View Full Version : Pokemon starter discussion thread

Darth Stabber
2011-02-04, 02:57 PM
Every generation of pokemon we get three new starters: Fire, Water, and Grass (and pikachu once). So to spur amusing conversation, I have a few questions.

1)Favorite starter of each generation and why (pikachu is a valid choice for Gen 1) ?

2)Overall favorite?

My anwers

Gen 1 - Blubasaur - leech seed + sleep powder = Crazy awesome, Varied moveset (though not deep, it still allows a couple strong builds), strong special (later split to good special attack and special defence, and still really good).

Gen 2 - Cydaquil - Good speed and special attack. Knows what it wants to do (torch things), and does it with style and aplomb.

Gen 3 - Treeko - Name good fast grass types. Sceptile is the fastest at base speed 120, with jumpluff at 110, followed by Celebi at 100. Though I hear you like mudkips.

Gen 4 - Piplup - It's so darn cute, and with it evolving into steel type + good special defence, it's resistant to nearly everything. That is one fierce penguin.

Gen 5 - Snivy - While I have only appearance to go on at the moment, I must say that it is the only one of the three that manages to avoid looking stupid for all three forms. After raising a chikorita (meganium = ugly) and a torchic (combusken = stupid/silly looking), that is definitly worth something.

2011-02-04, 03:49 PM
Gen 1? Well, while bulbasaur is pretty good, you can get oddish early, which fulfills any role you might have for bulbasaur on your team. I prefer charmander. Despite it being difficult to get past the first gym, it can learn metal claw which makes it a lot easier, and it gets pretty damn badass later on with flamethrower, slash, fly, and smokescreen.

Gen 3's the other game I've played enough to know what I'm talking about, and I can't go past mudkip. I don't need a good fast grass type, if I need grass at all I usually go with Shroomish, cause of it's massive defense early on. Mudkip's mud shot kicks arse, and when it gets surf it can handle anything pretty easily.

Well... anything except for grass. But why wouldn't I have a flying pokemon with me?

Mudkip's probably my favourite.

2011-02-04, 03:51 PM
Just for the record, there's already a Pokemon thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=181692) here on the forums. You'd probably get a lot more discussion about it if you went there instead. :smallwink:

2011-02-05, 09:00 AM
Only played the first three generations, but:

Gen 1 = Charmander. He's a wimp against the first 3 gyms, since two of them are strong against him. And I like the challenge. (Having done them with a Pidgey, this is no longer a challenge.)

Gen 2 = Cyndaquil. Totally awesome looking. Easier on gym one, but not too much, since Mud Slap is Ground-type. Gotta burn 'em fast.

Gen 3 = Torchic. Totally. Yes, he's kind of ugly, at least while Combusken, but the Fire/Fighting typing makes up for it.

2011-02-05, 09:32 AM
Well i've only played 'till Sinnoh(I refuse to touch black or white!!)

Kanto:Squirtle(good move set, and it's third evolution has CANNONS!!)
Jhoto:Cyntaquil(fave pokemon of all time! simply 'cause it's BEAST!)
Hoenn:Mudkip(great against every single gym, many of them do not even affect him)
Sinnoh: Chimchar(another fire/fighting,yeah it's pretty old by now, but it gets close-combat, and that thing is powerfull! Have your Staravia use endeavor and finish it off with an Infernape's close-combat and your pretty much going to win.

2011-02-05, 05:25 PM
Gen 1: Toss-up between Charmander and Bulbasaur. Despite his reputation in later generations, Venusaur is actually pretty decent in Gen 1 in that he can hit pretty hard. And Charmander because... well, Charizard.

Gen 2: Cyndaquil's evos are decently fast but can still dish out damage. I like me some of that.

Gen 3: Have u herd i liek mudkipz? Seriously though, he has some major nice type matchups.

Gen 4: How can I do this without eventually wanting Infernape? I mean, honestly.

2011-02-05, 09:12 PM
Gen 1: Charmander. I mean, really.
Gen 2: Ehh... honestly, I don't think the crop here's too good. Typhlosion is kindof bland, but being a good fast offense type, would have to be my first choice.
Gen 3: Torchic (well, Blaziken) is my favorite starter. It looks cool, and from a stats- standpoint is a beast.
Gen 4: And here the fire types lose steam. I just couldn't help but find Infernape a much lamer version of Blaziken. Has to go to Piplup here for having an eventual steel type.
Gen V: Never played it, but as the other 2 pokemon look LAME, I have to go for snivy.

Mando Knight
2011-02-05, 10:19 PM
Gen 1: Charmander. Becomes Charizard, obviously. Blastoise is a close second, and Venusaur not too far behind that.

Gen 2: Tossup between Cyndaquil and Totodile. Meganium is just... lame compared to Volcano-Wolverine and Aqua-Godzilla.

Gen 3: Charmander. Because FRLG are Gen 3 games. After him and Squirtle comes Treecko (Sceptile's tail design loses him a couple of points. Otherwise, I wouldn't be reinforcing how perfect a starter Charizard is). Then Bulbasaur. Then Torchic. Then finally Mudkipz.

Gen 4: All of them. Torterra is an awesome continent-turtle, Empoleon is the Steel Penguin Emperor, and Infernape is a cool flaming punch-monkey.

Gen 5: Oshawott, but only just. Snivy is smug, yes, and his fully evolved form even more so, but it lacks offenses. Teh Pig evolves into a powerful boar with a FLAMING BEARD, but is slow and has low non-HP defenses, and its middle form just looks like a school-kid wrestler mixed with a pig. Oshawott's fully evolved form is... a samurai death seal, whose Japanese name means, roughly, GIANT SWORD DEMON. It also has the proper progression of cute-cool-awesome, which so many of the starters fall just short of (See: Combusken).

2011-02-07, 04:06 PM
The Mod They Call Me: Please keep Pokemon discussion to the general Pokemon thread.