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View Full Version : [Palladium Fantasy] New player needs some advice...

2011-02-01, 09:56 PM
Well my group has decided to start a Palladium Fantasy Campaign. But the thing is not a single one of us has played before. So, as a new player, I would like to know if I have filled the character sheet out properly... seeing as I couldn't find anything for some of the fields. I'm playing a Mutated Animal from TMNT and Other Strangeness as it uses the same system, we are also using the High Speed gets bonuses to Dodge from the same book.

Here is my Character Sheet.
Please forgive the bad quality. I'm not sure how to properly do a pdf here.

Any other advice that I can pass along to the others in the group would be great. Also, anything else I should be on the look out for.
