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2011-02-14, 01:24 PM
The City of Sha-Swar

It is drawing on the hottest part of the day as you enter the city of Sha-Swar, the dry brick walls radiating a horrid heat as you pass through the gates into the main thoroughfare. Even at this hour there is still an alarming amount of traffic, at least 4 caravans settling down before you, blocking your way and filling the air with dust.

Their erdland and beasts of burden look at you hungrily, before food is placed in front of them.

Under the layer of sand brought in by the morning's wind are fine flagstones, well set and solid. They seem to say that this city was once well tended and cared for.

Each of the caravans finds a square to settle down in, money changing hands for the privilege.

A boy carries a water-skin to the animals, giving each a sip before moving on to the next. His favorite erdland gets an extra gulp, and it butts the boy approvingly.

The shadowy recesses of the city are shockingly cold after the noonday sun, and even the hardiest of you gather goosebumps as you wade through the trash and debris.

No matter who you find or where you go, there is still something of a look of desperation in the corner of your greeters eye.
"Yea, what do you want?"

2011-02-14, 11:59 PM
Chack rode into town on his kank soon after the last caravan, sweating from the heat. Wiping his brow, he studied the caravan guards as he passed them, as well as any passengers they may have brought. It always pays to be cautious, and he might even see a friendly face.

He rode on past the caravans, stopping as soon as he found an adequate enough space to set up camp of his own. After ensuring that his tent is set up, his kank is hobbled, and all his goods are still tightly strapped to his saddle, he approached the greeter. “And a fine day to you too. I’d like nothing better than to know where the nearest saloon is.”

2011-02-15, 04:59 AM
Gwendolyn Roberts

A posh sophisticated lady strode into the merchant's shop with a look of determination in her eyes. She wore the normal clothes of a common Wastelander but a closer look could tell you these weren't the ordinary clothes of one. For the first thing, they looked store-bought rather than just gained over a period of adventuring, and they looked way too new. A keen eye could also discern it was rather well padded.

"Greetings, merchant. I wonder if you might help me." Gwen spoke in her most polite voice, a cute smile darting across her lips. The girl leaned over a bit on the counter letting the barest hint of cleavage show over the top of her shirt while watching the man. "I hear you're the man to see about.. magical items?"

2011-02-15, 12:01 PM

As he passed through the gate into the town, an average looking, dark-skinned man sped up, trying to look more concerned. He knew that arriving so late in the day had been a mistake, and he was grateful for the surprising amount of traffic he had found along the road. I'm just here to explore this rumor, not to attract attention or get waylaid by a group of clever thugs...he thought, eying the various caravans, knowing the careful observer would note he was not sweating. It would be better to move farther into the town before asking questions, then he could relax a little.

Oh come on! said another voice in his mind. We can take any "thugs" that try anything, and I think you're giving those brutes too much cleverness by half!

Frowning down at his pocket, the man sent a single tempering thought to the crystal residing there before returning his mind to focus on moving past the now-stopped merchants. A smile, however, did play on his lips, brightening his mood.

As he made his way through the beginnings of the town, the man spotted a reputable looking establishment that didn't appear terribly busy. Stepping inside he soon found that it may have been doing slow business for a while now...or perhaps just a slow morning. Nodding to the man behind the counter, he settles down in the tavern. "Hello friend. I'd like a cooled glass of water if you would please. And I was wondering if there were any schools of the mind to be found around here. I tried to find out from the last village I passed through, but I got so many conflicting answers I may as well have asked a kank for all the good it did!" With a good-natured chuckle he places a bit of coin onto the counter, "You can call me Ar'kesh. Tell me, anything interesting going on lately?"

2011-02-16, 11:06 PM
Writings of the Waste:

The sands of time are ever changing. For centuries the Asherati had lived in isolation, their long memory being passed down through the generations of the genocide and tyrrany of the Sorcer Kings, and of the Great Dragon. For centuries the Dune Swimmers had lived in relative peace beneath the ever shifting sands of the Great Dune Sea. An ever changing landscape, vast and inhospitable hid their hidden creches beneath the waves. For centuries they remained hidden, legends and tall tales whispered of over a caravan's campfire. Rumours of creatures in the sand, of relentless undead and the fury of the flaywind served to keep outsiders at bay, and those foolish enough to test their merit would never be heard from again. For centuries, the Dusty Conclave had worked to keep their people safe, careful to never reveal their presence and draw the wrath of their persecutors once more. When discovery was near, they would slip away beneath the waves, a fading mirage.

But the sands of time are ever changing. The Dragon is Dead. So are many of the Defiler Kings. Across the Tablelands cries of freedom are rising up, and the Dusty Conclave has decided now to act. The enemies of the People are weakened, control slipping through their fingers like a palmfull of silt. Still, the old ways are not forgotten easily. An injured beast is at it's most dangerous, and the Defiler-Kings still standing grow ever more desperate and fractious. Even in action, caution is the key, and so the Dusty Conclave has sent one of their own as an emissary, bearing an offer of treaty to those who's goals are aligned...


Ma-At Neferu

A hooded figure made its way between the shadows of Sha-swar, it's sand-hued cloak wrapped tightly about it's body while goggles of darkened glass peered out through the blinding glare of the noonday sun.

The cloaked figure darted this way and that, weaving through the claustrophobic labrynth of alleyways until it came to an unassuming wooden door.

Ma-at hissed at his companion, invisible but for a shimmer of heat in the air, and a rasping wind answered him in return. The elemental floated into the air to gain a bird's eye view of the labrynth, making sure they had not been followed. Even still, Ma-at knew they were being watched by unseen sentries. Once he was sure it was safe Ma-at gave the signal: 3 quick raps upon the door, followed by 2 deliberate ones and a third single rap after 3 seconds.

After several moments of waiting, a small window opened in the door and a human eye peered out, studying the intruder intently.

"Piss off." came a grizzled voice.

"Water must be conserved." Ma-at answered, remembering his instructions.

A grunt of approval at the proper password and the sound of a heavy bar being removed signaled the completion of the ritual and the door opened with a rush of cool air.

Stepping hastily inside, Ma-at drew back his hood revealing skin the color of rust or dried caked blood. He removed his goggles and pale white eyes gazed forth, sealed behind protective membranes against invading grit.

He withdrew his few meager weapons and placed them on the table near the door...little good they would do him if things turned sour as he was now surrounded by several wizards, each powerful in their own right.

"I bring word from the Asherati. The Dusty Conclave is prepared to offer it's aid to the Veiled Alliance..."

2011-02-17, 10:15 PM
Ingtas Badur

As the day was reaching its most hellish part a large lonely figure appeared on the horizon. As it approached the city its steps grew slower and slower. Ingtas was bursting with a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety. He felt his heartbeats becoming faster as the cold drops of sweat began to appear on his forehead. Legs became heavy, the mass of people around him felt like there was a mountain on top of him. He didn't feel the heat or fatigue, but his mind was definitely burning.

The chain of events that brought him here suddenly ran through his head. Probably only a madman or a really desperate creature would follow the trail that brought him here, he thought to himself, but he had no choice. For a moment something pinned him to the ground ... a picture went before his eyes, a distant memory, and a new one. He was here before and he was leaving the city with a group of people, but the faces were cloudy, everything was cloudy.

Suddenly he heard a voice: "You're blocking the way there buddy, do you want to get squashed or what!". Ingtas pulled himself together just in time to move out of the great Mekilot beast's way. The pause and distraction that this meaningless event gave him we're actually good for Ingtas as he finally managed to break the chain of thoughts that troubled him.

With new determination and a tiny sense of ease in his mind he stepped into the city. Walking through the first few streets he decided to go to the first tavern he runs across and refresh himself a bit. There he would have some time to think about his next step.

Hello, I would like whatever is the house's specialty and the coldest pint of water you have ... on the second thought, make all of that double please. Ingtas said with a hungry look on his face ...

2011-02-18, 03:16 AM

The heavily shaded dwarf looks at you depressingly. "And I would like nothing better but to not see your ugly face, jawak." The dwarf continues to watch the caravan unfold, eventually moving to the side as several of the men from outside take a large covered object into the double doors that mark the entrance to the house.
After the operation is done and the men from the caravan are out of the way, the dwarf looks at you still standing there and snorts, slamming the door in your face.

"Hey, hey hey! Who are you fellow? I don't recall seeing a face like that in a place like this any time around." You hear this strange phrasing behind you, turning to see a heavily tattooed half-giant wearing a huge shady cloak, standing slightly at a distance from you. "Come, come, shall we get a good look at you? Ruthar will help you find yourself, yes." The half-giant gesture for you to follow before moving on.

Gwendolyn Roberts

The merchant, a youngish man, licks his lips and shuffles around on his stool. "I.... might." He finally says, looking towards the back room momentarily before taking a breath and folding hims hands in front of him. "What are you looking for?" The man's change is instantaneous and almost alarming. From passive to in control in less than a moment, he gazes at you without the faintest hint of emotion.


Taking your bit and attempting a pleasant expression, the barman takes a mug and places a strainer over it, letting the dirty cactus water fill the container until he turns the tap and takes off the cloth, throwing the bits of pulp and dirt behind the counter. "Look son," the barman ushers you over to the other end of the bar, further away from the door. "I don't want any trouble, fine?" Looking nervously towards the door, he gives you your drink as an afterthought. "So if you could just leave....."

Ma-At Neferu

A younger woman with powder blacked hands stands to the side of you, while the man who let you in shuts the door behind you and solidly slams the bar in.
The woman takes a step toward you as you take in your surroundings. A small entrance hallway, leading to what appears to be a larger central chamber. Everything is made of the same pervasive sandstone as the outside, though the floor is set in strange, whirling patters of some slate like substance that you can not easily identify. The low ceiling, dark floor and low-light is somewhat confining, the corridor seemingly a vein leading to some pulsing heart, another cool blast of air hitting you, this time almost..... damp.

"This way please." You assume alchemist says, giving a passing look to the brawny man as he settles down in-front of the door. A blank expression crosses her face, something like the professional detachment of a merchant selling his own mother, falls over the woman's face as she takes several quick steps and gets ahead of you, leading further into the building.

Ingtas Badur

"Chevas." The heavy eyed woman wearing even heavier makeup drifts into the back room, while a similar looking man (possibly a brother, you think?) draws a mug of water, handing you it with no wasted effort. Returning to his conversation with a petite human, he says "So the dogs just up and died, poor things. It was a pretty terrible thing, since they breed them so well. I heard they lost 5 years worth in those mutts."

2011-02-18, 06:26 PM

Blinking in surprise, Ar'kesh glances at the door. Seeing nothing of note, he turns his eyes back to the barman. Taking the proffered drink, but not lifting it to his lips, he lowers his voice, "Trouble? I'm certainly not looking for any of that." He pauses for a moment, looking around the establishment and thikning, I wonder if it was my comment about the school? That would be odd, I've never been to a place where it would elicit such a reaction though...

Or maybe he's hiding something!

Hush. We'll find out more before doing anything rash, though I am intrigued.

He looks at the man behind the counter, studying him, watching his nervousness. "Is there something going on here, something I haven't heard? You don't have anything to worry about from me, barkeep, I'm only curious, and don't want to step in something without knowing it's there."

2011-02-18, 06:32 PM
Gwendolyn Roberts

"Hmm.." Gwen says tentatively, studying the man. The shock of his change made her lift up from the counter to get a little further away from him. She smoothed out the wrinkles of her outfit before speaking. "Actually, I'm not so much looking for some little magic treasure as trying to figure out where one came from." She continued, gaining pose of herself quickly.

The girl reached into her pack and plucked out the Decanter of Endless Water, rubbing it lovingly in her hand. "Do you have any idea what this is?" She asked him, uncorking the top and taking a big swig of water from it. "If I was so inclined this could provide water to a whole desert scarred city... forever."

She paused to let the weight of her words sink in.

"I could make a tidy little living like that, before some usurper killed me to take my cash-cow." Gwen's eyes sparkled and she licked her lips to make them wet again. "But I'm looking for the big score. Where did this.. this.. Decanter of, well, nearly Endless Water come from? ..And are there more?"

2011-02-18, 08:50 PM
Chack Engr

Taken off balance by the dwarfs rebuff, Chack was only more perplexed by the half-giants actions. He reached up and touched his face. “Am I… ugly? Nah, surely he must have been mistaken. Perhaps a passing oaf distracted him from my rugged good looks.” He then looked up at the quickly receding half-giant and walked quickly to catch up.

Once he caught up to him, Chack walked alongside the half-giant. “Hello. I’m Chack. A pleasure to meet you I’m sure. So what were you saying about… finding myself?”

2011-02-19, 05:19 AM
Ma-at Neferu

Ma-at does not move from where he stands.

"It is the Law of Hositality that we should introduce ourselves before going any further. As I am a guest in your house, I will go first. I am Ma-at Neferu of the Amenatep Tribe."

He stands expectantly.

Meanwhile, his companion floated all but unseen, watching his back.

2011-02-20, 01:57 PM
Overhearing the bartender's conversation Ingtas figured it would be a good idea to join or start some casual conversation and work towards asking what happened around these parts during the past several years. If seeing just the city gate triggered a memory, who knows what else could. At least it was worth a try and besides that, he had nothing better to do at the moment while waiting for his food.

Ingtas took the mug and drank almost all of it in an instant, obviously enjoying his refreshment. Wiping his mouth with a sleeve he handed the mug to the bartender.

One more please ...

Pardon the intrusion, but what were those mutts bred for since they were so valuable? Finding underground waters or something? - Ingtas spoke as he was stretching his arm to take another mug.

2011-02-23, 02:28 AM

"Yes." This bit of mysticism is all you get from Ruthar as he leads you into the caravan, occasionally patting one of the herd animals on the head as he passes. The other people in the caravan largely ignore you and your guide as he leads you through, though one woman has what appears to be a pained expression on her face when she see's you. The half-giant hops up onto the end of a wagon and reaches a hand out behind him. "Up."

Gwendolyn Roberts

The man's expression does not change with your words, and his hands reach for the decanter after you finish speaking. Checking it over with mechanical efficiency, he places it delicately on the table before pushing back from his stool turning to the back. "I will return in a moment." He mutters before pushing past a beaded curtain.

The various artifacts and pieces of pottery that dot the stores shelves loom over you, and you have a distinct impression of something watching from above. After only a few moments, however, a loud thud is heard from the back, and the sensation disappears as quickly as came. Several seconds later, the man appears from behind the curtain again, the front of his shift dust stained and wrinkled.

In his hands is a large, multicolored stone block, like a great puzzle box, which he places carefully on the counter next to the decanter. Touching box in several places, he murmurers gently in language you do not know, finishing by taking the top of the box and wrenching with surprising brutality. The box begins to unfold like a flower, the man taking the decanter and placing it gently inside before beginning to twist the base pieces around gently.

A look of uncertainty crosses his face, and he turns to you as he stops his movements. "May we proceed?"


Looking nervously at the door again, the older man comes out from behind the bar and ushers you out towards the back, through the kitchen. "See, see...." Passing by a small counter where a sort of thick brown slurry is cooking on the stove, the man casually grabs a large piece of rough black bread, chopping off the top before grabbing a ladle and spreading the mixture on.

"Ah, you don't mind if I eat a bit, do you?" Now that he's out of sight of the door, he seems to visibly relax, slumping down beside the stove on a stool. Taking a bite before you can respond to his question, he begins to talk with his mouth full, sometimes sending little pieces of bread flying, though he keeps his hand close to his mouth while he talks. "I've been having some trouble with some unpleasant fellows lately, and they've got me spooked, I'm done in to say, son. Since you're from out of town, I know you can't be floatin' with those fellows, so you don't nearly as need my concern, ya see?" His accent thickens as he talks and becomes more comfortable, and he leans back into the counter. "It's been a mutt rough for us all since these new grafts came in, since they don't seem to know how to treat an honest businessman proper. So you can understand why I was so spooked with you showing up out of the blue and askin' starling questions like ya did."

Ma-at Neferu

The woman stops and turns towards you hands clasped together in front of her, a rigid expression on her face. "I truly don't have the right to make introductions, especially before the uninitiated." Reversing again, she walks quickly forward turns her head to mutter darkly; "Are you coming so we can get this fiasco over with?"

Ingtas Badur

Smiling at the chance to include another person in the conversation, the bartender says "Nothing like that sir, just some fine breed hounds. The families been keeping them around for generations, for hunting and the like. They make good trackers, I'm sure, but I wouldn't think there'd be anything like that." Handing you another drink, he politely smiles and continues. "My grandfather once went out on a hunt with the family, long way back. Said it was a lovely sight watching those dogs go at it."

2011-02-23, 03:45 AM
Chack Engr

Chack balked at the proffered hand. He didn't like the look that woman had given them. Still, this was fairly entertaining. Ultimately, he decided to go for it. Couldn't hurt anything to follow along. "Um... yes, okay." Chack took his hand and pulled himself up onto the back of the wagon.

2011-02-23, 03:00 PM

Surprised, Ar'kesh follows the the barman's guidance towards the back, keeping a wary eye on both him and the back room the enter. His mouth opens to answer the the man's question, but closes again as he takes a bite and keeps on talking. Nodding along to the story of hardship, Ar'kesh waits for a moment to ensure the man is done speaking before opening his mouth again.

"That does sound quite frustrating. These fellows, I suppose they aren't templars, are they? I was under the impression that Sha-Swar was unclaimed by any Sorcerer-King, which is partly why I'm here. I guess one could be trying to extend their reach, but that just seemed unlikely and I dismissed it. You have nothing to fear from me, my good man...but does this new rough element bother travelers much? Do you know who they are, or who they're affiliated with? As I said I could hardly find a credible word about your town as I was coming here, I don't want to step into something accidently." Looking around again, he leans against the wall, relaxing slightly. "Back to my original purpose here, are there any schools or guilds for psionicists in this town? I thought it large enough to have at least a branch or some sort."

2011-02-23, 03:13 PM
Ma-at Neferu

Ma-at narrows his eyelids at the woman's disrespect, but begins cautiously moving forward.

"Tssk..." he sounds aloud, seemingly in response to her attitude. It was really a subtle command in Auran alerting his companion to scout ahead and return to warn him of any danger. A brief gust of wind ruffles his cloak and breezes down the hallway.

"You should show more gratitude. For a thousand years my people have kept to our own. Even now with our common enemies weakened, you still cannot afford to act openly. Your numbers are not so strong...you need all the allies you can..."

It would only take a moment for the swift flying elemental to report back if there was an obvious trap ahead. In particular, Ma-at was concerned about the moisture in the air. It gave him a sense of foreboding unease.

2011-02-23, 07:23 PM
Gwendolyn Roberts

Gwen looks a little anxious as the man takes the decanter from her but trying to look non-pulsed. She swallows hard as the man excuses himself, wondering if this was the correct action to take. Most of her leads had been dead-ends.. she had to find out anything she could. And she could take care of herself.

The girl suppressed a shudder thinking on the man's weird change in attitude. She could probably handle herself.

And that creepy feeling intensified, she felt like she was being watched. She tried to busy herself with running her eyes over the pottery here, and was visibly relived when the shopkeep returned.

"What's this?" Gwen asks, watching the strange looking almost puzzle box. If it was magical, it'd be great for her collection.. but she wouldn't rob this guy if he wasn't going to rob her. Her eyes darted worriedly over the decanter. She hoped. Gwen bite her lip as the box opened and she couldn't help but to murmur about how pretty it was.

"Of course."


2011-02-24, 08:01 PM
With a smile on his face Ingtas happily joins the conversation:

Well, they must have been bred very good, especially if we consider there are many dangerous beasts out there that could rip a man apart. It truly is a shame, a companion like that could surely save your life in those god forsaken deserts, of that I'm certain ...

Happy to make the first contact so easily Ingtas continues to engage in small talk trying not to be too boring to the people he is talking to. Finishing his meal and some mugs later Ingtas tries to hunt an opportunity to speak with bartender one on one:

I've been here before you know, but that was long ago, could you tell me what marked the last decade in this place? Also, do you have rooms for weary travelers?