View Full Version : suggestions needed: Elf Psi warrior/fighter/dervish (eberron)

2011-02-14, 11:10 PM
I'm taking a break from running my current campaign and another player offered to run a 1-21 arc in Eberron. I've wanted to try psychic warrior and dervish for quite some time now, and if I can get the two together, even better.

General build idea so far (stats are 32 point buy, by dm request no 'tier one' classes and no Tome of Battle)

Valenar Elf
Psychic warrior 4/fighter 2/Dervish X/Revenant Blade 5

feats (so far)
1st: Bladebearer of the Valenar (double scimitar as martial weapon, other bonuses)
PW 1: Weapon Focus: Valenar double scimitar
PW 2: expeditious dodge
3rd: Mobility
FB 1: combat expertise
FB 2: Twin Weapon Fighting
6th: Power attack
9th: Heroic spirit (? kind of sad not to use that extra ability with bladebearer)

Taking advantage of the cool quirk of double weapons: that you can wield them in two weapon fighting as weapon + light weapon, but if you want to you can also double hand them and only attack with one end, getting power attack bonuses as though it is a two handed weapon.

Of course, once Revenant Blade 5 kicks in, then it's twin weapon fighting with x2 bonus power attacks added in for both ends, while dervish dancing.

Psychic warrior is for low level utility like Vigor, Expansion, and Hustle as well as allowing me to pick up Speed of Thought feat later for the sweet +10 stackable bonus to speed.

Thoughts on stat spread? How many levels of dervish would be good? Feats to close out the build?

Andion Isurand
2011-02-15, 03:04 AM
Wood Elf = +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Int

"Arctic" Template = +2 Con, -2 Cha (Dragon 306) is optional
Quick Trait (-1 HP/HD for +10 speed) is optional
Skilled City Dweller ACF (trade Ride for Tumble) is optional

° Prerequisite for Frenzied Berserker
°° Prerequsite for Revenant Blade


01/ FLEET OF FOOT (1st level only feat) (from Players Guide to Faerun)
02/ TWF°° (Ranger bonus feat)
05/ Power Attack° (Fighter bonus feat)
06/ Cleave° (Fighter Bonus feat)


2 lvls Ranger
(Elf Ranger Substitution @ 1st lvl from Races of the Wild) for extra skill points... put 5 ranks in Balance
(Arcane Hunter ACF from Complete Mage)

2 lvls Barbarian
(Spiritual Lion Totem Variant from Complete Champion = Pounce)
(Whirling Frenzy Variant in Unearthed Arcana)
(Wolf Totem ACF from Unearthed Arcana is optional)

2 lvls Fighter
10 lvls Frenzied Berserker (from Complete Warrior)
4 lvls Revenant Blade (from Player's Guide to Eberron pg. 142)

+20/+17/+07/+07 = Base Scores @ lvl 20


add the 5th Revenant Blade lvl @ lvl 21

Essentially, at 21st level you can treat each end of a double scimitar as a 2-handed weapon... getting 1.5x strength to dmg and 2 for 1 Power Attack... which is actually a 4 for 1 power attack due to Frenzied Berserker.

Then, if you can manage to fit in the Favored Power Attack feat... then you have a 5 for 1 power attack situation going against Arcanists as your Favored Enemy thanks to the Arcane Hunter ACF.

2011-02-15, 03:32 AM
wow that's just.... amazing.

My only real worry is all the horror stories I've heard about out of control Frenzied Berserkers tearing apart their own party. :smallamused: But I have to say that it woud be pretty much ridiculous to see a foaming mad elf wielding a double scimitar and swinging hard enough to cut smalld ragons in half with each swing.

Andion Isurand
2011-02-15, 03:48 AM
Obah-Blessed template from Dungeon Magazine 136 is a fun one to look at when thinking about this build...

+2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Cha
one extra pair of arms
multi-weapon fighting bonus feat
+2 LA

-- or --

+4 Str, +6 Dex, +4 Con, +6 Cha
two extra pairs of arms
multi-weapon fighting bonus feat
+3 LA

2011-02-15, 10:10 AM
I'll see if I have that issue of Dragon laying about.

on the frenzied berserker thing: now that I'm awake (as it were) I rememebr that you cannot dervish dance while in a rage or frenzy. Even though it looks like you can use Berserkers power attack abilities while not frenzied, I'm not sure it's overall the best thought :)