View Full Version : Pokemon Jhoto Adventures

2011-01-30, 12:19 PM
Here we will begin are Journey into the Jhoto region

Map of Jhoto Region

You are all currently on Route 29. This route is primarly made of short grassy fields with trees scattered across the road near the center of this route it climbs upward in a cresting hill with ledges jutting out. Some of you may have met before. That is your past you all came to 'New Bark' got your pokedex, may that be as a collector, breeder, cordinator, gym battler, what have you. Your got the pokedex for a journey that is what matters, to met new friends and help to see truly how many pokemon there are. It is midday the route is quiet with just the few of you in it. The wind whistles softly through trees the ledges around you drop forming a large open field that reminds all of a battle areana. At the center of this route all of you have come together some for the first time others may have already traveled but this is your first true meeting as a group.
It is the route connecting 'Cherrygrove' and 'New Bark'

Let your adventure in the pokemon world commence.

2011-01-31, 09:46 PM
A handsome young man dressed in somewhat extravagant, clothes of purple and red is absentmindedly throwing a pokeball up in the air, up and down.

Well where to now, Claudia? We got our pokedexes. I guess now we ought to battle with our pokemon so we can challenge a gym or something right? I guess that what trainers go around doing all the time.

He stops as he sees other trainers coming down the road.

Oh hey look. Some other people. D'ya think we should battle them or something?

Blue Ghost
2011-01-31, 09:57 PM
A young girl of about twelve comes skipping down the road, enjoying the beautiful weather and cheerily singing a playsong (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMV7LJTuhSs). She holds the last note as she performs a cartwheel, landing in the middle of the clearing.
Hiya there! I'm Mariel of Cherrygrove City. Are you folks traveling from New Bark Town?

2011-01-31, 10:38 PM
Quiet but certainly more than a little enthusiastic about finally setting off on his pokemon journey, Riley - alongside his sing-song compatriot - hums right on along with his childhood friend, albeit significantly more off-key. 'Tis a nice day to be heading back home from New Bark Town, shiny new Pokedex snuggled neatly in his pocket alongside the pair of miniaturized spheroids filled with creatures of immense powers. Well, sort of immense, quasi-powers. But hey, they were cute, and that had to count for something!

Regardless, the mountain air was fresh and clear, and the scent of freshly cut grass lingered upon the young boy's (http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1101/d31/1754/a85b512.png) nose like the air of a cool spring morning. His mind was afire with what he'd do after bidding farewell to his mother again - a task, with which the boy inadvertently noted, he would not tell anyone about for fear of embarrassment - and what he wished to accomplish during his sojourn beyond the obvious cataloging of pokemon. Perhaps he'd take on the Johto League Challenge, battling Gym Leaders and accruing badges for a shot at fame and notoriety! On the other hand, there was a certain appeal towards participating in Pokemon Contests; no doubt a foray that Ruffles would shine given his adorable nature; or so Riley's mother insisted. Both, maybe?

Suddenly, his eyes widen, not unlike a child's first time at a circus. There in the distance along the rode stood two individuals, one of whom was at least excessively flamboyant in his colorful raiment. Who were these strangers, their garb excessively bright and--

Again, his thoughts are cut short, his erstwhile companion and defacto leader taking the lead, Mariel's cartwheeling antics plopping herself plainly in front of the other pair of assembled individuals. Riley is soon caught up, following along excitedly to meet these bewildering and distinct individuals.

"And I'm Riley!" he chimes soon after his friend's introduction, his own voice less melodic in nature and more of a crackling amalgam of jovial cheer and youthful determination. The small pokeballs poignantly affixed to his belt no doubt a prime indicator to his recently endowed status as a trainer, though his age, perhaps, also serves to give away his lack of experience. Nonetheless, he seems particularly focused upon the individuals present, occasionally looking skywards as the handsome fellow tosses his own pokeball to and fro into the air.

2011-02-01, 07:19 AM
"C'mon Dale they are just kids, I think we can save them the embarrassment" Claudia says to her Juggling companion as the youngsters approach, getting up from the grass she waves "Hey there! Im Claudia" She tilts her head and examines the new arrivals "Let me guess, new trainers?" She says with an slightly patronising smile.

2011-02-01, 05:12 PM
As the group convirges together for there first meeting a rustling from braches and twigs from the bushes comes what could it be?

[roll0] Random Encounter. [roll1]. [roll2]

Blue Ghost
2011-02-01, 07:14 PM
Mariel shrugs. I've been around Pokemon my whole life, but yeah, I just started out training my own not too long ago. I'll show you my Pokemon. Juniper, Arrow, come on out!
She produces two Pokeballs from her belt pouch and summons her Pokemon. A Chikorita appears, nuzzling close to Mariel and tickling her leg with his leaf. The other, a small Starly, darts upward into the air and zooms several times around the field. His avian vision catches the sight of something rustling in the nearby bush and begins to attack it.
Mariel runs after Arrow, Juniper trailing behind her. Arrow, come back! You don't know what it might be!
But Arrow has already begun attacking whatever is lurking in the bushes.

2011-02-02, 05:30 AM
"What she said!" Riley concurs, nodding with enthused vigor even as Mariel drags out her beloved pokemon. Almost reflexively, Riley nearly follows suit, the palm of his hand gingerly tapping against the rotund spheres dangling poignantly at his side, though manages by way of a minor distraction through ruffling bushes to resist the urge, his eyes quickly shifting from the pair of flamboyantly older trainers to where Mariel's Starly now seemed embroiled.

And then his erstwhile friend was running off into the thicket of greenery.

"Aww, man..." whines Riley, face contorting into some sort of exasperated amalgam of annoyance and worry. Like a moth to a flame, the young native of Cherrygrove follows after his childhood chum, the pack at his back now and then slapping against him as he strove to reach Mariel before some wild pokemon - or who knows what! - did the worse.

2011-02-02, 05:57 AM
Claudia sighs "Come on we should probably see what the commotion is all about" She says as she sets off after the youngsters.

Hmm in the grass? Fire should sort that out Claudia removes Vixens ball from her belt and releases her once once she catches up with the others

2011-02-02, 11:18 AM
Hmmm... probably just a pidgey or some other mundane pokemon. What a pain.
huh, well might as well get someone out here to help in case its something interesting.

Eepy! Your up!

Dale grabs a pokeball from his belt and lets out the pokemon contained within. A spherical blue seal pokemon appears and squeaks.


2011-02-02, 04:52 PM
Shotting from the grass is a group pf Spearow 5total they land several meters from the trainers.

Image Lets Hope It Works If Not Just Click the Link. Also they will Get Better

If you want a specific pokeball type or coloration to represent you post it in the OoC thred

2011-02-02, 04:56 PM
See I told you... Nothing too exciting.. Give me something I can really use...
complains Dale.

Well my Pokemon can use some training, unless you guys want to catch some of these Spearow?

Blue Ghost
2011-02-02, 07:28 PM
Mariel shakes her head, grinning. Arrow is good enough for me, and he's raring to go.
She shouts her command to her Pokemon. Arrow, strike with Quick Attack and head 'em off!
Arrow eagerly complies, slamming the lead Spearow with his beak before turning around and flying full speed in the southern direction.

Quick Attack
Damage: [roll]2d10+1d4+12

(I'll take green or a Nest Ball for my trainer, please.)

Blue Ghost
2011-02-02, 07:29 PM
(Can't roll two dice for damage? Fine.)

STAB: [roll1]

2011-02-02, 07:46 PM
There leader attacked and knocked out has angred the small group of Spearow.
Spearows move 2 heading after the Starly. 1 moves away startled by the attack the last one moves to attack another intruder.

Dice Rolls
In the OoC


2011-02-02, 08:05 PM
Okay sounds good. Eepy! Give them a quick blast of Powder Snow!


Spheal moves forward 1 space and fires a Powder Snow Spray hitting as many of the spearow as possible.

Powder Snow – Ice
A layer of magic snow is pelted onto the target; it digs into their skin, trying to freeze them.
At-Will – 2
Attack Roll:[roll0]
Attack Damage:[roll1]+[roll2] x2 super effective=44
Effect: 1 Target, Spray
Powder Snow creates a Spray 3-meters long and 30˚ wide. Powder Snow Freezes all Legal Targets on 19-20 during Accuracy Check

2011-02-03, 08:37 AM
Once Claudia catches up with the rest she shifts closer to the Spearo on the top of the map. "Vixen lets go!" She releases her Vulpix ready to attack the wild pokemon

Ill use a Masterball for my marker if thats cool, closest to Ringmaster :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-05, 11:02 AM
Ok the Spearows, peck driving blows one misses its mark on Arrow well the others strike goes wide, the one attacking Spheal gives it a nasty blow before cold winds coat it's body dropping the small bird.

Can be found in OoC

Can be found in OoC, Only the first attack hit you BlueGhost.


2011-02-08, 07:09 AM
"Vixen burn it out of the sky! Use Ember!" Shouts Claudia as she then draws her pokedex and scans the Spearo.

Ok I think ive got it-
Accuracy [roll0] vs 2
Damage [roll1] & STAB [roll2]

:smallfrown: Pretty much Max damage but with a critical miss!