View Full Version : Wolhoza: The Dark Land IC

2011-02-01, 12:21 AM
Birds were chirping in the sun-drenched trees at the clearing where Mikael Dimir decided to park his caravan upon his wife's demand for "A nice piknik". As Caravan Master, it was his duty to ensure that all goods and passengers got to their proper destinations, and a lot of the time it was a tough job, even without his wife's insistence on unnecessary stops. He sighed as he sat down on a red and gray rock behind one of the wagons to write in his logbook:

Log 6-2-1010
Been a week since we were set upon by the local banditry when going to Folyó Sziget from Prag. Since the attack, we had to replace some of our guards, temporarily, so we agreed to take on some extra travelers 'long the way; and a weird bunch of travelers at that. First, in ßastarnam, we encountered a man wearing the most fancy suit of armor I've ever laid my eyes on, but he carried no proper weapon that I could see; he said his name was "Joran" and that he was looking for some sort of work. Second, one of them magic-workers caught up to us just outside ßastarnam, said he wished to join us and that he offers his services as a Warlock; I'll use him as a guard then.... I wonder what's with that bag of straw he always carries around? Third, we bumped into a capable-looking traveler just outside of Costobo who mostly keeps to himself, he offered his service as a guard though so we might as well keep him along. Finally, after resupplying a bit in Costobo, we found a drunkard laying by the side of the road, when we finally woke him up, he demanded we take him to the nearest tavern and/or brewery... I guess that means we're stuck with him until we get to Guravaii, then we'll ditch him.

After finishing his entry, the scruffy, late-middle-aged man closed his logbook and put it into one of his trouser pockets (the one without the hole). The "piknik" had fallen relatively silent; everyone was listening to the breaking of branches and the rustling of leaves that could suddenly be heard. The sounds were still a fair distance from the caravan, perhaps 50-60 feet, just close enough to be heard through a light conversation, it's difficult to discern whether the sound is getting closer or not. Is someone or something approaching the parked caravan?

2011-02-01, 01:13 AM
Korent Yegar

Korent either ignored the sound, or never noticed it to begin with, still munching away on some trail food and nursing his tankard. Had to be slow now, he was running low on his booze. He quickly gulped down the last of his food and walked over to good old Mikael. Grunting, he sat down next to him and threw an arm over his shoulders. “Hey mikky, you know your wife is hot stuff? Very nice, Haha. I would not mind giving someone like her good time.” He gave Mikael a lecherous wink, his foul breath mingling with his body odor in their close proximity, then slapped him hard on the back. “I joke! I’ve seen better, haha! Is funny yes?” He chuckled into his tankard as he took a quick gulp.

2011-02-01, 02:16 AM
Velek was sitting alone, as he often did, eating some of his trail rations. That's when he heard the rustling. "Probably just an animal.." he thought at first, but then he remembers he's part of a caravan, and it could be possible for that noise to be highwaymen. He stands up, and points his right ear in the direction of the noise, cuffing his ear with his hand, trying to see if he tell if it's coming closer.

OOC: I get a +1 to listen checks.

2011-02-01, 08:02 AM
Joran sighed. It had already been a long day, and he was beginning to tire, ot to mention become slightly irritated with the others on the caravan.
What is it," he muttered, "About poorly equipped merchant caravans that makes people attack them?," Picking up his shields, Joran clunked over to stand between the caravan and the sounds.
He cocked his head, mentally calling upon his god to allow him to see those who had evil in their hearts.
Activating detect evil.

2011-02-01, 10:15 AM
OCC: Detect evil will be messed up by local sources if any.

After taking a leak in the woods just behind the caravan, Nicoli opened his bag with the straw in it. "How are you doing in there Feildguard?" he asks to the burlap sack. He head the noise, but in all reality, if any one came near him, they will be a pile of corpses soon anyways. He chuckled at this thought.

Nicoli was uneasy about the party they were traveling with. The hunter seemed down to earth, but the drunkard is a pitiful sight at best. The man with the two shields is.. interesting. He would be nice to hide behind when the fighting starts..

Fable Wright
2011-02-01, 03:53 PM
I Do Not Understand The Question. I Am Intact, And Have Remained So. Why Do You Keep Asking If I Am "Alright"? The faceless head in the sack replies somehow, despite his lack of a mouth.

2011-02-01, 04:42 PM
Nicoli smiles,
"Thats good to hear my friend."
He packs up the strange being in his sack and walks back to the group.

2011-02-01, 05:19 PM
Velek got a 15 for the listen check. Velek was able to determine the source of the noise is 5-10 dogs moving, in wide arcs, closer to the caravan. Obviously, Joran detects no evil.

Mikael, obviously not amused by Korent, jabs him in the ribs. "Shut up you idiot!" He whispers harshly. "There could be bandits out there!" Mikael grabs a spear from one of the wagons, as the only remaining caravan guard, Ernest Doriscu, begins making his way towards the edge of the woods near the source of the sound.

2011-02-01, 06:10 PM
"I doubt it," Joran calls, "If there were bandits, I'd be able to sense them,"
The other travelers seemed to almost be as odd as he was. (His order was known among other things as unsubtle, drunken idiots. They were generally wrong about their intelligence and how subtlety of the order. How paladinlike.) There was the spellcaster, who Joran would dearly like to smack across the head for his obious sins, the hunter kept to himself (probably hiding from something), and then there was the drunk, who Joran found to be somewhat distasteful.

It never hurts to check.
Edit-> Fixed. I'm assuming he still is somewhat sinister, though. Also, Joran is rather fond of the nonlethal thump on the head for people he doesn't have to kill.

2011-02-01, 06:26 PM
It is not obvious that Nicoli is a warlock, most people think "Wizard" or "Sorcerer"

"Why does that one have a weapon ready?" Nicoli asks, obviously out of the loop.

2011-02-01, 07:20 PM
"It's dogs! bout 5 - 10 dogs, and there coming closer!" Velek shouts as he draws his bow. He nocks an arrow, and draws the strong bow back.

2011-02-01, 07:43 PM
Korent waved his free hand in a dismissive gesture. “Bah, we have no fear! There are many of us. But fight is good after meal. I will help.” Standing back up, he polished off the rest of his drink and securely tied the tankard to his belt. He then balled up his fists and performed a few jabs at the air, followed by an uppercut. “I punch good.” Grinning, he took on a sloppy fighting stance, swaying on his feet like he was drunk. A strong possibility, considering who Korent is.

Currently has 1 Alcoholic drink in him, so Korent has a +2 bonus to Strength, and a -2 penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom. This will last for 5 more rounds before he sobers up.

2011-02-01, 09:30 PM
Nicoli shrugs off his pack, and begins undoing the rope that binds his wrapped friend. "No one be alarmed," he says as he unravels the scarecrow-man, "He fights as I control him."

As Nicoli is unfolding the Fieldguard, he whispers to him "Time to shine my fearsome companion."

Chuckling to himself, he finishes preparing the six-legged "monstrosity" as some would call him. Unwrapping the dual scythes that have brought down so many, he waits for the Fieldguard to stand on his own.

Fable Wright
2011-02-01, 09:37 PM
As the lump of burlap falls out of the sack, a very peculiar thing happens. It begins to writhe and build upon itself, invisible twine on the inside of the wrappings forming around the bones of stick that hold him in a cohesive form. As the many-jointed limbs fall into place, the mass rises up, seemingly pulled by invisible strings, revealing the figure of a being like the cross between a centaur and a spider. Six arching, spiderlike legs are spaced around the body, and above them on the humanoid torso, four arms come from shoulders, gathering tension, waiting to strike. As they do so, the back two arms subtly grab the scythes, slowly bringing them around to face the front as the front arms grasp the upper half of the scythes. Now unfurled, silent, and otherworldly, the being stands as a sentinel, as a puppet waiting to be used, it's blank face staring with an omnisciently piercing look.

2011-02-01, 10:00 PM
Standing perfectly still, Nicoli bows his head and speaks two, slow, solemn words..
"Iuguolo Lemma"
The monster before him responded as if he had just been awoken by the magic phrase,

2011-02-01, 10:17 PM
Korent laughed out loud at the sight of the stick figure. “Hahaha! We fight! This not time to play with dollies!" Korent wobbled over to stand next to Nicoli and threw an arm around him. “You… Huh, don’t know you. Friend, I like you. We need drink, not doll.” Korent belched and gave Nicoli a hard slap on the back. “You understanding?”

2011-02-01, 10:24 PM
The pack of dogs is now within 15 feet of breaking into the clearing. Mikael uneasily clutches his spear, somewhat shaken at the sight of the Fieldguard. Ernest, not having seen the scarecrow contruct, simply readies his mace and shield while watching the dogs just feet away. A couple of old merchants and women have taken cover in the wagons.

2011-02-01, 10:28 PM
"He is more than a doll you simpleton."
Turning to the "doll" as his drunken companion has dubbed him, Nicoli says, in his most commanding voice, "Harrow! Reap their souls!" and throws his hands into the air,

2011-02-01, 10:38 PM
Velek could make out dark shapes in the forest. "Zalmox, guide my arrow to it's mark" he mutters as he releases a shot towards the figures with as much accuracy he can muster.

As the arrow leaves the bow, he immediately draws another, and prepares to noch it.

Initiative roll: 16 + 7 = 23

Attack rolls
1st attack: 11 + 12 - 4 = 19

2nd attack: 15 + 7 = 22

Damage rolls

1st shot: 1 + 4 = 5 damage

2nd shot: 4 + 4 = 8 damage

Fable Wright
2011-02-01, 10:51 PM
Harrow. The scarecrow repeats, turning to face the wolves. Reap.

Dashing across the field at an inhuman speed, his long, spindly legs dashing across the battlefield in a perfectly metered gallop, he pounces the first one and, with scythe in hand, tears open the wolf.

Making a charge at the nearest wolf. I can move 120ft, so it's not really a problem. Attack rolls:
[roll0]+7 <Power attacking for 6 on each scythe>

2011-02-01, 11:27 PM
Whoooaa, guys, Initiative first, attacking later xD
Lets assume that these two went for a sneak attack type deal.


2011-02-01, 11:31 PM
OOC: Kikaz said I could do that as an opportunity.

2011-02-01, 11:34 PM
Initiative Order So Far-
Velek- 23
Joran- 22
Fieldguard- 11
Nicoli- 8
Korent- 6

2011-02-01, 11:44 PM
As soon as he catches sight of the dogs Korent will perform his own charge, stumbling over to the closest unchallenged dog and punching it in the head.

Initiative: [roll0]
It’s a Staggering Charge, so I need to make a Tumble check with a DC of 15.
Tumble: [roll1]
Attack with fist:[roll2]
Damage if fist hits:[roll3]

2011-02-02, 08:17 AM
I shall roll initiative, then write in any actions.
So sorry for the delay, my internet died.
With a bellow, Joran charged foreward, locking both shields into place in front of his body. He wasn't a particularly fast runner, seeming to land fully on one foot before transitioning to the next.

Run, for 30ft. I assumed I wasn't close enough to the dogs yet to be within striking range.

2011-02-03, 05:16 AM
Velek's first arrow manages to bury itself into one of the wild dogs before it even made it into the clearing, however, the dog was not mortally wounded; this situation was remedied once the animal burst from the brush with Velek's second arrow welcoming the mangy animal into the grove via puncturing of the left eye, killing it instantly.

Upon the appearance of the second dog onto the melee ground of the clearing, Joran comes from what smells suspiciously like nowhere to show this dog his shield collection in a most painful manner. Joran's first shield connects solidly with the dog's ribcage, crunching a rib or two; his second attack places his shield between two of the canine's vertebrae, severing it's spine, causing it to collapse into a worthless pile of low-grade meat and dirty fur.
Attack Roll(1d20)+0:

Attack Roll(1d20)+6:

Damage Roll(1d20)+0:

Damage Roll(1d20)+6:

Ernest, who had been standing at the edge of the woods, swings at a third dog with his mace, just grazing it.
Damage Roll(1d6)+0:

Attack Roll(1d20)+5:

The entrance of the fourth dog is met promptly with engagement by the Fieldguard and a bloody death thereupon.

Dog three sees an opportunity for revenge against Ernest; it lunges at him, grabs his right bicep in it's teeth, and rips a new story for Ernest to share with his buddies at the pub. Damage Roll(1d4)+2:

Attack Roll(1d20)+0:

2011-02-04, 02:39 PM
Nicoli sees his opportunity to strike down the dog attacking the old caravaner.
He calls upon his ancient blood, points and shouts in a demonic sounding voice.
A ball of magic and fire rolls out of his hand and flies toward the dog.

Ranged Touch Attack for Eldritch Blast enhanced with Eldritch Chain

Damage roll if hit

If one other dog is within 30 feet, the spell arcs from one to the other:
Ranged Touch Attack for Eldritch Blast enhanced with Eldritch Chain

Damage roll if hit

2011-02-04, 04:51 PM
Nicoli's Eldritch blast finds the fifth dog and promptly arcs to the sixth, leaving two smoldering husks of "Man's best friends" on the leaf cluttered grass just a few feet from Mikael's position.

Korent's drunk version of a charge results in an odd twisting punch that connects with the right side of the seventh dog's head; surprisingly the blow creates enough of a whiplash to break the dog's neck, causing dog number seven to roll over and play dead for good.

Wild dog number 8 sneaks up on Ernest from his left flank, biting into his arm and giving him a nice wound to match the doings of the third dog.

2011-02-04, 06:33 PM
Velek sheaths his bow, and hurries in Ernest's direction

Move me 20ft towards Ernest.

2011-02-05, 01:39 AM
Korent laughed as his target crumbled, then turned back to yell at Mikael. "Haha! See! Nothings to be afraid of with Korent here." Still chuckling, Korent bent down and grabbed up the dogs body. He quickly slung it over his shoulder and started walking back over to the wagon containing his barrel.

Fable Wright
2011-02-05, 02:09 AM
Seeing more wolves, the faceless puppet closes in on them, silent and swift as the grave, swinging once more with the deathly axes.
Power attacking for 4 on the nearest two wolves. If there are no two adjacent wolves, I will move to a location where there are two and then attack them.


2011-02-08, 09:28 AM
Joran continued his charge into the wolves, doing his best to knock aside as many of them as possible.
Sorry about taking so long
Move and attack.


There we go, so sorry for my lapse of memory. Mea Culpa.

2011-02-08, 08:54 PM
Joran rushes Dog Three and smacks it firmly across the face twice with a shield; each strike opens the skull a little more, with the second shattering it and rendering the dog... well, not alive. Joran quickly makes it to nearby Dog Eight and executes a spinning maneuver that brings the edge of his shield down upon the middle of the canine's head with enough force to separate the right-side from the left.

With the minds of dog's three and eight thoroughly blown, the legacy of their wild dog pack is ended (and so is combat).

Fable Wright
2011-02-08, 09:00 PM
My Presence Is No Longer Needed. The scarecrow suddenly collapses into a loose pile of sticks, straw, and fabric, some of the features barely visible, while others were still somewhat distinguishable. The only thing that would remind an onlooker that this piece of cloth was an avatar of death would be the scythe clutched in an extremely loose hand, still fresh with blood.

2011-02-08, 09:01 PM
Velek moves to the dog he shot, and removes the arrows the animal; inspecting them, he finds no reason to not re-use them. He stuffs them back into his quiver. Velek returns to the spot he was occupying, and sits back down.

2011-02-08, 09:16 PM
Picking up the straw-body of his friend and tying together the limbs, Nicoli asks without looking "Are you alright Ernest? You seem to have a wound.."

2011-02-08, 09:29 PM
Korent threw the dog corpse into the back of the wagon and turned back to see that the fighting was over. He walked back over to the dog bodies and looked around at the defenders still gathered around. “I claim them if you do not want them, Yes? That good?”

2011-02-09, 06:22 PM
"Would you mind telling me, wizard," Joran says, turning to Nicoli, "What in the nine hells that was?"
The paladin sits down on the side of the road and begins to clean the blood off the sharpened edges of his shields.

2011-02-09, 06:45 PM
Korent shrugged. "Bah, no worries. One dog is enough." Korent walked over to Joran and squatted down next to him. "That, my friend, is doll. He say no, but it no matter how big or dangerous it is. Still doll." He leaned in closer and 'whispered', though there was little difference from his usual volume. “If you ask me, I think it little strange. Good to have, but strange.”

2011-02-09, 08:17 PM
Ernest, in response to Nicoli, says in a somewhat worried tone: "Well, let's just say I won't be turning down any tourniquets..."

2011-02-09, 09:09 PM
"A tourniquet will not be needed, Ernest. I can heal you," Joran finishes his work cleaning the edges of his shields to his satisfaction and walks over to the pair of them, slinging one of said shields behind his back.
6 points of lay on hands, if necessary.

2011-02-10, 01:13 PM
"Okay Mr. Joran, work your magic" says Ernest.

2011-02-11, 12:27 PM
After finishing wrapping up the Fieldguard, Nicoli turned to the shield bearing man and scoffed, "It is magic my good friend. And that magic killed the majority of the dogs, so it would be keen to show some respect."

2011-02-11, 01:08 PM
"I don't mind that it's magic, it's that it's magic fair macabe that I mind," Joran dropped his voice to a mutter as he finished the sentance.
He turned away from the spellcaster with a shake of his head, and placed a hand atop Ernest's wound, which sealed almost instantly.

2011-02-11, 07:41 PM
"To each his own I suppose.. Personally, I find the prospect of devoting my life to the pursuit of 'goodness', which is a relative term in the first place to be.. irresponsible." Nicoli states, kneeling next to Ernest and inspecting the healed wound.
"You have a knack for healing.. erm.. what was your name?"

2011-02-11, 08:40 PM
"Joran. How can you find the pursuit of helping society and generally being responsible irresponsible?" Joran says, with a slightly exasperated tone in his voice. Being a paladin did have sides that most people didn't think about, explaining your desire to aid all life to people who thought that compulsion to be unnatural among them. "Also, how can you consider goodness to be a relative term?" There was a faint tone of offense in Joran's voice.

Sorry about the odd smiley face, I have no idea where that came from.

2011-02-11, 08:46 PM
"Your empathy will get you killed my friend." Nicoli said, shaking his finger back and forth. Standing up off his knee, he stretched and sighed.

"And as for goodness being a relative term," Nicoli started, mulling over his thoughts in his head, obviously trying to pick the correct words for the situation, "If a village is attacked by raiders, is that evil?"

2011-02-12, 12:36 AM
Ernest, feeling more and more like an experiment for these magic-users than a human with each passing second, gets up and walks back to the caravan clutching his still slightly wounded arm (there were two wounded arms), whilst muttering to himself "damn sorcerers, come in here with their magic and their fancy clothes..."

2011-02-15, 06:44 PM
"If a village is attacked by raiders, that is not a question. That is the start of a question. I'm sure that was your ace in the hole, but there are better arguements for subjective morality out there," The paladin replied, a small hint of sarcasm in his voice. Let in never be said that paladins are above a good arguement, he thought to himself. Here we go again.

Sarcastic paladin! Yay!

2011-02-15, 09:54 PM
Nicoli smiled to himself, at least he had a sense of humor.

2011-02-15, 10:12 PM
Ernest found himself a spot in the rear wagon of the caravan, where he sat and wrapped up his arm with some cloth he had obtained from the withered old crone occupying it. Mikael had regained his composure and now stood on the lead wagon, "We be heading out in 5 minutes! I expect everyone to be ready by then, on to Guravaii!"

2011-02-15, 10:40 PM
Korent laughed out loud. "Yes! Women and wine for everybody!" He walked over to Mikael and elbowed him in the side. "Your treat, eh? EH! HAHAHA!" He then walked over to the wagon with his belongings and hopped aboard.

2011-02-15, 10:45 PM
Velek collected himself, and jumped aboard one of the many wagons. It was going to be awhile before they reached Guravaii, so he dosed off.

2011-02-15, 10:52 PM
Nicoli leap up onto the last car of the caravan and let his feet dangle off the edge. He was being extremely introverted and consumed by thought..

2011-02-16, 09:16 AM
Joran shrugged, stowed his remaining shield and climbed aboard the nearest cart of the caravan. He didn't particularaly care to talk.

2011-02-16, 10:30 PM
Mikael shook his head, disgusted with Korent, "Ahh, stupid bastard..."
He turned around, satisfied that all the caravan's members had been accounted for (or perhaps too exasperated to check) , and gave the order to move.

The caravan moved along the road alongside the Tyraden River at a brisk pace. There was little sound throughout the rest of the day, save for the battling of rodents and singing of birds and the occasional cough or minor announcement from Mikael. Though it was daylight, it was still quite dark on the road, putting the caravan in a state of much higher vigilance. The forest had grown a canopy over much of the road, thus lending cover to any ne'er-do-well who seeks to use it. Twilight came uneventfully; Mikael announced that it was time to set up camp, "we should reach Guravaii this time tomorrow" he added in a somewhat worried voice, "if the damn forest doesn't eat us." His worry was somewhat understandable. The forest had become rife with sound, be it wolves in the distance or any unknown beast scavenging a meal, the noise of fauna was everywhere. Over the nearby boggy lowland part of the river, hung a single Will-o-the-Wisp, which quickly darted over the horizon as the travelers finished up their campsite.

2011-02-16, 10:55 PM
"Mikael, I'll take sentry duty for tonight." he said in an assured voice.
Because Velek had slept during the ride, he was more than prepared to take on sentry duty for most of the night. However, it had been awhile since he had eaten, so he took a piece of dried meat from his satchel.

2011-02-16, 11:35 PM
"No need my good sir, we have my dear puppet here to overlook our camp why we sleep." Nicoli announced, after that, he simply gathered his belongings and sat it down next to where the fire will be started. He waltzed out to the woods with nothing but his backpack with the funny-looking straw-man. After collecting a few twigs and other forms of tinder from the forest, he reached down and opened the bag,

2011-02-17, 02:39 AM
"Forgive my saying so, but, I'm not about to leave the camp's safety to you, or your scarecrow. I'm staying up." Velek sternly put.

"Besides, we'll need someone with a mouth to shout when there are brigands" Said in a matter-of-fact tone.

2011-02-17, 03:03 AM
Korent, who was sitting on his barrel eating his own meal, burst out laughing, spitting half chewed jerky all over. But not thankfully spilling any of his precious ale, or whatever alcoholic drink it was. He forgets sometimes. “Haha! What? Brigands?! Bah! No worries! With me here, all is safe! Any show up, I punch them and steal wife! HAHA!!” He made to jump up, but poor coordination saw him falling backward over his barrel, hitting his head but more to his infinite horror spilling his ale all over himself. He muttered obscenities as he picked himself up and glared at his now empty tankard. He suddenly stopped and stiffed his shirt, then laughed again. “Ah, is wine. Now I remembers. Hehe.” He sat back down on his barrel and fished around in his pockets for any more morsels of food he could find.

2011-02-17, 03:54 AM
Pointing at the drunkard "Another reason why I need to stay awake."

2011-02-17, 12:21 PM
"Suit yourself.", Nicoli says in a dark tone and leaves earshot of the camp. and asks the shapeless sack of straw, "How would you feel about watching over us tonight?"

I reposted and deleted the last time I said '"How would you feel about watching over us tonight?", Nicoli asked the sack of shapeless straw.' so the Fieldguard can at least respond

Fable Wright
2011-02-17, 02:21 PM
I Have Nothing Else Useful To Do. I Shall Watch. says the sack, seeing through the burlap around him, using it as his eyes.

2011-02-17, 10:14 PM
No no my friend, you may walk about if you wish.. Nicoli stated, obviously puzzled.

2011-02-19, 12:18 PM
Pointing at the drunkard "Another reason why I need to stay awake."
"Indeed." Joran nodded. Trusting the rest of this rather morally...shaky group might not be the best of ideas.

2011-02-19, 06:26 PM
Mikael bade everyone a good night before retiring to his wagon. Ernest decided to take a night off and set up a lean-to a few feet from the fire.The night passed slowly, as sleep came easy to no one. Hoots, howls and all manner of growls could be heard amongst the obscuring trunks; and at one point during the night, raccoons had found their way into a wagon and gotten into some food, before being ousted by the wagon's occupants. Finally, morning came after what seemed an eternity.

2011-02-20, 05:16 PM
Korent belched and groaned as he woke up in the dirt. "Ugggggaaaahhh! Nothing like nap to work up thirst! Anybody have a drink?" Scratching himself, he walked over to Mikael. "Hey Mikael! Can I have some wine? I pay back later, yes?" He spoke in his usual bellow, seemingly unperturbed by any hangover he may have.

2011-02-20, 06:56 PM
Nicoli awoke, looked at his friend laying in his sack and sighed. "You are a strange one my friend.." he thought to himself silently. He yawned, he stretched, and he packed up his bedroll. No one seemed particularily chatty except for the drunk.

"Why do you drink so early in the morning my good fellow?" Nicoli asked,

2011-02-20, 07:06 PM
Joran dragged himself back to conciousness, and, after blinking rigorously for a few minutes, made his way over to Korent and Nicoli, just in time to hear Nicoli's quesion.
"Because he is Korent," The paladin responded, "He doubts, therefore he thinks, therefore he drinks, and therefore he doesn't doubt. He never gets to the phase about existing,"

2011-02-20, 07:27 PM
"Well now, right out of bed and giving our philosphical advice are we?" Nicoli snarkily questioned with a smirk on his face.

2011-02-20, 08:04 PM
"That? That wasn't philosophy. That was just truth tht sounded similar," Joran, paladin though he might be, was definitely not all that uptight.
His old master has discouraged that.

2011-02-20, 08:39 PM
Korent grumbled and waved them off. “Bah!” He was more concerned with wrapping his barrel in rope, to pick it up easier. “I drink cause drink. Good enough.” Crouching down, he put his back to the barrel and pulled the ropes around his shoulders. Giving them a test pull, he stood up while pulling the barrel to his back. He swayed a bit, almost falling over backward, but eventually steadied himself as he walked over to a wagon to load his barrel up on it.

2011-02-20, 10:01 PM
Mikael, still groggy after being awakened from pseudo-sleep by Korent, slipped down from his wagon and walked over to the campfire wear he poured himself some hot water from the pot, presumably to make himself some coffee. He mumbled under his breath as he poured.

2011-02-21, 01:38 PM
Nicoli shrugged and walked away in the middle of Joran's sentence.

2011-02-21, 05:31 PM
Joran shrugged.
"Why do I bother?" He muttered.

2011-02-22, 11:28 PM
Mikael, finally gathering himself after some coffee, announced: "okay! I expect everyone to be ready within fifteen minutes! Wake up everyone who's still sleeping!"

2011-02-23, 12:38 AM
Korent clapped his hands. "Ah, this something I can do!" He proceded to walk around and belt out a sloppy drinking song at the top of his lungs.

OCC rolls:
Perform check for singing? [roll0]

2011-02-24, 12:18 AM
After washing up a bit in a nearby stream, Velek donned his clothing and armor, and prepared to continue on his journey with the Caravan.

2011-02-24, 12:36 AM
As Korent drunkenly rocked forth and firth, an aural hell had descended upon the half- packed up camp, the source of which appeared to be Korent's vocal cords. Ernest had awoken, as had everyone who was sleeping, for only the dead could sleep through such off-key and incoherent shouting. Everyone in the caravan who had happened to be wearing a smile was now wearing a scowl, a scowl that would frighten Death in some cases; and they were all glaring at Korent...
A -2 for being drunk and a -2 for, well having no skill (perform) :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-24, 12:39 AM
Nicoli walked over to the drunkard and put one hand on his shoulder, the other, firmly planted on his face in shame. He didnt hate the man for being different, but singing like a disemboweled goose was going to get himself killed in the right tavern. Hell, even out in the woods if another animal took it as a threat or some sort of mating call.
"Stop.. Please, just stop." Nicoli pleaded.

2011-02-24, 01:28 AM
Korent stopped and chuckeled. "If you say so friend. I was pretty good eh? HAHA!" He then walked over to his own wagon and hopped up to sit on his barrel. "What are we waiting on? Let us be off."

2011-02-24, 01:31 AM
"Yes, before the quiet one with the bow decides to do a jig," Nicoli chuckles.

2011-02-24, 03:30 AM
After everyone packed up, the caravan began to move again. They were a bit more at ease than they had been throughout the previous day; many of the large deciduous trees that had eclipsed light from the road had been replaced a bit on one side by conifers and a low cliff on the side adjacent to the river, as they slowly gained altitude. Through most of the day, a relaxing drizzle descended from the misty heavens, though it cut out after a few hours. Around dusk, feminine human screams could be heard far off into the distance; of course, many of the travelers were quite alarmed by this, Mikael however, simply looked back and shouted "Ah! Hear that? That means we're getting close to Guravaii!" Sure enough, the silhouette of a town wall could be seen at the apparent crest of the hill.

2011-02-24, 03:59 AM
""Seems like a dark town." Nicoli somberly states,

"Sounds like you may be able to get some liquor and women here huh?" He nudges the drunk, chuckling as he does. He then turns to the driver and yells, "How much further to the town?"

2011-02-24, 04:06 AM
"Cities are just collective rabbles of honor-less men. They give into carnal pleasures. They betray their friends, and even family, for lucrative business." He states with a squalor in his tone.

"It's their kind that led to the Empire." he broods, hinting at some past conflicts.

2011-02-24, 04:12 AM
"Thus is man!" Nicoli shrugs, "Dirty swine, every one of them. I find it exhilerating,"

2011-02-24, 04:17 AM
"I do not know about you, but I was raised with five principles to guide me in life. The first one was Honor."

He glances at the magick weaver

2011-02-24, 04:28 AM
"I was raised with the laws of nature. Survival of the fittest. Everything else dies." Nicoli says, staring straight ahead. He grabs the glass from the drunkard and takes a swig. He makes a face and gives it back.

2011-02-24, 04:37 AM
"We have a word for your kind: Irios." Velek then turns his attention to the landscape.

2011-02-24, 04:39 AM
"And I yours," Nicoli responds

2011-02-24, 04:05 PM
The driver says you're about a half mile from Guravaii.

2011-02-24, 04:12 PM
The driver says you're about a half mile from Guravaii.

2011-02-28, 07:35 PM
The caravan arrives at the gates of Guravaii at twilight. Quite strangely, there are no guards... Mikael says: "**** it, we'll just go right on in." The caravan arrives at the nearby inn (Caskau's Inn is the name), but something seems off... there is shouting going on inside, and there are a couple of people standing outside. Across the street from the inn is a makeshift structure; either a rundown food-stand or a tramp's house, it's difficult to tell which. The torches on either street corner are left unlit, allowing the darkness to creep into the area. You can see that other street torches around town have been lit and there are some folk wandering about. "I don't like this" says Ernest.

2011-02-28, 09:56 PM
"Well that sucks.." Nicoli says, almost solemnly, a bit sarcastic though.

2011-02-28, 10:01 PM
"be on your guard, something doesn't feel right..." Velek warns everyone.

2011-02-28, 10:26 PM
"No, this seems perfectly fine, riots in a tavern are nothing to worry about," Joran says in a deadpan. "I mean really, there isn't anything for me and my kind to do, what with people always behaving themselves,"
Joran grabs both of his bladed shield from his back, and hopped of the cart with a sigh. Another town, another area of complete anarchy. Joran didn't bother to check for the presence of evil, in a town, there was always evil. You just couldn't smite it like it deserved.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? He mused to himself. Me.

2011-03-01, 12:50 AM
"How many towns do you know that have no guards posted on gate sentry. I didn't see any on the walls, either."

2011-03-01, 01:19 AM
"Its because this town is in turmoil." says Nicoli

2011-03-01, 01:38 AM
"That's out of the ordinary. The Empire usually holds the cities and towns under their iron grip."

2011-03-01, 01:42 AM
"Exactly.." He states matter of factly.

2011-03-01, 01:46 AM
"Depending on who's in charge right now, we could be in a lot of danger." Velek Says.

"It would be better if we had some idea of what was going on around here. Maybe someone could scout ahead while the caravan finds somewhere to keep safe?"

2011-03-01, 09:28 AM
"By nature of our jobs, we're always in danger," Joran muttered, "That'd be a good idea, though, Velek. Should we just go ahead with that?"

2011-03-01, 04:55 PM
The sound of breaking glass can be heard from the inn; the shouting continues.
"What the hell is going on in there?" says Mikael.

2011-03-01, 07:38 PM
Korent laughed. "Is good times! I like. Maybe we go and join in, Eh?" He looked ready to leap off of the cart and make a mad dash to the tavern.

2011-03-01, 08:41 PM
Oh, dear gods above, I'm agreeing with the drunk. Joran thought. What next? Will I be saying the wizard isn't so bad?
"As odd as it sounds, I agree with Korrent," Joran said, mentally bemoaning the target he was exposing to the (clearly demon-influenced) spellcaster. "We have a duty to prevent people from getting hurt...more, at the very least," He scans his companions; a drunk, a mysterious archer, an obscenely deadly sack of straw, an incompetant caravan guard and the wizard, and sighs.
"Well, I do at least,"

2011-03-01, 09:33 PM
"Hey, you check out the bar, I'll scout around town for a little while. I'll meet everyone back here, in the bar." Velek Says.

Fable Wright
2011-03-02, 12:37 AM
Seeing Nicoli moving in towards the bar, a sack of straw with a couple of sticks poking out begins tumbling after him, like some rather bizzare species of tumbleweed, propelled around Nicoli by some ethereal wind...

2011-03-02, 02:06 AM
Can I carry the scarecrow?

2011-03-02, 03:12 AM
Can I carry the scarecrow?

Certainly. But it would appear the scarecrow wants to walk-errr... tumble.

2011-03-02, 09:08 AM
"Come here my friend, there is no need to roll. You can watch my back.." He whispers while picking up the lump of straw. He then walks purposefully to his destination, not really too worried about the ruffians and thieves. After all, he had his friend watching for him, and of course he could kill any one of these cretins.

2011-03-02, 09:57 AM
Velek pulls his hood over his head, and shrouds himself completely in his cloak, which was the color of the midnight sky. He makes himself look as inconspicuous as possible, and then turns away from the caravan, making his way South, down the street. All the while, he is constantly looking about, and keeping alert for any signs that can tell him of the going ons of this town.

OOC: Is it daytime or night?


24 for spot

8 for listen

2011-03-02, 11:04 PM
Velek pulls his hood over his head, and shrouds himself completely in his cloak, which was the color of the midnight sky. He makes himself look as inconspicuous as possible, and then turns away from the caravan, making his way South, down the street. All the while, he is constantly looking about, and keeping alert for any signs that can tell him of the going ons of this town.

OOC: Is it daytime or night?


24 for spot

8 for listen

OOC: It is getting quite a bit nighty out.

Looking south from the first crossroads, Velek sees a few townspeople in the immediate vicinity. There are a few prostitutes and several homeless people. It seems like every other house is empty; either that or the people simply can't or don't light their homes after dark. There are a few dark alleys, probably containing vagrants (he sees a crate home). Ahead, just past the next crossroads, he sees two guards heading North along the right sight of the road (Velek's right); they're wearing studded leather, hardened leather helmets with nasal guards, and leather boots and gloves, they each have longswords, a shield of some description on their backs and one has a torch while the other is wearing a burgundy Tyraden tabbard with the symbol of Guravaii on it. The streets ahead are pretty well lit, albeit spottily; if Velek continues south, the guards will probably see him, but if he keeps his distance, they may take him for a common vagrant. In Velek's current position, there is an alley on the other side of the street and a hovel, with what would appear to be an empty store at the bottom, on Velek's side (the right, Velek's right).

Ahead of Velek, he hears the distant whispering of what he may assume to be the various vagrants; behind him, he hears the shouting from the inn and what sounds like two men chuckling.

Symbol of Guravaii: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/4835/guravaiisymbol.png

2011-03-03, 09:06 AM
OOC: It is getting quite a bit nighty out.

Looking south from the first crossroads, Velek sees a few townspeople in the immediate vicinity. There are a few prostitutes and several homeless people. It seems like every other house is empty; either that or the people simply can't or don't light their homes after dark. There are a few dark alleys, probably containing vagrants (he sees a crate home). Ahead, just past the next crossroads, he sees two guards heading North along the right sight of the road (Velek's right); they're wearing studded leather, hardened leather helmets with nasal guards, and leather boots and gloves, they each have longswords, a shield of some description on their backs and one has a torch while the other is wearing a burgundy Tyraden tabbard with the symbol of Guravaii on it. The streets ahead are pretty well lit, albeit spottily; if Velek continues south, the guards will probably see him, but if he keeps his distance, they may take him for a common vagrant. In Velek's current position, there is an alley on the other side of the street and a hovel, with what would appear to be an empty store at the bottom, on Velek's side (the right, Velek's right).

Ahead of Velek, he hears the distant whispering of what he may assume to be the various vagrants; behind him, he hears the shouting from the inn and what sounds like two men chuckling.

Symbol of Guravaii: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/4835/guravaiisymbol.png

Velek decides to investigate the empty store that is to his right, and makes his way, remaining ever vigilant as he goes.

18 spot

13 listen

2011-03-03, 11:12 AM
Joran shurgs, causing a cacaphony of clanking noises, and joins Nicoli in the bar. Somebody has to keep track of him. He mused to himself.

2011-03-03, 12:14 PM
Nicoli sits at the bar, trying to get a handle on the situation of the town through rumors over heard and suspicious behavior.


And if THAT doesnt work..

Nicoli simply walks about the bar, asking questions about the town.

Gather Information

Really? Weird rolls..

Fable Wright
2011-03-03, 02:22 PM
The scarecrow, ever vigilant, keeps watch through the bag...

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-03-03, 10:02 PM
As Nicoli strolls briskly through the front door, the guards who were posted outside were still quite well distracted by the hooker they were entertaining themselves with; however, Joran's clanging armor alerted them to the presence of intruders. "Hey, stop!" one of them shouted after him, but he continued on into the inn. Meanwhile, inside the inn, Nicoli strides up to the now rather bloody counter where Governor Novrak was preoccupied with beating teeth out of the proprietor whilst shouting "You see what happens when you deny taxes to your humble Governor for six months in a row!? Everything you own belongs to me now, and you're going to rot in a cell once I'm through with you!"

Finally alerted to the presence of intruders by the call of the guards as Joran walked in, Governor Novrak looks up and sees a rather detached looking Nicoli taking a seat at the counter, "What in the...?" Novrak says as Joran moves towards a seat next to him. He laughs at this ludicrous situation as the two guards from outside file in to close off the front door, four more guards make their way down from upstairs. "I don't know who either of you are, but I'd like to introduce you fools to the Marshal," he points to his left as a massive, plate-mail wearing, glowing sword wielding man steps out of one of the backrooms "he LOVES dealing with situations like this!" Kaskau, laying on the counter, tilts his head back to look at the new arrivals, "Get out of here! Take the back door!" he gurgles as he points to a door to the left of the counter. It will only be a few seconds before either the guards, the marshal, or the governor obstruct this door.

Governor Novrak and the marshal draw their swords, the guards already have their weapons ready. The Scarecrow is able to see the two guards behind Nicoli, at the door readying their maces while holding up their shields.

You guys should be more careful :smallbiggrin:

As Velek steps into the store, a few rats scurry away into the darkness. Of what Velek can see, the shelves are quite bare, save for a few morsels of moldy food. Velek can hear the scurrying around of what sounds like more rats in the darkness.

2011-03-03, 10:26 PM
Velek searches. Carefully, he looks for some evidence that may give idea as to what is going one in town. All the while he tries to maintain alertness.

Search: 16

Spot: 23

Listen: 13

2011-03-04, 01:26 PM
Nicoli, straight faced and serious as death, lifted his shoulders, dropping the sack with two scythes from his back, freeing his friend. Pulling out his ornate whip and lifting his hand, he shouts in a terrifying dark speech. A purple, red, and white blast comes from his hand, flying across the room at the guard's weapon.

Eldritch Blast with Chain and Hammer Blast directed at the head guard, then his friend next to him (if applicable). Only archs to one other weapon.
Attack On First Weapon

Attack On Second Weapon


2011-03-04, 02:00 PM
"Before we start killing each other, can I ask what we did? Unless in this town, sitting down for a drink is a crime," Joran says. For once, Joran thought, It would be nice to go through a day without having to kill somebody.
Inside, the paladin was desprately trying to suppress the desire to kill the governor for using the law for what appeared to be his own ends. For the god's sake, taxes were a necessary evil, not protection money! He thought. Although it could just be simple tax evasion, heaven knew, people did that.
Then Nicoli started his magical barrage and freed his construct-scarecrow-death-machine-thing. Joran sighed to himself, and called on the gifts of his god that allowed him to see the contents of men's hearts.
I shall post the rest of my actions, with attack rolls in the OOC thread, pending the results of his detect evil ability.

2011-03-06, 10:31 PM
As Velek walks slowly through the vacant shop, he hears his footstep change to a soft hollow *thud* as he steps on a square of carpeting in the back-right corner. He lifts the carpeting to see that the cause of the odd sound was a rather small trapdoor, just big enough to squeeze through. The trapdoor only has a small latch and no lock.

"Your fate has been sealed by your foolish interloping!" exclaims the Governor. There is presence of evil, the two entities before you (Marshal, Governor) emanate a moderately evil aura for they are quite corrupt individuals.

The Marshal's eye's widen with rage as his beloved Claymore of Flames crumbles in his hands, but before Nicoli's bolt of sundering magic reaches Governor Novrak's blade-13+7 = 20 > 19 (1d8 damage=8) -he plunges it into Nicoli's torso, luckily missing vital organs, it disintegrates as he removes it.

2011-03-07, 12:06 AM
Could you make a map so I can see where everyone is?


Nicoli strikes the same target as before in order to further break the weapon. His chained attack hits the man who struck him

Eldritch blast + chain + hammer blast

Attack weapon

Attack man

2011-03-07, 01:22 AM
Could you make a map so I can see where everyone is?


Nicoli strikes the same target as before in order to further break the weapon. His chained attack hits the man who struck him

Eldritch blast + chain + hammer blast

Attack weapon

Attack man

Your description of Nicoli's actions did a -><-

Map in the works