View Full Version : Handle Animal Tricks

2011-01-25, 07:07 PM
Is there a comprehensive list of Handle Animal Tricks anywhere?

These are from the SRD:
--Attack (DC 20): The animal attacks apparent enemies. The character may point to a particular enemy to direct the animal to attack that enemy. Normally, an animal only attacks humans and other animals. Teaching an animal to attack all creatures (including unnatural creatures such as undead and aberrations if they exist in your campaign) counts as two tricks.
--Come (DC 15): The animal comes to the character, even if the animal normally would not do so (such as following the character onto a boat).
--Defend (DC 20): The animal defends the character (or is ready to defend the character if no threat is present). Alternatively, the character can command the animal to defend a specific other character.
--Down (DC 15): The animal breaks off from combat or otherwise backs down.
--Fetch (DC 15): The animal goes and gets something. The character must point out a specific object, or else the animal fetches some random object.
--Guard (DC 20): The animal stays in place and prevents others from approaching.
--Heel (DC 15): The animal follows the character closely, even to places where it normally wouldn’t go.
--Perform (DC 15): The animal does a variety of simple tricks such as sitting up, rolling over, and so on.
--Seek (DC 15): The animal moves into an area and searches for something of interest. It stops and indicates the first thing of interest it finds. What constitutes an item of interest to an animal can vary. Animals almost always find other creatures or characters of interest. To understand that it’s looking for a specific object, the animal must make an Intelligence check (DC 10).
--Stay (DC 15): The animal stays in place waiting for the character to return. It does not challenge other creatures that come by, though it still defends itself if it needs to.
--Track (DC 20): The animal tracks the scent presented to it.
--Work (DC 15): The animal pulls or pushes a medium or heavy load.

I know there are others in published WoTC materials and may even be others in 3rd party materials. It would be nice to make a comprehensive list.

2011-01-25, 08:48 PM
There are some in the Complete Adventurer and Races of the the Wild.

WoTC posted (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031125a) these:

Ambush (DC 15): The animal hides using the Hide skill to the best of its ability. It then stays in one place and attacks the first creature to come near it, unless it has been previously trained to recognize the creature as a friend.

Bull Rush (DC 15): The animal attempts to bull rush a designated creature.

Flush Out (DC 20): The animal moves into an area and, if it encounters any creatures, it makes noise and feints attacks toward the creature in an attempt to drive it to you. If the animal makes the creature move, there is a 50% chance that the quarry moves directly toward you. Otherwise, the quarry veers to your left or right (equal chance for each).

Overrun (DC 15): The animal attempts to overrun a designated creature. If the animal has the trample special ability, it uses that ability against the creature if the creature is small enough to be affected.

Pin (DC 15): The animal attempts to grapple and pin a designated creature.

Stalk (DC 20): The animal follows a designated creature using the Hide and Move Silently skills to the best of its ability. It stays with the target until you call it off (normally accomplished with a whistle). If attacked by the designated creature, the animal attacks. If attacked by a different creature or severely wounded, the animal attempts to return to you.

And from here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050204a&page=3) these:

Ambush (DC 20): The animal hides, using the Hide skill to the best of its ability. It then stays hidden and attacks the first foe to come close enough for the animal to attack after a single move. The animal must know the attack trick to learn this trick, and it will attack only those kinds of creatures it has been trained to attack and that it recognizes as foes.

The animal will not attack creatures that are familiar to it (such as members of its owner's party) or harmless creatures that it would not otherwise attack (such as birds or squirrels).

You can specify a kind of creature to attack each time you command an animal to perform the ambush trick. Doing this requires a DC 20 Handle Animal check, and you must convey your desire to the animal somehow. If the animal has the scent ability, you can supply the animal with the scent (for example, from a piece of discarded clothing or equipment). You also can show the animal the kind of creature you want ambushed (by pointing to the creature in the distance or showing the animal a captive creature). A speak with animals spell can be handy for designating a kind of creature to ambush.

You can specify a location for the ambush instead of the kind of creature. Doing this also requires a DC 20 Handle Animal check. The place you designate must be a place the animal can reach by taking a single move action, and the animal must be able to see it when you give the ambush command.

Bull Rush (DC 20): The animal attempts to bull rush a designated creature. The animal must know the attack trick to learn this trick, and it will bull rush only those kinds of creatures it has been trained to attack. This trick otherwise works just like the attack trick.

Disarm (DC 20): The animal attempts to disarm a designated creature. The animal must know the attack trick to learn this trick, and it will disarm only those kinds of creatures it has been trained to attack. You designate some item the subject holds or carries, and the animal will try to seize that item. If given no other instructions, the animal attempts to make the subject drop any weapon it holds.

If the animal uses a bite attack (or some other natural weapon that allows it to grasp an object), it winds up holding the target item in its mouth (or grasp) after a successful disarm.

Mark (DC 20): The animal moves toward a creature you designate and endeavors to stay near the creature no matter what it does or how it moves. The animal generally stays within 10 feet of the creature but keeps out of its reach. While performing this trick, the creature makes noise to help mark the foe's location.

If the animal also knows the seek trick, you can designate an area or direction for the animal to seek out foes that are attacking you. To identify a foe, the animal must see the creature attack you or use a spell or other magical effect with a visible manifestation in your direction. Otherwise the animal marks the first creature it encounters.

Overrun (DC 20): The animal attempts to overrun a designated creature, provided the animal is big enough to do so. If the animal has the trample special ability, it uses that ability against the creature if the animal is big enough to do so.

2011-01-25, 10:08 PM
These are from Creatures of Freeport. What I'm providing here is just a summary. However, the text is open content, so it can be freely quoted if anyone wants to get it and retype all the details.

Carry Message (DC 15) - Use up a trick to teach an animal to deliver messages to a particular location. If the animal also has Seek Individual, the message may be delivered to that particular individual.

Distract (DC 20) - The animal doesn't attack but instead jumps/flies around annoying the enemy. Enemy must make DC 15 Will save, or suffer -3 to attack/damage/skills while animal is being annoying.

Howl (DC 15) - The animal makes a noise on command or in response to a trigger.

Perform (DC 15) - Entertainment such as a bird singing a song or a dog shaking hands. Sorta open-ended, but must state when animal is trained what performance it can do. Animals can do 2 simple things per Intelligence point.

Seek Individual (DC 25) - Animal finds a known person by scent or "exceptional senses and other abilities."

Speak Message (DC 25) - Complicated. First, teach an animal capable of speech (certain birds) to speak, DC 25. Next, DC 15 + 1 per word, teach phrases. It can learn 2 phrases per Intelligence point. Each phrase needs a check to learn. Can be combined with Howl so that the message can be spoken on a trigger.

Steal (DC 20) - The animal picks up something it finds interesting (shiny, foody) and brings it to the master. If you can communicate with the animal, you can name your target.

Warning (DC 15) - The animal can be trained to alert its master to a threat, by behaving a certain way. This can be coupled with Howl, or else it can be a new apparently harmless/irrelevant action, such as having a dog play dead.

2011-01-25, 11:46 PM
I know there are others in published WoTC materials and may even be others in 3rd party materials. It would be nice to make a comprehensive list.

Masters of the Wild:
-- Armor (DC 20*): wear armor/barding
-- Assist Attack (DC 20*): attack roll vs. AC 10, +2 circumstance bonus to attack
-- Assist Defend (DC 20*): attack roll vs. AC 10, +2 circumstance bonus to AC
-- Assist Track (DC 20*): Survival check DC 10, +2 circumstance to Survival check
-- Calm (DC 15*): deal with dungeon environments without freaking out
-- Hold (DC 20*): initiate a grapple and resist opponent breaking hold
-- Home (DC 20*): return to preset location
-- Hunt (DC 15*): Survival check to bring back food for others
-- Subdue (DC 20*): deal non-lethal damage by attacking with -4 penalty, must know attack trick
-- Stalk (DC 20*): follow designated target without being detected, attack if target is wounded/resting
-- Steal (DC 20*): take object away from target creature and bring it to owner

Arms & Equipment Guide:
-- Don't Attack (DC 15*): animal never willingly attacks predetermined creature
-- "Special Ability" (DC 20*): if creature has a special attack (i.e., breath weapon), use it until told to stop
-- Alert (DC 15*): make noise when animal detects/attacks intruders
-- Disable (DC 20*): stop attacking when target incapacitated or stops resisting
-- Disarm (DC 20*): if animal can disarm, keep trying until told to stop
-- Subdue (DC 20*): if possible, deal subdual damage
-- Trip (DC 20*): if animal can trip, keep trying until told to stop

* = best guess, DCs not provided

Complete Adventurer
-- Assist Attack (DC 20): attack roll vs. AC 10, +2 circumstance bonus to attack, also moves to flank if able, must know attack trick
-- Assist Defend (DC 20): attack roll vs. AC 10, +2 circumstance bonus to AC, must know defend trick
-- Assist Track (DC 20): Survival check DC 10, +2 circumstance to Survival check, must know track trick
-- Hold (DC 20): initiate a grapple and resist opponent breaking hold
-- Home (DC 20): return to preset location
-- Hunt (DC 15): Survival check to bring back food for others
-- Stalk (DC 20): follow designated target without being detected, attack if target is wounded/resting, must know attack trick
-- Steal (DC 20): take object away from target creature and bring it to owner, must know fetch trick
-- Subdue (DC 20): deal non-lethal damage by attacking with -4 penalty, stop attacking if target unconscious, must know attack trick
-- Warn (DC 20): make noise if new creature approaches, attack if creature doesn't stop, must know guard trick

Races of the Wild
-- Ambush (DC 20): Use Hide skill, stay in one place until non-friendly creature approaches, must know attack trick
-- Bull Rush (DC 20): attempt bull rush against designated creature, must know attack trick
-- Disarm (DC 20): disarm indicated item from designated creature, hold item in mouth, must know attack trick
-- Mark (DC 20): follow but stay 10' away from designated creature, make noise to indicate location
-- Overrun (DC 20): attempt to overrun or trample (if available) designated creature

Random Encounters: Wild Life - Tricks and Training for D&D Animals (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031125a):
-- Ambush (DC 15): Use Hide skill, stay in one place until non-friendly creature approaches
-- Bull Rush (DC 20): attempt bull rush against designated creature
-- Flush Out (DC 20): move into indicated area, make noise/feint attack to drive creature towards owner
-- Overrun (DC 15): attempt to overrun or trample (if available) designated creature
-- Pin (DC 15): attempt to grapple and pin designated creature
-- Stalk (DC 20): follow designated target without being detected, attack if target attacks, return to owner if another creature attacks

Dragon #323: Class Acts - Teach Your Old Companion New Tricks:
-- Avoid (DC 15): stay away or retreat from designated creature
-- Circle (DC 15): attack only if designated creature attempts to leave certain area
-- Courage (DC 20): +2 bonus on Will saves vs. fear effects when owner within 20', trainer must have wild empathy
-- Find (DC 25): Find specific person animal knows, must have scent, seek trick, and track trick
-- Loyalty (DC 25): +2 bonus on Will saves vs. enchantment effects, trainer must have wild empathy
-- New Skill, Easy (DC 25): add Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, or Swim as a class skill
-- New Skill, Difficult (DC 30): add Bluff, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Search, Survival, or Tumble as a class skill
-- Recover (DC 20): pull unconscious/paralyzed/helpless creature to safer area, must know seek trick
-- Throw (DC 25): throw item held in hand/mouth/claws/etc. at specified creature or square, -4 attack penalty, 5' range increment (gorillas/monkeys have a 10' range increment).

(This last trick mentions animals aren't proficient with thrown weapons, and then mentions acid and holy water, but apparently the writer/editor didn't realize that grenade-like and splash weapons do not require proficiency and never incur a non-proficiency penalty when thrown.)

I believe that's every trick officially in print.

2011-01-25, 11:56 PM
The air walk spell also adds "mount can be ridden through the air" as a trick.

There's an april fools page with a "handle human" skill with a list of tricks a cat can teach a human.

2011-01-26, 12:31 AM
Complete Adventurer has these (summarized):

Assist Attack (DC 20): Animal performs Aid Another Action to give you or someone else +2 to attack, also attempt to flank. Requires Attack trick.
Assist Defend (DC 20): Animal uses Aid Another Action to give you or someone else +2 AC. Requires Defend trick.
Assist Track (DC 20): Animal uses Aid another action to give you +2 to your Survival check to Track. Requires Track trick (which requires Scent ability).
Hold (DC 20): Animal grapples target. Requires Attack trick.
Home (DC 20): Animal returns where it was taught the trick.
Hunt (DC 15): Animal brings you food using it's Survival skill.
Stalk (DC 20): Animal follows target sneakily, then attacks when it's hurt or sleeping. Requires Attack trick.
Steal (DC 20): Animal steals random object from target and brings it to you. Requires Fetch trick.
Subdue (DC 20): Animal attacks target, takign the -4 penalty to deal nonlethal damage. Requires Attack trick.
Warn (DC 20): Animal makes a sound when approached, if creature doesn't stop, it attacks. Requires Guard trick.

New Purposes:

Advanced Fighting (DC 20): Assist Attack, Attack, Down, Hold, Stay, Subdue.
Defensive Guarding (DC 20): Defend, Down, Guard, Hold, Subdue, Warn. (Note this isn't technically legal, unless training for a purpose means it ignores the "Requires X trick" thing.)
Thievery (DC 20): Fetch, Heel, Home, Seek, Steal, Work.

CAdv also has a feat Animals (and 1-2 INT Magical Beasts) can take called Extra Tricks, which basically gives it an extra 3 tricks regardless of Int.

2011-01-26, 12:58 AM
Seriously, no *search*? Even with all the adventures that center around smugglers and smuggling things?

Or would that fall under Seek or Work?

2011-02-14, 08:56 AM
There are also a few tricks in Dragon 357 in a section called Feathers and Fur on page 35.

2011-02-14, 09:14 AM
Maybe slightly off-topic, but I've always wondered whether you can handle/push an animal that isn't yours/you haven't trained. Couldn't a character max the skill and then make his enemies trained animals turn against them? I don't recall seeing anything that prohibits this.

2011-02-14, 09:49 AM
As far as I recall, yeah. Don't even need to max it, just need to be able to hit a 27+ reliably.

It's unlikely to fly in most games though, probably with a restriction of needing the animal to at least be indifferent, or indifferent if domestic, friendly if wild.

2011-03-02, 11:26 AM
Dragon 346 has this:

Watch (DC 20): The animal hides on command and stays quiet even if surprised. While hiding, it tries to stay out of sight until called. The animal trained to scout does not balk in total darkness (DC 5 Handle Animal) or strange environments (DC 10 Handle Animal). It tolerates wearing sound-damping barding, tack, and other special items designed to quiet its passage.

2011-11-01, 11:54 PM
Bookmarked this post! This is a great compilation of animal tricks!

2012-01-15, 02:02 PM
Yeah, thanks for posting this. It is quite helpful. You could make it into a mini-handbook.