View Full Version : Looking for Board Games

2011-02-14, 10:25 AM
So, our nightly routine of "Lets get together and watch stuff" is getting a little dull. I'm thinking it might be fun to acquire some board games for my crazy college friends to play, I'm hoping for something a little more than Scrabble (not that there is anything wrong with Scrabble). Maybe it's just my nerdy mindset, but I've been thinking stuff along the lines of Settlers of Catan, Munchkin, Arkham Horror, or Zombies (Last night on earth). I'm just generally looking for advice.
Here are the criteria:

We should be able to play with up to six or seven people.
We should be able to set the game up and get playing decently quickly.
We should be able to occupy between one and two hours with this game.
A group of people who have never played before should be able to pick up the rules without too much trouble.

Edit: it should be noted that, while the nerd-level of the group is somewhat high, I wouldn't count on us having experience with this sort of more involved board game.

2011-02-14, 10:44 AM
Talisman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talisman_%28board_game%29), maybe? Should fit all the criteria, and be pleasing enough to a moderately nerdy crowd, too. :smallsmile:

(Wikipedia says it's for up to 6 people, but there's absolutely nothing that would prevent it from working just as well with more)

2011-02-14, 10:52 AM
What are you keeping in mind for cost? Settlers of Catan is fun. You will need the expansion for the amount of people you are wanting to play with. At my local Flgs it was around 70 for both after taxes in Canada.

Also you should consider dominions. It works best with around 3 players but it plays in 20-30 minute games so it is good when you are just starting the evening or closing it out.

2011-02-14, 10:53 AM
Settlers of Catan can take up to 6 players with the 5-6 player expansion pack, and generally takes around an hour.

Going up to 7 players though - hmmm. Talisman may well be an option, but with 7 players it will be more at the 2 hour + mark I think.

Arkham Horror is a co-operative game that can take up to 8 players, maybe a bit more complex than you are looking for, and is 2-3 hours, but is Call of Cthulhu themed if you are into that sort of thing.

2011-02-14, 10:55 AM
Our group consists of up to seven people, but we can have two people play as a team, or do this on a night where one person is busy. If a game is only playable with six that's probably okay.

As for cost, I'm hoping to not spend more than fifty bucks or so, potentially getting some money from my friends to cover the cost. I'd like to be able to have a "Complete" experience without buying lots of expansions.

2011-02-14, 11:12 AM
Well, then, Settlers of Catan is a pretty awesome game, it is only for 4 players per default though. You'd need at least one expansion to get it up to 6. And it is vastly improved by the Cities&Knights expansion, which increases the strategic depth tremendously, too.

Munchkin, on the other hand, is perfectly hilarious, simple to learn and fun to play, and you wouldn't need any expansions at all (even if further expansions would increase the fun, they are not required in any way). And it only gets more fun the more people there are. :smallcool:
And I think it's only about $15 or so.

2011-02-14, 11:15 AM
If you don't mind putting in the effort to learn the rules, Twilight Imperium and Starcraft Boardgame are both awesome.

2011-02-14, 11:25 AM
If you don't mind putting in the effort to learn the rules, Twilight Imperium and Starcraft Boardgame are both awesome.
I can't count on that.
Basically, every night me and my friends get together, and somebody asks "So, what do you want to do". Currently our default is "Finding something amusing on netflix". I'm hoping for something we can just sit down and play.

What have people heard about Zombies: Last Night on Earth, from what I've read it seems to fit my criteria in terms of number of players and time of play.

Lost Demiurge
2011-02-14, 02:08 PM
Betrayal at the House on the Hill is JUST right for 4-6 people. Seven might not be doable...

2011-02-14, 02:38 PM
What are you keeping in mind for cost? Settlers of Catan is fun. You will need the expansion for the amount of people you are wanting to play with. At my local Flgs it was around 70 for both after taxes in Canada.

Also you should consider dominions. It works best with around 3 players but it plays in 20-30 minute games so it is good when you are just starting the evening or closing it out.

I would suggest Dominion over Settlers if you plan to play semi-often and are the kind of people who like to analyze game mechanics. It took about 2 games for most of my group to figure out the exact perfect strategies in Settlers, and after that it wasn't really worth playing except to introduce other people into board games. After 5-6 games, even my 12 year old brother who has never seen another board game other than Monopoly or the Game of Life, and who probably can't spell strategy, had mostly worked out the optimal solutions on his own.

Dominion is probably just as easy to learn and pick up n' play as Settlers but has a bit more longevity in the whole "solving" department. You can get the base game (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/36218/dominion), it looks like, for about 25-30 dollars new on Boardgamegeek (less for used/slightly use). Dominion: Intrigue (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/40834/dominion-intrigue) looks to be about the same price, and bumps up the base game to 6 players, or (the description on Boardgamegeek says it's possible, but I've never used it this way) possibly stretching it to 8 players.

2011-02-14, 02:41 PM
Hmmm...Monopoly. Yeah, it's unoriginal, but you said 6-7 people and I'm not a big board game person. Card games, I know better. If Monopoly seems too bland, it does come in dozens of different themes (I have the Simpsons one) so get the one that best suits you and your friends.

2011-02-14, 03:32 PM
It's out of print for now, but I played a game this Sunday called "7 Wonders". Our first playthrough was under an hour. Our second playthrough was easily under 45 minutes. The game also supports up to 7 players, easily, without breaking down.

It's simple to learn, and features a nice "economy your way to Victory Points" mechanic alongside a cool drafting mechanic (you play one card, pass your hand to the next person) and a "tech tree" setup.

It's fun, interesting, and a nice "better than just casual". Not to mention it plays really fast.

2011-02-14, 03:43 PM
and Starcraft Boardgame


My mind is completely boggled at that thought....

Hmmm...Monopoly. Yeah, it's unoriginal, but you said 6-7 people and I'm not a big board game person. Card games, I know better. If Monopoly seems too bland, it does come in dozens of different themes (I have the Simpsons one) so get the one that best suits you and your friends.

Monopoly is Amazing(with a capital A)

2011-02-15, 08:09 AM
I would suggest Dominion over Settlers if you plan to play semi-often and are the kind of people who like to analyze game mechanics. It took about 2 games for most of my group to figure out the exact perfect strategies in Settlers, and after that it wasn't really worth playing except to introduce other people into board games. After 5-6 games, even my 12 year old brother who has never seen another board game other than Monopoly or the Game of Life, and who probably can't spell strategy, had mostly worked out the optimal solutions on his own.

Given that you can set up the Catan board differently each time (unless you always play the starter map from the rules), I find that the best strategies vary from game to game, so I haven't seen this issue myself. I have played many more than 5-6 games, and it is still a challenging and interesting game. It can be a bit random for a strategy game though - if the dice roll against you, a strong starting position can get you nowhere.

I've only played Dominion a few times, and that quite a while ago, but I agree that it is a fun game, and less of a random element than in Catan. Can't really remember how complex it is, but probably on a par with Catan.

If they are still available, Cheapass games like Unexploded Cow and Witchtrial are good, and generally quite simple and quick to play. They don't contain the generic pieces of the game you can borrow from other games (things like pawns and money etc.), which makes the games cheaper (hence the name), os if you'll want to have boardgames like Monopoly to nick these components from.

2011-02-15, 08:47 AM

My mind is completely boggled at that thought....There is a WarCraft Boardgame, too (based on WarCraft 3, not World of WarCraft, though there is of course a World of WarCraft boardgame as well). The WarCraft one has been out for 8 years, the StarCraft one for 4 years now. :smalltongue:

I've only played the WarCraft one; it was pretty good, I'd definitely recommend it in general, but it's only for up to four players, hence unsuited for the OP's request.

Given that you can set up the Catan board differently each time (unless you always play the starter map from the rules), I find that the best strategies vary from game to game, so I haven't seen this issue myself. I have played many more than 5-6 games, and it is still a challenging and interesting game. It can be a bit random for a strategy game though - if the dice roll against you, a strong starting position can get you nowhere.Fully agreed. Especially with the Cities&Knights expansion, which further increases the amount of strategic options greatly.

2011-02-15, 10:29 AM
There is a WarCraft Boardgame, too (based on WarCraft 3, not World of WarCraft, though there is of course a World of WarCraft boardgame as well). The WarCraft one has been out for 8 years, the StarCraft one for 4 years now. :smalltongue:

I've only played the WarCraft one; it was pretty good, I'd definitely recommend it in general, but it's only for up to four players, hence unsuited for the OP's request.

That....You may have just completed my life Winterwind...

2011-02-15, 12:38 PM
Even Wonders (when it's back in print) is a brilliant game for several people and can be played really quickly.

My other suggestion would be Dominion. This is mainly because you never know which cards you are playing with, get both the original and intrigue for the amount of players you want, and pick up seaside or alchemy if you like it.

Though those stretch the definition of board game. If you want a definite board game I suggest ZOMBIES!!! for six players (or Martians but I prefer Zombies).

2011-02-23, 02:25 AM
Zombies is a good choice as stated above.
Munchkin is always a good choice if you are ok with card games.

Two that I didn't see mentioned that My group loves:

Small world- It plays kind of similar to Risk, but with very unusual circumstances. You pick two parts to what team you play, the race and the unique ability. For example Flying dwarfs is a possibility, Diplomatic orks etc.

If card games are an option, Fluxx is always a good choice. It is easy to learn to play, as each card says what exactly it does, the aim constantly changes (even more fun when you have more players) and there are several versions out there to suit your tastes. We have Eco fluxx and Monty Python Fluxx. We have had 9 players in this game and it only gets better and doesnt break the system.

Hope this helps.

2011-02-23, 10:04 AM
Agricola is a fun game, but i think the max number of players is 6 - and it's complicated to learn. If you believe in the wisdom of the masses,check out boardgamegeek.com

2011-02-23, 11:32 AM
If you want to get a nice sit down and play game, you might want to look into Stupiduel (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12577/stupiduel).

I'll also go ahead and second Fluxx and Betrayal at House on the Hill. Betrayal isn't exactly rules-light, but you should be able to teach them without them needing to look at the rulebook.

2011-02-23, 11:58 AM
Overall, I think you're going to have better luck with card\trivia games than board games.

My best recommendation for your number of players would be Robo Rally, which you may have trouble finding. In terms of the rules it's a bit on the "easy to start, can get complicated" school. One of the stranger things about it is that it is a VERY different game when you've got 2-3 players than when you've got 4-6 players than when you've got 7-8. With 7-8 I recommend using no more than 2 boards (and 1 works better) and treating it as a combat free-for all where every player gets to pick\is randomly given 2-3 option/equipment cards at the beginning.

2011-02-23, 12:03 PM
Munchkin Board Game?


Kill Dr. Lucky?

Those are all good, fun games.

2011-02-23, 10:46 PM
I would suggest Dominion over Settlers if you plan to play semi-often and are the kind of people who like to analyze game mechanics. It took about 2 games for most of my group to figure out the exact perfect strategies in Settlers, and after that it wasn't really worth playing except to introduce other people into board games. After 5-6 games, even my 12 year old brother who has never seen another board game other than Monopoly or the Game of Life, and who probably can't spell strategy, had mostly worked out the optimal solutions on his own.
A couple others touched on this, but can you elaborate? I have Settlers and I have played it several times and I have not come across a surefire strategy* for victory that works most or all of the time. I would like to believe I am not missing something, but I have seen this claim before so I have to ask about it. To be clear, I usually play with 3 total players (me and one of two other groups of two) and we aren't highly proficient in board games (though one of my friends in one of the groups and myself have played several miniatures games) and we randomize the tiles along with mixing in the expansions from time to time.

Now, to piggy back on the OPs request, can anyone tell me if Talisman is any good? What it's like, etc?

*Strategy beyond the really obvious like try to take any clumping of favorable numbers/resources and possibly trying to take a port to trade those same resources.

2011-02-23, 11:09 PM
Try looking up Galactic Encounters. Lots of Alien Races to be, and plenty of 'oh god what' stuff happening, and it's a pretty short game. Up to 5-6(7?) players, depending on if you spurge on expansions.

2011-02-24, 02:56 AM
Not many games work well for 6-7 players, so you may have to make teams for some.

Dominion is my favourite game ever, and thus I obviously recommend that. However, I would suggest that instead of trying to play with 6 or 7 people at a time, you get Dominion and Intrigue and use them to run two seperate games of Dominion with 3-4 players each - and shuffle the teams occasionally. That's how we do it on our Dominion days. Much less downtime and much more fun that way. The game really doesn't work that well with 5+ players in a game.

2011-02-24, 05:56 AM
Battle Star Galactica works with up to seven players and is a very fun game about deception and people accusing you of betrayal on the slightest bad decision you make.

At these player counts, it takes quite a bit longer than two hours though.

2011-02-24, 08:17 AM
Nuclear War. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_War_%28card_game%29) - It's A Blast!

First box is for 2-6 players. Expansion packs allow for up to 9 or 10 players. Expansions are fully playable on their own without the need for the original base game.
Can be bought straight from the supplyer's home page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_War_%28card_game%29) and each box is listed on their home page at $29.95 each.

Some special cards will likely need the rules handy for verification on application, but the rules in the original game fit on a double-sided A4 paper, and the expansions have the rules printed on an A3, folded in half to give you 4 printed A4 pages.

Nuke War has the added bonus that it actually says in the rules that the owner of the game always start. :smallwink:

2011-02-24, 08:27 AM
A couple others touched on this, but can you elaborate? I have Settlers and I have played it several times and I have not come across a surefire strategy* for victory that works most or all of the time. I would like to believe I am not missing something, but I have seen this claim before so I have to ask about it. To be clear, I usually play with 3 total players (me and one of two other groups of two) and we aren't highly proficient in board games (though one of my friends in one of the groups and myself have played several miniatures games) and we randomize the tiles along with mixing in the expansions from time to time. I'm pretty sure the people claiming to know some surefire strategy that works every single game always play with the "default" tiles and numbers, rather than randomizing them. It's the only explanation for it I can think of. All the more if Cities&Knights is involved.

Now, to piggy back on the OPs request, can anyone tell me if Talisman is any good? What it's like, etc? It is most likely my most favourite board game period, though I'm not sure to which degree this is due to its qualities and to which due to nostalgia; I played it ever since I was six, right when I got interested in the Lord of the Rings and fantasy, too. :smallredface:
In any case, I think it's absolutely awesome, take that for what you will.

As for what it's like, Wikipedia does a pretty good job of explaining it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talisman_%28board_game%29).

Gaius Marius
2011-02-24, 09:09 AM
Anybody can propose an interesting board game that 2 experienced board gamers can play together?

Something remotely original, maybe cooperative..?

2011-02-24, 11:10 AM
Anybody can propose an interesting board game that 2 experienced board gamers can play together?

Something remotely original, maybe cooperative..?

Pandemic? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandemic_%28board_game%29) I've heard good things about it, even though I haven't played it myself.

2011-02-24, 01:28 PM
Pandemic is good for experienced boardgamers, and is co-operative. I recommend it if that's what you're looking for. Other 2 player games I know and like - War of the Ring (not co-operative, but...), Agricola (experienced players, not co-operative, but not necessarily 'against' each other in the traditional sense), Marvel Heroes plays all right with 2 players...

Mostly, I second the Pandemic nomination - that's the best co-operative game I've ever played, and with 2 players it's probably quite difficult.

2011-02-24, 01:53 PM
It is most likely my most favourite board game period, though I'm not sure to which degree this is due to its qualities and to which due to nostalgia; I played it ever since I was six, right when I got interested in the Lord of the Rings and fantasy, too. :smallredface:
In any case, I think it's absolutely awesome, take that for what you will.

As for what it's like, Wikipedia does a pretty good job of explaining it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talisman_%28board_game%29).
Thanks, that was fairly informative. I guess my next question is if the current edition (I think revised 4th) is worth getting, as opposed to trying to track down an earlier edition? Adding to that, if revised 4th is the one to go with and I end up liking it, are any of the expansions any good?

Does anyone have an opinion on Descent? Good, bad, or otherwise?

2011-02-24, 03:09 PM
Descent is a great game, and I would have recommended it, but it doesn't make allowances for playing with more than 5 players. If you do pick up Descent, I'd recommend getting a few containers to sort out the pieces as this is a good way to speed up play and reduce set-up time. Also, there are quite a few fan-made scenarios (http://app.fantasyflightgames.com/descent_quests.html) online.

2011-02-24, 03:58 PM
Thanks, that was fairly informative. I guess my next question is if the current edition (I think revised 4th) is worth getting, as opposed to trying to track down an earlier edition? Adding to that, if revised 4th is the one to go with and I end up liking it, are any of the expansions any good?Sorry, no idea. I'm only familiar with the 2nd edition.

2011-02-25, 09:50 AM
Sorry, no idea. I'm only familiar with the 2nd edition.
That's okay. Just thought I would ask in case you knew. How about this, (I know you only know about 2nd but this should be a reasonably universal question) is the game such that the basic game is enough to keep it reasonably fresh each time or do you think the add ons might make it more interesting? I know that might be a total guess on your part but that's fine.

2011-02-25, 01:36 PM
That's okay. Just thought I would ask in case you knew. How about this, (I know you only know about 2nd but this should be a reasonably universal question) is the game such that the basic game is enough to keep it reasonably fresh each time or do you think the add ons might make it more interesting? I know that might be a total guess on your part but that's fine.If it is in any way like 2nd edition, then the basic game should be capable of holding interest all on its own just fine. If anything, my main complaint about the additions for 2nd edition (yes, 2nd edition had additions, too) was that they didn't add enough to the game, which didn't really matter though, as the main game was good enough on its own.

2011-02-25, 08:41 PM
If it is in any way like 2nd edition, then the basic game should be capable of holding interest all on its own just fine. If anything, my main complaint about the additions for 2nd edition (yes, 2nd edition had additions, too) was that they didn't add enough to the game, which didn't really matter though, as the main game was good enough on its own.
Okay. Thanks for the insight. I may have to pick up this game in the near future.

2011-02-25, 09:25 PM
Frag is a pretty fun board game. It is a first person shooter table top game. It is cool to shoot your friends. Plus if you get the over/under card you can make the Flamethrower/Chainsaw. Sweet! Also you can keep playing as you get more wins with your friends you can keep your stats and become better.

2011-03-10, 07:55 PM
Neather are board games, but both can work with the amont of people you have.

Citadels is fun. Kinda a city building game... only with cards. Most of the fun is due to taking on a different 'role' each round (King, Thief, Bishop, Warlord, etc), each of which does something special.

Bang! is another good game. I don't know if you ever played that assassin party game where everyone is trying to guess the identity of everyone else while people are slowly getting killed off, but it's essentially exactly like that, only combined with Munchkin. It's Cowboy themed and you have the sheriff and deputy vs the outlaws and renegades. Sheriff wants the badguys dead, the outlaws want the sheriff dead, and the renegade is trying to kill everyone, but only the idenity of the sheriff is known outright.

Chrononauts is another card game that possibly could work with any number of people (as many people as you have IDs and Missions for in any case).

2011-03-11, 11:34 AM
For six or more people I recommend Cranium or Apples to Apples. Fairly traditional board games and much less epic than some other suggestions but with a good group of friends it can be absolutely magic. Both games go very well with drinking.

2011-03-11, 11:36 AM
Bang! is another good game. I don't know if you ever played that assassin party game where everyone is trying to guess the identity of everyone else while people are slowly getting killed off, but it's essentially exactly like that, only combined with Munchkin. It's Cowboy themed and you have the sheriff and deputy vs the outlaws and renegades. Sheriff wants the badguys dead, the outlaws want the sheriff dead, and the renegade is trying to kill everyone, but only the idenity of the sheriff is known outright.Oh, yeah, I've played that, too, that is a pretty good one. :smallsmile:

2011-03-11, 01:04 PM
Bang! is another good game. I don't know if you ever played that assassin party game where everyone is trying to guess the identity of everyone else while people are slowly getting killed off, but it's essentially exactly like that, only combined with Munchkin. It's Cowboy themed and you have the sheriff and deputy vs the outlaws and renegades. Sheriff wants the badguys dead, the outlaws want the sheriff dead, and the renegade is trying to kill everyone, but only the idenity of the sheriff is known outright.

Mafia + Munchkin...I like that. I'd always thought of it as Wild West Mafia, but Munchkin...that's totally true!

2011-03-11, 02:10 PM
What you listed are good choices. Citadels is also excellent, Battlestar Galactica is for 6 and excellent, there are a couple of expansion out now so not sure how many players it supports. Shadows Over Camelot is a good 7 player game. Formula d is a simple fun car racing game for 2 to 10.

Talisman with expansion is easily over 6. We've played talisman before with 12. Although that took a real long time.

I heard there are rules to play titan with 7 to 12 players but you need 2 copies of the game.

Oh and did anyone mention The order of the stick game. It is amazing, although only upto 6 players.

2011-03-11, 03:35 PM
Mostly, I second the Pandemic nomination - that's the best co-operative game I've ever played, and with 2 players it's probably quite difficult.

Have to third Pandemic, as well. Heck, it even works for people who aren't that experienced: The rules are really simple, but it still manages to remain a challenging game.

Once again, though, that's more for Gaius. Pandemic won't work for 6-7 players. You will lose very quickly if you try to artificially raise the four-player limit.

Brother Oni
2011-03-11, 05:09 PM
Anybody can propose an interesting board game that 2 experienced board gamers can play together?

Something remotely original, maybe cooperative..?

Fury of Dracula was a game I always liked, and there's a streamlined reprint available from Fantasy Flight games.

DungeonQuest was another one, again reprinted by FFG. Games of this tended to be won by the only person to get out of the dungeon alive.

There's also Space Hulk, but that's probably wandering more into strategy games than board games.