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View Full Version : Settlers/movement west/oregon trail esc rpgs

2011-02-07, 10:49 AM
Having just played the oregon trail for facebook was thinking. Are there any good (or for that matter any) RPG's that focus on covered wagons and the movement west. doesn't matter the system.

The only one I know about and could find any information on was Boot Hill put out by TSR. But that was more of a western.

2011-02-07, 02:21 PM
I'm not sure what distinction you're drawing between "covered wagons and the movement west" and "westerns".

2011-02-07, 02:25 PM
well good question.

Typically when i see western games the setting/system is more focused on the wild west in the sense of cowboys, Indians, saloons, outlaws and bandit style..

I wasn't sure if there was a specific setting/system that tailored more twords the movement west. aka the actual journey westward.
Basically similar to Oregon trail and less similar to like deadlands.

There may actually be no setting system... I know I've been Google searching and haven't found any thing... granted my google fu is weak.

2011-02-07, 02:27 PM
I'd look for western-era games that are not necessarily tied to a single setting. For example, I'd avoid Deadlands... untying it from the postbellum steampunk would be tricky. However, I've heard good things about Aces and Eights, from Kenzerco. Don't know if it's tied to setting, or if you can play Oregon Trail with it fairly well.

2011-02-07, 02:30 PM
ya i've looked at aces and eights not a huge fan of the system, its been a while since i've looked at it.