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View Full Version : [d20 Future] Quelling the Voices of Dissent: How Can I Kill This Man?

2011-02-05, 10:26 AM
Right'o lads, it's the old Spaaaaaaaaaaaace Captain here in a desperate need of some murderin' advice. You see, the party is currently set up like this

Fearless Leader: Charismatic Hero/Field Officer [Tactical Genius] (that be I)
1st Mate / Ships Doctor (for some reason he's the best shot we have)
Highly Charismatic Noble who finances half the operation
Ugly midget techie
Some Church Soldier (alright in combat? I suppose?)
aaaaaaaaaand the Fighter/Barbarian/10 Ton Human Tank

But the human tank has become a serious liability. He threatens his officers, showing no respect for the chain of command, views the whole crew as disposable and has personally insulted myself before. When he went AWOL. Stealing everything that wasn't bolted down.

So, faced with a shipmate who has in the past gone AWOL with the party mech, selling it to even further feather his own nest and then gone home with over 50 Wealth Points cajoled out of the other crew members (I never fell for his ****** scams :smallcool:) the obvious answer is to kill him, because I'm an adventurer and that's how I solve my problems.

More to the point, he only came back in a Deus Ex Machina and I don't trust him one bit. He intends to bring democracy in the place of the great and noble empire, and is already hell-bent on killing the techie (by not trying to impede him I hope he gets too distracted with planning this murder - and he has an actual reason to seek vengeance on the techie whereas I have never wronged him).

He's a destabiliser and threatens the entire party. He is a risk to every other member of the crew and probably equipped to become the only member of the crew in very short order indeed.

So what, then, is the problem that stands between myself and killing him?

He's practically the 10-ton tank I said he was. He has an essentially unhittable AC, even when not wearing armour (grumble grumble cybernetics) as well as a host of melee weapons that are famous for 1-hitting our various adversaries (straight through the power armour with a throwing knife). His augments have enhanced his physical capacity to a level where he is no longer human, probably incapable of being bound by physical restraint - certainly any that I could conjure with ease.

My assets are my characters capacity for tactical and strategic genius, superb command capability and moderate wealth status. Also the fact that I own a few ships have a dozen combat capable droids, a small fleet and that my flagship is crewed primarily by a mixture of drones and AI (100% loyalty). Said flagship is what we currently travel in, but it's only really a maxed-out clipper that we stole. What loyalty I can command from the crew isn't any that I'd put trust in (they wouldn't strike out at this problem for love or money, he's too much of a threat) - certainly combat alone will not avail me. I keep hitting enormous snags based on a lack of knowledge about his precise capabilities but all I've really considered are the classic bond villain approaches - freeze/poison/suffocate in molten lead/spray paint gold all over/mob them with easily disposable henchmen/doomsday weapon

I'm going nowhere and can't see how to achieve the final solution. Any advice?

(My apologies for the wall of text, but it's an issue I can't really discuss easily)

2011-02-05, 10:52 AM
What's the problem character's exact build? Do you know it?

A few suggestions that come to mind without knowing it though...

-Space him. He can be as powerful as he wants, the vacuum of space will STILL kill him.
-Put self-destruct devices on all of your machinery, remote activated self-destruct devices at that. Next time he's out fighting in your equipment, or stealing it, BOOM!
-Refuse to heal him or simply turn shipboard weapons on him. A battery of laser cannons is the great equalizer.
-Strand him somewhere. Fake an evacuation then just leave his escape pod drifting...or shoot it, if you are feeling malicious and want to make a point.
-Introduce him to gray goo...by throwing it at his feet (AC becomes irrelevant then), then abandon the ship and him to become more gray goo.

2011-02-05, 04:25 PM
Since he's got lots of cybernetics, EMP Grenades should help. If the noble can afford it or the techie can make it, get an M79 grenade launcher with Autofire, Expanded Magazine, and Variable Ammunition. +8 purchase DC for the gadgets, -4 or more for being from several PLs ago, it should be affordable. You get 20d6 damage and 4 Fort saves vs stun in one shot, without having to worry about hitting his AC. Get enough to arm all your droids, and you'll have a good chance at taking him out.

Do psionics exist in your world? If so, hire someone to mind-control him or at least scare him.
Does your DM allow you to homebrew reasonable things that aren't in the books? Make a bunch of big electromagnets, uses them to grab him or his weapons, and give him a talking-to.

If he has ludicrous AC, shipboard weapons are unlikely to hit him. Still worth trying, though; and if you have any with autofire, or your techie can modify them to autofire, they'll do fine unless he has Evasion.
Using shipboard grapplers might actually work, depending on how ludicrous his Strength is.
Use your Charisma, and noble's Charisma, and the noble's wealth to get the captains and gunners in the rest of the fleet as loyal as you can.

Anything that ends with him in space with nothing life-sustaining near him is a good plan. Having your droids launch off all the escape pods of the ship he's on and then blowing it up is a sound approach. He could have optimization and equipment that'll let him survive for a while and even fight effectively against ships. But if he does, he's still unlikely to survive, and "My team dumped me into space and sent ships to kill me, and I shot a couple fighters down before I died" is a badass sendoff that'll probably be fun for him.

2011-02-05, 04:27 PM
Stab or shoot him in the head multiple times? Seriously? Just kill him...

2011-02-05, 04:48 PM
Isn't there a "sleeper" version of the grey goo nanite in the core book? Slip that into his food/drink (or into his oil change when he get mantained.) Then, let him know about it and make him obey you on pain of its activation. Bonus could come from tying its activation to dead-man switches embeded in your and (the rest of your party's) hearts, so if he kills any of you (or lets any of you die,) he's doomed. (Also, dose him with the stuff multiple times to reduce the chances of his making the fort save. If you can do it, say, 30 times, he'll very likely roll a 1 and autofail.)

EDIT: To prevent him from getting and using the "nanite killing" nanite, get a version of it into him as well, that targets anything trying to disable to grey goo sleeper and/or triggers the sleeper if any cure is attempted.

EDIT2: I know this isn't outright *Killing* the guy, but I figured you could do worse to him this way. And, you could always use this plan to kill him at your convinence.

2011-02-05, 04:56 PM
+1 to spacing him
+1 to stranding him

Alternatively just wait for a moment when he's vulnerable. Hang on a minute, if you're half the tactical genius you claim, you should be able to set this up.

Just embark upon some mission, wait for him to get stuck into the fight, and then pull out. If you can't trust your crew mates, leave them also.

2011-02-05, 05:07 PM
"put him in command" of your most worthless ship with a few droids under him to "prove himself". then, have the rest of your fleet target the ship and completely destroy it.

The above assumes that you are unable to trick him via more simple and less expensive methods, but it is largely foolproof.

It assumes that he is aware of his abilities as an indispensable combat machine: Which he is. However, he is a completely dispensable crew member. He may not recognize that though.

It also assumes that he is arrogant and cocky in that status, and that he feels he will be taking is rightful place as a leader during a raid or some-such.

even if he survives the destruction of the ship, he will be either A.) spaced as others have said B.) in a crappy defenseless escape pod which you can also easily destroy

2011-02-05, 05:14 PM
Since he's got lots of cybernetics, EMP Grenades should help. If the noble can afford it or the techie can make it, get an M79 grenade launcher with Autofire, Expanded Magazine, and Variable Ammunition. +8 purchase DC for the gadgets, -4 or more for being from several PLs ago, it should be affordable. You get 20d6 damage and 4 Fort saves vs stun in one shot, without having to worry about hitting his AC. Get enough to arm all your droids, and you'll have a good chance at taking him out.

Er...how are you getting 20d6 and 4 Fort saves vs. stun? When using Autofire, you wouldn't just add each grenades damage together but like...half (or something) of one but instead of trying to hit him, you force him to make a reflex save.

Do psionics exist in your world? If so, hire someone to mind-control him or at least scare him.
Does your DM allow you to homebrew reasonable things that aren't in the books? Make a bunch of big electromagnets, uses them to grab him or his weapons, and give him a talking-to.

Considering mecha, cybernetics, and starships are all being used at once, it sounds as if they would have psionics as well. Sadly, there's no real mind-control option like there is in D&D that could control him for days at a time. Alternatively, bluff the living hell out of him that you've implanted a remote controlled grenade in his skull while he was sleeping. If he believes you, then that should get him to behave.

If he has ludicrous AC, shipboard weapons are unlikely to hit him. Still worth trying, though; and if you have any with autofire, or your techie can modify them to autofire, they'll do fine unless he has Evasion.
Using shipboard grapplers might actually work, depending on how ludicrous his Strength is.
Use your Charisma, and noble's Charisma, and the noble's wealth to get the captains and gunners in the rest of the fleet as loyal as you can.

That's only if NPC crew are piloting the weapons though, have actual party-members using fire-linked (for each weapon in the fire link/battery, you get an additional +1 to hit but only do the damage of one weapon or something) weapons to pick him off from a distance far far outside of his own. Even if he's a melee brute, there's not much he can do to fight a starship. Hell, if nothing else, ram him. Repeatedly.

Shipboard grapplers could, unless you mean tractor beams cause those'll just hold him still not really be able to hurt him. And yeah, get the rest of your fleet loyal and be liberal with your Field Commander bonuses when taking him down.

Fouredged Sword
2011-02-05, 05:24 PM
Give him command of a ship and have the tech hack it beforehand to give him normal readings in command as it flies into a sun or black hole. He looks stated for combat, not leaving alot for non combat skills, so hit him there.

Consider hacking his cybernetics and mech. 40 mini thermite grenades (40X6d6) with grapler sheathes inside a clip for his gun set to go off when he loads it.

+1 to spaceing him, but do so near a black hole. Take no chances.

2011-02-05, 05:37 PM
I vote for spacing him, especially since you're a charismatic character. Hang up an "Armory" sign over the airlock, walk him over there, tell him to go in and load up, and then watch him drift into the nearest sun.

Faking an emergency to have him eject in an escape pod would be great too.

Then, there's always loading him in the drop bay of whatever small ship you use for landing, sealing the cockpit doors.

If the Surgeon is on your side, poisoning him is perhaps another option. Enough arsenic will kill anything. Just slip it into his dinner and wait.

If he sleeps, cutting his throat then is also an option.

EMP grenades to disable his cybernetics is a great idea too. Especially if he relies on them for breathing.

2011-02-05, 06:02 PM
The frontrunners at this stage involve electromagnets and ship-based weaponry. Soooo ...

I'm thinking of sucking him onto an electromagnet construct, ejecting him into space and then taking pot shots.

What's the problem character's exact build? Do you know it?

Unfortunately not. I know that he has armour under his skin, I'm 99% sure that his absurd stats and combat capabilities come from cybernetic augmentation and I know he has an electrified 'Zweihander' that can cut through pretty much any hostile.

-Space him. He can be as powerful as he wants, the vacuum of space will STILL kill him.

One of my favourite methods, but we lack a good way of reliably achieving it short of ejecting some part of the ship or sacrificing valuable machinery.

-Put self-destruct devices on all of your machinery, remote activated self-destruct devices at that. Next time he's out fighting in your equipment, or stealing it, BOOM!

He doesn't use my equipment ever, nor is there anything left that he'd steal. I suppose if he went AWOL again then he could consider stealing my tank, but he already has a better one and mine doesn't even have weapon mounts just yet.

Also, the techie tried this last time and it didn't work. I don't intend to let myself be put in the same position as he.

-Refuse to heal him or simply turn shipboard weapons on him. A battery of laser cannons is the great equalizer.

There is a twisted logic in your words, it's true. I don't know about the 'refuse to heal him' not in the least because it'd be the doctors realm, not mine (plus he hasn't been injured yet :smalltongue:). The laser battery is probably a better bet, thanks to the nice missile racks and plasma cannons I've stored, but the only situation I'd be willing to turn them upon his person is orbital bombardment, so that he couldn't catch me anyway.

-Strand him somewhere. Fake an evacuation then just leave his escape pod drifting...or shoot it, if you are feeling malicious and want to make a point.

The ship only has a single escape pod.

-Introduce him to gray goo...by throwing it at his feet (AC becomes irrelevant then), then abandon the ship and him to become more gray goo.

Effective a solution as this is, I'm unwilling to part with my good ship in any way.

Since he's got lots of cybernetics, EMP Grenades should help. If the noble can afford it or the techie can make it, get an M79 grenade launcher with Autofire, Expanded Magazine, and Variable Ammunition. +8 purchase DC for the gadgets, -4 or more for being from several PLs ago, it should be affordable. You get 20d6 damage and 4 Fort saves vs stun in one shot, without having to worry about hitting his AC. Get enough to arm all your droids, and you'll have a good chance at taking him out.

I love this idea. It's worth noting, however, that his cybernetics aren't linked to his organs so much as being nano-type enhancers. Everything's quite vague because of no-one seeing anyone else's character sheet, but I don't believe him to be cyborg enough to be seriously vulnerable.

I'm probably gonna have a few of those launchers made/bought though :smallbiggrin:

Do psionics exist in your world? If so, hire someone to mind-control him or at least scare him.

They do exist, but are strongly regulated by the inquisition (or so they led me to believe, I'd have to go check out New Order space for the alternative).

Does your DM allow you to homebrew reasonable things that aren't in the books? Make a bunch of big electromagnets, uses them to grab him or his weapons, and give him a talking-to.

The electromagnets + his under-the-skin armour and being covered in weapons?

I love it. That's probably the best single idea I've heard suggested so far. I'm gonna have to get on that ...

If he has ludicrous AC, shipboard weapons are unlikely to hit him. Still worth trying, though; and if you have any with autofire, or your techie can modify them to autofire, they'll do fine unless he has Evasion.
Using shipboard grapplers might actually work, depending on how ludicrous his Strength is.

No autofire for our shipboard mounts, unfortunately. We're rigged up with Mass Cannons, Plasma Cannons and Mass Reaction Missiles.

Use your Charisma, and noble's Charisma, and the noble's wealth to get the captains and gunners in the rest of the fleet as loyal as you can.

My other ships are merchantmen and currently idling in Rogue Space as the rest of the galaxy hits a war footing. So ... there is that. Unless you meant trying to recruit privateers / trying to get an actual navy on my side.

Anything that ends with him in space with nothing life-sustaining near him is a good plan.

Agreed ... sort of.

Having your droids launch off all the escape pods of the ship he's on and then blowing it up is a sound approach.

I can't spare any ships, unfortunately. Unless you mean sending him out in a shuttle or similar, which could work.

He could have optimization and equipment that'll let him survive for a while and even fight effectively against ships. But if he does, he's still unlikely to survive, and "My team dumped me into space and sent ships to kill me, and I shot a couple fighters down before I died" is a badass sendoff that'll probably be fun for him.

He's a melee character, so I'm not sure that he'd be able to take down anything once he's in space. The trick is getting him out there without having to sacrifice too much.

Alternatively just wait for a moment when he's vulnerable. Hang on a minute, if you're half the tactical genius you claim, you should be able to set this up.

My character's a tactical genius, that doesn't mean I am :smalltongue:

Just embark upon some mission, wait for him to get stuck into the fight, and then pull out. If you can't trust your crew mates, leave them also.

I doubt we'd be able to pull out that quickly, he'd probably kill the enemy and then catch up with his superior speed, well aware of what we're/I'm doing.

I suppose I could hoverbike to the port and then shuttle to the ship, fleeing to hyperspace ... but that means abandoning too many good men, I'm afraid.

2011-02-05, 09:07 PM
Er...how are you getting 20d6 and 4 Fort saves vs. stun? When using Autofire, you wouldn't just add each grenades damage together but like...half (or something) of one but instead of trying to hit him, you force him to make a reflex save.

I assume it'll work if you autofire at a nearby square such that he's within the grenade blast radius. I haven't read anything specific on how autofiring explosives is supposed to work, though.

With the grapplers, I was thinking just tractor-beam him and drag him through space until he runs out of air, so he can't make his way onto a ship or do anything else tricky. But since he's a melee character, it's probably a better idea to just leave him if you manage to space him, because otherwise he'll probably try to hack open the ship's hull and might even succeed.

I know that he has armour under his skin, I'm 99% sure that his absurd stats and combat capabilities come from cybernetic augmentation and I know he has an electrified 'Zweihander' that can cut through pretty much any hostile.

Subcutaneous armor, and the Electrified gadget from the Future Tech book. Good stuff. And in case you don't know, the Future Tech book's customization rules let you make weapons much more powerful than anything in the core d20 Modern or d20 Future books. You may want to make use of them. If he's got a lot of modifications, he's probably using the Cyberspace book, which has useful but not broken stuff.

I noted that he might seriously be able to destroy a ship in melee above. I'm serious, at least for ultralight ships. I did a bit of optimization, and assuming you're at a high level and he can afford a lot he could potentially do about 97 damage per hit before hardness (3d8 (Large chainsword) + 4d6 (electrified) +3 masterwork +3 Melee Smash, +6 from ignoring hardness + 36 (1.5xStr bonus*) + 15 Power Attack). That's easily enough to destroy a Fighter in a round. If your DM lets him cut open airlocks or suchlike, you need to get your ship away from him if you space him. If not, he could still disable your weapons or sensors.

*Strength 57 from 18 base, +8 dreadnought, +4 rage implant, +6 artificial muscle fiber implant, +5 muscle mass genetic retrovirus, +4 Micro Muscles nanocolony, +4 boost chemical, +4 good roll on adrenaline jolt, +4 boost armor

If he's got nano-enhancements as well, see if you can have the surgeon inject him with another nano-colony, preferably a nano-virus. That'll deactivate one of his existing colonies, plus the nano-viruses are extremely killy. If you don't want to use the grey goo one, use the one that does 2d6 damage to all his mental stats, and then poison him into a coma.

Glad you like the electromagnet suggestion. It strikes me as an excellent way to get him in a negotiating position, and possibly in a implanting-loyalty-chip or cortex bomb or other leash position. Or to kill him, of course.

I can see a number of ways to kill him if you're willing to sacrifice a shuttle. 1. Get him on it by whatever means, and blow it up. Preferably isolated and far in space so there's nothing that can rescue him, but if he wants to run an errand on a nearby planet you could have one of your droids alert you as soon as he takes a shuttle to shoot him down, and hope he burns up in re-entry.
2. Get something(s) that project holograms, and put it on a shuttle with him. Use it to make it seem like there are combat droids on the shuttle (hidden in its bathroom or cargo bay, if he wouldn't go onto a shuttle that's obviously full of combat droids), have them attack him (given his armor, he'll think nothing of all of their attacks being ineffectual), and let him accidentally breach the hull swinging at them.
3. Have a droid or AI pilot it directly into an asteroid or airless moon.
4. Grey goo in a containment unit with a timer on it.
5. Cover the surfaces of the shuttle in contact poison. Or put a bunch of poison-gas canisters in it and a bomb on the shuttle's engines or controls, so he'll be trapped for a good long time until he fails enough Fortitude saves to succumb. Unless he wants to vent the air in the shuttle, in which case he'll be stuck with an entirely different problem.

Kuma Kode
2011-02-05, 09:22 PM
Shipboard weapons, when used against character scale targets, actually affect a 10x10 area as if they were a bomb. His AC is meaningless against a ship.

AC also does not matter against grenades.

AC also does not matter against autofire.

EMPs can turn his cybernetics into a liability, unless he has access to cyberscape and has gotten the hardened gadget on each and every one.

Unfortunately, d20 Future is horribly balanced. I encountered this same problem with another campaign; it is ludicrously easy to increase your AC, but not to increase your attack bonus. If he is even remotely powergamist, his character can become nearly unstoppable.

However, if this person is another player, I seriously suggest talking to the DM, first. PvP is just going to cause more problems. Considering he managed to get a +50 wealth bonus in what sounds like short order, the DM may simply not be aware of how poorly balanced the system is... or is interpreting things incorrectly.

2011-02-05, 09:29 PM
Quick note about the trying to strand him; he's been Dues Ex'ed back before, so leaving him alive will just let the GM Dues Ex him back again.
There may be a second issue here going unseen, the GM may be playing favorites with the problem player.

Just saying.

Now, as for the sacrificing a ship/pod to kill the problem player, sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Also, with him dead, what's stopping you from looting and selling his stuff? Is his stuff enough to compensate for your past losses and problem solving losses?

I'm rather curious as to the situation that allowed him to come back. The GM and player may need a smacking OOC to fix all this.

2011-02-06, 07:02 AM
Subcutaneous armor, and the Electrified gadget from the Future Tech book. Good stuff. And in case you don't know, the Future Tech book's customization rules let you make weapons much more powerful than anything in the core d20 Modern or d20 Future books. You may want to make use of them. If he's got a lot of modifications, he's probably using the Cyberspace book, which has useful but not broken stuff.

Yeah, he's definitely using Future Tech. So far I've been pretty happy with my Railgun and selection of light anti-tank pistols, but I might have to look into building something brutal with what's in there.

I noted that he might seriously be able to destroy a ship in melee above. I'm serious, at least for ultralight ships. I did a bit of optimization, and assuming you're at a high level and he can afford a lot he could potentially do about 97 damage per hit before hardness (3d8 (Large chainsword) + 4d6 (electrified) +3 masterwork +3 Melee Smash, +6 from ignoring hardness + 36 (1.5xStr bonus*) + 15 Power Attack). That's easily enough to destroy a Fighter in a round. If your DM lets him cut open airlocks or suchlike, you need to get your ship away from him if you space him. If not, he could still disable your weapons or sensors.

We're at level 11 (IIRC, might be 12/13) for reference.

Also, sweet frackingfrackatron. Remind me to make the electromagnet affect his weapon too


Oh wait :smallwink:

If he's got nano-enhancements as well, see if you can have the surgeon inject him with another nano-colony, preferably a nano-virus. That'll deactivate one of his existing colonies, plus the nano-viruses are extremely killy. If you don't want to use the grey goo one, use the one that does 2d6 damage to all his mental stats, and then poison him into a coma.

I don't believe he does, but I might look into it all the same. Nanites are definitely present in this setting, so I guess he prolly has something or other, judging by how well he powergames towards an 'honourable' fight.

Glad you like the electromagnet suggestion. It strikes me as an excellent way to get him in a negotiating position, and possibly in a implanting-loyalty-chip or cortex bomb or other leash position. Or to kill him, of course.

Being the character that I am, it'll be a practically-immediate death and no negotiation. Just a brief gloat and he's dead.

I do, however, need my gloat.

I can see a number of ways to kill him if you're willing to sacrifice a shuttle.

The problem being that that shuttle is the only one we have and it would make planetary landings harder. Possible, but harder. It's as much as I'm willing to sacrifice at this stage.

1. Get him on it by whatever means, and blow it up. Preferably isolated and far in space so there's nothing that can rescue him, but if he wants to run an errand on a nearby planet you could have one of your droids alert you as soon as he takes a shuttle to shoot him down, and hope he burns up in re-entry.

Definitely my favourite of the shuttle options. I'll probably consider something like this as a plan 'B'.

2. Get something(s) that project holograms, and put it on a shuttle with him. Use it to make it seem like there are combat droids on the shuttle (hidden in its bathroom or cargo bay, if he wouldn't go onto a shuttle that's obviously full of combat droids), have them attack him (given his armor, he'll think nothing of all of their attacks being ineffectual), and let him accidentally breach the hull swinging at them.

Sadly he's got other weapons that he'd use in that situation. Like the throwing knife that 1-shotted a guy in powered armour :smalleek:

3. Have a droid or AI pilot it directly into an asteroid or airless moon.

Probably the lulziest plan, but I'm not sold. Seems like it's got a fair few problems, mostly just in how it might not succeed and then who knows? Not me, that's for certain.

4. Grey goo in a containment unit with a timer on it.

Classy, but still not ideal. Mostly just the same problem as the other shuttle options, but without the beautiful elegance of my gunnery.

5. Cover the surfaces of the shuttle in contact poison. Or put a bunch of poison-gas canisters in it and a bomb on the shuttle's engines or controls, so he'll be trapped for a good long time until he fails enough Fortitude saves to succumb. Unless he wants to vent the air in the shuttle, in which case he'll be stuck with an entirely different problem.

I love the dilemma in this. Possibly enough to make it the new 'Plan B'. We'll just have to wait and see ...

Shipboard weapons, when used against character scale targets, actually affect a 10x10 area as if they were a bomb. His AC is meaningless against a ship.

Duly noted.

EMPs can turn his cybernetics into a liability, unless he has access to cyberscape and has gotten the hardened gadget on each and every one.

I dunno, they won't stop his armour being hard.

However, if this person is another player, I seriously suggest talking to the DM, first. PvP is just going to cause more problems. Considering he managed to get a +50 wealth bonus in what sounds like short order, the DM may simply not be aware of how poorly balanced the system is... or is interpreting things incorrectly.

I can assure you sir, we are doing things completely failtastically! But it's the most fun campaign I've ever had, so there's that to balance it all out.

The PvP is a matter of IC clashes, not OOC spite and we're all having a tremendously jolly time of smashing each other about! (My first post was a leetle beet een character ...)

Quick note about the trying to strand him; he's been Dues Ex'ed back before, so leaving him alive will just let the GM Dues Ex him back again.

The big problem with stranding him is never seeing the body etc. you are entirely correct.

There may be a second issue here going unseen, the GM may be playing favorites with the problem player.

Just saying.

If there was going to be a favourite, it would be me. As it isn't me, there isn't. So there.

(How do I know? I've given the best bribes :smallbiggrin:)

Now, as for the sacrificing a ship/pod to kill the problem player, sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Also, with him dead, what's stopping you from looting and selling his stuff? Is his stuff enough to compensate for your past losses and problem solving losses?

You lack the spirit of a true naval officer. No ship is really replaceable, good sir - not in the least my dear Snazzee.

I'm rather curious as to the situation that allowed him to come back. The GM and player may need a smacking OOC to fix all this.

His replacement character (post-treachery) was too rigid for the upcoming series of encounters, so the DM deus ex machina'd him in to avoid any of the serious complications that might ensue.

2011-02-06, 07:12 AM
Maroon him on an asteroid somewhere. Bluff him into getting out of ship, and immediatly take off.

Or just land on an inhabited planet, wait till he's distracted by something shiny, and take off when he's not looking.

2011-02-06, 07:36 AM
On your mentioning of a "Plan B," if this guy is as hard a nut as you say, how can you expect to get a chance for Plan B?

2011-02-06, 08:00 AM
+1 for dropping him on some airless asteroid or moon.

Then nuke the site from orbit - it's the only way to be sure. :smallcool:

2011-02-06, 08:30 AM
On your mentioning of a "Plan B," if this guy is as hard a nut as you say, how can you expect to get a chance for Plan B?

If plan A becomes not viable due to DMly intervention or the discovery of some rare immunity or other unseen limitation then I'll go to plan B.

If he just stumbles across my equipment before I use it I can still bluff away, but then it'll be plan B.

If the actual plan is attempted and failed I have a tiny hope of surviving a little longer, but I'm prolly dead. Still, always be prepared!

Kuma Kode
2011-02-06, 05:35 PM
I dunno, they won't stop his armour being hard. Armor does not add to reflex saves. EMP grenades force reflex saves for half damage. Ergo, his armor does nothing to help him against EMP grenades.

Also, autofire likewise ignores armor.

When your players all figure out simultaneously that heavy subcutaneous armor is awesome (and ridiculously broken), you learn to find ways to get around it. Autofire, ship weapons, and grenades are your best bet. Unless he dipped Fast and got evasion.

2011-02-06, 08:06 PM
Armor does not add to reflex saves. EMP grenades force reflex saves for half damage. Ergo, his armor does nothing to help him against EMP grenades.

Also, autofire likewise ignores armor.

When your players all figure out simultaneously that heavy subcutaneous armor is awesome (and ridiculously broken), you learn to find ways to get around it. Autofire, ship weapons, and grenades are your best bet. Unless he dipped Fast and got evasion.

Ah, right. I just meant that EMP grenades won't stop his cybernetics from being useful - I do understand that they circumvent the entire problem. But that's worth remembering, so thank you nevertheless good sir!

And I'm not worried about the rest of the party. There might be internal squabbling, but they're all loyal enough to my character barring a nigh-deific murderer being present in their midst.

2011-02-07, 02:26 AM
Armor does not add to reflex saves. EMP grenades force reflex saves for half damage. Ergo, his armor does nothing to help him against EMP grenades.

Also, autofire likewise ignores armor.

When your players all figure out simultaneously that heavy subcutaneous armor is awesome (and ridiculously broken), you learn to find ways to get around it. Autofire, ship weapons, and grenades are your best bet. Unless he dipped Fast and got evasion.

Just remember that auto-fire isn't 'save for half'. It's 'all or nothing'. If he saves then he takes no damage. So if he can reliably make DC 15 Fort. saves (and he probably can) then you'll need a new tactic. Just remember, unless he has a way to negate the need to make them, you only need to be able to consistently reach his massive damage threshhold. Eventually he'll fail that save and be at your mercy, it's just a matter of getting him to that point that may kill you.