View Full Version : (Fantastical Issue) Nš1: Team Vs The BrainWreck (IC)

2011-02-06, 05:09 PM
Today was another a day like any other, the only difference is that today was a Tuesday and you received a strange invitation by an even strange mysterious man(or woman) that seemed to just stumble to you, the message was the same in all invitations:

Freedom City need YOU.

The city needs people like you. with abilities and powers for the well being of people, freedom and justice in the world, we are planning on offering opportunities to join our ranks.
We hope you answer our call and meet us at the attached direction on the back of the letter.

Captain Thunder, chairman
Freedom League

Anyone knows this man, unless you had lived in a rock for the last decade. he has fought countless criminals, saved the world at least three times and is also known as Raymond Gardener after his arch-nemesis Dr.Stratos unmasked him.

After you followed the instructions to get to the place, you find a bit of a rundown building in the Southside, which, for people that already know Freedom city it is not a very nice neighborhood.
It doesn't even seem like it was habitable as most windows are blocked by wood, you can notice some lights on the inside but other than that it doesn't seem that anyone is going to have a welcoming party soon, other than a box on the doorstep of the building with a note attached to it "Open me." very straight forward.

2011-02-06, 06:11 PM
Zerra inspects the box, looking for any clues about the contents.

2011-02-06, 06:21 PM
It looks like an ordinary cardboard box, nothing weird about it, it weights almost nothing and it looks like there is something rather sizeable in it.

2011-02-06, 06:22 PM
With a rush of wind, The Daring Dragon zooms across the city skyline. The thoughts of his earlier encounter with the strange person who gave him the letter, rushing though his head with perfect accuracy.
Who was that person? Why does the Freedom League wish to recruit me? I guess there's only one way to find out.
With a turn of his armored head, The Daring Dragon changes direction, heading to the address the letter gave.

Dust flies away from the flames lifting The Daring Dragon off the ground as he lands at the location. His armor, still sparkling orange and red in the sun, seems to repel the dust. After looking about the building, and the lone box on the doorstep, Ryu decides to leave the box alone, for now.
I'm fairly certain, I can't be the only one who got an invite here... I'll hang around here for a bit to see if anyone else shows up. In the meantime, I'll take a better look around. I've got a bad feeling about this.
With that thought, Ryu looks around around, trying to see anything that strange.
[[OOC: This is meant to be a notice check. Do you want me to roll it?]]

2011-02-06, 06:35 PM
(Ooc: Don't worry about the notice check)

As you daringly check around the area, you notice the place hasn't been used in a long time, you notice that the building is totally empty, for exception of a rather strange hole in the wall and a socket on the wall, nothing else seems to be there other than a big space.

2011-02-06, 06:51 PM
After taking the look around, The Daring Dragon notices the other person examining the box.
"I didn't notice you there. I am THE DARING DRAGON," he bows slightly in greeting. " Is it safe for me to assume you also got a letter from a strange person inviting you here?"

The Daring Dragon moves a step closer, "So what's in the box?"

2011-02-06, 07:40 PM
After taking the look around, The Daring Dragon notices the other person examining the box.
"I didn't notice you there. I am THE DARING DRAGON," he bows slightly in greeting. " Is it safe for me to assume you also got a letter from a strange person inviting you here?"

The Daring Dragon moves a step closer, "So what's in the box?"

Zerra raises an eyebrow and looks quizzically at the newly arrived, and loud, human. She stands before replying. "Greetings, THE DARING DRAGON." Zerra inclines her head slightly in response to the bow. "I am Warden Zerra'shii qai Velara. I did indeed receive a written message requesting my presence at this location." This is accompanied by a mental image of the note. The formal voice of the translator doesn't quite manage to suppress the slightly bemused tone of Zerra's voice.

"I have not opened the container and am not currently aware of its contents."

2011-02-06, 08:44 PM
Sara swiftly flies across the city the wind swooshing around her. The day started out with some clouds in the sky, and the sun was shining. Her father Zeus smiled upon her this day and she gestured a word of thanks to her father.

As she neared the house she was told of Sara noticed two strangers. Quickly, she flew with the gods grace. Upon landing on the ground she says "What are you two doing here? Did you get a letter too?" Those who look into her eyes sense something odd about her and see flickers of what almost looks like lightning flashes in her eyes.

2011-02-06, 10:08 PM
After reading the letter Luke jogged to the place at a relaxed pace, which is to say two-hundred miles per hour. Coming to a stop right between the three people he say. "Looks like I'm not as special as I thought." Then a couple seconds later he says impatiently. "Well are you going to open the box or what?"

2011-02-06, 10:43 PM
"It is apparent that one 'Captain Thunder' desired us to gather in this location."

"Well are you going to open the box or what?"

Zerra's head flicks an inch to the right in a gesture approximating a shrug and she opens the box.

2011-02-06, 11:29 PM
"Hmm.. It appears that this party is getting interesting. Are they planning on hiring us all, or just one?" The Daring Dragon muses to himself, whilst running his gauntleted fingers down his dragon chin. "I have a feeling this isn't all of the party either. A young Speed-freak, an alien, and a cocky girl. What's next? A being made of gases?" He shakes his head as he begins to speak to the entire group, "Well, I believe that whatever is in the box goes into socket over there," as he points out the socket to the others. "So, we all received a letter from Captain Thunder, but I've never heard of any of you guys. I'm THE DARING DRAGON, by the way. Nice to meet you all. And whoever else happens to show up to this little shindig," gives them all a flourish and a bow.
I think I need to get some theme music to play when I tell people who I am. Or maybe a pose or something? Fireworks would definitely be way too much.

2011-02-07, 12:03 AM
When The Daring Dragon calls Luke a freak he roll he eyes and mutters. "Yeah I'm the freak. Definitely not the guy in the robot suit. That's perfectly normal."

After he does his little bow Luke taps his chin thoughtfully and says. "Y'know, I don't think your pronouncements of your name gives the dramatic impact you want. Might help if you could set your suit to play appropriate music when you do it. Anyway I'm Luke."

After saying his name Luke runs off, coming back less than five seconds later sipping from a huge cup of soda.

2011-02-07, 12:48 AM
"Because this appears to be the moment for proper introductions, I am Warden Zerra'shii qai Velara. If it would not be discourteous to inquire, none of you appear to be typical members of your species. Are such individuals relatively common? My observation has been rather incomplete."

2011-02-07, 12:58 AM
"Depends on your definition of relatively common. Now a days it seems like every major city has a super hero or twenty. Still I'd say they make up less than .0001 percent of the planet's population. I don't have the necessary data to back up that claim however."

2011-02-07, 01:57 AM
You open the box, it seems the speculations thought by THE DARING DRAGON were true as what you found inside the box were two items, the first one being a key that would be used on the door, to open it, but right now is useless as the door is open.

The other item seems a bit more strange, seems like a sizable piece of metal with a glass center mostly letting you look through, the whole thing was connected to an electrical cord with another note attached to it "Plug me".

2011-02-07, 02:00 AM
Zerra inserts the odd metal and glass device's cord into the outlet and steps back from it. She holds onto the key.

2011-02-07, 09:39 AM
As soon as you connect it to the wall the strange device, almost like it was done by a magnetic pull gets stuck to the previously mentioned hole in the wall, the entire place started to move, almost like and earthquake as the whole building started to change of shape, some walls appeared out of no where and before you knew the empty building became full of "Life", there was a big computer on the side of the room and the place seemed like it had more rooms in between, people that were still outside didn't really feel or see any change at all, It still looked the same from the outside.

"Good Morning Team Not enough information, I am P One hundred and seven and I was assigned to be your helper by the freedom league and will be the one to create a series of tests to see if you are a fit to be part of the league for now you may reside in this hidden base of operations "" as you take notice you see that the middle of the piece of metal has a red dot that moves crazily like some kind of strange eye blinking in and out sometimes.

(Effectively right now you have a headquarter.
Size: Small; Toughness: 10; Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Living Space, Power System, Security, Workshop and combat simulator. as a bonus)

2011-02-07, 09:57 AM
Before any of the others can take in the sight Luke is gone.He go's through the entire complex and when done returns to the group and says. "I call dibs on the super-computer."

2011-02-07, 12:37 PM
After taking a quick look around, The Daring Dragon steps towards the computer. "P 107, what are these tests going to entail? I'm assuming we won't be given a written multiple choice exam... And on a side note... What exactly is this place? It's fascinating." He then goes back to looking around the room.

2011-02-07, 12:59 PM
"This is a highly technological Not enough clearance, created by Information classified ordered by the freedom league Crica date classified. I am the 107th artificial intelligence named P, Version 1.07" the rather not so robotic voice said "This place was to accommodate any Super Human need, as I am still changing the structure of the building and receiving updates every Information Classified but for now I am working at Unknown of my productivity, on the matter of the Test, I will be watching you I already have my eyes everywhere that might be of importance to the city, when the time comes, the test will be ready, and no, that super-computer is not a toy is not for toying or other toy like activities"

2011-02-07, 01:07 PM
Luke glares at P and says. "Define 'toy like activities.'"

2011-02-07, 01:54 PM
"Activities which only end is entrainment, they tend to be quite... time wasting , Any other inquiry ? " the computer quickly said at young superhero

2011-02-07, 02:06 PM
"So an action that's primary motivation is entertainment but has practical side-effects are allowed. In that case I'm going to go hack into some government communication channels. See ya in, oh say half a minute."

Taking a one on the Computers skill check too illegally access restricted com channels.

2011-02-07, 03:05 PM
"Hey kid, that's a really bad idea," The Daring Dragon tells Luke. He then turns back to P. "So P, I'm curious. You apparently can't tell us who built you, but can you tell us what you are capable of?"

2011-02-07, 03:12 PM
"Fascinating. It appears to be a memory structure." Zerra looks around the room for a few moments before focusing back on P107.
"Will you please provide me with a floor plan of the facility? Additionally, our presence at this location was requested by one 'Captain Thunder'. Is that individual within this facility? I wish to learn the purpose of this summons."

2011-02-07, 07:22 PM
Luke leans back in his chair and says. "It's only a bad idea if you aren't as awesome as I am."

2011-02-07, 09:46 PM
"Taking a one on the Computers skill check too illegally access restricted com channels." Explain please?

"Indeed Warden, I will put them on the monitor" he said as a large screen appeared just on the other side of the room, You are to be exact on the room called entrance, the Blackened rooms and spaces are classified information, so I can't really tell you anything about them, anything else is there."
"I am capable of moving anything inside the fortress, that isn't alive, but for what I was told, I am your, helper, butler, gardener, Classified information , Classified information, Cook, alarm clock, defense system, baby sitter and normal alarm like the one I have been suppressing for 5 minutes."
"Also, I just blocked your connection and now you are disallowed on the computer until further notice "

http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m296/Volvagia500/TeamXHQ.png (Kinda ****ty, didn't plan to show it and now that I look at it... I simplified it a lot =o.)

2011-02-07, 10:12 PM
Luke sighs and says. "Boo, you're no fun." Then in a much more serious tone of voice he says. "Not only are you no fun, you are hiding information. That doesn't bode well for the chances of a mutually trusting work relationship between me and your bosses."

2011-02-07, 10:19 PM
"I was programmed to hide information and start giving it out slowly almost like I wasn't giving information at all, also about the Captain he is not in this location right now" P said quickly "Also I am a super intelligent AI, obviously I am no fun"

2011-02-07, 10:42 PM
"Your premise is flawed. AI's can be fun, and Super Intelligence isn't mutually exclusive with fun. You might not be fun, whether because of your software or hardware, but that doesn't mean AIs in general can't be."

2011-02-07, 11:07 PM
"Hold up. Ignore the kid for a sec. What alarm have you been suppressing for the last five minutes?" The Daring Dragon turns back to P. "If there's a crime happening now... We need to get there and stop it."

2011-02-07, 11:20 PM
"..." the AI stops showing the map in the monitor and rapidly it changes of channel, what you see is a shot from a Helicopter, you can clearly notice it is a shot of the Eastern Seaboard Bank "-robber seems to be a super power villain and seems that not only he has used the bank goers as hostages, he is making them do the dirty work, the villain as seen in this picture " you see a short man with a helmet that totally covers his head, not even a hole in it, other than that it haves an eye painted on it, he also uses very bright colored tights "The police seems unable to subdue him since he is using his hostages as human shields, we will keep you updated this is channel 3 Action news, with Amy Feng" , "And that is basically what the alert.. which is blatantly"

2011-02-07, 11:44 PM
"As I thought... The kid can run, the girl can fly, so Warden... Need a ride?" The Daring Dragon asks as he turns to the exit. "We should lend the cops a hand."

2011-02-08, 05:18 AM
"As I thought... The kid can run, the girl can fly, so Warden... Need a ride?" The Daring Dragon asks as he turns to the exit. "We should lend the cops a hand."

"Yes." As she follows the flamboyant, armored man outside, Zerra checks her weapon to make sure it's switched to non-lethal. Wouldn't be good to hit civilian hostages with the kill mode, never mind the impression that would make on the humans.

2011-02-08, 09:23 AM
Sorry about being late, just got done reading all of the thread... I don't have a super movement powers so...

With a loud crinkle, swish, and the muffled sounds of steel on concrete, Cheeto comes to a stop in front of the aforementioned building. As punctual as he'll ever be, he leans back slightly to take in the site of this run down building.

Ahead he spots a power armored individual exiting the building followed by a blue-skinned female. Taking caution, Cheeto approaches.

Brief appearance description

Cheeto is 6'1"
Standing fully erected, he appears to be a humanoid figure, however his entire body is forged from various types of garbage. The lower part of his right leg is an empty wire waste basket. His chest/pec-area is an air conditioning unit. Each of his arms are made up of various rods and ropes which help form intricate 5-fingered hands.
Atop Cheeto's shoulders sits an unopened bag of Cheetos (hence his namesake). The bag moves as he looks around, as if the face of the Cheetah were his own.

2011-02-08, 05:04 PM
"Whoa! That's a rather large pile of Garbage," The Daring Dragon says taken aback at the sight of humanoid garbage being. "Wait... That wasn't hear when we got here... Did Captain Thunder summon you here as well... Um... Pile? Can this thing even talk?"

2011-02-08, 09:54 PM
Cheeto lets a laugh that sounds like a mixture of chuckling and crinkling paper. "Yes, I got the letter earlier today. I'm unsure how he even found me. You can call me Cheeto, Mr.... ?" He says. Cheeto's muffled voice resembles a 1920's radio announcer filtered through a staticky radio from the same era.

2011-02-08, 10:06 PM
"I'm THE DARING DRAGON. We really don't have time to talk... There is a super-powered bank robbery in progress and we are heading there now. Do you have a way to get there fairly quickly? If not," The Daring Dragon flexes and stretches his arms for a second. "I think I can carry both you and the Warden here," he says indicating the female behind him. "We can explain about the test on the way."

2011-02-08, 10:14 PM
"The Daring Dragon, pleased to meet you," Cheeto will say with a bow. "I am the fastest pile of trash this side of Freedom City, but that's not saying much... Sadly no, I am not that fast at all. I'll take you up on the offer," Cheeto will say. At once he falls down into something more closely resembling a "pile" of trash and sticks some ropes up at the top of the pile The Daring Dragon to grab at.

2011-02-09, 12:38 AM
Luke comes out of the building. Upon seeing Cheeto he merely shrugs and mumbles. "I've seen weirder." Then rushes off. Moments later he is back and says. "I don't suppose any of you caught the address of the bank that's being robbed?"

2011-02-09, 07:00 PM
"The bank is in Wading Way area, near the Wading River, on weading street, by the 40th ave." P from inside the house said "And well.. you could try looking for the Helicopter of channel 3 action news... who knows... "

2011-02-09, 07:37 PM
Not quite sure what to make of the moving, talking pile of garbage, Zerra inclines her head politely.

"I assume that at least one of you knows the route to that location?"

2011-02-09, 11:52 PM
"Can't be too hard, how many Channel 3 news helicopters are flying around the city? Have at it Daring Dragon."

2011-02-10, 01:23 AM
"I know the area. I've flown over it a few times. Warden, you can climb on my back. It'll be easier on me that way. And kid, if you need to follow me... You'll have to slow down. I assume the girl will be following us as well," The Daring Dragon says as he leans forward slightly to allow Warden Zerra to climb on easier. As soon as she does so, he lifts off the ground slightly and then picks up Cheeto's rope handles. "Alright then, to the Eastern Seaboard Bank..."

2011-02-10, 02:13 AM
Luke mumbles something so quickly it is nearly incomprehensible, however several profanities and multiple repetitions of the word "slow" stand out. "One of these days I'm going to have to learn all the ins and outs of this city...Well are you gonna take off or what Dragon Boy?"

2011-02-10, 03:22 AM
"I know the area. I've flown over it a few times. Warden, you can climb on my back. It'll be easier on me that way. And kid, if you need to follow me... You'll have to slow down. I assume the girl will be following us as well," The Daring Dragon says as he leans forward slightly to allow Warden Zerra to climb on easier. As soon as she does so, he lifts off the ground slightly and then picks up Cheeto's rope handles. "Alright then, to the Eastern Seaboard Bank..."

Zerra climbs onto the back of the battlesuit with one of her head-flicking shrugs and finds good spots to hold onto. "Ready."

2011-02-10, 07:17 PM
As soon as The Daring Dragon has Zerra on his back, and his hands wrapped around Cheeto's ropes, he takes off into the air and heads to the Eastern Seaboard Bank. Along the way, he explains what has taken place in the "base" before Cheeto arrived. "So that's what happened... I still don't have all the answers," He says as he nears the bank. "Well, we're here. Should we take the door, or go in through the roof?"

2011-02-10, 07:44 PM
(Well, if you wanted to know, Super Heroes are public Figures (meaning) They can/will/would get sued for collateral damage (That wasn't needed) )
You quickly get to the place, the Eastern Seaboard bank after following the only helicopters on the air that day, after getting near the building the first thing you notice is the police barricade, there are several cruisers and police vans parked in front of the bank. There are several police officers trying to make any bystander not to get in the way or get near the barricade and others trying to peer inside the bank, but they seem to be having trouble at doing both.

2011-02-10, 09:10 PM
As soon as The Daring Dragon has Zerra on his back, and his hands wrapped around Cheeto's ropes, he takes off into the air and heads to the Eastern Seaboard Bank. Along the way, he explains what has taken place in the "base" before Cheeto arrived. "So that's what happened... I still don't have all the answers," He says as he nears the bank. "Well, we're here. Should we take the door, or go in through the roof?"

"I am not confident in our ability to swiftly or silently penetrate the structure's roof. I shall use my active camouflage package to avoid detection in order to perform reconnaissance at the primary entrance and relay what I see telepathically. You are eminently noticeable; I recommend that you and the female divert attention from the less obvious members of this unit. The construct and Luke should deploy in the rear alley to enter that way and block that escape route. To maximize the surprise factor, we should strike in unison. Because you have the loudest voice, you should give that command after allowing one minute for reconnaissance and deployment." Zerra activates her stealth pack, fading from sight.

Any glaring flaws in that plan, GM?

2011-02-10, 10:22 PM
"A sound plan," The Daring Dragon says as he heads down to an alley across the street from the Bank. He drops Cheeto as he gets about a foot off the ground, then leans forward to allow Zerra to get off. "I wonder how good the kid's ears are... Anyway, Cheeto you can head over to that alley," He says as he points out the directions to get to the alley across the street and behind the Bank. "I'll have the kid meet you when you should start your advance. And no one will miss my signal," The Daring Dragon says with a wink. " I'll wait for the girl here. I didn't get a chance to notice the actual difference in our flying speeds..."

((OOC: The Daring Dragon has more money than he knows what to do with. He tends to pay much more than necessary for repairs to public buildings he harms. He'll say something if anything is harmed in the ensuing fight. ))

2011-02-11, 12:04 AM
"A sound plan," The Daring Dragon says as he heads down to an alley across the street from the Bank. He drops Cheeto as he gets about a foot off the ground, then leans forward to allow Zerra to get off. "I wonder how good the kid's ears are... Anyway, Cheeto you can head over to that alley," He says as he points out the directions to get to the alley across the street and behind the Bank. "I'll have the kid meet you when you should start your advance. And no one will miss my signal," The Daring Dragon says with a wink. "[color=orange] I'll wait for the girl here. I didn't get a chance to notice the actual difference in our flying speeds..."

Zerra moves up towards the front of the bank, using her stealth pack's invisibility and sound suppression to avoid notice, drawing her sidearm as she goes. (Invisibility 2, Audio Concealment 1; Stealth [roll0] just in case.) Assuming she reaches the building, she looks in through the window and scans for hostiles, booby traps, or anything else of note. (Notice [roll1]; her headset also gives her 360 degree radar blindsight.)

2011-02-11, 08:08 AM
Cheeto heads over to the alley and assumes a form of a pile of garbage (stealth for hide) [roll0].

2011-02-11, 11:31 AM
(Cheeto I will give you a bonus of 2 to that hide check.. as well you are a pile of garbage in an alley, where it is supposed to be.. and it is not TUESDAY=O)

Well as Zerra moves in the bank, you clearly notice that the place is not like any bank you have been to, probably because this is not a space bank or anything spacey at all, there are Comfortable Chairs lined up around the place with some people(5) sitting on them you can see they don't move, and look around with a very blank expression, there are laying people thrown around like puppets whose strings have been cut, there are other people(5) entering(read stumbling) into the back vault getting as much money as they could, what catches most of the attention is a man in a helmet with an eye on it and very flamboyant yellow and red spandex suit, sitting on a table behind a cashier window, you see he haves a revolver on the side of his hip.

2011-02-11, 05:02 PM
Zerra uses her telepathy to check the mental state of one of the inactive people. Are they conscious or unconscious, aware or unaware? Is there even a mind left?

2011-02-12, 07:59 PM
There is a mind left, and he seems to be conscious and aware, but he doesn't seem to be moving and any other kind of thing that you would try to take from his mind is gonna take a power check.

They continue stumbling around getting all the money in a bag, it seems like he didn't even plan on how to take the money in the first place as he just putting in that bag, they continue to not notice you.

2011-02-12, 08:05 PM
Nah, no need to go trawling through people's heads, especially since I wouldn't really understand the info I'd get.

Zerra waits for the rest of the front group to show up. When they do, she relays what she's seen to them.

2011-02-20, 01:56 AM
You get out of there without anyone noticing .As you get out you notice that the police force is starting to try and contact whoever is inside the building, trough the art of using a Megaphone, but they are having some trouble to operate it.

You get to your partners and coment about everything you saw inside as you hear the voice of someone comeing from a Megaphone "Give up now!, we have you surrounded!, we know-" followed by silence.

2011-02-20, 03:45 AM
Zerra looks around to see if she can spot the speaker. If so, she'll try to connect telepathically to him and check his status. She stays invisible; no reason not to.

2011-02-20, 09:31 AM
You connect with the speaker as you hear him talk again "Hey, what I was doing here?, I think I forgot...Why I am in front of a bank?" he seems to be alright, but still something seems to be wrong with him.

2011-02-20, 10:22 AM
"I'm going to assume that this villain has the ability to mess with people memories, or maybe even their minds. So everyone, stay alert. I don't think we can afford to wait much longer. We can modify the plan from earlier. Warden, get back inside, and let me know where that masked guy is. At that point, I'll signal Luke to get to Cheeto, so they can move in from behind. I'll then announce myself, first to the surrrounding cops, then to the villain as I walk in the door. If anything happens to me.... Well... I hope I can trust you guys," The Daring Dragon says, with a slight smile on his voice. "Good Luck."

2011-02-20, 04:10 PM
"I'm going to assume that this villain has the ability to mess with people memories, or maybe even their minds. So everyone, stay alert. I don't think we can afford to wait much longer. We can modify the plan from earlier. Warden, get back inside, and let me know where that masked guy is. At that point, I'll signal Luke to get to Cheeto, so they can move in from behind. I'll then announce myself, first to the surrrounding cops, then to the villain as I walk in the door. If anything happens to me.... Well... I hope I can trust you guys," The Daring Dragon says, with a slight smile on his voice. "Good Luck."

"Understood." Zerra goes back to the front of the bank, checking to see if anything has changed inside (Notice [roll0]). If so, she'll pause and relay the new data telepathically (as an image) to DD. Otherwise, she moves to crouch in cover beside the door. Does the door open in or out>

2011-02-20, 11:59 PM
THe door is a revolving door, it goes both ways, the other door goes to an ATM, Which is unoccupied at the moment, what you see inside is a bit different, the one that looked to be in charge is slumped over a table without the helmet you can't see his face but his hair is clearly blond, while what looks like an office worker with the strange helmet on is walking to the doors, you see he haves a megaphone on his hand, everything else seems just as it was before, for exception of the man you checked with your telepathy, he seemed to have rolled some centimeters from his previous location.