View Full Version : Let's Play Pokemon Gold!

2011-02-12, 03:37 PM
So, seeing the absence of Pokemon LPs recently, I've decided to give it a shot. Before we get started though, I have a few questions.
1.I plan to do this with screenshots. Is there anyone who can explain how to use these well? (What sites/how to edit them)
2.What starter should I use? I'm leaning towards Totodile, but could choose another. If you want, you can even ask for a non-starter. (I can go and catch one, then make an egg, and try to restart the game. I'll trade for the other pokemon ASAP.) I've been interested in trying to use a dratini as a starter for a while...

Rules: I'm playing with a cross between normal/hard mode. I've never actually tried hard mode, so I don't want to go all the way.

1.All pokemon must be similar levels.
2.When a pokemon faints, there is a 50% chance it will die. I'll flip a coin. (Or intervene, if the plot requires it) The starter will be exempt. So, I'll always have the starter. Unless I decide to kill it.
3.No using items outside of battle.
4.All pokemon can have one hold item that can be used outside of battle. After this is used, it cannot be replaced until I get to a pokemon center. The item must be used on the pokemon carrying it.
5.Only one wild pokemon per area. However, this does not have to be the first wild pokemon. Cities can provide you with all pokemon available in the city, but only one of each.
6.Once you see a pokemon you want to catch, this counts as the one per area. If you fail, too bad. You may not discriminate based on level/gender. So, if I decide I want a pidgey from an area, I must catch the first pidgey I see.
7.You must nickname every pokemon.
8.You may not switch before a trainer sends out a new pokemon.
9.No using legendaries in battles.
10.Once you enter an area, you cannot go back until you get through it.
11.You can't buy revives. However, if you find one, it can be used to revive a dead pokemon. This must be done before the coin flip.

Cast of Characters

Javier is a smooth con man, around twenty-three years old. He suffers from overconfidence and a desire to win everything.

Rachel is a good friend and accomplice of Javier. The two have worked many cons together.

A man Javier met selling slowpoke tails. Alex helped Javier with slowpoke well.

A girl Javier battled. She gave Javier her phone number after losing.

Jacob is a man hired by team Rocket. He disposes of those who annoy the Rockets. Jacob despises Javier.

A friend of Javier's in Team Rocket.

Javier's Totodile (Ep1-X) Lv.16

Javier's Geodude (Ep2-X} Lv. 14

Javier's Pidgey (Ep2-X) Lv. 14

Javier's Zubat (Ep.2-X) Lv.12

Javier's Gastly (Ep.2-X) Lv. 13

Javier's Flaaffy (Ep.4-X) Lv. 15

2011-02-12, 03:58 PM
I personally use photobucket. It seems to work well enough for me.

For editing, I use photoshop. Paint would probably work though. At any rate, if you're going to crop them down, I'll echo some really good advice I was given: choose a couple of "anchor points" to use as guides. Doing so will really help you keep things consistent.

2011-02-12, 04:37 PM
If you just need a way to scale images up/down, look for a post I made on the first page of Deme's Moemon thread. I linked to a couple batch resizers.

Otherwise, I'll echo what Artanis said. (Although if you don't have/can't acquire photoshop, GIMP is an excellent free alternative)

2011-02-14, 12:23 PM
Most GBA emulators (as far as I know) have a screenshot saving feature, so you can at least use that. In terms of websites, I recommend using Photobucket. It's easy, and it'll save a lot of screenshots (which usually aren't a huge filesize to begin with).

And since nobody said anything about the rules yet, I like this setup. The idea of deciding whether a Pokemon lives or dies over the premise of a simple coin flip is rather chilling, to say the least. That could definitely become an interesting character trait in whatever story you may be working up for this.

2011-02-15, 10:59 PM
And since nobody said anything about the rules yet, I like this setup. The idea of deciding whether a Pokemon lives or dies over the premise of a simple coin flip is rather chilling, to say the least. That could definitely become an interesting character trait in whatever story you may be working up for this.

I don't think he means that he's deciding whether they live or die by an in-world coin flip any more than someone playing Nuzlocke Mode is supposed to be personally killing their Pokemon...

2011-02-16, 10:48 AM
Oh, one thing I thought of:

In a slight adaptation of the "no out-of-battle items" rule, let each pokemon carry an item that can be used out of battle, but can only be "reloaded" at a pokemon center.

For example, if you let your Rattata carry an Antidote, you can take that item off of him and use it out of battle if it gets poisoned. However, you can't give him another item to hold until the next time you're at a pokemon center, so if it gets poisoned again before you get back to town, it's SOL.

...I hope that made sense.

2011-02-16, 12:10 PM
I don't think he means that he's deciding whether they live or die by an in-world coin flip any more than someone playing Nuzlocke Mode is supposed to be personally killing their Pokemon...

Well, yes, I never meant that to be interpreted as in-world. I still say it'd make an interesting trait in a story, though.

2011-02-16, 08:03 PM
Why don't you play something other then pokemon? :smallconfused:

2011-02-17, 10:02 PM
First of all, thanks for the responses so far.
I plan to start this with a prologue sometime tomarrow, and the first chapter should be up by Saturday. (It depends on how fast I learn to post Screenshots) The current starter will be Totodile, but if anyone wants a different starter, be sure to post it.
Pokemon deaths will be dealt with by a coin flip in real life-the pokemon faints, then the character rushes to the pokemon center, the doctors do all they can...and we see what happens.
I will use the one hold item/pokemon rule. I did a test run with these rules, and poison wasn't so much deadly as annoying. I'm fine with more risk, but I really don't see myself losing a pokemon to poison.
Also, I was considering fighting every wild pokemon, but after the test run, I've decided not to use this rule.
Finally, I play pokemon because it's fun.
If you have any questions or comments, be sure to post them here. If not, I hope you have fun reading.

2011-02-17, 10:14 PM
Rules seem watered down compared to the other Let's Play rules set.

Gotta love Gold though, it had the more manly and thus better Pokemon. Mankey, Growlith, Gligar, Ursaring.

I started replaying my old Gameboy version a year ago at my gf's, while she would do homework... such a shame the original cartridge dies if the internal battery dries up. My kid brother's gold is like that, not sure of my other brother's silver.

But I'm rambling, I'll be interested in seeing how this turns out.

2011-02-18, 09:24 AM
Rules seem watered down compared to the other Let's Play rules set.

Not that they come up there much either. :smallwink:
The underlying ruleset really isn't all that important compared to having a strong narrative and/or humor.

2011-02-18, 10:29 PM
Rules seem watered down compared to the other Let's Play rules set.

Yeah, I'm playing a slightly easier version of hardmode, so that's the idea.
And now, I present to you the prologue. Here I'll introduce Javier, a con man. Note this is not supposed to be a rip-off of Raistlin1040's LP. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152381) However coincidental, I'm also playing a version of pokemon gold, using a con man as the main character, and having the main characters name start with a J that is not pronounced as a J. Let it be known that all these similarities are purely coincidental. I love gold version, I've always wanted to use a con man as a main character, and a friend of mine named Javier just moved away. Now then, on to the prologue!


Hey, I see we have a new customer in town!
Cut the crap, I'm here to play.
Not too friendly, are you? Oh well, it can't be helped. The game is called Find the Lady. Three cards, one queen and two jacks. I mix 'em, you try to find them. Five-hundred dollars. Ready?
Let's go.
The man's hands were a blaze of motion, the cards quickly changing positions in and out of his hands.
Alright then. You got a guess?
The right card!
No, it's the center one!
Are you crazy? Choose the one on the right!
Alright, calm down, calm down. Let him choose.
...The center. It's in the middle.
The con man flipped the center card over. It was a Jack of clubs.
I'm terribly sorry, but that's not the right card.
As quick as a wink, the player reached over the table and flipped the remaining two cards. Two jacks.
You cheat.
The con man quickly stood up, the once friendly crowd now against him.
Wait a minute, wait a minute! Calm down now, calm down. I'll give you back the money, and you can be on your way.
Not good enough. Go, Chikorita!
The con man turned to run, but was blocked by the crowd. Seconds afterward, the pokemon attacked him.

__________________________________________________ _______________

One Week Later
You just had to get caught again, didn't you? Come on Javier, you're better than this. Why do you still take the card anyway? Just use the throw, it's easy and it leaves a queen on the table.
I don't like losing.
Oh? So losing all of your money and going to the hospital for three days isn't losing? Heck, the guy who attacked you even got away!
Look, it's fine. Just another part of the job.
No. This is going to stop right now. You can't keep doing this. I've got a way out.
I don't want to stop. This is what I'm good at.
Well...my way will help you, even if you stay in the game.
...Alright then. What's the big plan?
Every year, professor Elm in New Bark Town gives out free pokemon to anyone who wants to start becoming a trainer. You just have to go in and pick one up.
That's for the children. If you're over 18, you habve to catch one yourself.
Which is incredibly difficult and expensive! You know I'll always help out a friend! We can con him. I'll pretend to be your mom. It's an informal process.
You? My mom? Seriously? No one will buy that.
Oh, he will. Give me half an hour and I can look twenty years older.
...Alright. I guess a pokemon would help.
That's the spirit! Oh, but there's one small thing...in return, I want 40% of whatever you make battling.
What? Battling? I just want one for defense! And 40 is way too high. Try 15.
25. And you're gonna need to battle. Something fresh from Elm's lab won't protect you.
....Alright then. Fine. We'll do this. When's the date.
What? Tomorrow? I'll still have these bandages then........but I guess it's ok. Tomorrow, I'll get a pokemon. Thanks for the help Rach.

So, let me know what you think! It's all text here, but I hope to have some images in the next chapter. I also added a Cast of Characters to the OP. I only have two in it so far, but it will provide a little extra description. More will be added as the story progresses.

Vorpal word
2011-02-19, 09:41 AM
Haven't seen Raistlin's, so this seems incredibly creative to me. Wonder how Team Rocket's gonna work in this one...

2011-02-19, 11:48 AM
And, Chapter 1 is here!

Chapter 1

Come on, Javier. It's time.
Yeah, I'll be down in a minute.
Rachel managed to get us a nice house in New Bark Town. I don't know how, but I'm not going to ask. It adds to the con.
So, are you ready?
Yep. Let's get started.
I had to admit, she looked like a completely different person now. It would be good enough to fool Elm. It wasn't necessarily a good change though. She's fairly attractive normally.
Crap. There's the guy who attacked me! What's he doing here?
Just ignore him. Try to sneak by.
Good, he didn't see us.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that I already registered for the process yesterday.
You're one of the last ones here! Anyway, choose one of the pokemon on the table. Your mom will need to sign some forms...Oh, one more thing.
So, I need to help you out? Alright, I can do that.
I wanted this guy on my side. A small favor wasn't too much to ask.
I chose the crocodile thing in the center. Better than a flaming mouse or the plant thing that had attacked me.
Alright then. I'll go find him. Thanks, 'mom'.
Good luck Javier. Remember to send your money to me, so I can 'save' it.
Yeah, sure.
I left the lab and walked towards Cherrygrove. On the way, a tiny pokemon attacked me.
My pokemon, which I named Croco, quickly dealt with it.
There was an old man in Cherrygrove. I figured he was some kind of greeter, so I let him show me around. I managed to beat him in a hand of poker for his map. Yeah, I stacked the deck. Old guy never saw it coming.
With a shiny new map, I set out for Mr. Pokemon's house. It didn't take too long. I think all of the wild pokemon were afraid of Croco. With good reason. He'd kill them if they tried to attack me. He's extremely protective. Before long, I reached the house.
Oh, you must be Javier
Yeah, that's me. Elm sent me.
Ah yes, Professor Elm. I wanted to know if you could give him this egg.
Yeah. I can.
The perfect chance to obtain a new pokemon. All pokemon come from eggs, I'll bet this is one.
Then another professor started talking to me.
So far I've met three people experienced with pokemon. All three have asked me for help.
Well, more information would help. I took it.
Elm seemed quite distressed on the phone. I decided to go see what his problem was.
The pokemon had obviously overcome their fear of me, but Croco made quick work of them.
I ran back through Cherrygrove, but then...
Hello again. I hear your name's Javier. Your "mom" was quite useful.
Nobody cons me. And that thing you pulled on Elm was weak.
What are you talking about? Where's Rachel?
Hospital. Same as you were after Chikorita was done with you. And now I'm here to finish the job. Go, Chikorita!
I acted fast, letting Croco out.
I have a pokemon too now. Let's go.
(Poke speak)
Bring it on, you dumb plant! No one will hurt my master!
I've already dealt with him once. This will not be any harder.
Still using leer? You can't win without attacking!
True, but your defenses are weak. Croco, attack!
Ha! Even with weakened defenses, I can still take your blows. You, however, are quickly getting weaker.
Well, Javier's already taught me some tricks. Trick number 1: Always have an ace-in-the hole!
What?! You can't do that!
I can, and I will! Scratch!
Great job, Croco!
I think so.
This isn't over yet! I'll be back! Jacob is my name. Remember that, and always fear it!
Great. The one trainer I've fought, and he happens to be a psychopath who wants to kill me. Oh well. Time to go find Elm. A few minutes later, I was back at the lab. And the police were there.
Hello there. Officer Carlton here. We have reports that a young man broke in and attacked the staff. He was looking for someone who wasn't here. A woman in the lab was also attacked.
It's terrible Javier! Your mom was attacked! She was rushed to the hospital in Cherrygrove!
Hold on, and calm down. Carlton, I believe I have information for you.
Yeah, it was Jacob. He's a psycho, by the way.
I decided to give him the egg. I had planned on keeping it, but he was already attacked because of me. It's the least I could do.
It's a pokemon egg, but not one I've ever seen before. It could be a new type!

That sounds good. Gyms help people become stronger, so pokemon gyms help pokemon become stronger. Training is obviously necessary to stop Jacob the psycho from killing me.
Some guy gave me some poke balls as I left. They could be useful. Then, I rushed to Cherrygrove to find Rachel. She was lying in a hospital bed, but was awake.
I cannot believe this. I get dragged in with you, and then I almost get killed.
I'm sorry. I didn't know a psycho would be after me. Now I need to train more than ever.
Don't worry about it. It's not that bad. So, you're going after gyms now?
I guess so.
Remember I still get 25%.
Heh. Yeah. I won't forget. Time to train. Time to prepare. I need to protect myself from Jacob.

2011-02-20, 09:42 PM
And, We now have chapter 2. I must say that I'm somewhat surprised at having no replies after chapter 1. Whether you like the story or not, let me know. It sucks to have no feedback.

Chapter 2

After talking to Rachel, I decided it was time to add to my party. I went out to the grass, and soon found a pidgey.
Croco managed to weaken it...
And then I threw a poke ball at it. The ball managed to capture it. I now had a pidgey. I named the bird Osprey, hoping that naming it after a cool bird would make it powerful.
I also caught a geodude. I named it RockNRoll, hoping that the awesome music would help make it awesome. However, both of my new pokemon sucked, so I decided to make them fight.
All that training and now...my bird can kick sand into someone's face. Wonderful. I had nothing better to do, so...
And my rock learned how to curl into a ball. This is definitely going to help.
...Ok. This is over. No more training. I've been here for far too long and haven't learned crap. Let's go find some trainers!
And the first one insults me. Great. I sent out RockNRoll to deal with the twerp. The kid sent out a deranged rat.
Yeah. RockNRoll rocks. He's a beast.
The kid's other pokemon gave some nice experience too, better than the wild pokemon.
I also had a small bet going. If I won, he would have to play a hand of poker. He lost. And still, nobody ever guesses that I stacked the deck.

Nooooo! Give me back my money!
Sucks to be you kid. Never gamble.
Wow. The wild pokemon here suck. I don't want some dumb worm. No trainer would ever want these.
Hey, Caterpie's an awesome pokemon! Let me show you.
Great, another sucker. Hey kid. If I win, we have to play a hand of poker for fifty bucks. Got it?
Yeah, sure. You'll pay for insulting Caterpie!
Yeah,, I don't think so. How about that hand?
I decided it was a good time to go exploring. And I could use a new pokemon. I went into this pitch-black cave, and came out with some bat thing following me. One ball was all I needed. I barely even weakened it. I'll bet it sucks.
I named it Dwight. At least I got the perfect name for it. What else would you call something small, weak, and annoying? Unfortunately, it turned out Dwight was a girl. Oops.
Hey, you!
Oh, great, another wuss.
My bugs are going to kill you! Bring it!
A few attacks later, and...
Yeah, that's right. You suck. Now then, about that quick game of three card monte...
What?! I totally had the right card!
Yeah, better luck next time. Oh, and Dwight sucked. I was right. All it can do is suck the blood out of its enemies. Which is kinda cool, but her fangs are tiny. So it doesn't actually do anything.
I decided to try and get Dwight to be stronger, so I made it fight some bugs. It had trouble penetrating their skin though.
At a random point in the boring fight, my pokedex started beeping. It said something about being out of pp, whatever that was.
My bat's fangs seemed to be too tired, but I forced it to fight anyway. It threw itself out the metapod till the bug died. I was proud.
Metapods are good to train on. They don't fight back. It's like fighting a punching bag. I decided to find another one. I'd force Dwight to training until it could do something useful.
She ran away from the next metapod. What a wuss. It won't even attack. I was going to get her, but then RockNRoll popped out of his ball and attacked the Metapod.
Dwight must of learned something though. She started blasting this crazy noise everywhere.
(poke speak)
Thanks for the save.
Don't worry about it. That's my job. We're a team, even if Javier doesn't realize it.
Javier? The trainer?
Yeah, that's him. I'm RockNRoll. I don't like him much, but have to thank him. I wouldn't have lasted long in the wild. The other two are Osprey and Croco.
Oh. Nice to meet you.
Satisfied with the training, I went into Violet city. Everyone was talking about some 'Sprout Tower', so I decided to check it out. The gym could wait.
An old guy greeted me. I took his money. You'd think that with age comes intelligence, but they're still easy to con. Another old dude told me there's a prize for reaching the top. I decided to give it a go.
A few steps up the stairs, and I was challenged.
You think a weak tower could fall because of the battles? Good, this sounds intense.
Yeah, weeds aren't intense. Dwight, attack!
Wow. Confusion. Dwight, you are awesome. I take back everything.
So, you can make them attack themselves, you're resistant to their attacks, and you can heal anything they do to you by sucking the life out of them? I love you Dwight!
Three down, and you aren't even hurt. Alright, back into the ball. Let's save your pp for later. (I learned what PP is! There's some trainer school nearby. They taught me everything!)
Yeah, a bunch of old guys with weeds are going to stop people from breaking in.
I used Osprey next. Osprey learned how to make huge gusts of winds. And yes, Osprey is awesome. The weeds don't stand a chance.
With another old guy dispatched, I moved on.
Osprey tore him apart. This name thing really works!
Oh, so you copied the movement's of some plant that loses to everything. I wonder why you didn't win...
The next floor had more weak opponents. And dude, I'm 23.
I'm fighting all of you so that my pokemon can mimic a lantern. Great news.
Yeah, Osprey, you're a beast. Now let's go find the El....Oh my god.
What is he doing here?
So. You decided to train.
I'm not a fool. Bring it on!
Today is not the day of your defeat.
What? You're scared?
...You really don't get it, do you? Well, you'll find out soon enough.
Wait...So you're not out to kill me?
...You don't understand anything. Remember what happened before. Remember why you swore never to raise pokemon again.
Wait...What? How do you know about that?
If you want to find out...go to Azalea Town. It's just south of here, through Union Cave.
What am I looking for there?
The slowpoke well. Find it.
How could he know...Who told him? Anyway, I couldn't get ahead of myself. It was time to face the leader!
...After I get attacked by yet another pokemon. At least this one looks interesting. But...my attacks can't hurt it. Great. Looks like a job for Dwight. Supersonic!
So, confuse it so it hurts itself, because we can't hurt it. Then...
Get in the stupid ball!
Good floating ball of gas. I'll call you Specter.
And, time for the leader.
Oh, I can see you train a lot. I mean, the other monks were all so powerful.
Alright, bring it! Go, Dwight!
Hmmmm, another Bellsprout. I'm paralyzed from the ghost, but I can still fight! Supersonic!
It's in front! Behind! Left! Right! Vine Whip!
No affect. Supersonic won't affect it! Leech Life!
Vine Whip!
Leech Life!
Vine Whip!
Leech Life!
Vine Whip!
Leech Life!
Vine Whip!
...No moves left. Javier?
Come on Dwight! Use that awesome move you did before when you had no pp left!
...Fine. Struggle!
Vine Whip!
Vine Whip!
And round one goes to the challenger!
Good job, young one. Next, you shall face my Hoothoot!
No moves left! No moves left!
Alright, that's enough from you. Go, Croco!
No one will defeat us!
Give it your best shot. Let's see how well you and your trainer communicate.
Too slow! Scratch!
...It's defenses are quite strong...
It has good defense...time for some teamwork. Croco, use leer!
Interesting stratagem. Let's us see how it works. Tackle!
Good job Croco! Now, time for the switch! Go, RockNRoll!
My friend has weakened you. Now, your defeat is imminent.
Good plan, good plan. Nevertheless, I shall do my best. Tackle!
...good fight.
Hoothoot fainted!
Good job. I liked the strategy. Now, you have but one more opponent. Go, Bellsprout!
Alright Osprey, you're on.
Another Weed? Easy Pickings! Gust!
Thank you. Time to get out of here.

I left the tower. Now, it was time to get Violet City's gym badge! I fell asleep staring at my poke balls, wondering what my pokemon were thinking.
Does anyone know what Jacob meant?
You've known him the longest...
Yeah. No clue. Why?
This worries me.
It can't be too bad. Anyway, he got us this far.
Who's Javier?
(Oh right. The new guy.) He's the trainer...Specter?
Yes, that is the name he has given me. My real name, however, is Denzi.
Well then, welcome to the team.

(With apologies to anyone named Dwight. It was taken from a character with the same name on The Office.) So...let me know what you think!

2011-02-20, 10:21 PM
Well, it's entertaining, I'll say that much. Can't make much in the way of suggestions though.

2011-02-22, 07:39 PM
Don't feel like you need to go overboard with images. If you're placing more than three screenshots on one line, you're probably overdoing it. It also stretches the page and makes it very difficult to look at.

All of us here have played Pokemon before (I'd assume), so it's not imperative to show us what's happening on-screen. Your narration will carry our interest far better in most cases. If anything, the best Pokemon LPs on this board have relatively few screenshots, but they are chosen judiciously. You'll want interesting dialogue text taken humorously out of context or flashy and unlikely situations in battle, not how much experience points you've earned each battle.

2011-02-23, 01:12 AM
Yeah, you can hold back on the experience screenshots, evolutions and new moves are enough, or the end result of a grinding session. The characters are interesting so far. As Joe Murray would say, they have a hook.

2011-02-23, 09:32 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone. They really help. Also thanks for the advice about the Screenshots, I'll work on those. Unfortunately, this chapter was done during the weekend and might have some problems. My only work time is on the weekends. The plan right now is to have new updates every saturday and Wednesday. Without further ado, here is the third chapter.

Chapter 3

With nothing left to do here except face Falkner I talked to some of the people in town.
What was?
...Yeah. I know about team Rocket. Don't remind me.
Yeah. I caught one. Can anybody tell me something I don't know?
...so this guy didn't even earn the right to be gym leader? He's probably a wuss. I should still train a bit. If not for Falkner, for slowpoke well.
...Ok Dwight, you're boring to train. It takes you hours to fight one battle. Croco, you're up!
Croc! Croc!
...My power grows. I was strong in life, and* now I will be strong in death...
New techniques...
...No Javier! I must train more! Why won't you listen?
...and I'm back in the ball. Javier....why is that name familiar?
Well, we're all trained up. Time to face Falkner!
Here we are...Let's go Dwight! Take out the first trainer!
...Dwight, you suck. RockNRoll, you're up!
Wow. That was easy.
Actually, it is. Now give me my money.
Good Birdman.
Keyword to what?
A, Why would you want to become a bird pokemon master, and B, what does guts have to do with training? Guts is when you attack someone three times as big as you. Determination is when you train all day. Or persistence. Perhaps we should get you a dictionary.
Go, Pidgey!
*Croco, take him out!
I win. again.
And, on to the leader. This has been easy.
And, for the first time ever, society as a whole actually knows something. I'm surprised.
They aren't insults, they're facts.
Yeah. Sure.
Go, Pidgey!
RockNRoll, deal with it.
What? More birds? Not even a challenge.
We are when we have type advantages! Mud Slap!
...That did nothing. My defenses are too strong. Tackle!
It may not do much, but it blinds you! You're attacks are easy to dodge! Mud-Slap!
Tackle! Hit that time!
...How can you hit so much...the mud should blind you...
No one hurts my younger brother like that!
You're hurt. I'll handle this. Bring it.
A mere pidgey does not stand a chance against me! Mud-Slap!
...You do know I can fly, right? Gust.
No...this can't be happening...
Javier is better. End of story.
Good job guys.
...so you don't even raise the pokemon yourself...spoiled brat.
Fancy name. Now, then, about my prize money...
So, I walked out, and then Elm called.
...Or you could just tell me.
...and he's gone. Time to talk to this dumb assistant.
...Great. Three pokemon experts, four favors.
I now have the egg that I wanted to not give to him anyway. Wonderful. I don't even want it anymore. Goodbye.
Alright guys, time to get moving. I've got a date with destiny at slowpoke well.

Vorpal word
2011-02-24, 12:34 AM
Excellent, an update. I'm already liking this. And Gastly's line makes for great plot development, usually, so good call on that.

Aside from that...on the next route I'd say run for an Ekans, it probably suits Aramail. Or maybe Magikarp...<evil grin>

It would be funny if, by the time you got to Team Rocket, you fought them only with "their" chosen pokemon.

2011-02-24, 03:57 PM
it probably suits Aramail. Or maybe Magikarp...<evil grin>

Wrong Let's play

Vorpal word
2011-02-24, 10:27 PM
Wrong Let's play

Whoops, my bad, just gave away that I'm reading both of them. No pressure. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-26, 04:43 PM
Here you go. Chapter 4 is up. Just one more chapter, and we'll have the beginnings of a plot!

Chapter 4

Alright, time to go to slowpoke well. Just head south of Violet City, and we're good. ...Of course. Another trainer.
...Ok. I'm fine with random people congratulating me. Although, I actually could use some training...here we go!
Will do. Let's get this started!
...Being good at battling gets you digits? Hell yes!
My name's Elizabeth. Just call me anytime!
Sure thing.
...huh. What's this strange sheep-thing? Let's catch it!
I'll call it stormy. For the electricity.
...Why would you want the tail of a pokemon?
...Ah I get it! This is one of the oldest tricks in the book! You offer something useless for a ton of money, and then your partner offers me the same item for a lot less later-but still for a much higher price than it's worth. Not gonna work on me!
Actually, it's just me. Someone told me to sell them, and split the profits.
...That's stupid. No one is going to pay that much. If you're going to con someone, they have to think they're getting a good deal.
Well...if I sell just one, I'm set!
...But that's what I'm telling you. You aren't going to sell any.
You don't think so?
Look, I've been in this game a long time. Trust me.
Now then, who's your partner?
I didn't get a name. Some guy at slowpoke well.
...Slowpoke well...
Yeah. They trapped the slowpoke in there, and now they're cutting off the tails. It's a team.
Alright, I have a plan. You wait here, I need to train a bit. Then, we'll head off to the well together. I could always use an extra hand.
Why would I do that?
These people are making you waste your life selling something no one will ever buy. And I bet they only pay you when you sell something.
So, they probably just don't want you to tell anyone what they're up to! It's an easy way to make you shut up.
I guess so.
Yes, I'm right. Now then, just wait here for a bit, and then we'll leave. I'm Javier.
Alex. Alright. I'm in.
Time to whip this team into shape. If whoever is at slowpoke well has accomplices, we'll need to get better. I do have an ally now. While he's not very bright and doesn't have pokemon, he looks like he could beat the crap out of somebody with his bare hands. So, time to battle the trainers around here.
Alright then. Bring it.
...I have no idea why you would say that after losing. I don't even know what it means.
Uh-huh. Specter, take him out!
Nice. Alright Stormy, your turn.
Ok, new guy. I'm Croco, the team leader. Just do what Javier tells you, and you'll be fine.
Good work. Let's go find some more trainers.
One down.
Alright Stormy, you're up.
Nice. Alright, let's train the rest of you just a bit more...
Perfect. Let's move on! Alex, follow me.
Sure thing, boss.
Yes. Yes it is. Why?
Actually, it was quite easy. He pretended that birds couldn't be zapped by electricity, and then I beat him. Speaking of which...Go! Stormy!
Cool. You lost to me, but I think you might have a shot at becoming the gym leader. You're smarter than him, at least. Now, on to Union Cave! Croco, I'm sending you out first. Blow away anything that moves with water gun.
Well, it's the easiest way to get to Azalea, so its not too surprising. Croco?
Good job, my little friend.
Wow! You're pretty strong!
Yes. Yes I am.
That's why I'm here.
Oh, we are. Croco, so him how it's done.
You're good enough!
Yeah, they do that. Luckily for you, Croco will just blast you with water instead.
Like so.
Cool. Maybe you can do this 'pokedex' thing I have going...
Not gonna happen. I search because I want to, not for anyone else!
Ok then. Croco?
What? My pokemon!
Good job Croco.
Awww. You're afraid of the dark...don't worry. Croco is here.
What? Croco? What's a Croco? Vulpix, get it!
Hey, don't worry about it. It's light in here anyway.
Finally, out of that dumb cave. Alex, you ready?
Hell yes. Let's go. Team Rocket is going down!
...Team Rocket...no...
Yep, they're the ones.
But Team Rocket was destroyed three years ago...I was there!
Well, now they're back. Let's get them!

2011-02-28, 09:32 PM
Quick update here, I won't be able to have a new chapter up on Wednesday. I might be able to get two chapters on Saturday, but I'm not sure about that.

2011-03-01, 11:21 AM
's OK, the last thing we need is a burned-out LPer :smallsmile:

2011-03-07, 12:21 PM
First off, I'm sorry for the delay. My internet was out from Friday until today, so this is the first time I could actually write the chapter. Also, I'm not sure I can keep up with a Saturday/Wednesday update schedule, so I'm changing it to once every weekend. I could make updates faster, but not with any consistency, so this is how it's going to be. Also, I changed the color of Alex's speech. So, enjoy the update!

Chapter 5

Why does your energy affect your pokemon?
Actually, I have more of everything than you. Except weight.
So, a rocket guarding the well...
Yeah, that's him. Should we attack?
...not yet. Let's win the badge first.
...Ok. Whatever works for you.
Here we are. Let's get it started.
Bug pokemon. Cake.
No, I'm here to sell magazines. Of course I want to see the leader!
Two five year old girls. This will be easy.
Protip:If you want to be good like me, listen to Rock and Roll music. I named my pokemon after it, and look at how good he is.
Your first statement is an opinion, and your second statement is false. Therefore, you are an idiot. Bring it.
The only person proving things here is me.
Cake. And, Dwight can now do something good.
Actually, they suck, and Dwight can kill them.
Like so.
In other words, they go from terrible to horrible that much quicker. Again: They are bugs. I step on them!
Evidently. On to the leader!
When it comes to real pokemon, however, you always lose. Always.
Wow. A bunch of small children who spend their life in grass looking for bus will adore you. Your parents must be so proud.
You think bugs are weak?
Come on. You don't stand a chance.
Let's go, Stormy!
Alright, my first real battle! Come, let me shock you into oblivion!
Not the kindest greeting. However, I can withstand your shocks, for I am a Kakuna.
Oh really? Die! Thundershock!
Ouch! That was quite strong. You may defeat me, but I can slow you down for later fights. String Shot!
Your trap does not bind me! My firepower will take you down! Thundershock!
Hello there. I guess I am your opponent. I'm Metapod.
You dare to challenge me, after what happened to your friend?
We all do our duty, young one.
I serve no one! Thundershock!
Then you have much to learn. There is always one stronger than you. You are never the best. Tackle!
I was always the strongest, and I always will be!
Woah, Stormy, calm down. We're a team here.
I don't do teams. I'm a loner. Thundershock!
Well, you're on a team now, like it or not.
The Totodile is right. You may win today, but you will have to learn if you are to become great. Tackle!
Weak fools. Thundeshockl!
Great job, alright Stormy, one more...what?
Croc. Croc Croc Cro Croco!
Why are you shaking your head? Don't use Stormy?
A nod. Alright then. I'll do what you say. Stormy, return! Go, Osprey!
What was that for!?
I'm the leader here, Stormy. I can make the calls, and Javier will listen. He knows we aren't just tools, he knows we all have personalities. And he trusts me, because I can actually understand you guys. So calm it down, or I'll have him pull you again.
Croco is right. My opponent will fall.
Sorry to interrupt here, but that won't happen. I'm Scyther, Bugsy's best. You'll be hard pressed to defeat me. Quick Attack!
Huh. Not bad. You haven't seen this trick before though. Fury Cutter!
Fury Cutter!
Fury Cutter!
oh...damn. Gust.
Osprey, it gets stronger each time!
I see.
Dodge one, break the rhythm!
Fury Cutter!
Nice try. Gust.
...Too strong. You have a smart friend there...
Yes. Croco is intelligent. Gust.
Good work!
I'm impressed! You're quite good!
Thanks. I get that a lot.
Well, you deserve it!
I know you don't think bugs are the greatest, but I hope you realize that they can be quite strong someday.
I doubt that. Thanks for the badge. Now, on to the well.
About time! Let's get this started!
Not really.
Huh? Why not? Wait...you were the guy from before! The one we gave a tail! Did you sell it?
No. I didn't.
Well, why are you here then?
That's why.
Nice job. Let's go.
Now I have my pokemon out, and you two are going down!
Team Rocket rule number twenty-three: Always have a partner who can do what you can't. I battle, he makes people get out of our way.
That's how we do it.
What? How would you know the rules of Team Rocket?
I was in it before. Now, I'm not.
What? You were a rocket before?
I told you I had experience with cons. A lot of that came from them. Leave it, Alex. I'm done with them.
Shut up! Shut up! Die! Go, Zubat!
Oh, he's still here. RockNRoll, get him.
Are you considering rejoining?
...Maybe. I don't know.
Hey, it's fine with me. I just want some kind of money. Whatever you choose, I'm in.
No! Zubat!
Good job, RockNRoll. Let's move on.
No thanks, I'm good. I actually heard about a plan like this before, and I might know your leader. Could I talk to him?
I don't think so. Go, Ekans!
You asked for it. So, keep going in?
Which is actually good. A bad reputation means no one takes you seriously, and you can plot in secret. Oh, and I don't really care about the slowpokes.
And you insist on fighting me anyway.
Hello, Nate.
Javier? Is that you?
The one and only.
Hey, great to see you again! I'm so glad you finally found us!
Yeah. So, explain.
Of course! So, you remember three years ago? That's where the story begins.
I don't.
Who's he?
That's Alex. He's helping me out. Rule twenty-three.
Oh, yeah of course. I'll start at the beginning then. So, this all started...ten years ago, I guess, if we want the full background. At that point, Javier was an orphan on the street and I was a young man traveling around, training pokemon. At that point, Giovanni was the leader of the Viridian City Gym, the most prestigious gym in Johto or Kanto. However, he wanted more, so he decided to form Team Rocket. He got a small group together, and they then recruited others, forming a large group. Javier and I both joined around the same time, seven years ago. We quickly rose through the ranks and became executives. Team Rocket pretended to be an organization working to gather prizes for the game corner as a disguise for their true purpose.
Everything was going well until one mission in Mt. Moon in order to find fossils. Giovanni thought that prehistoric pokemon would give him an edge, but a young man named Red stopped us and stole one of the fossils. However, it seemed to be nothing more than a minor bump. The next crisis came at pokemon tower in Lavender Town, now a radio tower. Once again, Red came. We had a scheme, Javier's scheme, actually, to take Cubone skulls from the tower. Anyway, the Cubone skulls would be then taken secretly, and then planted near Lance's house. Giovanni could use this to prove Lance had a sick obsession with killing Cubones, and this could get him forced out of the league. Then, Giovanni could join, and make the replacement leader one of the executives.
Me, actually. If it had succeeded, I would have been Viridian City's gym leader.
Right. However, Red, along with the help of his partner, Blue, managed to foil the plan. At this point, they had become a threat. However, the rockets kept rolling. Also, Giovanni managed to defend his organization by saying there was no proof that the Team Rocket doing these things was the same as his Team Rocket. However, he agreed to rename his group the Galactic Crew in order to avoid suspicion. We still called ourselves Rockets in private though. Soon after this, we launched our most ambitious plan yet.
Silph Co. was working on a new type of poke ball: the Master Ball. It was able to catch any pokemon, anywhere. Naturally, we wanted to gain this technology. We tried to get them to let the game corner use it as a prize, but they still didn't let us see the plans. So, the Rockets went in and tried to take it by force. We came in silently and began a systematic search, as the director wouldn't tell us where the plans were.
Unfortunately, Blue happened to have a friend at Silph and was in Saffron City at the time. He called Red, and the two began to storm the building. The police came and set a perimeter, so we couldn't get out while they their way through. Anyone who had flying pokemon escaped on them, but Giovanni was left behind. As were Javier and I. We barricaded ourselves on the top floor with the director.
However, Blue had a Charizard. That thing ripped through our barricade like it was nothing, and the two easily defeated Javier, Giovanni and I. Then, in front of everybody and on television, Giovanni was forced to disband team Rocket. Red and Blue were both given Viridian City gym badges and Giovanni was kicked out of the gym. A few months later, Blue became the new gym leader and Red was the champion. Technically, both were champions, but Blue chose to remain in the gym.
Luckily, Red was kind to us. The police kept a full list of Rocket members and kept tabs on all of us, but none of us got jail time. Giovanni did, but he broke out soon after. No one knows where he is now. Anyway, a year later, some of the rockets got together in secret and started plotting. They destroyed all records of the list except for ones they kept. Then, they worked through the list. We found all of the executives, except for Javier. While we searched for him, we gathered up grunts as well, all in secret. Finally, just a few weeks ago, we decided to move.
We had pokemon, but we needed funds. Thus, we started this plan. It was my idea, a long time ago. We had moved to Johto already, because Kanto would lock us down. Johto wouldn't be looking for us. Then, we took the well and started to mine down here. Azalea town is pretty much isolated from everywhere else. We used the slowpoke tails as a cover for Azalea town, because they might demand some of the money. However, the people here love slowpoke. Thankfully, no one challenged us. And now...here we are.
Good story. One question though: What would happen if someone knew of your plans and refused to rejoin?
...We'd deal with them. You've met Jacob. He's our man for these jobs. It was through coincidence that he met you at all, and he was ticked at first, but we managed to convince him you'd be helpful.
Hey, I don't like the guy either. But he's good at what he does.
....Wait...you kill them?
Hey, that's how the world works. We tell them we'll kill them though, so its not as bad.
We never did this before. No killing.
Times change. We need to be more aggressive. So...Javier...
It's not Team Rocket without Giovanni.
True. But we're trying to contact him. So, what do you say? Do you want to rejoin Javier? And you, Alex, do you want to join? I hate to say this, but Archer made me promise I'd send Jake after you if you refuse. But come on. This is your life, Javier. This is who you are.

Vorpal word
2011-03-07, 08:06 PM
Excellent. Somebody finally provided a real backstory for those rocket Execs. Even HeartGold didn't do a good job of that.

2011-04-06, 12:10 PM
Shall you be continuing this? I particularly enjoyed it.

2011-04-09, 02:53 PM
I'm considering continuing it, although not for a few months. My life recently exploded with...a lot of other things, so I just don't have the time. I might continue again sometime during the summer though.

2011-04-09, 03:44 PM
Well good luck. I hope you manage to get this rolling again, since I enjoy most Pokemon LPs, even if this one has a few unsettling similarities to mine.

2011-06-04, 04:27 PM
Alright, the summer is here, SATs/AP tests/tennis are all over, so I finally have a life again! With that, let's get this LP restarted!

Chapter 6

Yeah...Yeah. I'm in.
Good. And you, Alex?
I guess I am as well.
Great, I'll let Archer know. Actually...I have an idea. We don't need Jake anymore, now that Javi is here. So...what do you say we...deal with him?
You mean kill him?
Not exactly. But imprison him, at the least. We pretend that you didn't rejoin us, then we get him to fight you. Javi, you can take him, right?
Yeah. Course.
Alright. I'll run it past Archer.
Yeah, I wish to talk to him as well.
Nate pulled out a phone and dialed.
Archer? Yeah, he's with us. But what do you think of lying to Jake, get him to fight Javi, so we can lock him up? Yeah? Alright, I'll make the arrangements. Also, Javi says he wants to talk to you. Not now? Ok, I'll let him know.
Nate hung up.
The plan is a go. Archer says he'll meet you in the Goldenrod game corner. Be careful around him...without Giovanni around, he's pretty much taken control.
What do you mean? We used to be the two biggest executives!
Yeah, well...that's changed. Archer is in command now. Watch yourself, that's all I'm saying. He never really liked you.
I think I can deal with him. He had ambition but never the ability to act on it. Let me get back in Rocket politics, and we'll be on top.
What about me?
Alex, come with me. I'll teach you how we do things at Team Rocket.
Hey Javi...good luck. Our HQ is right where it used to be-a secret basement in the game corner. That's where you'll find Archer. I'm sure you can figure out the secret yourself.
Course. I'll see you there, I guess.
Back in Team Rocket, and Stormy evolved. Time to go confront Jacob.
Sure. What?
Why didn't you rejoin?
I'm not ok with their new methods. Especially using you as a hitman.
Well...that's unfortunate for you.
Gastly, destroy him.
Alright Dwight, you're up!
Bring it on! Lick!
Hmmm...Go, Bayleef!
Osprey, take 'em out!
You don't stand a chance! Razorleaf!
Yeah. Right. Gust.
What? You can't use those!
Javier can use whatever potions he wants. Gust.
...Not bad. Not bad. Go, Zubat!
Alright, I'm up!
I am not your opponent.
Good job, Osprey! RockNRoll, you're up.
Alright, I can take a rock. Bite!
It will take more than that to bypass my defenses.
Well, then, Supersonic!
Such sounds do not harm me! Rock throw!
Yeah, sucks to be. Honestly though, I did rejoin Team Rocket.
What? Then why'd Archer say...
Your time working for the Rockets is over!
Alex tackled Jacob and held him down, while Nate came over.
Good job. I'll take it from here. See you in Goldenrod!
Thanks, Nate. Alright, time to move on.
Next on the list was Ilex forest. We had to pass through it in order to reach Goldenrod.
Some guy needed to find his bird, and I needed to cut down trees. Sounds like a mutually beneficial deal. It didn't take long.
I found a Caterpie there as well. I decided to name it based on what it was.
The master cut down a tree in my path, and I was on my way.
The forest didn't take long to navigate, and I was soon just south of Goldenrod. A few trainers were here.
Really? Maybe you can help me with some.
You just helped me train. Thanks.
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5065/5797138767_20cf11d3ca_m.jpghttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2520/5797695394_dfb022bb40_m.jpgPokemon Daycare? Not a bad idea. I'm surprised we didn't think of that.
Cause I'm better than you. Got a better theory?
Should be a good challenge, then.
Bring it! Go, Rattata!
Dwight, take him! Supersonic!
Use quick attack!
Quick attack!
Bite! Good job.
Ouch. Go, Diglett.
Alright Dwight, you're hurt. Give Specter a chance.
Oh no...you're gonna get it now! CROCO! WATER GUN!
Out of my way! I'm going to the poke center!
...I'm sorry, but your Gastly didn't make it. We couldn't save it in time...
Hey, it's ok, Javi. It happens even to the best.
Specter was a member of this team. He didn't deserve to lose to some second-rater.
...Come on. Let's just go find Archer. Forget the training.
No. I'm training, and finding a replacement.
Specter! NOOOOOO!
He's dead, Croc.
NO! Why couldn't I save him?! I lead this team! I should be able to protect others!
Javi made a common mistake. Most people forget Gastly is a poison/ghost type, not just a ghost.
Why didn't I tell him? WHY DIDN'T I TELL HIM!?
If you ask me, Denzi should have made sure he was stronger.
Hey, Stormy. Shut up. No one needs to hear that now.
I can't believe it. The thought that any of us could have gone, just as easily...
That's right. We need to stick together, and to stay as a team. That's how it's always been.
What do you mean? I was always the best! Pokemon used to team up against me in the wild!
Yeah well...the rest of us weren't so fortunate. Osprey, Dwight, and I...we all came from humble beginnings. If it wasn't for Javi, we wouldn't be around right now. We need teamwork.
Croc brushed a small tear away.
Yes. Teamwork. Teamwork, so nothing like this happens. Stormy...I have to say this now. Lose the attitude, or I'll tell Javi to dump you in the box. Forever.
...Fine. I'll work with you. But I won't enjoy it.
Finding a replacement wasn't that hard. I found a Drowzee.
I called it Somnus.
...Hello Somnus.
I'm Croco. Team leader. We...we just lost someone. Sorry, if we seem a bit down right now.
Lost someone?
Yeah. Denzi. A gastly.
Gastly...He gave an involuntary shudder.
Something wrong?
No, it's just...it's nothing.
After finding Specter's replacements, I headed to find Archer.
Heh. Got it.
It was an old code, one I remembered. That night, I returned. Sure enough, there was a secret switch. The basement opened up. Archer and Nate were waiting for me.
Hello, Javier. Good to have you with us. And you must be Alex.
Yeah, that's me.
Alright Archer, what's the deal. Why do I have to be here.
I'd rather not discuss our plans over the phone. So...what did you think of the mining idea?
Good idea. I remember it well.
Of course you do. Netted us a few million. Definently enough to get started.
Alright, so what's the plan?
Archer glanced over at Alex.
Sorry, but you'll have to go. Executives only.
Yeah, I get it.
He left.
Alright then. Now that we have money, it's time to put our latest scheme into movement. You remember the old 'system' of handing out pokemon?
Yeah. We got new ones as we ascended in rank, and all of them were descendants of Giovanni's pokemon. It was his team in more ways than one.
Yes. Well, We're keeping with the idea of more uniform pokemon...but I feel we need some stronger ones. We've consolidated our power now. We can afford to make a reappearance. Have you heard of the Lake of Rage?
Well, it's Nate's idea. I'll let him explain.
Ok, well, the Lake of Rage is in northern Johto. Full of Magikarp, and a few Gyrados, right? Well, you remember the E1, right?
The machine that forced evolution? Of course! I helped design it.
Well, since then, we've gone through more prototypes. As of the E6, we now have one that works well.
Alright...so you want to evolve Magikarp?
Exactly. We're getting the final plans for a fleet of fishing boats to be sent there. We'll catch them by the hundreds, and put them in a tank. Then, we evolve them, and every Rocket has a Gyrados. They're powerful pokemon. It should help a lot. Besides, no one will know it's us. Just a fishing fleet. We can't alert Red until we're ready.
Exactly. Sounds like a plan. So, what should I do?
Train. A lot. We want something to occupy Red's attention. A potential challenger will do that, and besides, having awesome pokemon will help a lot. Send all of your extra funds to us.
That may be difficult. As per the arrangement after the fall, I had to con Elm into giving me pokemon. I didn't have the money to catch one myself. Anyway, it's a two person con. My partner already gets 25%.
Partner? Well, who is it? Would they be interested in joining?
I doubt it. I'll mention it though, casually. We'll see how it goes.
If it fails, we can dispose of them...
No, Archer. I'm in it for thrills and money. Not for ruling the world. Not for pointless death.
Giovanni eventually wanted world domination...
Not now, Archer. We'll talk next week.
Fine. Good luck.
The same to you.

Tell me what you think!

Vorpal word
2011-06-04, 06:18 PM
Perfect timing, I just remembered how awesome this LP was! Especially with the amount of plot exposition you're dropping, plus the plot and Pokemon team talk...you're wholly forgiven for taking this long. Keep it up, I wanna find out what Somnus's deal is.

Anticipating eventual backstab from Archer.

2011-06-12, 12:13 PM
Chapter 7

Unfortunately, after losing Specter, my team would need some more training before taking on this gym. Time to head out to the grass. Archer had also told me about a bike shop, so I headed there and bought myself a shiny new bicycle. Cars didn't have the same maneuverability, so one wouldn't be as useful on my journey.
Now, time to train...
Hey, Somnus...what do you think of Javier so far?
He's not bad, I guess. Why? It's not like I have anything to compare him to.
Yeah...I guess so.
Hey, well, we have something to compare you to.
Stormy, calm down. He just joined the team.
Yeah, well, I think he's much better than old Denzi.
Hey, don't say things like that! Denzi was a great gastly, and a great teammate!
There's no such things as a good gastly.
What do you mean? Of course there are!
You obviously understand nothing about our history here! You think Drowzee just hang out in random fields? NO!
Alright then. Calm down and tell us. You could yell at us for being ignorant, or you could enlighten us.
...Fine. If you want to know, tell me about your past.
Well, there's not much to tell. I was raised by professor Elm, then Javier got me. I've been with him ever since.
I was just another geodude until Javier found me. Now, I'll bet I could beat most of my rivals. It was always my dream to be caught by a trainer...that's the only way to achieve greatness as a pokemon.
Enslaving yourself is foolish. I wish I was still free, roaming the plains, the strongest mareep in the area...but then Javier caught me. That was the worst day of my life.
Hey, come on, Storm, it's not that bad.
Maybe. Maybe not.
Anyway, Somnus...what's up with you?
...Alright then. It begins in a place known today as the Underground. Drowzee and gastly used to co-habitate there. Whenever intruders came, we would put them to sleep, and the gastly would scare them out of their wits once they woke up. However...it soon had a reputation for being haunted. No one came anymore. And without the need to work together, we slowly drifted apart. Until the gastly decided they wanted the entire place to themselves.
It was the beginning of a turf war. We both fought each other for the land we had once called home. It was terrible.
What happened?
We were winning for the longest time...until a new leader emerged. He had evolved into a Gengar, the strongest pokemon in the area. He was named Decessus.
After he took command, the gastly started winning, fast. Even the best of our Hypno were brought down by Decessus. And we were forced out, and forced to migrate to this grassy area.
What happened to the gastly?
Their arrogance was their downfall. They tried to rule all, and did-for a short time. Soon afterwards, a human came. Without us there, the gastly couldn't make an illusion capable of scaring him away-they couldn't put him to sleep. The human realized that they were only gastly, and called for the area to be developed. You know how most areas say you can only catch one pokemon from that area?
Yeah, of course.
That didn't happen here. It was the first large discovery of gastly anywhere-and the owner said you could catch as many as you want. Within weeks, all of them, even Decessus, were spirited away by new trainers. However, before we could return, it was developed into an industrial area. The Drowzee are stuck here.
That's terrible!
Yeah, well...it's life. You move on. But if I ever meet a gastly, haunter, or gengar again...
Somnus...do you want to head back to the underground? I can get Javier to take us.
...Yes. I would. It was my homeland. Even though it's changed...I could never see it as a wild pokemon.
Alright then, time to face the gym!
Croco, what is it? No, we're going to the gym now. What? Over there? The underground? Alright then. I'll trust you. Time to make a pit-stop...
So, what's the deal here? Why am I going this way?
This is the place?
Yeah. This was our old territory. Down this hall.
Through the door...
A Drowzee, huh? ATTACK!
Huh. Gastly. Wait, what are they doing? Stay back!
You're going down!
Wow...Somnus...You're completely destroying them! I can't stay though, there are too many! Let's go!
That felt...amazing! I destroyed so many of those evil spirits!
You did great!
Thanks, Stormy.
Anyway, time to face the gym for real, now!
Piece of cake. My pokemon are way to strong for this gym...
Again. 23 years old. This is getting kind of old.
Why are the hot ones always dumb?
Well, you're the least attractive girl here, so you must be pretty good. This is more of a beauty pageant than a gym...
...Another easy trainer.
Great. A follower.
Can't be too hard. Go, Stormy!
Clefairy, show him!
Bring it on. I was always the strongest. I can take this gym myself.
Good luck with that! Doubleslap!
Ow...you're mean! Doubleslap.
Get used to it. Thundershock!
Time to finish it...Thundershock!
Looks like Clefairy wasn't up to it.
Oh yeah? Try this next pokemon! Go, Miltank!
Alright Stormy, you might want to retreat...
Hah! I can take you! Some oversized cow won't stop me!
Yeah. I'll just hurt you. Stomp!
What a weak pokemon...
No one hurts my team! WATER GUN!
Nice try, little one. Rollout!
I guess I'll have to just weaken you for the others then! Leer!
What? That hurt more than before. I can take another hit like that, though. Leer!
It won't be another hit like that. It'll be twice as hard! Rollout!
Hmm...we have to get rid of that attack...alright, Somnus, you're up!
I will avenge you Stormy! And Croco as well!
Heh. Good luck with that. Rollout!
Missed me. DISABLE!
What? Oh well, I'll just have to use weaker attacks....STOMP!
Well, that's three down!
And it will be the last. A lucky critical won't save you here. Go, RockNRoll!
Time to end this.
Aw...you wouldn't hurt a girl, would you? Certainly not one as beautiful as me...
To late! STOMP!
It'll take more than that to break my defenses! MAGNETUDE!
I did it. For all of you. Croco, Stormy, Somnus...
Well, I've beaten you at last. Now then, the badge?
...Whatever. I'll be back. I have a pokemon center to get to!
...All of them?
Yes. Although they were beaten up quite badly, we managed to save them all. You're a very luck young man.
Thank you. It means...it means a lot. Great job, guys. I got the badge while you were being treated...I think we'll have to prepare more for the next gym.