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View Full Version : (3.5 D&D) Fighter/Barb "Questions/Ideas"

2011-01-26, 05:28 PM
Hey guys, i recently got back into 3.5.
I made a Fighter6Barb8 Character. Just need a few tips and hints to make this class better or strats to make my be more eficient at playing him

+1 GA
Mithril FP +2
Animated TS+2
Ammy NA +1
Ring Pro +3
Gauntlets of +4 Str
Cloak of R +3

Power attack
Weapon Focus GA
Weapon Spec. GA
Improved Sunder
Improved Bull Rush
Combat Brute
Shock Trooper
Expeditious Doge
Spring attack

I am a Lesser Earth Gensi ( Fighter Favored ) +2str,+2Con,-2Wis,-2Char
I did the 15,14,13,12,10,8 Build

Str 23 - 27 rage
Dex 14
Con 16 - 20 rage
Wis 10
Int 10
Char 6
31 AC - 33 AC with Exp. Dodge - 34AC With Dodge target + Exp Dodge

So far this guy is pretty Solid.

25/20/15 with 1d12+18 for my GA while raged (-2 hit for TS )

Is there any ideas on what feats I should take next? Or If I should get to Barbarian lvl 11 ( for mighty rage ) befor i put levels back into Fighter?
Aswell, is there any feats other than WF that can give +Hit? or remove the -2Hit Pent. from Tower shield?

But yeah, thanks for any comments you guys list below :D im sure they will all help!

2011-01-26, 05:41 PM
Play a warblade?
In all seriousness, though, unless you go Dungeoncrasher, there's no reason to take fighter past second. You could make an excellent Dungeoncrasher, though; Dungeoncrasher Fighter6/Lion Totem Barbarian 1 is an excellent baseline. You can then go Frenzied Berserker, War Hulk, warblade, even crusader. A dip in CC for Travel Devotion is always excellent.

For race?
Be a goliath or half-ogre for Powerful Build - or be a human and take Jotunbrud - possibly adding a template or two on top. The standards are mineral warrior, half-minotaur, Lolth-touched, and feral. Dragonborn is spectacular as well, and 0 LA.
Alternately, you can go water orc for 0 LA and a lot of Strength.

Pick up a reach weapon - guisarme is nice.

For feats, drop all of yours (except, should you choose to go Frenzied Berserker, the prereqs) and take Knockback, Defensive Sweep, Robilar's Gambit, and Stand Still. Tripping's an excellent option, if you want to go that way. A crusader dip for Thicket of Blades is a great idea, and a warblade dip for Stormguard Warrior is awesome.
Mage Slayer, Pierce Magical Concealment, and Steadfast Determination are all golden.

And take Flaws if you're allowed - the best choices are Murky-Eyed and Shaky. The Quick trait is good, too.

But if you're leaning more for a charger build, you'll want to keep Shock Trooper (and by extension, Improved Bull Rush). Take Leap Attack, Battle Jump, and Combat Brute as well.

Keld Denar
2011-01-26, 05:46 PM
What books available? Looks like core + PHBII + PGtF (for Lesser Genasi).

What about your character can you change? Are you ok with a PrC?

Honestly for a level 14, thats not bad, but its not terribly impressive. Some form of Pounce would increase your mobility by a lot without taking away from your damage/round. Luckily, there is a Barbarian variant for that (in Complete Champion, Spirit Lion Totem). Also, you need to protect your brainbox. Your will save is kinda a red flag. Some efficient ability to increase it, or negate it, would be helpful. Also, short range teleport would be a good idea, as would some form of Freedom of Movement so you don't get gummed down by a nasty spell like Solid Fog.

So yea...what are you able to change? Also, what is your party? That can make a big difference. If you can get a Mind Blank from a friendly caster, you don't really need to supply it yourself, etc.

You have a lot of feats that provide very minor bonuses. Dodge, WF, WS, etc. You are better off looking for feats that give you NEW options (stuff like Three Mountains Style, CWarrior), or feats that scale with level (like Power Attack and friends). Also, you have some feats that contradict each other. Spring Attack isn't terribly useful if you are Shocktroopering, as ST is a charge attack, while Spring Attack is a single attack + move. You can't combine them, so swap some of those options for things that benefit you ALL the time.

2011-01-26, 06:05 PM
First of all, I'm really sorry for this ... it's an existing character and all, but still I can't help myself critiquing.

I see what you're doing with expeditious dodge and spring attack ... and it's cute, but it's a lot of feats for something you should never ever actually do. You're a mountain of hitpoints, you are supposed to stand in front of people and full attack. Hell, it's incompatible with Shock Trooper charge!

Weapon spec isn't really relevant ... at level 14 you will be doing so much damage on full attacks that weapon spec is just noise. Without the spring attack chain and weapon specialization you could have simply done a straight Barbarian ...

How often have you actually used the full cover ability of the tower shield? Ignoring that, a defending weapon and a heavy shield (animated of course) can give you the same AC and attack, but you can still shift points back to attack at will.

So ... what you should do? Personally I'd say retrain some feats if possible ... dungeoncrasher would be a nice use of all those fighter levels and feats. Also leap attack always goes nice with Shock Trooper of course.

2011-01-26, 06:05 PM
I personally wouldn't take more than 2 lvs in barb (for rage, maybe pounce and improved trip). Then take extra rage for 2 more uses of rage. So probably barb2/fighter all the way.

Races...goliath. :smallcool:

2011-01-26, 06:32 PM
Or half-ogre, if there's LA buyoff.