View Full Version : Security risk at the arena

2011-02-13, 06:39 PM
Security risk at the arena OOTS #775

I am wondering about the placement of the VIP balcony. Everyone sitting on it is sitting ducks for any thrown object from the tribune above.

List of possible missiles:
Chairs, if any
People, any and/or self

It is a comic, so security may not be important

2011-02-13, 07:03 PM
They could have a wall of force or something above them. Anyways I'm not sure I would worry as much about that as I would about some pissed off wizard deciding to solve situations with explosions.

2011-02-13, 07:45 PM
You'll note that the wall behind the VIP balcony comes up to the necks of the audience members behind it. Nobody's dropping something over it on accident, and one or two keen-eyed and well-armed guards could sharply discourage anyone from trying to bean the VIPs from there.

I agree with Shadowkiller's assessment that a wizard would be a bigger threat. From the other side of the arena, a wizard could clearly pick out particular targets, were one inclined to do so.

Mr. Snuggles
2011-02-13, 07:49 PM
It is a comic, so security may not be important
I would think that immediate, lethal retribution would be applied to any violators, even accidental ones. Divination can tell you who did it if you don't catch them there.

And frankly, the best seats in the arena are probably considered to be right next to the royal box. The seats above are probably filled with government figures not important enough to get in.

2011-02-13, 07:50 PM
I agree with Shadowkiller's assessment that a wizard would be a bigger threat. From the other side of the arena, a wizard could clearly pick out particular targets, were one inclined to do so.

But then, that's pretty much a constant threat everywhere you go in the world of OotS, D&D, Harry Potter and even, to a lesser extent, LotR... isn't it?

2011-02-13, 08:07 PM
One would assume the arena stands are an Anti-magic area just like the holding cells.

And it stands to reason that they'd check for weapons ahead of time.

Also, this being a stick figure comic, I'd think a long distance view of the wall just didn't happen to include a fence or the guards.

2011-02-13, 08:13 PM
But then, that's pretty much a constant threat everywhere you go in the world of OotS, D&D, Harry Potter and even, to a lesser extent, LotR... isn't it?

You don't really need to worry about fireballs cast by deranged wizards in LotR. I agree with the others ones, though.

2011-02-13, 10:52 PM
But then, that's pretty much a constant threat everywhere you go in the world of OotS, D&D, Harry Potter and even, to a lesser extent, LotR... isn't it?
Not constant. You're safer inside a castle than a hut, and safer inside a hut than outdoors.

If the VIP box were, say, above the rest of the audience, it would be that much trickier for a wizard to get line of sight to the VIPs. Blasting the box itself may or may not be a reasonable approach, depending on what the wizard's intent is.

2011-02-14, 12:16 AM
They could have a wall of force or something above them. Anyways I'm not sure I would worry as much about that as I would about some pissed off wizard deciding to solve situations with explosions.

Being in the arena would be a good time for a Locate City Nuke...

The dungeon AMF probably covers the whole place though.

2011-02-14, 02:46 AM
One would assume the arena stands are an Anti-magic area just like the holding cells.

And it stands to reason that they'd check for weapons ahead of time.

Also, this being a stick figure comic, I'd think a long distance view of the wall just didn't happen to include a fence or the guards.

Not being a Dnd player, how does it work if someone casts a spell from outside, into the anti magic field? Like say, a Disintegrate?

Herald Alberich
2011-02-14, 03:08 AM
Not being a Dnd player, how does it work if someone casts a spell from outside, into the anti magic field? Like say, a Disintegrate?

If I recall correctly, a spell like Disintegrate will stop at the edge of the field - but if the field is small enough and the spell's range long enough, the green ray may resume on the other side and disintegrate whatever it hits there. The field simply suppresses magic's effect within it.

Take a look at the Forcecage (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0627.html) to see what I mean - after the dragon left it the cage was back again (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0628.html).

If you use magic to fling a big rock into the field, on the other hand, the rock's momentum will keep it flying, even though gravity's hold on it is suddenly reasserted.

2011-02-14, 05:44 AM
And that is why Sir Issac Newton is the deadliest sumb'itch (in space) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLpgxry542M).

Jay R
2011-02-14, 07:25 AM
Security risk at the arena OOTS #775

I am wondering about the placement of the VIP balcony. Everyone sitting on it is sitting ducks for any thrown object from the tribune above.

It's almost as if it were intended that the ruler be overthrown every year or two.

2011-02-14, 09:54 AM
It's almost as if it were intended that the ruler be overthrown every year or two.

Quoted for truth.

2011-02-14, 10:32 AM
If the VIP box were, say, above the rest of the audience, it would be that much trickier for a wizard to get line of sight to the VIPs. Blasting the box itself may or may not be a reasonable approach, depending on what the wizard's intent is.

Any wizard (with a bit of brains and not barrened conjuration spells)īs first intent should be teleport as far away as he can. But probably the Arena will be protected by wizards, abjurations and magic wards to prevent magic out of control.

2011-02-14, 01:07 PM
I'm going to go with the arena isn't any more of a security risk than say Tarquin's place during the parade. Any open public area inherently has some security risks involved, most of them coming to about even. Besides, most of the VIPs are high level characters and I find it highly unlikely that any of the would be one-hit killed before counter-measures could be taken.

2011-02-14, 01:20 PM
Also, Malack seems to openly dislike events like this. Does he even go? 'Cause he seems to be a pretty powerful cleric and any attack on the Empire of Blood Higher Ups would be kinda pointless if it didn't take him out as well.

Jay R
2011-02-14, 06:44 PM
Also, Malack seems to openly dislike events like this. Does he even go? 'Cause he seems to be a pretty powerful cleric and any attack on the Empire of Blood Higher Ups would be kinda pointless if it didn't take him out as well.

The plan is to regularly take out the higher-ups without taking out Tarquin and Malack. That's how they and their party rule most of the continent.

2011-02-14, 07:50 PM
Yeah, I didn't think of that. They have a lot of resources at their disposal. A resurrection would be trivial as long as they're keeping tabs on eachother.

Actually, come to think of it, the same applies to the rulers as well, as already mentioned with Shojo and when Roy was rezzed.

2011-02-14, 07:53 PM
The plan is to regularly take out the higher-ups without taking out Tarquin and Malack. That's how they and their party rule most of the continent.

Current Ruler: "This balcony seems awefully exposed to a sniper."

Advisor: "Don't worry. I was able to reassure your predecessors that it is perfectly safe."

Current Ruler: "Oh, alright then."

SPECULATION: T's cabal picks puppets based on low WIS?

Herald Alberich
2011-02-14, 10:36 PM
SPECULATION: T's cabal picks puppets based on low WIS?

Well, that's how I'd do it. It seems like a pretty safe bet.

2011-02-15, 02:20 PM
Yes, attack the nobility in a large, crowded place with hundreds of witnesses and swarming with guards. Good idea.

2011-02-15, 04:24 PM
Yes, attack the nobility in a large, crowded place with hundreds of witnesses and swarming with guards. Good idea.

Historically (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Julius_Caesar), a (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pazzi_Conspiracy) surprisingly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Johan_Anckarstr%C3%B6m) popular (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bellingham) way (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Abraham_Lincoln) to (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_McKinley_assassination) go (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen_Schauman).

After all, if you want to kill a king, you gotta go where the king is, right?

Nimrod's Son
2011-02-16, 12:14 AM
After all, if you want to kill a king, you gotta go where the king is, right?
Precisely the reason I hid in Elvis Presley's bathroom. :smallamused:

2011-02-16, 12:16 AM
Precisely the reason I hid in Elvis Presley's bathroom. :smallamused:

What you do on your own time is your own business pal.

Nimrod's Son
2011-02-16, 12:21 AM
What you do on your own time is your own business pal.
True dat. 33 years gone and John Law still hasn't got a clue. :smallwink:

2011-02-16, 02:15 AM
True dat. 33 years gone and John Law still hasn't got a clue. :smallwink:

John Law? He the guy you go hang around in bathrooms with? I don't mean to criticize, but I think you and this Mr. Law need to find a more dignified hobby.