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View Full Version : [3.5] Being a Non-Caster in an Optimized Party: How can this role be useful?

2011-01-24, 11:54 PM
Let's assume your group has, at last, reached level 10. Along the way, you're in my version of the iconic optimized group:
-Divine Metamagic buffer/melee Cleric, maybe with a Crusader level and some Ruby Knight Vindicator. If the Cleric is Cloistered, he has Knowledge Devotion.

-Wizard5/Incantatrix5 buffer & crowd controller. If you wish, assume he has Abrupt Jaunt.

-Font of Inspiration Factotum8/Chameleon2 for skills, versatility, and more standard actions.

-Half-Elf WhirlPounce Barbarian1/Warblade5/Bloodstorm Blade4 with Imperious Command/Intimidating Rage/Instantaneous Rage, going for Eternal Blade. He gets angry, says, "Boo!", and foes run far, far away. Those who remain get a face full of Really Big Weapon. He may also have Mage Slayer and Pierce Magical Concealment, if only from heroics.

No one in this party is a Hood (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872838/Little_Red_Raiding_Hood_A_Tale_of_38_Guide_to_the_ 35_Dragoon). None of them desire to be one.

No one has nor wants any ability to grant them permanent or semi-permanent minions. This means no Wild Cohort, Leadership, animate dead, planar binding, planar ally, simulacrum, gate, horde of pets via Handle Animal, etc.

The group understands combat tactics and uses them with brutal effectiveness.

The DM is wise and puts them in a variety of combat and non-combat situations. Sometimes, he even (gasp!) splits the party.

You have approximate wealth by level (49,000G) in items that you want. Items beyond WBL are considered trivial and unusable while adventuring.

Questions About the Skillful Man (Factotum)
Assuming your party casters can reliably give you the buffs you need to be viable, what are your highest priorities in combat?

What do you do if you're suddenly alone, unbuffed, and needing to fight?

How are you useful in non-combat situations?

How will you handle an antimagic field, assuming you can't use Iron Heart Surge to end it?

How frequently do you expect to need to rest compared to the rest of your group?

How else do you think you can be especially useful?

Questions About the Big Mean Man (Warblade)
Assuming your party casters can reliably give you the buffs you need to be viable, what are your highest priorities in combat?

What do you do if you're suddenly alone, unbuffed, and needing to fight?

How are you useful in non-combat situations?

How will you handle an antimagic field, assuming you can't use Iron Heart Surge to end it?

How frequently do you expect to need to rest compared to the rest of your group?

How else do you think you can be especially useful?

Loki Eremes
2011-01-25, 03:18 AM
Let's assume your group has, at last, reached level 10. Along the way, you're in my version of the iconic optimized group:
-Divine Metamagic buffer/melee Cleric, maybe with a Crusader level and some Ruby Knight Vindicator. If the Cleric is Cloistered, he has Knowledge Devotion.

-Wizard5/Incantatrix5 buffer & crowd controller. If you wish, assume he has Abrupt Jaunt.

-Font of Inspiration Factotum8/Chameleon2 for skills, versatility, and more standard actions.

-Half-Elf WhirlPounce Barbarian1/Warblade5/Bloodstorm Blade4 with Imperious Command/Intimidating Rage/Instantaneous Rage, going for Eternal Blade. He gets angry, says, "Boo!", and foes run far, far away. Those who remain get a face full of Really Big Weapon. He may also have Mage Slayer and Pierce Magical Concealment, if only from heroics.

No one in this party is a Hood (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872838/Little_Red_Raiding_Hood_A_Tale_of_38_Guide_to_the_ 35_Dragoon). None of them desire to be one.

No one has nor wants any ability to grant them permanent or semi-permanent minions. This means no Wild Cohort, Leadership, animate dead, planar binding, planar ally, simulacrum, gate, horde of pets via Handle Animal, etc.

The group understands combat tactics and uses them with brutal effectiveness.

The DM is wise and puts them in a variety of combat and non-combat situations. Sometimes, he even (gasp!) splits the party.

You have approximate wealth by level (49,000G) in items that you want. Items beyond WBL are considered trivial and unusable while adventuring.

Questions About the Skillful Man (Factotum)
Assuming your party casters can reliably give you the buffs you need to be viable, what are your highest priorities in combat?

What do you do if you're suddenly alone, unbuffed, and needing to fight?

How are you useful in non-combat situations?

How will you handle an antimagic field, assuming you can't use Iron Heart Surge to end it?

How frequently do you expect to need to rest compared to the rest of your group?

How else do you think you can be especially useful?

1- in combat i think you will helping to flank and aiding your team however you can. Maybe having Wands will do the trick for him in combat.

2- if you are alone, analize the situation,
>if you think you can win, fight.
>if you dont know, try escaping, because that build wont do too much against various oponents.
>if you know you cant even escape, just surrender. Roleplay as much as you can for this, even more if you know they will kill you even though you gave up.

3- Factotum. you re usefull in most situations. If you need magic, scroll and wands as i stated before.

4- antimagic field is always an ache. Try getting out of it as fast as you can, or you are pretty screwed.

5- Except if you need to have your SLA back, you dont need to rest as the cleric or the wizard, so you are great at surviving.

6- Wands & Scrolls.

Questions About the Big Mean Man (Warblade)
Assuming your party casters can reliably give you the buffs you need to be viable, what are your highest priorities in combat?

What do you do if you're suddenly alone, unbuffed, and needing to fight?

How are you useful in non-combat situations?

How will you handle an antimagic field, assuming you can't use Iron Heart Surge to end it?

How frequently do you expect to need to rest compared to the rest of your group?

How else do you think you can be especially useful?

1- You are a killing machine, if you get to be a mage slayer, always go for the casters in a fight, or try killing quickly the minions to leave the big boss to the casters (a fully buffed combat cleric will probably be more destructive than you, and the wizard is always a pain in the ass controling the field)

2- 99% of the situations: Fight. You dont really need buffs to be a blender.
For other instances use the answers given to the factotum.

3- you are as useful as your roleplaying skills can be. Sure you wont be lock picking a door, finding traps, etc (you ll probably destroy those tough xD) but you aint stoopid. Using Diplomacy or gathering information doesnt mean you need to roll a dice. Use you brain. (do not apply this if you character is actually stupid xD)

4- Same as before, but even dont having your magical items to buff you, you continue to be a threat, so dont be too scared.

5- You dont need to rest if you dont really need it. Only if you are too tired.

6- I dont know what will be usefull for him. Maybe thinking about other ways to fight without using fear, i mean....just in case you are against a bunch of paladins xD

Hope this helps, Those are my thoughts about your situation. :smallsmile: