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View Full Version : Blessings and battlecries!

2011-01-27, 04:19 PM
So I'm going to be starting a new character soon. The character is a (divine) bard/warblade that will be played in a crusader fashion. Passionate worshiper of Lathander. I'm using a refluffed homebrew of dragonfire inspiration (available to beings of light/fire and worshipers of gods centered around light/fire, but weaker than the original).

I would like to put together a little list for myself so that I have a good blessing or battlecry for the appropriate dramatic situations. Drawing inspiration from and paraphrasing real blessing or passages is fine, but please do not mock, belittle or blaspheme, and try to avoid directing the discussion in the direction of RL religion as it is prohibited by board rules.

A little humor is fine, but nothing too slapstick or just outright silly!

Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we shall fear no evil for Lathander is a Bad Mother ******!

Lathander is a righteous judge, and we are the vessels of his wrath.

Those are the two that came to mind off the top of my head, any imput is appreciated!

2011-01-27, 06:22 PM
1. Lathander bless thee and keep thee,
Lathander make his face to shine upon thee,
Lathander lift up thy countenance,
and give thee peace.

The second line works especially since he's a sun god.

2. By the power of his light, burn!

3. To represent his portfolios of strength and light:

May Lathander be the strength in your weakness, the light in your darkness.

4. Not exactly a blessing or battlecry, but this appeared in Magic: The Gathering: "Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do."

5. At dawn, Lathander gives us hope. At noon, Lathander gives our enemies fear. At dusk, Lathander gives us a promise that he will return.