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2011-02-08, 05:11 PM
Phoenix Town. To the untrained eye, it is like any number of other midsized city in Japan. Its people live their lives, bustling to and fro. Phoenix Town High School (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8384005&postcount=1276) staff prepares for the return of the students, as those self same students bemoan, look forward to, or do not really care about the end of their vacation. In its classrooms, club rooms, and athletic grounds lie many memories for most of the populace of Phoenix Town.

The more devout attend one of the many local shrines. One in particular is tended to by one of those self same students, Sayaka-san’s vacation likely consumed by the work necessary to keep the Houheiden Shrine (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8232211&postcount=23) in tip-top condition. Situated on a forested hill, apart from much of the development, the Shrine is surrounded by Forest, give it a picturesque backdrop. The Shrine grounds are the picture of peace and tranquility. For now, they serve as refuge for those exhausted by their day to day lives, a spot to rest, recuperate, and find the strength to continue on with their lives. To the Shinigami, it is known as a place where they may pass between worlds… along as they obey the rules set forth.

The Venti Buon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8187927&postcount=17) is no less a refuge, in a different fashion. The Café is placed near to many important spots for individuals with a sense of the supernatural, including the Cemetery, and (Blank) High School. The Café is not huge, and both its staff and regulars would raise an eyebrow at a more formal establishment, but to the High School Students that frequent it, such is just normal. Perhaps some of them will seek it out today, as that dreaded or anticipated date closes.

Not far from Venti Buon sits a shop. Most overlook it, but for those interested in the more supernatural aspects of this world, it is a must see. Furousha Shop (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8158318&postcount=6) caters to many kinds, and much of its clientele counts other clients as enemies. However, Viatrix’s skills and usefulness has kept it quiet thus far, and the place is an invaluable source, no matter if you are Shinigami, Hollow, or Medium. However, everything has a price.


So, on this gloomy and moist afternoon, let the story continue. Phoenix Town has become the center of dire plots, and none know the full extent of the danger, including those conspiring to bring about its destruction.

Just as rain begins to fall in full, Kondo Sayaka is at the center of attention, having just survived an attack by a monstrous Hollow called Null Mind. But it seems she hasn't survived without a scratch - what odd transformation has her body gone through?

2011-02-08, 05:35 PM
Mihail duly notes the confusion and anxiety in the woman's voice. She's speaking the truth. She also seems surprised by his appearance. She isn't as alert as I thought. If he'd wanted to, he could have struck her down... of course, she had survived a blow that had cracked stone. I'd be hard-pressed to do any better now.

"So you are twin ghost", he says deadpanly, turning to regard Ken and Sayaka. "Are you well?"

Cassandra stared at the man blankly. "Twin ghost? You'd better start making sense, I'm not in the mood for this." She said, threateningly. Wait a minute, twin? He was tagged...

He must have fought one of her clones! Only one had survived and given Cassandra its memories, after all. But this man couldn't have possibly killed her clone; she could feel absolutely no reiatsu from him. If she had killed his clone, then Cassandra would be very disappointed.

"I don't recall asking for your assistance here, either. Stand aside, I need to make sure she's all right. Hold her still, boy." She moved in closer, her hand moving to touch Sayaka's forehead.

Furousha Shop

A man dressed in a labcoat walked up to the shop, looking determined. Vincent had found very little in his research, but from what he had heard, there was very little that went on in Phoenix Town money-wise that Viatrix Klossner was not aware of.

And was most disappointed to find the door locked. "Doesn't that just figure..."

2011-02-08, 06:00 PM
"I go by Asdrubal Arriola. What's this greater purpose you're concerned with? Color me... interested. At least moreso than by anthing currently in this pathetic city."


With Null Mind dead, Gralster had time to focus on the other arrival.

"Then seek out the great city of Las Noches in the endless sands of Hueco Mundo, the Ghost King of all Hollows is always in need to ambitious arrancar."

2011-02-08, 06:09 PM
[Hollow Attack - On the way to Houheiden]

Sayaka was aware she had been picked up. It was a strange feeling. Like floating in the air. The motion was nauseating though. Her head rang-rang when she was moved. But at least the danger was gone.

"Can you speak?" Ken asked Sayaka.

She took another deep breath and nodded.

"Thank you." Was what she said softly. Her throat hurt when she spoke.

She lifted her head up, and tried to use her arms to hold herself to sit up. There was a woman and a man she did not know. And... Kina? Maybe that was her farther away.

The woman's touch on Sayaka's head was cool and refresh. The painful headache became softer, and Sayaka sighed in relief.

"I'm ok. Somehow. I-I should be dead. But it seems you saved me. Thank you." She bowed her head a little.

I still feel strange. I sound strange. What's going on?"

Sayaka looked down at herself. She looked at her hands. And then started to check if she was injured.

Was I always this much shorter than Ken? And this uniform seems...


A brief feeling of annoyance. She looked at the others.

What did the hollow do? She wondered. She had her memories still. . . Right?

"I feel ok... I think. But I shouldn't. Something should be wrong. I should have died. What happened?"

2011-02-08, 06:23 PM
Mihail remains still as stone. What was he supposed to be doing. Oh yes. I wanted to visit the shrine ahead, he thinks impassively. Last remnants of adrenaline fade from his veins and just leave aching muscles and sweaty clothes clinging into his back.

He scans Sayaka. There are no visible injuries on her... but that doesn't mean much when the attacker is spiritual. Maybe the poor girl's soul is somehow damaged? There's something odd about her clothing, something that clashes with his earlier observation of her. Could've sworn she looked older before, he muses, but then lets the idea fade. It's not like he couldn't have been mistaken... it's not like even he sees everything, right?

"There is shrine ahead", Mihail advices. "Maybe get help there?" Of course, there are other buildings just around them... but going to a shrine after being attacked by ghosts sounds like a better idea than pestering ordinary folks with it.

2011-02-08, 06:59 PM
Furousha Shop

A man dressed in a labcoat walked into the shop, looking determined. Vincent had found very little in his research, but from what he had heard, there was very little that went on in Phoenix Town money-wise that Viatrix Klossner was not aware of.

"Ms. Viatrix Klossner? I have a request for you..."

Unfortunately, the store seems to be closed. However, there is a box of business cards on the front door with Vi's business cell number.


Viatrix sneezes, hanging out in the bathrooms so she isn't caught and treated like a normal student.

At least she isn't smoking. That'd be bad for her health.

[Venti Buon]

Nero sneezes. Pulling his newpaper down, he looks for an ash tray, and if present, lights a cigarette before going back to his reading.

2011-02-08, 07:42 PM
"I feel ok... I think. But I shouldn't. Something should be wrong. I should have died. What happened?"
"Well I found you and managed to get that thing away from you while it was holding on to you. Maybe it didn't get to finish whatever it was doing to you and that's why you appear alright. I don't want to scare you, but there could still be something wrong with you that you don't about yet. It was holding on to your head and it tried to control my mind so my guess is it did something to you mentally since you're alright visibly. I wouldn't be surprised if no one here can tell entirely what happened to you. Maybe your father can though. I suggest you try to relax and don't push yourself to do anything. I can carry you the rest of the way home if you wish or I could at least offer my shoulder for support." Ken seemed perfectly composed while still showing concern by how intently he watched her. He turned to Cassandra and then to Mihail. "Thank you for helping us. We'll be going there." Finally he switched his attention to Kina and called out to her. "Would you like to come with us to the shrine? Maybe you'd feel better if you took some time to relax there after seeing what just happened."

2011-02-08, 08:48 PM
Phoenix Town, with Sayaka, Ken, and Mihail

Cassandra knew. It was an extraordinarily rare ability, but it happened occasionally; a being with the power to drain memories. But this even more than that, because it went so far as to affect her physical body. That was why she had no physical scarring; the damage wasn't physical. Not that she was going to tell any of them that.

"I didn't do it for you," she tells Ken coldly, her voice sharp. "You were an idiot. You jumped into the fray with that beast, and it could have easily killed you. Such sacrifices don't make friends, trust me. If you want to protect her, start by not being so dumb."

"I've done all I came here to do," she said suddenly, turning away. "Don't expect me to save you next time."

And with that, she walked away, vanishing amidst the tangle of buildings.

In front of Furousha Shop

Vincent saw the box of cards, and pulled one out. He looked at the number and dialed it, hoping that she would answer. He had distressingly few informational contacts in Phoenix Town.

2011-02-08, 08:53 PM
"Well damn. It looks like I arrived late."

Between the disappearance of the Hollow's admittedly not-so-large Reiatsu and the size of the school grounds themselves, his lateness was perhaps justified.

Hasunaga was here, in his mature adult guise. He had the largest frown on his face when he noticed Cassandra. However, he also saw Ken, and she wasn't holding any weapons; so at the very least she wasn't threatening them at the moment...

...which didn't immediately mean she did not contribute at all to the current state of affairs. With everyone gathered around her, Hasunaga couldn't see that Sayaka was the one attacked.

"I'm going to be as direct as I can and I don't want you to lie to me." He addressed Cassandra. There was a barely contained anger in his tone - he was clearly holding back a great deal. "Are you responsible for this attack, yes or no?"

2011-02-08, 09:00 PM

Viatrix exits from another set of doors when her business phone rings. She wastes no time in answering. "Viatrix Klossner. How can I help you?"

2011-02-08, 09:05 PM
Cassandra glanced at the man addressing her. "Oh, I remember you. Didn't I already fight you once? Why would you come here looking for another?" She cocked her head to the side quizzically.

"And what, this? I'm responsible for the fact that this kid here is still alive. You mentioned you had students before, is he one of 'em? If so, you might want to tell him to be more careful; stupid kid almost got himself killed along with the girl. But don't worry, they're both fine."

"And if you don't believe me, ask the kid yourself. He knows who saved his ass." She added with a poorly hidden note of contempt. "Now, if I may be excused? I have other places to be right now." She said, moving past Hasunaga.

2011-02-08, 09:16 PM
[On the way to Houheiden Shrine]

A hand reaches to touch Hasunaga's shoulder. Considering who it is... the feeling might not be very pleasant. "Don't, Mihail says. "Let her go. She is meaningless."

2011-02-08, 09:46 PM
"...I'll take it under advisement.

If you truly did save him, then I don't have any reason to fight you." Hasunaga begrudgingly admitted. Though he wasn't exactly thanking her, either. Then again... she was acting rather differently than the last time they'd met. "And I wouldn't mind if things stayed that way. What you do with your time is your business. So as long as you're not attacking any of my students, I couldn't care less which way you nod or shake your head." It also seems quite obvious he had a few choice words in mind instead of the ones he just chose.

"This one, I didn't have the chance to warn yet." Hasunaga replied as he went back in time and stared at Ken, instead of Nakahiro, thus correcting a brainfart on his player's part.

He turned to the others, and finally realized who it was. Kondo Sayaka... she seems smaller somehow. Maybe it's just the way she looks all shrunk in pain...?

2011-02-08, 10:14 PM
Somewhere Else, At Some Time

Josiah Kane sits in his office, slumped in his chair. He's idly poking at his holographic computer interface. At the moment, it's displaying what looks to be one of the secondary power collectors for his high-tech armor.

<Daggum thing. I just need 2% more power flow! Maybe if I used...no, palladium would burn out too quickly. Mix it with...No, maybe with...hm, that's possible.>

He's clearly lost in his own world.

2011-02-08, 10:20 PM
Kina Yoshimoto

The Hollow's attack is unexpected and strong. Kina puts her hands up as a reflex to block it, but it is no use. She stumbles back a bit, hands grasping her skull as thoughts and memories barrage her mind. At first she sees flashes of her life: a cane. suddenly it lifts upward, whistling through the air as it swings...a blue glow. her hands scorched, she lifts up and tries once more...two faces. both sneering, the background spinning as they drag her...Suddenly the ground is much closer and her knees hurt a bit from striking concrete. But not nearly enough to block out the piercing headache.

Kina can barely get a thought in through all the pain. Panting, she struggles through the pain to shift into a more comfortable position. As she does, one idea keeps popping up, an idea that scares her. But she can't get it out of her mind. The headache makes it hard to think about anything but that one thought. That one idea dominating her brainpower. Slowly, Kina lifts herself up. Her thoughts seem to grow stronger as she does, though they almost seem to conflict.

You think you can help? You think your life is worth anything? You couldn't even succeed at the one thing you wanted...No! What are you doing? You are worth something! What are you thinking?...Pathetic. You're pathetic. Can't stand up for yourself, can't fight for people you care about, can't even make people happy. What possible use could you have?...I'm strong. I...Just end it! It would only take a few moments. They aren't looking at you. No one's gonna stop you

Kina's head lifts to watch the fighting. She feels a tugging towards them, but she holds herself back. Gasping, she slams her hands against her head. The pain intensifies as her old thoughts become more jumbled by the new ones.

...But I can't! What about him?...Look at him. Look who he's fighting for. He doesn't care about you....But...Do it!...But I can't. I couldn't do that...You're weak! You're pointless! Your grandfather knew it! You know it! She knows it! Even HE knows it. Accept it!...But...DO IT!

As Ken speaks to her, Kina's mouth opens wide. An earsplitting scream fills the air around her as her hands dig into her skull, trying to fight the growing pain.

"Get it out, get it out, get it out!" She stares intently at the ground for a moment, as if she knows what to do but doesn't want to go through with it. "Stop it! Stop it!"

2011-02-08, 10:26 PM

There is a knock on Josiah's door.

The man (http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/8873/mediumjt.jpg) doesn't wait for Josiah to verbally address him before approaching his desk, with a phone in his outstretched hand. Josiah has seen these fellows around. Virtually identical (rumored to be sentient gigai, or some nonsense like that), the Mediums as they were called were the mouthpiece between SWORD's agents (even 01) and Agent 00.

When Josiah takes it and answers, he is greeted with a heavily distorted, unidentifiable voice.

"Greetings Agent 06. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zECoOQ668nA)"


There was another person Agent 00 was looking for. A nondescript hooded man (http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/3913/medium2l.jpg) nears the school grounds, where she was last seen. A rather large, nondescript package rests in a backpack, unzipped so the recipient name is just barely visible.

Mikami Aura.

2011-02-08, 10:28 PM
Aura notices the man, and discreetly walks up to him.

"Nice weather we're having."

Which was code for;

"SWORD Operative, what is it?"

2011-02-08, 10:34 PM
As Ken speaks to her, Kina's mouth opens wide. An earsplitting scream fills the air around her as her hands dig into her skull, trying to fight the growing pain.

"Get it out, get it out, get it out!" She stares intently at the ground for a moment, as if she knows what to do but doesn't want to go through with it. "Stop it! Stop it!"
Unflappable as ever Ken spoke flatly, "Looks like she definitely should come along. Please excuse me." He delicately relinquished his grasp on Sayaka and ran to Kina. He grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away from her head with the minimum amount of force necessary. He promptly released them and hugged her tightly so she couldn't hurt herself anymore. "Calm down! I'm right here! You're safe!" he said firmly.

Needless to say, he didn't care about Cassandra's remarks. He had more pressing matters to attend to. They wouldn't bother him even if he didn't though. She had helped Sayaka and that was all that mattered to him. Maybe she'd be of service again. "Hey! Mind helping her too?" he asked turning to her briefly.

2011-02-08, 10:36 PM

There is a knock on Josiah's door.

The man (http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/8873/mediumjt.jpg) doesn't wait for Josiah to verbally address him before approaching his desk, with a phone in his outstretched hand. Josiah has seen these fellows around. Virtually identical (rumored to be sentient gigai, or some nonsense like that), the Mediums as they were called were the mouthpiece between SWORD's agents (even 01) and Agent 00.

When Josiah takes it and answers, he is greeted with a heavily distorted, unidentifiable voice.

"Greetings Agent 06. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zECoOQ668nA)"[SWORD HQ]

Josiah takes the phone, his whole demeanor shifting. When he answers the greetings of his commanding officer, his tone is all business, and his posture is almost painfully straight.

"Yes, hello Sir. How may I help you?

2011-02-08, 10:49 PM
[City Streets]

The Medium nods, pulling out the box for Aura. "Enjoy your package, miss." With that, he walks off, blending into the crowds and vanishing.

Which is code for 'open it in privacy'. There have been stories of Agent 00 sending packages that combusted when their contents were revealed in direct sunlight, or within spitting distance of large crowds via sensors that reacted on UV light or sound.

Surely it is never a good idea to provoke your boss by wasting his time.


The Medium has a seat near Josiah's desk, given there is one. Otherwise he just stands by silently.

"Well, your work will certainly be of value to me, so first of all I request that you continue working on the Dynamo, on behalf of Project Nimbus. However, that is of secondary concern as of now. I want you, along with Agent 02, to design something. You are likely aware of the higher concentration of reishi around Fushichou town. This is the reason I chose this area, and began building our cover organization within its boundaries. However, it is imperative that the next thing I tell you is kept between you and Agent 02 only." About now, Josiah receives a file on his computer.

2011-02-08, 11:05 PM
[On the way to Houheiden Shrine]

A hand reaches to touch Hasunaga's shoulder. Considering who it is... the feeling might not be very pleasant. "Don't, Mihail says. "Let her go. She is meaningless."

"...I'll take it under advisement.

If you truly did save him, then I don't have any reason to fight you." Hasunaga begrudgingly admitted. Though he wasn't exactly thanking her, either. Then again... she was acting rather differently than the last time they'd met. "And I wouldn't mind if things stayed that way. What you do with your time is your business. So as long as you're not attacking any of my students, I couldn't care less which way you nod or shake your head." It also seems quite obvious he had a few choice words in mind instead of the ones he just chose.

"And I believe I DID." Hasunaga punctuates that last sentence with a censoring glare towards Nakahiro.

Cassandra walked past the two, sparing neither of them another glance. "If either of you gentlemen want a rematch, let me know. I'll be around." She said as she walked off. Hasunaga was right; her mannerisms were distinctly different from her clones; her stance was much stronger, her balance nearly perfect, and if anything, she seemed stronger than the Cassandras that the two men had met. She moved on, leaving the men to wonder what it was she was doing here anyway.


Viatrix exits from another set of doors when her business phone rings. She wastes no time in answering. "Viatrix Klossner. How can I help you?"

"Yes, Miss Klossner. I've heard a good deal about you and what it is you do. I have a request for you. I have recently come by information of a theft of a certain spiritual relic that used to belong to my family. It is a dagger of some renown, though no real value. I am willing to offer a sizable reward for its return, and I was wondering if you could provide any information as to its whereabouts. It was recently stolen from Fushichou Museum of History. Perhaps you already know of it?

2011-02-08, 11:42 PM

The Medium has a seat near Josiah's desk, given there is one. Otherwise he just stands by silently.

"Well, your work will certainly be of value to me, so first of all I request that you continue working on the Dynamo, on behalf of Project Nimbus. However, that is of secondary concern as of now. I want you, along with Agent 02, to design something. You are likely aware of the higher concentration of reishi around Fushichou town. This is the reason I chose this area, and began building our cover organization within its boundaries. However, it is imperative that the next thing I tell you is kept between you and Agent 02 only." About now, Josiah receives a file.[SWORD HQ]

There were a couple of rather comfortable chairs in the room, as Josiah occasionally met with others in here.

Josiah's eyes widened as he read the file. At times, he read the same section 3-4 times, just to be sure he had the right of it.

"This is...ambitious, sir. That's not to say it isn't doable. But these efforts...they will be difficult to conceal certain key stages. Some of it can be built without outside knowledge, for sure. But sections 5 through 8 will present the most challenge. That said, it's certainly doable. I'll need to consult with Agent 02 to start brainstorming ideas. I do not wish to commit to a strong timetable until we've had a chance to do that. Better to do this right than do it fast. Sir."

2011-02-09, 12:05 AM
"Yes, Miss Klossner. I've heard a good deal about you and what it is you do. I have a request for you. I have recently come by information of a theft of a certain spiritual relic that used to belong to my family. It is a dagger of some renown, though no real value. I am willing to offer a sizable reward for its return, and I was wondering if you could provide any information as to its whereabouts. It was recently stolen from Fushichou Museum of History. Perhaps you already know of it?

"Can't say I have. There are times that people sell me things if I think they're profitable enough, but I haven't had anyone try to pitch me a dagger. I'll keep my ears to the ground, though. Depending on what kind of reward we're talking about here." Viatrix smirks. She had a number of contacts she could ask.

You truly are shameless.

I'm also filthy rich. And I'm rich because I'm forward.


There were a couple of rather comfortable chairs in the room, as Josiah occasionally met with others in here.

Josiah's eyes widened as he read the file. At times, he read the same section 3-4 times, just to be sure he had the right of it.

"This is...ambitious, sir. That's not to say it isn't doable. But these efforts...they will be difficult to conceal certain key stages. Some of it can be built without outside knowledge, for sure. But sections 5 through 8 will present the most challenge. That said, it's certainly doable. I'll need to consult with Agent 02 to start brainstorming ideas. I do not wish to commit to a strong timetable until we've had a chance to do that. Better to do this right than do it fast. Sir."

"Of course. Just keep the purpose of the device between yourself and Agent 02, and make sure it is not compromised. That is of great importance. This machine may well be the lynchpin in my plans. So do indeed take great care." There is a long pause.

"And keep up the good work. I may have more work for you in the near future."

With that, the line goes dead. The Medium stands, and takes the phone back... then takes out the sim card and crushes it, then the phone with his hand. Probably a burn cell. Such lengths of secrecy were nothing new. He disposes of it in Josiah's waste bin before bowing silently, and leaving.

After all, Josiah had work to do.

2011-02-09, 12:22 AM
Between Vincent and Viatrix

Vincent smiled. The woman's greed was something that he could capitalize on. "I suppose that the reward depends on your imagination, Miss Klossner. I happen to have a great amount of resources at my disposal. Perhaps we could negotiate something?" He was practically handing her a blank check; hopefully she would take it.

2011-02-09, 12:30 AM
[Outside School]

Vi makes a catlike face.

No she doesn't, that would be ridiculous. But she is fairly pleased with this response. "Sounds like a deal. I'll check my sources around town, and, if necessary, those more out of town, if you catch my drift. I should hope it won't sour any future transactions if I'm not able to find it, I mean, I'm not perfect." She twirls Fuchs around a bit. Mostly because she knew he'd make a snide comment, and he always hates when she spins him around. It's pretty dizzying.

2011-02-09, 12:39 AM
Vincent's smile widens into a full-blown grin. The sight of his face unfolding into a grin that it is altogether unused to is quite a horrifying sight for any random passerby.

"Not at all, Miss Klossner. Rather, I hope that this marks the beginning of many future transactions. When you have news, you can reach me at this number. I wish you happy hunting, Miss Klossner." With that, he hung up the phone, feeling a good deal better about his chances.

2011-02-09, 03:19 AM
[After Hollow - way to Houheiden]

Sayaka thinks and agrees with Mihail. Yes, to go to the shrine is a good idea.
"It's Houheiden Shrine. Actually it's my home. I was going there before the attack. Maybe father can help."

She looked at Ken when he explained, now though she could sit up with her own power. Standing now...that was too difficult she thought.

"Did something...mentally? Yes... it did say something about memories, but I think I'm ok." She frowned, feeling a little nervous. Something was still wrong.

"Maybe we will figure it out." She started to say. Then she noticed mr. Hasunaga.

What is he doing here? She wondered. Mr. Hasunaga was a teacher. She knew that. What subject? She couldn't remember. Was he her homeroom teacher? She frowned. She couldn't remember. Well, Ken was in class 1-2, so was Kina... They were classmates. And Sayaka was-... Sayaka was-... ??


Before Sayaka could think about it more though, Kina began to scream. Sayaka covered her ears instinctively as her headache got stronger again. Ken of course went to help, and Sayaka started to stand, using a tree to help stand up. Her body was shaking a little to make it more difficult.

Sayaka took a deep breath to help make calm. Something was strange, but Sayaka was worried about Kina too. Kina had become injured while trying to help Sayaka of course.

"We should hurry to Houheiden. My father can help." She suggested urgently. Unless Mr. Hasunaga or the other man could help Kina. The woman was angry for some reason Sayaka did not hear and seemed to be leaving.

"W-wait, what's your name?" Sayaka called out to the woman. She wanted to know who had helped save her.

2011-02-09, 08:43 AM
Mihail too is alerted by Kina's scream. It's deeply unsettling - it makes him think of the odd thoughts that had passed through his head when he'd stumbled towards the Hollow. He limps next to Ken. "Do you want help?"

2011-02-09, 09:23 AM
"The two of you, help Yoshimoto." In the rush that Kina's scream precipitated, Sayaka seemed to be nearly forgotten. Hasunaga walked up to the girl, taking her arm and gently helping her up, pulling her arm over his shoulder.

With his free hand, he quickly typed a text on his cell phone.

Need to tend to an emergency. School requires me. You know what to do. Students are reading chapter 27.

On the other side... A stuffed one-eyed (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/158/6/a/Jubei_Blazblue_by_Ka_zuki.jpg) cat picked it up.

And several minutes later, another Hasunaga was headed towards the school.

2011-02-09, 10:23 AM
[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Outside the school, but not especially close. Within eyeshot of a woman (Viatrix) on her phone)

Izanagi looks through his professional camera towards the School, his baseball cap turned backwards. A jacket covered him with some fingerless gloves on his hands, jeans on his legs and a messenger style bag slung diagonally across his chest affixed tightly to his back with a cross strap. He was moving back and forth with his steps trying to frame up a shot of the building with a nice foreground for a preparation shot in anticipation of the class pictures he has on his docket. He hated shooting in the rain, but he had his equipment covered and the scouting needed to be done.

Izanagi scouted his settings often with his portrait work, and while most of the shots for the school were going to be bland indoors portraits, he did have some planned "club" group shots, the teachers group shot, and some more expensive individual portraits for the more wealthy students in his agreement, so that led him to find some nice areas to shoot them in.

Izanagi snapped a shot or two turning his camera vertical and horizontal a few times before taking it away from his face and looking at the scene in front of him, and sighing thinking back on how he wouldnt have been caught dead doing school photos back in Tokyo, but here in Phoenix Town he had to keep the money rolling in, and portraits were always easy cash for a couple days of work, and while he didnt really need the money, he loved to work and take photographs, so loafing and waiting for work to come to him wasnt gonna work for Izanagi.

Izanagi looked around a bit, seeing a woman (Viatrix) on a phone and some nice trees against an old wall past her, then away from her down the road a nice shot of the clouds against the buildings, across from the school a wet dog ran sniffing at the ground toward something. Following running behind it was a middle aged man with a broken leash trying to catch the dog.

As Izanagi scanned around, in the direction of the young woman, but past her he saw the reason he was spending time in this town.

Just beyond her but out of her eyesight an elderly man fumbled his way down the street. But this was no ordinary old man, it was something different, he had a chain sticking out of his chest and as the dog ran by him, the dog paid no notice, and as the middle aged man came by he practically ran right "through" the soul without paying heed.

This was why he was here, these "invisible people".

He brought his camera up to his face quickly, and began to move towards the old man past the young woman on the phone. To her it would seem like he was taking a photo of her, but he was focusing on the old man spirit. His camera up to his face he moved forward unaware that he was getting closer and closer to the young woman on the phone. He wasnt trying to get the old man's attention either, so he crept slowly.

In his viewfinder he started to frame up the old man looking down at the chain in his chest. He stopped, and had no idea he was only a few feet from the young woman looking almost at her, but in actuality PAST her. Izanagi had never gotten one of these shots to turn out, but nevertheless he was going to try every time he could, in hopes one would eventually come out.

He hadnt clicked the shutter button yet, but was just about to.

2011-02-09, 03:01 PM
Mihail too is alerted by Kina's scream. It's deeply unsettling - it makes him think of the odd thoughts that had passed through his head when he'd stumbled towards the Hollow. He limps next to Ken. "Do you want help?"
"It's alright." His words were directed at both the girl in his arms and the man nearby. Ken thought it best to calm her down on his own since Cassandra had ignored him. Unless this other stranger also had some special way to ease pain, his presence might be more detrimental to her condition than beneficial.

2011-02-09, 06:15 PM
[City Streets]

The Medium nods, pulling out the box for Aura. "Enjoy your package, miss." With that, he walks off, blending into the crowds and vanishing.

Which is code for 'open it in privacy'. There have been stories of Agent 00 sending packages that combusted when their contents were revealed in direct sunlight, or within spitting distance of large crowds via sensors that reacted on UV light or sound.

Surely it is never a good idea to provoke your boss by wasting his time.

Aura's nods as she accepts the package, her grin widening. She quickly runs to her hideout before opening the package, which contains...

glasses. Lots and lots of glasses. As well as a note.


Use these sunglasses to... 'negotiate' with Klossner.


Aura's smile widens even more.

"Finally, something interesting."

Outside, those with keen ears here the sound of a click, then the crackling of burning paper. Inside, Aura coolly watches the note burn to a crisp.

"Hey Zero?"


A flash of a grin, a quick change of clothes, a girl in a suit exits the building.

"Shall we?"

[Streets, After School]

Sora walks along the streets, shading his face as he looks up.

"Damn. Looks like rain."

The rain starts to fall.

"Never really been fond of rain."

He quickly goes to Venti Buon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=180925) to avoid the rain.

2011-02-09, 07:11 PM
[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Outside the school, but not especially close. Within eyeshot of a woman (Viatrix) on her phone)

Izanagi looks through his professional camera towards the School, his baseball cap turned backwards. A jacket covered him with some fingerless gloves on his hands, jeans on his legs and a messenger style bag slung diagonally across his chest affixed tightly to his back with a cross strap. He was moving back and forth with his steps trying to frame up a shot of the building with a nice foreground for a preparation shot in anticipation of the class pictures he has on his docket. He hated shooting in the rain, but he had his equipment covered and the scouting needed to be done.

Izanagi scouted his settings often with his portrait work, and while most of the shots for the school were going to be bland indoors portraits, he did have some planned "club" group shots, the teachers group shot, and some more expensive individual portraits for the more wealthy students in his agreement, so that led him to find some nice areas to shoot them in.

Izanagi snapped a shot or two turning his camera vertical and horizontal a few times before taking it away from his face and looking at the scene in front of him, and sighing thinking back on how he wouldnt have been caught dead doing school photos back in Tokyo, but here in Phoenix Town he had to keep the money rolling in, and portraits were always easy cash for a couple days of work, and while he didnt really need the money, he loved to work and take photographs, so loafing and waiting for work to come to him wasnt gonna work for Izanagi.

Izanagi looked around a bit, seeing a woman (Viatrix) on a phone and some nice trees against an old wall past her, then away from her down the road a nice shot of the clouds against the buildings, across from the school a wet dog ran sniffing at the ground toward something. Following running behind it was a middle aged man with a broken leash trying to catch the dog.

As Izanagi scanned around, in the direction of the young woman, but past her he saw the reason he was spending time in this town.

Just beyond her but out of her eyesight an elderly man fumbled his way down the street. But this was no ordinary old man, it was something different, he had a chain sticking out of his chest and as the dog ran by him, the dog paid no notice, and as the middle aged man came by he practically ran right "through" the soul without paying heed.

This was why he was here, these "invisible people".

He brought his camera up to his face quickly, and began to move towards the old man past the young woman on the phone. To her it would seem like he was taking a photo of her, but he was focusing on the old man spirit. His camera up to his face he moved forward unaware that he was getting closer and closer to the young woman on the phone. He wasnt trying to get the old man's attention either, so he crept slowly.

In his viewfinder he started to frame up the old man looking down at the chain in his chest. He stopped, and had no idea he was only a few feet from the young woman looking almost at her, but in actuality PAST her. Izanagi had never gotten one of these shots to turn out, but nevertheless he was going to try every time he could, in hopes one would eventually come out.

He hadnt clicked the shutter button yet, but was just about to.

Viatrix, meanwhile, puts her phone back with a smirk. It was good being the queen. Now, who she could ask about the dagger... that might be a toughie. At least she'd have something to do. The bount girl looks up to the gathering clouds.

"Hey, look, Fuchs. Rain. You know what that means."

You are insufferable, witch.

Vi hefts the umbrella over her head, smiling innocently... and not noticing the approaching cameraman.

Who she bumps into. Violently.


2011-02-09, 08:21 PM
Viatrix, meanwhile, puts her phone back with a smirk. It was good being the queen. Now, who she could ask about the dagger... that might be a toughie. At least she'd have something to do. The bount girl looks up to the gathering clouds.

"Hey, look, Fuchs. Rain. You know what that means."

You are insufferable, witch.

Vi hefts the umbrella over her head, smiling innocently... and not noticing the approaching cameraman.

Who she bumps into. Violently.


[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Outside the school,being knocked over by Viatrix)

As she knocks into him, he depresses the shutter on his camera...it clicks multiple times... "whoa!!..sh-t!!!" he yells having no idea what just happened and having no idea he was as close to the young girl he saw earlier.

Instinctively he falls to the ground holding his camera in the air as to not damage it, as his body bangs to the ground, his head hits it hard and his hat falls off into the light rain soaked ground. He immediately looks over to the high school looking girl he just was pummeled to the ground by.

He tried to catch her eyes in his to see if she is ok..."are you alri----" he begins to say, but as soon as he does his eyes go very wide and he scrambles to his feet looking over to where the "invisible old man" with the chain in his chest is still there. Instead he sees the old man running off from the disturbance just happening... "sh-t..sh-t..sh-t..." he says quickly as he quickly looks to the back of his camera and to the view screen on it checking the shots he got as he was knocked into...flipping back through them he sees nothing on the screen except blurs of the scene... in a huff, he lets the camera fall on its strap around his neck... looking off in the direction of the "invisible old man" scampering away down the road.

"I can't believe i let that old man get away...dam-it" he says to himself softly though the girl would undoubtedly hear him.

He then goes red in the face, as he looks back to the girl who bumped into him, feeling unbelievably ashamed... "and it was pretty girl too...dam-it" he thought to himself as he looked on to her...and got even redder

"Are you ok?"...sorry..i was just tryin to get a shot of that old ma-.....ugh..." Was all he managed to get out of his mouth before stopping...

Izanagi looked onto her, his black hair hanging messily over his brow, as his hat lay in an accumulating puddle near her feet.

2011-02-09, 08:58 PM
[Outside School]

Viatrix picks herself up first.

...And belays helping the photographer up. Looks kinda like a loser. "It's fine. Just watch where you're wal-" She stops. Huh? Old man? She looks, and sniffs. ...Spirit, eh? Well, isn't this interesting. She immediately turns around, and offers a helping hand.

"What old man?" She has a smirk on her face. Like she knows what he's talking about.

2011-02-09, 09:38 PM
[Outside School]

Viatrix picks herself up first.

...And belays helping the photographer up. Looks kinda like a loser. "It's fine. Just watch where you're wal-" She stops. Huh? Old man? She looks, and sniffs. ...Spirit, eh? Well, isn't this interesting. She immediately turns around, and offers a helping hand.

"What old man?" She has a smirk on her face. Like she knows what he's talking about.

[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Outside the school, in front of Viatrix)

Izanagi looked onto the girl, the red in his cheeks lightening slightly as he nods in thanks at her offer of a helping hand. Then his cheeks gets red again as he heard her words... he then looks up to her quickly, his eyes locking with hers for a moment... "old man?....wait...what..?" Optimism raced through his brain...

He brings his hand up to and through his hair wiping it back over his head, before scratching the back of his head... "...wait..." he then looks back down the road towards the direction of where the old man came from...pointing down the street and looking back at her he thinks to himself... "Izanagi you fool, she was only responding to your wordsa bout that old man...she didnt see anything, stop fooling yourself..." he then says... " uhh...well...i saw..well..uhh..i mean i thought i saw an old......wait...ugh..." then sighs deeply...he initially thought maybe she knew what he was talking about...but his internal pessimism all but eliminated that thought alsmot as quick as he thought it.

Stopping and composing himself a bit before turning back to her..."Sorry...i guess i was just babbling..." He then walked forward and bent down and grabbed his wet cap from the ground near her feet. Looking up to her as he stood back up he nodded slightly.

"I really am sorry..."

Pessimism and lonliness to anyone sharing his ability to see these "invisible" people raced through his mind as the pretty girl looked onto him. Unthinking he put his hat on his head as if it werent sopping wet and filled with water. It splashed slightly on his head and the water poured down his face and back of his neck... he thought to himself.. "perfect"

2011-02-09, 09:42 PM
[Outside School]

"You mean the old man with the chain in his chest?" Viatrix smirks. This response would certainly throw him for a loop.

2011-02-09, 11:18 PM
Kina Yoshimoto - At the scene of the Hollow attack

Kina provides no resistance as Ken pulls her hands away. His hug, however, stops her completely. Kina looks at him, stunned and confused. "...K-Ken...? Her face goes through several different emotions at once; surprise, fear, anger, caring, sadness, pain. They flash on her face for moments each, only moments. His words seem to reach Kina, as she seems to make slight motions in response to them, but she says nothing herself. The longer he holds her and talks to her, the more her gaze moves downwards, pulled towards the ground. Kina seems to struggle against slightly, but slowly it becomes more natural. After just a minute, her nodding at his words seems to cease. Her eyes seem distant, blank (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MindControlEyes).

Then Kina starts shaking. First her arms push against him. At first the pushing is only slight, like a flexing of her muscles. Then it repeats, a pulsing movement. Then suddenly her arms are shivering, vibrating like a plucked string. After a few minutes her whole body is rattling against Ken's hold. She is screaming again, her eyes closed extremely tightly. Her left hand opens and closes rapidly, fighting between the fist or the open palm. "No! No! St-Stop it! Get...out!"

2011-02-10, 08:44 AM
"Kina! You know me and I know you. We're friends. You said so yourself. I'm here for you. I'll help you get it out. What you need to do is calm down so you can focus and fight it. I'll help you do that. I'm not going anywhere. Take your time and concentrate. Cry if you want to. Or you can scream some more if you want. I won't mind. Just let it all out and then focus on what you need to do. I'll help you. We can do it together." Unlike Kina, the entire time Ken spoke his face remained largely blank and his voice monotone. He slowly rubbed her back hoping to soothe her. Were she to open her eyes he would stare straight into them in an attempt to show his sincerity.

2011-02-10, 11:00 AM
It's like she's asleep, Mihail ponders. He'd seen some sleepwalkers act in similar, odd manner. But what should he do? Is the girl's condition because of the Hollow, or is it some other illness? She needs to wake up. How...?

Well, it's raining. There's a puddle forming nearby. "Douse her in cold water?" Mihail suggests.

2011-02-10, 11:09 AM
[Way to Houheiden]

Supported by mr. Hasunaga, Sayaka was standing. She didn't know what was wrong with Kina- had she been attacked too? Had the hollow taken these memories from Sayaka? She frowned.

No, she was alone when the attack happened. It was raining now. Strange and very humid in this kind of weather. Raining season should be finished a long time ago.

It's a strange incident, but so is everything today. Sayaka touches her head with a hand. Sayaka wanted to help, but wet paper talisman cannot do anything. She can only look, being supported by mr. Hasunaga.

Please let Kina be alright. Was a silent player of Sayaka.

2011-02-10, 11:50 AM
[Outside School]

"You mean the old man with the chain in his chest?" Viatrix smirks. This response would certainly throw him for a loop.

[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Outside the school, in front of Viatrix)

It was almost like she said something different, something that was more akin to "you are a weirdo...or just watch yourself" ...or something like that... as Izanagi nodded slightly and turned to go towards the direction of the old man, rain water still trickling down his back under his shirt.

He only took about one step when he realized what she had said and stopped in his tracks, his jaw dropped and he then turned around to face the young woman again, his jaw still wide open, and his eyes perplexingly fixed on the young woman smirking at him. If any others around would see him looking it would almost look like he was in awe of her.

He stood for a moment, which felt like an hour before he could close his mouth and muster up a response.

"...wait...wha-...wait...i mean, yes..wait...i mean...you saw that old man?...the one with the chain hanging out of his chest?..." pointing and looking back over his shoulder...

The look on his face was not just one of perplex now, it was deeper...older. No one had ever seen or acknowledged what Izanagi had seen in his WHOLE life, in fact he had every reason to believe he was crazy for seeing these people....and now this young girl whom he so shamefully bumped into is the first person in his life to have this utterly profound connection with him?

After another moment which felt like an hour, he stepped closer to her, his eyes painfully serious, his heart and mind almost laid bare in front of this child.
He spoke succinctly... "...please my dear, i pray you are not toying with me..."

He stood looking at her, his wet jacket and jeans hung closer to him, his old hat soaked through on his head. his protected camera and bag hung still over his shoulder and neck.

2011-02-10, 12:18 PM
[Outside School]

Viatrix pulls out a business card. "I'm in the business of that sort of thing, I'm plenty serious. Viatrix Klossner." Foreign. Probably more than a bit odd. "If you ever want to stop playing hide and seek with the spirits, stop by sometime." This guy had to be gold.

Assuming no further questioning, Viatrix departs, whistling as the rain drips over the edge of her umbrella.

2011-02-10, 02:40 PM
Hasunaga was at a loss of what to do. He couldn't even be sure what was happening to poor Kina right now.

"Kondo-san, do you think your father may be able to tell us what's happening to her?"

2011-02-10, 03:40 PM
[Outside School]

Viatrix pulls out a business card. "I'm in the business of that sort of thing, I'm plenty serious. Viatrix Klossner." Foreign. Probably more than a bit odd. "If you ever want to stop playing hide and seek with the spirits, stop by sometime." This guy had to be gold.

Assuming no further questioning, Viatrix departs, whistling as the rain drips over the edge of her umbrella.

[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Outside the school, in front of Viatrix)

He heard her words though for some reason they didnt register in his head, as if the whole world had been turned upside down with utter ease. "the business of that sort of thing?" he thought, after he shook his head a bit.

He took the card instinctively in his hand, looked at it for brief moment as the girl started to walk away...He then looked up to the departing girl...

He spoke to her open umbrella... "wait!...i have so many questions...i mean..wait...how do you know all of....spirits????..wait..wuh... " he took a few steps towards her then stopped... "...my name is Izanagi...Izanagi Aso...." he said a bit loud so she could hear before trailing off as he look down at the business card again... a few rain drops fell on it...

Izanagi thought to himself... "Izanagi...you fool why dont you go find out more now..."...but all the years of being laughed at for saying what he saw and regardless of his belief in his eyes..

He straightened his hat a bit as a few more trickles of rain bled down his face from it being squeezed over his hair. He looked back at where the old man had been..then back down the road towards the departing girl...

"at least she is cute...and what do i have to lose right?..." he thought to himself...just as his mind flooded with the possibilities of answers by the girl... he instantly remembered he had a portrait of some family on the other side of town...

"sh-t!" he said out loud before looking at his phone as he pulled it out of his pocket to check the time... "crap, i need a taxi" he thought to himself as he brought the phone up to his face to call for a cab while pocketing the business card from the girl...

After getting a cab sent immediately, he hung up the phone putting it in his pocket. He felt the business card there too...then looked down to where she had exited...he looked down that road for quite a bit...thinking to himself on what the future held...

Then after a few minutes which only felt like seconds to the daydreaming Izanagi he was startled, by the honk of the car horn of the taxi cab making him jump up in the air at least a foot off the ground... "come on buddy!" the cabbie said out his slightly cracked window in a gruff voice...

Izanagi shook off some rain from him and hopped in the cab and sped off to his portrait... He would go visit that girl soon...

2011-02-10, 08:46 PM
Hasunaga was at a loss of what to do. He couldn't even be sure what was happening to poor Kina right now.

"Kondo-san, do you think your father may be able to tell us what's happening to her?"

[Way to Houheiden]

Sayaka hesitated. She didn't know. She didn't know what was happening to herself!

"I don't know Mr. Hasunaga." She answered. "I don't know what happened to me. However, if something is attacking her, then we should go to the shrine quickly."

2011-02-10, 09:05 PM
"No time for being subtle.

Ken, I can carry them both if need be, but either way we have to hurry. I don't think we can tend to Yoshimoto over here, and if she keeps screaming, we're bound to attract unwarranted attention."

He turned back to Sayaka. "It might get a little uncomfortable for a while, but hang in there."

With that said, Hasunaga formed the gauntlets of his armor, using one to carry Sayaka, and getting ready to pick up Kina as well.

His wrinkles visibly recede a bit as he does so.

2011-02-10, 09:17 PM
[Way to Houheiden]

Sayaka looks very surprised as Mr. Hasunaga picks up her.

H-he can use spiritual power! She thinks in surprise.

Sayaka's headache is still bothering her but she nods.

"I will do my best." She agrees.

2011-02-10, 09:36 PM
"Of course. Just keep the purpose of the device between yourself and Agent 02, and make sure it is not compromised. That is of great importance. This machine may well be the lynchpin in my plans. So do indeed take great care." There is a long pause.

"And keep up the good work. I may have more work for you in the near future."

With that, the line goes dead. The Medium stands, and takes the phone back... then takes out the sim card and crushes it, then the phone with his hand. Probably a burn cell. Such lengths of secrecy were nothing new. He disposes of it in Josiah's waste bin before bowing silently, and leaving.

After all, Josiah had work to do."Understood, sir. I'll do some solo brainstorming, then get together with 02 to work on things further."

Josiah calmly hands the phone over, looking almost bored as the Medium goes through the normal process with one of these phones. He tagged the waste bin to be emptied ASAP into the incinerator.

He then waits for the medium to leave before locking down his terminal from outside access. This was sensitive work, but he was already brimming with ideas.

His hands began to dance over his 3-D holographic interface, nudging bits and pieces here and there, slowly making the design better, one bit at a time...

2011-02-10, 10:09 PM
[Outside School]

Viatrix pulls out a business card. "I'm in the business of that sort of thing, I'm plenty serious. Viatrix Klossner." Foreign. Probably more than a bit odd. "If you ever want to stop playing hide and seek with the spirits, stop by sometime." This guy had to be gold.

Assuming no further questioning, Viatrix departs, whistling as the rain drips over the edge of her umbrella.

Aura shivers outside of Viatrix's store. After all, it's cold and chilly out, and she's been waiting with those glasses for ages. Half an hour was a long time to be out in the rain.

She calls Viatrix, agitated. Of course, Viatrix is busy, and doesn't answer. Her eye twitches a bit, as she mutters,

"Just who the hell does she think she is..."

2011-02-10, 10:18 PM
[Furousha Shop - Outside]

Viatrix most certainly thinks herself some kind of smooth entrance-maker, as she descends from the sky holding her gray-silver umbrella. Mass manipulation really is quite convenient. The girl almost absentmindedly passes Aura, taking out her keys to unlock the door.

Then she turns. "...Oh. Who're you?"

2011-02-10, 10:23 PM
Aura glares at Vi, sizing her up.

"Oh nobody. I'm soooo glad you answered your phone so readily! It's like you almost knew what I wanted! It's not like I stood here for half a hour before you showed up! Noooo that didn't happen!"

She points directly at Vi, and a lens flare appears. Out of nowhere.

"Who am I? Who am I? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COmMCEMppi8&feature=related) I am the fire that remains unseen! I'm the Fourth In Line to SWORD, Heir to an Empire, Paragon of Death! I'm the badass secret agent, the amazingly powerful Aura! You have disgraced me in front of my ancestors! We shall engage in COMBAT!"

((OOC: Yes, Straw agreed to this beforehand.))

2011-02-10, 10:26 PM
Viatrix eyes Aura, rather unimpressed.

"Never heard of you.", she responds, absolutely deadpan delivery. One can almost hear the crushing notes of piano keys comically adding to the delivery.

Except not.

Because that would be utterly out of touch with reality.

2011-02-10, 10:29 PM
The unheard piano keys jar as an unheard guitar is played. Badly. With screeching. Lots of screeching in fact. Most of it is delivered in Aura's glare. "Don't you say that! You know me, because everyone knows me! Those who don't know me miss out on the frivolities of life, the powers of luck! I am the incarnation of luck, the Fortuitous Maiden, the Grandmaster of Blackjack, and the owner of a casino near a forest! You shall allow me to engage you in combat, or I shall be forced to acquire your possessions."

Clearly, Aura has forgotten why she went to Viatrix in the first place.

2011-02-10, 10:41 PM
"I don't believe in luck. I believe in money. And if you threaten my money, I'm taking you down." Viatrix's eye twitches. Insulting her or threatening her was one thing. But her money? Oh, that was a dangerous road to tread. "Zeige Dich, Schwerkraftfuchs." A fox seemingly made out of silver hooks itself onto Vi's back.

Are you really caving into this child's games because she threatened your trust fund?

Viatrix barks back at Fuchs, "NOBODY TOUCHES MY MONEY, DAMMIT!" With that, she shifts into a fighting stance parallel to Aura. "You won't get a single yen, dime, euro, krone, pound, peso, yuan, franc, or dollar, bitch. 'cause I'm Viatrix motherf****in Klossner, the richest Bount this side of the void. And if you think you've got all my chips in a pile, think again, because I'm about to roulette a beatdown on your scrawny, two-bit suit-wearing ass."

2011-02-10, 10:52 PM
Aura grins as her mask begins to encase her face.

"Excellent. Let's go!"

As she stood, two large cards began floating around her, facedown. Near her head were two smaller cards, one face up. An ace. She draws out her sword, and begins an attack.

"Well Miss Klossner, I think it's time for you to lose! You don't need your money anymore, you don't need anything now, nothing, ever! Your roulette won't even make a single dime, I won't let it!"

2011-02-10, 11:46 PM
Viatrix leaps and... floats away from the slash. "Bust." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI7y7ZkkOJs) And, with a mighty axe kick that creates a local quake, the Bount crushes Aura through the ground, landing deep underground in... an oddly bright, rocky, outdoors area?

Viatrix knocks Aura into next week!

But that would be silly, and not so. Because she sees the hole in the otherwise flawless blue sky. And dropping through it, her opponent. Who is falling unusually slow. Behind her, a 5 of diamonds floats. "Hmph, what's with the card?"

2011-02-10, 11:49 PM
Aura falls, and grins as she does. She notes the 5 of diamonds, and curses.

"Drat! So... How would you feel about a wager Miss Klossner?"

The area darkens, and Aura is in a spotlight. Except she is not, because that would be silly.

"If you win, I'll tell you why I'm here. If I win, I'll give you some luck. Deal?"

2011-02-11, 12:10 AM
"I already told you I don't believe in luck. Try again." Viatrix picks up a stone. It looks like a relatively regular stone.

However, as she throws it at Aura, it impacts more like a large boulder.

2011-02-11, 12:24 AM
Kina Yoshimoto

Kina, still shaking, tries to move her arms around Ken. "Nononononono! Get out...of my head!" Both her hands slowly move up to his sides, opening and closing from fist to open hand over and over. Tears begin to fall from her eyes, still clenched tight. "Ken...oh god...I...I'm so confused...help...please..." Slowly her arms, shaking, begin to return Ken's hug, moving closer and closer towards his back. "...Ken..."

She seems oblivious to everything else around her.

2011-02-11, 01:00 AM
Kina Yoshimoto

Kina, still shaking, tries to move her arms around Ken. "Nononononono! Get out...of my head!" Both her hands slowly move up to his sides, opening and closing from fist to open hand over and over. Tears begin to fall from her eyes, still clenched tight. "Ken...oh god...I...I'm so confused...help...please..." Slowly her arms, shaking, begin to return Ken's hug, moving closer and closer towards his back. "...Ken..."

She seems oblivious to everything else around her, even Sayaka's hand.
"Yes, I'll help you. There's no reason to be scared. You're doing much better now. We'll go see Sayaka's dad and he'll probably have something to make things easier for you, but that can wait. I think you can get over this without his help because I believe in you. I was able to do it and so can you. I did it on my own, but there's no shame in needing help. If you don't think you can do it on your own, that's okay. You're not alone." Ken put a hand on the back of her head, leaned over and held her closer.

2011-02-11, 01:27 AM
Kina Yoshimoto

Kina's head moves up and down. "...Okay..." Her eyes slowly loosen a bit, but the shaking doesn't stop. She looks Ken in the eyes, and he can see for certain that they aren't normal. "Could you...knock me out?"

2011-02-11, 01:44 AM
"Nope," said Ken casually. "I can't do that. It'd be rather counterproductive after the progress we just made and I don't want to hurt you. Trust me, keep trying to hold on and we'll go the shrine. I'll carry you there and hold your hand the whole way. I'll make sure you don't do anything you'd regret. Alright?"

2011-02-11, 01:50 AM
"You...can't promise...that." Kina doesn't smile. "Just...get me...to the shrine."

2011-02-11, 01:58 AM
"Alright." Ken let go of Kina for a moment and carefully scooped her up. One hand reached out to hold hers just as he had said. Then he headed onward with Hasunaga and the others.

2011-02-11, 02:08 AM
[Houheiden Shrine]

Coming to the shrine, the group is quite wet. A light rain still falls, but they go up the wet stairs carefully. At the top stands Haruaki, an umbrella in his hands.

He is standing in his priest's clothing for once, which makes Sayaka relieved.

Of everything today, seeing her father in a serious mood was comforting.

Haruaki looked at Mr. Hasunaga as they came to him, a serious and knowing expression on his face.

"It has been a long time, Mr. Hasunaga, since we have last met." He greets. He moves close and holds the umbrella over Ken and Kina.

"Come in. It's safe here." He comforts softly to them, and leads them into the Shrine to the house.

Sayaka looks at him from where she is walking, supported by mr. Hasunaga.
She is silent, because she doesn't know what to say.

Her father hasn't looked at her yet. Did she disappoint him that much? Her failures had gotten all of these people involved. Kina was injured. And Sayaka...was ok, wasn't she?

She looked down. How stupid of her.

But she felt a warm hand on her head, and the headache she had started to disappear. She looked up as her father put a towel around her neck and rustled her hair softly.

"Are you alright, Sayaka?" He asked softly, a gentle smile on his face.
With a warm feeling and relief, Sayaka nodded.

"Yes, I think so." She answered, taking the towel to dry herself some.

Haruaki gestured for them to sit down on the front of the Kondo family house, out of the rain.

He knelt in front of Sayaka and Kina as the girls sat down.

He looked at Sayaka. Something was off, but he couldn't place it yet.
Of Kina though, his face became expressionless.

"How are you dear?" He asked her.

2011-02-11, 08:55 AM
[Houheiden Shrine]

Mihail gets left behind from the group at the base of the stairs. He has to grab his chest and and catch his breath for a moment. Why? We didn't come running here, did we? It's like strenght has just... fled from his limbs for a moment. A flash of concern goes through his mind - maybe something is wrong with his heart? Have to go to a doctor and check it...

But soon, the feeling abates. He sees the rest of the group at the end of the stairs, and limps after them. Rising the stairs hurts his leg, but he can manage it. He arrives at the front of Kondo house as Haruaki is talking to Kina.

Being within a shrine is comforting. It of course has barely a passing resemblance, but the feeling reminds him of the old stone church of his hometown and the grounds near it where he used to visit long ago.

As he thinks of this, something pops into his mind. He reaches to his pocket and pulls out a creased paper talisman.

2011-02-11, 11:57 AM
[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (In the living room of some old lady and her "family")

Izanagi stood in the living room of an old lady dressed in some obviously outdated dress, taking a few light meter readings around her fireplace and the general room. Izanagi was slightly dry after the cab ride but still looked disheveled. She had first offered him to sit, but as he was still wet, she uncomfortably decided against it.

The old lady wanted a "family" portrait to send as Christmas cards to her family. What she had not explained clearly to Izanagi before he accepted the job, was that her "family" were actually 3 "pug" dogs along with herself.

"ugh...i can't believe i thought i needed the money from this gig...and for god's sake..."dogs"...ugh....Izanagi...you need to screen your clients better" he thought to himself trying not show it in his face as the ladies dogs ran all around every now and then nipping at his legs and making him jump a bit, and the old lady yapped away holding one kissing it and calling it "princess" in a baby-talk type of voice.

As he took the readings though, and she continued to yap on and on...the intrigue and curiosity of that young girls words started getting louder and louder in his head..."why am i here? why did i just let her walk away?..ugh...Izanagi you are an idiot...plus she was cute!...ugh"

He looked back to the lady whom was still talking about something, and he felt such a level of boredom he couldnt stand it... he wanted to go visit that girl RIGHT NOW...he didnt care about this old lady's money...he wanted answers...he didnt want to feel alone anymore....

The lady was still talking about something when Izanagi blurted out interrupting her..."...hey..lady...umm...we are gonna need to reschedule this shoot...umm...i forgot to bring my film for the camera... Im so sorry... " he tried to fake a smile and look apologetic....but he was lying through his teeth...he hadnt shot film in AGES...no one did really..everything was digital... he just didnt want to be here anymore...and he hoped she was too old to know what kind of equipment he used

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, feeling the business card from the girl there as well...he started dialing for another cab. The woman was saying something again, but Izanagi didnt care... he blurted out interrupting her again... "i'll shave off a couple hundred on the price...call me to set something up tomorrow..." He wasnt even sure she was talking about money or time...he just blurted it out as the cab company picked up and he began telling them where he was for a pick up...

He moved towards the door bowing slightly and smiling to the lady as she kept talking to him as he talked to the cab company...he opened the door and got outside closing the door after him...

He clicked the phone off and put it in the pocket, then sighed deeply as he walked down her walkway to the road and sidewalk where he would wait for the cab. He took the notecard out of his pocket and read it and the address. flipped it with his fingers and put it back in his pocket and stood waiting at the sidewalk.

"God I need my own car or something...this place sucks for public transportation..."

After minutes what seemed like hours the "same" cabbie from before showed up and gruffly said to Izanagi as he plopped into the backseat... "Kid...you need your own car...now to where to?"

Izanagi responded to the girls address...and they sped off "Viatrix..." was her name he thought to himself...Izanagi only hoped she would be there...it hadnt really been that long since he saw her...and she asked him to come....

2011-02-11, 12:25 PM
Kina Yoshimoto

Kina nods. "It still...hurts. But not as badly." She bows her head. "I'm...sorry. For all the trouble."

2011-02-11, 11:38 PM

With Null Mind dead, Gralster had time to focus on the other arrival.

"Then seek out the great city of Las Noches in the endless sands of Hueco Mundo, the Ghost King of all Hollows is always in need to ambitious arrancar."

"Las Noches, eh?" The salaryman considered for a moment. "I may see what it has to offer me. In the meanwhile, there's some unfinished business. I'll keep in touch."

2011-02-12, 09:05 PM
[Houheiden Shrine]

Haruaki shook his head politely and smiled.

"There is nothing you should apologize for. You are a strong young woman. All I can do is to give you a little help. Not that you need it I think. Have confidence in yourself, and in your friends also."

He gently touched her forehead and closed his eyes to concentrate. But he continued to speak.

"In those warm feelings find your center, and there you will find yourself again."

Kina could feel a warm tingle-tingle in her body and a feeling like some weight is gone.

Haruaki looked up after this was finished, and saw Mihail and Hasunaga. He doesn't recognize Mihail, but seeing Hasunaga he small smile to his face.

"I see my daughter has caused you some trouble Mr. Hasunaga." He said politely.

2011-02-13, 12:19 AM
Kina nods. "...Thank you." She gets up and almost runs to Sayaka, giving her a big hug. "Are...are you alright? I...sensed something was wrong and ran over. I saw that hollow...did he do anything to you?"

2011-02-13, 01:20 AM
Kina nods. "...Thank you." She gets up and almost runs to Sayaka, giving her a big hug. "Are...are you alright? I...sensed something was wrong and ran over. I saw that hollow...did he do anything to you?"


Sayaka smiled and hugged Kina. She did seem to notice that Kina was taller than Sayaka remembered. Or was she shorter?

"I'm glad you are alright. I'm sorry for worrying you." She replied. Then she looked back at her father.

"The hollow attacked me...and said something about memories. But I'm not sure what happened. I- there are some things that are strange." She tried to explain.

Haruaki nodded and patted her on the head.

"Yes I can see. For one thing, when did I miss you becoming a second year student?"
Sayaka blinked.

"What? I'm talking about the-"
Haruaki laughed.

"Saya chan, you know that I'd never forget your birthday. And I certainly wouldn't forget you entering high school! Strange, I thought we had taken care of this once before. It must be deja vu. We surely bought the uniform... I remember that. It looks like the school made a mistake with enrollment. That's the second year uniform, isn't it?"

Sayaka looked down and her face turned red.
"Y-yes... but it's my uniform. Isn't it? I'm a..." She paused. No, she didn't remember if she was. She couldn't ever recall having sat in a second year class. Haruaki shook his head.

"You're my daughter, and I'd never forget something as important as this. It looks like we found what the hollow did though."

"No, that's not it. Something's not right. I've never been in their class. I don't remember sitting next to Kina or Ken, or who was in my class." Sayaka said.
Sayaka's eyes widened. Was that it? The hollow had destroyed her memories of school? She could remember faces and names, and some things like a gym... but she couldn't remember the things that surrounded them.

Sayaka trembled with this horror. All because she had made a mistake against a hollow.

Haruaki frowned.

"A kind of amnesia then. You don't remember school... But it will be ok Sayaka." He hugged her.
"You can make it through this. You have good friends who can help you. And I'll always help you too." He looked at Ken and Kina.

2011-02-13, 01:43 AM
Ken nodded in response to Haruaki's last few words. "He's right. I was there for you today and I'll be there for you again tomorrow. I'm sorry I was only able to lessen the harm you received instead of fully preventing it though," he said somberly.

2011-02-13, 01:54 AM

Sayaka looked like she wanted to say something. But she did not know what. She looked at Ken and then looked down.

"Thank you Ken." She said.

Haruaki smiled.

"He's a reliable classmate, and I'm sure he'd be happy to help you at school or study together, or anything."

Sayaka looked annoyed. But at least for this situation, it was a normal reaction of Sayaka.

"...Maybe it's so." She responded. But she had more red on her cheeks.

Haruaki stood up.
"I'll make a call to the school to make sure everything is ok. But first..."

He looked at Hasunaga and Mihail.
"Can I help you?"

2011-02-13, 05:52 AM
Kina Yoshimoto

"Wait. But...it's not right." Kina looks at Sayaka again. "It's not...the logic...it doesn't fit." Slowly Kina pulls out of the hug. "Is something wrong?"

2011-02-13, 06:06 AM

Sayaka shook her head. Her frustration was too much. And Kina pulling away was made her feel something different. Fear. Why?

"No, I don't know what's going on. I don't know at all. I can't remember. What happened to me?
I didn't die. I'm still here. I can still feel things. But it's like everything is different. Size, shape, feelings. Everything isn't what I remembered, but I can't remember, so how can I know what I'm supposed to feel?!"

She slammed her hands to cover her eyes.

"Everything is just wrong."

"I can't explain it. I can't answer. I don't know Kina. I just don't know."
She looks up and sees the paper crumpled in Mihail's hand.
"That! I placed that! It was in the shoe box, I know it. I don't know which shoe box. But it was a shoe box.
And why did I put that there?
It was to protect something. To protect someone.
But where that box was, I don't remember. And before that, I came from a class. But what class was it? I don't remember! I can't see the faces in the room! I don't know what was the desk! I don't remember who was the teacher!

I can't remember my student number, what I studied, or when I arrived at school this morning!

But I know that is Mr. Hasunaga, and he is a teacher! I know you and Ken are students, and you go to that school. But where am I in this?! I know I knew you. I know I knew Ken. I know Ken even stayed here at Houheiden before today! But I don't know where I am connected to this!"

Her hands shake. Sayaka's frustrated voice tries not to fall from control to anguish.
"It's like I'm just a hole in all of this. I'm empty and a void. I'm no different than the hollow. It's like I have no connection to the world! Why?

What happened to me?"

Sayaka, who always had a cool and detached expression, now looked at the sky with tears on her face.

2011-02-13, 06:12 AM
Kina can't help but feel terrible sorrow. Without waiting a moment she hugs Sayaka again. "It's alright, Sayaka. We'll help you through everything. You have us. We won't forget you."

2011-02-13, 08:46 AM
He looked at Hasunaga and Mihail.
"Can I help you?"

Mihail snaps out of his thoughts and hands the creased paper talisman towards Haruaki. "This belongs to her?", he asks, just when Sayaka has her outburst.

The foreign man stares at the girl. He glances at the talisman, then back at Sayaka, then back at the talisman, finally stepping towards her and offering the talisman to her. "I think it was for school", he says. "Mistook it for trash. I am sorry. I will not throw away more."

2011-02-13, 09:07 AM
Ken grabbed Sayaka's right hand and held it firmly. "That's nonsense! You aren't just like a hollow. You have friends and family who care about you. You're not only connected to this world by what you remember and think of others. You're also connected by what people remember and think of you. I both think and know you're a nice young girl that is being patently ridiculous right now. A hollow needs to eat souls to sate itself. All you need are more memories to replace the ones you've lost and I'd be happy to help make them with you. How can you not be connected? You're connected to me right now!" He was clearly brimming with resolve to back up his words.

2011-02-13, 09:34 AM

Kina's hug and reassurance and Ken's hold of her hand and his reassurance also receive Sayaka's own grateful emotions.

We'll help you through everything.
You have us.
We won't forget you.
You're also connected by what people remember and think of you.
All you need are more memories to replace the ones you've lost.

You're connected to me right now!

All of these things Sayaka could feel were spoken truly. And in her heart they gave her warmth and hope. And she locked these treasures in her heart.
She closed her eyes to fight tears, and smiled truly.
"Thank you... Thank you!" She says softly. She hugs Kina and Ken together.

Mihail approaches as Sayaka recovers, and she looks at him. She looks at the talisman, and then pushes it back in his hand.
"N-no, it's ok. Please keep it. I can make more of them. Maybe it can help protect you a little at least this way."

Now at least, Sayaka knew she had two friends she could trust. And that made this not as dark.
She did realize she was still holding Ken's hand, and so removed it quickly and tugged on the big uniform she wore.


Haruaki had been quiet this time, and moved towards Mr. Hasunaga and Mihail to let the students have more space together. He had a serious and troubled look on his face.

"I trust you'll look after the school. These kids can't go off and try to fight yet. They need more experience and training." He speaks to Mr. Hasunaga softly so the students cannot hear. He gestures for Mr. Mihail to come also.
"I'm not sure what happened, but there was a disturbance this afternoon. It looks like we were lucky this time.
Ah, but first- I suppose I should confirm you also know something of spiritual affairs?" He asks Mihail.

2011-02-13, 10:00 AM
The foreign janitor turns to face the priest. "Yes. A lot."

2011-02-13, 10:54 AM
Hasunaga bit his lip. He'd been worried about the girl for some time now. It seemed like the other kids were right there to support her, though. That changed his frown into a light smile.

How long has it been since the last time I saw something like this?

Then, he turned to Haruaki.

"Your daughter didn't trouble me at all. It's my duty to look after my students. But..." He was reluctant to point out the next part. "I don't want them to go off hunting Hollows. They're just kids, they're not meant to fight. I can train them to become more proficient at defense - but I won't help them run off to get themselves hurt.

I know that Sayaka was targetted because she has spiritual powers. And that as long as she does, she's a target. But it's one thing to defend yourself, and another to run after danger.

I do not want them to get hurt. Training gives confidence. And confidence can be a dangerous thing."

2011-02-14, 12:58 AM
Ken continued to speak to Sayaka earnestly. "By the way, I've decided I'll be doing all the cooking and housework today and for the next several days. It's the least I can do for you after being invited to stay here and seeing the recent trouble you've gone through. Remember you said that if you cooked for me it didn't mean anything special? Well my cooking for you does. It means I really care about you and want to pay you back for the delicious meals you made me. Just name whatever you want and I'll make it. I thought about doing this for a while now and this is an excellent time to repay you and your father for some of what you've done for me." Then he turned to Kina, "Why don't you stay the night so you can taste my cooking and take more time to compose yourself before returning home?"

2011-02-14, 07:11 AM

Haruaki looks at Mr. Hasunaga again. He is reassured of Mr. Mihail.

"I don't want them to hunt hollows either. They're just kids, I know. But I'm afraid that persuading them not to has already failed. And my daughter was injured because of it. Maybe I didn't do enough. But if I failed to teach my daughter not to get involved in this sort of thing already, then I will always fail to teach them also.

They will always be targets. They will have to learn to defend themselves- we cannot always defend them.
At some time they will have to have some guidance. And at that time your assistance would be appreciate."

Haruaki said, his serious look returning to his normal smile.

"Perhaps we can continue this discussion some other time though." He says, looking at the students again.


Ken's words made Sayaka's face become very annoyed and red.

"I-I'm not sick you lovesick oaf! And you don't know all of the chores! I haven't taught you them all!

B-besides, you saved me! Isn't that repay already?

A-and the meals don't need to be done! I can do it myself! I don't even know what kind of cook you are. B-but I bet it isn't a good one."

She looks away, annoyed.
"Kina, of course you can stay for dinner." She does say quickly to reassure her friend.

2011-02-14, 07:35 AM
"I suppose. But I still don't think it's a good idea, Haruaki." Hasunaga sighed a little. He didn't want to admit it, but Sayaka's father did have a point - they would get hurt over and over again before they would give it up.

But he couldn't stand to let them go through the same pains he did.

2011-02-14, 07:43 AM
Mihail is somewhat puzzled by the conversation. "This common occurrence here?", he asks. He needs to think for a moment to find the right words for the follow-up. "Where are Shinigami?"

2011-02-14, 09:10 AM
"L-l-lovesick?" Ken pretended to be taken aback. "I just wanted to show my heartfelt appreciation for the kindness you and your father have bestowed upon me. I had thought someone with your straightforward nature would see my actions as just that," he said innocently. "I hadn't thought about it much but now that you've mentioned it maybe I am, with you, in lo-lo-lo- Ooooh! I can't say it! It's too embarrassing!" Ken simultaneously squeezed his eyes shut tightly and brought his hands to his face to hide his nonexistent blushing before turning away from Sayaka. A moment later, he timidly peered back out of the corner of his eye at her. "P-p-perhaps you're right and you've seen through me... because... you feel... the same way... about me?" He appeared extremely concerned about how she would answer.

2011-02-15, 02:03 AM
Kina Yoshimoto

Kina nods in agreement. "O-okay. I'll...I'll stay. Thank you." As Ken and Sayaka continue, however, Kina pulls away from the two and gets up to lean against a nearby wall. She bites her lip a bit and turns away from the two. Despite some personal resistance, however, she still steals a glance or two. Her hand slides up to her arm, grasping as it does.

2011-02-15, 09:16 AM

"The shinigami are busy. This town has many occurrences of the supernatural. Some, like hollows, and perhaps other more occurrences also."

[Eating strawberries and doing homework in Takara's room]

Haruaki had a rueful smile to Hasunaga. "Of course it's not a good idea. But it must be done. I will prepare things here for some training. Meanwhile, please take care of the school."


Sayaka glared with cold and hot expression. To tremble with annoyance quickly she stood up to hit Ken on the head.
"No." It was a cold reply and very fast.

But a cold reply can be comforting in a hot August evening. Sayaka's punch was not comforting, but it was not so strong either. Maybe it was affection punch?

Though such a misunderstanding can be dangerous. Sayaka seemed at least more normal like this.
"If you really want to repay something, help me with homework later." She said finally.

Red faced, Sayaka retreated to the inside of the Kondo house to cook dinner.

2011-02-15, 09:28 AM
Mihail stares impassively at Haruaki. Many thoughts are racing inside his head, but it's hard to tell any of them from his face. Reapers are busy?, he wonders. Maybe so... this land is big and with lots of people. It'd not be strange if such a small town would fly under their radar. But part of the equation doesn't make sense - why would such a small town have so many "occurrences" in the first place? Unhappiness and strife that tie souls to the world and turn them into Hollows are much more common in bigger cities.

Then again... it doesn't look like Hollows are even the main problem. The blueclad woman had not been one, at least. Other occurrences... such should be few and far between. But there isn't much to be gained from such thoughts without further knowledge.

"Will go now", Mihail says, turning to leave. "Will look after school. Bye." He'd have to write his observations down...

2011-02-15, 09:50 AM
"I've got someone to cover for my absence at school for the moment. I can stay a little longer." Hasunaga replied. "Look, Haruaki... I understand that you're just trying to look after the kids. But if I teach them anything, it's going to be defense, nothing more. You'll have to understand that."

2011-02-15, 09:56 AM
Ken recoiled in terror and grimaced as the thunderous blow came crashing down. Miraculously he recovered from it in time to follow right behind Sayaka. "Oh come on, seriously, let me prepare something for you. You've had a rough day and you don't want to build up anymore stress," said Ken in a caring voice knowing full well the irony of his words. "I assure you, my skills are the cream of the culinary crop. And even if I were an awful cook the food would still taste great because if I really am in love with you it'll contain plenty of that magic ingredient!" He eagerly awaited her approval.

2011-02-15, 05:57 PM
Agent 02

The door opened and Roger came through the door, sheaf of papers in one hand.

"Looks like you and me have a lot of work to do." Agent 02 began, addressing Josiah with a nod, the previous day's animosity apparently completely forgotten for the sake of getting the job done.


The detective sat with his head in his hands, poring through everything in his mind. This nagging feeling that he was missing something vital was growing by the day, and if he didn't sort everything out he'd end up going crazy. That is, if he hadn't already.

So it was with some trepidation he headed back to the Shrine. He had no reason to go there, in truth, he just hoped to find something to investigate. Call himself a bloody detective and he had nothing to sodding detect... Henry applies the brakes and cranks the handbrake, stepping out of his car and heading up to the Houheiden Shrine, feet impacting on the ground outside the Kondo residence. With a moment's indecision, he heads into the Shrine, not really expecting anything to happen.

He's quite surprised when something does happen to be honest. With a quick look at the people in the shrine, he comes to a conclusion. "Something's happened, hasn't it?" he asserts as he walks towards Hasunaga and Co. Well, really it was a totally uninformed guess that Henry hoped to Hell wasn't true but, hey, he had a reputation to uphold.

2011-02-15, 06:45 PM
[Houheiden Shrine]

Mihail is just limping towards the stairs leading out of the shrine grounds when Henry hurries in. <"Hello, Detective">, he says non-chalantly... and then continues limping past him. Haruaki and others can explain the situation as far as he's concerned.

2011-02-16, 12:04 AM
Kina Yoshimoto

Kina watches Ken and Sayaka until they leave the room. However, she doesn't follow them herself. Instead she approaches Haruaki and bows. "Thank you for your help today. I will come back and repay you sometime. I must be home soon."

After his reply, Kina leaves, her hand rubbing her arm the whole way home.

2011-02-16, 08:16 AM

Haruaki's smile disappeared. He looked at Hasunaga very seriously.
"I'm not asking you to teach them anything else. The Quincy and Shinigami train for offense. And you know very well this Shrine does not belong to either group.

But I know that it is a situation of 2 bird and one stone. The children will find a way to get into trouble. That is why we have to do something now. Before they get into something we can't solve.

I would not ask something of you otherwise, Mr. Hasunaga. I wouldn't be asking at all if my daughter hadn't just been crying for the first time since her mother died."


Sayaka stopped and turned to look up at Ken. "Ok! Ok! Well, yes here." She gave the pot and dish to him. Then she pointed at the apron and crossed her arms.
"I'm going to change clothes. And then I'll supervise your dinner. I don't know what you plan to make, but it is certain I won't cook for you forever here. So we'll do it together."

Kina Yoshimoto

Kina watches Ken and Sayaka until they leave the room. However, she doesn't follow them herself. Instead she approaches Haruaki and bows. "Thank you for your help today. I will come back and repay you sometime. I must be home soon."

After his reply, Kina leaves, her hand rubbing her arm the whole way home.

Haruaki makes a warm smile to Kina and bows to her.
"You are a polite young lady. Of course you are always welcome to come here. Do not worry about 'repay' at all! Next time you must stay for dinner- Sayaka is a good cook, and she will want to repay you for helping her today.

Take care!"
He waved to her as she leaving.

And Mr. Henry came to him and Mr. Hasunaga. (Of course Sayaka and Ken are inside, and the others already are leaving it seems).
Haruaki made a polite smile to Henry.
"Ah, another guest today. Can I help you Inspector Henry?"

Cicadas make uncomfortable noise in the evening.

2011-02-16, 08:58 AM
As Sayaka left, Ken stiffened his posture and saluted her with a firm "Yes ma'am." Afterwards, he donned his apron in preparation for the battle ahead and began to think of what reaction (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v345/nothingclever/foodreaction.jpg) he might be able to get out of her when she tasted his dinner menu mastery.
Just thought I should add that Ken is in fact a good cook in case you want to know how skilled he is so your character can comment on his expertise or lack thereof later at some point. Anything he has practiced making before should turn out really well because he has been taught by his parents and spent some time learning on his own as a hobby. In this case he would prepare something specifically Japanese that is somewhat challenging to make well to impress Sayaka. I'll leave what that would be to your imagination.

2011-02-16, 11:23 AM
"I'll give it some thought, Haruaki. That doesn't mean I have to like it." Hasunaga admitted ruefully. "Besides, I never trained anyone before."

2011-02-16, 06:36 PM
Henry steps up to Haruaki and Hasunaga.

"Hello, Mr. Kondo. I'd heard something had happened here." he lies. "Did something bad happen?" He decided to let Hasunaga introduce himself for now - it was more important to get this sorted out first.

2011-02-16, 07:11 PM
For now, the wizened teacher remains silent. No need to introduce himself just yet...

2011-02-16, 11:47 PM
Meanwhile, a Garganta may well open near Viatrix's shop...

2011-02-17, 12:31 AM
The shop seems to be closed.


However, there is a large hole nearby that seems to tunnel into a large, open, and unnaturally bright area underneath.

2011-02-17, 06:59 AM

Or something.

2011-02-19, 11:35 AM
Agent 02

The door opened and Roger came through the door, sheaf of papers in one hand.

"Looks like you and me have a lot of work to do." Agent 02 began, addressing Josiah with a nod, the previous day's animosity apparently completely forgotten for the sake of getting the job done. Josiah barely looks up to acknowledge Roger's entrance.

"Yes, we do. Here, this is the basic plan, and here's my ideas for how to make things work more smoothly. I figure we can build in stages, use different build teams. I'm thinking we split it up like so.."

The holo-display rapidly shifts, showing the various items Josiah is talking about.

Slowly, two minds begin to unfold a plan for something that might just change the world...

2011-02-19, 07:25 PM
The shop seems to be closed.


However, there is a large hole nearby that seems to tunnel into a large, open, and unnaturally bright area underneath.

Aura grins as she flicks a card in the way of the rock.

the card flies back to her, revealing a Jack of spades. She frowns at it.

"Awww. I was hoping for a nine."

She holds up her hand, and a crackle begins to form.


And it blasts out of her hand straight at Viatrix.

2011-02-20, 05:24 PM
[Underneath Furousha Shop]

Viatrix... almost floats out of the way, nimbly traipsing across the battlefield towards Aura as she ducks and weaves like a professional boxer. With a super-human burst, she rushes forward, aiming a powerful, mass-enhanced punch at Aura's face. No witty quip this time.

2011-02-21, 01:53 PM

Aura is punched, and curses as her jaw is slammed by Viatrix. She gives Viatrix a bloody grin.

"Damn, what have you been eating? Bricks?"

Her mask begins to materialize as she pulls out her sword.

"Well, this certainly got interesting."


A young man squints at the devastation near the town square. He blinks a few time before fingering his dirty blonde hair, and glancing at his partner, a slim young woman in her early twenties.

"Err... You sure about this Kotone? It looks pretty dangerous right now."

2011-02-21, 04:05 PM
[Under Furousha]

The punch is not the only thing Aura need worry about, as a silver creature darts over Viatrix's arms and clings onto her back. Suddenly her weight drastically increases, crushing her into the ground, rendering her unable to move.

Viatrix looms over Aura, betraying a smirk. "Not so hot now, eh?"

Then, the cards flip. Vi raises an eyebrow as the blackjack is revealed on Aura's side.

Then, she cries out as wounds appear across her form. "The hell!?"

2011-02-21, 04:15 PM
Aura's mask vanishes as she realizes she's stuck. She grins impishly at Viatrix.

"Blackjack. I won. Y'see, my powers are pretty amusing. If you had won, a variety of things could have happened. I could have been frozen for a time if you weren't wounded, you could have been healed, and so much more. But you lost, so you were hurt. So sorry love."

2011-02-21, 04:20 PM

"Of course it's not!" Kotone responded cheerfully. The woman stood with her microphone at the ready, practically shaking with anticipation. She was dressed snappily in her usual skirted suit, her hair immaculate in its ordinary style, two buns on either side of her head with the perfect amount of bangs falling on either side of her face, framing her features perfectly.

"Now, are you ready Jimmy-san?! Make sure that your camera's rolling, because this is gonna be the story of the century! Let's GO!"

She raised her free hand triumphantly, running towards the town square as Andy hopefully followed her. Nothing and no one would keep her from finding out what was behind this. Whatever it was.

"And quit playing with your hair, Jimmy-san. It makes you look unprofessional."

2011-02-21, 04:29 PM
[Under Furousha]

Viatrix glowers at Aura. "...Impressive power, I guess. How about we call it a draw?" She limps toward... an odd-looking machine, with a laptop on top of it. After typing a few keys in, a garganta opens above, and reishi cycles into the room, and her wounds begin to heal. Fuchs sits above Aura, looking down at her.

Well, it looks that way, anyway, he has no eyes to look. His head is just sort of tilted down.

You should be able to free yourself in a few moments.

"Shut up, Fuchs. What are you even here for? And don't think about starting this crap again, the garganta will heal any wounds I get." Viatrix turns to Aura, looking... well, better, but a little miffed.

Aura's mass returns to normal after around a minute, which makes escape much easier.

2011-02-21, 04:49 PM

Andy rolls his eyes as he hefts up his camera equipment, walking over towards Kotone. He props up the camera and comments,

"Come on Satoshi, you know that's not my name. It's Andy."


Aura nods as she squeezes out of the hole. Then a lightbulb pops above her head.

"Oh yeah! Viatrix, I come bearing gifts!"

The box of sunglasses reappears next to her, and she grins.

"I would like to negotiate a deal..."

2011-02-21, 07:03 PM
"And my name isn't Satoshi! And remember that if you call me that on-camera, I'll flay you alive." She said, running back to get in Andy's face. Her intimidating manner was the main reason why she couldn't keep a cameraman for more than a week. Except Andy. He'd stayed on for some reason.

"Now come on, the story's not gonna wait for us!" She said, running off again. They'd gotten a hot tip that something was about to go down in the town square, and she didn't want to be late...

[Town Square]

Cassandra sat in a bench, watching the people go by. This town was so quiet; nothing ever happened here. Well, she had sent her report to the Boss-man. Maybe he'd send back with some new stuff. She could use some new stuff.

2011-02-21, 10:03 PM
[Under Furousha]

"...I'm not interested in buying any sunglasses, thank you." Viatrix just stares at Aura. Was she serious? Sunglasses? She'd seen this con far too many times.

Fuchs shakes its head. Viatrix, do you really think this woman would come to you just for normal sunglasses...

[Edge of Town]

Just within the suburbs, at the beginning of the woods just outside Fushichou Town...

A man walks aimlessly towards the town, smelling of dirt. The hood on his sweatshirt is drawn above his head, obscuring many of his features. This man seems at peace, without purpose...

And next to him, a large brown bear follows.

This is probably fairly alarming to the citizens as the hooded man makes his way downtown. However, the bear does not give them any mind, seemingly seeing fit to follow his apparent companion.

2011-02-22, 09:23 PM
[Under Furousha]

"...I'm not interested in buying any sunglasses, thank you." Viatrix just stares at Aura. Was she serious? Sunglasses? She'd seen this con far too many times.

Fuchs shakes its head. Viatrix, do you really think this woman would come to you just for normal sunglasses...


Aura looked about ready to burst into tears.

"But... But these are real sunglasses! And they see things! Important things! For Spirits!"


Andy sighed as he set up for the shot. There was a reason he stayed on with Kotone after all. For one, she was the best damn reporter at the station. For another, they were paying him double to stay with her.

That's a lot of money for a guy who needs to get back home.

"Alright Satoshi, we're rolling in three... two... one..."

2011-02-22, 09:43 PM
[Under Furousha]

Vi rolls her eyes and scoffs, approaching Aura. "Fine, let me see a pair." She picks one out. They appear to be able to switch between shaded and non-shaded much like those glasses that react to light, for once. And as Vi touches the edge of the rim, the technology activates, giving her a personal reiatsu readout on both Aura and Fuchs.

"...huh. Ok, I have to admit these are kinda neat." She takes them off, placing them back in the box. Vi looks at aura expectantly. "...So, what's the catch?"

2011-02-23, 03:10 PM
The shop seems to be closed.


However, there is a large hole nearby that seems to tunnel into a large, open, and unnaturally bright area underneath.

[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Standing outside the cab looking at the weird shop (Viatrix's shop) and the large hole with light shining out of it)

"you sure you want me to leave you here?...it don't look like no one's home...and i dont think there's much else round kid..." the cab driver said as he counted the money from the kid for the fare...after a moment noticing the kid wasnt listening the Cabbie "harumphed" and spoke to himself trailing off as he sped off..."i guess ya dont care eh...yer just gonna make me drive all the way back out here...ugh"

Izanagi indeed wasnt listening, he was just staring at the large hole with the crazy light coming out of it. In one hand his open wallet, and in the other the business card he received from the young girl. This light didnt seem normal, and it didnt seem like it was "supposed" to be there.

He put his wallet in his pocket and clenched the business in his hand as he began to walk up to the edge of the hole. The cab sped off as he approached the edge and knelt next to it, his eyes wide and his jaw about to drop open. He fumbled to put the card back in his pocket and then grab his camera around his neck and bring it up to his face.

Izanagi took in a breath as he began to peer over the edge of the hole down into the light. He had no idea what to expect or what might happen. He snuck his head over the edge holding on to the edge of the pit with one hand and his camera with the other.

He looked down...a feeling of childlike curiosity and wonder filled him...as his knuckles began to whiten as his eyes started to focus on what he could see below...

2011-02-24, 08:42 PM
[Under Furousha]

Vi rolls her eyes and scoffs, approaching Aura. "Fine, let me see a pair." She picks one out. They appear to be able to switch between shaded and non-shaded much like those glasses that react to light, for once. And as Vi touches the edge of the rim, the technology activates, giving her a personal reiatsu readout on both Aura and Fuchs.

"...huh. Ok, I have to admit these are kinda neat." She takes them off, placing them back in the box. Vi looks at aura expectantly. "...So, what's the catch?"

Aura grins amiably.

"Catch? No catch. Except..."

She purses her lips, tapping her finger to her head for a second. Then she snaps her fingers, grinning.

"Could I borrow your garganta machine? And erm... If not, can me and a friend (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10224855&postcount=95) examine it? We think it's pretty neat."

2011-02-24, 09:11 PM
[Under Furousha]

Viatrix eyes Aura.

Fuchs also eyes Aura.

"So, you want to trade some fancy glasses for the secret to my garganta machine." Vi says this about as flat as possible. Then considers for a moment.

Then busts out laughing. "You seriously expect me to give it to you for that low? Come on now, you probably have way more than a few fancy sunglasses to give me." She wipes away a few humorous tears.

"Whether it be cash or more cool gadgets."

2011-02-24, 10:27 PM
[Edge of Town]

Just within the suburbs, at the beginning of the woods just outside Fushichou Town...

A man walks aimlessly towards the town, smelling of dirt. The hood on his sweatshirt is drawn above his head, obscuring many of his features. This man seems at peace, without purpose...

And next to him, a large brown bear follows.

This is probably fairly alarming to the citizens as the hooded man makes his way downtown. However, the bear does not give them any mind, seemingly seeing fit to follow his apparent companion.

Okay, it hadn't gone as well as Kotone had expected. Apparently the hot tip had been some stupid kid who'd sent her on a wild goose chase around the town. However, after the crushing defeat of that particular event, she'd come upon a complete breakthrough. Normally, seeing a strange man walking through town was suspicious enough (at least by Kotone's standards), but this man was following a bear around downtown Phoenix Town!

"This is Shinohara Kotone reporting to you live from downtown Phoenix Town, where we are showing you live feed of a potentially dangerous man walking through the downtown area. While we have no knowledge of this man's destination or intentions, but we advise that you avoid the downtown Phoenix Town area until we are sure that it is cleared. Rest assured that we will keep you up to date with all the latest news, here on Fushichou TV!"

She and Andy were tailing Magnus as he walked through town, a fair distance behind him but still pretty obvious about it. They were absolutely ready to run if he made the slightest sign of seeing them, but Kotone couldn't pass this chance up. How often did a reporter get to see a man following a bear around a well populated town? It was journalistic gold!

2011-02-24, 10:47 PM
[Downtown Fushichou] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xStVhvhg1i4)

Magnus just keeps on walking. He's not even sure what he's headed for. He just liked walking. He definitely wasn't on a straight path, making turns seemingly at a whim. As he and the bear pass a few food establishments, he begins to slow somewhat.

"Hmmm... You hungry, boy?" He looks to the bear. "Gotta be plenty of food around here. We could even ask those people that have been following us." He is utterly relaxed, and nonchalant, even as people run away at first sight of the massive beast nearby.

"...Don't let them get to you, pal."

2011-02-24, 10:52 PM
Bear takes Magnus's advice, continuing along nonchalantly. Its eyes idly follow some of the fleeing people, before it apparently decides that chasing them would be too much hassle. It continues to follow Magnus.

2011-02-24, 11:11 PM
[Downtown Fushichou]

Magnus pats Bear on the side, then turns to the pair behind him, waving. "Hey, you know where we can find some food?"

...He seems completely not-serial killerish or really dangerous at all. Just... a little lacking on the knowledge that bears do not commonly inhabit cities.

2011-02-25, 12:13 AM
Despite his general affable attitude, Kotone jumps a foot in the air when he speaks to them and motions to Andy to keep the camera rolling. If he attacked, they'd get it all on tape, and if she died while interviewing him, then she would be praised as a martyr of journalism! All of her works would be posthumously lauded as the acts of a genius! Maybe she'd even be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism!

She approaches the man, still very wary of his large bear friend. She stops well out of arm's reach. "Um, there are a few supermarkets and stores nearby. I can give you directions, but if you wouldn't mind, I have a few questions to ask you first. Would you mind answering them?" Kotone, despite her fear of the potentially dangerous man and his most definitely dangerous bear, was barreling on. She was going to get this man's story, darn it!

2011-02-25, 12:19 AM
[Elsewhen, at the Palace of Justice...]

It's a fairly bright day outside. A man in his late twenties dressed in an impeccable white suit with matching trousers and shoes (as well as a red tie) patiently awaits outside Phoenix Town's Palace of Justice. He leans softly on his cane, both hands resting atop it; a medium-height man roughly the same age stands beside him holding a pair of briefcases.

"Reiji-san, there you are."

The man turned towards where he'd heard the sound coming from. His cane moved but momentarily, tapping the ground around him so he could be certain of the footing. The one who'd called him was accompanied by a teenager, most likely his son.

"Hello, Akira-san. Good to meet you today."

"Likewise. Son, this is prosecutor Mitsurugi Reiji. He and I have been working together for years."

At this, Reiji leaned forward a bit and offered his hand for a shake. Being blind and Japanese meant he couldn't possibly get the timing for a bow right.

"Your father tells me you'd like to work with criminalistic science?"

2011-02-25, 12:54 AM
[Downtown Fushichou]

"Uhhh..." Magnus scratches his head, and a bit of gravel pours from his preternaturally filthy hair. He looks upon the woman with withdrawn eyes, obviously not the least bit interested despite how attractive she is. "Sure, I guess."

He gives a nod to Bear, so he knows not to be afraid or threatened by the woman and his cameraman.

2011-02-25, 01:00 AM
Bear remains unperturbed, taking a few shuffling steps toward Kotone, before rising up on its hind legs to get a better look at the journalist. It snuffs the air a few times, and its front paws, roughly the size of frying pans, rise up, either to maintain balance, or disembowel the intrepid reporter.

2011-02-25, 01:14 AM
Kotone brightened up immediately when the man did not enter raving lunatic mode, and she brought her microphone to the ready in anticipation of both the following questions and in case she needed to defend herself. It wasn't the best weapon in the world, but it was certainly better than her bare hands (or would that be bear hands?:smallbiggrin:).

"Marvelous! Now then, first of all. What is your name, and who are you, sir? I'm certain that our viewers are very curious to find out who it is that's wandering their town with his obviously kind and very handsome bear." She said, her eyes never leaving the very large animal's claws, raised in the air in what she hoped wasn't a threatening gesture. Please God let it not be in a threatening gesture.

Jimmy-san damn well better be filming this, she thought to herself as her hands shook ever so slightly. Though her nerves were as steel, and she had talked to convicts and rapists in the pursuit of a story, she had never spoken to any of them without a safety wall or a very large security guard between them. She just hoped that she could outrun a bear if she needed to.

2011-02-25, 10:05 AM
Viatrix eyes Aura.

Fuchs also eyes Aura.

"So, you want to trade some fancy glasses for the secret to my garganta machine." Vi says this about as flat as possible. Then considers for a moment.

Then busts out laughing. "You seriously expect me to give it to you for that low? Come on now, you probably have way more than a few fancy sunglasses to give me." She wipes away a few humorous tears.

"Whether it be cash or more cool gadgets."

[[U]Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Looking down the weird hole in the ground outside the Furousha Shop)

Izanagi peered over the edge trying to adjust his eyes to what he sees. It is way deeper than Izanagi thought, and he couldnt really make out anything other than it looked like a whole big area underneath.

He tried to lean in farther to see, havign to regain his balance by gripping harder on the edge of the whole to steady himself a few times so he wouldnt fall in, but alas he still couldnt see anything.

Izanagi sat back on his knees and looked around in a huff...he sighed and looked back to the hole for a moment, then up to the sky. Then his eyes burst open widely, and he swiveled his bag from around his back to in front of him and dug and opened it quickly and dug around in side for a moment before pulling out with great enthusiasm a long white telephoto lens for his camera. This was a large and heavy lens that he used for taking pictures of birds or sporting events from far away, it was super expensive but was worth way more than that.

He raised the lens into the air with a bravado ridden gesture, looking like what the Statue of Liberty would look like if she were a photographer. "yes!" he said to himself a little louder than he at first thought he would say it. Then, like a race car pit crew with speed and precision, he started to take off the other lens and place this new long lens on his camera.

Once assembled, he placed his bag securely back around his back and inched forward towards to the hole once again. He steadied himself as best he could, and due to the size and heft of the lens on his camera, he could not hold himself in place with his hand, as he needed it to hold up the camera and lens.

He leaned over and looked down the hole again, this time through the camera. The autofocus started to focus in on what looked like two people, when Izanagi knew it was too late.

"WAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs

Izanagi tumbled over the edge of the hole down into the light. He screamed probably louder in his own head than he did out loud. His life started flashing before his eyes as he flayed about as he fell grabbing at the air as if it were going to help, instead from another vantage point he would look like he was undoubtedly trying to look like the worst swimmer ever

He fell down and down, wondering why he had taken such a risk, was this what he deserved for letting his curiosity get the best of him, what was the purpose of him seeing those invisible people if it were only for him to die right here and now, his mind raced from his family to his friends, to his photography and even to that old fat lady's dogs which had been nipping at his legs just a few hours earlier

Izanagi fell down and down...this was it...

2011-02-25, 10:11 AM

Andy is filming. From about fifteen feet away. He wants a nice headstart if he's filming a bear.


Sora's busy sulking in the Venti Buon. What exactly is unknown. He's just a very sulky person.


"Damn. I need a plan... I need a plan..."

"Oh no, this is merely the opening! I can get you more items! Like this watch I use!"

She fiddles with her watch a bit, smiling as it morphs into it's proper form.

"Here, check it out!"

She offers Vi the transformed watch.

2011-02-25, 10:33 AM
[Under Furousha]

Viatrix examines the watch skeptically.

Then, of course, she hears a scream. She looks up as she sees the goofy camera man from earlier.

Then she sees him splat to the ground, dying instantly. "...Okay."

However, in reality, as Izanagi screams, Fuchs instantly jumps to action, leaping and catching the mortal as he forms a platform out of Reishi. A few jumps downward, and Izanagi is safely on the ground.

"Fuchs, you are such a Boy Scout."

[Downtown Fushichou]

Magnus shrugs. "Nobody, really... My friends call me Magnus, though." Kotone might be able to notice the odd smell of dirt around the man.

2011-02-25, 01:22 PM
Viatrix examines the watch skeptically.

Then, of course, she hears a scream. She looks up as she sees the goofy camera man from earlier.

Then she sees him splat to the ground, dying instantly. "...Okay."

However, in reality, as Izanagi screams, Fuchs instantly jumps to action, leaping and catching the mortal as he forms a platform out of Reishi. A few jumps downward, and Izanagi is safely on the ground.

"Fuchs, you are such a Boy Scout."

[[U]Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Laying on the ground under the Furousha Shop)

Izanagi's whole body was clenched tight, his knuckles white around his camera and his eyes agonizingly shut close as he lay on the ground down through the hole under the Furousha Shop.

After what seemed like an hour, Izanagi slowly unclenched his body and his eyes and opened them up looking straight up into the bright sky, at the top of which he saw a small opening which was obviously the hole he had fallen through.

His eyebrows then furrowed and quirked quickly.... "Am i in heaven?"... "how did i survive that fall?" He thought to himself along with a myriad of other things which raced through his mind...he was just glad he hadn't pissed himself...even if he was dead

As he thought these things he began to look away from the sky...which was when he saw the silver fox...

he yipped and yelled as he sprung up to his feet and slightly away from the fox, bringing up his hands in front of him like a shield...

"Wha..wha...wha... a Wild Fox!!!...Don.. Don't eat me!!! I'm not dead!!... right?"

Izanagi had taken pictures of animals before, but he had never been this close to one, and he felt he remembered someone saying that despite how cute Fox's looked ...they were vicious...

He cowered a bit as he looked on to the fox...

2011-02-25, 04:54 PM
Silly Kotone! Bears can run at 35 miles per hour over short distances; it's practically impossible for a human to outrun one. This one, however, doesn't look like it'll be putting her through her paces anytime soon. Seemingly mollified by the compliment, it gives one final snuff, looks down at her for a moment, and settles back onto the ground, blearily regarding the rest of its surroundings.

2011-02-25, 08:00 PM
[Elsewhen, at the Palace of Justice...]

It's a fairly bright day outside. A man in his late twenties dressed in an impeccable white suit with matching trousers and shoes (as well as a red tie) patiently awaits outside Phoenix Town's Palace of Justice. He leans softly on his cane, both hands resting atop it; a medium-height man roughly the same age stands beside him holding a pair of briefcases.

"Reiji-san, there you are."

The man turned towards where he'd heard the sound coming from. His cane moved but momentarily, tapping the ground around him so he could be certain of the footing. The one who'd called him was accompanied by a teenager, most likely his son.

"Hello, Akira-san. Good to meet you today."

"Likewise. Son, this is prosecutor Mitsurugi Reiji. He and I have been working together for years."

At this, Reiji leaned forward a bit and offered his hand for a shake. Being blind and Japanese meant he couldn't possibly get the timing for a bow right.

"Your father tells me you'd like to work with criminalistic science?"Kaito gave a slightly narrowed glance at his father, who shrugged. The boy then reached forward to shake Reiji's hand.

"While it is one potential area of study, it would be more accurate at this time to say I'd like to work in the area of science. Law enforcement is a noble profession, but I don't wish to commit myself too heavily in one direction just yet."

Akira smiled a bit, patting his son on the shoulder.

"Point is, he's a smart kid. I figure giving some hints now and again can't hurt."

Kaito rolled his eyes, but there was no vitriol in the gesture.

"Anyways, my father's told me a bit about your work. Very impressive, Mr. Reiji. Even taking into account things like Braille, you're quite good at your job."

2011-02-25, 08:23 PM
"Thank you, young man. It's always great to find someone who appreciates my work.

And I can understand your unwillingness to commit this early. Your horizons are broad and unexplored yet. I didn't decide I wanted to be a prosecutor at your age, for example."

Reiji offers a smile to the teenager.

"Let me ask you something. Do you find that the inquisitiveness of a scientist comes from wanting to piece a puzzle together?"

2011-02-25, 08:35 PM
"That's a big part of it. I mean, I like just generally "knowing stuff", but researching and figuring out how things work, how they fit together? That's even more satisfying. Part of me wants to take that sort of work to the next level, and figure out how to make things better, you know? Get in on the cutting edge and all that. Exploring unknown frontiers."

He looks up at the rather intimidating Palace.

"Don't get me wrong, stopping criminals is good. But...I don't know. I guess I'll just need to give it a few years to know for sure."

2011-02-25, 08:50 PM
"So it wouldn't be wrong to say that a scientist's curiosity begins with the pursuit of truth."

Reiji didn't turn his head. He couldn't see that Kaito was looking at the Palace after all.

"A lot of people in the law tend to think their jobs are different. That the point of a prosecutor is to put people behind bars, that a lawyer is supposed to keep it from happening, and the judge has to keep them from tearing each other apart. But fact is, their job is nothing more than discovering the truth. Looking at each piece, each individual fact, to tell us what happened. In a way, it's not unlike History.

I think that you would be able to contribute a lot. Help us discover new things. Improve our methods. And not just for putting criminals away.

Here's an idea: my department works closely with forensics. If you'd like, we could get you a paid internship there. See how you like it, and if it turns out it's not your thing, then you'll have still learned something."

2011-02-25, 09:37 PM
"So it wouldn't be wrong to say that a scientist's curiosity begins with the pursuit of truth."

Reiji didn't turn his head. He couldn't see that Kaito was looking at the Palace after all.

"A lot of people in the law tend to think their jobs are different. That the point of a prosecutor is to put people behind bars, that a lawyer is supposed to keep it from happening, and the judge has to keep them from tearing each other apart. But fact is, their job is nothing more than discovering the truth. Looking at each piece, each individual fact, to tell us what happened. In a way, it's not unlike History.

I think that you would be able to contribute a lot. Help us discover new things. Improve our methods. And not just for putting criminals away.

Here's an idea: my department works closely with forensics. If you'd like, we could get you a paid internship there. See how you like it, and if it turns out it's not your thing, then you'll have still learned something."Kaito was quiet for several moments. Finally, he gave a slow nod, for the benefit of his father, and responded.

"That seems like a reasonable offer. I imagine this would still be in a couple of years? I'm doubting they'll take a 16-year-old in just yet for such delicate work. Still, you're right, when all is said and done. I've never tried to utterly reject law enforcement. It's just..."

He gives his father an awkward look, then shuffles his feet a bit as he looks at the ground.

"I don't want my life defined by stuff like "oh, he's Akira's son, following in dad's footsteps". Not because dad's footsteps are bad, but because I want to be my own person, you know? Forge my own destiny, make my own path."

2011-02-25, 10:20 PM
"Kaito-kun, a person is not so easily defined. Your father is a good man, and he puts his heart into his work. As long as you do that, your path will always be your own - just like your heart. And even if you did follow your father's footsteps, you two would work in different ways, I'm sure of it.

My father was a prosecutor too. He worked hard to dismantle yakuza gangs like I do today. But no one's ever compared the two of us."

No one would dare.

"Well, you won't get to experiment right away, of course. But you'll be taught. You'll get to help, make your own observations. It will give you an edge when you decide where you want to go to college, too. I promise it'll be worth your while.

And who knows, you might just be able to put it into practice."

2011-02-25, 10:35 PM
Kaito started to give a slight bow, as if conceding the point, before remembering Reiji's blindness.

"You speak with unique insight, Mr. Reiji. Let it never be said I do not admire what my father does, or the dedication with which he does it. And, yes. I do believe no matter what, we won't ever work in quite the same ways."

"Reiji-san, I believe that's potentially a bit of an understatement. I'm good enough at my job, but I think my boy here inherited all of my wife's brains, and enough of mine to push him to the top of the class."

"Ah. Yes. Well. As for your offer, Mr. Reiji, could you perhaps gather information and paperwork, and send it to us? I don't want to make my decision so quickly, so rashly, you understand. This is the sort of thing that requires thought and contemplation."

When he next speaks, the confusion on his face is echoed in his voice.

"How would a high-school student be able to put skills learned in a criminal forensics lab into practice?"

2011-02-25, 10:47 PM
"I've actually been trained in investigative techniques myself, including forensic proceedings. You'd be surprised at the kind of thing knowing these can be useful for. For starters, it'll teach you organization and research skills, and those are sure to come in handy with your studies."

Reiji turned to Akira to answer his question.

"Well, you always tell me how bright a child he is, Akira-san. I wouldn't be making this offer if I didn't think he could make the most of it. Here, I thought you might ask for the paperwork."

At this, Reiji turned to his assistant. He put one briefcase down, and opened the other up, holding it open. Reiji ran his fingertips over the covers of a few folders, before picking one up and holding it for his assistant, who quietly replied it was the one he was looking for.

"Everything you need should be there. Think as long as you like, and give me a call when you decide, alright? My card's in that folder as well."

2011-02-25, 11:31 PM
"True enough, Mr. Reiji, true enough."

Kaito blushes a bit at the praise, his father chuckling and patting him on the back.

"I suppose I do brag a bit now and again. Thank you for taking this seriously, and giving him this opportunity."

Kaito waits patiently as the folder is retrieved, taking it and tucking it under his arm.

"Thank you again, Mr. Reiji. I promise I will give this offer serious thought, and try to let you know as soon as possible what my answer is."

2011-02-26, 01:08 AM
"I'm sure you will, Kaito-kun. You should remember there are no right or wrong choices, only different consequences. I'll be happy if you take this up, but I don't want you to feel pressured or anything, okay?"

Reiji offered his hand out in Akira's direction, and then in Kaito's direction (assuming they shook his hand, that is).

"We'll talk later about the Nezumi case, Akira-san. I need to get ready for a hearing on a robbery case."

2011-02-26, 12:18 PM
"Well, I suppose that's one way to look at things. And I don't. Feel pressured, that is. It really is a very generous offer. Thank you again."

Both Akira and Kaito shook hands when Reiji offered his own. The Inspector started walking down the steps further; apparently, they had been on their way home when they ran into Keiji.

"Have a good day, Reiji-san!"

"Have a good day Mr. Reiji!"

Father and son were on their way to the car, but perhaps Reiji might pick up a bit of their conversation as they left.

"See? I told you coming today would be a good idea."

"Did you set this up?"

"I admit nothing! Haha!"

"And people think I'm the dorky one. Glad to know I got it from somewhere."

"You're not a "dork", Kaito."

"Aw, thanks dad."

"Nerd maybe, but not a dork!"


Ah, the simple joys of family life.

2011-02-26, 12:25 PM
There was a wide smile on Reiji's face as he waved goodbye and heard their exchange. This made him feel good.

Perhaps, when I think about it, my other side isn't so necessary.

He truly hoped Kaito would take his offer. If nothing else, he would be able to chase his dreams and do good at the same time. And Reiji would be glad that he helped make it happen.

2011-02-26, 12:37 PM
[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Laying on the ground under the Furousha Shop)

Izanagi's whole body was clenched tight, his knuckles white around his camera and his eyes agonizingly shut close as he lay on the ground down through the hole under the Furousha Shop.

After what seemed like an hour, Izanagi slowly unclenched his body and his eyes and opened them up looking straight up into the bright sky, at the top of which he saw a small opening which was obviously the hole he had fallen through.

His eyebrows then furrowed and quirked quickly.... "Am i in heaven?"... "how did i survive that fall?" He thought to himself along with a myriad of other things which raced through his mind...he was just glad he hadn't pissed himself...even if he was dead

As he thought these things he began to look away from the sky...which was when he saw the silver fox...

he yipped and yelled as he sprung up to his feet and slightly away from the fox, bringing up his hands in front of him like a shield...

"Wha..wha...wha... a Wild Fox!!!...Don.. Don't eat me!!! I'm not dead!!... right?"

Izanagi had taken pictures of animals before, but he had never been this close to one, and he felt he remembered someone saying that despite how cute Fox's looked ...they were vicious...

He cowered a bit as he looked on to the fox...


Upon closer examination, the fox seems to be made of flawless silver, and has no features (eyes, nose, even lack of fur). It seems to only be a fox in shape, really.

Viatrix hands the watch back to Aura for now, walking over to Izanagi and kneeling down. "You again, huh." She holds a hand out. "Camera, please."

2011-02-27, 12:56 AM
Upon closer examination, the fox seems to be made of flawless silver, and has no features (eyes, nose, even lack of fur). It seems to only be a fox in shape, really.

Viatrix hands the watch back to Aura for now, walking over to Izanagi and kneeling down. "You again, huh." She holds a hand out. "Camera, please."
[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Cowering from the silver "fox" under the Furousha Shop)

Izanagi's eyes were almost closed as he cowered shielding himself. Not being attacked he slowly opens his eyes a bit, and relaxes his stance looking more clearly on the scene in front of him. Namely the "Fox", which coudl not have been a real fox. or it was armored in someway, but he saw no eyeholes so his eyebrow quirked up along with his body as he watched it.

"What is this?" he said to himself

He shook his head a bit, and scratched the back of his head slightly under the sweatband of his old Yomiuri Giants cap, tilting it up slightly. IT was then where he saw his camera in his other hand.

"$h!t!...awww man..." he said out loud though mostly to himself as he looked at his nice long lens's front glass element shattered and one of the focusing rings bent and unmoving. He then fiddled with it for a few seconds, checkign to see that his camera still worked, which it did. Izanagi had plenty of money to buy a repalcement, but $3000 was still a bunch of lame phot shoots to make up.

Izanagi was about to swing his camera bag aroudn form his back to switch lenses, when he paused his eyes downward. What was he thinking, his broken lens and camera shoudl be the last thing on his mind. He then looked up to see the approaching young girl from earlier... "Viatrix" ...what an unusual name...

He had no ida what she was going to say, he still wasnt even sure he was actually alive. He looked on to the pretty girl as she approached, words escaped him as he stood there, broken camera in his hand dirt and dust still covering him from the fall as he still hadnt dusted himself off.

The girl for some reason didnt seem to be so young by the way she held herself and approached him. As she spoke he almost didnt comprehend her words, as they were so plain.

For some reason he silently handed over the camera to her, bringing it up over his neck. He rarely let other people touch his camera, but for some reason this girl melted his defenses. Was it her attractive youth? or maybe just the incomprehensible setting combined with the confidence of her words? Izanagi didnt know. All Izanagi knew for sure was that he felt like he should do as she says, and for some reason, dust himself off.

Izanagi wiped the dust and dirt away, and went about straightening his hat, before realizing he shoudl just take it off, which he did putting it in his camera bag before he swung it around to his back again. He then starightened his jacket and tried to comb his hair with his fingers a bit before bowing his head alightly and standing awkwardly in front of the girl, not knowing what to do with his hands as he watched her take and look to his camera.

2011-02-28, 02:58 AM

"Inagawa-kai-san? Do you know the answer?"

"Hm?" the distracted teenage girl looks up from what she had been writing in the notebook at the timid looking teenager, her focus quickly re-shifting to the current subject. The english language was hardly an easy one, but all it took was proper diligence to the subject to continue and imprint the meaning of the words in one's memory.

"Hmm...<Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?> Is it a line from Romeo and Juliet?" she asks absently, feeling the eyes of the rest of the class intent upon her for a moment. They could tell that she had been distracted, a rare sight, but with her answer the attention turns back to the teacher with baited breath to see if she had been caught in the awkward trap to catch her unaware at her desk.

"Uh...yes...That's correct. Good work Michiko."

"Thank you Hatake-san." she says perfunctorily, turning her attention back down to the notebook she writes intent thoughts in. Notes on how to procure materials to give Soshi a proper grave where his body had been buried. On what she had...seen in the past couple of days and of how to turn them to her advantage as her mysterious contact had advised her to do. Most importantly, on several notes of similar intent that she could put into the lockers of those who had been present at the gym incident to meet with her at the very same gymnasium after everyone had left. That was where the true concern of her's was, in the 'special' students of the school and how they were vulnerable...as Soshi had been. As they all were.

However, everyone in the class could tell that the ice princess of class 2-3 was frazzled and distracted, though they were unaware of how disconcerting her home life had become in the wake of the investigation from the police into her family's various...less reputable holdings.

2011-02-28, 03:59 AM
[High School: Class 1-2]

Sayaka bowed at the front of the class. Such an awkward feeling to be here- again. But not again. A first time, but it couldn't have been the first.

"I am Sayaka Kondo. I'm looking forward to our time together." Sayaka said.
How awkward. She was staring at students who were her new classmates. But maybe they had been before- she couldn't remember that. But some of them she could recognize. There was Kaito, and Kina, and Ken, and Nakahiro.

Transferring papers had been arranged, a mistake of bureaucracy it had been said. Her father had called of course, and it had been said to 'set the record straight.' So it was that Sayaka was wearing a first year uniform and with a tidy appearance, a first day in class. But she was still uneasy about it. Was it just the nervousness?

2011-02-28, 10:10 AM
[High School: Class 1-2]

Sayaka bowed at the front of the class. Such an awkward feeling to be here- again. But not again. A first time, but it couldn't have been the first.

"I am Sayaka Kondo. I'm looking forward to our time together." Sayaka said.
How awkward. She was staring at students who were her new classmates. But maybe they had been before- she couldn't remember that. But some of them she could recognize. There was Kaito, and Kina, and Ken, and Nakahiro.

Transferring papers had been arranged, a mistake of bureaucracy it had been said. Her father had called of course, and it had been said to 'set the record straight.' So it was that Sayaka was wearing a first year uniform and with a tidy appearance, a first day in class. But she was still uneasy about it. Was it just the nervousness?
As Sayaka's eyes landed on Ken he smiled brightly at her and waved. Then his hand shot up. "Sensei, please let her sit beside me! We've already been acquainted and I'd very much like to strengthen our wholesome bond as fellow students of this fine school. I'd greatly appreciate it and I promise neither us would ever dream of interrupting your most valued instruction." His smile grew, filled with great hope and excitement. Surely Hibiki wouldn't dash his hopes. His pint-sized teacher must have been gifted with a giant heart to make up for his lack in stature. Such logic would do well to account for his powerful presence.

Shades of Gray
2011-02-28, 10:25 AM

The girl in the wheelchair looked at the newcomer; she looked familiar. She was more preoccupied with the boy sitting behind her. Did people really talk like that? Wholesome bond as fellow students?

She felt sorry for the new student, to be singled out like that at the beginning of class.

2011-02-28, 11:52 AM
Noticing that Asuka was glancing at him, Ken flashed her his radiant grin and gave another smaller wave.

2011-02-28, 01:42 PM

"Magnus..." she repeated, writing it down. What an odd name. He must be a foreigner, but he spoke excellent Japanese. Go figure.

"Well, I'm going to come right out and ask the question that all of our viewers are dying to know: Why are you traveling with a bear?"

The woman looked fearless as she stared the man in the eye, trying to both look interested in the man's answer while still keeping an eye on the bear.

2011-02-28, 01:54 PM
[Downtown Fushichou]

Magnus blinks, and thinks for a few moments. "I guess I hadn't really thought about it. He's just kind of... um... 'Cool', I guess."

The man initiates a fist-bump with Bear!

2011-02-28, 01:57 PM
Bear raises a paw, and completes the fist-bump!

2011-02-28, 02:01 PM
Kotone watches, unimpressed.

"I see. Well, wild animals, especially ones as large and impressive as your friend here, are a very rare sight in Phoenix Town. Which brings me to my next question: is he a trained animal, or is he wild?"

2011-02-28, 02:58 PM
Izumi looks on the new student in interest.

Then sighs at Ken speaking... really, out of turn.

At the moment, people might notice she's a little preoccupied with something.

2011-02-28, 07:44 PM
[Furousha Shop]

[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (Cowering from the silver "fox" under the Furousha Shop)

Izanagi's eyes were almost closed as he cowered shielding himself. Not being attacked he slowly opens his eyes a bit, and relaxes his stance looking more clearly on the scene in front of him. Namely the "Fox", which coudl not have been a real fox. or it was armored in someway, but he saw no eyeholes so his eyebrow quirked up along with his body as he watched it.

"What is this?" he said to himself

He shook his head a bit, and scratched the back of his head slightly under the sweatband of his old Yomiuri Giants cap, tilting it up slightly. IT was then where he saw his camera in his other hand.

"$h!t!...awww man..." he said out loud though mostly to himself as he looked at his nice long lens's front glass element shattered and one of the focusing rings bent and unmoving. He then fiddled with it for a few seconds, checkign to see that his camera still worked, which it did. Izanagi had plenty of money to buy a repalcement, but $3000 was still a bunch of lame phot shoots to make up.

Izanagi was about to swing his camera bag aroudn form his back to switch lenses, when he paused his eyes downward. What was he thinking, his broken lens and camera shoudl be the last thing on his mind. He then looked up to see the approaching young girl from earlier... "Viatrix" ...what an unusual name...

He had no ida what she was going to say, he still wasnt even sure he was actually alive. He looked on to the pretty girl as she approached, words escaped him as he stood there, broken camera in his hand dirt and dust still covering him from the fall as he still hadnt dusted himself off.

The girl for some reason didnt seem to be so young by the way she held herself and approached him. As she spoke he almost didnt comprehend her words, as they were so plain.

For some reason he silently handed over the camera to her, bringing it up over his neck. He rarely let other people touch his camera, but for some reason this girl melted his defenses. Was it her attractive youth? or maybe just the incomprehensible setting combined with the confidence of her words? Izanagi didnt know. All Izanagi knew for sure was that he felt like he should do as she says, and for some reason, dust himself off.

Izanagi wiped the dust and dirt away, and went about straightening his hat, before realizing he shoudl just take it off, which he did putting it in his camera bag before he swung it around to his back again. He then starightened his jacket and tried to comb his hair with his fingers a bit before bowing his head alightly and standing awkwardly in front of the girl, not knowing what to do with his hands as he watched her take and look to his camera.

Viatrix almost instantly crushes the camera in her hands, looking at the cameraman with a smile. "Now, excuse me for a minute, I'll get back to you."

With that, she turns back to Aura. "...I'll take the glasses, and you can examine my garganta machine or whatever, but I want a look at whatever you've got. Same time tomorrow. Don't be late!" Then, back to Izanagi.

"...So, what was your name again? I can totally replace that camera for you... for a price." She gives a somewhat conniving smile, like there isn't a choice in the matter.

[Downtown Fushichou]

Once again, Magnus thinks for a few moments before answering. "I dunno, I never asked." He looks to Bear for an answer! As if he can somehow ascertain an answer from a look (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/druid.htm#wildEmpathy)!

[Fushichou High]

Hibiki eyes Ken warily. "Very well. Kondo-chan, have a seat next to Go-kun."

Valeria absentmindedly doodles, looking up at the "new student" with but a glance. It's not long before she goes back to daydreaming. She wondered how much Gabi could teach her...

2011-02-28, 10:07 PM

Sora suddenly bursts from his chair at Venti Buon.

"...I really, really, really hate being late."

Watch check. Damn. Five minutes late. Depending on the speed of a run, or abuse of his powers, he might make it with enough time that Hibiki will only pelt him with chalk. Sora bursts out of the Cafe at full speed, and vanishes a few seconds later.

A few minutes pass before Sora walks into the classroom.

"I have an... excuse?"

He quickly runs down options through his head.

"I didn't want to come, and changed my mind? No, he'd kill me.
I'm always fashionably late? Hell no, I can't pull that off."

His eyes light up a bit.

"I overslept! Yeah. Sorry about that."

He grins shakily, as if he totally expects Hibiki to buy his lame excuse.


Aura nearly squeals in delight.

"R... Really? Thank you! Me and my friend will be by later!"

She vanishes, but not before quickly saying "Thanks" one last time. She then flips open her phone, and hastily dials Vincent's number.


Andy follows Kotone with the camera, slightly less carefully. Then he does a doubletake.

"Did... Did that bear just give the man a fist bump? God, now we're not getting out of here for hours..."

2011-02-28, 10:18 PM
[Fushichou High]
Hibiki eyes Ken warily. "Very well. Kondo-chan, have a seat next to Go-kun."

"Thank you sir!" said Ken cheerily. He didn't bother looking at Sora when he entered.

2011-03-01, 03:29 AM

Sayaka wanted to grimace at Ken's creepy words. But Mr. Hibiki already had complied with his wishes.
"Yes sir." Sayaka responded. A neutral response. Despite the awkwardness of Ken's behavior, at least she would know someone.

Then Sora opened the door and burst into the room. Sayaka stared at him in the front of the room, as the other students sat and watched.

["Strategic Shrine Maiden Response] was to take one step towards the desk that was assigned. Thus Teacher and [trajectory] of "Late student Response Tool" could be [unobstructed].

She didn't know this student. Hurriedly she went to her new(?) desk and sat down. She looked to see who she was sitting nearby.

2011-03-01, 03:34 AM

Meanwhile, at Fushichou Junior High School, Chiyoko is sitting next to Kazari...

2011-03-01, 03:44 AM
Tsukumogami life

[Class 1-2]

A certain often sleepy scarf is to stare dangerously at Sayaka.
When did the shrine maiden and Takara have the same class! And me!

A difficult life always. Sayaka does not notice this.

[Fushichou Junior High School]

Kazari makes a good box of her notes with a pen. A tidy notebook is easy to read, and Kazari likes reading. But this class is math, and she doesn't like math so much.

Still the meaning of such a thing is difficult to understand. The things called "Coin" and "Money" have little meaning to her, so only some things like "Time" are useful to explain "numbers". Maybe because Ren always buys such and such for her.

In the hot August weather before Higan of course it is difficult to pay attention for all students. So Kazari is fighting this sleepy thought. But it is almost lunchtime, and that is always exciting. Delicious food is one of Kazari's favorite things. Even after 3 years, always it is exciting.

The chime makes it's cool and peaceful sound. Class finished! Satisfied, Kazari gathers and cleans her desk. To make a lunch group, she turns her desk to face to face with Chiyoko.
"Ok. Survived another period. But it's so hot today." She complains to Chiyoko.

2011-03-01, 04:27 AM
Chiyoko nods, sightless eyes seeming to look to the side. "It is quite hot... and you're not a fan of maths on the best of days, aren't you? Then again, neither am I. Although for different reasons."

She runs her fingers over the ridges of her textbook one last time, before closing it and pulling out her bag. She opens it, and puts the book in the back, as that subject is done with- she'll have her next book at the front, and doesn't have to pull all of them out and feel the covers to tell which one she needs.

She then closes that section, and pulls her lunch out of another section, before opening it, and feeling around. "Oh... where did my chopsticks go? Kazari, can you help me out here, please? They always slip from where I put them..."

2011-03-01, 04:41 AM
[Fushichou Junior High School]

Kazari looked at Chiyoko with a studious face.

"...Different reasons?" Sometimes always humans were confusing. But Chiyoko was strange even for a human. At least Kazari couldn't understand her so well. But strange can be interesting too. And of course Kazari isn't 'normal human' also.

Ah! But now it is a chance to be useful! To open a wrapped obento box, of course the chopsticks are inside safely! So it is that Kazari helps.
"Here you go." She said and put them in Chiyoko's hands.
Now Kazari could enjoy eating. Today it is a nice lunch.
"Even if it's hot, warm food it the best I think."

2011-03-01, 04:52 AM
Chiyoko smiles. "Thanks, Kazari-san."

She picks up some of the food, and nods. "Warm food can be nice. I like cold stuff as well, though."

She then pops it in her mouth, and starts chewing. Finishing it off with a surprised expression on her face. "...that's new. Good, though. I'll have to thank niichan for putting that in... and ask him what it is."

2011-03-01, 05:09 AM
[Fushichou Junior High School]

Kazari smiled proudly. But of course to respond properly.
"You're welcome." Yes, to be useful and helpful was a good feeling.

"Of course some cold things are good too." She agreed hurriedly. "The ice cream at the Venti Buon cafe is very good for example." She explained.
Enjoying a delicious lunch, Kazari stopped suddenly when to hear Chiyoko's next words. She looked at the food closely.

"Isn't it konnyaku?" She asked with some suspicion. Ren learned Kazari did not like konnyaku. Sometimes that was a dangerous knowledge.

And cicadas cried noisily.

2011-03-01, 05:14 AM
"I don't know, but it's good!"

...it's konnyaku. :smalltongue:

2011-03-01, 05:42 AM
[Fushichou Junior high School]

Sometimes food isn't delicious anymore.

Humans cannot be understood at all!

Suddenly Kazari felt like she knew nothing about Chiyoko. To sit and eat with a stranger who delight in such a food.
This must surely be cultural exchange of Tsukumogami and Human.

So Kazari watched silently in horror as the konnyaku was eaten.
An unsettled feeling, the food Kazari was eating suddenly lost meaning.

2011-03-01, 05:58 AM
While Chiyoko doesn't look at her, she does notice the silence- particuarly the stopping of the sounds of Kazari eating. "You don't like it?"

2011-03-01, 06:45 AM
While Chiyoko doesn't look at her, she does notice the silence- particuarly the stopping of the sounds of Kazari eating. "You don't like it?"


Kazari blinked.

"No." she said.
"Not very much." She added for politeness.

Starting to eat again, Kazari continued.

"You have an older brother?" She asked curiously.

2011-03-01, 06:51 AM

Chiyoko nods. "Oh, well. Personal tastes vary.

Yeah, I do. Daisuke. And an older sister, Izumi, but Daisuke's older than either of us. He's also... a bit maniac, at times."

2011-03-01, 07:11 AM

"Oh really? Your older brother makes your school lunch?" Kazari asks curiously.

Shouldn't her mother make the school lunch? is Kazari's confused thought.

"My older brother is a maniac too I think." Kazari agrees and nods her head.

A delicious meal is finished and Kazari puts the box away in her bag.

2011-03-01, 07:14 AM
"Varies. Mum's busy in the mornings a lot of the time, so someone else helps me pack. Niichan always sneaks in something I haven't had before, though... something about expanding horizons."

Chiyoko puts her lunch away as well, having finished up herself.

2011-03-01, 10:10 AM
[Class 1-2]
Speaking of lunch, when the older students got around to it, Ken would reveal two decorative handmade bento made for Sayaka and Kina. The high quality ingredients they were comprised of had been procured in secret and they were crafted lovingly during the wee hours of the night. Each contained a wide variety of colorful foods shaped into hearts, flowers, cute animals and a rainbow. To add a masculine touch one would contain an onigiri ninja hiding beneath some leafy greens and the other would have an imposing sumo wrestler. Both had a few smiling octopuses made of crab meat, because really, who didn't like them? Ken reserved for himself a very ordinary meal.

The two girls would find their portions to be pretty large. Would they dare to share, thereby inviting their classmates to see the embarrassing gifts that been bestowed upon them or would they risk disappointing Ken by not finishing them? What a perilous predicament!

OOC: I'm assuming Kina's there for now because it makes the most sense.

2011-03-01, 10:32 AM
[Furousha Shop]

Viatrix almost instantly crushes the camera in her hands, looking at the cameraman with a smile. "Now, excuse me for a minute, I'll get back to you."

With that, she turns back to Aura. "...I'll take the glasses, and you can examine my garganta machine or whatever, but I want a look at whatever you've got. Same time tomorrow. Don't be late!" Then, back to Izanagi.

"...So, what was your name again? I can totally replace that camera for you... for a price." She gives a somewhat conniving smile, like there isn't a choice in the matter.

[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (looking at the pretty girl Viatrix under the Furousha Shop)

Izanagi's eyes almost started to well up with tears and his hands started to tremble a bit, as he saw his camera destroyed in the petite girls hands. His mouth looked as if he was speaking "wah...wait...whoa..." but no sounds were coming out. He watched on as she crushed his camera, and turned away from him. He took a few steps forward and went down to his knees to try to scrape up his camera remnants, as she was turning to the other person, whom Izanagi didnt recognize nor even notice until just then. More mouthings of words and a definite tear gathered at the edge of his eye.

It wasnt like Izanagi couldnt afford replacing his equipment many times over, but there was a bond a photographer had with their camera. Your hands get used to how it feels, places worn down over time, the nicks and scratches. It is almost like a child, Izanagi even called his camera "hun" and "my girl" on more than one occasion.

Izanagi had a piece of his camera in his hand and was looking at it, when Viatrix turned back around and spoke to him again about the replacement, Izanagi's eyes and head looked up to the girl from the ground. His eyes quirked up when she mentioned it, and the anger he initially felt as she crushed his camera faded for a moment, and his ego came through in his head and speech.

He got to his feet still holding the broken piece of camera in his hand saying to her in a solid if not slightly sad voice, his welled up tears less in the corners of his eyes, "I appreciate the offer.. Viatrix is it? but from the look of your shop up there, i'm not sure you sell the same type of camera i use..it is kind of a high end camera.." and though he knew the camera wasnt broken before she crushed it, he couldnt help himself from not blaming her as she was far too cute. "...and anyways, i am sure i probably broke it on the fall...i am usually not that clumsy...still i would be happy to see what you have to offer..." Realizing her look at him didnt seem to be one of caring what is answer was.

Then shaking his hands a bit at her... "and money is no problem, only quality..." He then smiled just a bit to her, whether it was for that last comment or just a kind smile was hard to discern.

He took a short step back and bowed his head a bit, realizing he hadnt answered her question.

"I am Izanagi Aso, i just moved to town a few weeks back, i'm a freelance photographer...i believe i am scheduled to take your class photo's sometime soon..." he stopped knowing she hadnt asked him any of that...and perhasp that wasnt her school anyways. He tightened his grip on the broken piece of camera in his hand a bit, as he looked on to her. He wanted to be mad, and angry about his camera being destroyed, but he just couldnt. Whether it was how pretty the girl was, her mature attitude, her confidence, maybe the fact that he felt like he was in a different world right now, he didnt know. He just stood and looked at the young girl. He was a bit more handsome than Viatrix probably had first noticed, whether he was attractive to her or not.

2011-03-01, 11:42 AM
[Furousha Shop]

Viatrix almost instantly crushes the camera in her hands, looking at the cameraman with a smile. "Now, excuse me for a minute, I'll get back to you."

With that, she turns back to Aura. "...I'll take the glasses, and you can examine my garganta machine or whatever, but I want a look at whatever you've got. Same time tomorrow. Don't be late!" Then, back to Izanagi.

"...So, what was your name again? I can totally replace that camera for you... for a price." She gives a somewhat conniving smile, like there isn't a choice in the matter.

[Downtown Fushichou]

Once again, Magnus thinks for a few moments before answering. "I dunno, I never asked." He looks to Bear for an answer! As if he can somehow ascertain an answer from a look (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/druid.htm#wildEmpathy)!

[Fushichou High]

Hibiki eyes Ken warily. "Very well. Kondo-chan, have a seat next to Go-kun."

Valeria absentmindedly doodles, looking up at the "new student" with but a glance. It's not long before she goes back to daydreaming. She wondered how much Gabi could teach her...

Bear looks up into Magnus's eyes, raises an eyebrow, and grunts noncommittally a couple of times.

2011-03-01, 08:23 PM

Sora, having somehow avoided getting in trouble with his excuse, which was hailed by other teachers as "The worst excuse ever," and, "Seriously, who is trying to fool?", goes to eat lunch.

By 'eat lunch', he means to plot a way to stop Yui from messing with him. Seriously, he's fairly tired of that.

"Well, I could make a giant wooden badger... No that's stupid."

2011-03-01, 11:52 PM
Yoko Rose
As the shenanigans go on in the schoolyards one girl is not uncommonly missing from the picture: Yoko. Above the rooftops she flies on Grobe, hair whipping back and a wide smile on her lips. She didn't care about the city below, it could burn for all she would notice. But up above she saw every little thing that made her come here, the people. The prey. I think we need to go find Viatrix later. I'm beginning to worry she'll miss us.

Yes, of course she misses you, Yoko. How couldn't she? The voice is laced with piercing sarcasm. Grobe wings to the left, coming down in a long drawn out spiral toward a bridge, finally landing under it with a spiritually audible thunk. He returns to his sealed from and Yoko begins the rather long barefoot journey to the inner city, and Viatrix's little shop of horrors.

Alexander Yori

Another draw of the bow rings through the small forest as Alex hammers another spiritual arrow into the small target. Blood drips from his fingers, mixed with the sweat and stench of days without stopping. He was training for the glove, which would increase his power by magnitudes. Only one problem: he didn't have a glove. He had done this long and painful process a few times before, preparing for the time when he would finally get a Quincy glove.
Better late then never, Alex. As he fires one last arrow he slowly lowers himself to the ground, picking up a bag filled with food that he can finally sink into.

Aell Rennoc

The heavy thumps of boots are heard pounding down the street of the city by those aware of the tall and broad man. A heavy gray cloak covers his features, but it's easily visible that he carries himself heavily, and has the mass to back himself up. The long sword strung across his back sways with his movement and glistens in the afternoon sun.

A child approaches on a bicycle moving toward the road Aell walked along as a speeding car comes toward the massive man. One ham-like hand grabs the child from his bike and lifts him safely out of the way of the car as a young woman screeches loudly. Soon Aell continues walking, safe in the knowledge he would never be commended for his actions. He slowly yet surely makes his way to the Venti Buon, seemingly hoping for recognition.

2011-03-02, 03:20 PM
[Downtown Phoenix Town]
Bear looks up into Magnus's eyes, raises an eyebrow, and grunts noncommittally a couple of times.

Kotone might have been unimpressed by the fist bump (camaraderie between humans and animals rarely made the headlines), but if he was actually communicating with the bear, then that was newsworthy!

"Pardon me Magnus-san, but can you actually understand what the bear is saying?" Kotone asked, her eyes wide with wonder. She wordlessly beckoned Andy closer, wanting to get this done right. She would get this story, darn it!

[Streets of Phoenix Town]

The large man was joined by a woman clad all in blue, her coat-tails flaring a bit behind her as she widened her strides to keep up with the man's much longer legs.

"What are you doing here, Aell? I didn't receive any word of your arrival, nor did I ask for backup." Cassandra asked the man, her face mostly impassive, save for a slight downturn of her eyebrow to express her disapproval of the man's appearance.

[Fushichou High, Mayumi's office]

Mayumi sat behind her desk, rubbing her temples. That blasted buzzing sound was still going off in her head, as it had been for days now. It was very faint, but still there. But she had papers to grade, and a class to give in just a few minutes.

Putting her papers down for a minute, she held the cross at her neck. She had felt a spiritual flux the other day, as if several Spiritual beings had fought, but she hadn't found any evidence of a clash save for a few trees that were missing a few limbs. She wondered if it was the work of that beast that she had fought; what was its name? Elder, that was it. She'd never met a Hollow who had actually told her its name before. She hoped to meet it again, if only to ask it more questions. It had seemed most fascinating.

2011-03-02, 04:19 PM
[Streets of Phoenix Town]

The large man was joined by a woman clad all in blue, her coat-tails flaring a bit behind her as she widened her strides to keep up with the man's much longer legs.

"What are you doing here, Aell? I didn't receive any word of your arrival, nor did I ask for backup." Cassandra asked the man, her face mostly impassive, save for a slight downturn of her eyebrow to express her disapproval of the man's appearance.

"I'm not here to back you up. I'm here to find out what's been taking so long. You've been here for quite some time now, Cassandra." Aell keeps stepping heavily, plotting a course for the largest spiritual presence he can feel, the Venti Buon and Vi's shop!

2011-03-02, 04:41 PM
[SWORD Headquarters]

Sometime during the week, a letter written in English makes its way to the hands of SWORD operatives. It reads thusly:

Report from correspondent #108:

First week in Fushichou Town. Have been accepted as a janitor to local highschool. Spiritual activity is abnormally high, espec. among said school. Considerable portion of both staff and students are spiritually aware; see appendix 1 for names. Principal seems most dubious; suspect that her spirit does not belong to the body she's in.

Have clashed with adversarial spirit. Takes the form of blue-clad, tall (~180 cm) young female. Potentially exists in more than one place at once. Can transmute matter to various weaponry. Is visible to non-aware. Is not a Hollow; I find this most curious.

Have also seen a woman whose soul does not fit her body. Pale, dark hair, dark grey eyes. Estimated height 170 cm. Frequents local cafe called Venti Buon. Caution suggested.

One of the local shrines, Houheiden, is upkept by aware priest. He seems to be a central figure in spiritual life of area. Related to one of students. (Kondo Sayaka)

Shinigami activity seems trumped by Hollow and other non-Shinigami acitivity. Not sure if this is normal state of things, but it suggests something is wrong.

Will keep observing. Expect new report in few days.

[During classes, on school corridors]

There's a stool right in the hallway just outside class 1-2; there are 176 pounds of grumpy gaijin standing on it, reaching for the roof. Mihail Yashin is fixing a dysfunctional lamp. His face is image of utter focus and he's holding a screwdriver between his teeth. He doesn't seem to pay attention to students walking past.

2011-03-02, 07:55 PM
"I'm not here to back you up. I'm here to find out what's been taking so long. You've been here for quite some time now, Cassandra." Aell keeps stepping heavily, plotting a course for the largest spiritual presence he can feel, the Venti Buon and Vi's shop!

"I've been here for along time because my mission was meant to be subtle, not quick. We're in no hurry yet, Aell. Her eyes mainly stayed in front of her, but they occasionally flicked to him in annoyance. Why had he been sent? The Bossman hadn't mentioned anything to her about sending in more. Was he losing faith in her?

"If you're going to stay, you need to be careful," she told him, her eyes staring in front of her. "There are several humans with impressive powers here, and at least one Hollow who doesn't like intruders. Though I'm not sure, being who you are, that 'subtle' is really something you're capable of." She finished, smirking a bit.

2011-03-02, 08:46 PM
[Downtown Fushichou]

Magnus shrugs! "I guess, he just says he's from a park in Alaska. Understanding them isn't anything special, I mean he swam all that way. That's way more interesting."

[Classroom 1-2]

Hibiki retroactively hits Sora in the head with a stick of chalk!

[Under Furousha]

Viatrix continues to smile. "Now, see... I'm in a tough spot here. You're trespassing, aren't you?"

"I'm not really sure if I can let it slide... I mean, irreparable damage could be done to my store's reputation. But perhaps, if you take something off my hands -- for a price, of course -- and endorse my store a bit, I'll forget about this little incident."

Fuchs just shakes his head.

2011-03-03, 10:11 AM
Viatrix continues to smile. "Now, see... I'm in a tough spot here. You're trespassing, aren't you?"

"I'm not really sure if I can let it slide... I mean, irreparable damage could be done to my store. But perhaps, if you take something off my hands -- for a price, of course -- and endorse my store a bit, I'll forget about this little incident."

Fuchs just shakes his head.
[[U]Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (listening to the pretty girl, Viatrix, under the Furousha Shop)

Izanagi was dumbfounded at her words and confidence. His eyes widened and his face looked a bit grave, as he again made note of the odd fox looking thing and the magical feeling place he was in.

"tr..tr..tr...trespassing?" he shook his head a bit as he reached in his pocket and took out the crinkled business card... " but..i thought...well...i mean...i thought..." he stops... then exhales deeply in a sigh.. "sigh...." knowing indeed it was trespassing, and his photographer's curiosity combined with his curiosity of this woman had indeed gotten him to where he is.

Then Izanagi he would look to her again his face not upset, almost apologetic.
"I understand...yes i am" he wanted to say "ma'am", but he decided against it as she may take offense.

His eyes perked up when, it seemed more and more like she wanted him to have something specific...
"...of course Viatrix...if i may call you that...it would be the least i could do for you after i have trespassed here...i am not sure how much money you would like but i assure you that is not an issue." looking around at the strange area then to the fox looking thing.. shaking his head, before speaking again

"please do forgive my curiosity...i am a little overwhelmed" he looked right at her for that last part, his face was full of honesty and vulnerability. He had no idea what was really going on any more, and this young pretty girl was the only thing stable it seemed.

2011-03-05, 02:53 AM
Kina Yoshimoto - Over the School Day

Kina smiles up at Sayaka as she introduces herself. She does not jump up the same way that Ken does, but her wide grin makes her feelings obvious enough. Even after Sayaka sits down, Kina gives her warm smiles from across Ken's desk. Throughout class, Kina looks up from her note-taking to give Sayaka the same bright smile.


Upon receiving Ken's lunch, Kina can't help but blush a little bit. She is quick to hide it, mumbling "Thanks." and turning away. With a quiet excuse she moves off to look at it, poking around each of the items of food. After a minute, she turns back around, smiling at Ken. "Thank you, Ken! Why don't you have some?" Whether or not he says yes she begins picking apart various foods and giving him some.

2011-03-05, 05:26 AM
Meanwhile, Izumi is looking for somewhere to sit!

2011-03-05, 05:45 AM
[Class 1-2]

Sayaka saw Kina's smile and made a grateful smile to her. It was nice to have some friends in a new class.


Sayaka looked at the obento Ken offered with an impassive look. Then she burned with fire as she glared at Ken.

"Don't you ever touch my kitchen again." She whispered threatening to him.

Then she put it away carefully to hide it. And then took out the lunch she had already prepared for herself.

[Fushichou Junior High School]

A happy lunch finished, Kazari was content. A hot summer day, of course to go outside would not be fun. So she planned to stay in the classroom.

2011-03-05, 07:08 AM
Chiyoko sits back as well, and relaxes, humming a tune.

2011-03-05, 10:15 AM
Ken smiled back. "You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Sure." After readily accepting the food he turned to Sayaka.

[Class 1-2]
Sayaka looked at the obento Ken offered with an impassive look. Then she burned with fire as she glared at Ken.

"Don't you ever touch my kitchen again." She whispered threatening to him.
"B-b-but why? I just wanted to be nice to you," said Ken, his face expressing mock consternation and his voice deliberately faltering.

2011-03-05, 02:03 PM
[Classroom 1-2]

Hibiki retroactively hits Sora in the head with a stick of chalk!

Past Sora

Sora vows revenge against Hibiki. That damn chalk is annoying.

Current Sora

Sora's plotting isn't going very well. He gives up and opens up his lunch, revealing...

A sandwich. Looks pretty delicious, but it is still just a sandwich.

2011-03-05, 02:07 PM
"I've been here for along time because my mission was meant to be subtle, not quick. We're in no hurry yet, Aell. Her eyes mainly stayed in front of her, but they occasionally flicked to him in annoyance. Why had he been sent? The Bossman hadn't mentioned anything to her about sending in more. Was he losing faith in her?

"If you're going to stay, you need to be careful," she told him, her eyes staring in front of her. "There are several humans with impressive powers here, and at least one Hollow who doesn't like intruders. Though I'm not sure, being who you are, that 'subtle' is really something you're capable of." She finished, smirking a bit.

"We don't all get into as much trouble as you do, Cassandra. If I don't go around picking fights they should have no problem with me, and if they do..." His hand lazily moves up to grasp the handle of the sword on his back.

2011-03-05, 03:50 PM

It was lunch and, as was her normal trend, Michiko headed up to the roof to try and find some solitude with which to enjoy her meal. And to talk to Yuudai, considering he always seemed to be lurking up here, saying how only a real 'badass' would stand close to the edge of a building and let the wind billow his uniform or some such nonsense. Honestly, his simplicity was refreshing and would help her to re-focus after the path she had set herself upon.

Already she had discreetly slipped a pink envelop into the lockers of each of the students from the gym incident, with a little heart sticker to make it look like the note of an admirer. A little piece of subterfuge to make sure that anyone who watched them receive the note wouldn't suspect that it had come from Michiko, she was notoriously...icy towards paramours of any sort. Inside were clear instructions asking the reader to meet the writer out by the edge of the swimming pool after school had emptied out..

"Yuudai, are you up here?" she asks warily, making for the ladder that leads to the little space ontop of the stairwell, where she normally ate.

2011-03-05, 04:57 PM
Past Sora

Sora vows revenge against Hibiki. That damn chalk is annoying.

Current Sora

Sora's plotting isn't going very well. He gives up and opens up his lunch, revealing...

A sandwich. Looks pretty delicious, but it is still just a sandwich.

The School

Somewhat unusually, Sora will probably see Nakahiro approaching him slowly. The student's normally serenely cheerful face is now devoid of emotion, and he seems almost hesitant. Once he's a few feet away, he speaks.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Shades of Gray
2011-03-05, 07:06 PM


Michiko could hear a thud. When she came to the roof she'd see Yuudai sitting on the ground next to a chair that was tipped over. "H-Hello Ojou-Sama. I didn't know you were there." He said, standing up and pretending that nothing had happened.

"So what's up?" He asks nonchalantly, his hands behind his back.

2011-03-05, 09:03 PM
The School

Somewhat unusually, Sora will probably see Nakahiro approaching him slowly. The student's normally serenely cheerful face is now devoid of emotion, and he seems almost hesitant. Once he's a few feet away, he speaks.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?"

The School

Sora glances over at Nakahiro, surprised. Most people didn't speak with Sora. It was a combination of rumor, actual appearance, and personality. He was rather proud of that, in fact.

"Sure, why not. My other fans can wait."

The irony of his words should not be lost on Nakahiro.

2011-03-05, 09:15 PM
The School

Kaito rolls his eyes at Ken's bento boxes, and chuckles at Sayaka's reaction. He himself continues to eat his rather plain lunch quietly, still mulling over his meeting with one Mr. Reiji the day before.

He raised a curious eyebrow as Nakahiro went to talk to Sora, but shrugged it off. If it was important, his friend would tell him. Instead, he went back to eating, and watching his fellows.

2011-03-05, 09:57 PM
Kina Yoshimoto - Lunch Time

Kina turns away from the two as they fight, silently eating slowly from her own Ken-made box. In her glances, she notices Kaito, sitting quietly nearby. With a glance back, she gets up. "I'ma be... over there." She trails off, realizing neither of the two is really engaged enough to be paying that much attention. Chuckling as she goes, Kina approaches Kaito with a nervous smile.

"H-hi. You were...in the gym...weren't you? Kaito, right?" Kina holds up the bento box in both hands, so the box itself is visible but none of its contents are.

2011-03-05, 09:58 PM
The School

The meaning of Sora's sarcastic response is not lost on Nakahiro, and he is unsure quite how to respond. Ultimately, he decides to ignore it entirely and focus on the reason he was here. Slowly, he takes up a position leaning against a nearby wall, planting the tip of his umbrella squarely on the ground.

"For the sake of expedience, I'll get down to the point. You are spiritually aware, yes?"

2011-03-05, 10:02 PM
Kina Yoshimoto - Lunch Time

Kina turns away from the two as they fight, silently eating slowly from her own Ken-made box. In her glances, she notices Kaito, sitting quietly nearby. With a glance back, she gets up. "I'ma be... over there." She trails off, realizing neither of the two is really engaged enough to be paying that much attention. Chuckling as she goes, Kina approaches Kaito with a nervous smile.

"H-hi. You were...in the gym...weren't you? Kaito, right?" Kina holds up the bento box in both hands, so the box itself is visible but none of its contents are.Kaito looks at Kina, giving her a friendly smile.

"Yes. Your name was Kina, wasn't it?"

His expression shifted to one of concern. That stutter seemed a bit odd.

"Is something wrong?"

2011-03-05, 10:15 PM
Kina watches his face for a minute, then smiles. "No...nothing's wrong. I can be...a bit nervous. May I sit?" She moves one hand from the box to shift her glasses a bit.

2011-03-05, 10:19 PM
Kina watches his face for a minute, then smiles. "No...nothing's wrong. I can be...a bit nervous. May I sit?" She moves one hand from the box to shift her glasses a bit."Ah. Well, fair enough."

With a smile and a gesture to sit, he continues.

"By all means, yes, sit."

He waits until she has done so to continue.

"So, you're in the class with the rest of us, as well as having gone through a unique experience at the gym. Um..."

He seems at a loss for words for a moment.

"I guess, uh, how have you been doing since then? I know I've kind of had a different perspective on school and stuff. Or, you know, how are you liking this year?"

2011-03-05, 10:23 PM
[School Courtyard]

Valeria sits near Kaito, daydreaming as she eats a rather delicious looking corn beef sandwich on pumpernickel. She idly scans the trees to see if Gabi is around.

2011-03-05, 10:26 PM
Izumi, meanwhile, notices Valeria, and heads in that direction!

2011-03-05, 10:48 PM
"Ah. Well, fair enough."

With a smile and a gesture to sit, he continues.

"By all means, yes, sit."

He waits until she has done so to continue.

"So, you're in the class with the rest of us, as well as having gone through a unique experience at the gym. Um..."

He seems at a loss for words for a moment.

"I guess, uh, how have you been doing since then? I know I've kind of had a different perspective on school and stuff. Or, you know, how are you liking this year?"

After sitting, Kina remains quiet, looking up at Kaito. Once he's finished asking questions, Kina smiles. "You...aren't used to this, are you?" She giggles, a bright little sound. "Me neither."

For a moment Kina looks pensive, humming slightly in thought. Her face seems to suddenly brighten. She takes a deep breath and begins. "School has been... what it is. A lot of work. A lot of pressure. But it's been... alright. The year has...um, it's been good... a lot better than I expected, anyways."

Her gaze glances down for a minute, and then quickly comes back up. "Oh, right. Um... I came to offer some food." She motions to the bento box. At this close distance the burns on her hands are visible, but she moves her hands quickly enough to miss them. "If you wanted any. You seemed...quiet." Kina's smile is completely genuine, and her tone oozes caring.

2011-03-05, 10:52 PM
Meanwhile, Izumi sits down across from Valeria! "Hey there, Valeria-san."

2011-03-05, 11:12 PM
After sitting, Kina remains quiet, looking up at Kaito. Once he's finished asking questions, Kina smiles. "You...aren't used to this, are you?" She giggles, a bright little sound. "Me neither."

For a moment Kina looks pensive, humming slightly in thought. Her face seems to suddenly brighten. She takes a deep breath and begins. "School has been... what it is. A lot of work. A lot of pressure. But it's been... alright. The year has...um, it's been good... a lot better than I expected, anyways."

Her gaze glances down for a minute, and then quickly comes back up. "Oh, right. Um... I came to offer some food." She motions to the bento box. At this close distance the burns on her hands are visible, but she moves her hands quickly enough to miss them. "If you wanted any. You seemed...quiet." Kina's smile is completely genuine, and her tone oozes caring."I'm a 16-year old who's probably already ready for college, with two parents who work for the police department. Normal social interactions are a rare and treasured commodity in my life."

The gentle sarcasm accompanied the more easy-going smirk on his face.

"It does feel like they've ramped up the work and pressure this year. Good to know it's going well for you nonetheless."

His keen eyes notice at least hints of the burns, but he doesn't say anything about them.

"Well. I suppose I could use a touch more. Have you had all you wanted? I'd hate to be a pig and take all your food."

Indeed, his own lunch box was empty by this point, and he was eying a few choice bits of what she was offering.

2011-03-05, 11:20 PM
"It's...hard. I moved here this year...new town, new experiences." Her smile fades a little, but comes back shortly afterward.

"Have as much as you want! I've had a lot." She motions toward her bag, over by Ken and Sayaka. "Brought my own...I learned how to cook...when I was young."

2011-03-06, 04:53 AM
The School

The meaning of Sora's sarcastic response is not lost on Nakahiro, and he is unsure quite how to respond. Ultimately, he decides to ignore it entirely and focus on the reason he was here. Slowly, he takes up a position leaning against a nearby wall, planting the tip of his umbrella squarely on the ground.

"For the sake of expedience, I'll get down to the point. You are spiritually aware, yes?"

Sora keeps a perfect poker face. Glancing as Nakahiro takes a position up on the wall, Sora runs through his options. He could:

A.) Deny it. He's got deniability, and Nakahiro has no proof.
B.) Play it dumb. It was fairly unlikely anyone could prove he had Spiritual Powers. Besides Izumi.
C.) Tell the truth. Yeah, that's not happening.

Sora smiles coolly at Nakahiro, almost as if he's amused by Nakahiro, not just by the question.

"'Spiritual Awareness'? I'm not sure what you're referring to."

2011-03-06, 08:06 AM
The School

Nakahiro remains silent as Sora goes to the edge of mockery around his question, before sighing lightly.

Okay, direct approach won't work. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do this.

Nakahiro engages his abilities, becoming covered in a bright white aura. Looking at his watch, he presses a button and a small, circular shield made of energy emerges from the device. Nakahiro then presses a second button, causing multiple protrusions of energy not unlike blades to sprout from the shield's edges. A third causes it to start spinning like a buzz saw. A moment of focus from Nakahiro causes the shield-turned-saw to detach and fly, quite slowly but very obviously, towards Sora's face.

2011-03-06, 08:22 AM
Ken smiled back. "You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Sure." After readily accepting the food he turned to Sayaka.

"B-b-but why? I just wanted to be nice to you," said Ken, his face expressing mock consternation and his voice deliberately faltering.

[Class 1-2]

Sayaka sighed. She made a response quietly.
"I have to shop. I have to cook. I have to be able to sleep peacefully without a worry of you ruining the dinner planning for the week! I was going to make a nice crab dinner after this horrible week. But you ruined it. It's wasteful because I don't need such a childish thing. I can cook. I have cooked for my family since my mother died. So don't ruin that."

She eats her own lunch quietly.
She wasn't very angry at Ken. But she was trying to become a part of the class. If Ken did too much of this kind of thing the other students would thing incorrect things. And it would be harder to approach them too. Already other people avoided her it seemed like this.

Maybe it was just a paranoid thought.

Chiyoko sits back as well, and relaxes, humming a tune.

[Fushichou Junior High School]

Kazari closed her eyes to rest peacefully. Chiyoko's music is very relaxing. It's a nostalgic feeling. Kazari thinks of this song like it is a dream. but for a necklace to dream is a strange thought. So Kazari imagines it is what it must be.

"Can you play a musical instrument?" Suddenly she asked.

2011-03-06, 08:52 AM
"It's...hard. I moved here this year...new town, new experiences." Her smile fades a little, but comes back shortly afterward.

"Have as much as you want! I've had a lot." She motions toward her bag, over by Ken and Sayaka. "Brought my own...I learned how to cook...when I was young."Kaito nodded in understanding.

"It's a good city, when all is said and done. I hope you feel more at ease as time goes on; I think you'll like it here."

He glances over at her bag, comprehension dawning in his eyes.

"Ah. I see. Well, I might still be hungry, but there's no way I'll finish it all. Maybe Valeria or Izumi want some too?"

He picked a few bits out of the bento, placing them on his own, while he waited for his question towards the other two girls to be answered. They were right there, it shouldn't be hard to hear.

2011-03-06, 12:05 PM
Meanwhile, Izumi sits down across from Valeria! "Hey there, Valeria-san."

Val blinks, coming back to earth. "Oh, h-hi Hayashi-san."

Kaito nodded in understanding.

"It's a good city, when all is said and done. I hope you feel more at ease as time goes on; I think you'll like it here."

He glances over at her bag, comprehension dawning in his eyes.

"Ah. I see. Well, I might still be hungry, but there's no way I'll finish it all. Maybe Valeria or Izumi want some too?"

He picked a few bits out of the bento, placing them on his own, while he waited for his question towards the other two girls to be answered. They were right there, it shouldn't be hard to hear.

Then turns to Kaito. "Oh... no thanks, I'm fine. "

[Furousha Shop]

Viatrix smiles a bit more... well, not genuinely, but it's a bit less sinister. Then, she turns and beckons, Fuchs padding slowly after her. "Well, follow me, then; we've got some business to tend to.~"

2011-03-06, 12:12 PM
[Class 1-2]

Sayaka sighed. She made a response quietly.
"I have to shop. I have to cook. I have to be able to sleep peacefully without a worry of you ruining the dinner planning for the week! I was going to make a nice crab dinner after this horrible week. But you ruined it. It's wasteful because I don't need such a childish thing. I can cook. I have cooked for my family since my mother died. So don't ruin that."

She eats her own lunch quietly.
She wasn't very angry at Ken. But she was trying to become a part of the class. If Ken did too much of this kind of thing the other students would thing incorrect things. And it would be harder to approach them too. Already other people avoided her it seemed like this.

Maybe it was just a paranoid thought.

[Fushichou Junior High School]

Kazari closed her eyes to rest peacefully. Chiyoko's music is very relaxing. It's a nostalgic feeling. Kazari thinks of this song like it is a dream. but for a necklace to dream is a strange thought. So Kazari imagines it is what it must be.

"Can you play a musical instrument?" Suddenly she asked.
Ken began another one of his speeches which were becoming increasingly common. "I'll have you know I didn't ruin your plans. I bought the ingredients I used on my own time with my own money. I thought you might have plans, but even if you didn't, I still wouldn't have used the food from a house I am a guest of, in such extravagant ways without permission. It's also not wasteful because I used my own resources and I decide what I think they are worth using on. I don't think using them to try to make you happy is wasteful. As for being childish, is it childish to be kind to the people you care about? So what if I chose a silly way of doing things? We can't always fool around so why don't we take advantage of the times when we can? I figured it'd be nice to give you an unusual and memorable first day in your new class. You might prefer a mundane day, but how memorable would it be? You're missing memories so I'm trying to give you some new good ones."

If Sayaka tried to interrupt he would raise a hand to object and continue. He still wasn't finished. This last part was crucial. "If you're afraid I've alienated you from the rest of the students because of what I've done then I'd like to point out that can you can use the situation to your advantage. You could always say that I'm ridiculous and distance yourself from me while gaining sympathy from others. You could just say, 'That loser Ken? Yeah, he doesn't have many friends. I want nothing to do with him. I just treat spending time with him as doing my civic duty to help the less fortunate. Isn't he a jerk for embarrassing me in front of all of you? Doesn't he realize the situation he's in?" The entire time he spoke his voice remained quiet and reasonable. Clearly he had prepared well for Sayaka's complaints and general displeasure.

2011-03-06, 02:38 PM
Kina Yoshimoto - Lunch time

Kina looks around to Izumi and Valeria, offering the box to them as well. "Please...I'll have enough." She smiles lightly and shifts her glasses habitually.

2011-03-06, 03:01 PM
Izumi smiles. "All right."

She'll take some of the food!


Chiyoko turns her head towards Kazari. "It depends on whether you count the voice as a musical instrument. I'm good at singing, but I can't play anything else. I suppose with enough time to memorise the layout I could do so, but otherwise, it's not possible for me to learn."

2011-03-06, 07:12 PM
The School

Nakahiro remains silent as Sora goes to the edge of mockery around his question, before sighing lightly.

Okay, direct approach won't work. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do this.

Nakahiro engages his abilities, becoming covered in a bright white aura. Looking at his watch, he presses a button and a small, circular shield made of energy emerges from the device. Nakahiro then presses a second button, causing multiple protrusions of energy not unlike blades to sprout from the shield's edges. A third causes it to start spinning like a buzz saw. A moment of focus from Nakahiro causes the shield-turned-saw to detach and fly, quite slowly but very obviously, towards Sora's face.

Sora's smile widens.

"Spare me your childish threats. You won't go through with it, Nakahiro-san. Your friends will wonder what I did to force you to such lengths. And, considering you spoke with me, you won't have an excuse."

A cold tone overcomes his voice.

"And it takes more then a damn saw to frighten me."

2011-03-06, 08:06 PM
The School

Nakahiro smiles, not without a bit of triumph, and dismisses both his aura and the saw blade.

"Frighten you? Think nothing of the kind, I don't mean any harm. You must realize, however, that anyone without a significant degree of spiritual awareness would have been totally blind to that 'attack.' Additionally, your cool acceptance of the saw leads me to believe that you have some abilities of your own. Now, are you going to keep trying to play dumb?"

2011-03-06, 08:10 PM
The School
The Courtyard

Sora inclines his head. Touché sir, touché.

"Very well. What did you want? My incredible popularity requires me to diverge my attention to to others eventually, you know."

In the back of his mind, he's expecting Yui to jump out of nowhere, bean him in the head with a baseball, and yell something about Remembering His Training.

2011-03-06, 08:30 PM
The School

Nakahiro nods slightly in gratitude.

"Simply put, you either possess yourself or have somehow picked up a significant quantity of Hollow Reiatsu. Generally speaking, I'd be inclined to let you handle your own affairs, but given your consistent, close proximity to my friends, I wanted to make sure that they weren't in danger because of you. I don't believe that they are, but I want to be certain. I won't ask you to give me an explanation, if you don't want to, just an assurance."

2011-03-07, 12:40 AM
Sora shrugged.

"I don't know what you mean by 'close proximity'. I've exchanged all of two words with Valeria-san, me and Kaito-san have a respectable loathing for one another, and Izumi already knows."

Sora grins ferally, amused by Nakahiro's question.

"Of course they're in danger around me Nakahiro-san! Haven't you seen what I do for fun? What I find amusing? I'm a freak, according to you and your friends."

He spits out the word friends as if it's diseased.

"But, they have nothing to worry about me. I'm in control. Now go away, I have things to do."

He waves his hand, like he's dismissing Nakahiro from his presence.

2011-03-07, 05:24 AM
[Class 1-2]

Sayaka sighed. Without an argument, how could she answer such a statement? I don't know too. After such a reaction, what is Sayaka to do but to continue eating.
"I'm sorry." She said quietly.

If Kazari's lunch was interrupt with disgust of konnyaku, then Sayaka's lunch was interrupt of disgust of sour disagreement.

[Fushichou Junior High School]

Kazari looked very interested of this. Is a musical instrument a voice? Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. What was meaning of 'musical instrument'? For a necklace to think of this, it is hard. Maybe meaning of 'instrument' is 'tool'. To be a tsukumogami- understanding 'tool' is easy. To be a necklace is also to be a tool for beauty. So instrument must mean a 'tool' of 'music.'

So, is 'voice' an 'instrument'?

Kazari thought hard with her head.
Cicadas also cried loudly outside. Abominable distractions.
Is a voice an instrument?

Chiyoko's puzzle was unfair. Kazari frowned. You must 'use' a tool. A 'voice' is not 'used.' But maybe it can be? But such a thought is language trouble. It is a human puzzle.

Ah! Kazari made a surprised look and realized the correct answer.
"No, a voice is not a musical instrument." She said. Of course a voice cannot become tsukumogami. So it is not a tool. That is the logic of Kazari.

"But it is still very pretty." She added to comfort Chiyoko. "You are very good at singing I think."
Maybe to impress a necklace is not so hard with such a skill however.

2011-03-07, 05:52 AM
Chiyoko smiles at the compliment. "Thank you, Kazari.

...you're a good friend."

She feels around in her bag, and pulls out a cardboard sheet, her fingers sliding across it. Not that Kazari will see any writing, just the bumps of braille. "So... seems we've got literature next."

2011-03-07, 07:31 AM

"Aww, I was hoping you'd assure me you could never bring yourself to say such mean things about me and try to console me." Ken began to speak with a solemn tone. "Seriously though, don't worry about what you said. I'm sure I deserved some flak for my behavior and I'm sorry I embarrassed you. I'll try to be less bothersome. I know what it's like not to know many people and to be anxious about getting off to a good start. I've never been a very social or popular person. In fact, I've never really had any friends at all. Only after meeting you and Kina have I started to really open up to others. I'm not saying I think you also have my problems. I just want you to know that you'll always have a friend in me, even if I'm not a very good one."

2011-03-07, 09:40 AM
Sora shrugged.

"I don't know what you mean by 'close proximity'. I've exchanged all of two words with Valeria-san, me and Kaito-san have a respectable loathing for one another, and Izumi already knows."

Sora grins ferally, amused by Nakahiro's question.

"Of course they're in danger around me Nakahiro-san! Haven't you seen what I do for fun? What I find amusing? I'm a freak, according to you and your friends."

He spits out the word friends as if it's diseased.

"But, they have nothing to worry about me. I'm in control. Now go away, I have things to do."

He waves his hand, like he's dismissing Nakahiro from his presence.

Nakahiro shrugs at Sora's incredulity.

"To me, 'close proximity' is this school. Anyway, I'll take you at your word, and stop bothering you."

He leaves.

2011-03-07, 10:02 AM
[Furousha Shop]

Viatrix smiles a bit more... well, not genuinely, but it's a bit less sinister. Then, she turns and beckons, Fuchs padding slowly after her. "Well, follow me, then; we've got some business to tend to.~"

[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (following after Viatrix under Furousha)

Izanagi tried to smile a bit to her as she did to him before she turned, but he was unsure if she saw it or not. "su..sure....no problem" he said he first part of the words being uncertain and by the end of them a hint of confidence crept in to his voice.

Izanagi then put his hat back on quickly and scooped up the broken body of the camera, and through it into his bag quickly as he moved forward to follow her. He couldnt just leave it there, even if it never worked again it deserved a proper burial.

Izanagi followed the young girl, and the weird creature which had seemingly been the one to save him. He looked at Fuchs as he walked with her, a quizzical eye trying to understand what he was looking at. It almost seemed to be like a person, not an animal.

Izanagi felt bad how he acted immediately after he fell, if this creature saved him, Izanagi's actions were definitely inappropriate, even if justified.

Izanagi took a few extra steps to try to come even with Fuchs, and then said to Fuchs, not sure if it understood him or would even care. He tried to catch its "eyes" though it had none... "thank you...for catching me..." he said with a bowed head to it as he followed Viatrix.

2011-03-08, 03:41 AM
Chiyoko smiles at the compliment. "Thank you, Kazari.

...you're a good friend."

She feels around in her bag, and pulls out a cardboard sheet, her fingers sliding across it. Not that Kazari will see any writing, just the bumps of braille. "So... seems we've got literature next."

[Fushichou Junior High School]

"Oh, it is." Kazari said. She was still proud of solving the human riddle, but she opened her notebook now with distraction. Of course Chiyoko can read, Kazari knows because they are classmates. Actually it is very interesting to watch Chiyoko for Kazari. During class it is Kazari's special game when she is bored to watch Chiyoko closely. She didn't understand the braille characters, but that was ok.

Looking at the notebook, her homework yesterday had marks around the culture area. She liked reading very much, but to answer a question like this:
1.) What did Urashima do when he got up?
He had breakfast.

Wrong? Kazari was annoyed of this. Of course everyone had breakfast after they get up! She looked at Chiyoko.

"How do you do your homework?" Kazari asked.

2011-03-08, 04:36 AM
Chiyoko chuckles. "With difficulty.

Most of my homework sheets come in braille- I get special assistance because I'm blind. As for how I actually do it... my computer at home actually says the words as I type them, and I can find my way on the keyboard because of the bumps on some of the keys."

{{She means the ones on the F and J keys, if you've got an English keyboard.

Of course, I get the feeling that that isn't what Kazari meant... :smalltongue:}}

2011-03-09, 07:45 AM
Chiyoko chuckles. "With difficulty.

Most of my homework sheets come in braille- I get special assistance because I'm blind. As for how I actually do it... my computer at home actually says the words as I type them, and I can find my way on the keyboard because of the bumps on some of the keys."

{{She means the ones on the F and J keys, if you've got an English keyboard.

Of course, I get the feeling that that isn't what Kazari meant... :smalltongue:}}

[Fushichou Junior High School]

Kazari looked surprised and in awe of Chiyoko.
"You trust a computer?" Kazari asked suspiciously.
Didn't Chiyoko know better? Kazari looked worried at her friend. Suddenly Chiyoko seemed like a cute lion to Kazari. Fierce and unpredictable.

Of course. She was a human.

"I-I mean how do you do difficult questions?" Kazari asked again. She couldn't read Chiyoko's homework page, but it has no red pen on it.

2011-03-09, 07:53 AM
"Of course. My family gives up too much time for me already, I can't ask them to be scribes for me too... not when I can do it just as well using a computer."

Chiyoko tilts her head at Kazari's clarification. "...if I can't figure it out on my own, I ask my parents for help. Not to tell me the answer directly, but how to work it out."

2011-03-11, 10:57 PM


Michiko could hear a thud. When she came to the roof she'd see Yuudai sitting on the ground next to a chair that was tipped over. "H-Hello Ojou-Sama. I didn't know you were there." He said, standing up and pretending that nothing had happened.

"So what's up?" He asks nonchalantly, his hands behind his back.


"I've gone to see your teacher and told him that you're feeling a bit ill today and had to go home." Michiko says abruptly, with none of her usual candor or wry teasing at his slightly foppish behavior, "I've set up a meet with the other kids from...the gym after schools done, and you have a job."

She sits down gracefully and sets out her traditionally done bento, setting aside the bits she had no intention of eating even as she filled a cup with tea from her thermos. Her mother loved to give her this kind of 'formal' dishes as a way to celebrate their heritage, but it honestly got on the girl's nerves sometimes.

I don't even like tea...

"I need you to go and round up as many of the others as you can and bring them to the school, but stay out of sight." she explains authoritatively, laying out what she'd been planning the entire day for her second in command, "This is going to be just like when we muscled out those bosshoku thugs last summer. I'll attempt diplomacy with them while you and everyone else wait nearby. If things turn south then use your best judgment about joining in or not, but you're mostly there for insurance. I don't think any of them will give me any trouble. I've already sent out the notes so there's no time to waste. And don't worry..your sisters aren't home today by my schedule, so no worries about the teacher calling your house to check up on you."

And just like that...she's daintily standing and turning a hard, ominous glare on Yuudai (i.e. her trademark death glare). "...And don't be late like last summer this time."

And then she was gone, leaving the majority of her lunch there for Yuudai, like she did every day.


After School

Michiko is the only one who waits by the edge of the pool when the school day is over, having slipped off her shoes and socks to dangle her feet into the water, waiting to see who had taken the bait to see what was going on with the friendly 'love letter' given to each of them.

2011-03-11, 11:28 PM
After School

Michiko can probably hear the approach of another person for a while before the footsteps stop a few feet away from her. One of the first to arrive, Nakahiro takes up a position leaning against a nearby wall for a few seconds while he tries to determine how to react to what's going on. He makes no effort to hide his presence, but doesn't speak, either.

Alright...this started weird, and it's not getting any clearer.

2011-03-12, 12:09 AM
[Furousha Shop]

After a quiet elevator ride up into the shop's basement (which appears to be a small complex in its own right, but Izanagi is granted barely a glimpse at the full area it seems to cover) and up into the store proper, Viatrix sits Izanagi down in an apparent break room before heading back down for the basement. "Give me a few minutes, I've got to check my storage for something." She disappears, still with that somewhat mischievous smile. Fuchs has a seat near Izanagi, "watching" him silently.

[After School - Pool]

Valeria enters next, blushing heavily. What in the world could this be about? That letter made her almost... well, she wasn't sure what to think of it, really. The first person she spots is Michiko, her eyes boggling.

A girl!?

...The poor, sickly girl doesn't seem to know what to do at this, staring with her mouth agape at Michiko.

2011-03-12, 12:23 AM
[After School - Pool]

Gabi, now inside a gigai of a yellow canary, zips over to land on Valeria's head and nest on her hair.

2011-03-12, 01:56 AM
[After School - Pool]

Kaito was seemingly distracted as he walked into the gym shortly behind Valeria, nearly running into the girl before quickly side-stepping.

He took a look around the area, noting the presence of Michiko, Valeria, and Nakahiro. He set his school bag against the wall near the door, then walked closer to Michiko, tossing the "love letter" on the ground near her.

"Do you mind explaining what's going on here? This letter's kind of suspicious out of the blue like that, and the fact that some of my friends are here makes it more so."

He's frowning, arms crossed over his chest as he studies the mysterious upperclassman.

2011-03-12, 05:19 PM
[Furousha Shop]

After a quiet elevator ride up into the shop's basement (which appears to be a small complex in its own right, but Izanagi is granted barely a glimpse at the full area it seems to cover) and up into the store proper, Viatrix sits Izanagi down in an apparent break room before heading back down for the basement. "Give me a few minutes, I've got to check my storage for something." She disappears, still with that somewhat mischievous smile. Fuchs has a seat near Izanagi, "watching" him silently.

[Izanagi Aso, Freelance Photographer, Unknowingly Spiritually Aware Human] (in the Furousha shop waiting area)

Izanagi, not getting a response from the fox-like thing, fell back a bit as he followed Viatrix. He looked around as he followed her, but still had pretty much no idea what he was looking at. He figured they were underground going back up into the shop, but in all honesty for Izanagi, he had no idea about ANYTHING that was going on anymore.

Once getting back into a house, and sitting area, Izanagi started to feel some sense of normalcy return, but it was only momentary as he would catch the "gaze" of Fuchs sitting next to him. It was quite unnerving for Izanagi, as it was impossible to tell what the fox-like thing was doing or wanting. Izanagi uncomfortably smiled to Fuchs as best he could, hoping to not seem like a threat.

Izanagi tried to not let his nerves show, as he nodded poiltely to Viatrix as she left him alone with Fuchs. He took off his hat, stuffed it in his bag and went about combing his hair slightly with his hands.

Izanagi sat quietly, trying not to look at Fuchs, as each time he did he felt less and less like he had any grasp on reality.

2011-03-13, 02:08 AM
Ken [After School - Pool]
Ken arrived next. He ignored the others that had already gathered and swiftly walked straight towards Michiko in a nonthreatening manner. Were she to allow him to get close to her he would attempt to grab her hands and clasp them together with his own while raising them to chest level. Regardless of whether or not he succeeded he would bow and afterwards raise his head to gaze into her eyes with a warm smile. Then he would speak in a sincere voice. "I'm sorry, but I'm just not ready to commit to you. I'll gladly be your friend though. Why don't we take it slow? We'll enjoy things more that way."

2011-03-13, 08:27 AM
"Might want to save your declarations of love there, Ken. We all got that little note. Mighty suspicious, don't you think?"

This question was aired for all present to answer. After a moment, Kaito continued to speak, this time directed at Michiko.

"I don't appreciate someone giving me a fake love letter like that. Propped some of my hopes up a bit, only to kick them back to the ground.

So you've got about a minute to give me a better reason to stay, or I'm leaving."

He glances down at his watch, noting the time. For the next minute, he'd keep watching it unless Michiko spoke. His irritation was clear to everyone.

2011-03-13, 03:43 PM

Val snaps out of her temporary reverie. "W-wait, all of you got letters?" A wave of relief washes over her... and something else, but she was too distracted to notice, as she crosses her arms nervously and looks to Michiko.

"Um... y-yeah, what is going on?"

2011-03-15, 08:55 PM

Michiko turns her eyes across the three as they arrive, even casting a glance back at Nakahiro, though she doesn't call attention to his presence.

I can't really blame him for wanting to see what's going on first, I'd have done the same if I got a love letter. Michiko thinks to herself, though that's not quite true considering she got a fair number of such letters and simply never opened them. They were such...frivolous things after all, and there was no time for such silliness with her busy schedule! So when only three of them show up, it's a bit disappointing considering the wealth of talent she had observed in the gym itself.

Nevertheless, she raises a hand to stop Ken before he could grab hers, mute for the moment though Ken briefly catches sight of a shadowy figure with glinting eyes glaring at him. Then he blinks and it's gone.

Instead she stares at Kaito as he throws down the letter and demands to know what's going on, masking her shock, and then outrage, at his arrogance behind a veneer of implacable mysteriousness that had gotten her so many fans in her own grade. Instead of responding, she raises her left arm to look at her own watch, counting down the time herself as her lips set in a firm line. Once a minute has passed, she turns hard blue eyes unto the younger student and raises an eyebrow but still doesn't speak as the time ticks by, just staring at Kaito with unblinking eyes.

"...That's one minute and then some, Watanabe-kohai." she says softly, still staring steadily at him.

2011-03-15, 09:09 PM
Kaito had simply stared back, not terribly impressed with Michiko's reputation. Maybe it was the slight exhaustion from doing both school and self-training his powers, maybe it was the mild stress headache he had from straining said powers to the limit last night, but he was feeling comparatively testy today.

At sixty-one seconds, he turned and slowly began to walk away.

When Michiko spoke, he paused and looked back at her, as if waiting for her to say more.

When she doesn't, he turns back and continues to walk.

2011-03-15, 09:22 PM
[High School - Pool]

Valeria flinches, and quickly moves to grab Kaito's arm. "Kaito-san... please calm down, I'm sure she has a good reason for bringing us all here." Her pleading look also seems to imply 'and please don't leave me here with her...'

2011-03-15, 09:36 PM
[High School - Pool]

Kaito stops as Val puts her hand on his arm. For several moments, he gives her an inscrutable look. Finally, he sighs and relaxes a bit, turning away from his path towards the door. He gives Michiko a level gaze while crossing his arms over his chest.

"She'd better have a good reason."

He sticks fairly close to Valeria, understanding her nervousness, hoping his presence calms his friend.

2011-03-15, 11:23 PM
Kina Yoshimoto - Poolside

Kina is late. The letter in her hands, Kina runs. She holds a rough map of the area which she glances at every few moments. Unfortunately, this means she isn't paying much attention. She nearly runs into Kaito and Valeria in her haste. Her feet slide to a stop just behind them.

"Oh...Kaito, you're here. And Valeria, too. And...oh, hi Ken. ...What's going on?"

2011-03-16, 10:58 AM
Ken was unconcerned with the glare he had received. He walked over to Kina. "That's what we'd all like to know. Evidently Michiko has something important to tell us."

2011-03-16, 03:33 PM
"Oh! H-hello, Michiko-san." Kina bows slightly to her.

2011-03-21, 06:36 PM

Michiko continues to stare at Kaito when Valerie goes to fetch him back, lip twitching for a moment before she notices Kina's approach, prompting the older student to give a small smile to the new arrival. "Yoshimoto-san."

The purple-and-black haired girl waits a couple more moments, making sure none others were going to arrive (or step out of the shadows) before she takes a deep breath. "Not too long ago...a friend of mine was killed by one of those Hollow things that Sayaka-chan told us about and I arrived there too late to save him from the beast. One that was easily stronger then the one you all fought in the gym."

She pauses for a moment to let that fact sink in the minds of all those present, lips setting into a firm line before she continued.

"It made something very...apparent to me. We're not strong enough to survive on our own in this city, not with creatures like that lurking in the shadows that are able to detect our every location just because we are 'different' from everyone else. We are, to put it simply, easy prey by ourselves." she says softly, voice intent as she makes her case to students that, for the most part, she did not know very well beyond school records, "That's what I asked all of you here to talk about, banding together so that we at least stand a chance against the heartless beasts that would seek to devour our souls."

"What I'm proposing is that we all band together, so that I can ensure our safety against spiritual threats and otherwise. We'll be picked apart piece-meal on our own, but I know that I can keep all of you safe if you're willing to work with me." There was the crux of the matter, the point that Michiko had been working towards her entire short speech, the one of invitation to join with her. And she certainly does make it seem like a tantalizing proposition, she's a charismatic individual who is an exemplar among the students despite the somewhat scandalous rumors about her family life. One pale hand raises to face palm up towards the heavens as three purple globes form in the air above her palm, circling each other in a tightly knit fashion, "Please, think carefully about my offer...I don't want to see another student die to those freaks and I'll wait until tomorrow for your decisions..."

Yuudai, you better be in position in case things turn south...

2011-03-21, 08:12 PM
"...Seems like a good idea." Kina looks at the others, waiting for whatever response they seem to have.

2011-03-21, 08:38 PM
[Afterschool - Pool]

Valeria doesn't so much as hesitate. "...w-what? Why would we need to wait? We should all be in this together! ...Right?" She looks to the others.