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View Full Version : Role-Playing or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Myself

Innis Cabal
2011-02-01, 09:34 AM
I’ve seen a few threads on what exactly role-play is and if they are in fact doing it correctly. Opinions vary of course on exactly what role-playing is and what it’s meant to accomplish if it’s even meant to accomplish anything at all. While this is meant to be a fairly long winded look at what some call a hobby, others a pass time, I will use some commonly accepted contractions to ease the writing on myself and reading load on everyone else. Role-play (RP from here on) has roots from all over society, stretching a great way back into human antiquity. The term was originally created to refer to a methodology devised by Social Sciences to look at societal roles that existed in a frame of reference outside society itself to further study and understand their interaction and evolution. These methods were derived from Theatre where actors take on the role of another and act it out on stage to convey messages either subtle or direct to an audience through a public venue. Such RP is referred to as acting, but the two are often times one in the same, the roots of such activity can be traced back as far as 2 million BCE. The military has also used the term RP to refer to staged war games and simulations. These simulations (sims) today can be enjoyed through various flight Sims and even the modern video game by non-military personnel in the entertainment market.

Commercial RP has its roots in the Pen and Paper market, but in recent times has swelled into a much larger market including LARPS and as mentioned above Video Games. Most forumites are familiar with this category of RP avenues through various games such as Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) or computer games. Many theories and philosophies exist to hammer a round peg into a square hole into so to speak on why RP as an entertainment avenue exists and how it reflects on the person. I have no such wish to make an over broad philosophy on the evolution or the mindsets of those who choose to RP or even claim that RPing is the intent and sole function of any such titled game. Instead, I seek to look at the varied facets of RP as an outsider looking in to perhaps clarify the mindsets I myself have encountered to aid those new to the scene or simply wishing to waste a little time reading some common tripe.

Is This RP? Am I Doing It Well?

The question that prompted this long winded post, “Is this RP?” is truly opening a bag of worms though I suppose the start is the best place to open such a broad and open ended question. If one were to look at the term RP as simple playing a role, then one could simply reply that we RP every day when we deal with other people or even ourselves. To answer this question in such a manner, while correct and perhaps applicable in various situations, is only the foundation of the heart and soul of the matter here detailed. RP varies by the medium in which one does the deed as well as the people who you interact with. When RPing one must first agree with those engaged what the goal of the exercise is to meet the wants and desires of all involved. While it is fully possible for a group to RP with differing goals with a positive outcome for all, the chances there will be dissent remains high with hurt feelings and lack enjoyment as the best possible outcome to full blown arguments and resentment as the worst. Physical Violence is also a threat but on a miniscule level and dependent on the coping abilities of those present to disappointment. To find a happy medium between all involved it is best to discuss with your fellow players exactly what they wish out of the experience and should disagreements crop up to hammer them out in a peaceful manner until all are satisfied with the direction of the events to be taking place.

As there are many fish in the sea, so too is there a wide variety of RPers. It is never safe to assume that another person is RPing for the same reason you are. RPing is a social event regardless of how you go about it and no matter the number of people involved. It is always wise to keep in mind that others may not agree with your style of RP while others find it hostile and degrading to their own concepts of the activity. As in all social events, when dealing with even a small group of people it is never wise to anger the majority to a point where they feel steps must be taken to ensure you no longer disrupt their lives further. Be respectful of others in an RP community as you would anyone on the street or in your local city, town or even your own home. In so saying, even if others do not feel what you are doing is RP for whatever reason that is no reason to compromise your personal philosophy. If a given community feels you are disrupting them then move on to a community that respects and appreciates your time and effort. Just as your own style is unique to yourself, there will be plenty others who agree with your style and accept you for who you are without you having to change to fit in. In essence you must be yourself regardless of what a larger community demands of you without repentance.

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

As mentioned, the variety of RPers is the spice of life in the activity which creates a diverse and often times disagreeable base to operate from whether good or bad. Below is a sampling of the variety of various “archetypes” of the RP community but they are in no way the only “archetypes” in said community, or even a cookie cutter for the “archetype” as written. It is wholly possible to exist in several catagories listed or none at all.

Wish Fulfillment: One of the most common styles of RPing and easily one of the most dividing in a great deal of the community by merit of the extremes in which the style exists. Many Wish Fulfillment RPers seek to leave their common lives behind and take on the persona of a great warrior or other powerful entity for a time and immerse themselves in a world they only wish they were a part of. Opinions vary on this style from acceptance to outright hostility depending on the RP in question. Wish Fulfillment RP can be a healthy activity but can also tread the line of unacceptable in many circles depending on just how big your wish and desire for fulfillment can be. More on this topic below under the I Am the Son of Mayong Mistmoore, Maybe You’ve Heard of Me?

Social Analysis: Another common category is the Social Analyst. These RPers seek to take on a role they themselves do not function within, a mindset they do not share or a general lifestyle they do not apply to in order to understand it better. Social Analysts RP to understand not only themselves but to understand others as well. Social Analysts can often come across as snobbish to various other RPers due to a perceived “Scientific Establishment” of their craft. Others take the Social Analyst as a joke, feeling that RP at its base is purely entertainment can cannot teach or be studied as an academic pastime.

Pure Entertainment: Easily the most common category of RP and perhaps the easiest to sum up. These people RP because they enjoy it with no deeper desire other than doing something fun. The level of investment or lack thereof varies as does the RPer himself.

Boredom: While not common, some RP for the sheer boredom they experience when playing online games or in general life. RPers that play out of Boredom generally fall within the Pure Entertainment categories or the Trolling Categories depending on how they go about the activity.

Trolling: Trolling RP is more common on social media sites and online games due to the anonymity provided by such avenues. These RPers seek to poke fun or outright harass the community they find themselves in for personal reasons or as above simple boredom. While at its roots the Troll RP is born from satire

I Play Gateways: The Opening, Ya…You’ve Probably Never Heard of It

A common criticism in the RP community is snobbery created by various play styles. It is easy for one to view their methodology of RPing as the “Right” way and everyone else as inferior or abrasive. The criticism is sadly well aimed by those on the outside looking in due to various reasons. Such snobbery comes about in several distinct and often times abrasive ways. While the terms below are by no means codified I find they sum up the mentality quite well. They, like above, are not the only pitfalls in the RP community and in no way reflect the opinions of the writer.

“The Hipster”: This person only plays the most obscure of RPG’s (Role Playing Games) and generally only enjoys something if it’s as far off mainstream as possible all the while shoving such into the faces of those he or she feels has bought in to the corporate monolith that’s “killing the genre”. Such players are rarely enjoyable to be around due to a supposed superiority over other players and attempt to drag the conversation or activity to how they are not playing what they feel is a better game or performing a better activity.

“The Edition Purist”: This person feels that their favored edition is the pinnacle of gaming and anything that comes after it is simple garbage. Every discussion ever brought up with this person devolves into a long winded rant on how things were better when their edition was the newest and how nothing good can ever follow and that the newest edition is going to “kill the franchise”. Often times brutish, the Edition Purist refuses to accept the good in anything other then what they hold as the Gamer Bible and appear to all outside the community as an oafish and intolerant hostile entity that splits the community when in reality they are often times a vocal minority and do not display any community as a whole.

“The Optimist”: The Optimist only has fun when every activity is done at the fullest output with the least amount of effort and time. They forsake needless conversation, skip every side quest and ignore all other “needless additions” such as story and plot so they can reach the end and be the victor. It is the sole defining feature of their character and the only important aspect of anyone else in the party or community they are a part of. Anyone who wastes their time with other “needless additions” is viewed with varied levels of scorn from simple mocking to outright verbal abuse.

“The Philosopher”: This player feels that every action must be codified into some grand perception as they see the world. The Philosopher often mingles the line with the Preacher, demanding all actions and events in a game have a rhyme and rhythm to their actions. Purple arrow fletching must have a reason for being purple while the peasant who complains about taxation must be a metaphor for Community China. The classic “A Cigar is sometimes just a Cigar” scenario never enters into their minds and quickly drags play down into hours of discussion which many other players might not wish to be involved in.

“The Preacher”: This player sees the world in Black and White soley based on their world experiences with little to no desire to look at the Grey that might exist or the outlook of another. Reasons vary on why this is but the most common is similar to the Edition Purist. The Preacher feels that his outlook is the only correct outlook and all others pale in comparison or simply cannot explain a situation well enough for him to accept. They will argue with other players or members of the community about their activates and will at all costs demand the world and role they are playing in adhere to their outlook regardless of if it is practical or not.

I Am the Son of Mayong Mistmoore, Maybe You’ve Heard of Me?

Despite saying that RP is in and of itself an inherently personal activity with no real way to go about it incorrectly if you find the right community, there are steps which one can take that will help you be accepted into a community even if your goals for RP are different.

Don’t make up your own lore or “I’m the Lich King Honest”: While everyone wants to be someone special sometimes, it is wise to remain internally consistent with the world in which you play. If the DM says there are no Chaotic Good Drow then there are no Chaotic Good Drow in his world. If a game in which you play with others has an important figure but there are no children or lovers of said NPC (Non-Player Character) then despite what you wish, your character is not the son of said character. Players will view such poorly if only because it goes blatantly against the Lore and continuity they are familiar with.

God Modding or “I’m Impervious to Lasers”: Respect others should conflict in character occur. A DM or other RPer is not out to kill you and conflict exists in a world where swords and guns and dragons exist. It exists even when dragon’s don’t exist even. Your character isn’t invincible no matter the medium if others are involved. Other players or members of the community will swiftly grow tired of such antics and ignore you. This is not their fault for not acknowledging your characters clear superiority, but caused by the selfish actions you yourself have perpetuated. It is understandable you enjoy your character, but even Superman has suffered defeat before. A lose is humbling but a victory afterwards is often times even more rewarding because of the loss. Take one on the chin every now and then even if you don’t want to. If nothing else, you’ll look better for it.

Your Way is not the Only Way: As said many times already, there are many ways to Role Play. Going into a community with the idea that your way of RPing is inherently better or correct is a sure way to turn said community against you. Learn what others think before dashing in to expound your ideas upon them. Often times preaching isn’t desired and will close doors that were open before you attempted to bully or push your concepts on to others.

No Man is an Island, but he is a Peninsula: You exist in a community, even if your character is a brooding lord of darkness if you do not afford people the chance to connect and speak to him then there is little chance he will be a part of the community you wish to role play with. People can only tolerate angry, violent and rude people for so long before they are ejected from the community just as in real life. Violent sociopaths do not fit into society in the real world, and are unlikely to fit into a community of RPers as well. While these characters may be fun and interesting to play, they are often times difficult if not impossible to integrate successfully into an RP community. Discuss with your DM and player community on how to ease such transitions into the story if applicable or prepare for a difficult ride.

Combat Reflexes
2011-02-01, 10:37 AM
Allow me to be the first to say: good piece of writing. I first thought your essay was another D&D DM's guide-ish something, but then it went all philosophic about all people 'roleplaying their lives'. That left me thinking. I didn't even know that there were other reasons for RPing than fun and unfun.
I would love to discuss more, but I'm very busy at the moment...

2011-02-01, 11:04 AM
A very interesting read, and of great interest to me due to a piece I myself am writing on this exact topic. There's some stuff here that I hadn't thought of, and that I might need to think about before I continue writing my own work.

Excellent job.

2011-02-01, 12:12 PM
Very well said.

This is really insightful into the Roleplayers mind... Both in game and out.

2011-02-01, 12:35 PM
This is fantastic. I've read worse University papers, and it really does have a nice tone of social science.
I enjoyed it. Very well done.

2011-02-01, 12:43 PM
An excellent piece of work there. I think there may be one or two more archetypes, but, at present, I can't put my finger on them.

2011-02-01, 12:46 PM
Innis, you are the bomb.

2011-02-01, 12:46 PM
“The Hipster”:

“The Edition Purist”:

“The Philosopher”:

“The Preacher”:

This is an interesting wall of text. It is easy to read and, if not fun then at least, not boring ether.

Some remarks: in this classification you should include a conformist type, the passive 'I just do what you tell me to do' and also the type of person that wants to please everybody involved.

2011-02-01, 12:54 PM
It sounds all good and right, but what's exactly the purpose of this text?
Who is it adressed to and white kind of information is it supposed to transport?

Short: I don't get it.

Lord Vampyre
2011-02-01, 12:57 PM
I have one piece of criticism. Your "Optimist" archetype should be called "Optimizer". This is simply due to the fact that a true optimist looks at the best part of anything. Although, I'm not really sure that optimizer would really be a better word for what your trying to get at, but it would definitely be better than optimist.

However, overall the piece is fairly well done.

2011-02-01, 03:00 PM
yeah you're missing "the optimizer" or "show off"

Also missing, "the storyist" which is someone who roleplays whats best for the story (which is the category I fall under, occassionally dipping into the optimizer).

Edit I suppose the storyist could fit into philosopher if you widened it just a bit. I've never met anyone that obsessed with details as you describe the philosopher.

Innis Cabal
2011-02-01, 04:31 PM
An excellent piece of work there. I think there may be one or two more archetypes, but, at present, I can't put my finger on them.

I would be surprised if I nailed down even a quarter of the various archetype

This is an interesting wall of text. It is easy to read and, if not fun then at least, not boring ether.

Some remarks: in this classification you should include a conformist type, the passive 'I just do what you tell me to do' and also the type of person that wants to please everybody involved.

I was certain I missed some. I will add it when I've the time.

It sounds all good and right, but what's exactly the purpose of this text?
Who is it adressed to and white kind of information is it supposed to transport?

Short: I don't get it.

It's meant, as stated, to address questions various fourmites have asked over the last...good long while. I kept seeing the question "Is this RP. Am I doing it well?" and various answers by people from their perspective. I wanted to write one perspective free without my own personal opinions clouding the judgement of what RP is or how one can go about it well.

In short, it's addressed to anyone who wants to read it, and the information it's meant to transport is spelled out plainly. It details various styles of RP, general information on how to be accepted into a wider community and what sort of trapings one can avoid so as not to look like a snob.

Though I'm uncertain if anyone else with bother with the thread, others have already added their opinions and other information that should be detailed and I suppose for the sake of discussion that's what this thread is for.

I have one piece of criticism. Your "Optimist" archetype should be called "Optimizer". This is simply due to the fact that a true optimist looks at the best part of anything. Although, I'm not really sure that optimizer would really be a better word for what your trying to get at, but it would definitely be better than optimist.

However, overall the piece is fairly well done.

Thank you :smallsmile:

yeah you're missing "the optimizer" or "show off"

Also missing, "the storyist" which is someone who roleplays whats best for the story (which is the category I fall under, occassionally dipping into the optimizer).

Edit I suppose the storyist could fit into philosopher if you widened it just a bit. I've never met anyone that obsessed with details as you describe the philosopher.

Another I missed I will admit. I will add it to the piece when able.