View Full Version : [NarutoITP] Episode 12: War is a Lady Tonight

2011-02-03, 11:34 AM

Tomoya thought for a minute and drank tea. Then she put it down.

"He was the best. Always thinking of the future of Konoha's people. He always told me to do my best. He was thoughtful and very smart. And I think I worried him sometimes.

Being his apprentice, I saw him all of the time. When he was angry or worried, or pleased or sad. I saw him when he was kind to the young students at academy, or when he was angry with a Jounin for a mission. He was everything.

But most of the time he was very far away. It was like he was thinking of his past. I think maybe sometimes he took all of the burdens for himself. Maybe that is why he was so strong as a Hokage."

Tomoya looked thoughtful.

"But so much of what he had done is legend now. And he wouldn't share those stories to me. I think he had experienced a lot of things. Maybe now, I understand a little.

But what was his history in the war? I don't know so much either. I wonder what those days were like before we were born?"

War has enveloped the continent and it's outlying islands for the third time. Not a war of soldiers and men, but a battle of shinobi and monsters. Conflict broils between the Shinobi Nations as alliances and cease-fire agreements shift as fluidly as water between the five larger nations and the numerous smaller ones, each side ruthlessly seeking advantage over it's competitors by any means they can. Some are more...liberal then others, unleashing shinobi that could only be deemed 'monsters' unto the enemy while the others took the morale high ground.

Kirigakure would attack boat-bound shipments to supply themselves only to be visciously assaulted by the victim country's shinobi at the next attack that prompt the warlike village to send an invading force to attack from the sea.

Iwagakure relies on it's daunting defenses to give attackers pause, using the bulwark to send out risky attack after risky attack that would have been suicide for another village.

Sunagakure's puppeteers and expert poisoners minimize their casualties even as horror stories about infiltrated encampments end in massive death counts while Sunagakure seemingly remains untouched.

As for Konohagakure and Kumogakure...well...some things are better seen then told...

2011-02-03, 01:41 PM
[Land of Fire forests]

She'd have to get away. Away from the forest and back to open ground. It'd all go to hell one way or another, but at least there she could make her stand. How ironic; Shinobi of the Hidden Leaf, desperate to flee the haunting shadows of the thick forest that had served to protect her home village for decades. Her lungs are burning, so she ducks between thick roots of a mighty oak to catch her breath. Panting, she peeks from her cover to glance at the darkness behind her.

In the forest, nothing else moves. No human sound, not even the faintest rustle can be heard. But the forest is not silent because it's empty - it's just silent so it can hear her panicked breath better...

The mission had been a success. They'd successfully contacted Takumi nin in order to barter stolen goods from Kirikagure. Only a few miles separated them from the border of their native land. Four shapes, dressed in their tactical vest and ANBU masks, gathered under the shade of ash trees. Yua made few rapid hand signal to ask their sensor, a Hyuuga, to tell if anyone was following them. The man signalled back that there was nothing warm-blooded within half-mile radius. Yua smiled under her mask - that was a good sign. Few could escape the vision of the famous clan.

They were clear. Only a few miles...

The moment of resting is starting to make her feel relaxed. There's no sign anyone is on her heels anymore. She tries to fight it off, for she knows it's just false security.

Someone had fooled them, but she still has their objective. No doubt her pursuer would not let her go before getting it back. She presses the long, thin package against her chest and then sprints forward. She'd not let it go without a fight...!

Sometime on the way to the next vantage point, not sure exactly when, Yua noticed Kasumi was nowhere within line of sight, and commanded her squad to stop. After a minute of waiting, when she still didn't show up, Yua signalled to the Hyuuga to ask if he could see her. The man shook his head, as if he couldn't know.

Yua furrowed her brow. What did he mean, he couldn't tell? She'd witnessed the man pick up targets miles away from each other. She glanced at Noa, who nodded. Both women turned to look at the masked man. "Remove your mask", Yua hissed. The man twitched hesitantly - then moved to take it off. That was all the cue the women needed to lunge at him - they'd agreed on a specific response to that question, and this was not it.

Their kunais hit Kasumi's dead body. Only a slight breeze hinted them that they were tricked by Kawarimi.

The question gnawing at her innards is - when had it switched places with the Hyuuga? After they'd left the negotiation? During it? Before they'd even reached the vantage point? They'd kept watch, even back-tracked their own trail to double-check if enemies were following, but there hadn't been anything... no footprints, no wrappings from trail rations, not even a single broken branch to signify human presence beside them. How? How had it sneaked upon them without anyone noticing?

Noa was dead, that much was sure. It'd happened so fast Yua hadn't a chance to react - it was as if the ground itself had come alive to swallow her. There had been the slightest sound for warning. Yua torched a good deal of the forest with Katon right then and there. Stealth was only doing good for her enemy anyway.

For a moment, she'd been sure she'd gotten him... her... it? But then, a brief shadow had passed before the flames, a silhouette eeriely reminescent of the missing Hyuuga. Yua thought of keeping up the pressure... maybe the flames and smoke would attract her allies?

Or maybe they'd attract someone else. There were too many places for her opponent to hide - she'd need to get to more open place. Somewhere where the light of the stars and moon overhead would not leave any cover for the phantasm pursuing her. She used a good deal of smoke bombs and explosives to obscure her escape. She was on her home turf now - she could outrun it...

Another quick break. Maybe she'd make it after all. The lights of a familiar small town are reflecting from a cluster of clouds overhead. She'd have the advantage there...

Then, a choking feeling overcomes her senses. Someone or something is right behind her back, there's no doubt about it! Death itself has come to claim her!

"Genjutsu", she hisses through gritted teeth, rolling down to the ground and forcing her body to reject the suggestion. Laying on her back, she observes her surroundings - around him, the dark forest is perfectly calm. It's sickening. As silently as she can, she crawls back to her feet. Which direction would the attack come from?

But nothing happens. The fear she'd thought she pushed away just starts running shivers down her spine again. She tries to focus her chakra again, but it barely mitigates the feeling. Grudgingly, she realizes she can barely tell if it's hostile jutsu or her own shaken imagination causing it anymore. Shakily, she backs towards a tree behind her, eyes darting from one shadow to the next, ears perked to hear the slighted rustle.

But there's still nothing to see, and nothing to hear. She feels her back touch the rough bark behind. Cold sweat flows down her back. For a moment, she considers just burning the trees before her again - to get even a bit of light and sound into the darkness. Her rational side keeps telling her it'd just be a waste of Chakra, but the rest of her begs to differ.

The dread emotion, feel that someone is holding a blade against her neck... it just keeps growing worse. She can almost imagine the branches around her warping, a grinning skull watching from leaves... she keeps telling herself it's just a trick, an illusion, tells herself to stay put, stay vigilant, listen, listen, listen, wait for a sign, ponder your next move...

Time slows to a crawl... or maybe she really has stood there for hours already. Maybe the sunlight would come soon and save her. Or maybe she should get on the run again... but she fears that even a slight movement will make the horror wrapping around her slit her throat. Her legs are getting numb...

"Damn it, you ****er! Come out and fight me already!", she finally screams, darting forth from the tree. "Or are you scared, huh? Scared of me, you impotent ****-sucker! Come out!" Her own voice replies as an echo. But the primal act of screaming at the demons of her mind... it returns some of her self-confidence. She tenses her muscles to sprint forward... there's a glint of light shining through the trees...

Then she hears a slight jingle, like that of a small chain. Instincts honed to their peak tell her body to move, to duck from under the blow... but when her head hits the ground and she realizes she's watching her own body fall down, she knows it's already too late...


A tall, thin form stands besides Yua's beheaded corpse, savoring the silence created by her death. He's dressed in stolen Konoha ANBU gear, and standing so still and silent it wouldn't be hard to think he's dead too. A single, bloodshot eye watches the dead girl from behind the stolen mask.

He'd spend good part of the night stalking the girl and waiting for her to blow her cover. To think that he'd sat hours on the other side of the same tree she'd been leaning to! If she'd just managed to keep her mouth shut, she might still be alive.

Oh well. He'd never liked people who couldn't appreciate silence. A bandaged hand reaches down to grab the package held by the dead girl - a short sword and its sheath, wrapped in fine linen cloth.

It's about time for it to return to its rightful owners.

The singing of earliest birds alerts him. He has to get going - it's already dawn, and he's far behind enemy lines. No doubt Konoha nin had seen the forest fire caused by the stubborn ANBU member. The girl had not displayed any unusual techniques, so it's probably not worth the risk to take her body with him.

Wordlessly, the man forms handsigns for a simple Doton technique, the earth opening and swallowing Yua's body with a faint rustle. Then the man vanishes back to the last shadows of the night, as soundlessly as he appeared, making his way back towards the border.

If only the weather was dryer, then his old joints wouldn't hurt so damn much...

Moon Wolf
2011-02-03, 06:23 PM

Tazu Kiriyama was mad. No, mad doesn't quite cover the scope of how he felt. He felt rage. He waved wildly to a running family, pointing towards shelter. Why? Why do the ninja of the Leaf and the ninja of the Lightning always choose to fight in our lands? He gripped his kunai. I should teach them both not to fear each other, but to fear me. He stood in the shadow of a building, silent. Let them come. Let them come.


HEY! FREAK SHOW! Takiko snapped at the puppet master. Get out of my house, I'm not accepting refugees at the point! She closed her book with a sigh. Those other countries are sooo stupid. When they least expect it... a fiery gleam came to her eye. I will take over them all and rule the world! Bwa ha ha! She groaned. I need a battle...

*for reference, Tazu is Alilah's father, and Takiko is Miragata's mother. Pictures coming soon.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-04, 12:22 PM
[Land of Fire forests- Amidst the treetops]

The morning birds' song attracts other birds to join as they weave the story they saw unfold beneath the leaves of their treetop-world.

Soon the story mangle freely with many others, through crow and raven through swallow and at last it reaches a very inquiring pigeon, looking like any other pigeon as it flies off.

But as it moves through the forest it becomes apparent that this isn't just one of the forest's birds on worm hunt as more pigeons join it and exchange what could almost sound like a code before scattering and recollecting among even more pigeons around one tree in which a small figure raises his hand in greeting.

"Well met, friends. How goes the investigation?"

The young ninja speaks in a calm voice as the morning light reflects in the Konoha headband around his neck and gives the scene with it's myriad of birds a red glow.

As the sun rises above the horizon and the undergrowth awakens for another day of burrowing and chattering, the pigeons report all they have seen and heard since the Konoha-nin summoned them when the smoke of the forest-fire rose over the trees.

With time their tales reach the gruesome murder of a human girl and the theft of a human item at the edges of the forest and the young shinobi turns a pale colour.

"A-assassinations in the Hi no Kuni? This i-is bad, really bad. And I'm the only one around to do anything"

With barely a rise in his trembling voice he dismisses the pigeons to hence they came and draws a kunai.

"Ow, Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

He slams a bloody palm onto the branch below him and speak as quickly as possible to the slightly larger pigeons now standing on the branch, their feather patterns reminiscent of the symbol of Konoha's ninjas.

"Greetings, my friends. I must send you to the city immediately to rely this message to the nearest jounin you can find, a chuunin of you can't"

He hastily scribes down a message onto two rolls of paper and hand one to each pigeon, dismissing their resent at having their skills doubted.

"No time, this is possibly very important, we must move quickly"

And with that the shinobi and his summons part ways, the birds to rely their messages and the shinobi to head for the scene of the murder.

2011-02-07, 03:11 PM
[Land of Fire forests]

The scene of murder is eeriely peaceful, early morning light filtering through the leaves on dark ground as the young shinobi arrives. Yua's footprints can just barely be found from the grass, and if wasnt for the drops of blood staining the soil, it'd look like she just vanished into thin air.

To reveal her actual body, the young nin will have to dig at the soil.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-10, 02:39 AM
[Land of Fire forests]

The konoha-nin finds the bloodstains after a few minutes of searching through the area for clues, birdsong may give him information from all over the forest quickly but it is not extraordinarily precise.

While leaving a kunai with a message for any shinobi that his messengers may find he attempts to track any clue of which way the assassin may have gone.

2011-02-10, 01:06 PM
[Land of Fire forests]

As the sun steadily rises, more and more insects become active. And with activity comes annoyance, as the konoha-nin will learn all too well. Beetles have decided to flit all over the trees, the plants, the ground, and around the konoha's eyes. Seeing has become harder, and will certainly delay his task.


A couple miles away, the dark figure will notice insect activity increase as well. Yet, the insects seem to be flying past him, as if he were apart of their highway path. Should he continue with them, he will find another figure in front of him standing on a branch. As he gets closer, it will reveal and man in his early twenties leaning casually against the trunk of the tree. The bettles fly around him lazily, apparently minding their own business. He turns his head around at the approaching figure, showing a bored expression.

"About time you got here, Ryoma-Sensei. Why do you have to be so slow on everything?"

2011-02-10, 01:20 PM
[Land of Fire forest]

"I prefer the word 'patient'", a wheezing rasp replies. "You weren't supposed to come this far, Noriyuki. You know I came alone for a reason." The dark figure throws the thin package to the young man. "Take that back to Anahera. I'll leave a fake trail for them to follow. We'll meet north of that resupply depot."

Then the disguised form steps out of the younger man's view, behind the trunk of an ancient ash - and promptly vanishes. If not for the sword, there'd be no sign he ever was there.

2011-02-10, 01:31 PM
"Heh. Nice to see you to, sensei. And its not like the Mizukage sent your pupil to make sure nothing bad happened to you since you were late. Or maybe a 'Thank you for distracting them with your beetles to give me more of a head start'."

Whether Ryoma heard it or not, Noriyuki turns and proceeds to make his way through the trees in a different direction. The beetles would swarm around where he stepped on each branch, excreating pheromones to cover his scent from any scent trackers that might come.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-12, 03:32 PM
[Land of Fire forests]

The bugs swarming around the young ninja are making it hard for him to keep focused and with a last annoyed sound he stops and lashes out at them.

"Keep away! Stupid bugs"

Realising that yelling will do nothing, the Konoha-nin sighs and grabs a kunai from the row on his belt and cuts a small scratch in his hand.

Using the small droplets of blood that escapes through this damage he slams his hand into the ground and, upon taking it up again, appears to be holding something

"Just... Just keep the at bay"

As his hand opens, something flies out and with great speed catches any bug it comes near.

The young shinobi does not seem to appreciate this silly solution to his problem.