View Full Version : AvB - Marius

2011-02-10, 10:52 PM
Tigerusthegreat or dm only. All others will discover the benefits of needle mine labor.

Beyond the iron black door is a pair of spiral staircases. One is labeled "employer", the other "employee". A well-groomed halfling greets you and says, "Good sir, what will it be? Looking to place a job or find one?"

2011-02-10, 11:09 PM
"I am seeking employment."

2011-02-10, 11:21 PM
"Right this way, then. Mind if I ask what kind?"

He takes you up the steps marked "employee"

2011-02-10, 11:34 PM
"I specialize in wetwork. Elimination of problems as it were."

2011-02-10, 11:40 PM
"We seem to get a lot of those these days. These are interesting times we live in."

On the other side of the door at the top of the spiral staircase is an interecting maze of hallways. Each is labeled with a different flavorful description of the kind of job requested.

Problem solving - discreet, Problem solving - flamboyant, Problem making- inflicted, and a dozen other such signs mark each hallway with the sort of job requested in the rooms within.

2011-02-10, 11:49 PM
"It certainly seems that way. I'm quite impressed with the level of organization here, even the cartels of my city were little more than intelligent thugs controlling slightly less intelligent thugs, and so on."

2011-02-10, 11:54 PM
The halfling bids you good day at the top of the stairs, and you are left to choose your own hallway.

2011-02-10, 11:56 PM
Marius looks around for anything that would fit his needs. He takes not of the doors that imply subtlety and assassination.

2011-02-11, 12:17 AM
basically, pick a flavorful description of the kind of job you'd like, and I'll randomly determin how many of the 24 doors along that hallway have jobs.

2011-02-11, 02:19 AM
Marius looks for a placard with something like "Problem Elimination - Discreet" on it.

2011-02-11, 02:40 AM
He indeed finds such a hallway in this place. There are [roll0] rooms along this hall with nameplates on the doors.

2011-02-11, 08:45 AM
Marius enters the first door, carefully reading the nameplate first.

2011-02-11, 03:07 PM
The first door is labeled, "Mari Estrella"

The room beyond has blank white walls, ceiling, and floor. There is no obvious door on the other walls. A single black stone on the ceiling breaks the monotony. A female voice emanates from it and says, "State your name."

2011-02-11, 03:31 PM
"Marius Le Noir."

2011-02-11, 04:50 PM
"And why do you believe yourself qualified to take this position?"

2011-02-11, 05:52 PM
"I am skilled at stealth and observation, and am familiar with many hard to detect poisons and other means of dealing with...problems. I've handled a number of men who were less skilled than I, and they are not around to tell about it. I assure you, if I cannot eliminate your problem, I will certainly not be in a position to tell any tales about it."

2011-02-11, 05:54 PM
"Confident, I'll give you that. Any references worth mentioning?"

2011-02-11, 05:58 PM
"Half the crime syndicates in my home town want me dead for my actions of revenge against them, and they aren't quiet about it. I think that is reference enough. I am new in town, so I have no references here."

2011-02-11, 11:12 PM
"The client is looking for discreet elimination of her problems, not a man who can upset an organization. She needs someone effective yet quiet. Upsetting an entire crime syndicate hardly fits the bill."

2011-02-12, 12:21 AM
"The only reason I had to go that far is because they ignored their agents simply disappearing, and my motivation was vengeance, not employment. I assure you I know how to be....discreet."

2011-02-12, 12:35 AM
"Well, your survival here means either you're a good liar or you successfully took on a crime syndicate by yourself. Either one is a useful skill for your new job. Continue on through for the final details."

yes, everyone who takes the easy way to get a job in the tavern finds that there's this much rigamarole to go through, and then you meet your employer and negotiate with him.

2011-02-12, 12:42 AM
Marius continues through, wondering how many more layers he will have to go through.

2011-02-12, 12:53 AM
On the other side is the source of the voice you heard. She is a half-elf woman sitting behind a desk with a few papers littered across it.

"Now then, any questions about the nature of your employment?"

2011-02-12, 01:24 AM
"Given that I know absolutely nothing about it yet, I have many. What is my target? Is there any particular way you want it handled? What is my compensation? Are expenses, such as for poisons, covered or taken out of my compensation? I'm sure there are more, but those are the beginning."

2011-02-12, 01:38 AM
"You will be hiring on as an assassin on retainer. The client will most likely have you take out several different marks at some points throughout your contract with her. As to the specifics of compensation, you will have to negotiate that out with her. I am not the client but merely a facilitator."

2011-02-12, 01:49 AM
"I'm assuming for setting this up, you and your associates are entitled to a fee, is that to be paid by myself or my employer?"

2011-02-12, 01:51 AM
"There is a 100 gold fee for this service."

2011-02-12, 01:53 AM
"Very well, then I have no further questions." Marius seperates out 100gp, not an insignificant amount of his remaining money. "When do I meet my client?"

2011-02-12, 01:57 AM
Taking the gold off the desk and putting it in her poscket, she hands you a slip of paper off her desk. "The address is on here, along with a certificate stating that you are indeed cleared by us. Take it to her at your convenience."

2011-02-12, 01:59 AM
"My thanks." Marius bows and sees himself out. He wastes no time heading for the address listed. He carefully looks the place over before approaching, and introducing himself, presenting the certificate.

2011-02-12, 02:09 AM
The woman's house is tiny and cluttered with all sorts of magical writings. "Are you really the beat that that old tavern could find? And after all the money I spent putting out a position with them."

2011-02-12, 03:59 AM
"The black lotus is an unassuming flower, hard to notice most of the time, yet its ground petals make one of the deadliest natural poisons known. I would think someone that is unassuming to behold would be the best for this kind of work. It would hardly do for an assassin to look like an assassin."

2011-02-12, 04:35 AM
"The problem isn't how you look, but how you act. You just boldly walked into my house? Without any means of concealing yourself? Anyone who wants to could have seen what you just pulled and associated you with me. You speak of toxic flowers to me all day long, doesn't change the fact you ran in here like a bull."

2011-02-12, 07:05 AM
"I apologize for the oversight. I am skilled with disguises, though, so any work I do will not be with this face, nor appearance." Marius says, keeping the edge of anger from his voice. "I am merely eager to begin work, to have a purpose again, as it were."

2011-02-12, 07:10 AM
A wide grin creases her face. "Well, you know how to be polite to a paranoid old woman who is going to be paying you a lot of money, even if she's foolish enough to berate you for not doing something she should have told the facilitator to tell you. Congratulations, you pass. Now then, let's discuss payment."

2011-02-12, 12:28 PM
"My late wife would be pleased to know she was able to train me that well. Price is, as always, a function of the difficulty of the job. Until I begin working, you know more of the target than I do, and you would have a better idea of how protected they are."

OOC: Stalling because I have no clue what an assassin goes for >_<

2011-02-12, 01:36 PM
btw, that facilitator cheated you. Your employer had already paid for all the costs. That's part of her contract. The woman at the desk just got an early Christmas bonus.

don't worry, though. Your first job will more than cover the losses.

"How about 1000 gold for your first job? A testing grounds, of a sort. The target is a pimp that works the south side of Old Town at night. I don't like him and wish to see him off the streets. Whether you kill him or not is your problem."

2011-02-12, 05:41 PM
"Are you wanting to send a message to any other pimps? Or is this just a vendetta against one particular pimp?"

OOC: I figured but Marius would be too eager to please to worry about it.

2011-02-12, 08:05 PM
"How about you fix one problem at a time?"

2011-02-12, 11:40 PM
"Very well, I shall let you know when the deed is done. Unless there is anything else, I bid you good day, ma'am." unless the woman raises any objections, he sees himself out.

Once he is able to he scouts out the location where the pimp will be, looking for good hiding and observation spots. He is trying too familiarize himself with the area to give him ideas for approaching the problem.

2011-02-12, 11:51 PM
that'll be a gather information check.

2011-02-13, 12:01 AM
Gather info [roll0]

2011-02-13, 12:05 AM
After [roll0] hours, you can only learn his usual beat he runs. You were unable to learn more.

you can always retry

2011-02-13, 11:40 AM
Marius continues his search.


2011-02-13, 02:09 PM
[roll0] hours later, you've learned nothing more

2011-02-13, 02:11 PM
[roll0] filler...

2011-02-13, 02:59 PM
Ooc: Can I get a description of the area? And also I would like to buy 5 daggers, do you want me to rp that out or not.

2011-02-13, 03:06 PM
He generally works the stretch of street between High Royal Way and Dukeland Avenue, along Reschart Crossing.

There are several old shops along this street, along with an old warehouse still in use by a merchant company today. The gaps between the buildings are unlit.

If you want to buy them at full market price, then just say you go and buy 5 daggers. No special rp needed there.

2011-02-14, 01:52 PM
OOC: How high are the buildings along the alleys?

IC: Marius decides on an alley that seems likely for the Pimp to pass, and steps into it. He remains alert for any surprises that might be hiding in the darkness as he was intending to. If there are none, he settles in to wait.

Lotsa rolls. If you'd prefer me not to do any rolls unless prompted let me know.
[roll3] (Not likely to be used yet since I'm standing still)

2011-02-14, 02:20 PM
They average 20 feet in height.

as to the rolls, that's no problem. If you roll extraneous rolls, I'll just ignore them.

you do not notice anyone else in your chosen alley, and crouch down to hide.

You just gonna wait there for nightfall?

2011-02-14, 02:37 PM
Ooc: nightfall has to be close as I've wasted 8 hours gathering info.

Ic:Marius decides that the roof migt offer a better vantage, and carefully makes his way up the wall (if I can take 10 I will I want to see what is on the roof and what the vantage is from there.)

2011-02-14, 02:53 PM
The building is flat-roofed and you easily manage to navigate up it. You can clearly see pretty far down the road.

About 30 minutes after sunset, the target comes walking down the far side of the street, pausing to whisper with anyone he meets. Most ignore him, until he gets to a half-orc who seems rather pleased with what he's hearing. The two start walking your direction together.

your target, btw, is a male human.

2011-02-14, 03:16 PM
Marius waits patiently, observing the target. When he gets closer he will try to pinpoint the easiest vital spots to strike at. He unslings his bow and readies an arrow, all while remaining crouched on the roof, trying to remain hidden. He has time so his movements are slow and deliberate.

OOC: Do I have clear enough sight range to study the target for a death attack?

2011-02-14, 03:18 PM
indeed you do.

About 20 seconds later, you have a clear shot on his jugular vein.

2011-02-14, 03:25 PM
Marius waits, hoping the target comes closer.

OOC: Waiting to see if he approaches, hopefully within 10 feet of the building so he's in sneak attack range as well.

2011-02-14, 06:31 PM
that's what my fluff meant.

2011-02-14, 06:39 PM
Marius fires his bow, praying that the shot will hit.


2011-02-14, 06:41 PM
Alas, your strike is wide of the mark, and the two take notice of where the shot was fired from.

roll initiative

2011-02-14, 07:50 PM
I rolled a 13 above

2011-02-15, 01:17 AM
So you did. You won initiative, luckily. The dice are with you now, it seems.

2011-02-15, 09:30 AM
Yeah glad they are with me now, that 2 was murder. Next time I cast true strike before assassinating someone >_<. Not sure if I'm entitled to another sneak attack or not based on how you described it.


Remaining calm, Marius swiftly knocks another arrow and fires again. With luck, the target would still be reacting to the missed shot, and not expect another that quickly.

2011-02-15, 10:21 AM
you were.

Your shot connects with his armor worn underneath his clothes, leaving him unharmed. You hear the clink of metal links.

The two run off in the opposite directon on their turns.

They are now 150 feet away.

2011-02-15, 12:46 PM
Marius curses to himself. It was doubtful from the roof that he would be able to catch either of them. He fires a last arrow at the pimp, doubting that it would hit, or if it did would do any damage. Maybe the attack would scare the pimp off at least.

Whether he hits him or not, Marius will cast disguise self on himself, changing his form to a very tall and muscular human with very dark skin and a shaved head. He changes his clothes to be of a foreign cut and design, and flashy red and black. Finally he changes his rapier to look like a spiked chain and his sheathed daggers to look like shuriken. The bow he changes only slightly, making the wood appear black and lengthening it to match his new height.

[roll0]* -2 for range I believe

[roll2]* not sure if the spell requires a check or not.

Also what is the check to disguise your voice? Particularly to emulate an accent?

2011-02-15, 05:08 PM
I roll disguise checks opposed by the person's spot check. which, btw, changing accent and such is a disguise check It's a disguise check to stay in character, getting a +2 from having 5 or more ranks in bluff, but the +10 from the hat doesn't help.

Your arrow grazes his arm. Not likely to even scar him, but it does hurt him, since he is too preoccupied with running to try and dodge.

You are disguised as you stated.

2011-02-15, 06:00 PM
OOC: I have a good enough disguise modifier that I should be able to do it.

IC: Marius watches the pimp flee, and looks around for anyone who witnessed the event. In any event he yells as loud as he can in an accent mimicking the foreign traders that frequented his home town.

"Run! You scared rabbit. You are hunted by the Castillian! And the Castillian always gets his prey."

Should there be anyone on the street who witnessed the attack, Marius will point at him and say. "For his sake, you should warn him not to come here to spread his filth any more. I give lenience but once. The Castillian will drive the evil from this town, be they crime lords or pimps."

OOC: hmm....maybe I will make an alter ego after all. I had been thinking about it.

2011-02-16, 12:14 AM
The two half-drunk beggars within earshot hear your words. As to what they'll remember tomorrow morning, well, that could prove entertaining.

2011-02-16, 08:52 AM
Its a start. Marius thinks to himself. He gathers his gear together, and descends into the dark alleyway again. Once he is sure he is alone there, he dismisses the disguise and finds an inn with an empty room. He firmly secures the doors and windows before sleeping through the night.

2011-02-16, 02:42 PM
The inn found chargest [roll0] gold. You wake up the next morning uneventfully.

2011-02-16, 03:00 PM
Marius returns to the Old City district to see if he can hear any rumors about what happened last night. He will also see if anyone has seen or heard from the pimp since then.

OOC: not sure what checks to use:

Edit: Terrible rolls, I might take 10 to spend a lot of time there and see what I can see. Gather info is a +0 check for me so those rolls are accurate >_<

2011-02-16, 03:09 PM
that'll be gather information checks are needed.

2011-02-21, 06:15 PM
OOC: Obvious I'm not going to find anything by that route. I should put some ranks in gather info.

IC: Marius wanders around the area, familiarizing himself with it again. After a stop for lunch, and picking up food for a dinner while staking out the area, he returns, hiding in a different alleyway to wait for nightfall. He wouldn't bother with the rooftops this time, too obvious and hard to give chase.

OOC:Waiting for nightfall to see if the pimp returns.

2011-02-21, 06:24 PM
An hour after nightfall, he does indeed appear, walking from the same direction as before.

2011-02-21, 07:05 PM
Marius watches from the shadows, seeing if anything is unusual, waiting for the target to approach the alleyway.

2011-02-21, 10:40 PM
He does so alone, and without visibly drawn weapons.

make a spot check.

2011-02-21, 10:57 PM
Spot Check: [roll0]

2011-02-21, 10:59 PM
You notice a pair of figures lurking in the shadows 20 feet behind him.

2011-02-21, 11:14 PM
Got some bodyguards did you. Marius thought to himself. He continues to watch, waiting for them to come close enough for him to strike out of the shadows.

2011-02-21, 11:21 PM
Three rounds of study later, he is in range for a sneaky death attack

2011-02-21, 11:34 PM
Marius whispers the incantation to disguise himself. He could have put the spell for accuracy to better use, but he felt this was more prudent. He then (next turn that is) charges the pimp, flashing out with his rapier and dagger.

AC 17 until the next round due to charge, 19 after.
Death attack is DC: 13 (poor I know).

Damage: [roll2] (threat 18-20)
[roll4] (threat 19-20)

Also Initiative [roll6]

Here's hoping I get him. Worst case a second attack by "the Castillian" should scare him off, or he'll stick around long enough to die because he has bodyguards.

2011-02-21, 11:45 PM
last I checked, charging did not allow full attacks.

You slice him with your rapier, and he falls over dead at the first stroke. You managed to pierce his lung and it collapsed.

One of the cloaked figures breaks from cover and throws a net over you. The other pulls out a spear and throws it at you.

Luckily, the spear grazes you harmlessly.

2011-02-21, 11:58 PM
"So sorry to tarnish your reputation as guards, but this thing deserved death. The Castillian is a bringer of death."

Marius slashes at the net with his weapons, hoping to break free.

I'm usually a shield and sword guy with shield charge, so that was a brain fart on my part.

Attacking the net. AC is back up to 19.

also is the guy holding the rope attached to the net?

2011-02-22, 12:08 AM
unfortunately, it takes a light weapon to cut the net. Your dagger misses.

The one not holding the net walks up to you and begins to hit you with a club. He hits for [roll0] damage.

2011-02-22, 12:14 AM
Giving up on the net, Marius attacks the club wielder.


Got a bad feeling about this.

2011-02-22, 12:31 AM
Indeed, you miss.

The club wielder strikes at you twice more. The first blow deals [roll0].

the net wielder begins twisting the net, attempting to entangle you in it.

str check to overcome it.

"The boss is gonna show you what happens to those who try ganking him on his turf. He heard that you were still snooping after him when you asked around to the wrong people"

2011-02-22, 12:36 AM
Marius struggles against the net, trying to defend himself as best possible. He slashes with his dagger against the net, and his rapier against the clubber.

Probably dead by now, but oh well.



2011-02-22, 12:37 AM
Crit confirm for rapier: [roll0]
Forum roller is being weird, so you can roll the confirm and damage.

2011-02-24, 02:30 AM
Your strength manages to overcome the twisting for now. You hit him, nicking his bowels and slicing a jagged wound. Unfortunately, you don't manage to nick his bowels.


The net hold up to your slice, but you now have a wide enough hole to try an escape artist check if you wish.

ee checks are a full round.

the club wielder misses you, and the net thrower tries once more to entangle you.

2011-02-25, 10:22 AM
Marius realizes that his only real chance is to escape the net and run. Praying that he doesn't get hit again, he tries to wriggle free of the net.

[roll0] (sure hope I get some bonus or reduced DC for cutting up the net, cause a base of DC: 20 is what i'm seeing and that isn't pretty).
[roll1] (in case I need it for the net opposed check).

*crosses fingers*

*blinks in amazement, but kinda wishes I would have attacked with those two rolls >_< *

2011-02-25, 02:55 PM
You escape the net with grace.

The net wielder says a rather colorful phrase as he tries to pull it back.

However, you are standing on it and opposed strength checks are in order.

The clubber misses you once again.

2011-02-25, 05:28 PM
Marius rolls back and out of the range of the club wielder. He heads for the relative safety of the dark alley.

Myth weavers is currently down, so I'm just rolling a 20 here, and modifier can be added later. I honestly don't remember if I have ranks in tumble or not, but I'm tumbling to avoid AoO's, and heading for the dark alley (at half speed as per tumble, so 15 feet)

Edit: With my dex bonus I'm 99% sure that's at least a 15, so I should succeed.

2011-02-25, 09:50 PM
IF you have it trained. It cannot be used untrained. I'll need to see if you have it trained or not before resolving this.

2011-02-25, 09:55 PM
Forgot about that very important point. If I do not have it, then I'll just head at full speed instead of half, and eat the AoO.

2011-02-25, 11:06 PM
just let me know when you find out. I'll arbitrate it after we know.

2011-02-26, 09:08 AM
I do *not* have tumble ranks apparently. Oh well, here comes the beat down.

2011-02-26, 08:55 PM
The clubber gets in another good smack with his beatstick as you hastily run past, If you wish for them not to charge you, you might want to end your move by hiding.

The stick hurts you for [roll0]

2011-02-26, 09:16 PM
28 damage total means I'm disabled. Not sure if I can hide while disabled. Also how far am I from the alley?

2011-02-26, 09:55 PM
you can hide, taking only 1 move action at a time.

You manage to crawl to the edge of the alleyway and can crouch down and hide if you wish.

2011-02-26, 10:01 PM
Marius tries as best he can to hide himself.


2011-02-26, 10:10 PM
"Should we go after him?"

"Nah, let him run. It'll show anyone else who wants to mess with the boss to not trifle with him."

2011-02-26, 10:16 PM
Marius will continue to watch for a short while, wondering if he had killed his target, or some poor fool.

2011-02-26, 10:20 PM
"Well, wanna have a beer at the Snug Ladies?"

"Sure thing. What should we do with the sap we dressed up as the boss?"

"Was he a friend of yours?"


"Then let him rot."

2011-02-26, 10:30 PM
Well that settles it. As soon as he is sure the thugs are gone, he searches the dead body for anything interesting, then goes to find a temple for healing.

2011-02-26, 10:33 PM
any preference of faith?

He had 8 gp on him

also, 900 xp.

2011-02-26, 10:37 PM
Olidammara if possible, otherwise a neutral one of any kind. I'm not looking forward to talking to the old lady after this debacle.

2011-02-26, 10:45 PM
You stumble into the small temple of Oldimara nearby.

"What hwppened, friend? You look like you wriestled a troll."

2011-02-26, 10:49 PM
"A troll would be preferable. Unfortunately direct combat is not something I am well trained for, especially not when doubled up upon." Marius says "Is there anyone around who could spare some healing for a battered soul?"

EDIT OOC: I have dismissed my spell so I'm actually me in the temple.

2011-02-26, 10:59 PM
"Surely. We can discuss how you repay the temple later."

He casts a simple spell on you to restore your basic vitality. [roll0]

"Do you need something more intensive, or will that suffice?"

2011-02-27, 12:28 AM
"I will not forget the assistance you have given me. Should you need my skills, do not hesitate to ask. I will see you again soon, thank you." Marius ensures that the priest has information to contact him. As soon as he has extra gold he will repay the debt, but ikn this town it seemed more likely he would barter a job for payment instead.

He returns to the inn, settling in for another night, trying to rest his battered body. He would pass a note to his client in the morning, requesting a meeting to discuss the events. It was very clear that this pimp was smarter and better connected than he had been led to believe.

2011-02-27, 12:44 AM
At lunch, you receive a note telling you to meet your client at 6:00 pm in the Candle Keep Souveniers shop.

2011-02-27, 12:45 AM
Marius makes ready and goes to meet his client. He is battered, angry and wary.

2011-02-27, 12:52 AM
Mari Estrella is waiting for you at the appointed time. "Follow me."

She leads you back through the shop. The shopkeeper pretends to not notice you two.

In a back room, she says, "Now then, what have you to report?"

2011-02-27, 04:59 AM
"The "pimp" has more cunning and resources than the common criminal of that type. I have chased him off his beat once, and engaged a cleverly disguised double, which I killed, and his two bodyguards, narrowly evading the trap he set for me. I want to know how you wish me to proceed. It is unlikely that anything short of his death will stop this man, and he is tenacious and cunning enough that luring him out to his death will take time."

He runs some figures in his head, dismissing one idea, but coming on another. "He has been scared off his beat for two nights now, which costs him money. He also had to pay a double and two bodyguards, which also costs him money. I could simply harass him, and whatever bodyguards and doubles he sends until he gives up or he comes out to meet me. How long that takes simply is a matter of how much money he has. It also runs the risk of retaliation from a more powerful crime boss, if this pimp is well connected."

"If this were a personal thing, I would keep up the pressure until the situation changed, whether by the pimp facing me, or him having to call in favors, or him running out of bodyguards. However, this is your contract, so the decision is yours how to proceed."

2011-02-27, 02:29 PM
"Do whatever it takes to stop his business. This is personal to me. I will cover whatever costs you accrue after this point. I don't care what it takes. I want to see him gone."

2011-02-27, 05:52 PM
"Very well, I will do everything I can." With that he leaves, returning to the temple from the night before. He requests healing (up to full HP, so 21 pts of healing), and wants to know what the combined debt of his healing from today and last night was. A carte blache for expenses was not something to be abused, but a fully healed assassin was a useful thing.

Once healed, he readies himself for nightfall. He returns to the Pimp's beat, climbing again to the rooftops and lying low. He was tricked once, so this time he would have to be far more careful.


2011-02-27, 10:24 PM

after the healings, your costs with the temple have mounted to 200 gold.

He waits there for a few hours, and no one shows up. at all. not even the usual traffic.

2011-02-27, 10:27 PM
Remaining hidden, Marius continues to wait. Every passing moment makes him more nervous. It is very unusual, at best, for things to change so drastically. It rang of another setup, though after the beating he received last night he was sure the pimp wouldn't think he was brave enough to show his face again.

Marius racks his brain for other approaches.

2011-02-27, 10:42 PM
things continue to remain too quiet.

2011-02-27, 10:54 PM
Marius climbs down from the roof carefully. AFter checking one more time that the coast is clear, he heads back to the inn, and sleeps the rest of the night. In the morning he will ask around to see if anyone knows why this area was deserted today.


2011-02-27, 11:17 PM
he hears that the Jacks, a notorious gang in this part of town, had been rather thorough in encouraging the streets to get cleared. Seemed someone had threatened one of their pimps and hadn't kept his investigations too quiet. They were tipped off and had tried to ambush him.
The Town Crier

The most up to date news in the city!
King Alben Rosen has announced the engagement of Isolde Rosen, his only child, to Archduke Wolfram Rocholl, the heir designate to Aldhaven.

Rumors of King Alben's failing health seem to be gathering strength, though the royal family continues to deny them.

A minor noble's home has continues to be under some sort of befuddling curse that seems resistant to normal means of removal. He's now offering a 20,000gp reward to the person or persons who can rid his home of the enchantment.

A gnomish dignitary has recently in the city to begin negotiations of an alliance between the gnomish nation and the Kingdom of Aldhaven.

Registration for the next semester at the Aldhaven Royal University of Scientific Esoterica begins immediately.

Rumors have begun circulating that ancient ruins have been found buried just outside of the city walls. The farmer who owns the land is allowing people to pay a small fee to enter into them and keep whatever relics they can recover.

2011-02-28, 09:28 AM
Going to have to drop, I've got a few games I'm DMing that are picking up and need to focus my attention there. Thanks for the game, though.

2011-02-28, 06:25 PM
well, it's no big deal to me if you want to go inactive. If you wanna pick marius up at a later date, feel free to just post his next action.