View Full Version : Together We Ride Group 3 IC

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2011-02-01, 05:49 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10283745#post10283745)

Sorry about the delay, review for the AP exams is brutal. :smalleek:

Burnheart|Monk/Paladin|Human-Devil Bloodline|Sheet (http://rpgwebprofiler.neohat.net/view.php?id=739)|X|
bindin garoth|Dragonfire Adept|Azurin|Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=269077)|X|
Rendel Nep|Spirit Shaman|Aasimar|Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=269009)|X|
term1nally s1ck|Fighter/Factotum/Rogue|Whisper Gnome|Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=271002)|X|
Elfstone|Marshal/Bard/Crusador|Human|Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=270262)|X|

2011-02-01, 06:57 PM
You have been contracted for the city guard in Terrantur, a border city in Saladene. The entire city has been preparing it's defenses for months now. Everything has been mobilized for war. All the craftsmen have been ordered to create weapons and armor, all the peasants have been drafted, and all the clerics have been asking for the blessing of Pelor.

Few nations had any way to foresee the assault of the Gulkat. Saladene, however, did. By way of masses of detect evil spells, Saladene long ago made a first line of defense around their cities. Attacks by the forces of evil could be anticipated weeks, if not months in advance. The people of Terrantur thanked Pelor greatly for the gift of this knowledge, as the hordes of undead would be a nearly unstoppable force. The Head Priests of the city considered evacuating, but figured that such actions would be viewed as weak in the eyes of Pelor and that their people would lose his favor. Instead, the city of Terrantur has bunkered down and is prepared to weather the assault.

Troops are split into 4 groups; Footmen, Archers, Cavalry, and Priests. Footmen are posted at the four gates to the city; North, East, South, and West. Archers are posted along the walls and in gatehouses. Cavalry are patrolling the city to hunt down any who infiltrate the defenses. Priests are scattered among all the groups, healing and buffing where they can.

You have been deployed in Mounted Unit 16 of the Cavalry Division. You are accompanied by 3 priests by the names of Ainu, Koj, and Eosul. You have been instructed to protect them at all costs, lest the favor of Pelor be lost. About three days ago, the horizon turned black. Ever since, the line dividing life and death has ebbed ever closer. It is 8 am and you have been told that the undead will arrive in 10 hours or less. The reports are coming in that the enemy ranks are composed of line after line of gray renders, skeletons, and zombies of all sizes. You are in the barracks and have some time to prepare before you must mount up at the stables and ride out on patrol in the northern district.

bindin garoth
2011-02-01, 08:18 PM
Man how'd I end up here? I don't wanna be fightin them undead... Hargoon sighs. He's never liked it here. Add in them undead and these priest, and riding these horses, it's a living hell for him. If only there was a way out without the authorities getting on im

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-01, 08:41 PM

"Oh wow, since I was a little kid I heard all those stories about the undead and the people who fought them but I've never seen any of them with my own eyes and I'm really excited do you think they'll write a story about us guys that'd be so cool I really hope I get to hear the old storytellers tell my story about how I shot down hundreds no millions of undead soldiers and we saved the world from the undead armies of the evil empire of dooooooooom."

He looks around for a moment.

"Is no-one else as pumped as I am about this, guys? We get to KILL ZOMBIES. I mean how cool is that, right? Man I've been dreaming about this day for like...ever. Old uncle Billy would always tell us all those stories, but my favorite was always the ones about armies of zombies and the heroes who hacked their way to the Big Bad Evil Guy who had summoned them all and killing him, and then the Zombies would all crumble into dust...HEY GUYS, I know what we should do! You on my wavelength? With the priests here it would be a breeze."

Talmari bounces up and down, shaking his blonde hair out of his eyes occasionally, as he talks faster than anyone would have thought possible. His youth and inexperience are clear, but at the same time his enthusiasm is almost infectious, and his hands twitch towards the highly unusual crossbows he carries every time he mentions the undead.

Rendel Nep
2011-02-01, 09:08 PM
Darlanduin pauses as if listening to some other presence and nods at Talmari
'Talmari, I find no comfort in fact that the spirits of the dead are restless. I agree that would be the first course of action to take. However, Compared to the undead, Our priests are few in number and I doubt they would leave a dent. What or whomever has disturbed them from their eternal slumber is perverting the very balance of nature.'

2011-02-02, 04:45 AM
Heironeous guide my hands in this battle and give me the strength to endure this trial.

Ellard says with a glance at Talmari.

Remember that we fight to protect these people in the name of all that is good and just, we must not fail.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-02, 04:52 AM
"I don't screw up, trust me. I've dreamed of this for way too long to do any of this wrong."

Talmari flashes a huge grin at his squadmates.

2011-02-02, 05:11 AM
Well we will find out soon enough young Talmari, Darlanduin do you have any idea what might be causing all this?

Ellard asked pointing at the city walls and the armies of the undead waiting beyond.

Hargoon is it? Are you alright you look troubled.

bindin garoth
2011-02-02, 05:47 AM
With a loud and audiable sigh, hargoon looks at Ellard and says Sorry about the bad mood man, lets just say I have a troubled past and leave it at that for now. Well, that and I've never riden a horse before, and some of my abilities may not be as effective or useable while riding... Don't worry though, I won't be useless He says with a a laugh Oh yeah while i'm thinking about it let me help everyone out. Here, this'll protect everyone from the heat and my abilites.
use endure elements on everyone in the party and the 3 priest, giving them the protection of the endure elements spell and immunity to my breath weapon

Rendel Nep
2011-02-02, 06:02 AM
Darlanduin shrugs
'I wouldn't know until I see them. Even then I believe our wards would be able to discern more information. Although nothing on such a scale as this never happens naturally. The spirits of the dead tend to pass quickly unless something impedes them'

2011-02-02, 07:04 AM
Do not worry about it Hargoon I myself am not much better, I mean how am i supposed to Punch and Kick are enemies to death if I'm Riding around on the Back of a horse?

Ellard looks around.

Hey you over there with the flaming sword, you haven't said much yet, whats your story?

2011-02-02, 08:52 AM
I've checked your sheets and quite a few of you aren't proficient in riding. You won't need to ride into combat, but you will need to ride around to get to the combat. I am supplying you with horses (or riding dogs) and saddles that will ensure you don't fall off out of battle. In battle, I'm still going to make you make the ride check if you don't get off, though. :smalltongue:

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-02, 10:54 AM
OOC: It's a dex skill, and I only need to hit a 10 if I want the mount to attack, and I autosucceed on guiding with knees. I'll manage. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-02, 06:55 PM
"Ack, was I dozing off again. Im sorry, mah names Donald McGundar. Im pleased to meet you all. Looks like we have a wee bit of trouble with those possessing unlife. Well send them back to the depths from which they came quite shortly now. Anyone possess the ability to make large balls of fire or turn the nasty creatures?"
He says, after coming to his senses, apparently having been daydreaming about times past.

2011-02-02, 07:28 PM
I can turn them, though not well Ellard repiled But mostly i just kick them back into the grave.

Rendel Nep
2011-02-02, 07:47 PM
'I can request from the spirits to be granted the ability to call forth lightning but I suspect that I may be needed to tend to wounds.' A look of guilt crossed Dulanduin's face. 'Also it tends to scare the horses'

edit: Just highlighting some dialogue

bindin garoth
2011-02-03, 03:54 AM
Does breathing fire on em count? Hargoon chimed in with a smile.

2011-02-03, 04:43 AM
Maybe we should discuss tactics, i mean normally i would charge at them and hit them until they stopped moving, but we've got those priests Ainu, Koj, and Eosul is that what they said their names were? Anyway we have to protect them if we want to get out of this alive so how are we going to do it? Ellard said looking around at everyone.

Rendel Nep
2011-02-03, 05:32 AM
'I can slow down the enemy by asking that the plants they walk on to grow rampant and bind them. That could offer us a bit of time to get them to safety. I have to be cautious as it doesn't discriminate between friend and foe though.' Durlanduin pauses. 'I can also call forth beasts to aid us in battle but only briefly.'

bindin garoth
2011-02-03, 05:42 AM
Well, most of my abilities are best at a distance. So i'll hang back with them. I do best at attacking aread from my breath, and can potentially make enemies damaged by my breath caught up in it to slow them down for you. Also, don't worry about dodging my breath, you all are protected from it. And if you damaged pretty bad come near me and you'll heal slowly. Now I'm best at makin em enemies weaker, but not at damage. I'll probably need help if it's one of em huge strong ones or if it's a huge group of em damn undead OOC: I can entangle them with my breath weapon to reduce their speed by half and a few other penalties. If you're under half hp and within 30ft, you gain fast healing 1 until you're above half hp, and I have a wand of cure light wounds to heal too. Treat me as a ranged debuffer/support

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-03, 06:42 AM
"I shoot things. A lot. A LOT. Plus, if they get too close I can hit joints and pin limbs with the bolts."

OOC: I average 57 damage on the first round vs FF AC of 20, and 45 on any round vs targets within 30'. Give me 2 rounds and I should nearly take down even a gray render.

2011-02-03, 06:43 AM
"Excelent, well Im a bard and cna play quite a tune, enough to boost your spirits. I think we should find a nice big warrior type around here and convince him he needs to stick round here and help us. Bash and wackers are quite valuable you know." responds Donald.

2011-02-03, 06:54 AM
Well you look tough Donald, how about we handle the bashing and wacking while Darlanduin, Talmari and Hargoon stick by the Priests? Asks Ellard.

bindin garoth
2011-02-04, 12:15 PM
Sounds good to me if it sounds good to everyone else. Any idea how far away them undead are? Hargoon says with a sleepish look. I just wanna deal with em so I can take my nap

2011-02-04, 12:47 PM
Koj speaks up "They are roughly 20 miles away and are closing in at... well, zombie-like pace. They'll be here in about ten hours."
The other clerics nod their heads in agreement before he speaks again "How should we prepare for this upcoming battle?"
OOC: Please decide as a group what spells you would like them to prepare. They have 5 zeroth, 4 first, 4 second, and 3 third level spells each. Please refrain from choosing damage spells. Their Domains are Healing and Strength. They are healers first, buffers second, and damage dealers only in the most dire of situations.

bindin garoth
2011-02-04, 01:34 PM
Alright heres a few things we could use from you for help...Hargoon says as he walks over to the prest and starts making plans with them
basic spell ideas:
0- detect magic x 3, light x 2
1- protection from evil x2, bless, shield of faith
2- lesser restoration, bears endurance, consecration(only if they have the materials for it, if not then bulls strength), elation
3- prayer, magic vestment, magic circle against evil
domain spells: enlarge person, bulls strength, and magic vestments
this is assuming that they can spontaniously cast cure spell. Also, was that including domain spell slots? If so will change. Note: all spells found from crystal keeps pdfs, if you haven't saved them just google search "crystal keep cleric spells" and then goto advance search and change file type to pdf. Also waiting for everyone else to say if this is ok or not.
edit: added domain spells. Have magc vestments added twice so everyone can have it. What are their caster levels? And about conscration, do they have the materials for it)

2011-02-04, 01:52 PM
That sounds fine to me. Ellard says I don't know very much about magic however so perhaps one of the others could offer some better suggestions?
Can i request a bulls strength spell for my character, he needs a high attack bonus if i want to use flurry with its -2 attack.

2011-02-04, 01:56 PM
Also, was that including domain spell slots?
OOC: No, that was not including domain spells, you may choose those as well.

2011-02-04, 02:28 PM
OOC: The Strength Domain spells Enlarge Person, Bull’s Strength and Magic Vestment please, the Healing Domain spells are all Cure x wound spell that can be spontaneously cast.

2011-02-04, 02:38 PM
OOC: You might want to switch out magic vestment from your third level spells, then (unless you want it twice).

2011-02-04, 03:04 PM
OOC: Actually looking at Magic vestament, will its ac bonus stack with the defense bonus or will it add to normal ac and use which ever is higher?

bindin garoth
2011-02-04, 03:14 PM
OOC: edited above post for spells. Approval from everyone?

2011-02-04, 03:47 PM
OOC: I double checked the Defense Bonus Rule and found this: In this variant, every character has a defense bonus based on his character level. The defense bonus applies to Armor Class. However, it does not stack with the character’s armor bonus. A character wearing armor gains his armor bonus (including any enhancement to that bonus) or his defense bonus—whichever is higher—but not both. Based on that i don't think Magic Vestment is going be useful for us, what other 3rd level spells are good?
Edit: shields stack with the defense bonus and Magic Vestment can be cast on shields so who uses shields?

2011-02-04, 05:03 PM
Do they EACH have that many spells or all together? And for zeroth, maybe a disrupt undead as a last ditch?

2011-02-04, 05:05 PM
Do they EACH have that many spells or all together? And for zeroth, maybe a disrupt undead as a last ditch?

They each have that many. Feel free to choose different spells for each if you'd like. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-04, 05:25 PM
Okay, since I have the spell compedium, Id like to take it from here. Im going to make a buffer one, a protection one, and a slightly more damage oriented one.(pretty please)
0th Light, create water, Virtue, resistance, guidance
1st Night shield, Lesser vigor, Bless water(the water they make), Bless
2nd Close wounds, Aid, align weapon, Bull strength
3rd Daylight, magic circle against evil, Grace
Protection (saves and such)
0th Light, create water, Virtue, resistance, guidance
1st Night shield, Bless water(the water they make), Visions of glory, Protection from evil
2nd Protection from neg energy, Consecrate, Bull strength, Status
3rd Vigor, Vigor lesser mass, weapon of the deity
Damaging ish cleric.
0th Light, create water, Virtue, resistance, guidance
1st Bless, Bless water, Light of lunia, blood wind(you can use nat weapons at range. Thank me later Mr monk)
2nd Light of Mercuria, Divine protection, Spiritual weapon, Eagles splendor
3rd Holy storm, Light of venya, Wall of light

How does this sound? Taking all domain spells.

2011-02-04, 06:04 PM
OOC How can you take all domain spells? Also i just though should we be having this coversation in the OOC thread? About the spells it would depend on if Bridgar has access to them wouldn't it?

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-04, 07:49 PM
OOC: I would be a HUGE fan of any Dex bonuses, Divine Favor is always a great buff, Magic Weapon, and anything that boosts damage rolls, or which provides additional attacks. Blessed Aim is good, but wouldn't stack with Inspire courage, and Prayer is nice but doesn't stack with Divine Favor.

Ideally, I'd like to get Divine Favor, at least one casting of Magic Weapon, and maybe Blessed Aim if there's a slot remaining and our bard hasn't got any cool tricks to get +2 out of Inspire Courage yet. Anything else is gravy for me, Str doesn't affect my damage output, I already have Insight bonii, and Clerics can't use Haste. :smallfrown:

As for the domain spells, Clerics can spontaneously cast Cure X wounds, so preparing them is unnecessary, so he's prepared all the Str domain spells.

Rendel Nep
2011-02-04, 08:42 PM
OOC: I could retcon and take Mass lesser vigor too but I don't think my two feats can apply to it? I get +2 damaged healed/per spell level and another +2 if I make a knowledge: nature check with a DC15 + spell level. Or if I don't need to heal I can get Call Lightning:D
@Elfstone : Not only Augment healing but Magic of the Land

2011-02-04, 09:10 PM
(yes, someone with augument healing.)
Grace is a plus 10 to dex AND gives you improved speed AND you radiate light. Best thing ever for range. I would have had them take blessed aim, just didnt know we had a range, and it dosnt stack with my boosts.

2011-02-05, 06:27 PM
Eosul, you said that you three will be heading back to the temple soon, May i accompany you? I wish to learn more about the undead we will be facing soon.
Turning to the rest of the group
Where should i meet you after finishing in the temple?

bindin garoth
2011-02-05, 06:35 PM
Actually right her sounds good. I'll join you actually,since my spells are ready to go Hargoon says

2011-02-05, 06:37 PM
Very well, Eosul is that alright with you?

2011-02-05, 06:51 PM
Yes, we will meet back here when we are done. Hargoon can come with us, if he so desires. I doubt the priests will mind another defender of all things good. You must find your own way back though, as I will be busy with my duties for many an hour. We must set out immediately, I cannot again be late for my obligations. Koj will accompany us and Ainu will stay here for another hour or so. He has some things of with the quartermaster.
Eosul and Koj quickly walk from the military quarters, boots thumping on the cobblestone streets, you following suit. It takes but a few minutes to find the largest building in the city, the temple to Pelor. It's high towers and large overlooking balconies appear to grow larger and larger as you approach. Once you arrive at the steps of the Temple, Koj and Eosul run up the rather large steps, two at a time. They move surprisingly quickly up the steps, but you assume that it's just from repetition. They wait for you at the top in front of huge, 30 ft high double doors. The enormous wooden doors allow for thirty or forty people to walk through abroad.
Wait in the antechamber, a priest will be sent to speak with you. For now, we must part. Koj tells you before they turn and walk into the aforementioned antechamber, filled with symbols of Pelor and the sun.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-05, 07:05 PM
I have some last minute shopping to be done. Meet you guys back here in a few!

Talmari waves exuberantly as he runs off towards the shopping district, looking for anywhere that sells wands, scrolls, potions, or magical ammunition.

bindin garoth
2011-02-05, 07:06 PM
Hargoon walks into the antechamber with ellard. He has an impatient look across his face.Hope they don't take too longHe mutters

2011-02-05, 07:14 PM
Indeed, there is not much time before we will have to fight and learning as much as we can before then could be important.
Ellard looks around and what could be homesickness flashes across his face

This place, it reminds me of wear i was trained Ellard says quietly, as if he were talking to himself

2011-02-05, 07:19 PM

Telmari ventures out into the burgeoning metropolis, asking the occasional man walking hurriedly by where he could find a magic shop. You are advised by most to go to Marblebell's Magic Emporium. You are, a few times, instructed to go to Misthedge or Janham's Oddities.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-05, 07:25 PM
Assuming I have time, I'll check the latter two first, see if there's anything unusual.

2011-02-06, 01:54 PM
Burnheart and Bindin Garoth

The antechamber is enormous, the largest room you've ever set foot in. There are clerics, priests, artisans, and warriors walking all about. After a few minutes of waiting in the bustling antechamber, a tall, white haired man walks up to you. He is in long, flowing white robes with a yellow sun emblazoned on the front.
"I am a priest here, how may I help you?"

term1nally s1ck

You find yourself at Misthedge, an... unusual shop, to say the least. It is a dark, dank store, made of stone. It seems rather small from the outside, but once you step inside, you decide that the lighting must've deceived you. There's an old hag at the counter, wearing tattered rags, hair all askew. As you look around, you see daggers, knives, cloaks, and crossbows on the walls. Your quick glance is interrupted by the shopkeeper's gravelly voice "What're ya' buyin'?"

2011-02-06, 02:07 PM
Greetings I am Ellard Tianornan paladin of Heironeous and this is my companion Hargoon Ellard says while while bowing slightly Soon we will be fighting against the undead that are attacking this fair city, but we know little about them and were hoping you might be able to tell us more.

2011-02-06, 02:14 PM
Bindin Garoth and Burnheart
"You said that you worship Heironeous, Ellard. But who do you worship, dear Hargoon? I must know that I can trust you with the knowledge that I'm going to impart unto you." The priest says, while giving a slight bow in return.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-06, 03:52 PM
Hey mister, I'm lookin for some potions, and some magic bolts for my crossbows, and some scrolls, and maybe some used wands if you have anything like that?

2011-02-06, 04:08 PM
term1nally s1ck
"Mister, eh?"
The dirty hag turns around, fidgets around a bit, and then turns back. She has changed slightly, and is now more... masculine. She lacks most features of a female but, looks mostly the same.
"I have some of those items, but... do you normally fight fair, or dirty? My store is not for those who fight fair."
You've come to realize that few suggested it because it's a specialty store for the sneaky and underhanded.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-06, 04:22 PM
"I win. If that needs me to make a few 'cheap shots..' does it matter how I fight at the end of the day?"

OOC: Rogue level. :smallsmile:

2011-02-06, 04:34 PM
term1nally s1ck

"I have these crossbow bolts that fly precise down to the centimeter. You can hit a man's heart from 100 ft. I'll sell 'em to ya' for 75 gold a pop, or 3000 if ya' buy 50." The 'man' pulls a bundle of wicked bolts off of hooks on the wall. The bolts are thin, sleek, and aerodynamic. They look to fly fast and accurate.

OOC: I knew, she didn't. :smallwink:
Bolts of Deadly Precision: 1d6 additional sneak attack damage (sneak attack required)

bindin garoth
2011-02-06, 04:46 PM
Greetings, I am Hargoon, worshiper of the might Bahamut. I am also curious about these undead.

2011-02-06, 05:03 PM
Bindin Garoth and Burnheart

"Now that I have confirmed both that your auras are not evil and that you worship good gods, follow me." As you walk through the antechamber, he continues on. "My name is Aru, priest of Pelor. I'm sure you'd like to know what we're up against and how we should best defend ourselves. It is easier for me to show you than to explain to you what is going on, though." You reach a spiral staircase, the top of which your eyes cannot reach. He turns round, chuckling. "I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, we aren't going all the way up. While we climb, is there anything about this temple that you would like to know? Any services you would ask of us before venturing out to defend us?"

bindin garoth
2011-02-06, 05:14 PM
Actually, now that mention it, do you offer blessing or buffs that we could have right before the battle? Or partially charged wands that we could use? Hargoon asks with interest.

2011-02-06, 05:22 PM
Bindin Garoth and Burnheart

Aru begins walking up the staircase, accommodating to your slower pace. "We offer some lesser blessings for free, or if you're willing to donate, we'll give you better blessings."

bindin garoth
2011-02-06, 05:36 PM
Alright, sounds good to me. But first, you guys got any wands of divine power and magic? Or any other services or produce which might be potentially helpful for us? Hargoon asks with ever increasing interest.

2011-02-06, 05:44 PM
Burnheart and Bindin Garoth
"No, I'm sorry. We do not carry such items. Perhaps you should check the local stores. Marblebell's Magic Emporium should have what you need. Surely that's not all you want to know about, though." The three of you continue climbing.

bindin garoth
2011-02-06, 06:00 PM
Oh no, sorry about that. Just when you mentioned buffs, i got carried away. So what blessing could you offer us? And while we're on the topic of info, what is known about the enemy. Do we have any idea additional information on them? Like how they are being created? Surely it would take more than one necromancer to rise all of these, or perhaps this is some sort of supernatural force? Hargoon asks as he unleashes a barrage of questions.

2011-02-06, 06:14 PM
What have you learned about the power at the heart of the Gulkat Empire?

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-06, 06:43 PM
Slipping back into the little boy speech..."Sorry mister, but I gotta fight zombies and skeletons and things at the moment. I like the look of those arrows though, so maybe after I finish shooting up zombies and things..""

Talmari turns away sadly, then perks up and turns back to the shopkeeper:
"But hey, if you have anything that would let me hit zombies for extra pain, I might be able to use them bolts.:smallbiggrin:

2011-02-08, 05:10 PM
term1nally s1ck
"I'm sorry. We tend to avoid the undead as our techniques are ineffective against them. Come here again when you are in need of my kind of weapons." The shopkeeper waves as you leave.

You find your way to the other end of the market district, where Janham's Oddities lies. Janham's Oddities is a rather strange store. From the outside, it's a five foot by five foot tent of many exotic blues and greens. When you enter, you see racks and racks of curiosities. Small little magic knick-nacks and the like. Behind the rather low counter, is a very eccentric gnome by the name of Janham. He's dressed in bright robes of orange and green. "Hello there, how may I help you?" he says in a shrill, gnomey voice.

Bindin Garoth and Burnheart
"Here, I don't have to waste my time trying to explain, we've arrived." Aru says, motioning for you to exit the staircase. You take a second to gather your breath after climbing for a solid ten minutes. When you step out onto the balcony, you have a breathtaking view of the city. All the houses and shops are laid out within the walls, all in rows. People hustle and bustle up and down streets and the city pulses with life, even in this time of severe danger. Soldiers can be seen patrolling the high walls around the city and unlit braziers can be seen about gatehouses and towers. "This is our wonderful city of Terrantur, but that's not why I've invited you up here. If you'll look through that looking glass there at the approaching enemy hordes. They're no ordinary zombies. We don't know how they're being made, but they're different. Every individual part of the dead body is put to use perfectly. The skins are shed into forsaken shells, the clothes turned into raiments, the bones turned to skeletons, the organs turned into grotesque piles of diseases, the brains put in jars, and the muscles turned to zombies. On top of their mutilated corpses, there are rat-wolves that they've trained to eat the dead. Bodies have been risen to dig up graves. The ground shakes, but we cannot tell whether it's the marching, the moving piles of bones, or something that they plan to surprise us with. We'll be lucky to survive this assault. These undead seem to be formed by very talented necromancers. What unsettles me, is not only the quality, though. The quantity bothers me. These forces go on for a mile. I simply cannot understand how the Gulkat have risen so quickly in power. They're overwhelming all of the well established nations of this land."

2011-02-08, 05:46 PM
What are Forsaken Shells and Raiments? Ellard asks I have heard of Zombies and Skeletons before and Bone wolves is a fairly self explanatory name, but Forsaken Shells and Raiments Ellard shakes his head They are new to me.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-08, 07:10 PM
Hi there, I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to fight the undead, and I was hoping you might have some stuff I can use to make myself even more awesome. What kind of thing do you sell here?

2011-02-09, 07:35 PM
Burnheart and Bindin Garoth
"Forsaken shells are the skins of the dead, brought to a state of quasi-life to kill the living. Raiments are a similar construct with the cursed clothes of the dead. Perhaps I misspoke, they're not bone-wolves, they're rat-wolves. They have long rat ears, rat tails, rows of wolf teeth, and a wolf mane. They run around, blood-crazed on the battlefield, eating the dead and killing the living."

term1nally 1ll
"Ah, you're off to fight the undead as well. I only have one of these left but, you'd greatly appreciate it." The gnome opens one of many drawers around him and pulls out a glowing white gem. "It is a gem of true killing. It will aid in reslaying the undead."

bindin garoth
2011-02-09, 08:07 PM
Hmmm.. Intersting. Do they apppear mindless or are they able to think on their own? And any dea how things like turning, or perhapes weakness to holy water or light, how they respond to these thngs? Hargoon says, trying to come up with a plan to take ut so many

2011-02-09, 08:10 PM
Can you not just summon High servants of pelor to battle the undead? Ellard ask slightly shocked Surely your devotion to pelor is strong enough.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-09, 08:15 PM
Ooooh, I like the sound of that...how does it help? how much are you asking for it? And would it work on crossbows?

OOC: What does it do?

2011-02-10, 10:24 PM
term1nally s1ck
The gnome pulls a dagger up onto the counter and attaches the crystal to the hilt of the dagger. "You just attach the crystal to a weapon, like so." There is a click and then the skull-shaped amethyst begins to glow white. The white glow slowly runs up the length of the dagger until the dagger almost emits light from it's blade. "It works for any weapon and it is made specifically to destroy undead. It's my last one and I'll need 2,500 for it. I'm sorry it's so expensive but, they've been in high demand with the invasion and all."

OOC: Crystal of Truedeath least: +1d6 damage vs. undead

Bindin Garoth and Burnheart
"From what we can find out from so far away, we believe they are somehow sentient. They think and act and have petty squabbles between each other. It is a completely new concept to us to have the mindless undead thinking again. We only wish they were not still evil. We cannot determine the effects of holy water from so far, but we assume it will still work. The regular light of day does not affect them, but that is normal. We cannot know yet how intense light will affect them." Aru pauses for a moment, and then turns to Ellard.
"Our clerics shall be utilizing the might of Pelor in battle, but we dare not show weakness in asking for anything outside the realms of standard battle magic. If we were to ask for anything too large, we would be denied favors later, as we would be seen as meek and worthless. Pelor respects strength and to gain his strength, we must be careful how we ask for it."

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-10, 10:46 PM
"Ahh, sadly I use two crossbows, and only the one crystal might not be the best thing I can use right now. I'm just gonna go check at the magic emporium to see if they have anything else that would work for me, but I might well be back."

At the emporium, I'm looking for a scroll of cat's grace, a cleric scroll of magic weapon at CL 2 or 3, maybe a potion of haste, and see if Undead bane bolts are available.

OOC: Plus, already have a 1 damage crystal on the first 2 crossbows, making one of those crystals less great. Still might be worth it though....

2011-02-11, 06:07 PM
term1nally s1ck
Upon arrival at Marblebell's Magic Emporium, you understand why you were directed by most to come here. The store is surprisingly smaller than you expected. It's simply five counters along a wall, each with a buttoned bag attached to the wall. You enter a line of people waiting to go to one of the five counters. In a short while, the line progresses and you are called up to the second counter on the right. "Welcome to Marblebell's Magic Emporium, my name is Faerdon. What would you like to buy today?" Faerdon seems to be your everyday banker, put to work at a store counter. He has gray and balding hair, nice blue robes, and fine glasses perched on the end of his nose.

OOC: The crystal is expensive, but you can still put it on your second double crossbow, and the +1d6 is really major... Just a warning. :smallbiggrin:
Also, why do you want to buy scrolls if you can't cast from them?

2011-02-11, 07:12 PM
Would it not show more weakness to have your city taken from you? Ellard replied softly

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-11, 08:43 PM
OOC: Crap. I messed up. Normally, I would be able to use low level ranger buffs from scrolls and wands. You don't technically need to be able to cast yet to use the items, just have them on your class list.....AND you must have the ability score needed, which I messed up HARD on. Oh well, guess I know what I'll be spending my next paycheck on...+2 Wis is suddenly a HUGE draw.

IC, I'll run back to the last shop and try and buy that crystal. Then I'll wander back here looking for a scroll for the cleric to use on my bolts, and magic bolts."Do you have any crossbow bolts I can use to do extra damage to undead? Aaaaand a cleric's scroll of Magic weapon with a good duration would be really nice.

bindin garoth
2011-02-12, 05:51 AM
OOC: My character has a good UMD skill, I'll activate the scrolls and any wands you need

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-12, 07:33 AM
OOC: Ehh, it was mainly for mid-battle buffs and quick and easy access to buffs without losing on action economy. I'll manage something.

2011-02-12, 12:58 PM
"Losing this battle is neither a disgrace, nor is it cause to call down an avatar of Pelor. The war shall show our strength and cunning. I'm sorry to say, this battle is but a skirmish in the war. We must not use all we have in the first bout." Aru smiles at you then looks worriedly out at the approaching hordes. "I just hope we win this battle. I much enjoy living, thank you."

term1nally s1ck
OOC: We'll just assume you bought it while you were there... it would be kinda weird to wait in line at a store and then just walk out. :smalltongue:

IC: "Mhm, mhm, mhm." The man nods as he listens to your list and looks down a scroll in his hands. "Alright." He sets the scroll down, walks over to the bag in the wall, reaches in, and pulls out +1 Undead Bane crossbow bolts and a divine scroll of magic weapon. He gently sets the two items down on the counter and says "That'll come out to 8,350 for the bolts and 25 for the scroll." The man at the counter smiles slightly as he waits for you to pull out your money.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-12, 01:08 PM
"Oh, sorry, I can't afford to get a full bundle of the bolts. Do you sell them in smaller amounts? I'm kind of hoping to save them for...special occasions..."

At that last, Tamari's ever-present grin twists slightly, into what can only be described as a predatory baring of teeth....for only a second, and then it flashes back to his normal childlike grin.

bindin garoth
2011-02-12, 01:08 PM
Well, 2 things. One how much hol water do you all have? Enough to make a trench perhaps? And also, about those blessings you talked about earlier, what could you do if I, say, donated 50gp? That's about all I got. Hargoon says, hoping that maybe this plan will help protect at least part of the city, and trying not to think about the numbers they were about to face. Just the thought of it make his legs shaky.... 'I need a nap, not some undead war!' he thought.

2011-02-12, 02:24 PM
Bindin Garoth
"We, sadly, do not have an alter of holy water. In addition to not having enough holy water, we haven't the trench to fill. The strategy has been considered and is being implemented in larger cities, near the heart of Saladene. For 50 gold, I believe we could give you skin of bark for the day. It would be most beneficial in battle and we have many scrolls left."

OOC: An altar of holy water is a trap of bless water. They are found in the larger metropolises of Saladene. The Barkskin will be cast from a scroll at 3rd level and will last until you rest.

term1nally s1ck
"We do sell them in increments of ten, how many would you like?"

bindin garoth
2011-02-12, 02:41 PM
Hmm.... I've actually learned just enough about incarnium to toughen my skin, not unlike bark skin. But if you could toughen up my body by other means that'd be great. He says with interest.
OOC: any chance I could get temp hp or an ench to con? I already have an enchancement to natural armor...

2011-02-12, 02:59 PM
I see well this has been a most interesting Coversation, farewell. Ellard says once more Bowing slightly to the priest Aru. Hargoon are you ready to head back yet? He continues, turning to his companion.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-12, 04:36 PM
"Excellent, that sounds good.."

*A pause as Talmari fumbles through his packaging*

"Damn, I've spent more than I thought. Sorry, but I'll have to stick to just the scroll. Can I grab...ah....let's go with 4 of those scrolls."

Assuming nothing bad happens from his failure to have money (damned expensive crystals...), He'll then go looking for a fletcher, to try and get a hold of some silvered and cold iron arrows, just in case.

2011-02-12, 06:53 PM
term1nally s1ck
"Ah, that's quite alright. If you're looking for cheaper bolts, we have recently gotten into the business of alchemical weaponry. We have always sold alchemical supplies but, we've just now decided to cut out the middle man. We have a great deal on silver and cold iron right now. You can get 100 bolts for 500 gold." The salesman shows true vigor now, as he gets an additional commission for selling their new products.

Bindin Garoth and Burnheart
"Well, I'm sorry to hear that I cannot help you there but, if you would like to bring your companions down here, about two hours before the battle, we are having a feast in preparation. You are all welcome to come." Aru talks of all the wondrous food at the feast all the way back down the staircase and then shows you out. "Hope to see you soon."

bindin garoth
2011-02-12, 07:09 PM
Alright, thank you for your time, Aru. Acually, I'll make a donation for one of our comrads if that's ok. I'm sure one of the front liners could use it more than me, since I'm just a back liner. Hargoon says as he turns around to leave.

2011-02-12, 07:27 PM
Bindin Garoth
"Thank you, much appreciated. Point him out to me when you return. We shall do as you wish." Aru takes your coins and waves.

2011-02-12, 07:27 PM
I know i could use the gods blessing Ellard adds. I hope to return soon for the Feast, although we should check with are comrades first, right Hargoon?

OOC: Can i have the barkskin please, Elfstones AC is 3 high than mine and he has DR2/-.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-12, 07:43 PM
OOC: 500 for cold iron? It's usually 15 gp for 100..unless it's MW, which would be a fair bit more, so that makes it a great deal...

Actually, if that's MW, I'll try and get 50 of each. If not, I'll prolly pass and grab 50 MW bolts from somewhere.

"Are those bolts made by a master? That seems a slightly steep price for standard silver or cold iron...if they are though, I'm *very* interested..."

2011-02-12, 07:54 PM
term1nally s1ck
OOC: Yeah, I was assuming it had to be masterwork. An average craftsman cannot work with strange metals. It is a great deal, isn't it? :smallsmile:

IC: "Of course, sir, everything here is of the finest quality. I'll get fifty of each for you, how does that sound?" The shopkeep rushes back to the bag, puts back the bane bolts, pulls out three more scrolls and fifty of each; cold iron and silver. "That'll be 500 for the bolts and 100 for the scrolls. 600 gold, please, and thank you for shopping at Marblebell's Magic Emporium."

bindin garoth
2011-02-12, 08:23 PM
Sure Ellard, you can have the blessing. Hargoon says as he hands the priest the donatin. I hope that this donation helps you and the chruch out

2011-02-12, 08:29 PM
Thank you kindly Hargoon it's much appreciated. Ellard saysCome on lets head back and look for the others. he says turning around and heading for the exit.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-12, 08:43 PM
*Hands over the money*

"Remind me to shop here more often...:smallbiggrin: Pleasure doing business with you."

2011-02-12, 08:44 PM
Burnheart and Bindin Garoth
It is a short walk back to the barracks, down the cobblestone streets. About an hour has passed so far, what do you (all in the barracks) wish to do?

OOC: Rendel Nep and Elfstone, are you still with us?

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-12, 08:54 PM
Talmari wanders down to the temple of Pelor, wondering if he'll find his companions, and admiring the glow of his newly enhanced crossbow.

bindin garoth
2011-02-12, 08:59 PM
Hargoon decides to try and search the city and find a local group of mages or the like, to see if they have any further informaton or insight into this undead army...

2011-02-12, 09:00 PM
Of course. Been waiting for 6 hours to go by.

2011-02-13, 09:04 AM
We have been invited to a feast at the temple 2 hours before the battle starts are we all going? Ellards ask everyone.

2011-02-13, 11:19 AM
term1nally s1ck
Talmari finds himself at the large steps leading up to the highest building in the city, people hustling and bustling up and down the steps.

bindin garoth
Make a knowledge local or gather information check.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-13, 11:30 AM
*Heads in, looking for the first official-looking person to ask if his friends are around.*

2011-02-13, 11:32 AM
I will spar in the Barracks until its time for the feast.

bindin garoth
2011-02-13, 11:59 AM
Although not use to scouting, Hargoon runs through the city, trying to ask everyone if they know of any wizard, scorcers, or necromancer groups which he could go to for information...

gather info[roll0]

2011-02-13, 12:15 PM
term1nally s1ck
Talmari walks through the giant doorway and finds himself in a huge entry room. People rushing all about. It is a busy place, and you stand and watch for a few minutes before a robed man walks up to you. He is wearing white robes with a yellow sun emblazoned on the front. "Hello, traveler, how may I help you?"

bindin garoth
You complete a thorough search and speak with many people. All you find, though, is that the city is void of arcane spellcasters. There isn't even a mages guild to be spoken of in Terrantur.

bindin garoth
2011-02-13, 12:28 PM
OOC: was I able to form an idea of what the general population thougt of arcane magic? What about the higher ups? Do they seem to look down or perhaps even forbid arcane magic or magic froom the common people?

2011-02-13, 12:39 PM
bindin garoth
It is not viewed as bad or evil, it is simply not as beneficial to their population as divine magic is. Why waste one who is adept in magic on arcane magic, when he could become a cleric to Pelor. That is their viewpoint.

bindin garoth
2011-02-13, 01:03 PM
OOC: is there a library I can go to for research on the undead, to see if theirs anything like this in the past, or any noticeable info on undead or necromancy besides what the priest told us? Also, I would like to look up the churches past and see what has happpened. See if there's anything suspicious about them, Hargoon doesn't readly trust anyone, or at least not easily

2011-02-13, 01:27 PM
bindin garoth
You find that the library of Terrantur resides, not surprisingly, within the halls of the temple to Pelor. Upon arrival at the temple, a priest directs you to the library, which is up a few flights of steps and down some corridors. The room is large in comparison to a regular room, but not up to the standards of grandeur that the rest of the temple has set. It is a modest library of only a few thousand books. You sit yourself down in a chair and crack open "A History Of Pelor." It is a long book, arranged in the style of a story, to your dismay. You spend hours reading about Pelor's triumphs and downfalls as a god and then reach the point where the story becomes about the nation of Saladene. Saladene, you find, was implanted by Pelor himself. It did not slowly form out of mankind, it was formed by the will of a god. This unsettles you, as you feel that you are being controlled by the will of a god.

In addition to speaking of Pelor's creations, the book talks about his enemies. You read of the legions of undead that were sent out by Nerull to claim the lives of the people of Saladene. Being a fledgling nation and unable to defend itself, Pelor sent down his avatar and crumbled the armies of undead. Nerull was angered by this intervention, but did not retaliate. Saladene grew into one of the seven great powers that you know today, through righteousness and devotion to Pelor.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-13, 01:44 PM
"Hi there, my companions Hargoon and Ellard came here earlier, I was wondering if they were still around?"

Rendel Nep
2011-02-13, 03:54 PM
ooc: I've been waiting for one.
'...thank you for your blessings, I hope they serve me in the upcoming battle'. Darlanduin stirs from his mediation and his attention returns to the room.

2011-02-13, 04:04 PM
term1nally s1ck
"I have been informed that Hargoon has returned and is in the library. Ellard, however, has left. Would you like me to show you to the library?"

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-13, 04:37 PM
"A library? Would that have a load of really old stories, by any chance? I LOVE old stories, there was this old guy who lived near where I crashed who always had a new story about the people who saved the cities and the worlds and the people and who killed all the demons and undead and evil warped monsters, and he could even read when noone else could and he taught me to read and to write my name and to write other things and helped me learn to shoot and where to hit to hurt people more, he was really cool and everyone liked him and he died..."


"OH YEAH, LIBRARY, yeah I wanna go see the books and the stories and....oh.....do....do they have PICTURES? :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:.....oh, yeah, and Hargoon! Wonder what stories he's found..."

bindin garoth
2011-02-13, 04:53 PM
Hmm... Interesting
OOC : are the legions of nerull from then similar to the ones now? And does it mention him any time afterwards?

2011-02-13, 06:09 PM
term1nally s1ck
"Yes, well then, right this way." Aru turns around, motioning for you to follow. He tries to maintain patience with you as you walk up the steps and down hallways, talking the whole way. When you arrive at the library, Aru leaves you with your companion.

bindin garoth
The book, romanticizing Pelor and over-describing his qualities, did not put much detail into the descriptions of his adversaries. The undead were only referred to as the "Legion of Evil" and "hulking mounds of rotting flesh." Afterwards, Nerull wasn't spoken of again.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-13, 06:33 PM
"Heya, I heard you were here and oh wow this is a lot of books and stories and reading...what have you found? Any cool stories?.....Oh, and did the priests have anything cool for us? Magic powers? Superhero sent by Pelor? Tips, tricks, or hints?"

bindin garoth
2011-02-14, 11:20 AM
I found..... Something very interesting. Follow me, if you would. Hargoon says as he walks up to the nearest priest.Excuse me, sir, but you could you point me in the direction to which i could find more about Nerull and his legions of the dead? Also, I am curious about how you punish the law-breakers? Could you tell me more about this subject?

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-14, 11:21 AM
*follows along in awe at the massive amount of books, wondering how anyone ever reads them all*

2011-02-14, 11:38 AM
bindin garoth and term1nally s1ck
The priest is a bit taken aback and eyes you a bit. "A-Alright, this way." The priest leads you to a small section of books in the back on evil gods. There are maybe ten books on the dusty, unkempt shelf. The priest retreats a few steps and takes a careful watch of you as you read.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-14, 11:40 AM
*Tries to help reading through, looking for anything that would help them fight the horde of undead, and also for anything about people who defeated them before.*

"Oh, by the way, did the priests here have any blessings for you?"

bindin garoth
2011-02-14, 11:51 AM
Yup, you can donate 50gp for a barkskin spell, it wouldn't help me, but I'd probably help you.Hargoon says as he picks up the book that seems closely related to Nerull. He's also keeping a close eye on the priest here, feeling slightly suspicious of him

2011-02-14, 01:39 PM
bindin garoth
You find mostly old encyclopedias of evil deities. They don't cover Nerull much. They all speak of him as the skeleton with green hair that glows red. He is the reaper with his scythe, Lifecutter. One book mentions his go at early Saladene, but it is a short and scathing reference, not very meaningful.

OOC: If you wish to find anything of any meaning about Nerull, you'll have to convince the priest to allow you to research until the feast. Also, it will take until the feast to figure anything out.

bindin garoth
2011-02-14, 01:44 PM
Excuse me, um..... I'm sorry, but I Don't know your name. We could really use your help, you see, we're part of the calvary group that is suppose to go out soon and protect the priest, and I, from what I know so far, am seeing many similarities between this event and what happened when Nerull tried to attack this country. Both involved legions of undead, that from what I gather, no human could stop. Before, Palor's avatar himself had to come out and defeat him! Please, if you could help me learn more, we could at least figure out if this is the same person, and what we can to do stop this before any more human lives are lost.

2011-02-14, 05:07 PM
bindin garoth
"I know not of the cults of Nerull. Neither do I know why you would want to know about them. I can assure you that this is not the work of any god. This is the invasion of the nation of the Gulkat. We will not be calling down the avatar of Pelor for a battle such as this. You are frightened like a little schoolboy. Please, would you calm down and return to more orthodox studies?" The priest is obviously unappreciative of your interests in Nerull.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-14, 06:07 PM
"Dude, as a priest, you gotta know some stuff about the evil gods too, right? Do you really believe any of them would just back off and never try and get revenge after a god like Pelor just wiped his plans and armies? Maybe it is just a scary army of the undead, but even then these books look like there might be something in them to help deal with that, since that seems to be his army of choice. But then again, if he *was* going to take revenge on Pelor, wiping his nation as soon as it gets strong enough to not call for his aid again would seem like a pretty standard idea, and the massive army of the undead seems like his thing.

That doesn't really matter anyway, it can't hurt to let us spend some time with these books can it? At worst, we learn nothing new, but we might well find a cool trick to help deal with the undead."

If the priest is still unwilling to allow them to stay, Talmari goes a little hyper again, and tries to get the priest to lead him around the library to everything he can think of, books on the undead, books on their weaknesses, books on tactics against undead, books on ways to neutralise the necromancers, books on previous invasions by undead and tactics used to destroy them, books about Gulkat, books about the ways this nation is defended, and whatever else vaguely relevant he can think of. He'll go through each section of things he finds, flipping through all the books to come up with questions to ask the priest about any sections that catch his eye, generally tying up his attention and concentration for as long as he can, trying to get Hargoon the time he needs to go through the material.

Rendel Nep
2011-02-14, 09:48 PM
Darlanduin exits the barracks and take his time to go for stroll along the streets and see if there's any spirits he can talk with.

2011-02-15, 05:23 PM
bindin garoth and term1nally s1ck
"I cannot stop you, but I cannot help you either. I must leave now, I will not stand and watch you put effort towards learning about evil." The priest, patience expended, leaves the library to let you study in peace (his peace).

OOC: If either of you would like to make a knowledge:religion check, that would be nice. If not, just a general intelligence check will work.

Rendel Nep
You send out your buffalo spirit guide who returns momentarily. He frantically takes refuge in your mind, as the surrounding miles are filled with spirits of the dead. The spirits of the dead are mixed in with the legions of shambling flesh. You fear that contacting local spirits would be ill advised.

bindin garoth
2011-02-15, 06:33 PM
OOC: can I use knw arcana or history?
.....Ok. Thank you.

arcana [roll0]
int check[roll2]

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-15, 11:18 PM
Wooo 1 rank in Religion..


Rendel Nep
2011-02-16, 06:13 AM
Darlanduin is taken back by this information. Does my spirit guide have any clue if the spirits of the dead are soldiers of the army approaching or do they merely follow their risen bodies? Are they angry? sad? Darlanduin is going to seek Ellard and convey this information because he know that he has no real understanding of the spirits, just that they are there and the angry ones can be deadly.

2011-02-17, 04:27 PM
term1nally s1ck and bindin garoth

You spend hours finding out what you can about Nerull by pulling together scattered stories about him the library. You mostly concentrate your efforts on the evil bookcase, to little avail.

Nerull, you find, is the red skeleton of death. He has green hair and the scythe, Lifecutter. He established his dominion in this world early in it's creation. He prefers to kill than to raise dead, but finds that to leave an imprint on the world, he must do so. He has created cults within many cultures that are forced to go underground. They sacrifice others to appease him and ask to have their own lives taken by him. Due to the self-sacrifice and the secrecy of their ranks, the cults remain small in numbers. They have left little to no scars on society and are rather insignificant on a grand scale.

Being recently created, there is no mention of the Gulkat nation in any of the books.

Rendel Nep
Your spirit guide only tells you that the thick fluid of the nether is filled with gray shadowy figures approaching from the north. They turn all behind them black as night and destroy indiscriminately. Retracting your soul from the spirit world, you run to find Ellard sparring in the barracks with various soldiers. The soldiers trade off trying to match Ellard in sparring, none taking the matches too seriously.

bindin garoth
2011-02-17, 04:54 PM
Hmmm...... We're out of time. The feast is about to start. Talmari wanna go get something to eat. I'm hoping to catch everone else before the feast starts to let them know what we learned although it isn't much... Hargoon says with a sigh. He wishes they had more time, but at least they learned a little. Hargoon has some suspicions, especially about the underground cults. And nerull's suspected link to the new nation, but now it was time for food, and then war. And hopefully a nap. What'd I do for a nap now. A nice, relaxing nap Hargoon thought.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-17, 05:53 PM
"Yeah, I guess we should...:smallfrown:Sorry I wasn't much help.."

Rendel Nep
2011-02-18, 07:42 PM
'Ellard!' Durlanduin calls out and approaching the paladin. I decided to try and contact any spirit in city I could find. I'm sad to say i was unable to find anyone but what i did find was rather distressing. We better speak in private' as he gestures to the other soldiers sparring.

2011-02-18, 08:15 PM
Understood, i think there are some empty rooms in the back Ellard says. Turning to the soldiers he saysGood luck in the battles to come and may Pelor and Heironeous bless you and guide your Blades To Durlanduin This way follow me Ellard heads toward the back of the barracks and enters an empty room.

Rendel Nep
2011-02-19, 03:48 AM
Durlanuin appears visibly pale The undead soldiers aren't the only ones marching toward the city.When i sent my spirit guide out to seek spiritual allies, he quickly retreated back after seeing a horde o angry dead spirits fiiling the sky and that taint the land as they pass. They seem to drain the life out anything they touch and I guess while the walls might hold back the skeletons and shambling abominations for a while, the city is going to need magical wards to fend off these spirits' Durlanduin bows his head in dispair 'I think the City is in much more dire danger then anyone could realize. I also doubt the priests would have otherwise spotted them either. We might have to be prepared to protect ourselves from possession and all the insidiousness and distrust that involves'

2011-02-19, 05:22 AM
This is Grim news and i think your right the priests don't know about the spirits, else they would have mentioned them when Hargoon and I visited earlier to ask about the undead. Ellard thinks for a moment come on, we should head to the temple and tell someone about this, besides it will be time for the feast soon

Rendel Nep
2011-02-19, 03:10 PM
Darlanduin nods and agrees to follow. 'Agreed. I just hope they won't disregard me as some hokey shaman'

2011-02-19, 03:46 PM
Lets hope not, for all are sakes Ellard sets a quick pace and soon reaches the temple, heading inside he strides up to the nearest priest Excuse me, my name is Ellard and this is my companion Darlanduin, i was here earlier i spoke to a priest name Aru, could we please speak to him again it's important

2011-02-20, 12:06 PM
Burnheart and Rendel Nep
"Yes, wait here." The priest retreats into the crowd and a minute or so later, Aru emerges.
"How may I help you?"

2011-02-20, 12:14 PM
Greetings again Aru Ellard replys with a slight bow This is another of my Compainions, Darlanduin and he has some disturbing news

Rendel Nep
2011-02-20, 10:02 PM
Greetings Aru. I am a practicing Spirit shaman in the service of Ehlonna., he bows in respect.

After I had meditated on my spells this morning I decided to seek Allies among spirits of the town. My spirit guide promptly informed me that my idea was frought was one problem. There are a horde of angry spirits of the dead accompanying the soldiers that march on us as we speak. And they suck the life essence of any who get in their way.

Darlanduin continues with concern clearly marked on his brow.

I felt it was best to bring this to your attention because their insidious nature could bring us doom from within as you well know.he concludes, unsure of how the cleric will respond.

2011-02-20, 10:18 PM
Rendel Nep and Burnheart
"Angry spirits, you say? I will have the battle clerics informed. They will reserve their turnings for situations that cannot be handled any other way. Our city has some wards against incorporeal evils but, I fear not enough to stop the hordes you speak of. I am thankful to know in advance of this additional menace among their ranks. Now, I must hurry with my preparations. I hope you don't mind." Aru bows his head and promptly wades back into the crowd, larger now that it's closer to the time of the feast.

2011-02-21, 08:22 AM
Well Darlanduin shall we head to the feast? Ellard says turning to face him The others should be there and we can discuss things with them before the battle begins

Rendel Nep
2011-02-21, 05:01 PM
Durlannduin nods in agreement. 'Sure. Don't think there's anything else i need.'

2011-02-21, 07:45 PM
Still stretching, sore from his long preformance, as he walked into the bar he had been searching for Donald scanned the occupants. Looking for an empty seat at the bar he asked for a glass of strong beer. He remembered, how not to long ago he had been a man for hire, living off his wits. Seems only yesterday.

Can you tell me about the occupants of the room?

2011-02-21, 08:28 PM
You walk through the doorway to the Spinning Wench and find yourself in a packed tavern. Tables are packed with men enjoying what might be the last night of their lives. The ever-present man in the corner of the room is a tattooed aasimar. He's alone, leaning back with his chair resting up against the wall, watching the goings on of the tavern. All other tables are occupied by soldiers and clerics. You sit down at the bar and order a drink. The scarred barman puts down a tall beer in front of you and asks "You fighting in the battle tonight?"

2011-02-22, 08:24 AM
Donald takes a swig and replies "Aye, I will be making my way there shortly. I came here looking for information. Do you know anyone who might know things no one else does?" as he lifts an eyebrow and takes another swig. "I could repay you, with a little entertainment."

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-22, 09:25 AM
Oh, before I leave for the feast, I'll go offer a little over half my remaining funds to the temple. 250 gp worth.

2011-02-22, 04:28 PM
"This one's on me. I've seen my fair share of fights. Was a soldier once, but you don't wanna hear an old man ramble on. The aasimar knows quite a bit, but he's not one much for talking." The scarred barman points to the aasimar in the corner and resigns to wiping mugs clean.

term1nally s1ck
Upon receiving your donation, the priest smiles widely. "You're a generous one. You donate half of your funds and ask for nothing in return. Follow me and we shall place a ward on you." You follow the priest into a small room with some runes around a circle on the floor. You stand there for a few minutes while he chants and the runes on the floor glow faintly. A sun painted on the ceiling glows a white hot and shines blindingly bright. When he is done chanting, the glowing abruptly stops and the room returns to normal. "Pelor has protected you from magical death now.

OOC: You have the effects of death ward until you next rest.

term1nally s1ck
2011-02-22, 04:43 PM
OOC: A small part of me wishes I'd donated less, as I'm not certain how likely we are to meet energy drain and negative levels at this point. However, the other part of me is terrified that you'd give me that, since it means we are probably going to see at least some... :smalleek:

"Thank you very very much mister, anything that will help me take down some more of those undead is greatly 'preciated.

2011-02-22, 04:50 PM
"Aye, Thanks." Heading over to talk to the assimar Donald finishes off his mug before grabbing a chair and sitting down next to the assimar. After a minute he says "I hear you know alot around here. Care to tell me what you know about the deals going on round abouts?"

2011-02-22, 05:00 PM
"No" If it weren't for his short response he gave you, you would guess that the aasimar hadn't even noticed you. He continues to lean back in his chair, watching the room.

2011-02-22, 06:41 PM
Considering this Donald replies "I see. Im sorry to hear that. Is there anyway I could repay you for information?"

2011-02-22, 08:38 PM
"Doubt it." The aasimar lolls his head to face you. "What do you need to know?"

2011-02-22, 08:52 PM
Donald shrugs and says "I need to know if anyone has been hiring people to stay away from the lines, or in any way attempt to sabatoge this war. I also need to know what you know about the army approaching. And any news of a company of our bretheren would be nice."
(read* any exclusive clubs for mercs, or any back up I can call in if needed? We soldiers of hire stick together)

2011-02-23, 03:13 PM
Elfstone, make a diplomacy check.

2011-02-26, 03:22 PM
Dip check

2011-02-26, 03:34 PM
After enough small talk and friendly conversation, he decides that you aren't going to leave until he gives you some information. "There are some sons of rich nobles that managed to avoid the draft here. The people of Saladene don't like to admit it but there's corruption everyone, even here. They paid talked their ways out of the draft for the chance of making much more money off of adventurers hiring them. Mind you, these aren't soldiers, they're just trying to convince people they are to make money. Their bodyguards are formidable, though. They often have mages mixed in with their bodyguards. Only ones in the city, I think."

2011-02-26, 03:53 PM
((via phone. you have been warned))
Donalds eyes harden. "I see. Are they aware the city could fall? And which faction of the city is least corrupt?"

2011-02-27, 11:34 AM
He chuckles slightly and replies "They know, they know. And they don't care. They're all corrupt and they can use their mages to teleport out of the city whenever they want anyway. It won't hurt them if the city falls."

2011-02-27, 08:04 PM
"And if someone removed the ability to teleport in or out of this city?" Donald replies with ice in his voice.

2011-02-27, 08:21 PM
He outright laughs in your face at that. "And how do you plan on doing that???"

2011-02-27, 08:29 PM
"Not playing to do it myself one day... Just wondering what you think there reaction would be. It seems its better to try and defeat the undead than force the nobles to help. Any easy ways out of the city if this goes bad?"

2011-02-27, 08:38 PM
"This is where the free information ends. If you have the pockets to back up your curiosity, meet me upstairs." Turning in for the night, the aasimar gets up out of his chair, surveys the room for one last time, and climbs the stairs to his room.

2011-02-27, 08:50 PM
Cursing his luck Donald looks at the gold he earned earlier and smiles. He heads upstairs after the assimar after waiting a minute or two.

2011-02-27, 09:02 PM
Upon reaching the summit of the stairs, you find three small rooms. They're all modestly furnished with only the necessities. In one of them is the aasimar sitting on his bed waiting for you. "Get in here and close the door."

2011-02-27, 09:12 PM
Raising an eyebrow Donald obeys.

2011-02-27, 09:20 PM
"Look, I own this little tavern and it's in my best interests for this city to survive the siege. I have an escape plan, though. I know a way out of the city. I could tell you, but that would weaken the chances of the survival of the city. You'll have to make it worthwhile to tell you."

2011-02-27, 09:36 PM
"Why would it weaken the cities chances? I am just as conserned about the city not falling. Its my job. I am a tacticial and a leader, its my responsibility to do what ever I can to minimize the impact upon the city and to figure out how to kill as many undead as possible. How much worth your while. Are we talking new tavern worth your while? Or new horse worth." Donald replies with a calculating look in his eye.

2011-02-27, 09:41 PM
"You won't fight as hard if you know that you have a way out. You won't fight to your death unless you're pushed to your death. I want enough to expand from my tavern to an inn. I want a nice place for my daughter to stay."

2011-02-27, 09:47 PM
"I will always fight to the death unless my position is overrun and my comrades have fallen in battle. That is my code. My code is my honor. My honor is my life" settling back into the chair he was sitting in(Im just assumeing here) he thinks for a second. "So somewhere in the 1-2 thousand range? Payment type?"

2011-02-27, 10:00 PM
"I'll need 1200 gold for the down payment and... it should only take about 1500 gold for the loan in this market." He laughs at his joke. "I'll need it in cash. Then, I'll tell you how to get out."

2011-02-27, 10:03 PM
"Yes well, thats fine and dandy. Not that I doubt you, but I need something more substantial than your word for a payment of that amount."

2011-02-28, 05:52 PM
"Give me the first payment and I'll give you the general area of the place. Give me the second payment and I'll tell you exactly where and give you a map. I don't have time to show you where before the battle, I must be at the feast tonight."

2011-02-28, 08:36 PM
"Hm.. Any chance I could cut a few hundred off for preforming for free at the tavern? You know it will boost revenue."

2011-02-28, 08:45 PM
"Meet me at the feast with your money and we'll talk specifics. I have to leave now." He stands up and strides to the door. "Close the door when you leave. And the feast is at the temple." You hear him clodding down the stairs he so often walks down.

2011-02-28, 09:00 PM
Nodding Donal follows him.

2011-02-28, 09:04 PM
It is 6 pm in the temple to Pelor for the city Terrantur of Saladene. Hundreds of soldiers and hundreds more clerics have gathered in the great hall to dine before battle. You have all arrived just in time for the meal. The great hall is lined with long tables and a high table at the end of the hall. The head clerics and priests of the temple are seated and presiding over the gathering. The tables have been set with empty plates and silverware. As the feast begins, everyone is seated and food appears to fill the empty plates. You seat yourselves at a table situated near the middle of the hall and begin idle chatter with each other and the priests around you.

2011-02-28, 09:14 PM
Greetings everyone i trust you all spent your time wisely, in preparation for the battle ahead? Ellard asks with a serious look.

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-01, 08:04 PM
" We read some books. Didn't tell a good story. And didn't seem like we're close to any kind of happy ending."

Talmari picks morosely at his food.

2011-03-01, 10:01 PM
Ellard tells everyone what he and Hargoon learned from the priests about the undead we will be fighting soon and what Darlanduin told him about the spirits and thats everything he finishes. Turning to face Donald with a angry look he says Are you asking us to abandon this city when they need our help?

bindin garoth
2011-03-02, 03:41 AM
We also found a few interesting things from the past. First, Palor created this country! That really puts me at unease, kinda like I'm a puppet of his. But anyway, not long afterwards, Nerull waged war against this nation, in an attack that seems similar to the current crisis, but we were unable too find any proof. Hargoon explains to the rest of the group while gulping down a piece of meat.

2011-03-02, 02:26 PM
Donald replies with a cold look in his eyes as he reaches for his belt dagger. "I will let this once slide, but if you ever repeat that again we will have to settle this. I will never run away and leave the defenseless. I mearly stated that if the city is over run and there is no chance we will not spend out lives uselessly."

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-02, 02:35 PM
"That's silly, undead are pretty slow. Sure, a mass horde of them is hard to stop, and they can overrun fortified positions easier than most massed armies, but you can escape from them on a horse without even trying particularly hard. Only the really elite undead can keep pace with mounted soldiers.

If we weren't so worried about the city, or if we had much more warning, we'd be able to deal with this much much easier. Just put anyone who can shoot a bow onto horses, and ride near the undead and slowly kill every last one of them. If the city is a lost cause, I'd recommend that as the next tactic."

2011-03-02, 02:41 PM
"Some undead can ignore arrows and piercing weapons... They can only be damaged by maces and other blunt objects. And millions of undead can overwhelm almost anything.."

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-02, 03:03 PM
"They only ignore them to a certain extent, and slings are pretty easy to make and use."

2011-03-02, 03:07 PM
A priest nearby chimes in "You mustn't have heard about the spirits. The spirits would drain the life from your horses and cackle with glee as the hordes overwhelm your forces."

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-02, 03:15 PM
"I know of them, would it be very hard for a priest or two to keep them at bay if needed? I mean, we're sending men out in patrols with the priests, so they must have *some* defences against them.

Anyway, it's a standard trick of warfare. If your army is faster but smaller, you don't fight the massive slow army head on, you harass and hit their weaknesses, and wear them down. I'm not saying it's a simple instant-win, but it's by far better than what we have to do here."

2011-03-02, 03:20 PM
Donald replies with a cold look in his eyes as he reaches for his belt dagger. "I will let this once slide, but if you ever repeat that again we will have to settle this. I will never run away and leave the defenseless. I mearly stated that if the city is over run and there is no chance we will not spend out lives uselessly."

Fine. Ellards says turning away and scans the throngs of people trying to enjoy what could be the last night of their lives I'll agree with you getting us an escape route on one condition he says turning back to look at all his companions We swear two things, first we don't use the escape route until all hope of victory is gone and the city is lost and second, that if we do have to use it, we take as many of these Ellard waves his arm across the crowd good, innocent people with us as we can, agreed?

bindin garoth
2011-03-02, 03:23 PM
Another thing we have to keep in mind is that these are intilligent undead, not any mindless ones who'd be easier. I'd be nice if we could of had a nce wide trap to take care of them, like a pit or the likes... Hargoon chimes in..

2011-03-02, 03:29 PM
Casting his eyes down he says "Im not sure we can. Its very small, and if we bring many people we will all die. I would say no more than 20 people and I suggest we bring comrades.... Those willing to fight. For those we are not are only dead weight."

2011-03-02, 03:45 PM
If.. if you think that is best Donald, i will defer to your judgement Ellard says quietly, a look of conflict flashing across his face However i am a paladin sworn to help those in need, if we meet anyone else still alive when we head to the escape route i can't, no i won't leave them behind. Ellard says with a stubborn look in his eyes.

2011-03-02, 03:50 PM
Donald replies "I.... Understand. I must go complete the transaction. Anyone have any extra cash to help pay for our ticket out?"

bindin garoth
2011-03-02, 03:50 PM
Honestly, I'm inclined to agree with donald. We may have some strength, but if push comes to shove and em undead start overunning us, we gotta focus on survivng. Live to fight another day. Donald, how reliable is your source? Hargoon says after pausing to order thirds. Apparently, he has a big stomach, although quite small for the amount he eats!

2011-03-02, 03:51 PM
Donald replies "From as far as I can tell, completely."

2011-03-02, 03:57 PM
Sorry i haven't got any money, i spent everything i had on this Ellard points at his belt.

bindin garoth
2011-03-02, 04:19 PM
I only have a few left myself.

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-02, 04:41 PM
"I have a hundred and fifty, but that's it. I spent most of my ready cash on new bolts and upgrades. You can have what I have left, though."

2011-03-02, 05:11 PM
"Then I fear I can not afford it. I thought I had more than I do. Only 500gp."

2011-03-02, 05:18 PM
Darlanduin what about you can you spare the money?

OOC: On his sheet it says he has 7820 GP left, term1nally s1ck you said you would run him until Rendel Nep gets back right?

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-02, 05:41 PM
OOC: That's true, and it can't hurt for now. I was just gonna play him as the strong silent type, but may as well lend some money if it's needed.

"Yeah, I can spare a little money for it. How much do you need?"

2011-03-02, 06:40 PM
Donald thinks for a second and says "It costs 2700 but I have 500 so only about 2200. The party will repay you next time we come across anything worthwhile."

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-02, 07:38 PM
"I can cover that for now, shall we say even shares when we can afford it? 540 gold each, by my calculations?"

Talmari waves his hand and says "Sure, sounds fair."

2011-03-02, 07:45 PM
Donald nods "Agreed."

2011-03-02, 08:04 PM
Thats fine with me as well Ellard adds.

bindin garoth
2011-03-03, 03:52 AM
Sounds good to me

Rendel Nep
2011-03-03, 06:16 PM
'Very well, lets just make sure we get out of this intact first' Durlanduin nods in agreement and passes a bag of coin to Donald

2011-03-03, 08:21 PM
Donald takes the (offered???) money from Durlandiun. He then heads off to the Assimar.

2011-03-03, 08:37 PM
As you approach the aasimar, he quickly responds to your presence "So, do you have the money?"

Rendel Nep
2011-03-08, 01:59 AM
Durlanduin sizes up what's on offer at the table for this feast with a hungry eye.

2011-03-08, 06:32 AM
As you approach the aasimar, he quickly responds to your presence "So, do you have the money?"

Donald replies "I do."

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-08, 09:44 AM
Talmari asks the nearest priest if he knows much about undead, and who would be best to ask advice on the best ways to fight them.

2011-03-08, 04:41 PM
"Hand over 1200 and I'll give you the general location." The aasimar holds out his hand, smiling as his dreams may finally come to fruition.

term1nally s1ck
The priest who chimed in about the spirits goes into a long conversation with you about the best strategies for fighting the undead. He explains that it's best to slash those with flesh still on them and bludgeon those without it. There are also, he explains, some creatures that simply absorb damage, no matter what you do to them. He explains that spirits cannot be attacked normally, and must be assaulted with special weapons or magic.

OOC: You now know the DRs of all MM1 undead.

2011-03-08, 05:11 PM
Donald counts out the 1200 gp and hands it over.

2011-03-08, 05:19 PM
"Thank you, this will help me out a lot. Under the old residential district, there is a sewer system. We don't use it anymore, so it's a bit rundown, but there's a tunnel leading out of the city down there." The aasimar pockets the money and pulls out a yellowed, rolled up scroll. "This is a map of the sewers of that residential district. For the last 1500, I'll give you the map, mark it for you, and explain to you all the landmarks. I cannot thank you enough for this. I can only hope you don't need this information, though. If you do, all of my toil and labor will be for naught."

2011-03-08, 05:23 PM
Nodding his head Donald looks at the map and hands over the last of the monies. "I wish you the best. May the gods aid us and let us destroy the army approaching."

2011-03-08, 05:50 PM
The aasimar takes the last of the money, eyes twinkling. He then unrolls the map and lays it down on the table. "The old residential district is now the market district." He lays his finger down on the map (at C3) and a red X appears. "This is where the tunnel begins. Once there, you can simply follow it all the way out of the city. It comes out a few miles north of the city. The sewers run on every other street in both directions. The distance between one junction and the next is two blocks. Almost all known entrances to the sewers have been sealed with feet of stone. There are only four that I know of." The aasimar points to another spot, near the edge of the map (G7), and marks it with a light blue T. "This is my tavern. I have managed to dig into the sewers from the basement of my tavern. If you wish, you may use my entrance. You had better be in dire straights if you use my entrance, as I will not tolerate cowardice." He points to another edge of the map (A1) and marks it with a green J. "This is Janham's Oddities. He's managed to hide his entrance so that he can experiment on the creatures that reside in the sewers." He points a fourth time to the map (A7) and marks it with an orange M. "Marblebell's Magic Emporium, he found his entrance while putting in that magic vault of his. He never bothered to seal it and the city dares not interfere in his business." He puts his finger down for the fifth and final time (G1) and marks a black M. "Misthedge, the mysterious proprietor of that strange place has been smuggling goods through the sewers for a good time now. Few know much about what goes on at that place but, I trust my sources." The aasimar pauses for a while, thinking. "Oh, one last thing. This is a map from when the sewers were in use. They have fallen into great disrepair now and many passages have caved in. Many creatures reside down there and have altered the landscape to suit their needs. Be on your toes when you're down there. Y'never know when something will pop up behind you."

C3:Tunnel entrance
G7: Aasimar's tavern
A1: Janham's Oddities
G1: Misthedge
A7: Marblebell's Magic Emporium

2011-03-08, 05:55 PM
Listening carefully, Donald follows along and burns the directions into his mind. He takes the map when its offered and thanks the Assimar. He then returns to his friends and informs them that when they are done he will inform them of the routes incase they are sepperated. He then attempts to strike up a conversation with a rich noble. Preferable one with a mage bodyguard.

2011-03-08, 07:27 PM
In your search for the nobles, you ask a priest if he knows where any are. He responds with a tinge of disgust in his voice. "The nobles? What would you want with that corrupt lot? Anyway, they aren't here. We don't invite them. They're a horrid bunch, they are."

2011-03-09, 12:56 PM
So hargoon what do you think of the feast? Ellard asks with a smile Not bad for a last meal?

bindin garoth
2011-03-11, 10:29 AM
"It was great! Especially with the third helping!" Hargoon says with a big grin on his face. He defintly doesn't look like he ould eat as muc as he dd but somehow he had.
"I think I'm gonna go get ready for the battle, maybe do a few exercises and drills. Gotta be prepared! So I'll just be in the barracks waiting for the battle unless something comes up." He says as he turns around and leaves.

2011-03-11, 11:05 AM
After the hour of feasting has expired, the crowd disperses and prepares for battle. They don armor and make quick prayers to Pelor. You meet up with your three companion clerics, Ainu, Koj, and Eosul; and set off for the stables. You saddle your horses/riding dogs, and set out on patrol. You begin in the new residential district and work your way clockwise around the walls. When you reach the outer wall and turn right, Koj speaks up. "We have a connection to priests in the tower of the temple. They'll give us orders as to where there's a breach. With such a huge force, a breach is a big deal and we'll have to mend it quickly. We're gonna be kept busy late into the night. I hope you're prepared for a true siege, my friends."

Only ten minutes pass before your leisurely, uneventful patrol around the wall is interrupted. Eosul's eyes go blank and his horse stops. He begins to speak out of a trance. "Oh, Pelor! What is that?! Oh, Pelor! Oh, Pelor!!!" He severs the connection and begins charging back down the wall, towards the center of the residential district.

OOC: Gain +1 morale bonus from the feast (yes, this stacks with your bardic morale bonuses, Elfstone :smallwink:)

bindin garoth
2011-03-11, 11:24 AM
Hargoon, as soon as he see's this happen, follows him, saying What happened? They didnt breach already did them?

OOC: +1 moral to everything?? :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-11, 12:31 PM
Ellard scans the streets for evil as they ride Durlanduin are there any spirits around here? he asks.

2011-03-11, 12:40 PM
You detect much evil on the other side of the many foot thick wall to your right. Other than that, no evil detected.
Rendel Nep
There are spirits near the gatehouse on the other side of the city, but nothing nearby.
OOC: No, sorry. Just to attack rolls and will saves.

2011-03-11, 01:09 PM
I'm not finding anything evil within the city just outside the wall there Ellard points to the right at the city wall beyond which lie the hordes of the dead so i doubt theres a breach, something else must be wrong.

2011-03-11, 01:48 PM
Eosul, once he has gained full composure, explains to you what he saw. "It was a shambling mound of earth that burst from the street itself. It was tossing soldiers around like dolls. It began destroying houses of the civilians and murdering them in their slumber. I couldn't stand to watch the slaughter anymore. I had to sever the connection. I know where it is, though. I recognized the neighborhood. Follow me."

You continue backtracking for a few minutes, then cut down a side-street that heads deeper into the city. As you approach your destination, the ground begins to tremble and Ellard feels the presence of an evil ahead. The closer you get, the more the ground shakes, the stronger the presence of evil feels, and the more apartments you find smashed to pieces. As you round the final corner, the pile of crumbled earth and stone appears thirty feet ahead of you.

Roll initiative, please.
If you would like to roll knowledge checks, it would be knowledge (planes)

Do not read


2011-03-11, 01:49 PM
Cleric Inits:


2011-03-11, 02:33 PM
Ellards initiative [roll0]

2011-03-11, 02:39 PM
The Uber leaders init [roll0]

2011-03-11, 03:10 PM


2011-03-11, 03:13 PM
DUDE. How did you make that? Its awesome.

2011-03-11, 03:14 PM
DUDE. How did you make that? Its awesome.

Maptool and a snow day. :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-11, 03:15 PM
Which map tool?

bindin garoth
2011-03-11, 03:34 PM
Whoa nice map man!

also wouldn't group init be easier?

2011-03-11, 03:42 PM
That thing is a Huge Earth Elemental (cr 7), not a greater (cr 9) or Eldar (cr 11) right? and why am i behind someone when i prefer charging?

2011-03-11, 04:59 PM
Which map tool?
This one. (http://www.rptools.net/index.php?page=downloads)

Whoa nice map man!
also wouldn't group init be easier?

Thank you. I will use group init in battles with more people. This battle only has 9, so... more manageable. Buuuuut... I could see where people posting at different times could slow things down... Maybe we should switch to group init...

That thing is a Huge Earth Elemental (cr 7), not a greater (cr 9) or Eldar (cr 11) right? and why am i behind someone when i prefer charging?
I'll fix your placement. And it's none of those :smalltongue:. It's evil, remember? None of the usual elementals are evil.

Your init:


Don't look:


You go first.


2011-03-11, 05:20 PM
Donald is always in bolstering voice stance, unless specified. He draws his weapon and sets his shield, moves forward a few feet as be begins singing(inspire courage).

Rendel Nep
2011-03-11, 05:39 PM
'I think we found our spirit' Durlanduin comments as he points to the shambling pile of rocks.

ooc : I think elementals also count as spirits
just what I said before the retcon
"no spirits nearby, They're on the other-side of City..near the gatehouse?' say as he concentrates on sensing the sipirts

2011-03-11, 05:49 PM
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]ooc : I think elementals also count as spirits

They do, sorry. Missed that bit. Well then, you sense a rather large one right in front of you. :smalltongue:

2011-03-11, 05:50 PM
OOC: Pretty sure I know what this is, but to avoid metagaming ill keep it my self.

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-11, 09:01 PM
OOC: Any chance that as we approached it I could have had one of the cleric use a MW scroll on a bundle of bolts? And if so how much of the duration would I have left?


2011-03-11, 09:05 PM
term1nally s1ck
You call back to the clerics asking for a scroll to buff your bolts. Ainu responds succinctly "All the scrolls are back at the temple for our last stand."

OOC: Correction, it's a huge rock :smalltongue:

term1nally s1ck
2011-03-11, 09:14 PM
OOC: I bought 4 Magic Weapon scrolls myself, just need a Cleric to do the using.

2011-03-11, 09:24 PM
OOC: It will take up your whole turn, pretty much... You have to move next to him and pull out the scroll (standard action) and give it to him (free action). If you do:

You run back to where Ainu is standing (D1), pull out the scroll, and hand it to him. "I've got the scroll right here."
"Ah, yes." Ainu responds and begins to read the scroll.

Spellcraft: [roll0] vs 21

Ainu reads through the scroll, nods, and begins to chant. The letters on the scroll begin to glow in addition to Ainu's sun of Pelor. He finishes the spell and holds his sun of Pelor up to your bundle of bolts. The scroll burns to ash in his hands and your bolts glow slightly.

OOC: Success.

Rendel Nep
2011-03-12, 01:13 AM
Durlanduin looks the Elemental up and and down sizing him up 'I got something that will work against it .Although I need to be a bit closer. It may get a bit agitated though'

bindin garoth
2011-03-12, 06:00 AM
"Anyone! If you need to back off and heal let me know! I'll cover you while giving you a quick rest, just make sure I can get next to you!" Hargoon shouts out before moving forward and unleashing a blast of blazing hot red flames from his mouth, which seem to stick to the enemy.

Move to E4, using breath weapon in a 30ft line. Also using entangling exhileration, which, as long as the opponent takes at least 1 point of damage, entangles the opponent for 1d4 rounds and deals 1d6 fire damage to the opponent at the beginning of each of his rounds. Entangling Exhileration halfs my breath weapon from 2d6 to 1d6, this is already included.

Reflex DC 17 for half
Fire damage [roll0]
Entanglement lasts for [roll1]

Current stats:

HP: 48/48
AC: 20 FF 19, Touch: 16
F/R/W = 9/2/8
Draconic Aura, when ally within 30ft is below 1/2 hp, gain fast healing 1.
All allies are warded against my breath weapon, they take no damage from it

2011-03-12, 10:09 AM
White hot flames fly from your mouth and lick at the base of the mound of earth before you. After the flames cool to red, they gelatinize onto the base of the creature, sticking it to the ground. The pile of earth and bone ignores your futile attempt to harm it.

You didn't break DR, so no need to roll damage every round. :smalltongue:
But, it's still entangled.



bindin garoth
2011-03-12, 10:33 AM

fire damage isn't affected by Dr. did you mean it has fire resistance/immunity?