View Full Version : Player Friendly 'The War'

2011-02-02, 05:23 PM
Here is some history of the world guys. You can comment about it and give suggestions for me in the OoC. I will go and slowly add more detail but for a world I think it is well thought out.

If you have a prefrence for a portarit used on the battle maps post it on the OoC.

This is large I warn you now. Also this is as much to help players as it is for me to refine my Dming style.

The History of the Realms

The Under-dark canyons along the main continent break open & the ‘Spell Distortion’ tears across the world. The world is torn apart along this time line

War breaks across the continent to get control of areas not affected by ‘Spell Distortion’ the kings, warlords, & generals of the world squabble for control

First sighting of Aberrations from the ‘Far Realm’ Aboleths, Mind Flayers & other monstrosities. Drow from the Under-dark come out fighting back tides of these horrors.

Battle begins between the ‘Top Siders’, ‘Under-dark Inhabits’, ‘Far Realm Abominations’ these wars begin.

The battles become increasingly worse all sides suffering monstrous battles. The ‘Spell Distortion’ has spread to more places to the world & Under-dark.

The God’s & High-Demons send their soldiers to try & not lose those which worship him. They begin striking at the Abominations of the ‘Far Realm’

The Mind Flayers retreat into the Under-Dark & Far Realm. The Drow & other races either stayed on the surface well others retreated under back into the caverns they once called home.

The Demons try to overrun the gods. This attack upon them is felled by the Top Siders along with new ideas.

The Demons have to retreat into the Abyss, this great surge causes the formation of Nine-Hells.

The ‘Spell Distortion’ has coated the complete world because all took to war.

The people after the strange ruptures from the ‘Spell Distortion’ begin to fear what more it will do now that it covers the world.

The ‘Spell Distortion’ rips parts of the world apart. Years of war transformations from the ‘Spell Distortion’ have taken its tool. Parts of the Material Plane transform in climate others twist in there geography. Large pieces of land rip from the world or oceans rising into the sky floating on high

The Changes distortions to the world begin to end &the end of the Spell Plague has begun. Those that survive struggle to live new races begin to form. Eladrin first come out into this strange warped world trapped from the ‘Feywild’

The First Halflings, Orcs, Giants, Ogres, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, Bully-Wugs, Gnolls, Minotaurs, Shifters, Kobolds, Harpy, Troglodyte, Dragonborn, Dwarves, Kenku, Gensai, Slaad, Centaurs, Goliaths, & Wilden

The races of the following begin to establish themselves upon the Material Plane building upon them trying to survive

Elves begin to form; Half-Orcs & other half species begin to show amongst the world.
Groups begin to diversify in some other races become monstrous warriors.

Most knowledge of the monstrous races former intelligence has been lost. Them have become savages evil Demon Worshipers & Worshiping Gods that support cruel acts.

Bits of the ‘Spell Plague’ left within the world activate twisting it once more changes begin to take place & the peoples begin to mobilize to protect themselves

The ‘Second Spell Plague’ ends the world was twisted changed floating islands & other things the intelligent species begin to develop & survive

The new age empires begin to form in this strange world.

Eladrin & Gnomes once more come to this world having once more gained contact with it. A city connecting all the planes is formed named ‘Sigil’.

Warforged are first built using living forges but are soon lost after the creation of +5000 units.

The world & governments, & rulings are firmly under the new age Governments. They are the main countries of the world. They are separated by the wilderness of the Spell Changed. Small Villages, Towns, Cities & what not; these towns are the only safe havens outside; the ‘New Age Countries’

The Current Campaign begins here. Wars cannot be really waged because of the distance separating them.
All good aligned gods are worshiped by countries. Evil Gods are worshipped in secret. Each country has 1 to 3 patron deities (Deities the general public worship). Temples to all deities can be found throughout each country.

Avandra - Good Goddess of Change, Luck and Travel, Patron of Halflings.
Avandra is a patron deity worshiped by ‘The Collected Bherg’ and ‘Elven Kingdoms’

Bahamut - Lawful Good God of Justice, Protection and Nobility. Patron of Dragonborn.
Bahamut is a patron deity worshiped by ‘The Sons of Dragon’

Corellon - Unaligned God of Beauty, Art, Magic and the Fey. Seasonal God of the Spring and Patron of Eladrin.
Corellon is a patron deity for any ‘Elven Kingdoms’

Erathis - Unaligned Goddess of Civilization, Inventions and Law.
Erathis is a patron deity worshiped by ‘The Empire of Man’ and ‘The Republic of Unteln’

Ioun - Unaligned Goddess of Knowledge, Skill and Prophecy.
Ioun is primarily worshiped by ‘The Elven Kingdoms’ and ‘The Republic of Unteln’

Kord - Unaligned God of Storms, Battle and Strength.
Kord is a patron deity for ‘The Empire of Man’, ‘The Sons of Dragon’ and ‘The Mines of Taazlurrt’

Melora - Unaligned Goddess of Wilderness, Nature and the Sea
Melora is a patron deity for ‘The Collected Bherg’
Moradin - Lawful Good God of Family, Community and Creation (as in smithing). Patron of Dwarves
Moradin is a patron deity for ‘The Mines of Taalzurt’

Pelor - Good God of Sun, Agriculture and Time. Seasonal God of Summer.
Pelor is a patron deity for all countries

Raven Queen - Unaligned Goddess of Death, Fate and Doom. Seasonal Goddess of Winter.
The Raven Queen is not a patron deity for any country.

Sehanine - Unaligned Goddess of Illusion, Love and the Moon. Seasonal God of Autumn and Patron of Elves.
Sehanine is the patron deity for ‘Elven Kingdoms’ along the south east

The New Age Countries

The Empire of Man
This is an empire, ruled by a king with his senate being equal to him. The Senate has 75representives 30composed of the nobles the last 45made of elected individuals. Elections are held once every 3years. This is a powerful & most ancient of the Countries. They have strong tradition & structured society.
A owner of land gives half of his wealth to his eldest child, ¾ of it if he is male. 1/8 the man’s wealth goes to support his wealth if she lives if not then 1/12 is be given to each of his daughter. Any money left will then be divided amongst the remaining sons. 3/6the remaining given to the first, 2/6to the next son, 1/6for the third. The last of the children must make their own way in the world. The man or women can also leave there money to whoever, or put it to a lower Senate to divide it amongst his family & friends as they deem fit.

Example; 5000gp when he dies now let’s divide it his wife lives & he has 5sons 3daughters, his son is his first born unlike a daughter
First Born Son; 3750gp
Wife; 625gp
The Three Daughters; 104gp, 1sp, 6cp
The Second Son; 156gp, 2sp, 6cp
The Third Son; 104gp, 7cp
The Fourth Son; 52gp, 1sp, 9cp
The Fifth Son; Nothing

A traditional society most keep to this system for distribution of wealth. The political & economic structure of this nation holds strong after all its history.
The government has a national army. 15% is made from soldiers which are elite trained from the best of the best. 50% these soldiers are the basic army recruits practically everyone else. 35% these are militia & voluntaries rather than trained soldiers.
Officers of the law are trained to the skill of the regular army with Sheriffs of the nation being men that didn’t make the elite or are just higher skill level than those of the regular army.
Officers of the law are trained experts in dealing with any situation & to handle magic’s.
The Empires tactics revolve around using superior numbers knowledge of the terrain & unrivaled scouts they can outmaneuver the enemy.

The Empire is diverse but the more humanoid & human you are the higher position within society a person will probably have. They are very open to humanoids having racial equality but have troubles with others races.

The empire has stone worked roads letting trade within their borders fast & easy. It’s a country of hills, plains, light forests, & a few swamps. The central river of the country is one of its nexus of trade actually going straight to the capital. Waterworks & irrigation canals these let water be taken to all of the people in the Empire.

The other countries know to not try & fight with the Empire even if they could. Great amount of respect is given for their tradition & ability for those within its borders to be happy. This ability has amazed other countries for it & even as other governments have fallen all respect the might of the Empire.

The Sons of Dragon
An Empire made from the Metallic Dragons & Good Chromatic Dragons. Its subjects are of many races the main kingdom princes & lords are Dragonborn. The Dragonborn built this massive kingdom inviting all races especially draconic races that would give up an evil ways. It is the third oldest of the kingdoms built with draconic rights & rites of passage. These unique outlooks upon the world as all are equals, no matter the race, tradition, religion, gender the Sons of Dragon are open to all.

The empire has no structure to its political & economic ways. It trades in exotics goods made from the draconic arts & dessert items. All citizens are considered to be a part of the army all people amongst the army are trained for combat. Skilled individuals may be recruited into specialty units & the Grand Army.

The Sons and there age have kept around and been able to stay around for its amazing war strength and powerful generals. The army is composed of Dragoon Riders, Hog Riders, Knights, Calvary, and other soldier types.

The races made up of the Sons are anything Draconic along with other humanoids. The terrain of this country makes elves, forest dwelling, and mountain dwelling species extremely rare.

The Sons of Dragon control the massive deserts of Karalzz along with anything along those coasts. Cliffs throughout the coast, Swamps near those coasts, mountain ranges jutting out near those cliffs, oasis dot this strange bizarre twisted land.

Elven Kingdoms
Elven Kingdoms are throughout the world in various places from very small to a decent size most Elven kingdoms are very new having formed within the last 100-200years.

Each of the Elven Kingdoms has different structures some are actually Republics or actual Kingdoms. This differing structure has led to many squabbles and bids for lands amongst these small lands.

Most of the Elven Kingdoms are entirely woods or jungles. Some have noticeable hills and open plains or even a low mountain.

Races in the Elven Kingdoms are generally Elves, Eladrin, Half-Elves, Humans, Gnomes Deva and other races deemed respectable within the individual kingdom.

The Mines of Taazlurrt
The Mines are mainly a large kingdom of mountains that is in the high Northwest. Taazlurrt is used to describe any area with enough control of the surrounding land. There are 2 others in the Grand Continent one in the center of the continent the other in the far south east.

The Mines is a general term with each of these actually being a kingdom even the Mines in the Northwest is actually many smaller kingdoms rather than one collective. This structure leads to political debates and small scuffles between kings for mineral rights.

The Mines are mainly inhabited by mountain faring races because most of the land is mountains or hills. There are also some forest dwellers on the hills referred to as the ‘Low Lands’ by some. Ironically still being higher than most of the continent.

The Republic of Unteln
The republic is a powerful collective of small nations they have formed one cohesive government. They use there merchant and powerful middle-class to keep others from trying to attack them with their ability to have money to outlast the enemy.

The Republic is in the Southwest mainly made of plains, hills, and light forests. It is composed of families of middle class level. The republic has 200seats of office, 190are from merchant families, the last 10are the royal family. These royal members are from the old royal family in power. The merchants use there holds to control trade routes throughout their territory.

The republic is the most diverse of any country for its political, social, religious views. They have the greatest diversity racially of any group. Every race can be found within these borders with them all being represented by the Republics Seat of Office.

The Collected Bherg
Imperialist and massive anything and everything people outside the Collected know not much trade with foreigners inside its borders but around them trade happens. Most merchants traveling near the ‘Bherg’ consider it the finest of lines.

The town you are in 'Riverborn' is situated on a river straddling on one side a 'Mine' the other 'The Sons of Dragon'. It is a small simple town with the river bringing most traders and the easiest route in and out of this valley. The only other routes are going over the mountains or through the 'Mine'.
The mountains jut out from all sides they are especially high to the south were a smaller fiefdom may be found. Over the east and north is the 'Sons of Dragon' the sheer mountains dropping into desert. The Valley has lush hills with plenty of trees slowly ascending the mountains you can veiw the entirety of it in all its splendor.

You are from differemt backgrounds, beliefs, and ideals, but one reason or another has brought all together.
This adventure does not start in a tavern as some. This one begins in a guardhouse.
A sign posted in the town square 'Come those who seek adventure gold awaits those who accept this task'
Standing before those that are assembeled is a Captain of the Guard. A 'Nicholas' a golden Dragonborn.
Tall massive regal, you've been brought together from maybe your church offering its services, the money for the task, guiding spirits of nature, visions from strange mental powers, arcane sights leading your path.
For that does not matter you are all here hired by this man. The task for you to take will be told and your choice in taking it is your own.
Let are adventure begins.

The Large Dragonborn sighs turning to you all his lips purse and he begins to speak his words are rough like granite.
"I don't much like having to use people that are not my own men but this case I have no better option. We've had some troubles and I need some one willing to remove them. Over the last months a former resident of are town one 'Verdin Vyyleise' has been coming from the north causing troubles with magics and a group of kobolds. Now the problem is we don't know from were in those mountains he is coming from and cannot search as we wish without leaving a undefended town. If you have yet to figure this task out I want you to find him and bring back 'Verdin' for trial. The payment is 50gold pieces to each upon his return dead, 60alive."
What do you think?

2011-02-02, 06:23 PM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Sorval glances down at the crystal orb in his hand, pondering this offer. I've never fancied myself an adventurer, he thought, but it does sound interesting and I certanly can use the money. I was drawn here for a reason and this seems as good a reason as any. I wish I'd listened to my masters more so I could understand these visions.

After a moment, he speaks up. "Very well, I accept your offer. I would like to have more information about Verdin, such as who he associated with and what kind of magic he posessed. Horses for our journey would be greatly appreciated as well."

2011-02-02, 06:41 PM
Nicholas listens to your words.

"Verdin associated with none. That old crow 'Nal' may know something being his teacher. Horses I cannot offer to you, the mountains make it easier to travel on foot so we do not have enough to give."

2011-02-02, 06:55 PM
valna thinks the offer over and decides it could make quite a story
i will also accept your mission

2011-02-02, 07:30 PM
Rhovallos had listened intently to the Dragonborn and then regarded the two people who had already accepted Nicholas' mission. His new companions. "I'll join as well," he said after the half-elven woman had spoken.

2011-02-02, 07:45 PM
Fleck would rather not do this sort of mission, but he was in dire straits financially. The choice between this and being a pauper was pretty clear. "I will join too. Can you tell us any more about this Nal?"

2011-02-02, 07:57 PM
"Good good." Nicholas smiles at the willingness to coporate. He seems sour having to speak of the wizard.
"Local wizard trains any youths that show talent or wish to learn about the arcane. Runs the local oddities shop, strange items, potions for body pains. People like him and he's repectable thats all I can say."

Insight 16
He does not like the wizard

2011-02-02, 10:10 PM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

A halfling, Bodo Ghostleaf, also answered the call. He stands almost 4 feet tall and is dressed in plate mail with a heavy shield across his back and a rapier at his hip. Bodo agrees with the rest.

"I'll gladly help bring someone in for trial. I may not understand magics, but he'll have a hard time protecting himself with it when I sneak up behind him and knock him out before he can see me.

It seems as though our first task is finding Nal. I suggest we start there."

2011-02-02, 10:33 PM
On the trip into the town, Edric looks at the signpost and sighs. His unkempt hair blows in the breeze as he gives his nearly empty coin pouch a jingle. Rereading over the information, he shakes his head and walks over to the guard house.
He listens to Nicholas describe the troubles they are having, he waits until everyone has spoken before he asks in draconic.

What kind of man is he? Has he caused any problems before or is this something new? 50gp is the pay, Sehanine must be smiling upon me for I am in need of the coins. I shall go and try to return this man alive, but please forgive us if he decides to not return willingly and must be dealt with.

Looking at the gathering of people, he nods politely and states:

May name Edric. Edric the Quick, the Rogue, or most lately Edric the Wanderer. Please tell me, what kind of skills do you have?

2011-02-02, 10:59 PM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

Hail, Edric. I am Bodo Ghostleaf, sneak and swashbuckler extraordinaire! Don't let my plate armor and heavy shield fool you; I use it merely to trick my foes into believing that I am far tougher than I really am. It is for show and I am truly agile and the finest sneak around. I also pride myself on my words in tense situations, although I am able to use them to strike fear into my foes should the opportunity present itself. I've also been trained in the healing arts and about the gods, although I tend to get them mixed up quite frequently.

2011-02-02, 11:15 PM
Greetings, Bodo. To be honest, my skills involve the arts of traps and sneaking. Though I am a fair shot with my crossbow, if I may say so my self. Though I have no tongue for facy words and the ways of politics.

Do not worry about about remembering the gods, for they shall remember you, my friend. There are times when I believe that they should not be looking at what we do.

2011-02-02, 11:30 PM
greetings edric i am valna the bard. my talents are mainly singing and storytelling

2011-02-03, 12:05 AM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

(It is worth noting that nothing about Bodo screams "stealthy". In fact, he clanks loudly wherever he goes. In fact, it's hard to imagine this guy being anything resembling a swashbuckler. It's not that he doesn't look dexterous, it's just that the plate armor and heavy shield look like they are weighing him down immensely.)

With most of the gods, I agree with you, Edric. Sehanine, however, is special. It is but a small part of the populace that does not want the goddess of love looking in on them. And you know, Edric the Rogue, many rogues ask her for her blessing on their work.

2011-02-03, 02:59 AM
The tall deva stands motionlessly as she listens to the dragonborn, her face partially concealed by a hood. "If Verdin Vyyleise endangers innocents, the deed shall be done, though his own actions shall decide the nature of his ultimate fate, as Avandra wills it." Idria speaks in a completely calm and even voice, showing little in the way of emotions but having a pleasant tone to it.

Turning to face the others, she listens attentively until it is her turn. "I have been given the name of Idria and I have served Lady Avandra as an avenger, hunting those who have committed grave sins against her will for a thousand lives. I can provide my blade, senses and knowledge, the latter excelling in matters of spirituality, healing and history. Seeking out the mentor appears to be the most prudent course of action."

2011-02-03, 07:34 AM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

"My apologies for never mentioning my name. It is Sorval. Unlike some of you others, I have sought strength from within, not without, though I envy your trust and dedication of the ones you choose to serve."

Turning to Edric, he grins and says, "as for my talents..."

Use Send Thoughts to send a mental message to Edric

"...I can speak without talking, wound with a thought, and they say I can play a mean hand of three dragon ante!"

2011-02-03, 09:11 AM
Listening to the other people introduce themselves followed by telling their talents. In hopes the get the introduction out of the way, the elven druid spoke firm but quick, "My name is Rhovallos. I am skilled with the bow and capable to call upon the primal forces of nature."

2011-02-03, 12:37 PM
Fleck waited for everyone to speak before introducing himself in a gruff voice.
"I'm Fleck, honorary dwarf and a shaman of the healing arts. I use my powers with the help of Mannansikt, a great spirit wolf spirit."
It appeared that he didn't like having to speak to them or need their help.

2011-02-03, 05:03 PM
The Dragonborn seems happy.
"Good thanks are in order for you by taking this task. He has been truly problematic. As for Nal he can be found near the riverside, he may know something he may not I cannot say. If that is all I have other matters to attend to."

2011-02-03, 05:12 PM
Idria nods slightly towards the dragonborn and wordlessly leaves towards Nal's location.

2011-02-03, 05:32 PM
valna moves to follow idria out the door

2011-02-03, 05:37 PM
Fleck follows too.

2011-02-03, 06:03 PM
Rhovallos looks over to the other members of the newly formed group before following the deva woman and the other two towards their destination. He hopes this Nal will prove to be helpful for their quest.

2011-02-03, 06:33 PM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Sorval, focused on his crystal orb, doesn't notice the group starting to leave until a few had already started heading out. He glances around, wondering what he missed while he wasn't paying attention. He slips in line to leave, hoping nobody saw him.

2011-02-03, 08:02 PM
Ok now you leave the simple well structured guard building exiting and moving down the streets with people around going about there business.
Nearing the river at the west of the city. There is a large house with a Water Wheel, purple smoke comes out of the chimmney, the bricks of the house are red with some changing colors every few seconds or so.
The door to the house is made out of glass.

2011-02-03, 10:32 PM
Looking towards Sorval, Edric laughs loudly.

A nice trick that could come in very handy. Though it does make me remember something that my teacher used to say. There are places where you shouldn't look and others that can be misleading to the eye.

He follows behind everyone as they travel to Nal's home. Looking upon the brick house, he eyes seak out every available spot in which to enter the place, even those that are not ment for the public.
Shaking his head at the thought and forcing himself to remember that he is trying to not fall into old habits. After a few moments, he walks over and knocks loudly on the door, while saying.

Master Nal. Please open your door, as new members of the watch we are requesting some information from you.

Looking at the group, Edric hopes that no one would object to his off-white lie.

2011-02-04, 12:38 AM
Idria moves up beside Edric and pulls back her hood, revealing a beautiful face and her flowing white hair reaching just past her shoulders. She assumes a non-threatening posture as if she was Edric's colleague or subordinate, assuming that this and the good reputation of the deva should lend credibility to her companion's words and help put Nal at ease. Still, Idria watches closely for any signs of deception or left-out bits once they are talking to Nal.

2011-02-04, 09:16 AM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Looking at the group, Edric hopes that no one would object to his off-white lie.

Sorval nods to Edric, indicating approval of his methods. He meanders casually around the side of the building, try to watch and make sure that Nal does not attempt to escape through a possble back door. Having such a motley bunch of people crowding around one's door would cause anyone to want to flee!

2011-02-04, 11:50 AM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

Bodo examines the building. Does it have multiple stories? Are there windows? Bodo will give Nal a minute to answer the door; if he does not then Bodo will find windows to begin looking in. After all, as a representative of the goddess of love, I feel I am the least invasive should I find that Nal is occupied with Sehanine's activities. (Or that's what I like to think, anyway!)

2011-02-04, 05:13 PM
The small house being of two stories groans slightly as though some one is coming from the second story.
It takes almost 3minutes but the old man reaches the door.
Slowly opening he looks upon those gathered outside.
You can easily make out his features, Nal is old 67would be a fair guess his skin is leathery, were hair once stood is a balding grey wisps, a crooked nose that looks like it may have been broken and not healed right holds up a small pair of spectacles, behind these specatcles lies a pair of amber eyes shifitng and noticing all of you. Nal smiles at you.
"Come in."
He moves far more quickly then before his door staying open.
Seeing inside you can view a large oaken table with a group of chairs aorunf it, with one large armchair resting on this chair is a creature of some origin. Off to the side is a crackling fire producing the strange smoke. The air within is actually strangely cool and crisp. As he moves, books are placed on shelves by spectral beings, dust is pulled up and shoot into the fire.
Turning to all of you he smiles.
"Come in quickly now and tell your friend out back to watch the imps."

Walking around to the back you see a small dock it has no boat attached the door on this end is made of iron. The door has a large lock upon it.

2011-02-04, 08:19 PM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

Bodo follows his lead and, when motioned to, takes a seat around the table.

Greetings. Do you go by Nal or something elsle?

Bodo will then engage in pleasantries for a few minutes, including any minor hospitalities he offers.

Anyway, we came because we seek information on a former pupil of yours, Verdin. Any information you can provide would be most helpful.

Diplomacy roll: [roll0]
Insight roll to see if I can tell what his current feelings are toward Verdin when Nal speaks of him: [roll1]

2011-02-04, 09:20 PM
He smiles and chuckles. A group of glasses are brought to the table and set by the forces pouring wine for each member of this intrepet group.

"Nal, I have long since stoped using names of past. Now it is good you are right to the point he; he was the strangest student I ever had, take metal and become one with it as Necromancers with death."He sighs softly then bats at the air, beforing moving towards the large armchair.

"Thanks to his actions I have Nicholas breathing once more upon my neck."Groaning he sits into the armchair the, Bat Winged creature quickly scuttling away.

"Now what I can tell you only goes to the year before he left. He took to enchantments and illusions like those pixies do with my regeants. He tried to make his own miniature warforged and it had life for 2hours before it could no longer sustain itself. He was always trying to find some unique way to give a item with magics within a unique effect. As for the illusions he used those to get out of here parlor tricks among other things to make coin to learn more. I am sorry I have nothing more to give."

Bodo (And anyone else with a 18Insight check)
He is sincere from what you can tell. He seems more annoyed then angry but in no form compasionate for what Verdin's misadventures have caused.

2011-02-04, 10:28 PM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Sorval notices that everybody else has entered the house, so he slips in as quietly as possible and attempts to blend back in with the group.

2011-02-05, 02:49 AM
Idria enters the wizard's home and takes a seat next to Edric, only the occasional head movements and blinking interrupting her otherwise perfect stillness as she listens. She makes no move to take one of the glasses.

"It seems Verdin asserted power over the kobolds serving him with his illusions and might have constructs at his disposal, meaning he has access to a workshop and thus has a base of operations. Can you tell us about your former student's personality and general tendencies? Many mistakes that can be exploited stem from personal flaws."

2011-02-05, 08:29 AM
The red-haired elf enters the wizard's house and sits down on one of the free seats, paying close attention to the conversation between Nal and his companions.

2011-02-05, 10:07 AM
Nal smiles taking a sip of the wine.
"Verdin's greatest flaw of his character?"

There is silence for a whole minute as the man seems to be thinking greatly.
"I desire to show his skill would be pride he will overestimate himself and underestimate you. He was quiet but when worked up would get into a state that was almost mad, I believed it to be at the time his untapped potential causing it. As for anything else he will have traps and may be trying to further his research with live subjects, unwilling live subjects mind you." He nods to himself smiling.

2011-02-05, 07:03 PM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

Hmm. Does he ever keep in touch or did he leave you a way of contacting him? We are looking for him and could use a point in the right direction.

2011-02-06, 01:18 PM
Tapping his chin he stops the lets out a clicking sound. With a sudden succtling movement the winged creature moves.
It's full form is now visible, it has a long tail ending with a short barbed tip, bits of red fur cover the torso and lower legs the rest is black scales, 4tiny legs each ending with a multitude of claws, 4arms with 4fingers, a twisted face like a frog filled with teeth, it has a single black eye which looks as if red lightning fills it. The creature hisses.
Nal speaks to it once then the creature responds.

(If you understand Primordial or Giant you can read this)
Nal speaks to the bat like creature.
"Imp you will follow them and help them find Verdin once you do come back here."It responds as follows
"Yes I will help them as I can."[/

Turning to you he smiles, clearing his throat he begins to speak.
"This Imp will accompany you to help you find my student. We did not stay in touch but this Imp was summoned by a ritual that both of us preformed so it should be able to give a generalized route."

(For every one)
Its a Skill Challenge to find him, having the Imp counts as 1success.

2011-02-06, 01:30 PM
Idria nods lightly and stands up. "Thank you for your time and assistance." Feeling that everything that needed to be said has been said, Idria leaves the house and waits outside for the others, pulling her hood over her head again. As far as she is concerned, it is time to go fulfill their mission.

2011-02-06, 03:25 PM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

Bodo stands up. Thank you for the help. May Sehanine play only fun pranks on you and only while you are with a lover. Bodo then nods to everyone else. I believe it is time we began our search.

(I'm assuming that everyone is going to leave at this point.)

Bodo looks to the party and says, We know he comes from the north. Perhaps we should start our search that way. Then Bodo begins walking north. (Unless someone else has a better suggestion . . .)

2011-02-06, 03:42 PM
valna begins to follow bodo

2011-02-06, 03:48 PM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Sorval shrugs. "Sounds good to me." With that, he turns and follows Bodo.

2011-02-06, 04:06 PM
I agree." says Fleck as he starts to follow Bodo.

2011-02-06, 04:35 PM
Ok you guys make the way to the gate it is a large wooden structure with a small group of 3guards 2on the walls and one on the ground. With a nod they open the gates for you.

Outside the town you can see the rising hills that quickly turn into the mountains with forests covering them. Clouds are forming high up into the north and north west. Winds move the trees jerking them around. A storm is approaching for better or worse.

Are Skill Challenge Begins.
Ok rules for the skill challenge. Unless I say otherwise you can try to untilise any skill for a skill challenge as long as there are good reasons for it, and good explanation. You cannot use the skill you last used or the skill used by the person who went directly before you.

You guys need 7 more successes (The Imp already having been counted). After this skill challenge I will not inform you of the amount you need.
Skills that cannot be used in this challenge are.
Diplomacy, Intimidate, Bluff, and Theivery

The DC is based on 1your level, and 2how you are actively using the skill.
Therefore the DC ranges from 11-19.

An action point can give you a reroll or a second action.

I will be fair with all skill challenges and once either 3failure or the amount of success are reached I will post the skill challenge has ended along with its effects on are party.

Any questions/complaints can be either posted in the OoC or Pmed to me.

The Imp stops looking up at the mountain it begins to then head northward.

2011-02-06, 04:41 PM
Standing up, Rhovallos nods in thanks to the wizard and then follows his companions out of Nal's house. "The North sounds like a good place to start our search. Maybe the imp," he weaves his hand at the previously summoned creature, "Might prove to be helpful once we get close enough."

2011-02-06, 04:58 PM
Walking in the front with Bodo towards the north, Idria regularily examines their surroundings, looking for footprints about the size fitting an adult human, or those in the telltale shape of kobold feet or angular, artificial-looking ones. The markings of cart wheels or bits and pieces of supplies needed to keep a base and/or workshop stocked (like food, steel, mechanical parts and tools) is also among the things the deva watches out for.

During their journey, Idria also considers what Nal has said, his words suggesting that Verdin is cautious when calm, making it more probably for him to choose an easily defendable position for his base that is not too easy to get to or one reachable by taking a not very obvious path. Using her assumptions, the avenger tries to understand her target's motivation and mindset in order to help her to pick routes that would meet the criteria above.

The first paragraph describes a Perception check [roll0] (Critical Success, anyone? :smallwink:)

The second describes an Insight check [roll1]

2011-02-06, 05:26 PM
(So your using an Action Point Ridai)

Ok the Deva avenger notices with deft eyes foot prints from kobolds leading back up the hill turning North West. They are few and almost not even there but the Avenger is able to lead the party upwards.
After sometime Idria realising some information from Verdin's personality may decide his location she quickly point to higher areas in the mountain were the trees thin out so you could see an attacker approach and keep unnoitced by small towns.

2011-02-06, 06:11 PM
Edric eyes follow to where the deva is pointing and hisses under his breath at the clearing.

Will be hard to sneak in there with the trees gone. We could be spotted and fired upon before we get closer. But if he is up there....

Edric begins to slowly move up the mountain towards the top. He tries to remain hidden while searching for any caves or other openings.

Stealth check: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Sorry for the delay but work has kept me busy, I am able to post late at nights for the next few days.

2011-02-06, 08:43 PM
(Ok Action, your Stealth is a success but you cannot preform a perception check because the person before you Ridai used it)

Edric's swift quiet movements in the shadows lets the group move further up the mountain keeping out of sight for the most part from any angles.

2011-02-07, 07:40 AM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Sorval watches the imp carefully, allowing himself to visualize the arcane magics that have drawn it in this direction. He also tries to sense where spells have been cast, hoping to be drawn toward the greatest concentration of the magic, presumably the hide-out.

Arcane Check: [roll0]

2011-02-07, 06:11 PM
With his long experience of the wilderness, Rhovallos eyes travel throughout the terrain to make sure no wild beasts are nearby that might feel threatened by the group's presence, betraying their approach to Verdin or any of his kobold minions. Furthermore, he hopes to find further hints to their target or signs of an ambush which might be lurking ahead of them.

Nature check: [roll0]

2011-02-07, 11:24 PM
From Sorvals searches for arcane magic the group travels further Northwest towards a building energy, with the deft help of Rohvallos the group avoids areas were animals are likely to have tread or were traps would have been set to capture them.
There work up the mountain has saved the group time that is valuable with the coming storm.
Suddenly the Imp stops zooming ahead this allows the group to notice a cliff outcropping jutting out fo 20-30ft it is 20ft off the ground and almost 55ft from them, the woods combined with the clouds make it invisible to any being from a greater distance.
The group can hear scuttling from on the rocks a group of kobolds maybe preparing for a raid.

(Skill Challenge Over Success. 175XP to be awarded to each party member)

2011-02-07, 11:48 PM
Edric tries to listen a bit closer to determine which direction the noise is coming from. Taking a deep breathe he whispers a quick prayer for success and draws out his repeating crossbow. Motioning to the group to follow slowly, he begins to siliently try to sneak in closer to where he heard the sound.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2011-02-08, 10:58 AM
Idria nods and slowly draws her greatsword before following very slowly. She knows she is not nearly as adept at moving unheard as Edric, so she takes great care and moves slowly and carefully. The deva strains to glean as much information from what she hears, like how many and what creatures are up there.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-02-09, 09:28 AM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Sorval follows Edric and Idria, keeping his distance from Edric so as not to ruin his attempt to sneak up and see more of what's going on. He looks around trying to see what's ahead. He heart is racing at the thought of engaging the enemy. He knows his abilities and limitations, but has never put them to action at this point in his life.

Stealth Check: [roll0]
Perception Check: [roll1]

Sorry, I'm at work and can't access my sheet, so I don't know my modifiers.

2011-02-09, 02:44 PM
(Sorry guys for taking so long getting back but I've caught a bug)

There are 4Kobolds with 1Guard Drake they are sharpenning weapons and are competly unaware of any of your presences. A single fire rests between the kobolds its light covers the rock. 5feet from one of the kobolds rests a wooden door 10ft wide and 10ft tall.

(Here is a Crappy Map)

2011-02-09, 03:25 PM

Idria quickly assesses the situation and makes a downward motion with her hand parallel to the floor towards her allies, followed by putting a finger to her lips, telling them not to move and stay quiet. Having a rough idea of her companions' capabilities, the deva first points at herself, then gestures with a sudden motion and her hand outstretched towards the drake, telling them that she will engage the creature. Following that, she points at Edric and then the goblin closest to them. Then Sorval and Rhovallos, followed by a gesture towards the group of three goblins that culminates in a quick spin of her finger, signifying an area attack. For Bodo and Valna, the deva just motions towards the enemies' general direction, expecting them to engage them as they see fit.

Waiting for her companions' reactions, Idria begins counting down with her fingers in case they agree. Once the count reaches zero, she plans on executing her part of the plan by engaging the drake. While she waits, Idria focuses the drake for a moment, marking it as her prime target, the first receiver her retaliation against the threat Verdin and his minions pose.

I strongly suggest adding coordinates to the map and and identifiers to the enemies so we can more easily target enemies and navigate more easily (and clearly). I'm going to count the rows with numbers (1, 2, 3 etc.) and the columns with letters (A, B, C etc.). So the square in the third column from the left and the second-highest row would be C2.

I'd like to suggest those with area attacks to hit the group of three, preferably aiming their attacks so they hit the area from B2 to D4 to leave some room for safe maneuvering for us. I assume we'll get a surprise round against the enemies (meaning I could move by a goblin without provoking an opportunity attack)?

edit: Idria uses Oath of Enmity against the Guard Drake. This has no visible effect.

2011-02-09, 03:44 PM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Sorval nods his agreement to Idria. He grips his crystal orb and closes his eyes in thought, attempting to project his thoughts as an attack on the kobolds while waiting for the signal.

2011-02-09, 07:18 PM

The elven druid makes a quick affirmative nod to Idria's unspoken plan, his emerald green eyes locking on his target as he ever so slowly moves to get a better view. Lips moving ever so often without making any sound as Rhovallos prepares to call upon the primal powers.

2011-02-09, 07:24 PM
(Got it thanks for reminding me to put the numbering in I completly forgot:smallredface:)

The kobolds are completly unaware of your presence.
(You may attack at any time to intiate combat with your sneak attack round)

2011-02-09, 08:11 PM
valna moves up to her companions and uses energy strobe(encounter power) on the nearest kobold

to hit=Roll(1d20)+4:

damage type=Roll(1d6)+0:


2011-02-09, 09:51 PM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Sorval concentrates, then stares at the three kobolds at the far end of the camp, attempting to demoralize his foes.

Dishearten (At-Will)
Burst 1 centered such that the left three kobolds are affected.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Attack 3: [roll2]
Miss, no effect. Hit, target takes [roll3] psychic damage and target suffers -2 to attack until end of my next turn.

2011-02-09, 09:53 PM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Bah, wrong dice roll. Sorry.

Damage: [roll0]

2011-02-10, 12:40 AM

The deva moves quickly and with purpose over to the drake to deal swift retribution. As she reaches her target, her greatsword is guided by her attunement to defending Lady Avandra's principles, the weapon glowing brightly as she brings it down in a perfect arc onto the creature, leaving energy flowing in the air around her.

Initiative [roll0]

Move Action to move to F5 (eastern adjacent square to the drake).

Standard Action to use Avenging Echo against the guard drake, rolling the attack roll twice because of her Oath of Enmity and taking the higher result.
Attack [roll1], [roll2]
[roll3] (wrong die size, see OOC) damage and until the end of my next turn, every enemy that ends it's turn adjacent to Idria, misses her or hits her takes 9 radiant damage.

2011-02-10, 07:26 AM

Whispering in the Elven tongue, Rhovallos unleashes the primal rage in his foes in hopes they'll tear each other apart. "Spirit of Rage, dwelling within us all, harken to my call and be set free..."

Call of the Beast (At-Will)
Wisdom vs. Will / Burst 1 / Charm

Using Ridai's suggested coordinates, I target the three kobolds on the left, covering the area from B2 to D4. And if I understood Burst attacks correctly, I need to target the Kobold (C3) to do that.

Target Kobold #1 (C3): [roll0]
Target Kobold #2 (D2): [roll1]
Target Kobold #3 (C4): [roll2]
Hit: Targets can't gain combat advantage until the end of Rhovallos next turn. Furthermore, they suffer 9 psychic damage when doing any attack against target that doesn't include Rhovallos' allies.

2011-02-10, 10:57 AM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

After examining the situation for a moment, Bodo quietly wonders why he was not sent in to flank from the back. After all, isn't that what sneaky Halflings do best?

He nods in assent to Idria anyway, since he's not used to working with these new people and they obviously have not properly assessed his abilities. There's time for that after any threat is ended.

He softly draws his rapier and gets down into a runners stance, preparing to leap into action when the count hits 0.

When the count hits 0, he bursts into action, surprising the Kobolds. He charges the northernmost Kobold.

Initiative: [roll0]
Charge attack: [roll1] --> On a hit, I gain +2 to saving throws until the end of my next turn. --> Also, confirming that I was attacking the kobold at D2 by charging into the square directly in front of him, zig-zagging a little bit to avoid the opportunity attack.

I just wanted to point out that since we are in a surprise round, we only get 1 action. We'll get a full rounds action during the full round. :smallsmile:

2011-02-10, 10:41 PM
Edric nods in agreement with Idria and readies his repeater for action. He begins to count along and after he mouths the number 1, Edric bursts into action.
Quickly moving forward a couple of steps, he raises his crossbow and fires at the closest goblin as he mutters aloud: Gotcha

Ini roll: [roll0]

Use Deft Strike at-will power - standard.
Attack: Dex vs AC - [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] weapon + [roll3] Sneak Attack
Move 2 squares closer to the group of enemies.

2011-02-11, 12:05 AM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

Yeah, so I sorta forgot to roll damage in case I hit and I rolled a 23+2 (combat advantage since it's a surprise round), which should hit.

damage = [roll0]

2011-02-13, 07:05 PM
(After many mishaps along with other things I finally post along with the map!
Your surprise round has ended and this will fall under group intiative. Which you guys win.)

The Guard Drake barks as a blade slices into it's side from the Deva Avenger, before the other Kobolds can respond bursts of magic, primal fury, telekinetic fury, and a Halfling burst from the bush striking them.
With quick movements they draw there weapons ready to fight.

Enemy Status (From Top Left to Right then down)
A1; Bloodied
C1; Bloodied
D1; Bloodied

Fine actual details next time


2011-02-13, 10:57 PM

Quickly reloading, Edric shifts a step to the south and aims at one of the unwounded kobolds trying to target one of it's knees to slow it down.

Hit'em hard and fast!

Single step to the south - shift.
Use encounter power: Unbalancing Shot
Dex vs AC attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] and target is slowed until end of next turn.

2011-02-13, 11:26 PM
Bodo Ghostleaf, Halfling Paladin of Sehanine

Friends! We should be careful not to kill them! We do not know what their purpose here was and it may have been peaceful. Instead, let us subdue them so that we might question them and their motives!

While swinging my sword at the closest foe (A1?), I call out a challenge to all my foes. Provided my swing does not fell him, I then divine challenge him. If my swing does fell him, I instead challenge the other one adjacent to me (C1?).

Attack with Valorous Smite (encounter power) = [roll0] vs. AC
Damage = [roll1]
If I hit, all the enemies are marked by my divine sanction and feel compelled to attack me. If I miss, nothing happens. I then override one of those sanctions with my normal mark, as per above.

I also only do subdual damage, since my objective is to subdue them, not to kill them.

/edit - Since I likely missed, this means that only A1 is marked.

2011-02-14, 08:38 AM
Sorval Urthane - Human (Changeling) Psion

Sorval, focused completely on his crystal orb, doesn't hear Bobo and launches another mental assault on the enemy.

No move

Dishearten (At-Will) - Burst 1, center it to affect the two left-most kobolds and the drake only.

Attack: [roll0] vs. Will (top kobold)
Attack: [roll1] vs. Will (bottom kobold)
Attack: [roll2] vs. Will (guard drake)
Damage: [roll3]

I think I forgot to specify that this power was targetting Will. Not sure if that changes anything.

2011-02-16, 01:51 AM

Having closed the distance, Idria immediately follows up her previous attack with another precise cut, her hand guided by her devotion. Leaving the sentients alive sounds reasonable to the deva, but the drake doesn't know the notion of surrender as it fights for it's masters, sealing it's fate.

Overwhelming Strike against the Drake, triggering her Oath of Enmity (take the better of two attack rolls).

Attack vs. AC: [roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] damage

2011-02-16, 08:45 AM

As the elven druid prepares to call upon yet another power of nature, he did not pay attention to the halfing's words. Lifting his right arm towards his target, Rhovallos calls out another Elven incantations as lightning suddenly shots from his hand, spearing towards the Kobold closest to the still in the woods hidden group.

No Move

Storm Spike (At-Will)
Wisdom vs. Reflex / Ranged 10 / Lightning, Primal

I get +1 to my roll due to targeting a bloodied foe with a primal spell from Primal Fury feat. I target the lone Kobold to the right, whom I assume to be C1.

Kobold (C1) [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] lightning damage. If target doesn't move at least 2 squares next turn it will suffer Wisdom mod damage.