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2011-02-15, 12:50 AM
Is there a 3.5 adventure path besides shackled city?

By adventure path, I mean, similar too the Sunless citadel stuff (8 books going from 1-20)

2011-02-15, 01:35 AM
well I assume you mean campaigns and such and yeah there is a bunch I just got a book of adventures warlords of the accordlands seems pretty fun But I need world maps I think.

2011-02-15, 05:27 AM
In addition to Shackled City, Dungeon magazine also had Age of Worms and Savage Tide. But I think SC was released as a collection, while the other two have not. While the issues containing Age of Worms are all available as pdfs, it adds up to $60, which does not seem worth it. And with Savage Tide it seems even more problematic.

2011-02-15, 05:44 AM
Age of Worms is pretty awesome, though. Of course, that does happen to centre around one of my favorite big-bads, and I'm a sucker for elder evils and such.

I don't know about the value of it, though. I mean, people are willing to pay 60 bucks for a brand new video game, and that's certainly fewer hours than a 1-20 campaign.

2011-02-15, 06:19 AM
In addition to Shackled City, Dungeon magazine also had Age of Worms and Savage Tide. But I think SC was released as a collection, while the other two have not. While the issues containing Age of Worms are all available as pdfs, it adds up to $60, which does not seem worth it. And with Savage Tide it seems even more problematic.

And there are more from Paizo:
Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Second Darkness, etc.

Their more recent ones are designed for Pathfinder, but still fairly compatible.

And I have to concur with Necro_EX — $60 for 6 adventures? Each 96 pages? Taking you from level 1 to 20? That's a pretty decent deal.

2011-02-15, 10:05 AM
I have one done by Goodman Games from their Dungeon Crawl Classics series which is good fun. Saga of the Dragon Cult (http://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Crawl-Classics-Adventure-Path/dp/097900652X) is the name. Four adventures, from levels 1-10.

2011-02-15, 01:47 PM
And there are more from Paizo:
Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Second Darkness, etc.

Their more recent ones are designed for Pathfinder, but still fairly compatible.

Plus the Pathfinder rules are available in their entirety for free: http://www.d20pfsrd.com

2011-02-15, 01:52 PM
Age of Worms is pretty awesome, though. Of course, that does happen to centre around one of my favorite big-bads, and I'm a sucker for elder evils and such.

I don't know about the value of it, though. I mean, people are willing to pay 60 bucks for a brand new video game, and that's certainly fewer hours than a 1-20 campaign.

I wouldn't have problems paying sixty bucks for a book. I think both Age of Worms and Savage Tide would be worth that much, would somebody decide to publish them.

As a collection of pdfs? I'm not giving them a single buck.

2011-02-15, 04:12 PM
I wouldn't have problems paying sixty bucks for a book. I think both Age of Worms and Savage Tide would be worth that much, would somebody decide to publish them.

As a collection of pdfs? I'm not giving them a single buck.

I assume I know where you're going with that. And I'm no saint, so I can't lecture.

That being said, I'd suggest two things:
1. With the rise of tablets, PDFs (or other e-publishing) are becoming at least as viable as anything on paper — searchable, indexable, notable (? As in, you can add notes) etc. all at the touch of a finger? Not bad. I don't own a tablet, myself, but the prices will fall, and the ubiquity and interface will improve. Dead trees aren't the future in any publishing format.

2. $60 for, let's say at a bare minimum, 60 hours of game time (at 3 hours per level at a fast pace) is a small price to pay per hour. How many current entertainment formats offer an hour of entertainment for a buck?

Books? Probably not. Video/computer games? Maybe, with multiplayer. Movies? Definitely not.

And I'd suggest that supporting the companies which are creating content for the games you enjoy isn't a waste of money.

2011-02-15, 04:30 PM
1. With the rise of tablets, PDFs (or other e-publishing) are becoming at least as viable as anything on paper — searchable, indexable, notable (? As in, you can add notes) etc. all at the touch of a finger? Not bad. I don't own a tablet, myself, but the prices will fall, and the ubiquity and interface will improve. Dead trees aren't the future in any publishing format.

Dead trees may not be the future, but they are, so far, the only acceptable version for me. I've grown up with them and while I have no problem reading pdfs or other documents on computer screen(haven't tried tablets yet, so can't say about that) it's so much more satisfying to open a book and take your time reading that, instead of lines of bytes.

Yeah, I'm old fashioned, I know. I also don't expect that to change anytime soon.

2011-02-15, 05:25 PM
Dead trees may not be the future, but they are, so far, the only acceptable version for me. I've grown up with them and while I have no problem reading pdfs or other documents on computer screen(haven't tried tablets yet, so can't say about that) it's so much more satisfying to open a book and take your time reading that, instead of lines of bytes.

Yeah, I'm old fashioned, I know. I also don't expect that to change anytime soon.

Even if there are books are on the comp I still prefer the book in my hand I agree with you.

2011-02-16, 02:25 PM
Agreed. I HATE using computers unless necessary when playing dnd.