View Full Version : Lovecraftian God Game: Exalted Champions INC

2011-02-02, 10:46 PM
There was once a world filled with beautiful and amazing creatures. They worshipped many gods and there were always warring nations but the world as a whole was a triumph of creation. But eventually the mortals escalated in their battles, gods would often use avatars and divine power to shift wars in their favor until eventually the End of the World came. In a massive display of combatting divine energies all life was scorched from the world. Mountains were leveled,cities and forests burnt to ash, grasslands became wasteland and the oceans and lakes and rivers boiled and dried. All life died, and without followers the gods left the barren planet to pass through the void on its own. The planet gained new watchers, beings from the Far Realms. These eldritch beings decided to take the barren planet and reintroduce their own ideas of "life". A new world of non-euclidean concepts and lovecraftian beasts was to be born.

The world is roughly the size of earth, but its terrain is currently barren wastelands all over, with little difference from one patch of rock to another. The planet does have reasonable levels of gravity and such, and any creatures created are assumed they can breathe the planet's atmosphere at least, though with no food it is best the Lovecraftian Gods start off shaping terrain and introducing lower beasts first before they generate their first race.

2011-02-03, 08:23 PM
After unknown years sitting quietly in his plane Xoad awakened like the others. So many dead worlds stood in the various planes, what made this one different he did not know for certain. He did know that this world was abandoned by its original creators, and a lot of power still ran through its proverbial veins. It almost did not seem quite as dead, as though it had a heartbeat of its own. The previous owners had been weak fools, they had relied too heavily on magic and in the end it destroyed their creations. He could sense much of the magical aura still lying scattered over the barren mounds of earth.

He concentrated slightly and the image of the barren planet appeared sharper in his mind. He searched for a short while and came across a broad plain with mountains on both sides and a large dry riverbed running down its center.

He felt power surge through his body as this dead land suddenly sprang back to life, the plains were covered in thick vine-like grass, tree-like mushrooms almost 80 feet tall towered over the ground, and insects started to buzz here and there. This new land may be bountiful but without water it will perish, at the western end of the plain he creates a vast sea and connects it to the old riverbed.

"Now we need someone to tame this land with technology..." he enters a dreamlike state and conceives the Gnomes and then populates them unto the land. He then provided these people with the proper materials to make a small settlement in their new home and some surplus food in case they have trouble.

Then finally he decided to teach something to his new children, "They shall learn the ways of reason and deduction. Using their minds, not their gut to solve their problems by creating technology."

Then after doing so he took out the book he had been creating in his deep sleep. The Tome of Realization he called it, he sent it out to meet its first user in his land. It will instill the ideas of language into their minds so they may write and speak to each other.

OOC-So here is the technical stuff for this:

1 point- Nourish land (Creating the plants and insects)
1 point- Mold land (creating the sea and refilling the river)
1 point- Nourish populous (providing them with tools and surplus food)
1 point- Teach populous (teach them reasoning and deduction)

Free Stuff-
-Create first race- Gnomes
-Create and use first artifact- The Tome of Realization


2011-02-03, 09:28 PM
Rathat was. Rathat enjoyed the Order of the world it was not perfect but it was close. Then Rathat felt the Order lessen as another changed that with was Ordered to something more Chaotic. This will not do. Order must be kept on this world. It must be brought to perfect Order.

Rathat reaches out beyond and pulls back a small handful of perfect ORDER and applied will to the Order forming a shuttered lantern around it. Allowing Rathat the ability to apply this order when and where he needs it. Rathat sets it to the side for the moment.

Looking to the world Rathat chooses a wide open wasteland and applies will. A large city appears. It is a perfect square with all the buildings of the same shape and size laid out besides roads of equal width in a grid pattern. A tall wall surrounds the city with a gate in the middle of each side and towers equal distance from each other. Off the east side of the city was a smaller wall that surrounded an empty area of wasteland the same size as the city. This wall did not have the towers but did have smaller gates in the 3 sides not adjacent to the city.

With barely a thought Rathat formed the Land Squid. White round balls of flesh with 4 tentacles equal distance apart around the body and a large mouth on the underside. The Land Squid will eat anything even it's own waste if it had any.

Rathat looked over the city and where Rathat vision passed oOOoD appeared all in robes of white. With a thought Rathat turned some of the robes black and taught the Law, others robes turned green and were taught how to herd and breed beast. The rest robes turned gray.

1 point - Mold land - Form City
1 point - Nourish land - Creation of Land Squids as a food source
1 point - Teach Pop - Law
1 point - Teach Pop - Herding/breeding

2011-02-04, 04:26 AM
The cold, merciless winds howled over the soon-to-be-reborn world, and on them, an ageless, mindless being walked and danced, and storms followed.

It couldn't determine if on was on this plane before, or indeed if it was ever before- because the passage of time was not something that even remotely interested it. It was at that moment, and that was all that concerned it.

For countless millennia - or maybe for but a one second - it had no thought of its own, no will on its own. But then, it stirred, as it felt the changes wrought upon the world by its peers- beings dominated with an intense need to create and enforce order and structure. And while it did not despise them, it hated their work by the very core of it existence, because it embodied chaos and change.

For a moment, that could last from anything less than a moment to anything more than eternity, winds over the entire world stood still, as their liege, for the first time- or maybe on the first, who could say?- pondered.

'I am' it realized, and in that moment, it was no more. In that moment an ancient god was reborn- or maybe just awakened.

'I am!' said the Walker on the Winds, aware of his own will and power, aware of the world around, and the winds started to howl furiously again.

What had to be done was clear to him. But first, he remembered an oath as ancient or as young as he was- an oath he had to uphold, else he would stop to be what he was.

'Fine, let it be so!' he exclaimed, as he passed over a mountain range so inhospitable and barren that only ravenous thorns could grow there. There, from the rocks and dust and thorns, he created a race that was meant to uphold the chaos he envisioned. He gave them all he could. The gift of life that could span hundreds if not more years. The gift of body, that was made deceptively weak and frail, yet with a potential to grow as strong and sturdy as the rocks he built them from. The gift of mind, so that they would never settle for "civilization", instead being what was necessary for every world- the horde of barbarians, ever present danger that brings down empires and burns down kingdoms. The gift of steel, to give them weapons necessary to change the world. And finally, most important gift of all: the gift of will. He created them not to rule them, not to use them. They would decide for themselves, following only their own vision and their own will.

Thus his first- and the only- child was born. The race of elves, graceful and wild barbarians. He looked at the first tribes they formed, and felt satisfaction. But before he turned his gaze from the world again, he called one more thing onto it.

It was a tune, one that would be heard by madman in the storm and by the rebellious in the screams of murdered overlords. It was a tune, a melody that would be Walker's only real tie to the world of mortals.

Only then, when he was assured that his music will remain in the world, he allowed himself to get carried away by the winds.

I like cheese and ham...

Free race- barbarian elves
Free artifact- The Returning Song, described in OOC thread.

1 point- mold land- creating a rather unpleasant mountain chain.
1 point- nourish land- and adding some equally unpleasant thorns and associated flora and fauna.
1 point- teach populous- teaching elves the arts of metalworking (and, by extension, mining the easily available iron ore)
1 point- teach populous- teaching elves all the rules of barbarianism, so that they will never settle for the overestimated thing called "civilization"

2011-02-04, 08:09 PM
"So these 'Lords' would impose their will on this world...interesting.... They will not rule alone..."

And so the Scepter of Mastery was raised for the first time, turning a valley that had once contained a mighty human city-state from a blasted wasteland back into a verdant paradise, just as it had once been. As the stones of the city were knit back together, another pulse of energy came forth, calling out the souls of those long since torn from this world by divine magics. The shattered bones of the citizens of that long dead republic began to meld and regrow, once more taking on the forms their gods had forbade. Finally the bones began to sprout flesh, taking on the form, mind, and soul of humans once more.

"And now, the tools of the old gods walk the world once more. They will come to control the surface world through force of arms, magic, and cunning. What, then, shall control them?"

And so the Scepter was turned upon The Far Realms themselves, and plucked from the outer surface of the innumerable crystal spheres was a colony of Mind Flayers, guided away from their race in its great exodus through time, and deposited deep in the earth below the reforged city state.

"I shall control these, my chosen servants..."

And so the Scepter's magic was turned loose upon the fabric of the plane surrounding the transplanted colony, and the plane itself was made to serve The Nameless Lord....


One point to restore the form of the city-state (nourish land)
Three points to restore the function (create species(human)
Three free points to shape the Scepter of Mastery from the ether
Three free points to divert the mind flayer's exodus (create species (illithid)
One use of the Scepter to make the plane divinely morphic to The Nameless Lord

2011-02-04, 11:11 PM
"Ahhh, I see the others have decided to join me here. It is no problem though, competition fuels invention. Their dirty magics shall be wiped clean from this world, science and only my divine science shall exist." Xoad smiles as he turns his vision back on his own subjects, how amazing they are so simple, trying to just survive another day using their minds and reasoning. They will face many challenges but with reasoning, science, and invention on their side they shall prevail...

2011-02-14, 11:14 PM
OOC: Assuming this is still going on I believe I have 4 points to spend, I hope some other people come soon!

Over the course of time the Tome of Realization came upon two more individuals, through its divine teachings it brought the concept of the hatred of non scientific magics and the concept of the Scholar/Scientist class who teaches and conducts experiments.

As Xoad studied his population like cells under a microscope he decided they needed a unifying force, something to hold his rag-tag scientists together. "They shall have unity..." and so they did, they knew to come together to form the first nation this planet has seen in many years. "They shall work together, for both their benefit and my own..." The nation of Palladia was formed, and the head scholar/scientist selected from among them.

Then from Xoad to his children he gave the inspiration to a young Gnome to create the first Metalborn. Even though the Palladians may live in simple huts now, they still are capable of magnificent feats of science. The Metalborn are just such a feat, a race of metal men and woman with free will and intelligence all their own. Their one goal is to please Xoad, they are loyal and live to advance science.


2 Points- Create Organization Palladia
2 Points- Create Race Metalborn

Artifact- Taught hatred of non scientific magics, and the idea of Scholar/Scientists

2011-02-21, 11:43 PM
OOC: Is anyone still playing... :smallfrown:

So alone.... :smalleek: