times, and yet now she felt nothing more than to rain death upon all before her. Quickly she gathered her remaining soldiers (the defensive half of the second command), and proceeded to quite literally train them until the better half of them had died. These were soldiers from her home land, and ones she had chosen specifically to lead, and surely wouldn't let a little thing like disintegration, incineration, or any other such means of slaying the dead keep them for long. now that she had burned off some steam,, and had proven herself again better than her troops she set off to reform work ethic within the cathedral, leaving not one skeleton, zombie, or ghoul without work and several thorough thrashings for the slightest of incompetencies.

Overall some thought that it was more dangerous to be on the front lines, they learned to correct their beliefs quickly upon enlisting to work in the cathedral.

2011-03-28, 08:08 PM
The Hunter: Icc: Unified by their furry, they rushed forward, coming at you as a tidal-wave, their fingernails, once chipped from prolonged labor, now appeared jagged as the claws of a legion of lions.

Havelock: "I suppose one should be a bit more "expectant", but I digress, am I to assume you've dealt with all the minor... Pauses, to reach for the offered chalice.. "-inconveniences"

2011-03-29, 10:32 AM
Inconveniences?She raised an eyebrow, a bit too ambigious for her tastes, though perhaps that is what one gets when your own "sister" tutored the man. This one was not quite as sharp as his father and grandfather, must be the stupid girl that gave birth to him, but was it worth the risk to try to find a spouse for him that had the qualities suitable for a prince to inherit? She would need all of her political capital, and likely have to promise some big favours as well, possibly resort to magical pressure also in order to pull the Artesian scheme off, and once she did, the next emperor could be manipulated into taking good choices. Perhaps she should look into the means to simply implant a child with the desired characteristics into the womb of the empress, whoever that would turn out to be.Anything in particular you are concerned about?

2011-04-02, 02:42 PM
The Medicine Man rids his massive rotting wolf through the silent plantations allowing fear to set into the hearts of the workers as he travels towards the central structure, trailed by thirty or so lichs. With a couple hundred more guarding the ships, and with mostly just thrall down here anyways the Medicine Man knew this settlement would prove little resistance. Before the entrance to the structure itself the Medicine Man halted his mount waiting for the mage to come out. He knew his presence was known, and that he wouldn't be understood anyways, and so he waited.

Frog Dragon
2011-04-03, 11:03 AM
"...Onto greater matters. We haven't gotten any clues for months now." Sarivel noted, and Lithel immediately knew what he was talking about. "The method of sacrifice to provide the needed fuel was badly flawed, there simply isn't enough energy to be reaped from people. Not without a truly absurd number of them. Numbers beyond our capabilities to handle." Sarivel finished. "We could use extraplanar creatures. Their very being fosters much larger amounts of energy. They are pure planar essence." Lithel suggested. "I am not comfortable with stealing the essence of outsiders. Such energies tend to foster certain mindsets, forms and personalities almost exclusively. Demons remember nothing of their previous lives. Their minds are rarely anything but small variations on what the planar energy they are made from fosters. Such an attempt could merely assimilate me into their ranks, and I have an eternity not to see such a fate. I do not intend to take the risk." Sarivel dismissed the idea. Lithel nodded in response. "We need an artifact. Perhaps several. Hopefully stripped of the nature of whatever created them." Lithel finished. "It appears that is the best idea we have. Lets get to work then." Sarivel replied, rising from the couch, Lithel doing the same. She started donning her armor as Sarivel himself walked out of the mansion. She would lead the cultists, while he had something else to do. Perhaps today would see him some progress.

2011-04-03, 01:40 PM
Havlock: "Perhaps I should have been a tad more specific, allow me to clarify, I wish for these secessionists lives to end not only in vain, but unmourned, & forgotten by play-writes and other insidious romantics, so that this conclusion is not another prelude for another insurrection...I've little patience for martyrs.."
nerd-7i+42e: A Byzantine labyrinth of underpasses was unearthed due in part to the addition you made to their little construction project. (I.E, via digging towards the town.) The reverberation Continued from even here, or perhaps you are closer to its origin than you suspected?

2011-04-03, 03:15 PM

OOC: You have been keeping yourself up to date about Shade's little scheming regarding conquest in the east, yes? Because I don't quite get why he'd ask about seccessionists and such.

The County of Ibevum, as you should know, only have such seccessionist groups that I allow to exist. "Samantha" raised an eyebrow quizzingly. Or are there problems elsewhere that local nobles have been too inept to prevent, yet competent enough to conceal? Internal issues of the empire was not was she wanted to deal with, yet therein lay perhaps the problem with switching identities. In her previous persona as Angeline, she would usually utilize the authority of the emperor to stamp out such things before it become true annoyances. Since she had gained access to the libraries of Nessus, a much heavier hand had been used by local counts and dukes, it was so much easier when you simply assassinated the potential ring leaders, or better yet, bend them to your will at early stages.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-03, 06:50 PM
The Hunter screamed, and vines, trees, bushes, and other plants reached up out of the ground, holding down a good portion of the back half of the peasant horde. As the front half approached, cut them down, laughing as blood spilled all over the ground.

Use Entangle SLA on the back half of the mob.


Use Epic Destiny power to take 10 HP damage, gain +20 to damage.

2011-04-04, 11:39 AM

Kira prepared for the siege. Leading troops was not her favorite thing to do, and she was determined to end it quickly. Rising from her meditations, the assassin made her way to up to the deck. <How long before we arrive?> She asks the nearest lich as she looked out over the sea.

Well, at least there'll be many souls there.
She muses as the ships glide over the ocean. I wonder if any of them will be my final spark?

Speech (rarely used)
<Telepathic Projections>

2011-04-05, 05:53 PM
This is interesting, thinks Snerrak. The worm continues, now more cautiously, prepared for something to emerge from one of the tunnels at him.

2011-04-06, 09:05 AM
Havelock, Shade: " Truisms put aside, yes, I do have a few suspicions that I wish to be saited,"
occ: If you mean the Google doc & series of posts between you and mhvaughan, than yes.
shadowedsoul, Kira: Even without her teleaphathic inquarirey, he could tell of her growing impatience,"We need to make the rendezvous at the second check point before breaking past their defenses, in the meantime, we will have to amuse ourselves with the remnants of their armada." the instant the roar of the tamed drake & their dragoons was overheard " or they will adopt a different brand of warfare-" getting up from his seat, he turned and said euphemistically:"Shall we play the good host and entertain them?"
nerd-7i+42e, The Worm: Each passage, is filled with numerous roots diving into and rising from the soil, as if it is weaving into the cloth of creation.
Halna LeGavilk, The Hunter:
Icc: Your defiant deterrence was matched by their retorted resilience to your threats,eventually encircling you they thrash at thee with whatever impliment at their disposal while reaching out to tear your appendages apart but you were still to difficult to apprehend, with a minor bruise to your self & your ego .
Occ: Attempted grapple failed, 5d6=23-damge reduction, other group failed their escape/strength rolls

2011-04-06, 10:21 AM

Go on.

She didn't feel like beating around the bush with a subject she had not planned to bother herself with.

For Medicine man
((OOC: Your sheet doesn't have any mention of mind blank, so I'm assuming discern location would do the trick, otherwise it would probably be slightly more complicated to pull it off, but doable. Exactly when this happens can be anytime, but likely after the last sending of a skeleton to Nara. Possibly interrupting something, that would be fun.)) It should be somewhere that isn't protected with anti-teleportation magic, obviously. Other question is if you have true seeing up, because that does give you information you otherwise won't get.

A beutiful human woman, or perhaps girl would be a more suitable description, wearing a scandalous dress appears out of thin air. Something was slightly off with her though, too young to be likely to be able to pull off a greater teleport, yet disguises was easy to handle. She appeared to know who she was meeting with, as the expression of her face was that of a self-absorbed confident seductress. And she did not speak, but immidiatly you heard a voice inside of you, the girl contacted you telepathically.

As the messenger of Countess Samantha LaNoir of Ibevum, I bid you greetings based on what words had trickled out of Nara regarding the appearance of the young countess, this girl actually looked like a copy, but there was no way Samantha LaNoir could be this young, then again, the girl likely was not what she looked like.

2011-04-06, 01:50 PM
((OOC: Finally found the muse to post))

As the catfolk awoke, he could say it was laready late, so he quickly arose from his bed, immediately slipping his tentacled arms into the gloves waiting on the chair next to the bed.He walked over to a mirror, and using a file he picked up, cleaned and sharpened the massive mandible sticking out of his face.

Completing his most common morning preparations, and picking his clothing for the day, Nerrashkar donned his armor and placed his scabbards at his belt.

Stepping out of his private areas, he walked into the larger cave. "Mistress? Are you here?" The patchwork catfolk called out.

2011-04-06, 03:38 PM
Shade's messenger:

With a sharp hiss seven bones begin to circle the Medicine Man, and another positions it's self between him and the child. The Medicine Man halts his carrion wolf short of its destination to look at the child through his wil’o wisp eyes, allowing his garb of skulls to shift giving the illusion of them watching closely… or was it an illusion…, as he does so several skulls detach to hover gently around him, releasing a genital accent of negative energy into the air. He then begins to speak in his foreign tong of varied moans and shrieks that would shatter many a warrior’s courage, not because he thought she would understand his tong, as nobody but the dead could understand him in this world, but rather he spoke in order to make his alien thoughts more coherent to the child. “greetings messenger, and greetings to your master. I have been wondering when your bountiful country would be open for negotiations.” At the sound of his voice the undead shift uncomfortably as a commoner would to seeing a ghost. “But first I would hear your message.” His head turns slightly further (nearly backwards by now) as he allows a smile which serves more to reveal his half rotten, half lost teeth than reassure the child.

I don't have true seeing up, but maybe later :smallamused:
Just a few things to consider: you just popped up before an army of undeads (minor exaggeration)... if you have under 5 hd you are scarred out of your wits (to save time with making enough saves to fail), and some of them may have true seeing and any number of other enchantments, being lichs and all, but you needn't tell me yet, though I think we can assume no mage will walk around blocking teleportation, and I'm not so blank minded . :smallbiggrin:

Oh yah, and as a cultural thing the Medicine Man's people usually intimidate as a show of authority and power so... here goes :smallbiggrin: [roll0]
what an irresistible personality :smallbiggrin:
I suppose I could have waited for some fun interruption, but I'm waiting on another PC who may have dropped so... :smallfrown: yah...
if you don't wanna look up intimidation saves: level+wis mod+fear save mods+1d20

2011-04-06, 04:10 PM
Shade's messenger

Enough HD's to ignore lich frightful presence.

The girl actualled seemed to like the medicine man trying to establish dominance, changing her expression to that of the submissive part, a mortal man would no doubt be "strongly encouraged" by it.

It seemed she needed time to think. So that is why all those skeletons were sent? This was in fact what the Countess wanted to confirm. She also desires to know what sort of negotiations you wanted to take place.

2011-04-06, 04:29 PM
Shade's messenger

The Medicine Man flips half backwards off his mount landing in a half slump with what appears to be more than half of his bones misplaced, yet his eyes retain their ghastly intensity, and the skulls continue to stare, and this time you're almost sure that one moved... "I was hoping you're master wouldn't mind allowing my merchants to come and go her ports, and and if you wouldn't mind allowing all undead that will to pass freely through your master's lands on their way to my haven. After all, I'm sure you know of my intentions that the living and the dead could get along fine. All the same if this would be better conducted within an area she had control, I wouldn't mind. After all you short lived beings tend to think that way sometimes..." The Medicine Man's garb rattles again with a series of simple hollow knocks.

should I assume the intimidate failed OOC?

2011-04-06, 04:50 PM
Shade's messenger

Intimidate succeeded, though I'm assuming it's influence attitude usage, and since I know what the messenger's kind, it's reactions are not quite human because it isn't. Also, since SRD diplomacy suck and this is a semi-PC with it's own agenda and so on, I'll have to improvise a bit also.

Again, there was a pause, as if she needed to think. It might perhaps stand to reason that she relayed the words to another, then receiving instructions on what to say.

The county of Ibevum does not have any ports, nor can it make local exceptions from imperial law. If you are refering to the Empire, then the Countess is not in a position to make decisions regarding it's trade licence policies, nor the instructions to the police or military concerning the undead. She does however councel the emperor on these and other matters. But she must be convinced that the empire would benefit from such changes before proposing them.

2011-04-06, 05:02 PM
Shade's messenger

Ahh, I must have mistaken "a mortal man would no doubt be 'strongly encouraged' by it." got ya.

The Medicine Man continues to grin "I suppose it would be beneficial to have more trade in that your nation would be able to profit more economically, with cheaper commodities and such, and allowing undead to pass may allow some troublesome folk to slip fully from your society. Than again you would likely need a guarantee of security from them, so I suppose being escorted rather than left to roam would be fine. Also assuming that your people have no customs about their dead your nation may also be able to benefit by selling something which to you is nothing but fresh nutrient for your farms. And as for ports it would be only a little more cumbersome for my citizens to ship than cart their goods, nearly as easy if they were permitted to set up small port towns of their own, though I understand your fear if you decline that part. I don't suppose you would rather do this in person ay?" The Medicine Man stretches out a bonny and deformed hand, slowly opening it to allow a gate to emerge, and grow leading as close as it could to the imperial city (though that may not be the right name for it). The Medicine Man appeared somewhat amused by the acts of caution that the Countess was going through.

2011-04-06, 06:05 PM
Shade's messenger

If that is your preference. The countess found it more expedient not to seek you out in person. There is a difference if such a meeting is asked for. All that is required is the precise location of the meeting.

2011-04-06, 06:14 PM
Shade's messenger

"Well it's not that I wish to force it, only that as I have seen with the couple hundred of my own people I've sent you that messengers sometimes die before their message can be fully received." The Medicine Man gives a meaningful look at the child before him. "I suppose looking through this you can choose an appropriate place." The Medicine Man gestures to the gate while somehow sliding under, around, and back onto his mount much in the manor one would expect a spider to move if it could move that fast. Than he gestures for his lichs to lead him through the gate.

2011-04-06, 06:32 PM
Shade's messenger

That will do she smiled teasingly follow me she winked out of existance and could then be spotted on the other side of the gate, waving to you.

2011-04-06, 06:36 PM
Shade's messenger

The Medicine Man spurs his undead mount into full gallop (Ok, ok, it's a zombie, so it's more of a trot, but all the same :smallbiggrin:) Once across with all his animated and unanimated bones, and his mount has fully passed through the gate snaps shut. "Lead on little messenger" the Medicine Man commands.

2011-04-06, 07:50 PM
Shade's messenger

Oh, you just have to wait here. Then she teleported away again.

A few moments passed before a red haired woman, perhaps twenty years of age, though what was known of her, and the maturity and experience her eyes betrayed indicated that she had lived for much longer than that. She adressed you in your own tongue, as fluently and melodically that all others that you could recall communicating in the whispers of Ka-dul seemed coarse, rusty and unsophisticated in comparison, obviously magic, but impressive nontheless.

Introductions are unneccesary, I would think. Now that all my attention is occupied, I prefer to not spend more time than I have to. What would you wish to buy and sell?

For future reference, messenger is dead, like dead dead.

2011-04-06, 08:14 PM
Shade's messenger

good to know

humph whisper of Ka-Dul isn't supposed to be elegant and sophisticated :smallbiggrin:... well sophisticated , but in the other way. :smallbiggrin:

one of the hovering skulls shatters creating a zone of truth effect. "lets test this, I-------(cut off by zone of truth)---------, well it's for the best I guess.
Well naturally every country has too many products to list, so I'd just say everything our people are willing to sell may be sold, fare enough? I may as well point out that your tariffs are your own choice, but all the same they will minimize the economic benefits to your people. I would also appreciate safe transport of those wishing to come to my realm, and it wouldn't hurt to have you stop killing my messengers on sight... honestly youth can only excuse so much." As he speaks Shade can pick up inklings the subtle sorcery woven into his words, but nothing solid is discernible.

as usual instinct makes him a tad intimidating, though he is willing to negotiate. [roll0]

2011-04-06, 09:05 PM
Mind blank makes me immune to your zone of truth and intimidate,

She didn't even react to his imposing manners.

Undead on the loose are considered a threat to the citizens of the empire, and it is therefore the duty of the Imperial servants charged with protecting them to destroy them on sight. Special cases do exist, several mages have underwent the ritual turning them into liches, one simply needs to apply for being excepted from the rule, and in all cases, this has simply been a formality. But without prior permissions, undead messengers that are unable to pass as living will not be welcome. Such arrangements must be made with the foreign ministry.

The lecture was over, she didn't even have to say it, but the message was clear. This was the law and the law would not be changed. Special permission was required.

As for trading, it is not so simple. Any merchant wishing to export or import anything must obtain special license for that type of goods. It tends to help if the mercantile house in question happens to be a Naraian mercantile house and not foreign. Therefore, what you might desire to import and export to the empire are very much relevant. Primarily we are interested in importing raw materials that are in demand domestically, and exporting finished goods.

2011-04-07, 05:56 AM
Ah, mind blank, the Medicine Man isn't put off by your resisting his intimidation, but he considers it a low trick n that it wasn't overcome by sheer will which would have earned some respect, all the same that blocking zone of truth is somewhat annoying, but oh well.

The Medicine Man frowns slightly. "I suppose I could send more human looking messengers, but couldn't you arrange for incarceration of undead deemed dangerous to society, and simply deport them to a vessel belonging to my people, after all ? Also in what manor of trouble would my merchants need to pass through n order to obtain such permits? As you may know my nation is small and filled with untiring workers, and as such the nation its self doesn't produce many raw resources besides our currency and fish. Now we do import raw ingredients, ans as you have no ports my merchants could just as easily sell raw materials from other regions, though would expect that you wouldn't begrudge a bit of incoming trade from our artizens as well... I understand your desire to not export your country's natural resources, but all the same no trade system is perfect, and even finished products can be worked further, and gleam more truly. Regardless many a country has gone broke from producing finished goods beyond what is desired, and as such caution you against making more than any could use. "

2011-04-07, 07:45 AM
If (I saw something which these could be the roots for back when I was periscoping or my tremorsense picks up what is above these roots){

What is it?


I'll use my telekinesis to slowly move one root, hopefully creating some movement above ground for my tremorsense to pick up.

OOC: Yes, I do code. What was your first guess? :smalltongue:

2011-04-07, 09:49 AM
To be fair, my will save modifier is higher than your zone of truth DC. And she does get a +51 on the roll to resist the intimidate, assuming I don't have any extra bonuses against fear that I forgot about. But if respect is what you want, two can play the intimidiate game [roll0], also cheating with magic, but that's how it is.

It would be a considerably more complicated affair to apprehend undead rather than destroying them outright. Priests or mages would be needed, and they usually have better things to do. Export and import liscenses are granted by individual port authorities, who have instructions regarding what may be bought and sold, and at what quantums in total from the port in question. Though considering certain aversions regarding the undead that may be lingering, it may perhaps be more wise to invite representatives from one of the established mercantile houses, my own perhaps, though it does not currently operate on the high seas.

2011-04-07, 10:05 AM
"Well seeing as you have already told me that your nation lacks ports, may I ask which nationality's authorities I should see about a license?" A thin smile curls the Medicine Man's lips, and only half because this child would have wielded considerable authority back home... " have a port town, perhaps the authorities there could supply me with the proper license? And as for apprehending stray undead, how about I go half way. will provide a few units in order to help safely transport undeads back to my soil in the event that you find them as considered a threat to the empire, and we can allow my units to undergo your due process, and licensing. Would that be acceptable?"

no... you would get level (22)+ wis mod(6)+1d20... thats 1d20+28 which would make you fail... also how does youe +44 intimidate translate to +54? therefore your roll would be 55 which by the Medicine Man's traditions would put your in a weaker diplomatic position, but all the same, hadn't intended the intimidation as a primary thing, just as another cultural difference. :smallbiggrin:

2011-04-07, 12:12 PM
I have more than just mind blank up :smallcool:, if she has reason to consider it important, there'd be another +11 on the intimidate check.

I assumed that you knew that Ibevum is simply one of the counties and duchies that make up the empire, while I carry out the will of the emperor in Ibevum, others do so elsewhere. Few of the other Dukes and Counts have the right to an unscheduled audience, however. You will have to contact the harbourmasters of the port you wish to gain access to. But first you require a liscense to be recognized as a mercantile house with trading rights, which must be applied for in the ministry of trade in Nara.

She remained remarkably calm, there was not a single hint or indication about her thoughts or emotions. You wouldn't want to play cards with her, she'd probably win the phylactery from a lich.

It might thusly be easier to work with an already established house. As it happens, I have such a liscense, though I use magic for transportation of goods where riverboats or caravans are impractical, I don't take part in the sea trade, though I have the liscensce to do so should I wish. However, I am not at liberty to import or export much beyond what is intended for personal use. I can petition for change regarding Ibevum's quotas should I find it to be in the best interests of the empire. As for foreign agents operating on our soil, as your offer of units effectively is, that is something that never would be allowed.

2011-04-07, 01:02 PM

"The Medicine Man grins, suppose we are unable to reach a settlement than." With that he makes an odd hand gesture made possible only by his inhuman deformed hands, and the next instant the Medicine Man and his lichs (and mount) are gone.

-----a few seconds later-----

-----on an island far far away-----

*looks at revised map* http://img232.imageshack.us/i/gameworldepicevil.png/

-----on "the mad dragon's tail" island-----

Marpaziena Azheshi

The Medicine Man starred down from a large mountain... at least he hoped that was what it was... he had sent his 30 lich escort back to lead the construction of a military base where they had lain anchor. Before him a massive dragon dropped in to a small pond disappearing from sight. Taking a moment to draw n the chaos of the place the Medicine man slipped quickly through a dimensional door into the dragon's cave. With his mount, strings of mangled flesh and all.

As he emerged into the dark chamber he allowed his bones to continue to circle. Within the cave his wil'o wisp eyes would make him viable to even a human, but they also allowed him to see the massive dragon before him "I suppose you would be the ruler of this fine world wouldn't you? I am the Medicine Man." The Medicine Man's hands twitch slightly in anticipation as several of the skulls with which he is adorned with Begin to pulse with a combination of negative and eldritch energy, ready to lash out if the dragon s in one of those moods dragons are famous for in which they need a target for their rage... some dragons don't like people slipping in or out of their caves.

forgot natural intimate check, so 'll do that later :smallbiggrin:

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-07, 04:55 PM
The Hunter roared, stomping his first on the ground, a huge shockwave emanating from underneath, splattering the enraged peasants all over. He then instantly turns invisible, before the peasant's eyes.

Ultrablast power, [roll0] damage to each enemy.

He then uses Greater Invisibility.

2011-04-08, 09:17 PM
Havelock. Shade past: Icc:" Their are few inconvenient enigmas" I want assessed before considering to resolve them;despite being integrated into our religious infrastructure, the recently established state-sect is still resented by the more conservative parties of our nobility, whether this is due in part to reserved sectarianism or petty envy over is irreverent in regards to how long we can tolerate their dissent before dispensing with their divergent theologies, & capitalize upon it. Of course I'vent disregarded our congregation of bureaucrats as infallible to corruption as well;

" ,
Occ: If you want to make some knowledge checks, go for it.
Halna LeGavilk, The Hunter: With the transgressor absent, they dispersed, most sought to relieve their comrades to escape their elderitch bonds, once they were free they rushed towards the church's courtyard to regroup; the remainder sought the aid of the local healers..

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-09, 08:56 AM
The injured found themselves being cut down, destroyed, demolished, bit by bit. No matter how fast they ran, invisible blades caught up and cut them down. Those in the church found no shelter there, the doors broken down and shattered. Death would find them.

2011-04-09, 09:12 PM
The dragon smiles a mad smile. "I am that indeed. What do you want of me?"

2011-04-10, 04:47 AM
The Medicine Man relaxes a bit, still somewhat cautious of draconic mood swings, but at the same time adopting the dragon's chaotic smile.
"I was hopping for a certain joint project with Maelthra you, and I... a sort of three way navy and in essence an eastern hemisphere militia, open trade...or perhaps we should call it visiting in your case?... and encouraged expansion for the three of us. That is assuming that this forest can bloom beyond it's borders, for I am sad to say I know little of your realm despite it's close proximity to my own. I was also hoping that some of these trees may be suitable for shipbuilding, and that you wouldn't mind loosing a few, for I would think that at least some of them could regrow at exceptional rates, than again that may be stereotyping. So what do you think of the idea as a whole?"
The Medicine Man spreads his arms as one of his skulls finishes translating his dismembered shrieks and wails.
Now since I forgot to last time, so as custom dictates ... intimidate check. :smallbiggrin: [roll0] yeah... I'm not sure if intimidating a dragon is ever a good idea, but for my character it's subconscious so here it goes anyways. :smallbiggrin:

2011-04-10, 07:01 AM
The catfolk, realizing there was no response, assumed the dragoness was out doing... something.

Seeing this as good chance, Nerrashkar went and fetched his dinosaur mount, before going out to do some hunting.

Not sure what I should roll, So I'll go with survival, spot and ride.


Frog Dragon
2011-04-11, 01:41 PM
"Samantha LaNoir." A name pops up in Sarivel's mind. She could be a valid source of information. The false god and his companion had been running a blank, but perhaps the noble would have some sort of clue. Sarivel had to formulate an offer to the noble. Surely, she would not give up any secrets freely, even if she had them.

But nobles always had political problems of some sort. The Servants were a fairly obscure group, and their true colors were known only to a select few. Surely, anything she could not act against, the Servants could, without anyone ever getting any wiser.

Sarivel needed to get to the outside. He cast a simple spell to appear in an unassuming form, with simple acolyte robes on him, simply walking out of his base. There would have been a faster way to do this, for the spark of divine within allowed him to mold his powers into almost any spell, including teleportation, which he could not cast otherwise. However, it was rather inefficient to brute force through the laws of magic like that, even if it was a good option to have.

Thus, the more complicated route.

Upon exiting the base, he turned into a gaseous form, floating among the clouds and taking off towards the noble's lands.

Spells cast: Disguise Self, Wind Walk.

2011-04-11, 04:26 PM

Spoilered for size, the place looks something like this, not quite so vast though.

The LaNoir stronghold was infamous, despite the fact that construction on it had started no more than ten years ago. It was carved straight out of the mountainside, to serve as the defensive linchpin of the north-eastern empire. No known army had the size to capture this one if properly manned. The facade was impressive, but how deep into the mountain the fortifications would extend was the unsettling part.

The land seemed barren and desolate, a few plants, crooked and bent looked like they were the only ones left, locked in a desperate and futile struggle for their lives. The sun seemed bleaker than it should, and the wind unaturally cold. It could be coincidense, but it could also be a sign of evil. There were stories, legends of the weather and terrain being warped by vile deeds and acts of such a nature that few would even comprehend that men could commit them. The wind had a voice of it's own, or voices, maybe it was the melancholy of the place, but you could swear that it carried with it faint screams, the lament for souls being ripped out of existance, the shrieks of men being denied death, trapped in an existance trancending mortality, eternal torture with not even the solace of death being available. The place was fouled, or perhaps these were simply the works of illusions, a mad master of the art, or perhaps a clever way to instill fear in others.

A smooth, broad road lead towards the fortress, it seemed built to last for millennia. There were no visible guardians, perhaps it was the wind. It felt like it could kill in the matter of hours. You had the distinct feeling of being watched. There definately was a fire going inside the entrance, there were guards inside.

2011-04-13, 07:44 PM
Shade and the emperor:
I'm taking ten on everthing. 54 on Arcana and Religion (74 on Religion if she finds it very interesting). 40 on the others. She can pull a +11 out of her sleeve if she finds it interesting enough

Well, I do have the tools required to changed all that, though as you know, those are quite powerful. I have the means at my disposal to discern which noble is loyal and which one is not. I also have the means to make that loyalty stronger, or install loyalty where there was none before. She paused a bit This method also makes their knowledge, my knowledge, and I will be able to make them extremely receptive to your commands, or mine. Be aware that blind obedience might raise suspicions, though there are not many with the strength to undo the process. You should know what it does before giving any authorisation of it's use. There are other, more traditional, ways, but not as subtle or effective.

2011-04-13, 08:43 PM
"The Realm's influence grows freely whereever I rule. And as long as the trees don't fight back you are welcome to them so long as you plant a new seed each time." She grins. "By the Great Old Ones, there are probably canoe trees around here somewhere anyway."

[roll0] vs. Intimidate

2011-04-13, 08:48 PM
The Medicine Man smiles back "so you accept my offer?"

2011-04-13, 08:57 PM
"What can I say, I've been bored lately.

"I suppose we will be splitting our gains evenly . . . have you any need for grafts and such? Or of beasts with the Farspawn taint? I can trade such."

2011-04-13, 09:12 PM
The Medicine Man is beginning to feel at home in the dragon's lair, and elaborates on his plan "Well essentially what I wish to achieve is a three way alliance, and a well maned border keeping it safe from outside invasion. For this to be achieved we will first need to each expand our nations to cover the stray land that will be caught in between. I have been Battle the oceans for control over the floor, I would like you to expand to the rest of this island for now, after all I feel it safe to assume there will be some resistance since as it stands you only control a small portion of it. And our northern ally is to take that other island north of where we stand. Than I will leave the island to the east of here to whomever will. In light of this my nation will offer whatever aid it can in your expansion. I will inform my people shortly of your generously and they will begin work on a navy of sorts heeding your words about planting the next growth. Once we have made our expansions I expect we will finalize our joint defense taking the strengths from each of our lands. Gains will be split evenly, but in a way that best suits our individual nations. For instance, I know many of the living find it harder to live beneath the oceans, and as such my people are charging forth, I request no extra land for now as my city has yet to reach it's intended population, your madness will be fostered, and in the end I hope that our joint military force reflects all of our parts, undead grafted, and with whatever wonders we may find Maelthra to have in store for us. Is this acceptable?"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-15, 06:27 PM
The Hunter cracked his neck. After gathering what little valuables the peasants had, he washed the blood off of himself with water from the local well. After that, he searches the town for a lute or guitar. If he finds one, he prepares to burn the church down. As the church is burning, he hums to himself and fingers the instrument, waiting for a response.

Search: [roll0]

Frog Dragon
2011-04-17, 05:28 AM
Sarivel materialized some ways from the gates, far enough for his appearance to be left undiscernable, casting a simple spell to disguise his appearance, this time into the garb of a traditional diplomat. He then walked to the gates.

He was barely bothered by the nature of this place. He caused such himself on occasion. Still, it did indicate that there were powerful people here, and he could exercise some caution.

He started looking around for some sort of checkpoint system, something that would almost invariably be present in a fortress such as this.

2011-04-17, 12:39 PM

There were no visible checkpoints, though plenty of places where magical sensors or hidden sentries could be placed.

Approaching the gate seemed to be the way to go. The gatehouse seemed imposing, the entrance was a tunnel, 100 feet before the inner doors, the outer ones were open. 30 feet wide, 30 feet high. The tunnel turned slightly to the left, concealing the inner doors from the outside, there were plenty of murder holes in the roof, and eight portcullises could be dropped down, 10 feet between each. Their rails being the only thing breaking up the otherwise smooth rock. The inner doors was of some black metal, perhaps Adamantine, a hatch opened up as you approached, some sort of shadow concealed whatever may have been behind them. You could guess that a pair of eyes studied you from the other side.

Yes? A pleasant female voice asked from the other side.

Frog Dragon
2011-04-17, 02:32 PM
"I am an ambassador for the Servants of the Mystic." Sarivel states. "Acting on behalf of High Priestess Myanne, I request entry." He adopts the typical tone of a noble-born diplomat who has better things to do than deal with grunts.

Bluff check, though I somehow doubt the guard can even smell the rat on my minimum roll, especially since she has no reason to suspect me: [roll0]

2011-04-17, 02:59 PM
And what is your business here?

2011-04-17, 05:46 PM
"Sounds delightful.

"The rest of the island has been strangely resistant to my offers of making their lives better. I did not wish to kill the people there, but I suppose taking over would be for their own good wouldn't it? After all, even death may die--the killed shall live again in strange new forms." The dragon grins. "It shall be done. Long live the new alliance."

2011-04-17, 07:53 PM
"yes, long live the new alliance, and may these resilient villagers form the first rank in our joint militia. I will send some of my people soon, though some of my followers are of another world and have more traditional beliefs on undeath. I hope you will excuse their reservations about joining themselves."

2011-04-18, 06:36 AM
The Hunter: Icc: The destruction wrought brought more than a pound of flesh for the carrions, picking through fallen, you've found the tools of their trades, from blacksmith to musician; most of which were dulled or overstrung to be employed before being mended by artifice, although if given proper care they would provide enough lucre to make up for both bruises.

The church's humble exterior did not do the decor of the interior justice, statuaries devoted to exalted saints, now too were humbled by your vandalism; their posture varied to numerous prayer or meditative stances, as if desperately calling aid as the flames of the hells encroach them. Perhaps the thought crossed your mind that those insolent rabble are being pacified there as well, while idyllically dwelling upon such fantasies as you strummed a hand-me-down lute. The instrument's chords were illuminated by the flare, its proximity hastening the evaporative process of the crimson fluid, & giving it a scarlet hue with a persimmon sheen. At the epicenter of worship lies an ornate golden wheel artistically crafted with hundreds of humanoid eyes staring attentively into the havens...
Occ: Pm'd everything except the wheel, & yes, it is worth more.
Dethkruzer: Icc: Leaving the ill-lit subterrane only left you adrift to your surroundings, as the landscape before you remains in an continuous state of metamorphose; Once adamant gravel became as elastic as clay, being susceptible to the slightest influence, be it sentient or not;
Occ: fixed it, if you don't like it, Pm me, & I'll modify it.
The Worm: Icc: These sensations abruptly occurred at your emergence, whether they were so still as to escape your notice, or arriving from the threads of another plane, or figments of an incorporable entity, was difficult to discern.
Occ: With the exception of tremorsense & whatever is gained from those templates; "Earthworms do not have eyes, they do have cells that are sensitive to light distributed through their outer skin. These don't let earthworms see images, but it does allow their skin to detect light and changes in light intensity. earth worms are more sensitive to the chemical and temperature in the environment around them.

2011-04-18, 04:12 PM
"Like they won't be more worried by Far Realm influence? I can deal with the ignorance of those who fear glory very well, I've seen it all my life."

2011-04-18, 05:26 PM
"Ah yes, all the world of doubt and suspicion, always cringing from the new, but that's why we must fight on. I'll send them, but first I'll visit our other ally. Would you like to come?"
The Medicine Man reaches out his hand allowing another gate spell to unfold, leading to the heart of Maelthra's realm. "ladies first" clicks another skull.

Edit: gate: up to 20' diameter, enough for a huge dragon to squeeze through :smallbiggrin:

2011-04-19, 11:59 AM
She grins and enters the portal. Going somewhere new, such excitement.

2011-04-19, 02:37 PM
The Medicine Man follows not particularly excited, yet all the same satisfied with the start his plans had gotten.

2011-04-19, 06:14 PM
She curls up in the room she finds on the other side of the portal and waits for something new to happen.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-19, 09:35 PM
The Hunter sets down his instrument, and calmly walks through the fire, ignoring the burning flames, to stare at the golden sculpture.

2011-04-20, 07:49 AM
The Medicine Man shut his gate and waited patiently for their host singing a singing from his homeland. the skull didn't translate, and as such it sounded allot more like a dungeon of tormented prisoners, but all the same their host would easily find them from it. :smallamused:

2011-04-24, 06:25 AM
Maelthra, Wolfhead Island.

Maelthra flies forward on his steed to the group of religious importance.
Welcome to my Island, you have broken a few Laws by coming onto my Island, unannounced, but I'm sure that we can get past this and down to buisness.

Maelthra looks to be a very young man, impossibly so, since his Empire has been around for hundreds of years and always been run by one man.

2011-04-24, 07:29 AM
The Medicine Man ceases his song, and one of his skulls begins translating his assortment of horrific sounds into common making little clipping noises with each word as it's jaw clips shut. "Oh come now, I'm sure you knew we were here. Anyways for our business here.. I was wondering if we couldn't make that joint militia that we were talking about a bit more real. Now that all the pertinences are here we can figure out all the details as well."

2011-04-24, 08:02 AM
Maelthra looks rather SHeepish for a second and then wipes the look off his face.

I must have forgotten about the meeting, let me find the paper for a minute.

He mumbles for a minute checking the list.

Have breakfast,
Check on my workers,
Give morning speech,
Oversee any executions and reanimatings.
Ahh there it is,
Meet Doctor Who and the rest of our evil council doom.

I think we are all here.

I'm pretty sure the scanners should have picked it up but our Scanning system is down for 10 minutes everyday at a certain time for backup logs and the like.

We were discussing the plan weren't we?

(Drack know's what I mean.)

2011-04-24, 08:24 AM
"ahh, well it's still in it's infancy for now, but essentially the idea is for our three nations to join together, expand to cover a good portion of the world, than to form a navy capable of repelling any offensive force, and essentially combining our strengths, opening our trade borders, and encouraging localized expansion. Since my nation is made wholly of undeads I have begun taking the oceans as all my citizens could survive in such an environment. I encourage you two to seize nearby islands, and as endurance we shale give power over the joint militia to someone who will only take orders that come from all three of us, attack any offensive vessel sent by others, wield all their power against any of us who wish to back out of the alliance or betray another, and preferably someone competent." This last bit is added with a slight smile, all of them knew how hard it could be to find someone competent for such a job, and how much harder still it would be to find one who would be loyal to the alliance rather than any individual.

2011-04-24, 04:17 PM
"Competent is good, yes.

"Perhaps someone with one trait provided by each of us?"

2011-04-24, 04:35 PM
"well the whole army should carry traits from each of us, the problem is where they owe their allegiance, but in the end it should be fine."

2011-04-25, 12:44 AM
"True, true."

2011-04-25, 06:17 AM
I say we start doing what I think is rather distasteful, but nessecary for us to defeat other Empires.
We start a body farm.
We take fast producing animals and other creatures and then create as many undead as we can.

He then stops expectantly.

2011-04-25, 11:15 AM
The Medicine Man spoke calmly of the idea unmindful by it's implications, as an industrial power he couldn't both himself with the implications beyond progress. "It would be a simple enough task to achieve, but personally my nation has plenty of the deceased, and we haul in more daily from the seas as I'm sure you will from your conquest. we needn't bother with that at this early time with this world teeming with life. Than if we were to do such a think we could make it a labor camp of sorts giving them their second life after their first wears thin. Then sent them off to battle. All the same though I don't think it has come to this point yet, first we must seize the land which should be ours, and as we do that we must determine how our legion will function. I suggest that we have undeads morphed by Marpaziena, and trained in your lands. than that we establish them atop the oceans in crafts forged by my laborers, and from each of your woods. What are everyone's thoughts on this?"

2011-04-25, 11:56 PM
"It would be nice to have some creatures set aside for breeding experiments. The wildlife of my realm are Realm-touched, but their changes are random and thus not always useful.

"To see what happens when Realmstuff is added is certain ways would be a lot of fun."

She stretches out a bit. "Are there any changes you're looking for especially?"

2011-04-26, 05:12 AM
"no, just help out with combat efficiency."

2011-04-26, 05:56 PM
"In that case I'll look into making tentacles, claws and fangs. And then you can make them undead."

2011-04-26, 06:03 PM
"Nah, they'll reject the negative energy, some things just aren't meant for reanimation. Perhaps we can just each produce troops for the army, I can produce melee combatants for when they approach, Maelthra can give us some magi or archers for range, and you can provide more of each with a touch of camouflage. On a wooden vessel I'm sure you could come up wit a way to make your people undetectable until that last fatal moment, no?"

2011-04-26, 09:35 PM
"I can give them camouflage. Or cast Greater Invisibility on them, give them magic items . . ." She shrugs. "Whatever you like."

2011-04-26, 10:16 PM
"well chances are in war magic camouflage will be less distressful due to true seeing and he like, therefor I suggest natural camouflage."

2011-04-27, 01:56 AM
Most of my forces either walk around in huge clumps of undead or can get through some of the most highly secured Buildings in existence with the only evidence of them having been there is drunk guards. They're unlikely to need any help.
He itches his shoulders slightly, as if theres something about to come out.

2011-04-27, 06:41 AM
"So you think it best that we just each create our own military, and that we give each other all the support they need?"

Frog Dragon
2011-04-27, 10:02 AM
"I seek to find an influential noble by the name of Samantha LaNoir. What, exactly, is no business of yours." Sarivel responds, keeping up the haughty act of a highborn diplomat.

2011-04-28, 03:08 PM

This is indeed the holding of Countess LaNoir, but she does not grant an audience to any random person showing up on her doorstep desiring to speak with her. We can deliver a message, or you can convince me that she might be interested in seeing you today and I will tell her directly of your desire. I am no mere guard.

Frog Dragon
2011-04-28, 04:12 PM
"I expected as much." Sarivel then picked up a small stone, placing it on his palm as he pulled out a staff, creating a stone tablet out of it. Then he manifested fine writing on the smooth tablet, smoothing out any roughness in the tablet as well.
The following reads carved on the tablet.

To Countess LaNoir

The high priestess of the Servants of the Mystic requests to make a deal, to better help both parties achieve their goals.

We request knowledge. Of places of great power. Of artifacts. But we do not claim to know what you request. However, the eyes of the Servants are many, and their grasp reaches far. Our organization can help you, on terms to be negotiated.

Should you decide this to be worth your time, send a response in whatever form you wish to shrine of the Servants you find most suitable, and it will find its way to us.

- Markham Reikmall, acting on behalf of high priestess Myanne of the Servants of the Mystic.

Then, Sarivel hands it through the hatch. "A message to the countess. I believe she will find it worth her while."

2011-04-28, 06:11 PM
A moment, then It took no more than perhaps half a minute before the voice returned. She will receive you now. The hatch slammed shut and you could hear that cogs was being turned on the other side, and the doors swung open revealing a tunnel, much like the one leading to the door, but bending in the other direction. On the other side, two men clad in the uniforms of the Empire, operated the mechanism that opened and closed the doors. A third man in black livery, a civilian seemed to be waiting for you. This way sir at the end of the tunnel, a larger area opened up, lit up by some unseen source, a sort of macabre reddish glow, torches provided better light conditions along the walls. There were some activity here, the area seemed to be used for storage and some administrative work. The servant lead the way to a small room containing a few comfortable chairs. There was a door at the other end. If you would be so kind to have a seat, the mistress will be with you in a moment he gestured to the nearest chair.

Some minutes later, he walked across the room, opened the other door and bowed to the red haired woman, perhaps twenty summers or so, but the depth of her green eyes belonged to someone with years of experience. The dress made out of whirling shadows put more than enough of her shape on display to determine that she was a young woman, at least in appearance. Her voice was pleasant and her words had a melody to them. What you noticed the most, however, was the anti-magic field surrounding her.

My apologies for the field, but the potency of your items and spells makes me find such cautions necessary. The servant exited and closed the door behind her. Now, what knowledge do you seek?

2011-05-01, 08:59 PM
Hunter: Icc: The wheel is 10ft tall & 5ft long; it is entrenched into a fresco floor, the tiles compose of a spiral or sun like pattern, with the sculpture at the epicenter. Each eye is so lifelike that one could almost assume they were petrified in-place.

2011-05-02, 05:57 PM
The Medicine Man smiled darkly at his followers taking their silence for accent. "Than it shale be done, may we all have strength in our travels to reach the goals that we must." With this The Medicine opens back up the gate to the dragon's realm "I believe I have delayed your visitor quite enough." Than with a quick incantation he slips through a gate to the ice dragon's lair.

Halfway across the world Kashac had finally finished her preparations. A room rigged with enchantments such that nobody could leave alive without the command word, and positioned the underwater entrance such that they would exit away from the empire and be taken by the world as a small scale attack with no real target.
A high cleric began chanting at the center of a ring of necromancers with Kashac taking her place before the cleric as a gate opened up before her as a magical message was sent to the Medicine Man. It had taken quite some time, but the lesser clerics had dutifully poured through ancient texts throughout their free time, and had ultimately compiled a list of long imprisoned undeads, and another of other long imprisoned other creatures. Nothing less from her personal followers she thought with satisfaction, having hand picked from her Empire back on her home world before leaving. Currently her necromancers held their defensive hordes in preparation as A gate opened to a long isolated clan of undeads. The clan it's self had consisted of several tens of thousands of Deathbringers (MMII page 55), but it had been widely assumed among the clerics that they had killed off most of their number by now from boredom, and that only a hundred or so would remain (as the legend goes a king's mage when faced with certain doom tricked their dark neighboring country, leaving it without defense, and thus the mage won the king's good graces back. unfortunately the mage who was to replace him soon after poisoned his wine... and well lets just say that mage got the job.)... or at least that was the hope.Kashac had been sure to insure the countermeasures to hold up to several thousand, after all the only thing necromancers were as good at as creating undeads, was finding ways to control hem, but for now they would attempt to negotiate. Perhaps this power would aid them in times to come. Regardless Kashac starred into the darkness beyond the gate slightly to the side such as to avoid being trampled in the mad rush for freedom before the gate closes. Than after they emerge she waits until order is established and their head comes forwards... or until they come back with a battle rage.

Assuming they begin to form order Kashak calls out her voice rich with arcane might: (since dark red was unpicked and I forgot to snag her a color) "I am Kashac, the leader of this fine force, and the reason you are free, I will speak with your representative to arrange your true freedom least you die against our wards. After all, our deaths will earn you nothing as we have all here died all too long ago." as she spoke reality opened behind her allowing twelve skulls to float slightly over her head.

The Medicine Man returns to his standard slouched position , and as he received the message he allowed one of the skulls he wore to open a gate and for several of them to float through. His wolf than led him deeper towards the undead dragon within. "I suppose you are AussirKepesk, the lord of this fine realm?"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-03, 06:57 PM
The Hunter ***** his head, and breathes in deep. "Idiots." He climbs up on the statue and begins to pry some of the eyes out.

2011-05-09, 08:25 PM
Hunter: Icc:Your harvest of garnish adornments was cut-short by a series of inconveniences the instant you purloined one. You overhear a faint hissing emerging from the orb's former placeholder; The velocity was enough for it to rotate, which in turn built enough momentum to lift it in the air, spinning horizontally like a discus. Desperately clinging on as it gradually tips its axis vertically when a emerald flare engulfed your vision, just long enough to lose your grip & be ensnared in an enclosed cubic prison with compressed incendiary clouds
Occ:Arcane sight like detect magic can't identify outsiders or elementals unless summoned or during & after casting a spell; in addition trueseeing as raw, doesn't negate concealment, mundane disguises & hidden enclaves, or anything beyond a floor or wall, so I placed it in the most obvious spot I could think of. buried under rubble, a not to scale model & a few mounds of dirt. Quicken Spell-Like Ability along with its (Su) abilities hasten the process with 1 free, swift, & standard actions in smooth progression. Move counterclockwise to operate mechanism to siphon vale to open, releasing a geyser of filtered Incendiary Cloud. Free :(SP+F)Dimensional Anchor Standard: ForcecageYou should be preoccupied with the ref till the next stage of my plan. Oh yeah & since he is 11 hd more than you it is registered as overwhelming to your character so your stunned for 1 round; it also makes you drop "everything held".
Shade's Past: Icc:
Occ:Filled in the Knowledge check data.Melchom & Scax belong to DiceFreaks Gates of Hell.
Knowledge: Arcana:
Astrological Premonitions:The veil between planes is weakening, whether it is due to irresponsible conjurers, or the divine making greater investments is nothing but a prelude, if your prophets aren't inflicted with "fanciful delusions & miscalculations", relative to the sigil of unbinding, when the chains of servitude are severed & anarchy ensues, masters are dethroned with only mercy or defiance left as their salvation. It is speculated to occur in the indeterminable future. It is said it will resemble a snake devouring its own tail, in a continuous 3-dimensional rotation. An omen of anarchy made manifest, a zeitgeist of revolution sweeping across all creation...
Temporal fluctuations:Relative as it may be, rumors of a phenomena of accelerated aging & decomposition occurring with discomforting consistency. Claims of food-stock rotting or mens' lifetimes as short as a week & an hour past, could be chalked up as mere excuses for not delivering your..."tribute". Although the quality of your stock could use a...review in the future...
Religion: The Wheel:A splinter sect of Wee-Jas that glorifies the distillation of the souls ego, shedding everything that defines it as a means to relieve ones regret & selfishness into a singularity outside the domain of any deity, where, supposedly they can start anew; the credibility to this claim is debatable; some of speculated Sigl or some-other neutral or private plane, wherever it may be; It potentially threatens your "Salvation quota for your patron, as well as your job security,"if" this subversive element grows in popularity.
Euangelion:The more radical sects have reverted to Euangelion: The worship of Angels, especially those of Humility & Oblivion; whether their worship is sincere or mere lip-service to spite the current theocracy is variable.
Angel of Death:There are some crimes that cannot be forgiven or forgotten. Some that are so bad that the Gods themselves become involved. Or more specifically, a very special servitor of theirs. An Angel is chosen from among the most powerful & trustworthy of Angels, & he or she becomes the Angel of Death. Only an Overdeity can give this promotion to an Angel, & usually only does so if the majority of the Gods agree that the case warrants such a horrifying retribution. Once promoted there is no turning back, & only the most dedicated of Angels willingly becomes the assassin of the Gods, forever giving up their true nature to punish the worst of the universes monsters. They serve until the stress of the destruction they have wrought becomes to much to live with, & they ask the Gods for the peace of oblivion.
The Angel of Death has all goodness & mercy erased from it’s being, becoming a cold emotionless being. This is necessary to perform its job. You can’t be called upon to destroy entire cities by bathing them in fire, & do so if you believe it to be wrong. Its appearance varies from individual to individual, as all who look upon it see it as something inspired by their worst fears. While the Angel is not Evil, it is most definitely no longer a Good being either. Once it has been sent to punish a target, nothing will dissuade it unless the Overdeity itself asks it to step down.
Dukes of Hell: General:In typical fashion, mortals across the Cosmos have paid a great deal of attention to the histories & machinations of the Lords of the Nine. There are numerous treatises on these infernal despots, from ancient texts like Hellbound: The Blood War & Faces of Evil: The Fiends, to more recent studies like The Book of Fiends & The Book of the Righteous. To varying degrees of accuracy, these texts provide intriguing information on the nature of the Lords of the Nine. However, not even the infamous Book of Vile Darkness provides much on the beings most likely to cause woe to countless mortals drawn into the intrigues of Hell: the Dukes of Hell. However, the Dukes of Hell are more than pleased with this situation since it allows them great maneuverability & opportunities across the Cosmos.
There are believed to be 81 Dukes of Hell, although some texts suggest either 90 or even 99 Dukes. It is known that there are the same numbers of Dukes for each Perdition in Hell &, considering the obsessive emphasis on numbers by Hell, it is most likely that nine Dukes for each Perdition is the most probable. Generally speaking, all Dukes maintain equivalent levels of power, although it is known that the Dukes of Maladomini, Cania, & Nessus tend to wield more political sway & physical might than the Dukes of the upper & middle Hells. The vast majority of Dukes were raised from pit fiend stock untold millennia ago. A number of former members of the Dark Ministry are believed to have become Dukes of Hell after their service in the Blood War. There are a fair number (perhaps 10%) who are counted among The Fallen &, in recent eons, more & more half-fiends have joined this highly selective group.
Within the various Infernal Courts, competition among the Dukes is fierce, although it is often subtle. The nature of Hell demands that formality & structure dictate every action in the Infernal Courts, so the Dukes tend to fight with words & through the actions (or inactions) of their own lackeys. Like the Lords, turn-over within the ducal ranks is relatively low & happens with surprising infrequency from the mortal perspective. Indeed, it has been well over 9,000 years since a single Duke of Hell was assassinated & replaced by another. A Duke of Hell is far more likely to be promoted to archdevil status (& immediately exiled) than to be killed while serving a Lord of the Nine.
In a sense, the Dukes of a particular court create a sub-pantheon within Hell. The Dukes serve specific roles within the various Infernal Courts & these roles rarely change but with the explicit will of a Lord of the Nine. For example, the Dukes of Avernus all reflect different aspects of the tyrannical nature of war & conflict; thus, while Abigor reflects the perfect field general, Malphas represents the inventor of destructive technology. Like the Lords, Dukes tend to forge alliances within the various Infernal Courts to reflect vying aspects of a certain Ideal; however, Dukes are often just as likely to work with each other across layers & often to great success. Still, if a Duke had to choose between a hated Duke within his own Perdition & an ally from another Perdition, it is safe to assume that the Duke would support his peer.
While serving the wills of the various Lords, most Dukes maintain their own demesnes within Hell with their own courts. It is not unusual for these to be dominated by pit fiends, gelugons, & cornugons as well half-mortal offspring & tyrannical monsters like aboleths,blue or green dragons, & illithids. These courts are most likely to answer summons on a Duke’s behalf or else carry out his interests with weak mortals. It is within these courts that great conflict occurs, much to a Duke’s amusement. However, all Dukes are certain to ensure that upheavals do nothing to challenge their positions. The following treatise details 18 of the better-known Dukes of Hell. These beings, while not even truly quasideities, are extremely powerful & very dangerous.
Many have served as Dukes longer than most gods have existed in the Cosmos, making them receptacles of great knowledge. Their relative status among arch-devils & the Lords of the Nine should not be taken to suggest weakness. A single Duke of Hell could, if given the
authority from a Lord, effortlessly take over entire kingdoms. It would take next to no effort for a single Duke to rub even the greatest would-be heroes out of existence.
Melchom, Duke of profit:More than any other fiends, devils are known for their predilection for drafting contracts with those with whom they deal. Legends and myths associate devils appearing to work out deals with foolish mortals, promising them wealth and power in return for mortal souls. These deals are often signed with the mortal’s blood, consigning the mortal’s soul to unending torment in Hell once the contract has been fulfilled. In many ways, these legends are not exaggerations for at least one Duke of Hell comes close to actualizing these stories. That Duke is Melchom, the Treasurer of Minauros.
Like most of Mammon’s Courtiers, Melchom rarely finds himself at the beck and call of his master as he spends the bulk of his time bringing ever more material wealth to Minauros in order to satiate not only the greed of Mammon, but his own avarice as well. Like Mammon & most of the other Courtiers of Minauros, Melchom is consumed with material gain with the least amount of work on his part. What is more, Melchom is also responsible for the coffers of Minauros; the coffers must always be overflowing with gold & platinum or else Melchom’s existence becomes forfeit. Clearly, Melchom excels at his job as he has served Mammon
longer than almost any other Duke of Hell.
Melchom seeks to fill his pockets with as much coin as possible by granting improved skills to workers but not compensating them appropriately for their efforts. To many beyond Hell, this behavior would apparently place Melchom closer to Dispater than Mammon; however, there is no real confusion. Melchom does value the skill of his workers. The faster they complete a project, the sooner he can turn a profit. The more his workers think they are being treated fairly, the more productive they become, which results in greater production and a heavier purse for Melchom. This contrasts with the attitudes of Dis in which there is no concern about valuing those who toil under the oppressive weight of a corporate structure, never receiving any increased knowledge or even the illusion of improvement. In Dis, there is naught but stagnation or the slow movement of a lead wheel, while for Melchom everything must happen quickly in order for his coffers to expand.
But, herein lies the evil associated with Melchom. Not only does Melchom not compensate his workers properly, he only grants them enough to make them productive for his own wealth. Once he is done with his workers, they are cast aside unless they can prove their worth in some other manner. Most cannot and these are often sold to the allies of Dis.
In Hell, Melchom has a comfortable relationship with his liege. Although the two share a mutual distrust, Mammon has not been able to satisfactorily prove that Melchom has robbed him, likely because the Duke of Profits is either too good with balancing the books or because he is a loyal servant. Mammon knows the answer is the former and has a grudging respect for Melchom’s abilities. Melchom has healthy business arrangements with virtually every Lord of Perdition that interacts with mortal clients. The strongest partnership he claims is with Scax. These two Dukes of Minauros have carved up entire worlds; while Scax enriches and curses, Melchom taxes and makes everyone destitute. Both Dukes have benefited greatly from each other. Still, Melchom does not particularly like Scax, whom he perceives as haughty and overweening; fortunately for both Dukes, Melchom is not interested enough in Scax’s responsibilities to attempt assuming them. Beyond Mammon and Scax, Melchom counts his greatest allies among the Courts of Dis and Cania. In Dis, Melchom has an excellent relationship with Caim, the Duke of Logic, from whom he acquires the bulk of his business contacts in the Mortal Coil; he also has a relatively open line of communication with both Glasya and Dispater through their erinyes. Among the Dukes of Cania, Melchom deals most frequently with Leonar. There are many foolish spellcasters who require plenty of laborers & supplies in pursuit of their endeavors, and Leonar directs such unscrupulous individuals to Melchom, who reaps greatly from this service. In return, Melchom greatly discounts all material items he offers to Leonar. Recently, Melchom has opened up lines of communication with the Court of Stygia; although aware of Leviathan’s treacherous intent, Melchom believes that so long as none of Leviathan’s machinations come to fruition he does not have to worry about what the Prince does with his services. For centuries, Melchom has had business contacts with all kinds of fiends, even demons. To date, those who have worked with Melchom know that he charges far more than necessary; however, most willingly pay his exorbitant prices since without his aid, their schemes would not have been successful. Melchom appears as a large humanoid male dressed in unassuming merchant’s attire usually dark green and mustard in color with hints of silver and gold jewelry.
His hands are large and almost ape-like; despite this, his penmanship is graceful. His head is somewhat too large, and he has a rat-like muzzle beneath a heavy, simian brow. A pair of small horns grows from the bushy mass of wiry hair that tops his head. A rat-like tail twitches from the base of his back, apparently as a useless appendage. Melchom always carries his Stylus, a magical writing instrument made from the teeth of all ten common species of true dragons, and his Ledger, which is chained to his right arm at all times. If this book were to ever get into the hands of mortals seeking to escape the collectors of Hell, many souls would be freed. To date, all who have tried to steal Melchom’s Ledger have met terrible, permanent fates.
Scax, Duke of prosperity: The vile Duke Scax serves as Mammon’s chief of investments. It is he who determines where the flow of Mammon’s wealth is directed, his aim always to do the most harm to the cause of good as efficiently as possible. Scax represents the distrust that is associated with wealth and power. He destroys reputations, lives and even empires with the calculated usage of money. He is also the patron of those who prey on good intentions and who use charity as a means to line their own pockets.
Many foolish mortals perceive Scax as a vicious liar, which for a devil is not too far from the truth. While all devils twist the truth to their purpose, those who are duped by Scax are amazed at the lengths he has gone to warp the meaning of what they thought was a fairly simple agreement. He is entirely without shame however, and considers treachery merely a rude word for changing one's mind. Patience is Scax’s watchword. He especially loves long term plans that bring in rich rewards, in both souls and money. He particularly enjoys destroying entire generational lines. He is known to lay curses, bringing once rich families to rags. Watching spoiled brats eat their own vomit to survive brings a warm feeling to the cruel Duke, who possesses an odd sense of humor and justice.
Scax is the master of ruining a good name. Orphanages & other charity organizations are often assisted by his money, only to go under when the source of their funding is revealed. (A trail of murdered robbery victims leading to the door is a particular favorite.) Other times the organization will be headed by a particularly cruel and greedy individual, who takes others’ charity and turns it to his own gain. The children eat week old gruel while their master partakes of a feast every night. Even when such an organization is brought down, it serves Scax’s purpose, by increasing the doubt in the masses’ minds about the honesty and integrity of actual service groups.
Scax's Lord treats his chief of investments with doubtfulness at every newly proposed venture. Mammon has a great deal of his own personal wealth invested in Scax's operations, so Scax's existence will become forfeit should he ever fail in his task. However, he is not overly concerned about his master, since his schemes and plans offer Mammon some small justification of the Lord's usefulness to Hell at large. He is very good at his job, & in the end, it is his competence that both damns and saves him. Mammon will not destroy a valuable asset to his own operations, but neither will he suffer a threat to his own power. Scax walks that thin line with care, and so far he has yet to misplace a step. Scax has a reasonably good working relationship with Melchom, his fellow Duke in Mammon's service. Although Melchom saves money, & Scax spends it, the two have forged an alliance based on mutual beneficence. Scax's schemes tend to produce more money than they cost, & Melchom's expertise with cutting costs and making the most out of every gold piece only improves that. Of course, neither of the Dukes is so foolish as to actually trust the other, but this matters little so long as the arrangement continues to aid them both.
Nobility: Bureaucracy:Corruption is the cancer that plagues all victors in the game of thrones, gauging how tolerable are the transgressors is dependent on the severity of their infraction. Careful selection of "those made an example of;" was as pivotal to insure relative stability as those whom pay witness towards said execution as well as the forced revival & subsequent enlistment to "serve you personally" . Common White color crimes such as the movement of contraband for a tidy sum of lucre, along with the occasional attempt to usurp their betters, including yourself for political gain. Aside from Asmodous, subsects to the dukes of hell are as follows: Caarcrinolaas, Scax, Melchom, along with the lord Dispater & Mammon. “No man can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be enslaved to one & betray the other. One cannot serve both God &
Zenizch:Former empire, that survived era of anarchy to become balkanized to a struggling confederacy; each fractured prefecture is as distrusting to outsiders as they are to their compatriots, whom have seceded to form their own nations, Your emperor's was one of the earliest to cut & run, so to speak, 8 millennia ago. A remnant of it still exists to the north west shores of your current continent.
Specific Individuals: ChazaltFormer head minister of Domestic Security & non-paramilitary affairs; a fervent supporter to Authoritarianism whose zealotry left little if any room for mercy towards dissidents till the Hextor clerical revolt & subsequent assassination attempt upon emperor Hammanacan. His uncharacteristic displays of incompetence, whether circumstantial or intentional, & failure to atone along with your timely intervention had made him a preferable scapegoat & his excommunication insured your rise to power. Shorty after his exile
GarthBegrudging collaborator
Kashac Wehrmacht: Icc:The eldritich ritual tore through the fragile fabric of reality, beyond its veil lay a vast Battlement, masoned from the necropolis of thantos itself,it stood as a repugnant testament to orcus divinity. Mounted on the walls their reanimated trophies kept vigil over their domain; Legions of eyes & ears are adorned upon their turrets, returning their gaze towards the portal beckoning their masters attention. Within & outside this fortress, their servitors toils come to an abrupt end, as hulking silhouettes encroach them; the source is five gigantic platoons each approaching their stations, each one with enough artillery to obliterate a small retinue. reeking in sulfur, charcoal & potassium nitrate. Your ssynchronized vision Occ: SL dc & checks for enchantments & Casters. Cannons are from D20 Past Table 2-3, P:21; which in turn are enchanted by Animate Siege weapon from Heroes of Battle P:125, It allows me to apply CL as its attack bonus. Not excluding The Deathbringers SP attack into account, there are others whom have equal or greater CL that I'vent bothered to mention...yet. In addition its ammunition consists of an array of enchantments. Your move.
Nerd-7i+42e: Icc:Vision clarified what appeared to be an amalgamation of your prior guesstimates; although they possess the common traits of over-sized subterranean assassin vines their rampart disregard of physics along with its domineering presence left a feeling of unease. violating their innermost sanctum, & lifting one like a common branch was the inevitable prelude for instigating another territorial spat.
Occ: Standard grapple procedure next post.

Frog Dragon
2011-05-11, 12:20 AM
Not covered by his spells of disguise, Sarivel was now a human with light-grey wings sprouting from his back. Pulling back the hood that was normally covering his head, Shade could see that this man was approaching middle-aged, but seemed to have somehow much more years. It was as if he had seen a hundred years of life in thirty.

"I understand the value of such precautions perfectly." Sarivel said, despite knowing that it wouldn't stop him much if he wished to do violence. But I shall get to the point. Our organization has been hunting for artifacts or similar sources of power for quite some time now, and we have been running low on leads. Sarivel paused for a second. "So I came to make a deal. I know you have sources of information in these matters. We have substantial forces in the mountains to the north. Although I do not know what you lack, we can doubtlessly fulfill your terms. All we require is information. What do you say?"

2011-05-13, 11:13 PM
Kashak starred into the gate somewhat amused, but somehow not overly surprised. "I fear this gate can not be held indefinably, if you wish for freedom from this cursed prison you may have it, but you must step out on your own, as I feel little inclination to drag you out." Kashak acknowledged that she could likely be blown apart within seconds, but as a lich having entrusted her philanthropy to another there was nothing to loose in death. "Or should I come if I wish to speak with your leader? If so I will be taking my escort."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-17, 12:01 PM
The Hunter snarled as the spells hit him. He dodged backwards, attempting to miss most of the burning cloud that enveloped him. Unfortunately, the green that hit him struck him square in the chest, though the incendiary cloud hid him from sight. He waited for something to happen, while preparing himself for what would come next.

Dimensional Anchor bounces off of my Globe of Invulnerability, does nothing. I manifest Force Screen on myself, +9 shield bonus to AC, for 22 minutes. Then I manifest Defensive Precognition on myself, lasting for 22 minutes. Since I have +13 insight already, I only gain +8 insight to my saves. Then I cast bless on myself, which lasts for 22 rounds.
AC is now 99, touch AC now 89, flat-footed now 89. Saves are now:
Fort: +58
Ref: +53
Will: +46
Reflex save: [roll0]
If you roll less than 20, no damage is done (Fire Resistance 10 and FH 10)

2011-05-18, 09:55 PM
Hunter: Icc:Evading the burst of vaporized embers was rewarded with a slight concussion, sight & tactile stimuli failed to relieve you as you are entrapped in what is perhaps your own private proverbial charnel house. Your goggles are barely able to discern your surroundings as multiple arcane auras blend into a blur. Below is a gapping hole among its edges where a number of pipes still emanate those harmful vapors.
Occ:Pm'd the roll to you earlier, if you forgot it was a natural 20 for the ray attack; also you have lesser globe of invulnerability, which doesn't deter anything SL 4 & higher. I almost forgot, your forcecaged with the Incendiary cloud, which comes to 1 round=6 seconds, therefore 60sec=10/min*20min=200 rounds of reflex savess, (DC:28); & this does not exclude Extreme heat in an unfiltered environment, Smoke, let alone your garments, items & hair catching fire as wel (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#catchingOnFire)l, these three demand an independent check seperate from the former. Oh I almost forgot, .Actions: (Move)5ft retreat,Standard: surprise pending
Nerd-7i+42e: Icc:a
Occ:The Assassins vine "Improved Grab"+ Colossal & Immense Hd threshold BAB vs your touch ac of 12= a hit with anything more than 1, & since I did have greater result than that, I have successfully grappled you. Slam & Constrict Damage comes to 36+10 points, , Oh I almost forgot they possess template spell-like ability of summon monster, Guess what they are.

2011-05-29, 08:55 PM

OOC: Mountains to the south? Where exactly on the map? Only ones I know of is to the north and east of Shade's place.

Artifacts or similar sources of power? Shade raised an eyebrow. It would be helpful if you were a little more specific than that, I have access to considerable amounts of knowledge, yes, and I suppose I can find what you are looking for, given time. Though I assume there is little need to point out that time is amongst the most valuable things in life. I do not think I have any meaningful knowledge of what you seek that will not require me to search through tomes and archives.

2011-05-30, 12:02 AM

keepin it fresh for Ocil's next post

Kashak starred into the gate somewhat amused, but somehow not overly surprised. "I fear this gate can not be held indefinably, if you wish for freedom from this cursed prison you may have it, but you must step out on your own, as I feel little inclination to drag you out." Kashak acknowledged that she could likely be blown apart within seconds, but as a lich having entrusted her philanthropy to another there was nothing to loose in death. "Or should I come if I wish to speak with your leader? If so I will be taking my escort."

The Medicine Man

Finding the cave rather empty, and lacking in monstrous undead dragons that may happen to be willing to back his cause the Medicine man opens his last gate allowing one of the demiliches to return such that it can open another gate for him. :smallcool: Than he sets off through the gate to the far west wherein resides the council of sanctity, a coalition of peaceful holy paladin spawning states. Unfortunately the whole mote of holy water thing was just a bit in the way of him getting his mount across so he leaves the massive rotting wolf in the stables trusting the horses not to pick at the stray bits of dangling flesh, and ordering the wolf to snap at them if they did. After all his mound was a significant asset.

Than The Medicine Man proceeds through the mote entirely unharmed, and takes the third left up an all too long set of winding stares (by which I don't mean a spiral staircase, but rather stairs that wind around themselves leading in every direction with their own internal gravity, ect. 'up' is generally perceived as 'in' even though the cold hard truth of the matter is that it all ends up in extra dimensional space and whatnot, eventually leading through various safe rooms, past millions of hoy warriors held in a weak Temporal Stasis spell which could all too easily be dispelled.) The Medicine Man knew these people were dangerous, and that their legions were to be the least of his fears, but all the same he knew he must maintain the appearances of a peace seeker rather than a spy if he didn't wish to loose their favor so he made a point not to look too closely.

Silently he slipped through their security check making sure not to look too curious about the new construct production going on behind a black screen. He quickly headed off through various security checks that found him more or less unarmed though they tended to frown at his garb of bones... mostly human. Than again he hardly noticed cursing under his breath at the undead dragon for slowing him with it's absence, and more to the point about the simple fact that he was now late to the meeting. After all such a meeting was for the good of the people and many on the council too that all too seriously.

Quickly hurrying in and taking his seat The Medicine Man made sure that he didn't appear rushed as he entered the room it's self and took his seat. "I am sorry kind sirs, I had been held up by an unexpected delay, and ended up needing to heal several of the council's knights along the way." This luckily bore truth for many on the council could easily find after the meeting if any of the others had lied, and all too commonly this was responded to by exile after which many subtle shifts of power would tend to leave one all too exposed to their neighbors, but on the other hand whenever he came to the council the Medicine Man made sure to heal any he could which rarely made him late, and hardly excused such tardiness. The Medicine Man than sat quietly listening to all the other councilmen before speaking in turn of his own matters.

"My friends I pray that the denizens of the oceans have terrorised the oceans for too long. If we are to have the peace for which we all dream I believe it best that we calm the raging waters and subdue the denizens of the darkness beyond the deep. My people have expressed their fears for their livlihood as the sea folk threaten them against fishing, and often times murder them in cold blood withouta thought as to my own people's beliefs. As a result the peoples of my lands have decided that though they try to coexist, they cannot sacrifice their freedoms for the views of another, and that in addition they will rid the waters of those who strike fear into the bravest of sailers. Into the dark beasts that lie below sinking the ships of inocent merchants without a second thought. Now I know that not all will agree, but I am afraid my people are adament as they wer when they decided that they must find shelter from those too lost in racist aabels from those who refused to look witin them and see all the humanity they sharred. I fear for my people, yet I also see them as a growing child first stumbling around in the yard. I hope you may all take such sympathies to heart and give them whatever aid you may on their holy quest. Though as you know I am yet young to this world and still know little of it. Prehaps I am assuming a bit much?"

The Demilich finishes translating with a final click of it's jaws a while after the moaning screech that is the whisper of Ka-Dul ends. Than as if as an afterthought the Demilich slips slightly to the side allowing the council a direct look into the Medicine Man's eerie gaze beyond the conglomerate of bones floating slowly around him.

Intimidation roll as his culture dictates though I doubt it'll do much more than give an impressive air. [roll0]

2011-05-30, 09:09 AM
OOC: I'm just gonna improvise a bit to get my character going. :smallwink:


Reaching down the Warmaster carefully lifts the skull from the altar and the world turns red. The room slowly fades away, as if it was hidden within a bloody mist and is replaced by his office in the Sanguinary Keep.
What was that? He asks his armor, the thought colored by worry and suspicion. He did not need sleep, and so he did not dream. Had it been a vision from his god or an attempt to access his mind by one of his enemies? The possibilities where many and most were worrying.
I do not know. I have never experienced such a thing before. Before, when you dreamt, I was left behind. This time it was different. We should be careful. The armor felt it's master's anxiety, and responded with alertness and combat readiness. The gloves tightened their grip around the handle of Warcrusher without Agrimand even thinking about it. Sometimes he did not know if it was he, or the suit he lived in that was in command. They were one, but with two minds.

Leaving his room, the living armor calls down the seemingly empty hall for his servants and from the wall two wraiths emerge and glide to a position behind their master. Striding down the long, dark hallways of the keep the Warmaster heads for the living quarters of the Blood Knights where he knew that Makhaira most likely could be found during this time of day. He would need to discuss this with his luitenant, and get an update on what happened outside his country. He had been far to focused on himself the last weeks. It was time to change that.

2011-05-30, 11:45 PM
Kashac Wehrmacht:
Icc:A second after uttering "Or should I come if I wish to speak with your leader? If so I will be taking my escort", a fanfare of cannon-fire was their retort. Those caught in the barrage were ricocheted across the room like rag-dolls, subsequently extending this simile to their remaining sinews & tendons rupturing them & their nearby compatriots in a explosion magnified by the projectiles' volatile arcane components enveloping 10-20 ft per target; contaminating the area with a residue anathema to your servitors. Before You can recover, one of these cannonballs' creates a gateway inhabited with a massive, bloated demon stands 15 feet tall, his immense frame a hideous combination of muscle and bloated flesh. His head is that of a ram with a great maw fi lled with tusks, and his thick-furred legs end in cloven hooves. Leathery wings and a barb-tipped tail complete the picture of the archetypal demon. He is appears amused with your plight. Giving a moments pause before directing his mace towards you like a wand.
Occ:Out of curiosity what are your minions ac, aside from your demilichs? Amount of attacks 275, So yeah, if you can parry those things, you could probably survive long enough to repay this fiend's mischief. This damage applies to objects so expect collateral damage as well. Effects are as follows: Range of each cannon shot is anything in of the gate in 250 ft Base: 60-pound, d20 past Table 2–3: Cannon,+1 Siege Magic Enhancement to hit, Holy stone, HoB P:133-134-136=12d12+1d6 Bludgeon+4d4. Which most of my rolls totaled 97 pnts of damage. Base+Firewall, Firetrap, & Fireball Gate enchantment+base Base Mind Blank Amount of attacks damage total:275*93=25,575 Fiend utilizes SPL Command undead or rebuke on your minions.
The Medicine Man: Icc:a
Draiker: Icc:a

Frog Dragon
2011-05-31, 01:58 PM
OOC: I haven't actually seen the map in a while. I'm quite hazy on where exactly my base is, so I'm just throwing locations out of my hat. I can change it.

"Certainly. We must find a source we can strip away and reuse without any kind of... signature entering into the mix. Retaining the essence of something extraplanar would be most unproductive for our purposes. We need a large amount of magical power, and we believe only an ancient artifact can provide enough, for we know of no mage that could accomplish such." Sarivel pauses for a moment, allowing Shade a moment to think.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-31, 04:01 PM
The Hunter snarls and flies into the air, hiding in the cloud.]

Well... here goes:
Ref: [roll0]

I re-roll any ones. If any of those are still ones, I roll for my headband, re-rolling any ones. Then it goes on according to this.

And I don't actually have to roll for suffocation, as neither Fog Cloud nor Incendiary cloud actually impairs breathing.

I make it on anything but a one, btw.

2011-05-31, 06:26 PM

OOC: Not knowing how much player knowledge is character knowledge is sort of annoying, but a pm has been tossed to Ocel. And how much Shade'd knows about activities in her neighboring mountains is also a question.

Do you know how to extract the magic essence of an artifact? I do not think I have encountered any records of how that might be done. There are those who can extract the essence from regular magic items and use it for new ones, though to my knowledge the process fails when attempting to use it on artifacts, and it cannot do more than simply transforming the energy into a new sort of magic item. Her green eyes scanned across Sarivel as if to gauge any sign of reaction.

There are other sources, pain, souls, faith, pacts, although when considering the magnitude of what you are looking for, neither seems to be an alternative. Unless you take a long term view.

2011-06-01, 08:15 AM

Kashac stares unimpressed down into the gate dismissing her own with a thought. With some small ammusementt Kashac continues: "I hope you don't intend to use that mace on my face. Now jokes aside I assume you are a reasonable... creature, and that you can see that fighting amongst ourselves will get you nothing but the destruction of a few foot soldiers on each side, and while we have ample replacements I question how many people die in that realm. So I ask you would you rather I come there, you come here, or we simply speak through your gate?" Kaskac's voice is calm and unimpresses, but all the same she is prepared to give her guards the order if the demon tries anything, and her minions are all preparing various magics to follow any second attack if launched.

OOC: magi ready actions to dimension door and what not if a threat arises, undead are officially 'fighting defensively' at the moment if it helps, 1375 crocodile zombies from the front most rank die, but they provide full cover for those behind them so that's it, at a slight signal from Kashac some necromancers raise up a joined bone wall in front of their undead, the dragon zombies are missing bits of flesh, but it begins to regrow, and Kashac now has the lower right quarter o her face blackened by flames, the vampires ready an action to go solid and immediately begin attacking if anything they deem a threat comes within range of them, and above the senior necromancers and senior clerics are having a small party in the cathedral :smallbiggrin: Ah yes, and with a move action (so my readied is a standard if I get attacked in th next 6 seconds) I command my 2 dragons to prepare a spell of my choice to fire at their own discretion. :smallbiggrin: (lets go with cone of ice, somehow nobody expects that when they see a red dragon :smallbiggrin:)

Medicine Man

a,b :smallbiggrin:

Frog Dragon
2011-06-02, 09:31 AM
"While I am personally not an expert of such advanced arts, I have no doubts about my mistresses capability to do so." Sarivel spoke, his tone not betraying the lie in the slightest. "Indeed, any other option is simply far too impractical. We have attempted the use of souls before, and determined that it would require so many of them that we couldn't manage the horde anymore. We need something more concentrated."

2011-06-02, 12:12 PM
I have associates whom I suspect to be holding artifacts for the sole purpose of preventing them to be used. I do not know, and have not asked, but considering who they are, I find it likely that they have such items or at least have dedicated resources to track them down. They may even find the destruction of said items quite desirable. Other than that, I do have a considerable personal library, ready access to the lore of any imperial institution, and other places, including extraplanar locations. Main issue is time, I have other duties and projects that require my attention.

Though since you are here anyway, tell me of your religion, though I know what you are preaching to your flock. I know enough to know there are many things you are not telling the world.

Frog Dragon
2011-06-09, 04:34 PM
Sarivel flashed a smile. "You know well. Only the mistress holds knowledge of the highest state of affairs, but I am not far behind. We are occupied with knowledge, and while others may limit themselves, we do not. Any measure is acceptable, any method worth pursuing if it furthers our goal. We are not only dedicated, but also very, very effective. Not everyone likes that."

2011-06-20, 01:11 PM
Shade Past
Should you so desire, I can look into things, although I will require to know what sort of restrictions you would place upon this task, the most effective form of interrogation and insuring loyalty breaks down the subject's mind to the point where I know every little component of it, and can choose to piece it back together in any way I like, or leave it shattered. Other methods do not have such lasting effects, and are not quite as powerful.

One thing that intrigues me in particular is that the scion is most certainly an entity, a specific being, not some abstract concept, on account of the sightings of it's avatar. The curious part is that there exist no reports of it's home in the cosmos, a hidden location is one thing, but one without a single plausible indication as to where it might be located is something entirely different.