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View Full Version : Uncontrollable forest fire Spell(PEACH)

Gamer Girl
2011-02-10, 10:21 PM
Uncontrollable forest fire
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Long
Target: One tree
Duration: Special
Save/SR: no, see text.

This spell is cast on a tree, creating a small portal the the Elemental Plane of Fire and causes it to ignite in magical flames in a matter of seconds. The fire and an additional portal passes on to every tree close to the first one as if it was a normal fire. This fire cannot be extinguished by anything. The fire cannot be dispelled, and cannot be fought with water or sand. The fire cannot even be stopped by denying it of its air supply. Even after the tree has run out of flammable material to keep a normal fire alive, the magical flames continue burning for 10 more hours. The only way to stop the magical forest fire from spreading is by removing the neighboring trees, which it needs to expand (by chopping them down, or even burning them down with normal fires.) The magical fire can only spread from tree to tree, and cannot spread across a clearing, a road or a river.

Anyone touching a burning tree takes 1d6 points of fire damage, no save. Those caught within the forest fire take damage from the fiery environment(See DMG).

The material component of this spell is equal amounts of sulfur, phosphor and magnesium, a healthy sapling, and a drop of sap from an Trent.

History This spell is intended as a apocalyptic Anti-Elf spell.

The Mentalist
2011-02-11, 12:25 AM
I think that a Disjunction should stop it and I'd personally just make it unnatural fire as opposed to portals, it just seems silly to me, it's like a portal virus, just fires that can't be put out until it burns all it's fuel. Also, how close is close in "an additional portal passes on to every tree close to the first one as if it was a normal fire."

I think that one for each race would be pretty awesome.

I, Dashing Cube
2011-02-12, 09:09 AM
While it might work as intended (elf forest killer), it can too easily be stopped by denying combustible, and since it is not really usefull for any thing else, I don't think anybody would bother with the spell. If you can't imagine ways of burning down a forest with a full-casting class by level 17, you aren't trying hard enough. A normal forest fire is very hard to contain with "normal" meens, and if you have 9th level spells, you can probably afford to keep a few spells to relight the fire if it goes down while you destroy any druid with the ability to cast Quench or Junglerazer.

2011-02-12, 09:26 AM
To start with, you need to define "close", to show what scale of firebreak is needed. Since you say a road or a river can stop it, however, and since real-life wildfires can often jump such obstacles (http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/07/fire-season/shea-text.html), I'm really not sure that this would be all that unmanageable.

2011-02-12, 03:40 PM
I think a cooler spell would be one that makes a portal open to the plane of fire and instantaneously setting the air on fire. The oxygen burning away would cause a vacuum that would suck in trees and the like from miles around, and when they all came together, the pressure blasting them back out.

All this in a fraction of a second. Preferably delayed so the caster won't get caught.