View Full Version : Diplomacy In-Character

2011-02-12, 07:26 AM
Begin September 1914


England (Navy blue) - DragonOfUndeath
Germany (Red) - Murska
Italy (Green) - Deathslayer7
Ottoman Empire (Yellow) - Eurus
Russia (Grey) - tigerusthegreat
Austria-Hungary (Purple) - DMBlackhart
France (Light blue) - Nolispe

OOC tread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10359271#post10359271)

This is the turn structure:

Begin of the month four-phase turn
1. Diplomatic phase
2. Order Writing phase
3. Order Resolution phase
4. Retreat and Disbanding phase

End of the month five-phase turn
1. Diplomatic phase
2. Order Writing phase
3. Order Resolution phase
4. Retreat and Disbanding phasee
5. Gaining and Losing Units phase

The IC
I think the IC tread is perfect to show your general emotions and actions. Since the most RP is by PM it is weird to do it all over again here on the board. So i think you can devide it in PMs where you are a diplomat and here on the board where you are the leader of your nation. But, feel free to RP the way you like best!

2011-02-15, 10:10 PM
can we get a list like in the ooc right here under the map so when we are looking at the map we know who is whom and who to pm? Thanks. ^^

2011-02-16, 07:23 AM
Kaiser's Realpolitik Overview

The balance of power in Europe is relatively even, with a whopping seven contenders (or six... I wouldn't call Italy a contender) for the continent.

However, tensions are running high, and if I were in the shoes of some of those neutral nations near the major powers, I'd either align myself (to Germany) quickly or begin preparations for a mass exodus to the Americas.

The key foreseeable tension spots will be the Black Sea between Turkey and Russia and the English Channel, a name the French disagree with vehemently, between England and France. The land areas where future conflicts will inevitably be sparked are the Low Countries between France, England and Germany and the Balkans between the Russians, the Turk and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Another possible location for some political maneuvering is presented by the Scandinavian nations of Norway and Sweden - Germany, Russia and England all have their own aims and goals for the area.

2011-02-16, 01:56 PM
Just making a quick post, will update with flare later.

2011-02-16, 02:19 PM
It was good to be the power behind the power. Thought Chief Diplomat Leonard Chastiski. One can issue reports to force the military to move the way I wish it. He took a long drink from a bottle of wine presented to him as a gift from the Italian ambassador. It was better, in his opinion, than the French bottle he had had with Lunch, but paled in comparison to the harsh Vodka he was raised on. Maybe I can convince the English to send me some decent Scotch in exchange for my good will.

War was certainly coming, and soon the maps would be drawn and redrawn with battle lines.

"Your Excellency!" An aide burst through his door, nearly toppling the wooden carvings of soldiers and boats off the map. "The Commandant of the Army has ordered the first and second brigades onto maneuvers, and the Chief Admiral of the Navy has done likewise with our naval forces. They are calling the actions 'War Games,' sir."

War games...too true the first word, so false the second. "Thank you, Chekov, I will prepare dispatches to be sent to the embassies of our dear neighbors should any tensions arise." He dismissed the aide and went back to his thoughts. This is how it starts then, with quiet maneuvering before the thunderous opening. He glanced over at the chess board where a game between himself and the German ambassador lay half finished. It was still largely a stalemate, with few pieces exchanged, and had turned into a lengthy exchange of positional power with few real gains. Glancing at the Russio-German border on the map, he expected a similar stalemate to happen there, at least until some of the peskier lesser nations were subdued. Germany would not tolerate a powerful Russia for long, but the fatherland would be occupied by France and Austria-Hungary, while the Motherland tended to securing its borders with the Turks, and resolving the inevitable fight for the Balkans. It would be an interesting few years.

2011-02-16, 02:35 PM
Erich von Messner, sitting on the other side of the chess table, far away in another nation but in such a similar situation, was thinking along similar lines. The Kaiser had plans for a greater Germany, plans which would either rise or fall amongst the changing powers in Europe. And, as everyone knew, who controlled Europe controlled the world.

This chess game would take a long time to finish, and both of the diplomats playing knew that they wouldn't have the time to resolve it now, so they weren't really putting their minds into the positioning anymore.

Positions. Geography dictated the flow of the real game, the one played out there in the camps of the armies and on the thrones of the rulers. Geography dictated that Europe was forcibly divided, that no power could hope to lash out at those far away without endangering their position closer to home. And so, the relations with your neighbours would be the ones receiving the greatest attention.

The talks with the English ambassador had resulted quite as he had thought. Both of them had simply affirmed what they already knew. At least the discussion with the French had proven fruitful - if the demilitarization of the border would hold, at least on paper, it could provide security for the Fatherland.

Erich let himself show an amused smile, thinking of the supposedly demilitarized zone on the German side of the border, where right now the armies of the Kaiser were gathering for their first move of the Game. Never look at what people say, but how they say it and especially what they do. Everybody knew the agreement would never be followed to the letter, but it's very existance meant something and sent signals.

Interesting times were ahead.

2011-02-16, 09:51 PM
Sir Dragon sat upon his throne overlooking a map of the world.
He had built his fortress atop the demoloished remains of Buckingham Palace. Foolish Blue Bloods, thinking he was content with the job of Diplomat. He had crushed them easily. Now he was Dictator of England, and hopefully soon, The World!
He looked over the Treaties he had been given, ripping up the ones he didn't want or the ones he couldn't fulfill at the moment.
He surveyed the map thinking.

2011-02-19, 02:47 PM
Moves Begin September 1914


Written Orders

F St. Petersburg -> Gulf of Berbnia
A Warsaw -> Ukraine
A Moscow -> Livonia
F Stevastopol -> Remains where it is

F Edinburgh -> Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool -> York
F London -> North Sea

F Kiel -> Denmark
A Berlin -> Kiel
A Munich -> Ruhr

A Vienna -> Galacia
F Trieste -> Adriatic Sea
A Budapest -> Rumania

A Venezia -> Trieste
A Roma -> Apulia
F Napoli -> X

F Brest -> English Channel
A Marseilles -> Spain
A Paris -> Burgundy

Turkey/Ottoman Empire
A Constantinople -> Bulgaria
F Ankara -> Constantinople
A Smyrna -> Ankara

End September 1914


All nations have ordered their armies to investigate the provinces around them. The brittish do what they always did best; Dominate the oceans.
Russia reached for scandinavia and somthing interresting happend between Ostria-Hungary and Italy. Just when the boats set sail for the Adriatic sea Italy invaded Trieste and call it their provice from now on. While the days grow colder and november comes closer all nations send out their diplomats for further negotiation.

This is the turn structure:

Begin of the month four-phase turn
1. Diplomatic phase
2. Order Writing phase
3. Order Resolution phase
4. Retreat and Disbanding phase

End of the month five-phase turn
1. Diplomatic phase
2. Order Writing phase
3. Order Resolution phase
4. Retreat and Disbanding phase
5. Gaining and Losing Units phase

I skipped the retreat/disband phase since there have been no serious conflicts in which players had to retreat or disband units.

2011-02-19, 03:38 PM
If you could post move orders as well starting next diplo phase, I think that would be better. Sorry for asking so much. It's just eaiser to see the moves lsited rather than try to figure out what someone did by looking at the map.

2011-02-19, 04:07 PM
If you could post move orders as well starting next diplo phase, I think that would be better. Sorry for asking so much. It's just eaiser to see the moves lsited rather than try to figure out what someone did by looking at the map.

I posted the map and the written orders in the spoiler. Is that what you meant? For next question. Please ask them in the OOC. this is the IC tread and purposed for IC talk ;)

I'll put this in a spoiler to not make it conspicious

2011-02-19, 09:00 PM
Sir Dragon cursed as the reports came in.
A French fleet had been spotted in the English Channel.
He tore up the alliance and ordered his generals to do whatever it took to hold France out of England. France had made a terrible mistake crossing Dragon.

2011-02-19, 11:40 PM

As the night wore on, the sound of gunfire finally began to die away in the palace of Versallies. By dumb luck, the president had been away for the night when General D'rarsion had lauched his coup, and the palace was even now being retaken by loyalist forces. Unfortunately, the rebel general had a massive amou t of support in the armed forces, so Paris might come under sttack shortly. However, with god's grace, the loyalist factions would wrest control back within a few months.

2011-02-20, 05:39 PM
Leonard contemplated the new developments on the map. Germany had pushed into Denmark, Italy into Austria, the Turks into the Baltics...and Austria into Romania. The Austrians truly had no tact or honor, but it seemed that the Turks and the Italians would make short work of them. He turned his attention to the map of Sweden. Its resources would power the Russian war machine. He would let the petty squables to the south resolve themselves while he went to secure the northern provinces.

2011-02-21, 01:36 PM
Kaiser's Realpolitik Overview, Part II

Haha! Italy appears to be set on proving us wrong. A bold move on their part, invading Austria right away. It's possible for them to win, of course, but the far more likely case is that they get run over by whichever of Turkey and Russia takes the Balkans. The worst case for Italy is Turkey getting too powerful, as they both need to dominate the Mediterranean to have a chance at glory.

Austria's troops are drastically out of place, but he is not beaten yet. Depending on how his negotiations with Turkey go, and whether Russia lets him withdraw after the obvious attack attempt, he might be able to resecure his homeland.

Meanwhile France invaded the Channel, apparently intent on attacking England. This is the obvious move for both of them, and England's move to the North Sea in that light is interesting - it is as though they trusted the French. Very curious, this early - it appears the French military was under the command of a military coup attempt, which failed. It will remain to be seen how this affects their relations.

Germany moved as expected, gathering their forces on the borders of the Low Countries and invading Denmark to strengthen their hold on the Baltic Sea. Russia, on the other hand, was surprisingly timid. They did not even attempt to move to their rightful holdings in Rumania and, while moving through the Gulf to Sweden instead of via Finland, a clear threat to Germany, positioned their armies defensively in Livonia and Ukraine. Their future moves seem limited - it will be interesting how they tackle the situation to their south, as their northern expansion prospects for now are limited.

Current strongest player: Unquestionably Turkey. Italy's attack on Austria, Austria's push against Russia and Russia's passive positioning conspire to help Turkey into easy dominance over the Balkans, with nothing to fear over the Black Sea and an Italy stuck in a conflict with Austria and so unable to focus on the Mediterranean - Italy hasn't even made it's move on Tunisia yet.

2011-02-22, 01:02 PM
Post: Room for the next maps

From now on I will use different arrows to show what a unit will do.

PM me is something is incorrect.
All players PM me about building new armies if you haven't done that yet. I retreated Austrias army to skip the unnecessary retreat phase again (since no one else has to retreat but Austria)
Please read the Rulebook about building and disbanding Units.
You can find the balance below the last map.


Dashes = Normal move or attack
Dash dot dot = Convoy
Dot dot dot = Support.

My english is not perfect, I hope you can still make something out of it;)

When the month started each nation started to move their armies in the unexplored lands looking for more supplies. Now when november aproches most of them prepare for a long battle for the unconquered lands.
Holland and Belgium are nomansland. The people who stil live there are surrounded by enemy troops. Trenches stretch all the way alongside the border of Germany while Frens hand Brittish fleets try to come ashore. For weeks you hear nothing than bombardments and the whisles of officers launching another attack doomed to fail with thousands dead. Then when both armies almost lost hope a fresh legion of soldiers march into belgium. The germans defend, but are forced back across their borders. France won and claimed Belgium, but at what cost.
Meanwhile in Scandinavia Russia is pushing into Norway. There is no resist and they can easily take the supplies there. When the soldiers feel the solid ground beneath their feet again they wave to the german fleet somewhere at the horizon. As they move up country they see Brittish flags wave at the border of Sweden, is this the beginning of their first battle?
In south Europe, Afrika and the balkans also a war is going on. Italy invaded Serbia, but encountered the army of the turks. Trenches are dug and a long bloody war started in Serbia without succes nboth nations. Italy also reaches for Afrika. Tunesia would make a great collony with plenty supllies
Russlands expands fast and takes romania. Austria cannot hold the frontier and is pushed back to their savest haven; Budapest.

Standings without extra units.

Unit balance

France +2
Italy +2
Russia +1
Tuks +1
England +1
Austria +0

2011-02-24, 09:43 AM
Kaiser's Realpolitik Overview Part III

Okay, the first alliances are now evident. France and England are allied, as are Turkey and Russia, the dreaded Juggernaut. And Italy and Austria appear to have settled their differences.

Russia is pushing heavily up North, which will limit the power of their chief rivals in the Anglo-French Alliance, a good move for him. Austria's attack was surprisingly effective, however that won't help currently as the extra troops Russia is getting will turn the tide. Turkey is still going strong, and their moves signify their intention to attack Italy as quickly as possible. Basically, the Eastern side of the board has been decided and if Germany resists the invaders at all, which he will, the game is also close to being over.

If the Juggernaut gets Austria, Balkans and Scandinavia without there being an alliance of the entire rest of the board to face it, the game is finished and the victor will be decided between Russia and Turkey, probably being the one to betray the other first.

I am giving Austria two years of lifetime maximum, perhaps three if supported heavily by Italy. England will be pushed out of Norway sooner or later, and due to France's hogging of Portugal, is due to be betrayed by France in two to three years' time. This won't matter, however, with the Juggernaut on the move. (Seriously, see anywhere for England to expand at the moment? Denmark? Yeah right, with Russia in the Baltic. Holland? Remember what happened to Calais, anyone? Italy? Ha.)

Strongest Player: Currently still Turkey. Once Russia gets Warsaw back, things will begin to change - however, Russo-Turkish Juggernaut is ahead by far, already having decided their own Sphere.

2011-02-26, 03:33 PM
I've placed some units for the ones that didn't PM me. The locations are fine i think, of you wanted otherwise you had about 3 days to PM me.
Do your diplamcy now and I expect your moves soon. If you can't make it, let us know!! Don't just let us wait without informing us. Sorry I seem a bit strict, but I need to keep 7 people happy and enthousaistic about the game. Have fun!:smallamused:

2011-02-26, 03:50 PM
Kaiser's Builds Addendum 1

England built an army? Weird. There's literally no reason to ever do that.

France built an army in Paris, as expected, but a fleet in Marseilles? I think he's underestimating Germany. Attacking Italy now is foolish, since Italy needs to be a speedbump in the way of the Juggernaut. Allying with Italy on the Mediterranean against Turkey is doable, however... if that's what they're planning, then congratulations on long-sightedness.

Russia, as necessary, army Moscow.

Germany, as necessary, army Munich.

Turkey is massing armies. Again weird - practically no reason to do that. Ever.

Italy built exactly the right things in exactly the right places. The only one to do so here, actually, if we don't count Russia and Germany with the obvious must-do builds. Good job. Turkey's lack of a second Fleet means Italy can actually do something against the Juggernaut right now - a one-sided Lepanto-ish attack possibly, or a contest in the Balkans. That Tunis army needs to be convoyed somewhere in the Fall turn, however. Preferrably somewhere it isn't expected.