View Full Version : [3.5] The Mirror Image FAQ thread

2011-02-15, 05:41 PM
OK, it seems like Mirror Image is one of the worst culprits of spells (especially popular, low level core spells) for causing rules confusion. I thought it might be nice to have an FAQ/Q&A thread for Mirror Image.

Below I have spoilered the “official” FAQ entries regarding our friend, Mirror Image. I have also spoilered the SRD entry for the spell itself.

Now, I’m going to add to this list as I go, but here’s some of the questions I’ve often seen asked about Mirror Image (I will add more as people come up with questions and answers):

Q1 Can you shut your eyes (accepting a 50% miss chance) and simply ignore Mirror Image?
A1 Definitely yes. It's right there in the spell description: An attacker must be able to see the images to be fooled. If you are invisible or an attacker shuts his or her eyes, the spell has no effect. (Being unable to see carries the same penalties as being blinded.)
Q2 How does Magic Missile interact with Mirror Image? Do the missiles automatically target the real creature, or does every missile have a chance of striking an image?
A2 As per the FAQ: Any spell you can aim at a creature you can aim at an image. When you use a spell that allows you to select multiple creatures as targets, such as magic missile, you can choose multiple images as targets.
Q3 Do spells which target a creature, but not have a physical effect (Charm Person, for example) have a chance to target an image instead of the real creature?
A3 Yes, as per the FAQ: Any spell you can aim at a creature you can aim at an image. Whether this destroys the image or not isn't quite as clear. I believe the answer would be yes, as a Charm Person spell is considered an "attack" (as per the Invisibility spell, any offensive spell is considered an attack). As per the spell: Any successful attack against an image destroys it.
Q4 Do allies have a chance to “hit” an image with a beneficial touch spell, such as Cure Light Wounds? If they do, does this destroy the image?
A4 It would seem obvious that if an ally seeks to touch you with a beneficial spell or other effect, he would have to try and pick you from the images as normal. What isn't so clear, is if a touch with a beneficial spell would destroy an image. the spell states: Any successful attack against an image destroys it. The real question is whether this counts as an attack or not.
Q5 Does a fireball or other AoE spell destroy all images?
A5 No. As per the spell: Figments seem to react normally to area spells (such as looking like they’re burned or dead after being hit by a fireball).
Q6 How would Mirror Image stack with spells that grant concealment and a miss chance such as Blur? Would it be a case of 20% chance to miss whenever you make an attack roll against an image or only if you "pick" the real caster?
A6 The FAQ addresses this pretty directly: The images also look just like the caster, and they share purely visual effects such as the blur or displacement spell. If the mirror image user is also using either of these effects, an attack aimed at an image has the same miss chance an attack aimed at the caster has.
Q7 Do multiple casting of Mirror Image stack?
A7 No, Mirror Image would follow the normal spell stacking rules, and overlap rather than stack. A second casting would extend the duration of the spell, and if the number of images rolled for the new casting was greater than the existing number, that would become the new number of images.

2011-02-15, 05:43 PM
Mirror Image
Illusion (Figment)

Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal; see text
Target: You
Duration: 1 min./level (D)

Several illusory duplicates of you pop into being, making it difficult for enemies to know which target to attack. The figments stay near you and disappear when struck.
Mirror image creates 1d4 images plus one image per three caster levels (maximum eight images total). These figments separate from you and remain in a cluster, each within 5 feet of at least one other figment or you. You can move into and through a mirror image. When you and the mirror image separate, observers can’t use vision or hearing to tell which one is you and which the image. The figments may also move through each other. The figments mimic your actions, pretending to cast spells when you cast a spell, drink potions when you drink a potion, levitate when you levitate, and so on.
Enemies attempting to attack you or cast spells at you must select from among indistinguishable targets. Generally, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment. Any successful attack against an image destroys it. An image’s AC is 10 + your size modifier + your Dex modifier. Figments seem to react normally to area spells (such as looking like they’re burned or dead after being hit by a fireball).
While moving, you can merge with and split off from figments so that enemies who have learned which image is real are again confounded.
An attacker must be able to see the images to be fooled. If you are invisible or an attacker shuts his or her eyes, the spell has no effect. (Being unable to see carries the same penalties as being blinded.)

Are the multiple figments from a mirror image spell legal targets for cleaving? That is, if you have the Cleave feat and you hit an image and destroy it, can you then attack another target within reach (such as another figment from the spell or perhaps the spell user)? What about Whirlwind Attack? Can you use this feat to attack all the images around the spell user? What about spells that allow multiple targets, such as magic missile? Can you aim magic missiles at different images?
For all intents and purposes, the figments from a foe’s mirror image spell are your foes. You aim your spells and your attacks at the figments just as though they were real creatures.
Any spell you can aim at a creature you can aim at an image. When you use a spell that allows you to select multiple creatures as targets, such as magic missile, you can choose multiple images as targets.
If you have the Cleave or Great Cleave feat, destroying an image with a melee attack triggers the feat (and your cleaving attack might well strike the spell user instead of another image). Likewise, you can use Whirlwind Attack to strike at any image you can reach. A Whirlwind Attack almost certainly will allow you to strike once at the spell user.

Is there a way to decide which squares the figments from a mirror image spell occupy? Or do the images distribute themselves randomly? If it’s the latter, how does the DM decide where they go?
Although the spell description says the images from a mirror image spell always stay within 5 feet of either the user or another image, it’s easiest to assume that all the images occupy the same space the spell user occupies. Any attack that can reach the user’s space can affect an image.

The mirror image spell description says the images have an Armor Class of 10 + size modifier + Dexterity modifier. Can you improve this with spells the spellcaster casts on herself, such as shield or mage armor? If so, why doesn’t the spell description say the images have the caster’s Armor Class? What happens if the caster has cover from her surroundings? Will cover improve the images’ ACs? What about concealment? Will fog or foliage produce a miss chance for a foe that aims an attack at an image? What about magical concealment, such as a blur or displacement spell?
The images from a mirror image spell don’t use the caster’s Armor Class. Use the formula in the spell description to calculate each image’s Armor Class (10 + caster’s size modifier + caster’s Dexterity modifier). Use the caster’s current Dexterity modifier for each image’s Armor Class, no matter how the caster happened to get that modifier. Any Armor Class improvements the caster might have from equipment she carries or wears, or from magic operating on her person, don’t apply to the images. For example, a Medium user with a Dexterity score of 16, a shield spell, and a suit of +2 leather armor has an Armor Class of 21 (10 +4 shield, +4 armor, and +3 Dexterity), but her images have an Armor Class of 13 (10 +3 Dexterity).
It’s easiest to assume the images share the user’s location on the battlefield, and gain any cover bonuses that might apply to the spell user in that location. If the character in the previous example were behind cover, she would have an Armor Class of 25 and her images would have an Armor Class of 17.
If the user has concealment from her surroundings, the images have the same concealment. The images also look just like the caster, and they share purely visual effects such as the blur or displacement spell. If the mirror image user is also using either of these effects, an attack aimed at an image has the same miss chance an attack aimed at the caster has.

What happens if a mirror image user is incorporeal? Are the user’s images also incorporeal? Do attacks aimed at the images have the incorporeal miss chance? If the incorporeal user moves through a wall, can the images move through the wall, too? What happens if the user goes to another plane? Do the images go along? What if the mirror image user employs a blink spell?
Incorporeal spell casters create corporeal effects. So the figments from an incorporeal user’s mirror image spell are themselves corporeal. Attacks aimed at the images have no incorporeal miss chance.
The images, however, appear like the caster and move as the caster moves. If an incorporeal user moves through a wall, its mirror images also appear to move through the wall.
If a mirror image user moves to another plane, the images go along. If the user employs a blink spell, the images blink right along with the user, and any attack aimed at an image has the same miss chance (50%) it has if aimed at the caster.

What happens when an attacker accidentally uses a touch spell against a figment from a mirror image spell? You can hold the charge with a touch spell, right? So if you touch an image (which really isn’t there), is the touch spell discharged? Does the touch spell user get a chance to disbelieve the image and avoid discharging the spell?
As noted in an earlier question, the figments from a mirror image spell function just like creatures for the purpose of aiming spells. If a foe using a touch spell touches an image, the spell is harmlessly discharged (though the image is destroyed).
There is no chance to disbelieve a mirror image spell—if there was, the spell would have a saving throw entry and the entry would read “Will disbelief.”

The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. (Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character’s perceptions.) Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack.

2011-02-15, 05:49 PM
* Q1 Can you shut your eyes (accepting a 50% miss chance) and simply ignore Mirror Image?
* A1 IMO, no. Not being able to see the targets doesn't stop them being there.

* Q2 How does Magic Missile interact with Mirror Image? Doe the missiles automatically target the real creature, or does every missile have a chance of striking an image?
* A2 I'd say it strikes the actual creature.

* Q3 Do spells which target a creature, but not have a physical effect (Charm Person, for example) have a chance to target an image instead of the real creature?
* A3 I'd say spells like Charm Person have a chance to target an image, but no effect. I'd also say this destroys the image.

* Q4 Do allies have a chance to “hit” an image with a beneficial touch spell, such as Cure Light Wounds? If they do, does this destroy the image?
* A4 IMO, yes to both.

2011-02-15, 06:53 PM
A1 Definitely yes. It's right there in the spell description:

An attacker must be able to see the images to be fooled. If you are invisible or an attacker shuts his or her eyes, the spell has no effect. (Being unable to see carries the same penalties as being blinded.)

2011-02-15, 09:19 PM
If anyone has other questions to add, or wishes to dispute any of the answers above, please feel free. :smallsmile:

2011-02-15, 10:00 PM
Does a fireball or other AoE spell destroy all images?

2011-02-15, 10:12 PM
I would argue that Charm Person (and other non-damaging effects) can't target the (non-creature) images, regardless of what the FAQ says. This does NOT allow you to distinguish the caster from the other images.

Does a fireball or other AoE spell destroy all images?

No. For the line quoted below to work, the image would still have to be in existence.

Figments seem to react normally to area spells (such as looking like they’re burned or dead after being hit by a fireball).

[hr]Of note: Previous editions said "struck with a weapon" instead of "a successful attack".

2011-02-15, 10:45 PM
I would argue that Charm Person (and other non-damaging effects) can't target the (non-creature) images, regardless of what the FAQ says. This does NOT allow you to distinguish the caster from the other images.
So you would say that if you were to throw a Charm Person at a caster with a Mirror Image up, it would bypass the images, and he would have to make a save as normal?

2011-02-15, 11:00 PM
* Q1 Can you shut your eyes (accepting a 50% miss chance) and simply ignore Mirror Image?
* A1 IMO, no. Not being able to see the targets doesn't stop them being there.

* Q2 How does Magic Missile interact with Mirror Image? Doe the missiles automatically target the real creature, or does every missile have a chance of striking an image?
* A2 I'd say it strikes the actual creature.

* Q3 Do spells which target a creature, but not have a physical effect (Charm Person, for example) have a chance to target an image instead of the real creature?
* A3 I'd say spells like Charm Person have a chance to target an image, but no effect. I'd also say this destroys the image.

* Q4 Do allies have a chance to “hit” an image with a beneficial touch spell, such as Cure Light Wounds? If they do, does this destroy the image?
* A4 IMO, yes to both.

Does a fireball or other AoE spell destroy all images?

@ CapnCJ

A1 Yes, its right there in the spell description, though you still have to know which square the real target is in.

A2 With single target, or multiple target damage spells, I'd say that you have to choose which images/real one to target, so if you cast magic missle at level 7, then you targeted four images, it would destroy four of the images.

A3 Why would a charm destroy one? To me, I'd rule that it passed it's will save (or at least tell the player that).

A4 If they target an Image with a spell, they use the spell on that image, but it wouldn't destroy it.

@ CockroachTeaParty

It would destroy any images that got caught in the blast.

2011-02-15, 11:01 PM
So you would say that if you were to throw a Charm Person at a caster with a Mirror Image up, it would bypass the images, and he would have to make a save as normal?

Yes. Mirror Image is primarily a physical attack defense. There's a lot of overlap with Blur, but Blur doesn't discharge and doesn't scale with caster level, but is also a lot less effective.

@ CockroachTeaParty

It would destroy any images that got caught in the blast.

The images disappear when they are destroyed. They can't "seem to react normally to area spells" if they don't exist any more.

2011-02-16, 05:27 AM
*Q6.5 how would mirror image stack with spells that grant concealment and a miss chance such as Blur? Would it be a case of 20% chance to miss whenever you make an attack roll against an image or only if you "pick" the real caster?

Killer Angel
2011-02-16, 06:09 AM
* Q1 Can you shut your eyes (accepting a 50% miss chance) and simply ignore Mirror Image?
* A1 IMO, no. Not being able to see the targets doesn't stop them being there.

* Q2 How does Magic Missile interact with Mirror Image? Doe the missiles automatically target the real creature, or does every missile have a chance of striking an image?
* A2 I'd say it strikes the actual creature.

You can houserule it that way, but it goes against RAW and the spell's description itself.

Q3 Do spells which target a creature, but not have a physical effect (Charm Person, for example) have a chance to target an image instead of the real creature?
A3 Yes, as per the FAQ: Any spell you can aim at a creature you can aim at an image. Whether this destroys the image or not isn't quite as clear. I believe the answer would be yes, as a Charm Person spell is considered an "attack" (as per the Invisibility spell, any offensive spell is considered an attack). As per the spell: Any successful attack against an image destroys it.

I've got some doubt on this.

The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. (Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character’s perceptions.) Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack.

The way I read it, it's that Charme Person is considered an attack, only for the purpose of ending the invisibility.
Any thoughts?

If anyone has other questions to add, or wishes to dispute any of the answers above, please feel free. :smallsmile:

"Q7": do multiple casting of Mirror Image stack?

I would say "yes".

2011-02-16, 06:16 AM
"Q7": do multiple casting of Mirror Image stack?

I would say "yes".

whoops got the wrong number for my question above.

A7 I would say it followed the standard rules for spell stacking; if you cast it again only the highest value applies so in this case whichever casting produced the most images. I wouldn't let a 6th level wizard cast it 3 times for 3d4+6 images :smallconfused:

2011-02-16, 06:18 AM
Yeah, these are just some of the many issues that come with Mirror Image - it's a spell with it's own unique set of ambiguous rules and issues. The reason it comes up so often, is that it is such a great, low level defensive spell.

For the Charm Person issue, there are (at least) two stances you could take:

1. Each image can be targeted exactly as if it were a creature. This is the approach the FAQ takes, but that leads to it's own set of problems. The images are destroyed by "any successful attack". What exactly constitutes an attack? It it only something that causes hit point damage? IMHO, allowing the images to soak up targeted spells like Charm Person but not be destroyed would be pretty powerful for a second level spell...

2. Individually targeted non-damaging spells (or other effects) automatically "hit" the real creature.

Both approaches have their merits, and downfalls... :smallfrown:

2011-02-16, 09:40 AM
How do Mirror Images react to the colateral damage of splash weapons (such as alchemist's fire)? From Special Attacks, Thrown Splash Weapons, "A hit deals direct hit damage to the target, and splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. "

2011-02-16, 09:48 AM
# A3 Yes, as per the FAQ: Any spell you can aim at a creature you can aim at an image. Whether this destroys the image or not isn't quite as clear. I believe the answer would be yes, as a Charm Person spell is considered an "attack" (as per the Invisibility spell, any offensive spell is considered an attack). As per the spell: Any successful attack against an image destroys it.
# Q4 Do allies have a chance to “hit” an image with a beneficial touch spell, such as Cure Light Wounds? If they do, does this destroy the image?
# A4 It would seem obvious that if an ally seeks to touch you with a beneficial spell or other effect, he would have to try and pick you from the images as normal. What isn't so clear, is if a touch with a beneficial spell would destroy an image. the spell states: Any successful attack against an image destroys it. The real question is whether this counts as an attack or not.
For the sake of consistency, if A3 defines what constitutes an "attack" in terms of Invisibility, so should A4. A healing spell on an ally doesn't break Invisibility, hence it's not an attack.

How do Mirror Images react to the colateral damage of splash weapons (such as alchemist's fire)? From Special Attacks, Thrown Splash Weapons, "A hit deals direct hit damage to the target, and splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. "That's an area effect. Question about area effects was already answered.

2011-02-16, 09:56 AM
how does the images interact with glitterdust and faerie fire?

2011-02-16, 10:55 AM
how does the images interact with glitterdust and faerie fire?

Figments seem to react normally to area spells (such as looking like they’re burned or dead after being hit by a fireball).
- They seem to glitter.
- They seem to be outlined in Faerie Fire.

2011-02-16, 10:56 AM
Q8: Is there a good alternative to Mirror Image that basically captures the fluff, but with comprehensible crunch? I'm open to homebrew or the ban hammer on this issue. It's a fun spell that players have toyed with from time to time, but the specifics of using it are ridiculous.

2011-02-16, 11:04 AM
Glitterdust would have a chance to blind the caster as normal, and all of the images would appear to be covered in the dust (since the images share purely visible effects, and appear to react normally to area spells).

Faerie Fire is more interesting, because of this line:

Outlined creatures do not benefit from the concealment normally provided by darkness (though a 2nd-level or higher magical darkness effect functions normally), blur, displacement, invisibility, or similar effects

Personally, I would interpret Mirror Image as not being similar to those spells, since it's a different kind of illusion. Given that, all of the images would appear to be outlined by the spell.

However, I think the alternative interpretation is reasonable enough to be worth noting -- if your DM uses it, then Faerie Fire would only outline the real image, negating the benefit of Mirror Image.

2011-02-16, 12:27 PM
What does beat mirror image? besides touchsight and true seeing, that is.

Killer Angel
2011-02-16, 12:38 PM
What does beat mirror image? besides touchsight and true seeing, that is.

I suppose that a Summon Swarm, wipes away all the images in one round, due that all the creatures of the swarm attack anything inside their squares.

2011-02-16, 12:46 PM
How do Mirror Images react to the colateral damage of splash weapons (such as alchemist's fire)? From Special Attacks, Thrown Splash Weapons, "A hit deals direct hit damage to the target, and splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. "

If the weapon ends up targeting an image, then that image is destroyed (assuming a hit), the caster takes splash damage, and the surviving images appear to take splash damage.

If the weapon ends up targeting the real caster, then the caster takes direct hit damage. The images would appear to take damage from the attack, and they would look exactly the same as the caster as a result of it (so if the caster ends up on fire, all of the images would appear to be on fire, for example).

What does beat mirror image? besides touchsight and true seeing, that is.

There are a number of offensive spells, including Horrid Wilting, which instead of targeting an area, target any number of individuals who must be within a given distance of each other. A single casting of such a spell would be able to pop every image and hit the caster.

Magic Missile is the lowest-level example of such a spell, although it may not work if there are too many images.

Tremorsense and Blindsense/Blindsight would also be able to pick out the true caster.

2011-02-16, 03:06 PM
I've always ruled that AoEs that do physical damage (eg Ice Storm) take out Images, whereas energy AoEs (eg Fireball) don't. Is this a correct interpretation of RAW ?

2011-02-16, 03:11 PM
I've always ruled that AoEs that do physical damage (eg Ice Storm) take out Images, whereas energy AoEs (eg Fireball) don't. Is this a correct interpretation of RAW ?

Not really, AoE's aren't supposed to take out images, which is why images can appear unconscious and not pop out (if caster is now unconscious).

Q8: Is there a good alternative to Mirror Image that basically captures the fluff, but with comprehensible crunch? I'm open to homebrew or the ban hammer on this issue. It's a fun spell that players have toyed with from time to time, but the specifics of using it are ridiculous.

A8?Treat it as Displacement, so 50% chance, but the images are number of misses due to concealment possible (each time miss due to conceal, a image pops).

So it is weaker than displacement as missing due to concealment defeats it, but still useful as good chance you won't be hit.
Drawback: magic missile no longer pops it.

2011-02-16, 03:15 PM
Well its this line in the description that has lead me to take this view:

The figments stay near you and disappear when struck.

2011-02-16, 03:19 PM
I would like to elaborate on this:

# Q1 Can you shut your eyes (accepting a 50% miss chance) and simply ignore Mirror Image?
# A1 Definitely yes. It's right there in the spell description: An attacker must be able to see the images to be fooled. If you are invisible or an attacker shuts his or her eyes, the spell has no effect. (Being unable to see carries the same penalties as being blinded.)
I believe the 50% miss chance only applies if you know which square to attack. If you attack the wrong square, the miss chance is in fact 100%. Closing you eyes doesn't magically confer information about the square occupied by the true caster. You still need to make a Listen check, or take a lucky guess.

2011-02-16, 03:28 PM
I would like to elaborate on this:

I believe the 50% miss chance only applies if you know which square to attack. If you attack the wrong square, the miss chance is in fact 100%. Closing you eyes doesn't magically confer information about the square occupied by the true caster. You still need to make a Listen check, or take a lucky guess.
Yeah, that line at the end of the spell description confuses me. I understand why Mirror Image wouldn't work on an opponent who is using methods besides Sight to see (Like Tremorsense or Blindsense), and how it would have no effect if the enemy couldn't see you anyway.
But I don't get the line about "Closing their eyes". Yes, when your eyes are closed the spell has no effect, but I don't get why anybody would think it would. Besides, that would be like reacting to the enemy trying to disarm you by throwing your weapon away.

2011-02-16, 03:52 PM
1: Sight and sound can not be used to identify which is the target and which are the images.

2: An attacker must be able to see the images to be fooled.

Q1: Does this mean that targets with blind sight/sense are not effected be this spell?

Q2: Does this mean that you could simply close your eyes and use sound to determine which one is real?

2011-02-16, 03:53 PM
Yes, when your eyes are closed the spell has no effect, but I don't get why anybody would think it would. Besides, that would be like reacting to the enemy trying to disarm you by throwing your weapon away.And if throwing the weapon away occupies them enough that you can choke them to death with your bare hands, you might well do just that. Which is the parallel: if your chances are better blind - maybe you have blindfighting feats or abilities, or can ignore miss chances in some way, or maybe there are enough images that you're better off taking the miss chance - it's the smartest move you can make.

2011-02-16, 04:10 PM
first question. If you have scent and are within a square can you notice which is real?

Second, I hate HATE mirror image at low levels being used against a party.

edIt: same goes for life sense (that thing some undead get) would they be able to tell them a part?

No brains
2011-02-16, 04:15 PM
Question 8: If you wanted to dispel this, could you make an area dispel to try and wipe out all the images?

2011-02-16, 07:05 PM
Question 8: If you wanted to dispel this, could you make an area dispel to try and wipe out all the images?

Personally, I think a targeted dispel magic would work -- a dispel magic that targets the effect of a spell gets a chance to end that spell, so even if you target one of the duplicates, you would still have a chance to pop the entire spell.

If you used an area dispel, it would hit the caster, and you might get a chance to dispel the mirror image, but the images would be otherwise unaffected.

2011-02-16, 11:44 PM
I believe the 50% miss chance only applies if you know which square to attack. If you attack the wrong square, the miss chance is in fact 100%. Closing you eyes doesn't magically confer information about the square occupied by the true caster. You still need to make a Listen check, or take a lucky guess.
I think it's fair to assume it's a free action to open and shut your eyes.

I can't see a problem with an attacker moving up to someone under a Mirror Image with his eyes open (i.e. he knows exactly what square the caster and his images are in), closing his eyes to attack - taking a 50% miss chance, but automatically striking at the real creature - then opening his eyes again before the end of his turn.

Some would argue that you can't pinpoint exactly which square the real creature is in: These figments separate from you and remain in a cluster, each within 5 feet of at least one other figment or you.. However, if you accept the ruling of the FAQ: Although the spell description says the images from a mirror image spell always stay within 5 feet of either the user or another image, it’s easiest to assume that all the images occupy the same space the spell user occupies.

Also, why would the spell description specifically state: If you are invisible or an attacker shuts his or her eyes, the spell has no effect.

In terms of effectiveness, I'd rather accept a flat 50% miss chance, than have, say, a one in 6 chance of striking at the actual creature.

2011-08-24, 03:48 AM
Couple of pointers: once struck, the (real) caster has to move in order to confound his attacker again.

Multiple castings: open for interpretation. The spell creates a number of images, there is nothing to say they can't add up to the maximum allowed number.

2011-08-24, 11:40 AM
Some people seem to be assuming all the images are in the same square. The spell description puts them within 5 feet from either you or eachother. I've played games where the DM marks images with tokens, each in their own square. Ya, you can track them in one square if that's easier for you and that's usually close enough. But I was thinking of things like the summon swarm trick which aren't necessarily that good. Or other times when opponents might be trying to track which is real and you haven't reshuffled yet. It's simpler to only track the caster's square but then it might make you forget some things.

2011-08-25, 10:26 AM
Q10: Can you and your mirror images flank an opponent and sneak attack him?

2011-08-25, 10:37 AM
Q11: If you swing a melee weapon and hit and destory an image, could you use the cleave or great cleave feat to attack again?

2011-08-25, 10:43 AM
Q12: Are all the images in one square or are they in multiple squares

2011-08-25, 10:58 AM
Couple of pointers: once struck, the (real) caster has to move in order to confound his attacker again.

Just to further clarify this one.

Evil Wizard has an initiative of 20

TWF Rogue has an initiative of 16

Charging Barbarian has an initiative of 12

Evil Wizard casts Mirror Image.

TWF Rogue starts stabbing wildly at different targets. Three of them pop. One of them goes "chink", failing to pierce the EW's real armor.

Charging Barbarian (assuming a clear line) can now charge and pummel Evil Wizard, since which image is the real one is now known, and will continue to be known until the EW's own turn where at least a 5' step is required to "reshuffle" images from reality.

2011-08-25, 01:09 PM
Q10: Can you and your mirror images flank an opponent and sneak attack him?
I'd say that yes, since the flanking is essentially having to worry with 2+ attackers (regardless of they both attacking or not); so the first time you use it, your opponent doesn't know which of you is real, so he has to worry with both (even if they know that one isn't real).

However, once you attack the trick doesn't work anymore unless you can confuse your opponent into not knowing which is the real you again.

first question. If you have scent and are within a square can you notice which is real?

Second, I hate HATE mirror image at low levels being used against a party.

edIt: same goes for life sense (that thing some undead get) would they be able to tell them a part?

Q11: If you swing a melee weapon and hit and destory an image, could you use the cleave or great cleave feat to attack again?
I'd say yes, there's no disbelief save, so if you can see the images, they're real to you and your body react as if they were real, thus allowing Cleave and all that.

However, that also means that unless the creature is blinded or with eyes closed, its senses would be fooled enough for Scent and similar abilities to be useless to pinpoint the caster's location.

Q12: Are all the images in one square or are they in multiple squares
Can go both ways, depending on how the DM/Player wants to handle it.

1 square is easier to track (but also easier to destroy), being a simple miss chance of "will you hit the caster or one of the images?".

Multiple squares are harder to track, but if any attacker decides to attack a square occupied by an image, then he missed the caster, whether or not he closes his eyes.

2011-08-25, 04:44 PM
Q12: Are all the images in one square or are they in multiple squares
A12: Multiple: the only constraint is that each image must be within 5 ft of either the caster or another image. With 4 images, you could have them standing in 20 ft line as long as at least one of the images is next to the caster.

This complicates matters for melee combatants as they'll need to close with each image in order to strike it but you could have ranged combatants take shots at random and just apply the miss chance unless they'd rather designate a specific image to shoot at.

Q13: Related to the above, if the destruction of one of the images results in one or more images not meeting the above constraint, do they disappear too or do you allow the caster to reposition them?

2011-08-25, 11:02 PM
The multiple squares thing is actually very important. Without that, you can close your eyes and swing at the square and have a 50% chance of hitting however many images there are. With the multiple squares, you must either guess a square or have some means of identifying the correct one.

While speaking of closed eyes and miss chances, it's worth noting that the interaction between closed eyes and Blink (which many people casting Mirror Image will want to stack on) is somewhat complex. It's heavily implied that Blink gets 20% of its miss chance from actually not being there and 20% from concealment (in the spell description a number of specific cases are called out). When already suffering a 50% miss chance from concealment due to being blind, it would seem nonsensical to some to suffer a further 20% miss chance due to concealment as part of Blink's aggregate 50%. In past games I've been in, closed eyes vs Blink has been ruled as a 40% chance of striking total (0.5*0.8=0.4) instead of 25% for that reason. Similarly, an Invisible Blinking creature would have a 40% chance of being hit.

2012-10-09, 12:24 AM
Heya, I know this is an older post, on an obviously obfuscated spell, but my group is running into a question regarding this, and I can't seem to find a direct answer to it anywhere. It is mentioned the scenario where Charm Person is considered an "attack" against a Mirror Image, but the spell description says it has to be a "successful attack" so what qualifies as a "successful attack" when a spell like Charm Person is used to try to dispel the image since it requires a save? Does it use the caster's saves, do the images get a save at all, or do they use some standard save for illusory images?

For some reason, for me, it doesn't feel right that they would get to use the caster's saves since they are separated from the caster, but I can't point to anything that references it one way or another. Would it use the caster's SR if that applies?

I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere, but I wasn't able to find it and the closest I could find was this thread. Any insight into this would be appreciated, I would be interested in understanding the rationale and any references you used as well.

2012-10-09, 01:01 AM
Q14 Does Arcane Sight allow you to distinguish the original from his/her mirror images?

2012-10-09, 04:29 AM
Newtrino: In relation to Mirror Image, the attack must include an attack roll. Charm person doesn't qualify as an attack. Wrt to that spell the target is the spellcaster, no matter how many images he/she has. In other words, I'd rule charm person works as usual, and does nothing to dispel the mirror images.

Q14: no, you are still using sight, and so a figment can be argued to contain also that information of the caster.

2012-10-10, 06:59 AM
How do Mirror Images react to the co-lateral damage of splash weapons (such as alchemist's fire)? From Special Attacks, Thrown Splash Weapons, "A hit deals direct hit damage to the target, and splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. "

That's an area effect. Question about area effects was already answered.
While I understand this interpretation, note the specific language. The spell and Thurbane's FAQ refer to area spells, not to area effects. Your comment expands this to all area effects, which is not supported by the spell description.

Q5 Does a fireball or other AoE spell destroy all images?
A5 No. As per the spell: Figments seem to react normally to area spells (such as looking like they’re burned or dead after being hit by a fireball).

Figments seem to react normally to area spells [emphasis added]
Alchemist's fire is not a spell effect. Nothing in the spell description says this spell can fool non-spell effects.

Side note: as a FAQ thread, I hope we get a pass on the thread-necromancy rules.

2012-10-10, 07:08 AM
If the flask hits an image, that image is destroyed. In that case the mage takes 1 point of damage, and all remaining images react as if they had taken 1 point of damage. If the flask hits the mage, all images look like they were hit as well (but remain).

2012-10-10, 12:45 PM
Q: If a caster moves through a field of Black Tentacles, does that count as an area effect (images pretend to be grappled, but are still there), a single attack (roll to see which image is affected, or if the real caster is grabbed), or does it target all of the images, automatically hitting and making them all disappear? I can see all interpretations having some merit.

2012-10-10, 01:07 PM
If the flask hits an image, that image is destroyed. In that case the mage takes 1 point of damage, and all remaining images react as if they had taken 1 point of damage. If the flask hits the mage, all images look like they were hit as well (but remain).

Again, while I can understand this interpretation, the splash damage of an alchemist's fire is not a spell effect. In my interpretation, the alchemist's fire should destroy all images within 5 feet of the point that it shatters because it is not an area spell.

I'm not concerned about changing minds, but I am curious if anyone else would rule the same way.

2012-10-10, 02:22 PM
I see your point, but the way I read it the images need to be attacked (and hit) to disappear. The splash damage is just that and therefore the images aren't destroyed.

As for the tentacles, they attack creatures so only the caster will be grappled. The images will all look like they're struggling against illusory tentacles though.

2012-10-10, 02:29 PM
Magic missle states you must target a living creature.

2012-10-10, 03:04 PM
Magic missile states you must target a living creature.

You are, it's just that it's an illusion.

2015-10-11, 06:01 PM
Q: If a caster moves through a field of Black Tentacles, does that count as an area effect (images pretend to be grappled, but are still there), a single attack (roll to see which image is affected, or if the real caster is grabbed), or does it target all of the images, automatically hitting and making them all disappear? I can see all interpretations having some merit.

A: Since black Tentacles would strike out against every creature individually even dead ones like skeletons they would also try a grapple attack on every image (if they hit they would destroy them) and one attack on the real caster.

Magic missle states you must target a living creature.

No a magic missile just needs a target, so a image would work fine and it would hit and destroy it.

Magic missile works fine on a skeleton but does 0 damage to a inanimate object like a door, but you could still target it.

2015-10-12, 01:46 AM
But I don't get the line about "Closing their eyes". Yes, when your eyes are closed the spell has no effect, but I don't get why anybody would think it would. Besides, that would be like reacting to the enemy trying to disarm you by throwing your weapon away.

1) Because if there's 8 images, shutting your eyes actually makes your chances go up (from 1/9 to 1/2.)
2) Shutting your eyes is treated like being blind, which might activate other benefits, e.g. Blind-Fight.

2015-10-12, 02:31 AM
How do Mirror Images react to the colateral damage of splash weapons (such as alchemist's fire)? From Special Attacks, Thrown Splash Weapons, "A hit deals direct hit damage to the target, and splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. "
You pick one target, which you would select near the center of the effect so that all the lookalikes are within 5'. If it happens to be the actual creature it takes the usual damage. Every other "creature" within 5' takes the splash damage, and you thus destroy all the Images.

2015-10-12, 03:08 AM
Q14 Does Arcane Sight allow you to distinguish the original from his/her mirror images?


While each image and the caster will all radiate an aura of illusion rated for mirror image's caster level, the actual caster will also be radiating auras for all of his magical gear and any other spell effects on his person.

The images can't mimic those other auras because they're not a visual or auditory effect that can be perceived normally by anyone not under the effect an aura detecting spell.

Obviously, if mirror image is the only magical effect in place and the caster has no magical gear, the answer becomes "no" but that will be a fairly rare circumstance.

2015-10-12, 03:39 AM
Thread Necromancy folks.

2015-10-12, 04:16 AM
Thread Necromancy folks.
Huh. I had assumed this was another thread saved from Wizards upcoming purge.