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View Full Version : [Rifts] Body fixer O.C.C help

2011-02-12, 04:21 PM
i cant find what book the info for it. Please help me.

2011-02-12, 10:26 PM
i found it in rifts ultimate eddition p86

2011-02-14, 04:58 PM
Body Fixer is one that was not redone, except for the Ultimate Edition. In the old Rifts Main Book, you'll find it at the front of the Scholars and Adventurers section, right after the Juicer (IIRC... been a few years).

2011-02-14, 10:46 PM
Okay i found it but.... I cant find that stats for human dice rolls... *feels pathetic*

2011-02-15, 03:11 AM
All stats are 3d6 for humans. In the original (I've ever looked too much at the updated versions) I believe everyone was a human(or mostly human) or, if not, they had a their own RCC. So how to create a human character (how many dice to roll etc) is explained in "creating a character", starting right near the beginning of the main book.