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View Full Version : Pokemon RP: Travelers to the other world (IC)

2011-02-11, 05:21 PM
Cramped as it is, you all have grown accustomed to your small home here in Pallet Town. The smell of breakfast can be enjoyed wafting . Sure your time in the Oak household has been turbulent but not without it's perks. It's been three months since you were transported to this strange land. You were all lucky enough to be found by a Professor who didn't mind your odd appearance. Professor Oak was his name and he has agreed to help you in your quest to get home. He even helped with some of your disguises to make you all look more human.

But today is a good day. Professor Oak has just found out where you might find the one responsible for your "banishment" here. He said he'd discuss it with you during breakfast. Hopefully this won't take too long..

Jesse Drake
2011-02-11, 06:02 PM
Knight doesn't eat breakfast- he caught himself a Weedle earlier. But he does join the others. He's very eager to get home. Being here has made him soft- being in human form has made him soft.

But he can't just go around in Pokemon form all the time- a Pokemon of his power doesn't go unnoticed. Slews of wild Pokemon found unconscious never went unnoticed. And those whiny trainers always told someone when a ridiculously strong wild Pokemon manages to defeat their team- with almost no effort exerted. So, he was stuck in human form, growing softer and softer.

Knight just waits, fully clad in armor and helmet, waiting for Oak to give them the news.

2011-02-11, 06:57 PM

To avoid being too crowded whilst in Oak's place, Roxanna always slept in her Pokemon form but changed once the sun rose up. She groaned lightly as she finished shifting forms and noted the sun was already beginning to make rays of light hit her face. "Morning already?" She murmured softly, rubbing her eyes and slowly making her way downstairs.

Upon seeing Knight already there, she waved, sitting down and waiting for breakfast to finish being made. It had been, at first, weird to see other Pokemon in her predicament... but at least she wasn't alone so she didn't feel too weird upon being in this.... situation. She straightened her outfit neatly out and sat down on the pillow before the table, keeping to certain traditions more than others. One was eating properly ... though it was weird to do so in a human body. Still she had gotten used to most things that humans were to do thus far.

Her chakrams gently bumped against her hips as she sat. "Morning Knight." She murmured, taking a section of her long red hair and beginning to braid it. "Sleep well enough?" She added, trying to keep her stomach from thinking about the food being made still.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-11, 08:21 PM
Knight tipped his helmet forward, then said, in his typical cold, monotone voice. "Good morrow Roxanna." Then, at the second part, he adds "As well as anyone in our situation." Despite his helmet having no eye holes, he seems to have full awareness of the environment around him- and he nods towards Oak. "But Oak says he has a lead on the Pokemon responsible for this- so I may get to rest well soon enough."

2011-02-11, 09:39 PM

Roxanna nodded, yawning softly in agreement. "Indeed. This body makes me feel.... easy... more so than my usual one. Probably because of these... they seem to get stared at a lot I notice." She said, gently nodding at her chest. Her gaze quickly went up, however, as she heard Knight say Oak may know of a way back, "Oh seriously?! That's... wonderful? Is that the right word to use? Goodness... the vocabulary is also an unusual thing to use. I think it is... anyways though, that would be nice.. to get back home. No doubt that this hasn't been an interesting way to learn.. but I don't know if I want to remain in this human body too much longer if it can be at all avoided."

2011-02-11, 09:46 PM
Chesley yawns as he enters the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and waving to everyone. "Morning guys! Man, I had an awesome dream last night. I was back with my family during one of our thunderstorm dances. Man I miss doing those." He pulls out a chair and sits on it with his knees pulled up to his chest. He gingerly reaches for a piece of food, picking it up with just index and thumb and popping it into his mouth, munching happily. He was rather enjoying his human form, though gettign to keep his tail helped keep his spirit high.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-11, 09:54 PM
As Roxanna grabs her chest, Knight chuckles softly. Even the softest of laughs echoed throughout his helmet though. He knew what it was like to be judged based on appearance- the humans seemed to be hung up on his size, and despite being used to criticism as a warrior, he found he really disliked being made fun of for being short.

"Well, Chesley, like I was telling Roxanna- we may be going home soon, so you may get to see your family any day now." Then, turning to Roxanna, and hearing her comment about not wanting to remain in human form too long, he agrees. "Yeah- this body is most unsuitable for a warrior of my caliber. I really miss being myself."

2011-02-11, 10:04 PM
Daisy Oak walks out from the kitchen, carrying more food.. "Dad said he'd be back shortly. It'll be great though for you guys to get to go home although it will be a little lonely." She sits down as well, grabbing a chair for herself.

Daisy Oak is Professor Oak's daughter. She has been helping her father with you guys for months now and has always been a good-hearted person. To most of you, she's acted as if she'd been a sibling to you all.

2011-02-12, 08:24 AM

Roxanna bowed her head as Chesley walks in. Then, Professor Oak's daughter, Daisy, is next along with more food. "Thank you Daisy. It's fine, I can wait for your father." She more than eagerly takes some of the food considering she had obviously slept in just a bit too late to get the first batch of food. Normal Pokemon food wasn't bad but this was.... different in a good, almost exotic way and she'd miss this for sure. Not that it was the only thing but it was one. She quietly looked up in thought, wondering what possible ways Professor Oak had been able to think of that she hadn't. Probably something really complicated.... She mentally decided, focusing now on mainly eating..

Jesse Drake
2011-02-12, 09:22 AM
Knight shifts a bit as Daisy entered. She had been like an older sister for him, and has taught him that being human isn't that bad. In human form, he liked her a little more than her father- but it was nothing to do with being human why he liked her. She was kind to Pokemon. More than most people. She had been great with all the dimensional refugees. "Don't worry Daisy- when I leave, my team shall be left here at your disposal." He says, smiling underneath his helmet.

2011-02-12, 09:44 AM
"Man, going home would be great. I haven't given any thought about what I'd do with my party though. Melony reminds me of my little sister. I'll have to see what they think later." He reaches for another piece of food, eating it like before. He closes his eyes, enjoying the food. Human food was going to be something he really missed.

2011-02-12, 11:14 AM
Veela enters the lab, whistlin some random tune. He was too grateful for the professor but he definately was the one who most abused of hospitality. Smelling the others in the kitchen.

Grinning as he enters, he gives a "hi" to everyone, winks at Roxanna, and picks up a apple and sits, legs crossed, eating it without skinning it. He had grown a like for those fruits. In a better way of saying any food was good for him, as he had no trainer and most people feared too much a Houndoom to feed him. Things were different now however

"I don't know about you, but I think I may keep this form. I got nothing to return to anyway"

2011-02-12, 11:33 AM
About a half an hour passes before Professor Oak walks in, apparently he's been up all night. "My my, it has been one of those mornings. He says as he sits down taking a few bites of breakfast. "I've got good news everonye, I think I've found that pokemon you've all been talking about." he speaks in between bites, "Apparently he's been spotted on Mount Silver, which is located between here and the Johto Region. The only unfortunate part is that the mountain has been closed off to all but proven Pokemon experts due to your friends strange temporal distortions." he smiles wiping his mouth as he finishes his plate, "Not to worry though I've been able to sign each of you up as Pokemon trainers, the only thing you need now are badges." He goes to the closet pulling out a box and reaching inside as he produces a pokedex, "Here we are, one for each of you. With these you will all be recognized as pokemon trainers and are allowed to participate in gym battles. Once all 16 badges of both Kanto and Johto are in your possession you'll be able to enter Mount Silver." He sits again, "It won't be easy but no one said it would be."

Jesse Drake
2011-02-12, 12:06 PM
Knight is almost in shock. How long would that be? Knight then laughs. "Badges! We don't need no stinkin badges! Mt. Silverstone is off limits to trainers- but if a bunch of Pokemon went in, there would be nothing anyone could do!"

2011-02-12, 12:57 PM

Roxanna smirked slightly upon noticing Veela's entrance as she pretended to not notice, though it was far from the truth. She just liked being able to play the "naive" little girl role as it was. But that was the last thing she truly was. She did know of some things and flirting was one as she represented the color for love and passion. "Morning Veela." She answered, keeping her voice calm. She had known from her own personal experience that teasing people wasn't usually good and in human form, it seemed to be even worse. But the fact they themselves weren't completely human was the entire reason she tried it.... to see whether his human side or Pokemon side maintained better control of him. She knew one of these days he'd probably loose all control... but until then, she wanted to keep seeing how this worked out.

As Professor Oak finally arrived, she listened carefully before speaking herself, "True we don't need them... but wouldn't a lot of Pokemon suddenly heading over there look suspicious? Besides, I'm up for challenges. While we don't the Badges, it'd be nice to show others what we're really made of, especially while simultaneously hiding our true forms. Don't you think the idea of beating people who are supposed to be really good at training our kind, only to be beaten by a Pokemon would make a nice image to remember? The irony seems like a very sweet image to me at least." She added, chuckling softly as she moved a strand of her red hair behind her ear then waited to hear what the others thought.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-12, 07:40 PM
Knight doesn't speak up. If he were a human, his actions could be interpreted as "pouting"- but he wasn't, and he he wasn't. He just sits down, and folds his arms, waiting to hear what, if anything, anyone else had to say. He couldn't be the only one who thought collecting badges seemed like a waste of their time and talents...

2011-02-13, 07:35 AM
Taking another bite at his apple, now with a somewhat undefiend look. It was a weird mix between nostalgic, remenbering and thinkative. Once he swalloed he tried to add his own argument

"Also, I believe you don't want to walk in a place filled with the best Pokémon Trainers and equipped with the best Pokéballs in your Pokémon form. At least before you find out if you are catchable or no..."

He thinks about getting the badges. That sure sounded fun. But mostly what drived him was the chance to become a Pokémon Trainer. Capturing other kind of pokémon, seeing as they were. He was not a researcher, but he was starting to get bored with just the Houndoom and Houndors from where he lived

"I'll go with the badge route. Time is not going to bother me, and I only want to meet that Pokémon to thank him. I said I liked this new form. There's just so much I can do"

2011-02-13, 12:19 PM
"I think it could be fun to do the badge challenge. And it would give us a chance to train our teams and add additions to them. I could always go for having more members of my team." Chesley grins, takign the pokedex and holding it like he held his food - with only thumb and index.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-13, 09:19 PM
Knight groans as the others hop on board. He took his Pokedex, and throws it on his side. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but everyone had valid points- he wasn't sure if he could be caught, and didn't want to risk it like that. Plus, he could use the strengthening of his team. However, there is one point he needs clarified. "Fine, if we do this, we must establish an alpha. Whoever dons the mantle shall not do so lightly- therefore, I'm not jumping up to volunteer- I shall take leadership when I am ready- though, if none of you are prepared for this, then I can lend my talents. Either way, there must be an alpha."

It's important to Knight to have an established "leader"- though I realized for the most part, everyone will be commanding their own Pokemon. Still, for any fights that may occur in Pokemon form, it might be crucial to know.

2011-02-13, 11:44 PM

Roxanna looked up and down herself a bit before speaking,, "Both in my true and current form, I tend to go better on either following instincts or instructions. However, if it's really needed, I will." She'd wait however to see if one of the other guys would be more willing to take the lead, per say. This would be the perfect chance for the dog to make me his... well ..... subordinate for a better wording.....assuming he wants to take initiative that is of course...... It was also a kinder one even though the real term going through her head was accurate, she'd heard it also could be said as a bad word in this world so she was trying to avoid cursing..

2011-02-14, 01:41 AM
Chesley puts his pokedex into a pocket and pauses, thinking. The gem in his forehead glows a bit and he smiles. He'd been one of the ledest in his fammily and took care of many siblings so maybe he could use his big brother instincts to help. Also he might not act it but he was actually very good with strategy. "I'll do it. I'm not for the term alpha, but I was one of the eldest of a big family and had to give orders to my younger siblings when defending our homes from some of the more aggressive predators. With that experiance I think I'll put myself forward to lead our group, mostly when we have to fight in our pokemon forms."

2011-02-14, 08:01 AM
Veela stands up,putting away the Pokédex in his pocket. He looks at Chesley, who wished to take leadership. While he could accept someone as leader, his heart screamed for something else. He was one of the predator kind, and he didn't want an herbivore on the lead.

"While I have nothing agains't you, Chesley, I am not exactly good at following commands. I am unaware if anyone else of us is willing to partake leadership, but I am.

He looks at his hand. A small flame was starting to form. He clenches his fist, putting it out for now. But he still knew, it would not truly go away until those matters were resolved

"Heh, my blood seethes! If you have no objections, I wish to do it, in the way of the Houndoom. A battle"

Jesse Drake
2011-02-14, 09:25 AM
Knight stood up smiling. "Alright- this is more like it." He states- even if he has no desire to lead, he liked the idea of them fighting it out. He thought for a moment- he might like to join, but Knight knew better than to take on a Pokemon with such mastery over one of Knight's weaknesses. So, he says happily "I'll judge this one! For safety's sake, we should take it outside!"

2011-02-14, 09:36 AM

Roxanna smiled. She had been awake for less than an hour and already a fight was about to begin. Granted, at least it wasn't for anything too stupid which she was happy for. "Okay then boys. Assuming you two are going to go through with this, you'll need a back-up referee of sorts. I'll take up that role.... just in case. See ya both outside." She gave Veela a slight, (as in difficult to notice but still there) smile as she turned away from the group, her hair whipping around, purposely allowing her hips to shake a bit as she walked outside. She was probably having a bit too much fun with this teasing/experimenting.. She looked up as she got outside, wondering if it was a bad thing. A smirk crossed her face as one word ran through her mind, Nope

2011-02-14, 02:29 PM
Chesley grinned and stood. "I gladly accept your challenge." He hops off the chair and heads outside, his tail swayed slightly and he watched Roxanna. She sure loved to tease the others. He found a nice spot and turned to look at Veela. "So, shall we battle to see who is stronger as pokemon, or as trainers to prove which of us is better to lead? I have no problems using either method."

2011-02-15, 12:23 PM
Professor Oak seemed intrigued, e'd never thought this would happen. He chuckled a bit as it remnded him of his own son Gary and Satoshi (I hate Ash's name) when they had first met.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-15, 12:55 PM
Knight grins sharply, and steps between Chesley and Veela. "Okay- the match is simple. This fight will go on till one of you guys quits. There will be no interference from any outside sources, unless Oak, Roxanna, or I believe the fight's all but over. Fire and Lightning, round 1- GO!"

Battle Form?
I was wondering the same thing as DukeGod- do they fight in Human Form, using those stats- or Pokemon form... or is there a third, werewolf-like hybrid form, where they are able to speak, and stand in human form, but use Pokemon moves? Or, would this be player's choice if they fight as human or Pokemon?

2011-02-15, 03:05 PM
"Let's do it in our Pokémon form. Neither got advantage nor weakness towards the other"

Veela still grinning, bends his knees a little bit, getting partially covered in some dark smoke, provenient from fire covering his body, he gets on all fours, his body changing until he took his Pokémon Form. Still keeping his grin he waits for his opponent
How are we going to do it? By posts here or in some chat to speed things up?

2011-02-15, 11:45 PM
Professor Oak watches eager to see what the two will do.

Either or, on forums or messenger if you two want we just need the outcome.

2011-02-17, 07:54 PM
Chesley's gems glow brightly and with a flash he turns into his pokemon form, the smell of burnt ozone surrounds him and he gets into a fighting stance. He grins, "Looking forward to this fight. I haven't been able to really flex my battle strategy in a while."

I think if Duke agrees we should do it over some chat system and then the fight can be made in a single descriptive post. That way we can save time and space. I already planned out what moves I'll make, and what order I'll make them.

2011-02-19, 10:19 PM
The two pokemon stare eachother down before Veela makes the first move. Closing the short gap between the two, a burst of flaming breath spews out from Veelas mouth, covering Chesley in flames and doing some damage. Chesley responds by sending electricity rushing through the air, shutting down Veela's nervous system and causing paralysis.

With Veela's speed reduced by the paralysis Chesley now is the faster, the Amphoras performs an elaborate dance and calls to the sky, which quickly fills which clouds. It starts to rain and the drops cause steam to rise from Veela. He is able to break his paralysis and closes the short distance between the two, moving next to Chesley. Veela fades away then reappears, striking Chesley and causing more damage. Chesley looks to be barely hanging in there.

Raising his head high and yelling loudly, Chesley's gem glows as he calls to the clouds. A lightning bolt falls from the clouds, the rain making its aim dead-on as it strikes Veela. The lightning leaves an impression in the ground around Veela and the air smells burnt. Veela stands for a moment, defiant, then falls over, unconcious.

Chesley lets out a deep sigh and plops on his haunches, catching his breath. He was lucky, he knew that, though it worked in favor or his plan. The rain would keep up for about five minutes. He looks to the others and nods. "Now THAT was a fight! He's out cold but he'll be fine with a bit of rest. Now then, I think we should rest, plan out the route to our first destination, and pack for a long trip."

2011-02-19, 10:37 PM

Roxanna let out a slightly annoyed whimper. If she could avoid it, she really preferred not being rained on. Still, she'd tolerate it for now. She blinked in time to see Veela lose in the end. It seemed brains had beaten the brawl this time, making her unable to help but smile. That was a hard tactic to not only execute but succeed with also. "Not bad there. Um....." She gently began tapping the unconscious Houndoom, trying to help him regain consciousness. "Veela. Veeeeeeela.... wake up. Come on now...."

Jesse Drake
2011-02-19, 10:40 PM
Knight laughs. "I feel for ya man. But it turns out we have a masterful tactician to lead us."

2011-02-20, 09:16 PM
Veela wakes up after some time of Roxanna's attempts at waking him up. He sees her for a moment, and after trying to raise his hands he notices he was still in his Pokémon form. After a moment of concentration, he shifts back, sending his black smoke once more. Once he is done however, he is distracted by Roxanna's. The wet hair falling on her face. Then he remenbers his state. That was not a state a man should let any woman see. Raising himself with some difficulty, he lets go of her, and turns to Chesley, with a faint smile

'For now....this is your victory"

He starts to walk back to the lab, to receive some treatment, he stands side by side with Chesley, and whispers so that only he can listen

"I will recognize you for now. But watch out. Once we have a reason to battle once more...I will bite you to death!"

He then goes back to walk to the lab, and dismisses Daisy, specifically asking Oak to treat his wounds

2011-02-20, 09:32 PM
Chesley had turned back into his human form by the time Veela woke up, and gives only the tiniest of nods to acknowledge the whispered warning. He only hopes that Veela will do so honourably, and not try to take advantage of a bad situation that could cost them. Pride was not a positive attribute to have in the middle of battle. He looks up at the stormy sky, which will take a couple more minutes to cease, then looks at Roxanne. He doesn'tbother hiding his stare, smirking. She enjoyed her human form almost as much as any humans would enjoy seeing it. He stretches thena nd heads to recover from the fight. "Tough battles make me hungry..."

2011-02-20, 10:28 PM
Dasiy tends to Chesly while Oak heals Veela back to fighting form

((OOC: Veela has a Hibari complex of biting people to death :smallbiggrin:))

2011-02-21, 12:40 AM

Roxanna smiled as Veela finally regained consciousness. "Nice to have you back. Have a good nap?" She added in a playful wink after her rhetorical question, hoping to make him feel a bit better. She figured he was like most other Fire Pokemon in one specific trait --- pride. Should that be the case, Roxanna was pretty sure the defeat was still stinging him a bit so she was, for now, trying to help him merely forget it.

As she watched both Oak and Daisy treat the two, she sighed softly and had this annoying feeling. The one that was whispering insider her head.... This may be a while..... She gave Veela and Chelsey each one last look then a smile at both. "Well... while you two soldiers are recovering,, I'm gonna head back in and try to dry off some."

She looked up as she walked, wondering how to go about this. A hair dryer? It was the only immediate thing she could think of aside from shifting back to her form. She would change too if it weren't for the fact she knew they'd have to head out soon. With a light shrug,, she decided to stick with her first idea as she headed into the bathroom, standing right in front of the vanity mirror in the bathroom and turned the dryer on at medium blast. She wasn't too ignorant to dare turn it on full; her own body did have it's own limits after all and something told her full would be way too hot even for her.

Jesse Drake
2011-02-21, 12:50 AM
Knight smiles as the rain falls. However, to avoid getting his armor rusty, he seems to dismiss it. His undershirt is crimson red- but his hair is strangely just like his helmet. It's all black, except for red highlights on the top, and two silver locks up front, one going up, one going down. "Well, this is actually pretty nice." However, after a moment, he goes inside to dry off too. Though, he doesn't really do anything to dry off quickly- except get out of the rain.

2011-02-22, 09:39 PM
"Thank you Professor"

Once healed, Veela walks around and stretches a little bit. He liked to do it every now and then, after doing it for a minute or so, he walks towards a table and grabs a black chain that was resting on it. He forged it a couple days ago when trying to control his fire powers in his new human form. Remenbering himself of that time, he plays with a small flame by creating and dismissing it with fingersnaps. One time he even manages to create a flame of a blue color, which he takes pride. Most of the time it was black-ish, or red

Picking another apple, he takes another bite at it. He didn't feel like eating meat when he had just lost to an herbivore...turning his mind away from that he asks Professor Oak

"You were talking about the gym battles... do they have any special rules? And where should we go for the first one. Do all of us need to defeat the leader?

2011-02-23, 08:31 PM
Professor Oak moved to answer all of Veela's questions, making sure to answer each in the order they had been asked, "Special rules? Not really. I don't believe all of you will need to beat the Gym Leaders. As for each of you having to fight the Gym Leader, that is also a no. Each of you has a secret that can be used against the Gym Leaders and that's that each of you are Pokemon. If you want, you can pick and choose what Gym Leaders you wish to go against. Once one of you wins the Badge, the other ones can use the badge in order to challenge the next person and so on and so on until finally you've collected all the Badges. Then, when you finally get to Mount Silver, the rest of you turn into Pokemon while one of you presents all the Badges. That way, you can all enter Mount Silver."

2011-02-23, 08:44 PM
Chesley thanked Daisy and stretched, walking out to hear Professor Oaks' plan. "Meaning that those that are in pokemon form would need to be sure they act like the one who stay as human is their trainer. A trainer who can beat all the gym leaders isn't likely to have any pokemon that disobey commands. For now we should tackle the gym leaders based on our strengths. Veela, your pokemon are excellent against rock, ground and fire types so any gyms with those themes are best handled by you. My pokemon are all electric so water and flying types will be an easy win for me. Roxanne's fire pokemon are best suited against grass, steel, bug and ice pokemon. Knight's team is varied and can handle anyone who the others don't have an obvious advantage over. We can either travel together, safety in numbers after all, or split up to different gyms to try and gather the badges as quickly as possible. What does everyone else think?"

2011-02-23, 08:53 PM

Roxanna walks out from drying herself off in time to hear all of the Professor's plan. Then Chesley begins to speak. She remains quiet, ensuring she hears every single word both men say before finally speaking,, a content smirk on her face, "Sounds like we're gonna have a very fun time together. I like it and think it should work perfectly. However, since none of us know where each respective Gym is, I think we should stay together." She sighed softly, noticing out of the corner of her eye Veela eating an apple, meaning he was still a bit bummed about losing.. Awww.... poor guy. Gonna have to figure a way to really cheer him up.... She began contemplating on how to go about that whilst waiting to hear the others' inputs.

2011-02-24, 11:11 AM
"My pokémon can be pretty good against Dragon too. So, that means we don't have to take the Elite?"

Veela really wanted to defeat every gym leader there was, but since he accepted to follow for now, he remained quiet. At least they would still have the chance to battle with other trainers on the way to the gyms

2011-02-24, 05:25 PM
Oak nodded to Veela's question "They exist to battle if you want but are not a requirement. As long as you show all badges of Jhoto and Kanto you will be allowed onto the mountain."

2011-02-27, 03:48 PM
A slight distortion appears in the air near the group. Those watching feel an odd presence and the feeling of being watched. The distortion warps into the faint outline of a large black and yellow pokemon. It floats in the air with its human like arms crossed and a single, red, glowing eye stares with alien inteligence. Suddenly words echo in the minds of the trainers and professor.

Greetings mortals. I am a traveler from another world. I am on a mission of dire importance to both your world and my own. Before I can pass over into this world I must receive an invitation from a natural resident.

The pokemon turns to the Professor.

Because these pokemon come from another place, you are the one who must grant me access so I may complete my task. It is one past down from a power beyond your compromise. A pokemon able to travel between worlds effortlessly, that is my objective to seek out. So, will you grant me passage to your world so that my duty may be performed?

2011-03-01, 11:15 AM
Professor Oak blinks. He's trying hard not to laugh at this overly dramatic Pokemorph as he's come to call these people. This one seems serious... maybe a little too much. He finally finds the words he was looking for and smiles, "Well the more the merrier they say. These others are also seeking that same creature. Maybe you could all help each other."

2011-03-01, 01:57 PM
Veela raises an eyebrow, amused at the new guest. He surely knew how to indroduce himself. In a way at least, it missed a keypoint. His name! Deciding to step forward after the Professor made clear he was not going to act as vessel he introduces himself too

"I'm Veela. Despite what you see I'm a Houndoom actually. These are all...friends of mine, though I wish to let them introduce themselves, but would you be?

Wondering if he was from...from...what was the name of the world where they came from again? He already forgot it apparently. Leaving such detail aside he starts to warm up. The new guy apparently liked to be dramatic, so he had to climb to the same level!

2011-03-01, 03:45 PM

Roxanna tilts her head up, a mixture of confusion and amusement simultaneously upon her face. This new guest definitely liked standing out... and for that, she mentally congratulated him on doing such a damn good job of accomplishing just that. She bowed her head slightly, her eyes remaining up at the Pokemon. Before she speaks, she stands next to Veela, "I am Roxanna the Vulpix. A pleasure to meet you.... you would be?"

2011-03-01, 04:07 PM

Chesley moves to stand beside Veela opposite Roxanne. He smirks, a slight chuckle escapes his throat. he looks over this new pokemon, nodding.
"Greetings. I am Chesley, an Amphoros who led a small clan back in our other world. I'm the current leader of this little band and we coudl use your assistance tracking down this being who sent us here."

2011-03-01, 04:43 PM
With the Professor's invitation the Dusknoir is able to cross the gap between his world and the Professor's world and fully materialize in the lab. Once again the pokemon's telepathy inserts its words into the minds of those gathered.

Very good. My thanks for allowing me to begin my mission. My Lord will be pleased by this. It is no mistake that I approached you for I knew that these Pokemon would also be seeking my quarry as well. If you will have me, I will travel with you so that I may be successful in my quest when the time comes. I am a preserver of the balance between the worlds. The Other side is my home as well as that of my master. It is on my master's request that I come here in search of my prey whose presence here upsets the balance that must be preserved at all costs.

I have been known by many names in my existence. Seeker, Hunter, Tormentor, Keeper, Reaper... some have even known me as Death itself... In all truth, names are a somewhat meaningless concept from where I am from. What you call me matters little. Were I forced to choose, I would say Revenant is what I am most used to for that is what I am most widely known as, among the few who have learned of me and lived to tell the tale.

2011-03-01, 09:58 PM
"Well "Revenant" instead of choosing one that mostly represents what others see you ass why don't you choose one that defines you by yourself?"

Veela starts to circle the ghost, clearly enjoying himself on some crazy over-the-top speech in his mind

"You can names meaningless yet you say to possess many of them. Even if it may be so, the power to choose your own name, as a Pokémon is not something meaningless. It best represents your freedom. When we are captured, at best we receive a name chosen by a trainer and I met many of my kind who were rather discontent with such measures. But now things are different, I chose to call myself Veela. And I named the Pokémon I carry in a way that seemed to their pleasure.

After some more circling he sits. Resting his arms on the armchain. Legs crossed. A smile with a slight touch of evil on it

2011-03-01, 10:58 PM

As Roxanna listens to Veela speak, she too takes a seat in a different chair. Legs over one armchair, her body leaned back against the other. Sexy, seductive, yet still mysterious and discreet as her body was still covered.... for now. "Veela's got a point you know? No need to talk as if you're owned by a trainer. While we're still able to be free... we should embrace and enjoy it." She stretched, throwing her head and upper body backward a bit before making them merely lean against the one armchair again. Her hands, however, now go behind her head as she allows her eyes to rest upon Veela albeit they do shift from Pokemorph to Pokemorph to avoid staring.. "Comfy as this is... we're not gonna get anywhere staying here so...." She finally looks to Professor Oak, "Got a map by chance? We're gonna need one in order to know where we're going.." Needless to say, she was enjoying this drama... it was definitely helping her creative juices get flowing and .... there was just something addictive that was getting her attention and making her want to keep learning about how to be this way more and more. She couldn't quite put her finger on what it was... all she knew was she was liking this along with feeling herself getting, even more bolder. Her own words had never been more true and it was now that she was realizing just how nice freedom was feeling for her.

2011-03-02, 12:27 AM
You misunderstand me. I serve no mortal human trainer. The one that commands me is an ancient being that has existed since the birth of the cosmos. And while your new forms have brought you unexpected freedom, I am here because of my duty to this higher power. But enough about my concerns. We should progress onwards. Have any plans been made on how to go about finding our target?

2011-03-02, 07:57 AM

Roxanna remains lying in the chair with her legs over one armchair and her body against the other with her arms simultaneously behind her head. She first sighs.. then chuckles. I suppose it's true... he barely missed hearing that part. Lovely timing ne? Guess it can't be helped.... She then holds a hand up to the Professor, signaling him to kindly wait for his answer.

"Yes. We're all going to take turns battling Gym Leaders, using our teams to our advantages. Thus, I'd be against the Grass, Ice and any other Gyms I have an advantage against and so on and so forth. After obtaining them all, one of us will stay in our human form while the rest of us act as owned Pokemon. That way, assuming all goes well and we all win, we will all be able to enter Mount Silver and head home. That's the summary of it. We just finished deciding whom would be good against which gyms.... and I'm assuming we aren't going to split up. Irregardless, it's why I asked the Professor for a map." She then lowered her hand and nodded to Professor Oak, hinting she was ready to hear his answer.

2011-03-02, 02:46 PM
The Dusknoir nods in agreement to Roxanna's plan.

Hmmm... a sound plan. We will likely have to each amass a strong team to stand a chance against our target. Our own powers are likely to increase during our journey as well. Do we have our first destination picked out?

Also, it occurs to me that simply masking my visible presence will probably not be enough for this mission. I may have to adopt the illusion of a human appearance in order to fit in with the rest of the group. Lets see what will work.

The Dusknoir closes its eyes and its form flickers and begins to morph. The result is a very large man with very broad shoulders. He wears a long black trenchcoat with yellow markings that coincide with the markers on Dusknoir's natural body. He wears a long and ragged dark purple scarf around his face. Covering his eyes are an enormous pair of sunglasses. He looks around at the other pokemorphs and then down at his own body, noticing the handsome, athletic builds of their human forms.

Hmmm...not exactly right. Too noticeable and bizarre looking for this group. I can do better. I shall try again.

Once again the Dusknoir's appearance shifts and blurs, trading its wide and squat body shape for a taller and thinner one. The result is a tall, well built man again wearing a long black trench coat with a high collar and yellow markings. The purple-black scarf is once again wrapped around the bottom half of his face, hiding from view his mouth and neck. The most striking facial feature is the black eye patch covering his left eye while his right eye seems to stare with the same red intensity of Dusknoir's single natural eye. The rest of what can be seen of the his face is ruggedly handsome.
From out of the coats long sleeves, hands covered in large grey gloves can be seen. Black combat boots can just barely be seen from underneath the bottom of the long coat.

Having completed his much more convincing transformation, the Dusknoir stretches his new arms and takes a few struggling steps with unfamiliar legs.

Humph... I suppose this will have to do. These legs will take some getting used to however. Well, what do you think? Inconspicuous enough for our task?

The Dusknoir's voice now seems to be coming from where is mouth would be, though no mouth movement can be noticed under the wraps of the scarf.

2011-03-04, 03:08 PM
"That's not incospicuous at all..." is the first thought to come to Veela's mind but not the one he tranfers. In another way of seeing the world was a pretty weird place and he himself had some horns...perhaps he was among ones who would less attact attention

"Looks fine to me...you really should stop talking like that. And walking like that. Too stiff you know, you gotta soften up. And no need to talk like that, the Gym Leaders are not our "targets" they are simply people who have what we want, and are constantly challenged by trainers from everywhere"

2011-03-05, 02:14 AM
Professor Oak laughs as Daisy comes back with the maps of both Kanto and Johto regions. "I regret that my work keeps me here or I would delight in watching your journeys firsthand. Oh and before I forget." The professor goes and gets a spare pokedex for the newest addition to the group.

2011-03-05, 06:53 AM

"Alrighty then." Her legs swung off the armchair as she got out of the chair, standing up on her feet now at her full height. "No sense in delaying this anymore." She looked at the map for a bit, seeing what location was closest then began walking out the door. "Let's go then shall we?" She called out before taking one last step outside, sighing a bit as she knew it would probably be a very long while before she ever set foot back into Pallet Town. In fact, as she thought about it, this may very well be the last time for all of them... and while it did make her somewhat sad, the idea of being able to go home was also nice. She put her hands behind her back, waiting for the others to join her.

2011-03-07, 11:19 AM
Very good. Let us depart.

The grey dressed man moves over to stand near the door with Roxanna. This time he moves with a gliding fluidity that is a noticeable improvement over his previous movements.

Ah much better. Had to make a few minor adjustments to the form of these legs underneath my coat. They weren't quite right the first time...

2011-03-08, 09:18 PM
"Okay then" standing up once more, he picks the chain again and this time wraps it around one of his arms and part of the fists. Standing by Roxanna's sight, he offers her his arm while putting the one with chains in his pockets
"A gentleman should not let a lady like you alone for long..."

2011-03-09, 02:24 AM

Roxanna looks down at Veela's arm and smiles, taking it. "Why thank you." She chuckles as she takes a step away so the two can be out of earshot then whispers, "But what, my dear friend, makes you think I'm a mere lady? Also.... is there a specific reason you want to be alone with me maybe?" As she looked back, her head tilted curiously and noted that Chesley seemed to have taken a nap or something.. Maybe him realizing they had gone on ahead would get his attention as she began walking with Veela, remembering how the map had looked and where their destination was supposed to be.

2011-03-09, 02:30 AM
Indeed he had, as seemed hsi usal when people were discussing things he already had a grasp on. He shook himself awake and ccaught up with the others, smiling and humming a tune he'd heard the other day on a radio.

2011-03-09, 09:21 PM
"You not being a mere lady is exactly the reason I can't allow you to remain alone for long" walking slowly alongside Roxanna, to give time for the others to catch up, he tries to keep at her level of teasing, "No actual specific reasons. But maybe being with you will get my other Lady jealous of attention and give me some better luck. The Kiss of Fortuna can give out the best of luck but aswell doom me...as I have learned in other occasions" he remenbered reading about Lady Fortuna in some book in the professor's house. Only now he starts to think that they must have really abused his hospitality

2011-03-10, 12:46 AM

Roxanna smirked more upon hearing Veela's answer, "Ah... very well spoken answer my dear. Very nicely done. Not many can seem to see through my illusion of sorts which in itself is ironic considering I'm not trying overly hard to maintain it. For that, I commend you." It was true too; she saw no shame in her nature and thus had never even bothered trying to hide it. She smiled upon now seeing Chesley out of the corner of her eyes this time upon checking if the others were nearby. "Well then... I think we're ready to head out." Shifting her gaze back into in front of her, she continued to hold Veela's arm and proceed onward beside him.