View Full Version : One Piece

2011-02-01, 01:06 PM
There once was a man named Gold Roger, who was king of the pirates. He had fame, power, and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Before they hung him from the gallows, these were the final words he said: "My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I owned, in One Piece." Ever since, pirates from all over the world set sail for the Grand Line, searching for One Piece, the treasure that would make their dreams come true.

You are one such band of pirates, gathered in Logue Town in East Blue, ready to set off to Grand Line. Ready at the docks, to depart.

2011-02-01, 02:07 PM
Tora floats idly above the deck of the ship, yawning widely. She pulls her bandana off her eyes and lowers herself to the deck, stepping lightly before she walks around the ship, checking on everyone, asking if everyone's ready to set off, then gathering everyone on the main deck for departure. She had the Jolly Roger for the ship stored at the moment, not wanting to be caught by the Marines, they'd raise it once out to sea. "Let's get ready to sail everyone," she says, thinking about the person that inspired her to become a pirate.

2011-02-01, 02:19 PM
Hibiki quickly fixed his bandana a bit better over his eyes as he said "Yes Captain!" he shouted very nervously, he wasn't sure why he was being asked or why didn't double check if this was the ship, he was already missing his sister who was probably very worried about him or so he thought, other thing he was thinking was were they were going to end, he stood on the deck, in a position that kinda looked like he was seeing the sea, but well, it was not possible for him to see.

2011-02-01, 02:38 PM
"You can call me Tora you know," she says to her newest member, a grin spread across her face, "I'm not very big on formalities. By the way i didn't get your name."

I just found a picture that works sorta well for Tora (http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/65271/1144462821_tleCatGirl.jpg?=123), just add on a bandana, and a more confident expression.

2011-02-01, 02:49 PM
He quickly misinterpreted what Tora said more like an order he quickly stood sideways and said "I'm sorry Captain Tora!" he quickly knew that going against her wishes might be a bad idea, with the grin of a killer she just showed him he quickly said his name "I am Hibiki!, A musician from the east blue!" He felt stupid for saying the last part, knowing that now they knew that they can demand a bigger ransom, he tried to hide it by quickly spinning back in the last position that he was.

2011-02-01, 02:57 PM
Scarlet climbs the gangplank, carrying her spear with her. "Captain, I'm ready to go whenever the rest of the crew is. Are there any last-minute preparations that should be made?"

2011-02-01, 02:58 PM
He quickly misinterpreted what Tora said more like an order he quickly stood sideways and said "I'm sorry Captain Tora!" he quickly knew that going against her wishes might be a bad idea, with the grin of a killer she just showed him he quickly said his name "I am Hibiki!, A musician from the east blue!" He felt stupid for saying the last part, knowing that now they knew that they can demand a bigger ransom, he tried to hide it by quickly spinning back in the last position that he was.

2011-02-01, 03:00 PM
Felix had been humming while working below deck, making sure the ship's supplies were all stocked up. After making sure they had enough food stocked up for a journey, he headed top-deck.

"No need for formalities Hibiki. Tora there's a softy once you know her. Now, her on the other hand" He said, point over to Scarlet, "She'll tear you apart if you aren't careful."

He gave a loud laugh, making it hard to tell if he was actually serious or not. "Anyway, welcome to the crew. Captain! We're all stocked up on supplies. Where's that navigator?"

2011-02-01, 04:29 PM
"I'd guess up in the crow's nest, probably scoping out the area, and i don't think there's anything, unless anyone forgot something," Tora says, looking up, "I'll go up, be right back," she says before lifting off the ground and floating lazily up to the crow's nest, she'd already showed this ability to most of the crew, only Hibiki hadn't seen it yet.

2011-02-01, 05:06 PM
Amour is taking a meditative position scanning the area from the crows nest well detailing the information into a map infront of himself.
"Yes captain?"
He says without turning continuing the work, after a moment he stops, standing he turns to the captain.
"I've told you before don't use your abilities in port we don't want a marine seeing you."
Amour's voice is calm but fairly ovious that he is trying not to laugh well saying this.

2011-02-01, 06:06 PM
Tora grins, "Need you to show the new guy around, he seems nervous probably be better to have you sho him around then the others. And don't hold back," she says as she starts lowering herself down, "just don't go overboard," she finishes with a wink, refering to him holding back laughing.

She releases her flight and drops towards the deck, buoying herself at the last second to land unharmed. "Hibiki, i'll have Amour show you around, he's our navigator and is not a fighter, he'll show you your room and give you a general idea of your role on the ship. I'll just give you the only rule on this ship; trust your Nakama."

Nakama translating as both friend and comrade here

2011-02-01, 08:35 PM
Nakama translating as both friend and comrade here
(OOC: anyone that watched One piece atleast once knows what this means =/ )
Hibiki already was quite nervous but trying not to show it he said "I am not nervous at all~" he then saw something that kinda surprised him which was Tora flying, first was amazement then he thought "Oh, She has strange powers like me... maybe I belong here" which was followed with another thought "No." after he continued to hear what Tora had to say and so Hikari still was getting even more nervous, specially with the "he'll show you your room and give you a general idea of your role on the ship" part, without really understanding the last part in this context.

2011-02-01, 08:47 PM
{{Actually, the sub, not the dub. :smalltongue:}}

Scarlet frowns, and watches for any Marine activity on the dock itself.

2011-02-01, 09:07 PM
Amour jumps down from the crows nest landing with a soft thud, the newly charted course in his right hand. Smiling he turns to the new guy.
"Nice to met you, I am Amour Navigator extrodinar. So you must be Hibiki. Hope you know what you got yourself into the captains a handful."
Amour chuckles sliding the map into a pocket

2011-02-01, 09:43 PM
Scarlet turns, and regards the newcomer. "My name is Scarlet, and I'm the First Mate."

2011-02-02, 12:00 AM
He quickly turned around again as he said "Very welcoming introductions " he laughed nervously as he pointed to the front of the ship "So... when are we gonna set sail, not like I should know" he continued by playing the same game than them, knowing already this was a bad idea.

2011-02-02, 12:15 AM
"Now," Tora replies, "mind helping with the sails, Hibiki?," she asks before climbing to the sails, rather than flying as earlier, doing a few acrobatic maneuvers as she goes, and releasing the sails.

After the sails are unfurled she jumps down, slowing herself as she did before, and goes to steer the boat, "Amour, what's our heading?"

2011-02-02, 04:48 PM
"East by North East Tora."
Amour smiles the feeling of a ship in motion making him giddy.

2011-02-06, 11:09 AM
Cole comes walking down the dock with a backpack full to near bursting of different supplies. Heading up the gangplank and onto the deck he lets the pack slide from his back with a sigh of relief.

"I'm back Captain! Took me a little longer to gather the supplies than I thought. I don't know when we are going to see a port as well stocked as this one again, so I figured better safe than sorry!" he says with a grin. Noticing Hibiki helping with the sails, he adds with a chuckle "Glad to see they put you to work!"

He starts to pull out various bags of seeds, fertilizers, food ingredients, bandages, vials of medicine, and some extra tools and material for repairing the ship and carries it below deck to their respective storage areas.

I figure we have a kitchen where the food is stored and maybe a med bay or something where the medicines are kept? Also, since the one piece crew could grow orange trees on the ship, I figure Cole at least has a small patch of farmable soil on the ship where he can grow plants for food and medicine. That sound ok?

2011-02-06, 12:13 PM
"And we're out of here!" Tora shouts, a cheshire grin plastered on her face. "To the grand line," she says softly, I really hope the Marines didn't catch a good look at us, would be bad if they told my parents where i am.

2011-02-06, 04:40 PM
Amour will head below decks quietly moving out of the way as a sudden force will give the ship some extra push.
He will then move to check up on Cole.
"Hello Cole how are you doing? Got those Lemons I asked about?"

2011-02-07, 01:05 AM
Cole stops and rummages through his bag. He tosses a small satchel at Amour. "These were all I could find, not very common on this island I suppose, but I bought all I could! Hopefully there's a citrus island out there in the Grand Line!"

2011-02-07, 06:21 PM
As you set off, the wind is firmly behind the sails, waves beating against the sides to the ship. After hours of travel, you see another ship, hoisting a pirate flag.

Not quite sure how to do images, so this (http://www.fancymag.com/images/pirate_flag.gif) is about what it looks like.

2011-02-07, 06:36 PM
"Ship on the horizon Tora. It's a pirate ship." Felix said in an almost bored voice. He was sleeping on the deck, enjoying the sun while it lasted. "Should we send them a friendly hello?"

2011-02-07, 06:37 PM
"Well at least it seems it is gonna be a calm day,"not really being able to read pirate flag, he was blissfully unaware that there was more trouble a brewing on the sea, but still continued to feel like there was no way this could go worse. after hearing what Felix said he tried to look around "Oh, Yeah Eye forgot." he shrugged hiding the feeling that he was gonna die any time soon.

2011-02-07, 06:48 PM
"Leave 'em be for now, until we can see their flag more clearly or they attack take no offensive actions," Tora calls, trying to see if she knew of these pirates by the flag.

2011-02-07, 10:59 PM
(If Amour hears this he will take these actions)

Using his advanced Mantra he will peer beyond to see the other pirate ship and its crew.

2011-02-08, 09:32 AM
Cole comes up from below deck and stands for a minute in the warm sunshine. "I agree with the captain, let's see what their intentions are before deciding what to do."

2011-02-08, 06:42 PM
You hear a series of loud bangs, as about ten cannon balls fly towards your ship.

2011-02-08, 06:52 PM
"I'll take that as the answer. Shall we give them a bit of greeting ourselves Tora?" Felix said, his hands sliding swiftly towards the pair of daggers behind his back.

2011-02-08, 08:13 PM
"Couldn't agree more," Tora calls with a grin, "Cole i've got an idea, you've got to trust me on this one," she says, before grabbing both Cole and Felix, all three dissolving into a fine mist that quickly fades away. Appearing in the crow's nest of the ship, she shifts to her hybrid form and let's herself fade through the ship, straight down the mast until in the hold at the bottom of the ship, before shifting back to her human form and letting Cole and Felix appear from out of the dimensional pocket that came with her akuma no mi.

"Don't ask what that was until we get back to the ship, we have to disable this ship first. Cole, your jobs to take out the rudder and sails, Felix and i will cover you and take out as many as we can," Tora says, her eyes gaining slit pupils as her more feral side came forward, "Stay out of sight if possible. If we get into trouble i'll get us back to the ship."

2011-02-10, 01:39 PM
"Alright, if we can make our way to their rudder I can dismantle it and make it so they won't be able to repair it without going to a port. That should definitely screw them up something fierce!" he says. "Just to be safe..." Cole shifts into his monster form. "Just in case we run across any of them."

2011-02-10, 02:07 PM
Tora shakes her head no, "we need stealth right now, and your plant form is rather noticeable, no offense. Let's go."

2011-02-10, 02:33 PM
"Before we do that... BRACE FOR IMPACT!"

Scarlet gives the cry you should always do under cannonball fire. :smalltongue:

2011-02-11, 11:34 AM
Hibiki wasn't expecting something like this to happen, that there was another ship attacking was just enough of a terrifying thought, The only way to brace right now was sitting grabbing his legs and not moving at all.

2011-02-11, 11:48 AM
Amour feeling the Impact steadies himself before dashing to his courters. Using his Mantra he finds the other ship, then put's 1ton of force pushing back at each cannon.

Gameplay terms.
Telekinesis to apply 1ton of force at each cannon when they next fire to send the cannonball back down the cannon. ESP to see which side of the enemy ship is firing so I can accomplish the task.
Also a power check if need be.