View Full Version : Persona Suggestions/contest.

2011-02-06, 06:39 AM
Long story short; I've joined a middle-ages reenactment group. To be more accurate, twelfth century.

I need to choose a persona to use for public appearances, tournies, etc.
Background for the group is that we're a band of Crusaders and Mercenaries disguised/acting as a trading caravan. This gives me the ability to be any kind of person (combat oriented, in my case) from Europe or the Middle East from the twelfth century. This is good, cause it means I can be whatever I want. It's also bad because it leaves me as lost for choice as an eight year old in the ice-cream aisle of a supermarket.

So, I need help to piece together a persona. Suggestions would be delightful. Those that get their ideas incorporated into the final persona are rewarded with the knowledge I'll be utilising their ideas whenever I smack people around with a sword in front of an audience of hundreds.

2011-02-06, 09:56 AM
What are your costuming options? Armor is expensive, even leather armor, so going as an armored warrior might be a bad idea. Keep that in mind.

Who is already in your group? It's good to pick a character who is unique, but still manages to blend in with the others. Find niches to fill.

Research the time period! You'll get some really good ideas from knowing who was actually running around at that time, and what they were like.

2011-02-06, 10:10 AM
I need armour. A big part of the events the group does is combat. The head of the group makes his own armour and is happy to get me resources and teach and assist me in making the maille shirt.
So far we've got a French artisan (doesn't fight), a Hungarian mercenary (who -does- fight, and she's one of the best,) a Turk, an English knight, annnd some other folks that I havn't met yet, as I've only joined very recently (read; today) and it's a pretty small group, though very good. They attend the Abbey Tournament each year and are always invited back. That's like a big stamp of quality.

2011-02-06, 10:23 AM
Oh, so you do the kind of fighting where you actually try to hurt each other? Then, yeah, armor's pretty indispensable.

I'd still say do your research. I don't know much about the 12th century or the Crusades, and that really limits my ability to think about characters involved in that. There are plenty of books and websites out there for you. Get crackin'.

2011-02-06, 02:16 PM
Persona? And it has to be a warrior? You need this guy!


Unfortunatly, you need to have maxed out the Strength Social Link first, so get cracking boy :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-07, 08:11 PM
I...I don't know who that is D:

I'm thinking of being Italian. And so chivalrous that it's frustrating for my opponent. Can't figure a good name, though.

2011-02-07, 08:48 PM
Grow a big bushy beard and be Barak.

On second thought, since Barak was basically a viking, and the vikings were pretty much no longer around during the 12th century, maybe that wouldn't work.

2011-02-07, 08:49 PM
On second thought, since Barak was basically a viking, and the vikings were pretty much no longer around during the 12th century, maybe that wouldn't work.

Silk was cooler anyway. :smallamused:

2011-02-07, 08:52 PM
Silk was cooler anyway. :smallamused:

Obviously, that goes without saying. Might be a bit difficult to incorporate a persona such as Silk into a setting as described.

Bonecrusher Doc
2011-02-08, 01:53 PM
El Cid was 11th Century. That's pretty close.

2011-02-08, 02:07 PM
I...I don't know who that is D:

I'm thinking of being Italian. And so chivalrous that it's frustrating for my opponent. Can't figure a good name, though.

I was trying to be funny... But that's the SMT: Persona 3 version of Siegfried, the hero of the Niebelungen Legend, who was actually a pretty badass mythical warrior in his own right.

Oooh! Be Don Quixote! He was always good for a laugh!

2011-02-09, 12:59 AM
For clarity, I can't be anyone -specific- from history :smalltongue: I need to make up a personality.

2011-02-09, 03:14 AM
You can be the turbanded Arabian fighter Hanuan ibn Katarri (think middle eastern ninja :smallsmile:)

You can be Maximilan de Tantesse au Aurieux and charm the women present

You can be Alehandro Vagassi, here to cut you to ribbons at a time and place that is most convenient for you since you obviously need your beauty sleep

You can be Sir Gavant whose chivalry is an inspiration for us all

You can be anyone you want to be

Don Julio Anejo
2011-02-09, 05:57 AM
I would go with an Italian trader/conman (think Horo from Spice and Wolf, just male) and use your charisma to get stuff. You are disguised as a merchant caravan, after all. I say leave all the fighting to stupid boorish macho men with giant beards :tongue:

Oh, and your name would be Guillermo Montessori. No, you're not a noble. Nobles wouldn't soil their hands with something as dirty as trading, it's what their peasants are for. That is what they think, at least, considering by now you've probably outmaneuvered them through contracts, legal loopholes and a healthy dose of wine and _their_ peasants are now _your_ peasants. The nobles just haven't realized it yet, since they haven't bothered to read whatever it is they signed while drunk.