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2011-02-07, 02:16 AM
They don't need to have the [Evil] descriptor or anything, they just need to be debuffs that a particularly evil, sadistic bastard would use.

2011-02-07, 02:26 AM
I always found the mind-altering spells to be the creepiest, potentially most evil spells, but for evil-looking stuff, Enervation provides a good aesthetic.

Blindness/Deafness is a jerk move, especially when used on someone unimportant for no reason other than spite. "Hah, you go ahead and try to cure that permanent blindness on your one silver a day salary, town guardsman!"

2011-02-07, 02:28 AM
Well, I'd say BoVD takes the cake in this department, with such gems as "Eternity of Torture" and "Mindrape". :smalleek:

2011-02-07, 02:29 AM
Well one spell that isn't a debuff, but aids in the use of debuffs is Graz’zt’s Long Grasp. Detach one hand, and use it to deliver touch spells.

Course you need to make sure you use the erratta for it, that allows your hand to regrow in case it gets destroyed. (Just like disembodied hand for the warlock)

Poison spell is a great "metamagic" feat to take. Doesn't increase the level, but you have to use a poison as a material comp. The enemies take the effect of the poison if they fail its fortsave.

Call of Dread or something like that. Necromancy spell, complete mage. AoE debuff on everything within 10 feet of you. Works great with poison spell. And if you got the FEATS book, you can do even more with it.

Fins to Feet - Fighting an mind flayer? Cast this spell. Tentacles become humanoid feat and legs. A bit DM fiant, but many DMs will probably find it so amusing that they will let it pass. (Unless its one that was in love with his mind flayer and so wanted to suck your brains out with it.)

Continual Light - If you can make an enemy helpless or otherwise submitted to your will, you could always cast this on his eyeballs.

From the book of erotic fantasy.. Undress. Makes everything the person is wearing fall to the ground except magical stuff.

Grope - just as it sounds, causes a disturbing feeling for the victim because of the groping.

2011-02-07, 02:32 AM
Charm Person and all the other Charm line.
"You're now my friend, whether you like it or not."

2011-02-07, 02:40 AM
Charm Person and all the other Charm line.
"You're now my friend, whether you like it or not."

I actually don't think charms are all that bad. Compulsions, sure, but charm effects... nah.

2011-02-07, 02:49 AM
I actually don't think charms are all that bad. Compulsions, sure, but charm effects... nah.
Charm is worse. Compulsion overrides someone's free will, yes, but the effects are extremely obvious. You're basically making them a meat robot. Evil, yes, but charm, oh Charm is much worse. It subverts your free will. When under the effects of charm you want to do those things, this person is your friend after all, and friends help each other, yes?:smallamused:

2011-02-07, 06:09 AM
Necrotic Skull Bomb. It has a skull and drains your life force, it's got to be evil, right?

avascular mass! [evil] descriptor, the image of this spell is just utterly disgusting.

2011-02-07, 06:56 AM
Avascular Mass causes your viscera to burst out of you and grapple everything nearby, including you.

Extract Water Elemental pulls the water out of a creature and animates it as a water elemental.

Charm is worse. Compulsion overrides someone's free will, yes, but the effects are extremely obvious. You're basically making them a meat robot. Evil, yes, but charm, oh Charm is much worse. It subverts your free will. When under the effects of charm you want to do those things, this person is your friend after all, and friends help each other, yes?:smallamused:

At least you get a save.
Diplomacy is worse.

2011-02-07, 07:00 AM
Touch of Idiocy, Ray of Stupidity, Ray of Enfeeblement, Lesser Shivering Touch

What? According to BoED ability damage is pure, unadulterated evil! :smalltongue:

Bestow Curse...

2011-02-07, 07:20 AM
At least you get a save.
Diplomacy is worse.
Only when abused in way that should have any sane DM slam upside othe player the head with their own PHB. I understand the need to have social skills to aid those who have none yet wish to play those who do as well as a way adjudicate fairly actions beyond the scope of role play.
But gaming the system this way is wrong, IMNHO.:smallfrown:

2011-02-07, 07:27 AM
Evrad's Black Tentecles. Mybe not strictly a debuff, but definately evil-flvored, imo.

2011-02-07, 07:45 AM
Evrad's Black Tentecles. Mybe not strictly a debuff, but definately evil-flvored, imo.

Well, you know, licorice does get top villain billing.

2011-02-07, 07:51 AM
Wither Limb (BoVD) is hilarious, and it's only 2nd level.

2011-02-07, 08:12 AM
Only when abused in way that should have any sane DM slam upside othe player the head with their own PHB. I understand the need to have social skills to aid those who have none yet wish to play those who do as well as a way adjudicate fairly actions beyond the scope of role play.
But gaming the system this way is wrong, IMNHO.:smallfrown:

Roll dice, determine friends.

2011-02-07, 09:16 AM
Mindrape, Programmed Amnesia and Sanctify the Wicked all allow disturbing, permanent alterations to a person's mind against their will. I think StW and Programmed Amnesia can at least be reversed, having a duration of Permanent instead of instantaneous. Sanctify the Wicked has some great potential for misuse by seriously misguided 'inflexible force of good' villains, as it is a [good] spell. IMO the absolute creepiest 'annihilation of personality' spell a person can inflict is Mind Seed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/mindSeed.htm), but it's for Telepath Psions.

2011-02-07, 09:20 AM
Evrad's Black Tentecles. Mybe not strictly a debuff, but definately evil-flvored, imo.

That really depends on how imaginative you want to be with it.... :smallwink: