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View Full Version : Spirit of the Century/ FATE system

2011-01-26, 05:35 PM
I just got a copy of “Spirit of the Century” for my birthday. Pulp action/adventure is right up my ally so this is really exciting for me, I've already devoured half the book.

Armed with this brand new book and my love of pulp action/adventure. I plan on running a campaign in the not to distant future. But first I have to read up on the rules and learn the system. Which brings me to you.

I feel that a great way to get a feel for any new system is to talk about it with others. That is what this thread is for, discussing “Spirit of the Century” and the fate system.

After reading through the aspects section, I’m now in love with them, it’s a great way of establishing a character, not just what he can do, or what he has, but who he is. i think its just brilliant way of breaking away from the class/race trap that DnD and other games suffer from.

I’m not so keen on the whole concept of tagging, I didn’t quite get it, guess I’m going to have to re-read that section.

I also like the stress track system as opposed to straight hit points, it makes it much more dynamic and lets the players take part in describing the action instead of them just rolling dice and waiting for the DM to describe the action.

2011-01-26, 05:40 PM
Bear in mind SotC is ageing a little now, and is the first of the "FATE 3.0 fractal". Of which there are now about half a dozen games with tweaks and spins on SotC's original idea.

Tagging is just invoking someone else's Aspect for your benefit.

One thing that may seem appropriate to pulp at first, but potentially get annoying is the handling of Stress. The "roll up" method (hit for Stress 4, tick the fourth box) takes forever to get anywhere, and only taking Consequences once your track is exhausted turns them into a death spiral which isn't terribly interesting. Shortening the base track to 3 goes a little way to fixing that, but using the method introduced by Starblazer Adventures I personally feel is better.

Instead of ticking off one box per hit, a Stress 4 hit checks off the first four boxes. You can choose to take a Consequence to absorb incoming Stress (2/4/6 for Minor/Major/Severe respectively) so it doesn't all hit your track. Much more decisive.

2011-01-26, 08:46 PM
Bear in mind SotC is ageing a little now, and is the first of the "FATE 3.0 fractal". Of which there are now about half a dozen games with tweaks and spins on SotC's original idea.

Tagging is just invoking someone else's Aspect for your benefit.

One thing that may seem appropriate to pulp at first, but potentially get annoying is the handling of Stress. The "roll up" method (hit for Stress 4, tick the fourth box) takes forever to get anywhere, and only taking Consequences once your track is exhausted turns them into a death spiral which isn't terribly interesting. Shortening the base track to 3 goes a little way to fixing that, but using the method introduced by Starblazer Adventures I personally feel is better.

Instead of ticking off one box per hit, a Stress 4 hit checks off the first four boxes. You can choose to take a Consequence to absorb incoming Stress (2/4/6 for Minor/Major/Severe respectively) so it doesn't all hit your track. Much more decisive.

Hrrm that’s good to know, I’ll have to take this into consideration when I get to where I can run a game. I did think it was kinda wonky how it doesn’t just fill in up to the appropriate box.

2011-01-26, 08:59 PM
Strictly speaking, Tagging is invoking any aspect that isn't yours for your benefit. It can be on a scene as well as a person, ans is really quite versatile as a result.

2011-01-28, 01:34 PM
So I’ve gotten to where I can create characters. Shouldn’t be too much longer before I’m comfortable with running a game or two. I’m currently reading that section.

2011-01-28, 06:02 PM
I'll hold this thread in interest, since I'm actually also just recently got sotc, and is going to dm my very first sotc campagin in a few days.

2011-01-28, 06:24 PM
Hrrm that’s good to know, I’ll have to take this into consideration when I get to where I can run a game. I did think it was kinda wonky how it doesn’t just fill in up to the appropriate box.

It's significant enough that even the authors of the game have acknowledged the default method in SotC can be unsatisfying, and suggested a number of alternatives.

It's not so much wonky as rather slow and indecisive.

2011-01-29, 01:59 AM
I finished reading through the book today, and have a tenuous grasp of the rules. I’m thinking of running a practice session here on the forums in order to help give myself a more solid grasp of the system. Anyone interested?

The good thing about PBP in this situation is it gives me time to reference the book and make I’m doing things right (more or less).

2011-01-29, 08:11 AM
Love love love SotC- but character creation takes a looong time over PbP. The default "everyone makes a character, and then writes a 'novel', and then writes another novel," is much easier to do around a table than it is over the Internet, and that can kill a game dead.

Still want to run/play an Eberron campaign in SotC...

2011-01-29, 09:10 AM
Love love love SotC- but character creation takes a looong time over PbP. The default "everyone makes a character, and then writes a 'novel', and then writes another novel," is much easier to do around a table than it is over the Internet, and that can kill a game dead.

Still want to run/play an Eberron campaign in SotC...

See Spirit of Sharn (http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=318449), an Eberron/SotC actual play.

Though you'd probably get more joy with Legends of Anglerre than SotC.

2011-01-29, 12:04 PM
Here's a streamlined version of FATE (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_DN5NTU21v0MTgyZDAxOWMtYWJlOC00MGQzLWE2ZjE tZjYxOTAyZGEzMjMw&hl=en&authkey=CKi3_ooF) by RPG.net's TheMouse. You may find it a useful reference.

Kiero's comments on the stress track in SotC are worth reiterating. Every subsequent iteration of FATE I've seen either uses shortened stress tracks or treats them more like hit points. It's an obvious area to adjust if you're finding combat overly long with the base SotC system.

2011-01-29, 02:55 PM
I've been looking at FATE/SotC for a bit now and am really looking forward to trying it out.

I think it would be a great system for a Menzoberranzan game where players are Drow working with/against each other to obtain their goals. The fact that it covers Resolve and social attacks and stress would capture life in a House better then d20 could.

2011-01-29, 04:35 PM
Strands of FATE features three Stress tracks, one measuring physical health, one mental composure and the third social standing or reputation.

2011-01-29, 05:26 PM
Yeah I’m just going let them use the “quick character creation” rules, which basically forgoes the novels part of character creation. They can feel free to work on their novels later.

Right now I’m making a group of premade characters, for use in case my buddies need characters. That, and creating pulp action characters is really fun!

So far I have
Dirk Solitaire- Bush Pilot
Hunter Brand- Gentleman Adventurer
Jessica- Mistress of the Jungle