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View Full Version : Finding Players at my College

2011-02-02, 12:47 AM
Got any tips for how to attract PCs to my game? There's apparently a surplus of DMs this semester so most of the people in this club may have found groups and don't feel like being in more than one. I found two players thus far. If I can't find anymore, I might just make this a gestalt game. I've gone on the Facebook page and gave a brief description of the campaign and asking for players. Aside from that, got any tips for attracting PCs?

Dusk Eclipse
2011-02-02, 12:54 AM
Is there something like a noticeboard? Putting up something on that kind of stuff might work.

2011-02-02, 12:57 AM
Use your social networking. Find people who are always playing the xbox and such. Nerdy people usually have similar tastes in fun. You may even be able to introduce new players to the game this way. Your friends or a friend of a friend is the best way to go. That is how I got started. A guy that lived down the hall from my in college knew that I played final fantasy a lot and was like hey...do you wanna try this out. I did...and have never looked back

2011-02-02, 01:21 AM
Well, the Facebook page is the closest thing to a noticeboard and social network. I guess I could try asking other people from this other club that I'm currently the president of. Although some of them I have DM'd for before and well they didn't like my special surreal style of Dming. My campaign was so out there that it made Adventure Time look sane and rational. Just think about that for second.

2011-02-02, 05:42 AM
I would say try your luck over in the recruiting forum, but I've tried that, and it doesn't work so well. :smallsigh:

2011-02-02, 06:51 AM
I would say try your luck over in the recruiting forum, but I've tried that, and it doesn't work so well. :smallsigh:

I'm not exactly sure how many people from my college use these forums and frequent the recruitment threads.

2011-02-02, 08:05 AM
Use your social networking. Find people who are always playing the xbox and such. Nerdy people usually have similar tastes in fun.

Look for local LARPs, gaming conventions, and groups like the SCA. Even if you only go a handful of times, you will meet people who will want to play tabletop games as well. I met almost all of my gaming friends through LARPs, even though none of us LARP any more.

2011-02-02, 08:14 AM
Look for local LARPs, gaming conventions, and groups like the SCA. Even if you only go a handful of times, you will meet people who will want to play tabletop games as well. I met almost all of my gaming friends through LARPs, even though none of us LARP any more.

Okay, to clear a few things up:

-LARPing: Yeah, I used to do it and loved it, but I've kind of out grown running around the forest in a cheap costume hitting people with plumbing supplies. Okay, I still kind of like the idea of incorporating a new dimension to roleplaying, but I do lack transportation and don't have the money to attend one.

--I mostly just looking for people who ATTEND my college. The D&D group is part of a college club and that's the best way to find people for D&D groups in my college is through the club. I don't really feel like going outside the school to find people. Yeah, I know that sounds kind of dumb, but I'd like to stick with people who share the element we all go to the same school and I can reach easily.

2011-02-02, 08:21 AM
Okay, to clear a few things up:

-LARPing: Yeah, I used to do it and loved it, but I've kind of out grown running around the forest in a cheap costume hitting people with plumbing supplies. Okay, I still kind of like the idea of incorporating a new dimension to roleplaying, but I do lack transportation and don't have the money to attend one.

I'm right with you Epic, but if I moved to a new city where I didn't know anyone, I would find the Camarilla chapter first thing, and attend some games. Not because my soul longs to play in a LARP, but because 3 months later I would have my D&D game.

In my experience, when a new player shows up, and asks to join, but says he has little money/no car, many LARPs will bend over backwards to get him to game.

How do you know that there AREN'T people from your college attending that LARP/Convention/SCA event, until you go and see?

2011-02-02, 10:02 AM
MTG is a good gateway to find RPG players... Find where Mtg is being played with your eyes and your future players will be there.

2011-02-02, 11:48 AM
MTG is a good gateway to find RPG players... Find where Mtg is being played with your eyes and your future players will be there.

Aditionally, WoW / DotA players are already knee-deep into fantasy-ish stuff. They tend to grasp the basics pretty easily.

2011-02-02, 12:23 PM
I'm right with you Epic, but if I moved to a new city where I didn't know anyone, I would find the Camarilla chapter first thing, and attend some games. Not because my soul longs to play in a LARP, but because 3 months later I would have my D&D game.

In my experience, when a new player shows up, and asks to join, but says he has little money/no car, many LARPs will bend over backwards to get him to game.

How do you know that there AREN'T people from your college attending that LARP/Convention/SCA event, until you go and see?

Even so, I mean I do have work to focus on not to mention I am the president of a club. I don't think I can find time one weekend every month to LARP. Not to mention the whole transportation issue of how the heck do I get there? Also, all my LARP gear is at home and I don't feel like buying new stuff.

big teej
2011-02-02, 09:46 PM
I was about where you are last semester

just moved in on campus... and I needed a gaming fix

so I put up fliers all over campus
all around the dorms
in all the class buildings

eventually I had a few people email me in interest

I went to my academic advisor and asked "do you know of any students/faculty or staff that would be interested in dnd"

he gave me a name (happened to be my sociology proffessor)

went and spoke to him
he gave me 3 more names

went and spoke to them.

week or two later of getting things set up

my group consists of 2 teachers, 1 teacher's husband, 4 student players (one of which is my girlfriend) and another potential 1-2 players.

2011-02-03, 11:43 AM
Got any tips for how to attract PCs to my game? There's apparently a surplus of DMs this semester so most of the people in this club may have found groups and don't feel like being in more than one. I found two players thus far. If I can't find anymore, I might just make this a gestalt game. I've gone on the Facebook page and gave a brief description of the campaign and asking for players. Aside from that, got any tips for attracting PCs?

Wow, what school do you go to?* I wish I had that problem. I've always found a surplus of players and a dearth of GMs.

*You don't actually have to answer. That was a rhetorical question.

2011-02-03, 11:52 AM
Same problem at my school with a surplus of DMs and a lack of players I'm also the president of the club right now though I'd like to pass it on to someone else this semester.

Best way I've found is similar to the one described by big teej.

Ask players that you already know about other groups they know of. I'm always amazed at how many people are out playing in isolated groups all over campus just ask around.

2011-02-03, 12:01 PM
Play somewhere in public. Most schools have lounges that are great for RPGs. If people recognize what you're doing they're likely to say hi.

Convert potential players. See who plays games in computer labs. Hang out near CS students. If someone plays WoW there's a decent change they'll try D&D.

Start with your 2 person game and add more over the course of the semester. Just because you don't have 6 players now doesn't mean you won't in 2 months.