View Full Version : By Blood and Firelight (IC)

2011-01-31, 11:41 PM
A heavy rain falls on the city of towers this night, no moonlight or starlight pervading the clouds and the shadows of the tall buildings. A young man, drenched to the bone and shivering madly stands in front, having just handed you a letter which he has laboured to keep dry. His eyes dart to the shadows, watching for those who bear the coat of Sivis. He coughs a whooping hack and looks at you pleadingly, urging with his eyes to read quick and let him be on his way--

Dear trusted friend,

I wish to speak you on a matter of most import. The guard is not to be trusted, and neither is this young youth for that matter. Make haste to the Firelights and await me at Lucky Nines. Be careful, the bouncers are equipped to moniter thoughts, so stay alert.

Yours in trust,

Sum Totus Lucis Ostendo Rutilus Lux Mos

The boy, obviously illiterate, has stopped shivering, and stares with glassy eyes at you. He appears to be in shock from the cold.

2011-02-01, 03:08 PM
Jeanne, a woman of some attractiveness with a lithe, well-formed body kept hidden beneath a heavy tunic tucked into tight brown breeches, with a white-jeweled belt around her waist and a silver circlet in her black hair matching the silver chain around her neck, hands the courier a few copper and thanks him for his service. Her satchel slung over her back, she heads for the Lucky Nines in the Firelight District, concentrating all the while on ever-increasing multiples of two as she enters the casino. She orders a glass of red wine while she waits to be approached, counting multiples as she keeps a wary eye on her surroundings. She doesn't take more than a sip of the glass once it is placed before her.

2011-02-01, 10:57 PM
Malachai stands out directly in the rain, hood down, hair plastered to his head but not shivering at all, his outsider blood allowing him to ignore the minor inconvenience of cold. His prayerbooks were well protected inside of his leather backpack, which was underneath the leather overcoat keeping his clothing dry. It wouldn't do to show up for a job soaked.

He eyed the messenger with a mixture of some disdain and concern. He considered casting a spell to heal the child, or to give him resistance to the cold. He equally considered casting a spell to light the child on fire, which would cure him of the cold... temporarily. In the end, however, he merely thanked the child and left, heading towards the inn.

2011-02-02, 05:25 PM
Beckoned into the back-alley by this youth, Zin quickly glances around the street and picks out a slightly chubby female standing in her porch to wait out the night. As he steps into the side street he is now a woman, slight love handles spilling over the tight belt, rosy cheeks and a glassy eyed stare, just waiting out the storm. Zin accepts the letter and quickly reads it and places it into his inner jacket pocket. Palming the boy a few silver with a warm, motherly smile he strolls off into the night and heads for Firelight.

Approaching the bright lights and sounds of the Lucky Nines, Zin relaxes his gift and returns to his natural face. The grey/blue white pallor of his skin, the flat face with very shallow features. A non-existent nose and snake-like nostrils only help to exagerate his bulging, filmy eye balls. Settling into a corner away from the gambling and cavorting he hails one of the barmaids and orders a small thimble of brandy. He sips it slowly whilst waiting for his "dear friend"

So I assume each of us know this Sum Totus Lucis Ostendo Rutilus Lux Mos somehow?

2011-02-02, 06:12 PM
In fact, you do not know this person.

2011-02-02, 10:19 PM
Ciro sighs, shaking his head with a measure of pity as he takes the letter from the boy. Stepping toward the tower beside him, he takes shelter beneath a meager outcrop and gestures for the child to follow.

Although brief, the message is sufficient to pique Ciro's curiosity and after slipping the letter into a pocket in his pack, he turns his attention the young messenger. He had been warned not to trust the child, but unless the Lords of Dust were training young children to kill with outerwear, he figures little harm will come from handing the boy his cloak.

"I have a flame to keep me warm," he says, referring to the symbol emblazoned across his chest. "You would do well to find a fire yourself."

After a brief detour to replace his cloak, Ciro arrives at the Lucky Nines. He smiles, somewhat mockingly, as he passes the bouncers, concentrating his thoughts on the images of his most unpleasant exorcisms. Once inside, he takes a seat at an empty table along the far wall and waits for his latest patron. A waitress approaches to take his order, but he waives her off.

2011-02-06, 10:26 PM
You each are led to a table where a hefty dwarf is playing cards. He has a gold ring on each hand. He ignores you as you are seated.

2011-02-07, 09:01 AM
Malachai sits at the table, shaking the water out of his hair and waiting for the dwarf to acknowledge him. To demand attention would be to give the dwarf power in the situation, and to request it would be to suggest he was already in the dwarf's employment rather than a free agent. So he waited, blood red eyes calculating as he watched the dwarf's seeming disinterest.

2011-02-07, 04:30 PM
Taking a seat at the table, Zin sits straight backed, though forward from the backrest, with his hands clasped between his thighs. Zin has learned through years of merc work to show respect for a prospective client, regardless of class, appearance or relative power. Ultimately they're the one with the coin. Evening Zin lowers his head slightly. Pardon my bluntness but you don't appear to be the kind of nobleman that your name suggests, though I may be wrong. Are you a facilitator in the same of Mr Mos? Or are we looking at him?

Gonna roll me some Know: nobility/royalty [roll0] See if we have someone special on our hands

2011-02-07, 04:34 PM
Jeanne sits at the table, her forearms resting on the edge, her fingers pressed together, hands steepled in front of her. She looks thoughtfully at their tips as she waits for the response to the flat-faced changelings question. She stares at the dwarf's rings, thinking about them in great detail.

2011-02-08, 02:57 PM
Ciro pulls up a chair and takes a seat, reclining casually as he reaches into his cloak to remove the letter. He glances to each of the gathered strangers before tossing the folded page onto the table. "So, which one of you is my 'trusted friend?'" he inquires with a grin.

2011-02-08, 04:06 PM
Sliding the letter from inside his jacket, discarded cape slowly drying on the back of the chair, Zin too tosses his into the centre. I'd say that rules me out, though a man needs all the friends he can get if you ask me. The names Z, for all it matters.

For a changeling, them being so overly-protective of their identities alot of the time, just giving the first letter of their true name must be quite a stretch. But he's not giving such blatent lies infront of a potential employer who knows of him, that could reduce the likelihood of employment.

2011-02-08, 04:13 PM
Ciro acknowledges the changeling's introduction with a gracious nod. "Ciro," he replies, before turning expectantly to the others.

2011-02-08, 04:16 PM
"Jeanne," she says, placing a palm on her chest before returning to her pensive pose.

2011-02-08, 07:30 PM
"Gregor." The dwarf doesn't look up from his cards, but an attendant picks up Zin and Ciro's letters and places them neatly beside him.

2011-02-09, 03:32 PM
So you're not our trusted friend either. Another one sought out by our mysterious benefactor?

2011-02-09, 09:14 PM

Malachai inclines his horned head, sitting eerily still as they wait for their 'benefactor'.

2011-02-09, 10:11 PM
"Yes, I am his proxy Gregor. Shall we begin?'"

2011-02-09, 10:38 PM
Ciro sits up and leans forward, crossing his arms atop the table. He eyes the tiefling for a moment before turning to his host. Gesturing toward Gregor with one hand, he bows his head in playful deference and invites the dwarf to speak.

2011-02-10, 06:24 PM
Ah, well please continue Gregor.

2011-02-10, 06:30 PM
Jeanne nods, signaling her readiness.

2011-02-10, 09:20 PM
"A few hours ago a man of some aquaintance did die in Savia's down the street. I am remiss to say that no member of the watch has stepped forth to take this investigation on, and private investigators seems loathe as well. And so I come to you."

2011-02-10, 09:31 PM
"Cut to the chase," Jeanne said. "How much, who died, and why has nobody come forward to investigate?"

2011-02-10, 09:37 PM
"Cut to the chase," Jeanne said. "How much, who died, and why has nobody come forward to investigate?"

"Heh. I see this attitude more and more with each passing month in this city. Enough. No one you need concern yourself with. Nothing you need concern yourself with. Though I hasten to add, when I say it will be enough, I mean the pay shall be handsome."

2011-02-10, 09:40 PM
"You have an interesting way of hiring detectives." Jeanne said coldly. "You want us to investigate his death, but you won't tell us who he is. And if you're going with my definition of 'enough,' and 'handsome,' you're going to be paying quite a bit. You'd do better setting a wage, and I'll tell you if it's too low."

2011-02-10, 10:08 PM
Ciro balks at Jeanne's abruptness, coughing in surprise as he settles to reconciling her brusque disposition with her pleasant features and elegant dress. He watches her, sidelong for a moment, hoping that she might hold her tongue as he leans in closer to Gregor. "Well," he chuckles, raising his eyebrows in a show of empathy with the dwarf, "The lady does have a point. Certainly you might share more? The circumstances of his death, perhaps? Or at least when he passed?"

2011-02-11, 02:40 PM
Indeed, you cannot expect us to investigate when you do not tell us who we're investigating. I'd no sooner ask one of Cannith's fine Artificers to create the machine I desire without telling him what my desire may be.

2011-02-12, 06:05 PM
Malachai says nothing. The others were covering the bases well enough, which was encouraging. At least the people who he might be working with weren't pushovers.

2011-02-13, 11:29 AM
"Well, how would you feel about eighteen hundred gold pieces in pay? As for the circumstances and person, the man killed was a Karnnathi veteran who was selling information to his superiours. The lack of investigation is due to his status as a spy, but I have reason to believe this is not the case. Should you need more money, I'll give you it, if you'll indulge me."

2011-02-13, 11:35 AM
"His name?" Jeanne says, purposely not commenting on the price, yet.

2011-02-13, 02:51 PM
What is Karnath doing now... Zin wonders aloud to himself. I'm sure the nature of this information being sold is confidential, which is not a problem. Do we know who he was selling it to?

2011-02-13, 07:47 PM
"His name?" Jeanne says, purposely not commenting on the price, yet.

"Reynard, and to answer your next question he was unseamed from navel to jaw. Although, I don't believe he was selling to Kannarth, and that is, to be frank, my true objective. Who was he selling to?"

2011-02-13, 08:57 PM
Jeanne smiles at Gregor's anticipatory skills, he seems to have an understanding of the type of woman she is. She is, however, concerned with the pay. "You want us to find out who killed him, and to whom he sold information, and for that you offer 1800 each?" she says, checking her own understanding. "Why not make it an even 3000?" she opens the negotiation, doubting he will accept her offer.

2011-02-13, 09:01 PM
Jeanne smiles at Gregor's anticipatory skills, he seems to have an understanding of the type of woman she is. She is, however, concerned with the pay. "You want us to find out who killed him, and to whom he sold information, and for that you offer 1800 each?" she says, checking her own understanding. "Why not make it an even 3000?" she opens the negotiation, doubting he will accept her offer.

"Three thousand can be done."

2011-02-13, 09:11 PM
Jeanne's eyebrows raise slightly at Gregor's ready acceptance. "Very well," she says. "Pay any expenses and I'm in. Where was he killed, and where is the body now? I'll need to look at both."

2011-02-14, 07:41 AM
Zin, whom most of his adult life had spent as a hired mercenary escorting merchants, was slightly taken aback by the high figures being thrown around. He would've gladly taken the 1800, but this new sum could set him up for a long time. 3000...That's very agreeable. I agree with Jeanne, I'd like to see both the crime scene and the body. I'd say if we saw his body first we could get an idea of details to look for at the scene.

2011-02-14, 09:51 PM
Ciro leans back in his seat, smirking quietly as Jeanne presses the dwarf for more money. "Hah!" he chuckles at Gregor's ready acceptance, nodding politely his gratitude to his all-business companion. The additional pay was certainly welcome, though Ciro had happily done far worse for far less.

"Yes, I am sure there is much to learn from examining the body. Of course, if its still possible, I would also like to speak to it..."

2011-02-16, 10:59 PM
Assuming no other questions, Gregor points you in the direction of Savia's, a brothel in the Firelight district.

2011-02-17, 10:16 AM
Malachai stands from the table, nodding at the dwarf. "It is agreed then, 3000 and we will find who your acquaintance was selling to." He throws his cloak around his shoulders and waits for the others. Now that they were hired, it would do well to behave as a group. "I am interested in seeing his corpse for myself. With your leave?"

2011-02-17, 02:35 PM
Indeed, lets go. Please lead the way Gregor.

2011-02-17, 06:47 PM
"Oh no no no. I have a game to attend to here. The madame is a good friend of my employer, she will see you to the scene."

2011-02-17, 08:56 PM
"Very well," Jeanne says, heading off in the direction of Savia's. She's not unfamiliar with the area, and Gregor's directions should see her there without getting lost. She does not wait for anyone to come with her, hoping that they will follow without needing a spoken invitation and confident in her own abilities should they delay.

2011-02-18, 09:53 AM
Thank you Gregor Zin nods to Gregor as he jogs out to catch up with Jeanne to walk over to Savia's. So, Jeanne, why do you think they picked you?

2011-02-20, 12:20 AM
The streets bustle with nightlife, but it is all hurried and hushed, as everyone rushes from place to place to get out of the rain.

2011-02-20, 03:50 AM
Jeanne smirks sarcastically. "My cutthroat analytical mind, naturally." She does not seem willing to delve into her past, yet.

2011-02-22, 05:11 PM
Savia's is a well furnished place, and the madam leads you silently to the scene. Inside a man lies bisected from his gut to his chin on the bed, blood spray everywhere.

2011-02-22, 05:34 PM
Judging from the blood spray, the man was killed here. "Why was he here?" Jeanne asks the madam as she searches, first the body and then the room, analyzing the blood spray for any clues.

Take 20 on Search, if possible. if not:

Body: [roll0]
Room: [roll1]

2011-02-25, 07:14 PM
Nice rolls

Malachai surveys the room, his bloodshot eyes resting on the corpse briefly before moving on. "Bisecting someone is a poor form of torture. Too much chance of hitting a major artery or an organ, though less so if you start from the bottom." He steps forward and peels back the skin on either side, checking to see if the organs were split. "It's possible they were after something he swallowed though. Or it could just be a savage murder."

2011-02-25, 11:55 PM
Judging from the blood spray, the man was killed here. "Why was he here?" Jeanne asks the madam as she searches, first the body and then the room, analyzing the blood spray for any clues.

Take 20 on Search, if possible. if not:

Body: [roll0]
Room: [roll1]

Jeanne quickly sweeps the room, finding a red leather folio with a black and silver shield embossed with a blood-red wolf head, the symbol of Karrnath. All the pages have been roughly torn out, but a small pocket remains sealed in the front inside cover. All this Jeanne does despite the fact that the room has been obviously scrubbed down by someone. Someone didn't want these contents seen.

Nice rolls

Malachai surveys the room, his bloodshot eyes resting on the corpse briefly before moving on. "Bisecting someone is a poor form of torture. Too much chance of hitting a major artery or an organ, though less so if you start from the bottom." He steps forward and peels back the skin on either side, checking to see if the organs were split. "It's possible they were after something he swallowed though. Or it could just be a savage murder."

Savia, the madam, steps forward.

"When will you people be done here? I have business to see to. As for your question, are you really asking why a man is in the finest bordello in Sharn? The hors d'oeurves of course."

2011-02-26, 10:29 AM
"A man is dead, madam. We'll take as much time as we need to get to the bottom of it. Now then, which girl did he see? Also, has anyone else been in this room besides us?" She does not yet relay her findings, untrusting of the madam.

2011-02-26, 05:36 PM
"Never heard them called that before," Malachai says, a vague hint of mirth in his voice.

2011-02-27, 08:19 PM
"A man is dead, madam. We'll take as much time as we need to get to the bottom of it. Now then, which girl did he see? Also, has anyone else been in this room besides us?" She does not yet relay her findings, untrusting of the madam.

"He saw Marie, third door on the right down the hall. And yes, I attempted to tidy up before you got here, can't have the place in a state of disarray. Just wouldn't be right."

2011-02-28, 10:19 AM
"Next time, don't let your sense of decorum interfere with your logic. How can we search the scene for clues if you've tampered with it?" Jeanne says cooly, though the anger in her voice is noticeable. "Or perhaps, you already knew this." she says, a suspecting eye appraising the madam. "Someone should go and talk to Marie." She says finally, unsatisfied with her appraisal.

Sense Motive on the madam: [roll0]

2011-02-28, 04:31 PM
Yes someone should talk to our hors d'oeurves. Says Zin, stressing the title mockingly. As for the scene, it is a shame you've tampered with it. Even just tidying it up you've probably swept up something vital. But I'm sure you didn't know that. Zin smiles at Savia, then turns away to the scene with a slight scowl. These blood spatters are interesting, the direction and area they cover. Also the manner of dissection, I haven't seen anything like this in a long time.

Where is the blood spatter located? As in, is it in a logical place in relation to the body. And the manner of dissection, I shall knowledge it to see if it has religious or cult significance, using arcana to check if it's ritualistic maybe? Worth a try.
Arcana [roll0]
Religion [roll1]

A 1 and a 2, respectively. This is good :smallamused:

2011-02-28, 04:43 PM
Jeanne catches Zin's eye and looks at the blood spatter herself, with similar intention.

Know: Arcana [roll0]
Know: Planes [roll1]
Know: Religion [roll2]

2011-02-28, 11:18 PM
"Next time, don't let your sense of decorum interfere with your logic. How can we search the scene for clues if you've tampered with it?" Jeanne says cooly, though the anger in her voice is noticeable. "Or perhaps, you already knew this." she says, a suspecting eye appraising the madam. "Someone should go and talk to Marie." She says finally, unsatisfied with her appraisal.

Sense Motive on the madam: [roll0]

She's a pain, but not overly suspicious.

Yes someone should talk to our hors d'oeurves. Says Zin, stressing the title mockingly. As for the scene, it is a shame you've tampered with it. Even just tidying it up you've probably swept up something vital. But I'm sure you didn't know that. Zin smiles at Savia, then turns away to the scene with a slight scowl. These blood spatters are interesting, the direction and area they cover. Also the manner of dissection, I haven't seen anything like this in a long time.

Where is the blood spatter located? As in, is it in a logical place in relation to the body. And the manner of dissection, I shall knowledge it to see if it has religious or cult significance, using arcana to check if it's ritualistic maybe? Worth a try.
Arcana [roll0]
Religion [roll1]

A 1 and a 2, respectively. This is good :smallamused:

It's in a logical spot for the body.

Jeanne catches Zin's eye and looks at the blood spatter herself, with similar intention.

Know: Arcana [roll0]
Know: Planes [roll1]
Know: Religion [roll2]

It appears that a crude ritual was performed, apparently to the Dragon Below.

"Well, there's no need to be insulting. What were your names again? I'll have you know I'm on the council, and this will simply not stand!"

2011-03-01, 04:15 PM
Zin, Madame he says, inclining his head slightly. You may take this to your fellow City Council members if you please, though I don't know why you'd bother them with something so trivial. I've worked on behalf of some of them before and they've been pleased with my work, especially Caskar Halivik. We've had a couple of dealings in the past and I helped set up some of his long standing contracts. Stepping back from the situation, Zin tactfully diverts the conversation away from teh topic. Ciro, your thoughts on the scene?

I do so dearly love the fluff in the Sharn book.

2011-03-01, 05:03 PM
Zin's inquiry wrests Ciro from his thoughts, but he does not immediately respond to the changeling. Instead, the inquisitor turns to their host, smiling warmly. "Oh, of course -- excuse me, Lady Savia. My name is Ciro Ashe." He extends a hand toward the madam, bowing his head politely. "I do regret the circumstances of our visit this evening, but you must understand that just as you are responsible for the operation of your business, my companions and I are responsible for discovering the truth of this man's death. It is not necessary that our respective causes conflict. After all, you surely do not wish for your establishment's reputation to be tarnished by this grisly affair?"

I also could not help but notice the way in which you greeted us this evening. I believe you asked when we people would be done here? We have, of course, only just arrived. Who else has been come to investigate the murder?

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

Knowledge (Religion): [roll2]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll3]
Knowledge (History): [roll4]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll5]

2011-03-02, 10:57 AM
Zin's inquiry wrests Ciro from his thoughts, but he does not immediately respond to the changeling. Instead, the inquisitor turns to their host, smiling warmly. "Oh, of course -- excuse me, Lady Savia. My name is Ciro Ashe." He extends a hand toward the madam, bowing his head politely. "I do regret the circumstances of our visit this evening, but you must understand that just as you are responsible for the operation of your business, my companions and I are responsible for discovering the truth of this man's death. It is not necessary that our respective causes conflict. After all, you surely do not wish for your establishment's reputation to be tarnished by this grisly affair?"

I also could not help but notice the way in which you greeted us this evening. I believe you asked when we people would be done here? We have, of course, only just arrived. Who else has been come to investigate the murder?

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

Knowledge (Religion): [roll2]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll3]
Knowledge (History): [roll4]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll5]

"Oh, no one. No one at all. Please excuse me." Savia leaves the room to attend to things.

2011-03-02, 11:32 AM
As Ciro speaks, Jeanne ***** her right eyebrow up, curious at his diplomatic approach. With the mistress gone, Jeanne shares some of her findings. "I suspect some ritual of the Dragon Below was made using his corpse." She then looks more closely at the sealed pocket of the damaged book. "I also suspect Savia wasn't the first to clean up this scene. The bloods been scrubbed, something that only the killer or an extreme moron would do. I don't think she's either." She smiles, a slight joke occurring to her. "Of course, I could be wrong on the second count."

2011-03-02, 01:49 PM
"I concur, she's either in on it or she really doesn't want to be and is covering their tracks. So we have a few options," Malachai says, inspecting the folio. "We can ask the corpse, if we can find a magus powerful enough to do so. We can talk to the girl, though she may be just as deceitful as her mistress. Or we could bring the mistress back here and... encourage her. I've always wondered at the mechanations of the dragon below cults, perhaps we could expe... nevermind."

2011-03-02, 02:47 PM
"That's not what I meant, though it is a possibility," Jeanne admits. "I was suggesting she actually had nothing to do with the murder. I suspect the killer cleaned up his own tracks, and anything the madam did may have simply exacerbated the difficulty of examining this crime scene. To be clear--I do not think the madam was an accomplice. This sort of thing is bad for business."

2011-03-02, 04:46 PM
Ciro glances knowingly to each of his companions as Lady Savia leaves (or, perhaps, flees?) the room. "Well, she certainly left in a hurry."

He steps toward to doorway and peers down the hall, checking for any potential eavesdroppers. Satisfied, he turns back to Jeanne. "I think its reasonable to assume the madam did not participate in the murder itself, but I doubt that her interference was merely a result of negligence or ineptitude. Her business requires a certain level of discretion and I do not take her for a fool. It seems to me that she is acting purposefully to obscure the truth of what happened and it is entirely possible -- if not probable -- that she is being forced to do so."

Turning to Malachai, Ciro opens his mouth to speak but closes it abruptly. He is not entirely comfortable around the tiefling and, in an attempt to disguise the awkward pause, he clears his throat before continuing. "I am able to speak with the deceased, but only briefly. Three questions at the most, so we better make them count." With that, he unties his cloak and eases it off his shoulders, draping it over the top of the door. The silvered arrowhead that hangs from a from his neck shines with a delicate brilliance in the dim light of the blood-spattered room.

2011-03-02, 05:12 PM
I think she's hardly a moron, atleast in general. She's on the city council and has the backing of the majority of the merchants in the district. She certainly bright and capable, just has a different skill set which doesn't encompass our proffesions. That said she may still be a moron, she's just good at it by now.

When hearing of Jeannes deduction concernig the corpse, Zin's brain jumps back into sync. Of course! The ritualistic nature of dissection, the precision and position of the cuts. But the Cult of the Dragon Below...I think I'd have been better off not knowing they were involved. I doubt our lady Savia would be affiliated with them. She has too much to handle just juggling her normal resposibilities, let alone the extras from mad cultist friends. The only way I can see her as an accomplice is if helping cover up the murder of this man would advance her interersts in Sharn as a whole, Council-wise. But we'll have no idea as Gregor only gave us precursory details of this poor man and he doesn't sound like much.

3 questions? That should be enough to get what we need, but what do we ask....

2011-03-03, 12:16 PM
I don't think the spell has been cast yet, and Malachai isn't questioning the corpse, he's suggesting questions to be asked. I'd rather not use the questions until the group agrees on them.
"The first, to whom were you selling information," Malachai says, handing the pamphlet back to Jeanne. "He may have more information, though being a spy he may require more motivation as well."

"The second, who killed you," he continues, turning to face the corpse and sweeping his cloak back for easy access to his own spell component pouch and his holy symbol. "A murder like that takes time. You would need a way to silence your victim, and ritual murderers like that rarely have the decency to keep their victims unconscious. He probably saw his killer, though he may not have recognized them."

"I don't know what to ask for the third. We may want to save that question in case he can't answer an earlier one."

2011-03-03, 05:04 PM
"The dead are not terribly forthcoming," Ciro explains, grinning slightly as he gives Reynard's body another cursory examination. "Your first question is a good one -- it is answered simply -- but your second question, although an obvious choice, might be tricky. There is a relatively small chance that he knew his killer's identity. In that case, the answer would of course be exceptionally valuable. On the other hand, if it is our hope only to receive a description of the killer, I would not expect it to be a terribly helpful one."

Turning back from the body, he gestures toward the damaged folio. "We could ask what was written in the pages that were removed. We run the risk of receiving a similarly vague description, but in this context, a vague description might be sufficient." He looks up from the notebook to Jeanne, inviting her opinion.

2011-03-03, 05:55 PM
Jeanne nods at Ciro's suggested question. "If we're lucky, we could get a word-for-word recitation. In that case, I'll be ready." She pulls out several sheets of parchment, her ink and inkpen, and gets ready to write.

2011-03-03, 07:23 PM
"Perhaps we could try 'what was your killers identity'. If he didn't know the person but saw something like a symbol or identifying mark, that could give us a lead."

2011-03-03, 07:40 PM
"How about, simply, 'identify your killer'?" Jeanne says.

2011-03-04, 10:50 AM
Yes, either of those would be suitable. It would result in a name if they knew it. If not we could be rewarded by some form of identification, either uniform, symbols, title, something useful.

2011-03-04, 06:36 PM
"The magic of the spell is..." Ciro sucks a breath through his teeth, "delicate. I cannot command the body--only ask questions of it. I think your suggestion," he nods to Malachai, "is our best bet."

"Any final suggestions?" He glances to each of his companions. "The spell will take nearly a quarter of a bell to cast; you might want to make yourselves comfortable," he suggests with a not-too-subtle sarcasm.

2011-03-04, 09:38 PM
As someone who had spent a good portion of his early life locked in a 6x5 cage, comfort was not really a huge concern to Malachai, but he settled comfortably into a chair nonetheless and waited for the spell to be finished.

2011-03-05, 03:16 PM
10 minutes pass with agonizing slowness as the magics are woven to wrest information from the Reynard's cold corpse. His as a slight tinge of fresh soil and musty leather fills the room, the man stirs stiffly, his glassy eyes fixing on Ciro with wide-eyed disinterest.

"What . . . is your . . . need of me?"

His voice is soft and raspy, only the magic giving life to it, his lungs and vocal chords severed by his death.

2011-03-05, 07:11 PM
Malachai stands swiftly, his cloak swishing around his feet. "We require information. First, during your time as a spy, what was the identity of the man you were selling information to?"

2011-03-05, 07:29 PM
Clasping his holy symbol between his hands, Ciro bows his head and begins to chant. His voice is barely a whisper at first, his magic focused inwards as he allows his body to become a conduit for the power of the Silver Flame. He embraces that power -- it is both warm and comforting, but it is not the warmth of a fire. Rather, it is like the embrace of a loved one and it is a feeling that Ciro would have been unable to articulate. Still, his mouth curves upward ever so slightly, hinting at a smile his companions had yet to see.

His chanting grows louder as he channels the spell's magic outward and flames that had been dancing red and orange on the wicks of candles scattered throughout the room turn silvery white and burn with an unnatural stillness, as though no gust of wind could disturb them.

When the chanting finally ends, Ciro reaches out with one hand and gently touches his thumb to the corpse's forehead. The white fires of the candles shudder and Reynard's body speaks.

2011-03-05, 11:13 PM
Malachai stands swiftly, his cloak swishing around his feet. "We require information. First, during your time as a spy, what was the identity of the man you were selling information to?"

His name was Frederick, at the dark tower.

2011-03-05, 11:19 PM
"We should ask more about this tower. And refrain from speaking in questions, to avoid being misinterpreted by the magic." Jeanne says, copying down the corpse's answers verbatim.

2011-03-07, 01:50 PM
Malachai nods. "If we do not need the third question to clear up the second, then we will. We have a better chance of finding the dark tower on our own than we do of finding a killer after the scene was cleaned up."

He pauses for a second to let Jeanne finish copying the corpses answer, then continues. "What is the identity of the person who killed you?"

2011-03-07, 02:52 PM
"He was Kell, a shifter from the lower districts"

2011-03-07, 02:55 PM
Jeanne copies this down as well, raising at eyebrow at the specificity of the knowledge being received. "I wonder how he is able to so accurately identify him. I have a question as to the nature of their relationship--it might give us insight into the killer's habits, and possible locations."

2011-03-07, 03:38 PM
Ciro exhales, a mixture of relief and satisfaction, as Reynard seems rather well informed regarding the circumstances of his own demise. "Perhaps he was betrayed by a partner or an acquittance," the inquisitor suggests in response to Jeanne's speculation. "Regardless, I think Kell should be our top priority. He may know of this 'dark tower' and he might even posses the lost pages of Reynard's journal."

2011-03-07, 03:40 PM
"Agreed." Jeanne says.

2011-03-07, 04:37 PM
Agreed. I'm sure somebody in the lower districts will know him. Which district Reynard meant between here and the Cogs remains to be seen. I think at the very least we should aim to recover one of either Kell or the journal pages.

2011-03-08, 12:15 PM
"Frederick will have more information sold, presuming we can get it out of him. On the flipside, the information that Kell has was worth killing over... so I'm not sure which followup question we should ask," Malachai says, careful not to word any of his statement as a question.

2011-03-09, 10:39 PM
Ciro turns from Malachai to Jeanne. "Kell," he says decisively, prompting her, with a slight nod, to pursue her inquiry.

2011-03-09, 11:20 PM
No one ever accomplished anything by doing nothing. "What was the nature of your relationship with Kell, before he killed you?"

2011-03-11, 10:38 PM
No one ever accomplished anything by doing nothing. "What was the nature of your relationship with Kell, before he killed you?"

"He bought me . . . things. Booze, drugs. Provided for me."

The body grows stiff and rigid again, the eyes close, and the hands fold themselves in rest.

2011-03-12, 05:45 PM
"Who says dead men tell no tales," Malachai says, turning to the others. "So should we follow up a lead first, or question the lady-of-the-evening our talkative guest was visiting first?"

2011-03-13, 03:33 PM
With the magic in Reynard's body extinguished, Ciro releases his holy symbol and the candles return to their regular form and color. He takes a deep breath before speaking. "I think we should talk to Marie immediately, albeit with the expectation that Madam Savia has had words with her already. I do not expect the girl to handle inquiry as well as her employer, but if need be, I can compel the truth with magic."

2011-03-13, 04:22 PM
"Logical," Jeanne says, smiling admiringly at Ciro. "Why leave, just to come back?"

2011-03-13, 04:35 PM
Pleased that he managed to elicit a smile from his relatively solemn companion, Ciro nods, tipping an imaginary hat toward Jeanne.

2011-03-14, 09:19 PM
A busty young khorvaire halfling knocks on the doorframe and, without waiting to be invited in, saunters towards the group, unphased by the brutally murdered corpse on the bed.

"So, you wanted to see me?"

She inches the plunging neckline of her outfit slightly wider and twirls a strand of dark curly hair in her fingers, biting the end seductively.

"The name's Marie."

2011-03-14, 09:53 PM
Since you called the corpse a 'man', I'm guessing he's a standard, run of the mill human and not a halfling

"Guess our corpse had a thing for short people," Malachai says, sizing up the halfling. Standard hooker, he had seen quite a few of them at the circus. But since sideshow freak was below lady of the evening (or morning, or midafternoon - circus patrons weren't known for being picky), they had mostly ignored him. A little higher class than he was used to, but the same tone would be applicable... he hoped. "You were the last one to see the victim, yes?" he says, indicating the partially bisected corpse. "Was he a regular?"

2011-03-14, 11:03 PM
If you can excuse my manhandling of space-time, Grendus, assume this happened right before Malachai spoke. It's too good of an opportunity for Ciro to pass up. :smalltongue:

Ciro sighs at the halfling's introduction. "Well, we wanted to talk with you. We can see plenty though, thank you," he quips, rolling his eyes.

2011-03-14, 11:14 PM
Since you called the corpse a 'man', I'm guessing he's a standard, run of the mill human and not a halfling

"Guess our corpse had a thing for short people," Malachai says, sizing up the halfling. Standard hooker, he had seen quite a few of them at the circus. But since sideshow freak was below lady of the evening (or morning, or midafternoon - circus patrons weren't known for being picky), they had mostly ignored him. A little higher class than he was used to, but the same tone would be applicable... he hoped. "You were the last one to see the victim, yes?" he says, indicating the partially bisected corpse. "Was he a regular?"

Yes, he's a human, Karrnathi, dark hair and few dark marks on his skin with semi-solid masses beneath the marks when you touch them.

"Oh, he was far from regular.":smallwink:

"Ya, I "saw" him. Saw a lot of him. And as for my size, my people have a saying, 'judge me by how high I ride in the saddle'. Good stuff."

If you can excuse my manhandling of space-time, Grendus, assume this happened right before Malachai spoke. It's too good of an opportunity for Ciro to pass up. :smalltongue:

Ciro sighs at the halfling's introduction. "Well, we wanted to talk with you. We can see plenty though, thank you," he quips, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, like what you see big bad silver boy?"

2011-03-14, 11:15 PM
"How do you mean, 'far from regular'? And please, speak plainly." Jeanne says, unaffected by the halfling's exposed flesh.

2011-03-14, 11:20 PM
"How do you mean, 'far from regular'? And please, speak plainly." Jeanne says, unaffected by the halfling's exposed flesh.

"I don't know, whad'ya want? He had this weird . . . skin thing. Clamy, cold, sort of electric. Also into some weird things, ya'know? But, he payed well, liked to talk a lot about his interests, and, if I may say, just between you and me honey . . ."

She places her hands at one and a half times her shoulder width, a smirk on her turquoise lips.

2011-03-14, 11:21 PM
Ciro coughs loudly at Jeanne's inquiry, hastily making a rather crude gesture with his hands in the hope that his...visual aid will temper Marie's response.

2011-03-14, 11:24 PM
Jeanne smiles. "I'm sure the mechanics of your affairs were fascinating," she says, trying to think of anything she may have come across that would produce a clammy, cold, electric feeling in the skin. Perhaps the Karrnathi was some sort of undead--she'd heard rumors of necromancy being popular in the region. "What was he interested in?"

2011-03-14, 11:24 PM
Ciro coughs loudly at Jeanne's inquiry, hastily making a rather crude gesture with his hands in the hope that his...visual aid will temper Marie's response.

Marie runs her tongue across her teeth and slaps Ciro on the back of the knee.

"Why your silverness, I'm shocked and dismayed. What would someone like you be knowin' about a lady of ill-repute like me's innuendo?"

2011-03-14, 11:30 PM
Jeanne smiles. "I'm sure the mechanics of your affairs were fascinating," she says, trying to think of anything she may have come across that would produce a clammy, cold, electric feeling in the skin. Perhaps the Karrnathi was some sort of undead--she'd heard rumors of necromancy being popular in the region. "What was he interested in?"

Marie runs her hands down her outfit suggestively.

"Well, there's me. Always asked for the Talenta girls, either he's really weird (ya'know, in that way) or he got a taste out on the frontier. Other than that, uhh, he was always talking about these skeleton lord things, guys who led the platoons in Karrnath. Said he was working his way up the ladder, trying to land some nobility to marry this girl back home. Real sweet guy, bought me a bottle of Mror garnet wine for my birthday."

2011-03-14, 11:39 PM
"Did he ever mention anyone he was working with?" Jeanne raises her right eyebrow at Ciro, hinting that she has something to share when they are out of the whore's company.

2011-03-14, 11:44 PM
"Did he ever mention anyone he was working with?" Jeanne raises her right eyebrow at Ciro, hinting that she has something to share when they are out of the whore's company.

"Ya, Gregor Kell. I met him once, shifter down in the Ship's Towers. Set me up with this really great client, a Xen'drik drow, paid well I can tell you. Just a regular fixer, Gregor is."

2011-03-14, 11:51 PM
"Can we find Gregor at the Ship's Towers, or someplace else?" Jeanne asks, nodding.

2011-03-14, 11:58 PM
"Can we find Gregor at the Ship's Towers, or someplace else?" Jeanne asks, nodding.

"Oh, I think you'll find him at the Burning Ring tonight. Only problem is the Burning Ring moves around each night. For a little money I could find it for ya, say . . . six gold?"

2011-03-15, 12:03 AM
Ciro stumbles slightly, but manages to right himself without disturbing the scene. He takes a moment to compose himself, clearing his throat before crouching down to meet the hafling's eye. "Well," he begins with a smile, "it's too bad we haven't crossed paths in the past, but I have...encountered women such as yourself before. After all, it is my duty to seek that which goes bump in the night." He winks. "You," he taps the end of her nose, "you traffic in lust and passion -- secret desires and fantasies." As he continues, his smile begins to fade. "You might be estranged from your family or abandoned, or you might not have any family at all. You could be completely alone, yet you are in constant company. And when chance smiles upon you, you are graced with the company of a man of power or influence." At this point, his smile has faded completely. "Can you imagine a more appealing vessel for one of Khyber's children?" He pauses for dramatic effect before standing with a chuckle, just in time to catch Jeanne's signal.

2011-03-15, 01:47 AM
"Six gold," Jeanne says, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the requested coin. "What is the Burning Ring?"

2011-03-15, 11:18 AM
Curses... he wanted to become a Bone Knight, but I don't have the knowledge(nobility and royalty) to know it in game. Unless it would also be covered by religion, arcana, or local.

Malachai stood silently in the background, processing the information. Symptoms of undeath, but the reproductive system still worked so he wasn't undead, or at least, not fully undead. Karrnathi veteran, wanted to gain nobility. Nothing leaped out, aside from the fact that he should probably dedicate some time to learning about nobility, in addition to his other pursuits.

2011-03-15, 03:18 PM
"Six gold," Jeanne says, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the requested coin. "What is the Burning Ring?"

Marie pulls away from Ciro slightly, unnerved by his accusations.

"The Burning Ring is an underground fight competition. It changes locations all the time, people go and either participate or bet on who will win. Lots of money moves around."

2011-03-15, 04:02 PM
"And it's location tonight?"

2011-03-15, 04:04 PM
Marie leans in and whispers to Jeanne.

"Underneath the Brawling Bear tavern, three blocks east and one south."

2011-03-15, 04:05 PM
"Thank you," Jeanne says. "I've no further questions."

2011-03-15, 04:44 PM
Malachai grabs Ciro's upper arm and hauls him back to his feet. "Alright, come on Mr. Late-Night-Confessions. Let's get out of here before you embarrass yourself more... or me. Some of us might want to come back here," he says, nodding to the halfling. He debates for a second, then withdraws another two gold pieces and hands them to her. "For tolerance," he says, dragging Ciro out of the room and signaling for Jeanne to finish the questioning without them.

2011-03-15, 06:40 PM
"Excuse us for a moment," Ciro manages to blurt out, almost laughing, as he is dragged out of the room. Stepping into the hallway, he stops abruptly, pulling his arm across his body to bring Malachai closer too him. "This," he grips the tiefling's wrist, "is a graver insult than you know." His voice is steady, seemingly without anger -- as though he were merely informing Malachai of a fact. "Perhaps you have not encountered a bearer of the Flame before, but you would do well to remember my tolerance." With that, he wrests his arm from Malachai's hold and steps right back into the room.

"I actually have just a few more questions before we leave." He speaks as though nothing unusual just happened. "Is Gregor a competitor in the Burning Ring or merely a spectator?"

"Do you know who else has come to investigate the body?"

2011-03-15, 06:48 PM
"Excuse us for a moment," Ciro manages to blurt out, almost laughing, as he is dragged out of the room. Stepping into the hallway, he stops abruptly, pulling his arm across his body to bring Malachai closer too him. "This," he grips the tiefling's wrist, "is a graver insult than you know." His voice is steady, seemingly without anger -- as though he were merely informing Malachai of a fact. "Perhaps you have not encountered a bearer of the Flame before, but you would do well to remember my tolerance." With that, he wrests his arm from Malachai's hold and steps right back into the room.

"I actually have just a few more questions before we leave." He speaks as though nothing unusual just happened. "Is Gregor a competitor in the Burning Ring or merely a spectator?"

"Do you know who else has come to investigate the body?"

"No, just a spectator. Anyone who's seen Gregor take a brisk walk knows he ain't up to fightin'. He likes to watch people fight."

She nods at the second question.

"A man named Ivel. Aundairan, a magewright. Said he had been hired to look into this disturbance. I got his card here --"

Ivel, Magewright Extraordinaire
For inquiries, I am to be found at 37 Boranel Lane in Everbright

2011-03-15, 07:21 PM
Malachai raises his eyebrows at Ciro's reaction, a little unsure as to whether he should apologize, let it pass, or vaporize the cleric. In the end, however, he is content to stand outside the door.

The Silver Flame... he had never really understood them, to be honest. Usually happier to perform xenocide than to spend their time cleaning up the aftermath, they were nonetheless a huge part of the life of Khorvair and had such a wide variety of personalities. Very different than the Sovereign Host, where you could usually guess a person's mentality based on which deity they revered above the others. But then, the same could be said about the Sovereign Host as a whole, so it really came down to a matter of specifics.

2011-03-16, 09:46 AM
After handing Jeanne the magewright's card to be copied in her notes, Ciro nods his gratitude to Marie. "Thank you for your time. You have been surprisingly helpful. Perhaps you might be less so to any future inquirers?" With a mischievous grin, he extends a hand and three gold coins. "We'll let you get back to...business." Pulling his cloak off the top of the door, he steps out into the hallways and turns to Malachai. "Shall we?" He then heads for the exit.

2011-03-16, 10:13 AM
Jeanne follows him out. Once the party is assembled out of earshot of the hooker, Jeanne says. "I suspect he may have had a necrotic cyst implanted within him, which would mean he was working for a powerful cleric. Its even possible the cyst killed him, I'd like to take a look at the body once more." She goes to examine the body, taking note of any missing organs.

2011-03-16, 08:21 PM
Jeanne follows him out. Once the party is assembled out of earshot of the hooker, Jeanne says. "I suspect he may have had a necrotic cyst implanted within him, which would mean he was working for a powerful cleric. Its even possible the cyst killed him, I'd like to take a look at the body once more." She goes to examine the body, taking note of any missing organs.

Jeanne comes to find the room in further disarray, Marie collapsed against the far wall, her skull caved in, the body seeming to have disappeared. The window curtains flutter in the breeze from the open window.

2011-03-16, 08:28 PM
Jeanne searches Marie's corpse for clues. "Hey, guys, come in here!" she calls.

Search: 1d20+5

2011-03-16, 09:03 PM
Hearing Jeanne's cry, Ciro stops abruptly in the hallway and gives Malachai a confused look. Not understanding the nature of her urgency and certainly not expecting the horrific scene that awaits him, he walks back to the room at a casual pace, calling back to Jeanne before he even reaches the doorway. "What did you--" as he turns into the doorway, he notices the empty bed first and Marie's body second. "By the light of the Flame!" he curses, dashing across the room to peer out the open window "Did you see what happened?!"

Spot check out the window: d20+8
Search check of the room, particularly Marie's body and the bed: d20+1

2011-03-17, 06:19 PM
"I'm not sure what's more impressive - that they had the nerve to break in and commit a second murder with a group of investigators right outside the room, or that they managed to do it silently, without us finding out," Malachai says, inspecting the scene with a noticeable lack of disgust.

2011-03-17, 07:32 PM
"I suspect neither," Jeanne says. "It's possible that his cyst absconded with his organs, attacking Marie in its escape."

2011-03-17, 08:19 PM
Believing Jeanne to be joking -- and rather inappropriately, even by his standards -- Ciro pulls his head out of the window and peers half-way over his shoulder. He stares at nothing in particular as he waits for Jeanne to laugh or make another similarly ridiculous comment. When she says nothing more, he turns all the way around and finds that her expression is as frigid as ever. "Wait...you're serious?"

2011-03-17, 08:26 PM
"Magic is, for lack of a better word, magical." Jeanne says. "I am deadly serious."

2011-03-18, 05:37 PM
Heal check to see if Marie is still alive. Untrained, but it's an easy check and I have a high wisdom modifier: [roll0]

Knowledge(Religion) check to identify the Skulking Cyst (at least, I think that's what it is): [roll1]. Technically, I could identify it with a 1, but let's see if I have deeper knowledge... or if it's something else.

Malachai nods. He had heard of those spells, though necromancy was more of a hobby than a profession for him. Nasty stuff, anything beyond conjuring temporary undead or reanimating a few shuffling minions was beyond him. "I miss the days when necromancers just raised armies of shambling undead and tried to take over the world," he says, stepping over to the window and checking Marie's pulse. "I'm guessing we should probably pursue the.. whatever. Probably a Skulking Cyst. Free willed undead that likes to suck blood and implant more cysts. Could cause some real havoc in the city."

2011-03-20, 04:08 PM
Marie is dead. As the body is completely gone, the chance of it being a skulking cyst is low.

Savia comes running in.

"What the hell is going on here!?!?"

2011-03-21, 10:10 AM
Ciro shakes his head and sighs as he considers the latest developments. Skulking cysts? The thought makes him uneasy. Having focused his studies on aberrants and outsiders rather than undead, the inquisitor is not nearly as knowledgeable about the necromantic arts as other members of his order. Whatever it was, Marie is dead and Reynard's body is gone. They could pursue this latest development, but they only knew where Gregor was to going to be tonight. He begins to weigh their options when Savia comes charging in.

"That's exactly what we're trying to figure out," he says shortly, before registering his own frustration. Taking a deep breath, he continues in a softer tone. "Someone or something killed Marie, absconded with Reynard's body and did so without making a sound -- we couldn't have been more than 20 paces down the hall and we didn't hear a thing."

2011-03-21, 10:33 AM
Jeanne says nothing, continuing to search the room for clues while the silver-tongued Ciro handles the madame.

Search: [roll0]

2011-03-22, 10:27 AM
Ciro shakes his head and sighs as he considers the latest developments. Skulking cysts? The thought makes him uneasy. Having focused his studies on aberrants and outsiders rather than undead, the inquisitor is not nearly as knowledgeable about the necromantic arts as other members of his order. Whatever it was, Marie is dead and Reynard's body is gone. They could pursue this latest development, but they only knew where Gregor was to going to be tonight. He begins to weigh their options when Savia comes charging in.

"That's exactly what we're trying to figure out," he says shortly, before registering his own frustration. Taking a deep breath, he continues in a softer tone. "Someone or something killed Marie, absconded with Reynard's body and did so without making a sound -- we couldn't have been more than 20 paces down the hall and we didn't hear a thing."

"Well you clearly aren't doing your job then!"

Jeanne finds an empty longsword scabbard under the bed

2011-03-22, 10:36 AM
"Are we bodyguards, or investigators?" Jeanne asks shrewdly, showing the rest the scabbard.

Detect Magic to see if there is anything magic in the room.

2011-03-22, 10:39 AM
"Are we bodyguards, or investigators?" Jeanne asks shrewdly, showing the rest the scabbard.

Detect Magic to see if there is anything magic in the room.

The scabbard detects as faintly magical, it would seem something magic was in it.

2011-03-22, 01:22 PM
Ciro regards Savia contemptuously as she does not seem particularly saddened by Marie's death. "Excuse me?" His eyes narrow and he takes a step towards the evidently fickle madam. "When we first arrived, you did not want us to do our job at all. Now you would malign our competence?" As he speaks, Ciro is aware of the fact that he is defending people he only just met, but Savia didn't need to know that. "Do you understand that we are trying to help you? If you do in fact wish to see this resolved, we would welcome your cooperation." He pauses, squaring his jaw. "You could start by telling us about Ivel."

Ciro will use his detect evil SLA, concentrating first on Savia and then the rest of the room.

2011-03-22, 04:48 PM
Where did I leave my lead sheet....No I have nothing to hide, besides I think I'm CG. However I can roll that Knowledge: nobility and royalty for you. [roll0]

Hmm that's low. I keep forgetting about the Factotums Cunning Insight, though that can only be declared before the roll so that's after the fact.

Well, that certainly is interesting Jeanne. Why would there be an empty sheath underneath the bed, though I assume it was recently or atleast once occupied. Maybe Reynard bought it with him as protection for the journey as he didn't appear to have a bodyguard. I believe he placed it under the bed for safe keeping whilst he was seeing Marie here. He gestures at her corpse. Then he either knew an assassin was coming and drew his blade in advance or his killer came to talk, atleast for a while. No trained assassin worth his or her salt would leave the sheath of their murder weapon at the scene of the crime, unless they wanted to be followed.

So my guess is Reynard drew it in advance, therefore the assassin wouldn't know the sheath was beneath the bed. Whether Marie's and Reynard's killer are one and the same, I do not know. Also I profess to having very little first hand experience with necromancy in general, let alone the specifics which you spoke of Jeanne. Thoughts people? Zin strolls over to the window and peers out, even if he is probably too late to see anything.

2011-03-22, 06:22 PM
Ciro regards Savia contemptuously as she does not seem particularly saddened by Marie's death. "Excuse me?" His eyes narrow and he takes a step towards the evidently fickle madam. "When we first arrived, you did not want us to do our job at all. Now you would malign our competence?" As he speaks, Ciro is aware of the fact that he is defending people he only just met, but Savia didn't need to know that. "Do you understand that we are trying to help you? If you do in fact wish to see this resolved, we would welcome your cooperation." He pauses, squaring his jaw. "You could start by telling us about Ivel."

Ciro will use his detect evil SLA, concentrating first on Savia and then the rest of the room.

"He's a client, works in a district above here. Rarely see him, he's not here long when he is, even though he pays handsomely for the night."

Savia detects as evil, the blood covering the bed does too.

2011-03-23, 02:43 PM
And does he see any girl in particular whilst he's here? Also there are quite a few districts above us as I'm sure you can imagine, can you be more accurate?

2011-03-24, 10:03 AM
"Is that all?" Ciro holds Savia's gaze with his own. "Ivel told Marie he had been hired to investigate Reynard's death. Are you saying you know nothing of this arrangement?"

Sense Motive check on her response: [roll0]

2011-03-26, 09:47 AM
"Is that all?" Ciro holds Savia's gaze with his own. "Ivel told Marie he had been hired to investigate Reynard's death. Are you saying you know nothing of this arrangement?"

Sense Motive check on her response: [roll0]

"Nothing at all, I tell you Ivel was not here!" (It's a lie!)

2011-03-27, 03:51 PM
"I see," Ciro begins as he turns to glance at each of his companions in turn: Zin first, then Malachai, and finally, Jeanne. He gives the arcanist a trusting nod as he reaches for her inkpen and parchment. "Perhaps Marie was mistaken." He turns back to Savia, writing hurriedly, "Could you tell me when Ivel was here last?" Finishing the question, he flips the parchment over so the madam can read it.

you're lying

is someone listening?


2011-03-28, 01:42 PM
Malachai stands and waits. His skills were pretty much useless here, he specialized in analyzing magic and research (well... and killing things, but then, so was everybody else in his line of work), people still didn't make much sense to him.

2011-03-28, 02:32 PM
Zin was content to watch Ciro work, admiring his skill at manipulation. Zin was never a good interogator, he was a lier born and bred, a dissembler by nature.

2011-03-28, 02:49 PM
"I see," Ciro begins as he turns to glance at each of his companions in turn: Zin first, then Malachai, and finally, Jeanne. He gives the arcanist a trusting nod as he reaches for her inkpen and parchment. "Perhaps Marie was mistaken." He turns back to Savia, writing hurriedly, "Could you tell me when Ivel was here last?" Finishing the question, he flips the parchment over so the madam can read it.

Savia nods slightly, then points to the scabbard that you found under the bed.

2011-03-28, 03:07 PM
Not wanting to interrupt Ciro's flow, Zin leaned in to confer with Malachai. Do you think she means the sword is listening or that it was Ivel's? Maybe he was the murderer of one of our corpses. You said the sword registered as magical right?

2011-03-28, 03:50 PM
Ciro nods warmly to the madam, then crosses out the previous message and begins a new. An occasional "okay" or "I see" maintains the illusion of conversation.

When he is finished, rather than turning the parchment to Savia, he turns it to his companions, each in turn, waiting for a response before moving down the line.

you're lying

is someone listening?


spell of silence?

scabbard only


I'm assuming Savia actually answered Ciro's nonsense question after nodding. Exactly what she said isn't really important.

2011-03-29, 03:24 PM
Seeing Ciro's gambit, Zin turns back in and gives a barely perceptible nod.

2011-03-29, 10:42 PM
Malachai shakes his head and begins to gesture silently. First he motions with one hand, pointing at the scabbard and miming hurling it through the window. He then motions with the other, again pointing at the sword then miming wrapping it with something, pointing at the bedspread. He shrugs then holds both hands out, as though weighing each option.

2011-03-30, 07:51 AM
Zin points at both the sword and scabbard and zips his mouth shut, miming silence. Then he gestures to all present and motions them to leave the room, followed by Malachais same balance gesture.

2011-03-30, 02:27 PM
Jeanne writes on the parchment: lets put the scabbard in the hall.

2011-03-30, 05:22 PM
Malachai places the scabbard away from the group and casts Silence on a point in space nearby, so the scabbard is still within the radius of the silence spell but the group is not. He makes sure the group can still see the scabbard, since they already had a corpse stolen from them...
Malachai takes the scabbard out into the hallway, then walks back to the group and murmurs a few words, pointing in the scabbard's general direction. "There. No sound. We can speak in relative security now, for about seven minutes, give or take."

2011-03-30, 06:15 PM
As Malachai makes for the door with the scabbard, Ciro holds out a hand to stop him, his eyes pleading cooperation. He then turns to Savia, hoping to create a plausible explanation for the period of silence that was likely to follow. "We appreciate your cooperation this evening, but the I fear the longer we linger, the farther Marie's killer will have fled. If you think of anything more, please leave us a message at the Broken Blessing in Downstairs. Flame protect you." He had no intention of spending the night at the Broken Blessing and after looking to the others with a shrug, he gestures for Malachai to continue.

Once the tiefling has returned, Ciro nods his thanks and begins the questioning of the madam anew. "Well," he takes a deep breath, "who do we have to thank for that?"

Bluff check his attempt at misdirection: [roll0]

2011-03-30, 09:05 PM
As Malachai makes for the door with the scabbard, Ciro holds out a hand to stop him, his eyes pleading cooperation. He then turns to Savia, hoping to create a plausible explanation for the period of silence that was likely to follow. "We appreciate your cooperation this evening, but the I fear the longer we linger, the farther Marie's killer will have fled. If you think of anything more, please leave us a message at the Broken Blessing in Downstairs. Flame protect you." He had no intention of spending the night at the Broken Blessing and after looking to the others with a shrug, he gestures for Malachai to continue.

Once the tiefling has returned, Ciro nods his thanks and begins the questioning of the madam anew. "Well," he takes a deep breath, "who do we have to thank for that?"

Bluff check his attempt at misdirection: [roll0]

"Mr. Kell left that here one night, Marie was taking care of it until he returned."

2011-03-31, 06:24 AM
My guess is he was spying on Reynard, trying to find out delicate information on Karnaath?

2011-03-31, 12:41 PM
"That's one way to get information, though a scabbard isn't exactly inconspicuous in a room. Then again, if it's a lingering enchantment it's probably permanent. I suppose listening candlesticks are more difficult to come by," Malachai says, keeping a wary eye on the sheath, ready to hurl a spell to pin anyone who tried to pick it up.

2011-04-01, 03:02 PM
My guess is he was spying on Reynard, trying to find out delicate information on Karnaath?

"Possibly. I stay out of these politics!"

Savia fiddles with her jewellry absent-mindedly

2011-04-02, 02:16 AM
"We should find this Kell." Jeanne says.

2011-04-02, 12:16 PM
Agreed, I don't think there's much more we can squeeze out of this place. Shall we go track down this fight night?

2011-04-02, 12:33 PM
"Could you explain how you came to know that Kell was listening through the scabbard?" Ciro gestures toward the hallway. "Did he approach you after the murder? Did he threaten you?"

2011-04-02, 04:20 PM
"Could you explain how you came to know that Kell was listening through the scabbard?" Ciro gestures toward the hallway. "Did he approach you after the murder? Did he threaten you?"

"It's not the scabbard, it's the coin embedded in it. A spell that I've seen him use before. Think it allows him to listen in on things . . ."

2011-04-02, 05:46 PM
Surely the more inconspicuous option would be to hide the coin somewhere, place it underneath a floorboard? I don't understand the motivations of this Kell yet, there are possibilities but nothing can be too clear at this point.

2011-04-05, 03:05 PM
Savia's lack of confidence sets Ciro on edge. "Only listen? Or can he see through the coin as well?" Realizing that they might have done this man a favor by removing the scabbard from under the bed, Ciro hurriedly pulls a sheet of drapery from above the window and drapes it over the isolated scabbard. "Flame knows what Kell has seen or heard already. And this Ivel fellow," he gestures toward the parchment containing the magewright's information, "is he one of Kell's associates?"

Once Savia has answered, Ciro steals a glance toward Marie's ruined figure, then sighs and turns back to the madam. "I'm afraid we can only follow one lead at a time and it seems like the Burning Ring is our priority. Can you see to your own safety?"

2011-04-05, 03:07 PM
Savia's lack of confidence sets Ciro on edge. "Only listen? Or can he see through the coin as well?" Realizing that they might have done this man a favor by removing the scabbard from under the bed, Ciro hurriedly pulls a sheet of drapery from above the window and drapes it over the isolated scabbard. "Flame knows what Kell has seen or heard already. And this Ivel fellow," he gestures toward the parchment containing the magewright's information, "is he one of Kell's associates?"

Once Savia has answered, Ciro steals a glance toward Marie's ruined figure, then sighs and turns back to the madam. "I'm afraid we can only follow one lead at a time and it seems like the Burning Ring is our priority. Can you see to your own safety?"

"Ivel seems to want Kell's head, you ask me."

"Yes, I can see to my own safety."

With that, Savia waks to the dresser and pulls out a large crossbow.

2011-04-05, 03:34 PM
Impressive, lets hope you can use it efficiently. Well Savia, I hope this whole experience hasn't tarnished your view of myself as a possible associate in the future. I hope for the saferty of both our souls that we don't have need to meet again anytime soon though, this is whole situations probably isn't going to improve for any of us. With that Zin bows his head to their host and waits at the door for his companions.

2011-04-05, 05:15 PM
"Thank you," Jeanne says, wrapping up her note taking materials. "I'll echo my associate's sentiment regarding our future encounters." With that intellectually-worded statement, Jeanne moves toward the exit.

2011-04-05, 06:57 PM
I'm assuming you're all ready to go now . . .

The Brawling Bear is a dark building. Inside, various tough looking figures drink grimy ale tuck into half-cooked meats. A heavy smoke fills the air, and no one seems to acknowledge you at the moment.

2011-04-06, 07:44 AM
Zin approaches the bar and orders some of the same dirty ale, sips it and finds a table for his companions.

2011-04-08, 08:53 PM
"So what brings you here tonight?" the Zil bartender inquires.

2011-04-10, 03:08 PM
Malachai takes a seat and waits, patiently, for the more socially adept party members to find a lead. He really wasn't cut out for a lot of espionage, his focus was more on offensive spellcasting.

2011-04-10, 04:24 PM
Is there any sort of known phrase for entering this sort of thing :smalleek: If not then I'm jumping in at the deep end. Also, it is Kell who's here isn't it?....If not then i'll change it obviously. Sorry, very slow tonight and i'm about to get off, no time to search.

Gather information with some cunning insight for good measure: [roll0]

I have 9 inspiration points left for today.

Evening, miss. I'm just here for the festivities, to take in what the night has to offer and bask in the Fires warmth. Have you seen my associate Kell pass through tonight, by chance?

2011-04-10, 07:05 PM
Is there any sort of known phrase for entering this sort of thing :smalleek: If not then I'm jumping in at the deep end. Also, it is Kell who's here isn't it?....If not then i'll change it obviously. Sorry, very slow tonight and i'm about to get off, no time to search.

Gather information with some cunning insight for good measure: [roll0]

I have 9 inspiration points left for today.

Evening, miss. I'm just here for the festivities, to take in what the night has to offer and bask in the Fires warmth. Have you seen my associate Kell pass through tonight, by chance?

"Hmm, not yet, but he is a seller of much."

She hands you your drink, and a small iron key drops onto the counter out of her sleeve.

"Oh dear, it seems to have gotten wet. Go dry that would ya love, I've got my hands full here. There's some snacks for you and your friends in it for you."

2011-04-11, 03:15 PM
Smiling, Zin nods and backs away with his drink and returns to his allies. I think we're closer than we were, though at the same time I personally have hit a wall. We've been given a key and a promise of "snacks for you and your friends" if we dry this key, or something to that effect. Any ideas what this means?

However I will roll knowledge local: [roll0]

2011-04-11, 09:31 PM
Smiling, Zin nods and backs away with his drink and returns to his allies. I think we're closer than we were, though at the same time I personally have hit a wall. We've been given a key and a promise of "snacks for you and your friends" if we dry this key, or something to that effect. Any ideas what this means?

However I will roll knowledge local: [roll0]

She's given you the key to the cellar (seller)

2011-04-11, 09:46 PM
"Judging from the emphasis the waitress placed on her words, I'd guess he's in the basement. Let's be careful. I always suspect everything could be a trap, which is why I'm still alive. I wouldn't be surprised if we're the snacks." Jeanne says.

2011-04-11, 10:01 PM
Ciro couldn't tell if Jeanne was joking, but he chuckles anyway, exaggerating his anxiety as his laughter fades into a long sigh. "Shall we find out?" he asks resignedly. Squinting through the haze, he looks for a door that might lead to the basement.

2011-04-11, 10:04 PM
Ciro couldn't tell if Jeanne was joking, but he chuckles anyway, exaggerating his anxiety as his laughter fades into a long sigh. "Shall we find out?" he asks resignedly. Squinting through the haze, he looks for a door that might lead to the basement.

You come across a large wooden door marked cellar.

2011-04-11, 10:20 PM
"Right," Ciro mutters dryly, rolling his eyes as he recognizes the bartender's hint. "Well," turning to Zin, he gives the changeling a crooked grin, "she did give you the key." He then steps aside.

2011-04-11, 11:11 PM
Jeanne moves to the back of the party, casting Mage Armor on herself and placing a ready hand on her wand of shield.

2011-04-13, 01:31 PM
As a matter of fact, she did. On cue, Zin produces the key from his pocket. Loosening his blade from it's sheath inside his long overcoat just incase, he looks to the others. One moment. Zin scans the door for any obvious traps or foul play. If there is none to be found he replies Seems clean, shall we? And turns the door knob.

search for traps [roll0]
possibly disable them [roll1]

2011-04-13, 07:19 PM
You are hit in the face by a warm salty breeze as you open the door. Stepping in, you find the room filled with sweating bodies, everyone watching two shifters fighting under a light spell. The rest of the room is dim at best, you can't really recognize anyone. Some of these people in the crowd look fairly injured, covered in brusies and dried blood, but seem to be oblivious to it.

2011-04-14, 02:43 PM
Ciro follows the group as they make their way through the crowd. Passing an uninjured spectator who seems to be closely following the current fight, he leans in close. "Who's the favorite?"

2011-04-14, 02:45 PM
Quaint, muttering to himself. Shall we spread out take in the atmosphere?

2011-04-14, 04:09 PM
Ciro follows the group as they make their way through the crowd. Passing an uninjured spectator who seems to be closely following the current fight, he leans in close. "Who's the favorite?"

"One wearing a red sash, which is why I bet on the blue one. Red might be from the bitter cold of Eldeen, but that blue one there's from Flamekeep. I figure had to be pretty tough to live in Thrane, even if he's missing an eye."

2011-04-14, 04:15 PM
Can I see any betting going on? If so what seems to be the average bet? I might want to get in on the action.

2011-04-14, 04:17 PM
Can I see any betting going on? If so what seems to be the average bet? I might want to get in on the action.

Betting is being handled by a Zil off to the side, an oddly hairy specimen of his race. Average bet is five gold, odds are 2:1 for the red and 1:5 for the blue.

2011-04-14, 04:35 PM
"A thinking man! I like it," Ciro says with a grin, humoring the stranger while trying to not think about the implications of his words. "Is it too late to profit by your advice? Who do I talk to?"

Woops. I've been ninja'ed.

2011-04-14, 04:39 PM
Stepping up to the rickety betting desk, Zin makes a bet. Give me....8 sovreigns on the Blue one, he looks like he has fire in his heart. Zin accepts his slip and turns back to the fight, blending in with the crowd and keeping an eye out for anything too suspicious, though in an illegal fighting ring everybody is a little suspicious.

2011-04-14, 05:17 PM
OOC: Anyone else placing bets?

2011-04-14, 06:31 PM
"Put two on the red one, for me." Jeanne says, placing two gold coins down on the table. She keeps close to Ciro, but not too close so as to make them seem connected, as she meanders through the crowd, her eyes toward the fighting circle but watching not the battling combatants, but the faces of the crowd behind them.

2011-04-14, 06:44 PM
"Put two on the red one, for me." Jeanne says, placing two gold coins down on the table. She keeps close to Ciro, but not too close so as to make them seem connected, as she meanders through the crowd, her eyes toward the fighting circle but watching not the battling combatants, but the faces of the crowd behind them.

You see a drow sitting in a chair, doing the same (watching the faces).

2011-04-14, 07:04 PM
Jeanne gives no indication of recognition upon seeing the drow, but makes a mental note of everything she can about his appearance and mannerisms, keeping herself aware of him as she continues walking through the crowd. Eventually, she makes her way toward him, standing about 3 rows of people back, and slightly to the right.

2011-04-14, 08:08 PM
Ciro scoffs playfully as Jeanne takes no heed of a complete stranger's recommendation. Once she has placed her bet and stepped away, he approaches the table with a small stack of sovereigns in hand. "Six on blue, please!" With a pleasant click, he sets the coins on the table and turns back toward the ring, observing his fellow spectators as much as the fight itself.

2011-04-14, 09:21 PM
With a mighty howl, the red shifter lunges at the blue one, gouging his chest awfully, until the blue one kicks the red one off of him and then jumps onto the red one, causing much blood to be coughed up. The blue one is declared the winner.

After winnings are collected, the drow removes his clothing from his upper body, and steps into the light, the light glistening on his sweat-covered skin. He draws two long daggers and waits, as a glistening silver construct, like a mechanical lion, walks into the light, a Silvereye Marauder, though few are this big.

2011-04-19, 11:52 AM
The drow expertly deflects the Silvereye Marauder's claws, the automaton almost seeming to snarl in frustration through its bolted and chained together mouth. No bets are taken, this fight is purely for someone's amusement. As the marauder lunges and bounds, the crowd rushing out of the way each time it lands near the edge of the ring, the drow tumbles, the longknives and then tumbling over the marauder to snatch them once again. With flick of his wrist, he pins the marauder's forepaws to the ground with his thrown weapons, and then is tossed a long blade from his handler in the crowd. He slices the marauder's legs at the joints and flips the howling creature onto its back, stabbing three longknives into the "throat", "chest" and "stomach" of the creature.

2011-04-19, 01:37 PM
Jeanne looks at and studies the handler of the drow.

2011-04-19, 01:45 PM
Jeanne looks at and studies the handler of the drow.

A man dressed in fairly fashionable clothing, he carries a pockey watch and has a dragon mark on the right side of his face. He has no exposed skin, except his head, with a shaven head and face, complete with dark green-tinted glasses.

2011-04-19, 01:48 PM
Jeanne tries to identify the mark.

Know (Nobility): [roll0]

(In case this is the wrong check, Jeanne has the same modifier for all her knowledge skills, except Arcana and the Planes are +13).

2011-04-19, 01:49 PM
Jeanne tries to identify the mark.

Know (Nobility): [roll0]

(In case this is the wrong check, Jeanne has the same modifier for all her knowledge skills, except Arcana and the Planes are +13).

Mark of Making. House of Cannith. No one f's with Cannith.

2011-04-19, 05:34 PM
Jeanne makes her way over to the handler. "A good fight," she says aloud, vaguely.

2011-04-19, 09:15 PM
Jeanne makes her way over to the handler. "A good fight," she says aloud, vaguely.

"Heh, he could have done better. But he deactivated it well enough."

2011-04-19, 10:12 PM
"He's yours?"

2011-04-19, 10:13 PM
"He's yours?"

"Oh yes. The beast's mine too. Found the dark in Stormreach, doesn't speak a lick of anything usual, just the drow stuff."

2011-04-19, 10:19 PM
"Pardon my bluntness," she says after a moment. "But what do you gain by having your man fight your machine? I mean, if bets were taken I could see some percentage for you, but..." she lets her voice trail off, inviting his answer.

2011-04-19, 10:48 PM
Winnings in hand, Ciro briefly eyes the drow in the ring before making his way back through the crowd toward the man who had helped him earlier. Assuming he finds him, the flamite raises the small coin pouch, and smiling widely, it gives it a pleasing jingle. "Thank you, friend!" He claps the stranger on the shoulder, speaking as though the winnings are a substantial sum. "I welcome the burden of coin."

With the match under way, Ciro allows his "friend" to watch in peace. Once it's over, however, he leans in again, trying to determine if the man is a regular attendant of these...festivities. "Spectacular! Do they have exhibition matches like this often?"

In the event a bluff or diplomacy check is appropriate to Ciro's buddy-buddy approach:
Bluff [roll0]
Diplomacy [roll1]

2011-04-20, 01:41 PM
Winnings in hand, Ciro briefly eyes the drow in the ring before making his way back through the crowd toward the man who had helped him earlier. Assuming he finds him, the flamite raises the small coin pouch, and smiling widely, it gives it a pleasing jingle. "Thank you, friend!" He claps the stranger on the shoulder, speaking as though the winnings are a substantial sum. "I welcome the burden of coin."

With the match under way, Ciro allows his "friend" to watch in peace. Once it's over, however, he leans in again, trying to determine if the man is a regular attendant of these...festivities. "Spectacular! Do they have exhibition matches like this often?"

In the event a bluff or diplomacy check is appropriate to Ciro's buddy-buddy approach:
Bluff [roll0]
Diplomacy [roll1]

"A few times a month."

2011-04-23, 06:54 PM
I'm still following this, just kind of vaguely. Malachai is the odd man out here, and I'm terrible at mysteries. But I'm still here, for when we get to something that he's set for.

Malachai leans against the wall, wrapping himself in his cloak as he watches the action. Intrigue was not really his forte, unfortunately, or at least, not political intrigue.

2011-04-26, 11:47 AM
People come forward to congratulate the winner. People howl for the next fight while the handler comtinues to talk with Jeanne.

"I gain fame for him, which will pay me back down the road."

2011-04-26, 12:40 PM
Jeanne nodded, predicting that sometime down the line, when the odds against this drow's victory were so great, the drow would inevitably lose, and his handler would reap a fortune.

"Classic," Jeanne said appreciatively to no one in particular. "Short term loss for long term gain. You're a smart and patient man," she said to the handler. "What's your name?"

Diplomacy: [roll0] if necessary, but she is actually impressed.

2011-04-26, 12:57 PM
Jeanne nodded, predicting that sometime down the line, when the odds against this drow's victory were so great, the drow would inevitably lose, and his handler would reap a fortune.

"Classic," Jeanne said appreciatively to no one in particular. "Short term loss for long term gain. You're a smart and patient man," she said to the handler. "What's your name?"

Diplomacy: [roll0] if necessary, but she is actually impressed.

A voice whispers in your head
"They call me Kell. Gregor Kell. And you are Jeanne, veteran of the last war, survivor of the mourning. You're here looking for me, but you've stumbled on me quite unprepared haven't you?"

2011-04-28, 04:06 PM
"That often?" Ciro replies. "With no betting, who pays for and arranges these fights?"

2011-04-28, 11:36 PM
"That often?" Ciro replies. "With no betting, who pays for and arranges these fights?"

"He does, Kell, the guy over there talking to that woman."

2011-04-28, 11:43 PM
Pyrtari communicates telepathically, widening her eyes at Ciro's gaze, hopefully signaling her need for backup. Well, you're in my head. What do you want?

2011-04-29, 12:14 AM
Pyrtari communicates telepathically, widening her eyes at Ciro's gaze, hopefully signaling her need for backup. Well, you're in my head. What do you want?

"Oh nothing really. What are you looking for me for?"

2011-05-04, 04:08 PM
The room cheers for the next match-up, two burly men armed with large cleavers. This will get bloody for sure.