View Full Version : [INC] Incarnon OOC

Darklord Bright
2011-02-15, 10:00 PM

Welcome to the Incarnon OOC thread! What is this 'Incarnon', you ask? Incarnon is a world invented by myself - a fantasy world, though not as traditional as one might think. There is no easy way to introduce the world to you, I fear, and as such I think the best introduction is the helpful wiki I have created for it.

The Incarnon Wiki (http://incarnon.wikispaces.com/)

The who, where, when and how:

Who: The characters allowed will be of the races presented on the wiki under the Arkanites and Other Races sections. I might allow leeway for half-breeds (Except where Arkanites are concerned, since the horn-arrangements are such a very big part of their social status), but otherwise I expect those races to be used. The characters should be able to fit into a serious world – but that doesn’t mean they have to be serious, dark and brooding, only that they are realistic for the life they have lived. The only people with ‘Magical abilities’ would be the Sla’ati, the Abbadi and the Changelings, though the God-King Arkan is capable of granting some of his power to people directly.

Where: Obviously it’s Incarnon, the world outlined in the wiki link. If you expect me to compact all the history into one post, I can try, but it is by no means the full details.

The island is ruled by a God-King (who does indeed seem to have tremendous powers, even if he is not omnipotent), and was victim of a long war with a foreign power due to him calling himself a god – though the war ended with a peace treaty after 20 years and a new ruler of said foreign peoples had been elected. Now the God-King's ‘Isolators’ help him to root out ‘heretics’ working against his rule.

The setting is essentially fantasy, but has the racial differences outlined in the wiki. All the information you’re asking for is there. Seriously. Notably, there are no humans at all.

When: The history has important events like the Days of the Fallen and the Moyen Wars, both outlined in the wiki. These events did shape the public perceptions of races like the Moyens, and gave rise to many urban legends and stories due to the Fallen. The world is fairly fantasy in tech-level, but it kinda takes influences from all periods of medieval history, as well as its own designs.

The characters have a few restrictions on what they can do, but this is largely freeform.

That said, there are pre-established groups and factions, and I would certainly appreciate if people refrained from trying silly things like actually succeeding in undermining the God-King, should they choose to be some sort of crazy uber-heretic. That would throw the setting so far out of whack that it might be hard to really say it’s even the same setting.

That said, however, there are facts one might gleam about the history of the world that do exist in-canon that might shed interesting light on the God-King’s rule. They’re not listed in the wiki mostly because the wiki was intended to be a sort of ‘common knowledge’ thing, but I’d be willing to discuss them in OOC. No one should really be surprised, though, that the physical god king may not be entirely what he says he is.

The meta game aspect:

There is some uniqueness to the setting, of course. Low magic, the races, the way the races interact, the fact that the god has a physical form and directly rules his people, the rooting out of heretics, the Isolator group of inquisitors who treat each other like family and fight in battle-pairs… just read the wiki.

OOC assumptions? As mentioned, I’d kinda appreciate not toppling whole organizations or parts of the world I’ve already established. I am also kinda hoping we can establish any further OOC stuff in this thread. It’s not all pre-decided yet! There’s room for contention, and discussion! The major OOC assumptions are the same as the rest of the subforum.

All normal forum rules apply.
No Godmodding.
Vael's Godmodding Guide. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1633965&postcount=5)
1) Please do not topple major organisations or destroy important areas - except in the rare event there is a major OOC consensus that such a thing is allowed. Be respectful to the people who do not wish these things to happen and are having fun with these places.
2) Please try to have your RP make sense. This world isn't a silly world, even if silly characters do exist in it. People are going to react to things your characters do in appropriate ways. In-Character Actions have In-Character Consequences. This is not the place for randomness.
3) This world is not related to the Nexus, and will not cross over with the Nexus.
4) Keep the characters of low to medium power, standard for a fantasy setting. It's no fun if you can just beat everybody.
5) Magic is low at best. There are none of the typical world-shattering spells present in this world. A race not predisposed to magic may only have powers under extreme circumstances agreed upon OOC.

Further rules and rule changes to be discussed here!


Only three of the existing races possess magical talents, which I will try to outline below.

Abbadi: Abbadi magic usually takes the form of abilities that allow for bursts of strength, speed, or the natural senses. These abilities are tiring, and I trust you to RP them accordingly. A strongly magic-adept Abbadi can, however, also generate things like small explosions of flame or electrical currents upon impact with their fists, but they do not have ranged powers. These are also, understandably, tiring.

Slaa'ti: Slaa'ti do not typically have powers beyond speeding the growth of plants or other neutral magical talents such as letting a dying plant grow again, and even having those powers is typically uncommon. A talent one might learn is the ability to heal small wounds magically or generate a small handful of water. It's not much, but it can be useful.

Changelings: Changelings are not capable of changing into non-humanoid forms, though they can change anything about themselves from race to gender to things like bone structure, so long as they do not depart too much from the typical humanoid form. Most non-changelings do not know this, however, due to the urban legends of them changing into animals (which are untrue, but embraced by the average Changeling).

Without further ado, discuss!

IC thread coming once we are sure how we are doing this - We need some character sheets and characters before we can start, I think.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-15, 10:19 PM
How is this for a character sheet?

Character Name/s: This is where all of your characters known names, titles or nicknames go.
Gender: Self explanatory.
Race: This section is where you put your character’s race, or, if they are an Arkanite, what their sub-race is.
Profession: What job or jobs does your character have?
Decription: An overall description of your character’s appearance and personality. This is also where any images of the character might go.
Ability: State your character’s strengths and weaknesses be they in combat, social situations or otherwise.
Magical Abilities: If any, state your character’s magical ability. Otherwise, leave this out of the sheet.

Backstory: Describe what events led to your character being where they are now in brief detail.

Other Details: For anything else that needs saying.

2011-02-15, 10:20 PM
So, one thing I think we should establish first. The time period.

Is this before the Moyen wars? After? During?

Darklord Bright
2011-02-15, 10:23 PM
This is assumed to be several years after. At least a generation, I'd say, so the topic is still sore but technically everything is sorted on that front.

Unless you guys want a plot thick with war, which I wouldn't have imagined. :smalltongue:

2011-02-15, 10:27 PM
Personally, I'd be up for whatever. I just think we should get the time period we're playing in established is all.

As for your character sheet, looks good to me.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-15, 10:30 PM
Well, the time period I was assuming was around a generation or two after the wars - to the point where people had grandfathers in the wars, and there are people still alive who remember them, for instance.

Does that sound good? :smallsmile:

2011-02-15, 10:33 PM
*nod nod* Sounds good to me.

Now, I remember in the FFRP thread you mentioning a problem with playing the God-King.

If he isn't really active in the story of the world, does he really even need to be played at all?

Darklord Bright
2011-02-15, 10:38 PM
I suppose not, though he may turn up in any Isolator plots that happens simply due to being the guy they're the Inquisitors for. Still, he shouldn't do more than pace in his study or sit in his throne room talking to people.

His son may turn up, but only because he's easier to manage. Even he might be a point of trouble - but only because his daddy gave his armour magical explodey fist-powers and he has fast recovery from wounds. Even then, he's far more feasible a character to actually be played (Plus he was made Isolator in the comic I made once, so he would have an actual reason to turn up if anyone wanted to be an Isolator, yet again.)

Shaleena (Isolator Captain) is easier, because she's just the tough leader of the Isolators, with no real powers at all besides being really tall and having high combat prowess.

Still, these are the only real "Pre-established character" issues that I can think of.

2011-02-15, 10:42 PM
Well, since it's your universe, and you know it best, I suggest that, when the need arises, you play the God-King.

As for the other two...well, I don't think it'd be fair if you got them. So, they'd go to other peoples. I don't really have a preference who. Though, whoever does should be in contact with you about them, since you created them.

Just my suggestion on the matter.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-15, 10:45 PM
Yeah, I could see doing that, even if it might be a little... weird to have someone else playing my own characters (Especially since his son was based upon my current forum namesake.) but it might be the only fair way to do it.

2011-02-15, 10:49 PM
We should wait for other people's opinions on that, though. Who knows? Somebody might have a better idea.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-15, 10:54 PM
Shaleena I could pass most freely onto someone else. I once said that If the Isolators were the Grey Wardens from Dragon Age, Shaleena would be Duncan. Decent comparison too, only the Isolators have a little more "FOR THE EMPEROR" in them. :smalltongue:

2011-02-15, 10:57 PM
I may or may not get fully involved just yet, but it strikes me that the area of the setting is fairly vast if it encompasses everything discussed and shown in the wiki. Most FFRP groups tend to focus on one location, and for good reason. It might be a good idea to decide on a good focal point so that people don't end up on opposite sides of the world.

Which would be pretty bad for roleplaying purposes, unless people wanted to do lots of monologues.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-15, 11:02 PM
Yes, it might be best to focus on one thing - like maybe just the capitol and the surrounding country, and then spread out to encompass whatever other specific locations or anything that need to be included.

2011-02-15, 11:04 PM
A basic plot-like thing might help to get it started, too. Like a big event that could involve the players, but they don't have to do.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-15, 11:10 PM
Yeah, coming up with an event might be a challenge. Will probably have to wait around for other people's input before we decide on anything too specific.

2011-02-15, 11:45 PM
Posting tentative interest. I skimmed the Wiki, but when I get a chance I'll read a bit deeper.

2011-02-16, 05:42 AM
Posting moderate to high interest! Fond of the world, and already got a character. :3

Character Name: Josephine Arnoux
Race: Moyen
Gender: Female
Profession: Adventurer of occasionally loose morals
Decription: Typical light green Moyen skin, just below average height, mid-to-dark green hair worn just above shoulder length and very curly.
Ability: While friendly and adventurous, Josephine was never particularly skilled, leading her to decline to find work and instead travel the continent.
Magical Abilities: None, save for her magical smile!

Backstory: The daughter of a Moyen deserter and his wife, Josephine was raised in a small port town, and never really fit in.
She is essentially still new to the world, seeking to discover it's secrets.

Other Details: A bit of a cloudcuckoolander at times; a non-combatent in most situations

2011-02-16, 07:46 AM
Like I said in the FFRP thread, I'm interested. I'm likeing the Isolators, but I'm definitly gonna read the wiki before anything is set in stone.

2011-02-16, 11:10 AM
Hm... I think I am interested. Now the Nexus is still going to dominate my attention, I admit, but I should be able to manage this.

First of all, I would says that Sharn and the surrounding area would be the best place for this to take place. It has the advantage of bordering the sea, the desert, and being a large city. Being near the God King is another advantage I think.

Now to my character idea. I want to make a changeling, so I wanted to get a better idea of the culture of the changelings. I assume that there really isn't a culture because it's likely they blend in with society, but I figured I'd ask.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-16, 12:01 PM
I'm in as well! I'm sorry I didn't get to posting my interest in the Central. :smallfrown:

But now I'm here and ready to make a character as soon as I can think of one! ^_^

*Ponders character stuff*

2011-02-16, 02:00 PM
The Dwen look cool.
I'll be one of them.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-16, 02:18 PM
Hm... I think I am interested. Now the Nexus is still going to dominate my attention, I admit, but I should be able to manage this.

First of all, I would says that Sharn and the surrounding area would be the best place for this to take place. It has the advantage of bordering the sea, the desert, and being a large city. Being near the God King is another advantage I think.

Now to my character idea. I want to make a changeling, so I wanted to get a better idea of the culture of the changelings. I assume that there really isn't a culture because it's likely they blend in with society, but I figured I'd ask.

The changelings originate from the desert, though they don't seem to have any real cultures, seeing as the only small groups you find travelling together are nomadic. Typically though, yes, they blend - often by pretending to be one of the other races. A changeling who chooses to look like, say, a Dervi, will only stop looking like a Dervi if knocked out, or if they purposefully revert back to changeling.

At least, that's what I figure. It's one of the shakiest parts of the existing lore, so if you have ideas, by all means!

And yes, Sharn is probably the best place to put it, when you put it like that. We just need someone to have an optional miniplot idea to start everything off, I think. And a tavern :smallwink:

2011-02-16, 02:24 PM
Yeah, I think I'll go for a Dwen. He will be one of the other character's manservant.
And his name...shall be Fisteecuffs!

2011-02-16, 03:08 PM
The changelings originate from the desert, though they don't seem to have any real cultures, seeing as the only small groups you find travelling together are nomadic. Typically though, yes, they blend - often by pretending to be one of the other races. A changeling who chooses to look like, say, a Dervi, will only stop looking like a Dervi if knocked out, or if they purposefully revert back to changeling.

At least, that's what I figure. It's one of the shakiest parts of the existing lore, so if you have ideas, by all means!

And yes, Sharn is probably the best place to put it, when you put it like that. We just need someone to have an optional miniplot idea to start everything off, I think. And a tavern :smallwink:

What you have so far on Changelings sounds good. If I think of any interesting ideas I'll let you know.

I'm liking my character idea already. She's going to be quite the manipulator. :smallbiggrin:

Speaking of making characters, you wouldn't happen to have a good resource for names that would fit the setting? I'm always so terrible with names and this character needs many.

2011-02-16, 03:12 PM
I might or might not be interested, after all... I'll have to read up on it a bit.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-16, 03:21 PM
What you have so far on Changelings sounds good. If I think of any interesting ideas I'll let you know.

I'm liking my character idea already. She's going to be quite the manipulator. :smallbiggrin:

Speaking of making characters, you wouldn't happen to have a good resource for names that would fit the setting? I'm always so terrible with names and this character needs many.

I do not. I did, however, have a comic once, so I can relay names from that.

There was only one changeling in the comic, her name was Azarie.
Abbadi name examples: Tallidan, Marko, Silke, Shaleena, Terabeth, Keshara, Ellethan, Arag.
Moyen names are just french names, but moyens themselves have a culture closer to ancient chinese.
Dwen examples: Bizlen, Lanzen, Twixen, Imzen.
Those are all the examples I have. (both from my comic, and other stuff I've written)

2011-02-16, 03:28 PM
Alright, thanks. I should be able to work with that.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-16, 03:31 PM
Hmm, I'm thinking about playing either an Isolator or a Dwen.

What races/Sub-races can become Isolators and what do they do now that the Fallen are gone?

I'm sure it's on the Wiki and I just missed it but I feel lazy so I'll just pester peopel until I get an answer. Just like a real consumer. :smalltongue:

Darklord Bright
2011-02-16, 03:39 PM
Depends entirely on their backstory. Talking to Vic, he was the one who compared Isolators to Grey Wardens when I mentioned that they pretty much recruit based solely upon what a person has been through, and the ability they show. You have to show extraordinary loyalty to the God-King, at least, and usually Shaleena recruits personally, or one of the senior Isolators.

2011-02-16, 03:41 PM
Does anybody want a Dwen manservant?

2011-02-16, 05:06 PM
Hm... I will begin work on a Moyen Isolator... That would be feasable, yes?

2011-02-16, 05:58 PM
Does anybody want a Dwen manservant?


You do realise they all speak weird, enjoy subservience and have names like 'Twixen', right? xD

But yeah, Josephine will totally take on a servant. She's a Moyen, after all, and they originally brought the Dwen here from their lands!
It's only natural for her to boss one around.

EDIT: And Iceman, you'd likely be one of the first Moyen Isolators, so you get to RP that as well!

2011-02-16, 06:07 PM

You do realise they all speak weird, enjoy subservience and have names like 'Twixen', right? xD

But yeah, Josephine will totally take on a servant. She's a Moyen, after all, and they originally brought the Dwen here from their lands!
It's only natural for her to boss one around.

EDIT: And Iceman, you'd likely be one of the first Moyen Isolators, so you get to RP that as well!

I shall even give him a tiny tim accent and make him wear scruffy but dignified clothing. And his tame...shall be Fisteecuffs! Or Fisteecuffen...or whatever...

2011-02-16, 06:09 PM
A tiny Tim accent? With all the 'en's? xD

This will be a hard character to talk to. :smalltongue:

"You, boy, what day is this!"

"Thisen is Christmasen, masteren."


2011-02-16, 06:10 PM
A tiny Tim accent? With all the 'en's? xD

This will be a hard character to talk to. :smalltongue:

"You, boy, what day is this!"

"Thisen is Christmasen, masteren."


He has to have some sort of lower UK accent!
And a dirty monocle!
And he'll be madly in love with his master or something!

2011-02-16, 06:14 PM
The monocle will likely be stolen, and Josephine will never have considered a relationship with a lowly Dwen. :smalltongue:

(Though, thinking about it, Cuffen would make a good Dwen name! Short, easy, and can be short for Fisteecuffen!
...This poor guy had horrible parents. :smalltongue: )

Darklord Bright
2011-02-17, 08:08 AM
Keep thinking on what sort of basic plot-esque thing we could do, guys, I'm going to be busy for most of the next few days.

Yay or Nay to having a tavern, for one thing?

Mina Kobold
2011-02-17, 10:45 AM
Keep thinking on what sort of basic plot-esque thing we could do, guys, I'm going to be busy for most of the next few days.

Yay or Nay to having a tavern, for one thing?

A heretic plot to overthrow the local mayor?

A group of Isolators deciding to go on a witch hunt because they don't think they do enough too prevent heresy?

A lost kid that wats to find their parents?

I dunno about the tavern thing, Yanay? ^_^'

2011-02-17, 02:53 PM
The monocle will likely be stolen, and Josephine will never have considered a relationship with a lowly Dwen. :smalltongue:

(Though, thinking about it, Cuffen would make a good Dwen name! Short, easy, and can be short for Fisteecuffen!
...This poor guy had horrible parents. :smalltongue: )

He won't care. He just wants to make her proud/happy.
And a tavern sounds good.

2011-02-17, 03:46 PM
Tavern is a must. In every setting. Ever.

2011-02-17, 08:08 PM
Tavern is a must. In every setting. Ever.

Seconded. Or cantina, or inn, or bar, or something of similar nature.

2011-02-17, 08:35 PM
Character Name/s: 'Fiesty' Cuffen, prefers to be known as Fisteecuffs or Fisteecuffen
Gender: Male
Race: Dwen
Profession: Manservant
Decription: A scruffy, dark red haired dwen who wears a scratched up and smeared monocle, an old, worn tweed jacket with leather elbows, a battered sheepskin driver's cap, frazzled brown trousers, and scuffed up black boots. His hair and beard are short, floppy, and messy, and his hands and feet are slightly larger than the norm. He's got a round nose, a ruddy complexion, and a constant worn down smile. He's happy to work, loves to fight and fix things, and madly in love with his master.
Ability: Fisteecuffs is strong and fast, and well skilled in hand to hand combat. He is also good at cleaning things, fixing things, and knowing things he shouldn't.
Backstory: Cuffen was born a servant, and has never left that position. After his original master died, his family went off searching for a new one, and they were split up at an 'auction' of sorts, where he has 'bought' by his current master.

So...who wanted a manservant?

2011-02-17, 11:58 PM
As said, Josephine would always feel entitled to giving Dwen orders anyway. :smalltongue:

'Twould be interesting, at least.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-18, 01:17 PM
Since I'm going to be busy for most of today and tomorrow, I think it might be wise to create an IC thread, then create tavern name, so you guys can do things while I'm gone. Or maybe I just wait for myself to be free, and then devote my full attention to it?

Darklord Bright
2011-02-19, 10:10 PM
Incarnon IC! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10409513#post10409513)

2011-02-19, 10:14 PM
But I haven't worked out my character completely yet! *flails*

Darklord Bright
2011-02-19, 10:16 PM
Well, now it's ready for when you get there. :smalltongue:

Besides, I'm still not sure whether or not I'm 'allowed' to play several of the already-existing iconic characters and still be allowed to have others. :smalltongue:

Mina Kobold
2011-02-20, 12:45 PM
So... I hope I didn't get anything wrong. ^_^'

Isolator time!

Character Name/s: Senshi, Ji (nickname).
Gender: Female
Race: Dervi
Profession: Isolator
Decription: Rather unimpressing height for a Dervi and regular black hair tied in a small ponytail coupled with a usually jolly, if a tad admiring of the god-king Arkan, personality usually distracts from Ji's status as an Isolator and for the most part she could almlost pass for being a regular traveller. Though, as some unfortunate souls have experienced, she can get very frightening when angered and leaves no mercy for any heretic who dare oppose the god-king or insult the Isolators' honour.
Ability: Senshi is well-trained in both swordsmanship and surviving on her own, she does however tend to focus too much on a single enemy and lacks a bit in experience with other weaponry. She has a love for spicy food that may be either good or bad depending on who you ask.
Backstory: Born to Abbadi parents, Senshi spend a great part of her early life following in the footsteps of her older sister and desiring to surpass her skills one day, but her sister's life ended tragically when Senshi was still no more than a child. After this Senshi vowed to hone her skills until even Arkan would be impressed and the words of her battles would reach even the dead.
To her surprise her skills actually reached the Isolators and she has now been taken into their ranks a year after she met one who passed by to see if she had what it takes.
Other Details: Don't offend Arkan or his isolators near her. Seriously, it's a really bad idea even if she is new at being an Isolator.

Good? Bad? Green? ^_^

2011-02-20, 07:38 PM
Something's occured to me. Operating under the assumption that changelings exist among other peoples primarily, wouldn't there be more changling halfbreeds than than pure blood changelings?

Of course if there were a nomadic changeling society or if they were genetically incompatible with other races then my question would be irrelevant.

2011-02-20, 09:54 PM
So... I hope I didn't get anything wrong. ^_^'

Isolator time!

Character Name/s: Senshi, Ji (nickname).
Gender: Female
Race: Dervi
Profession: Isolator
Decription: Rather unimpressing height for a Dervi and regular black hair tied in a small ponytail coupled with a usually jolly, if a tad admiring of the god-king Arkan, personality usually distracts from Ji's status as an Isolator and for the most part she could almlost pass for being a regular traveller. Though, as some unfortunate souls have experienced, she can get very frightening when angered and leaves no mercy for any heretic who dare oppose the god-king or insult the Isolators' honour.
Ability: Senshi is well-trained in both swordsmanship and surviving on her own, she does however tend to focus too much on a single enemy and lacks a bit in experience with other weaponry. She has a love for spicy food that may be either good or bad depending on who you ask.
Backstory: Born to Abbadi parents, Senshi spend a great part of her early life following in the footsteps of her older sister and desiring to surpass her skills one day, but her sister's life ended tragically when Senshi was still no more than a child. After this Senshi vowed to hone her skills until even Arkan would be impressed and the words of her battles would reach even the dead.
To her surprise her skills actually reached the Isolators and she has now been taken into their ranks a year after she met one who passed by to see if she had what it takes.
Other Details: Don't offend Arkan or his isolators near her. Seriously, it's a really bad idea even if she is new at being an Isolator.

Good? Bad? Green? ^_^

I like it, would you be willing to partner with my Moyen Isolator that's getting made right now. As soon as this is posted.

Character Name/s: Emile, the Innovator
Gender: Male
Race: Moyen
Profession: Isolator
Decription: Emile is tall and thin, like most Moyen, and his hair short and his eyes sharp, his most defining feature would probably be his strikingly beautiful face. He wears tight clothing, colored a verdant green or charcoal gray. As for personality, he is a mellow sort of cool headed creative type. But, he has the ability to become a deadly killer if it is required of him. Tis' the life of an Isolator.
Ability: Emile is a superb combatant, using a mix of hand to hand combat techniques he has learned combined with knife fighting techniques to make a tornado of pain when he fights. He is also an artist and he has a bit of a calming presence.

Other Details: Emile is a strong believer in innovation; in combat, in art, in everything. It's good to make changes sometimes. Being only the second Moyen Isolator, Emile will get defensive when people question his authority or position and his temper could get the better of him if they prod him about it enough.

2011-02-20, 10:32 PM
Something's occured to me. Operating under the assumption that changelings exist among other peoples primarily, wouldn't there be more changling halfbreeds than than pure blood changelings?

Of course if there were a nomadic changeling society or if they were genetically incompatible with other races then my question would be irrelevant.

They can change their bodies literally into that of other races...

So children with other races is possible, though they may not be half-breeds. They may not even be part changeling!

Or, they may be all changeling...

Or... I dunno, it'd be interesting. :smalltongue:

2011-02-20, 11:30 PM
But they don't change their DNA, that's the thing.


2011-02-20, 11:38 PM
Or do they?


I'unno. They can change their internal organs and stuff... and their bones.

2011-02-20, 11:40 PM
True, but if they change their DNA then if the shape changing is a natural ability they lose it. And since it's specific to their race I would assume it's natural.

I guess.

2011-02-20, 11:48 PM
Seems like one of the rare types of magic, to me.

Otherwise I should be able to replicate it with SCIENCE.

2011-02-21, 12:02 AM
Yeah true, I'm just thinking through it.

So A magic ability that is inherited. Saying they are incompatible with other races, and can't alter themselves enough to breed with other races would be the easiest way to explain it.

Of course that leaves the problem that they could very well die off as a race unless there are groups of them.

But maybe they are dieing off as a race. Their numbers could be in decline.

Definitely something to think about.

Darklord Bright
2011-02-21, 01:07 AM
Keeping in mind that I only had one canon changeling in the comic I made for the world a while back. It's not unlikely that they're in very small number, or mostly hidden away in the desert.

Though technically there was only one moyen character as well, not counting a moyen cult.

2011-02-21, 01:10 AM
I kind of like the idea of them being a race in decline. Although them usually sticking to the desert, with only a few ever leaving, works as well.

2011-02-21, 01:12 AM
Keeping in mind that I only had one canon changeling in the comic I made for the world a while back. It's not unlikely that they're in very small number, or mostly hidden away in the desert.

Though technically there was only one moyen character as well, not counting a moyen cult.

Is this comic somewhere on the internet? I wish to read it.

Mina Kobold
2011-02-21, 01:36 AM
I like it, would you be willing to partner with my Moyen Isolator that's getting made right now. As soon as this is posted.

Character Name/s: Emile, the Innovator
Gender: Male
Race: Moyen
Profession: Isolator
Decription: Emile is tall and thin, like most Moyen, and his hair short and his eyes sharp, his most defining feature would probably be his strikingly beautiful face. He wears tight clothing, colored a verdant green or charcoal gray. As for personality, he is a mellow sort of cool headed creative type. But, he has the ability to become a deadly killer if it is required of him. Tis' the life of an Isolator.
Ability: Emile is a superb combatant, using a mix of hand to hand combat techniques he has learned combined with knife fighting techniques to make a tornado of pain when he fights. He is also an artist and he has a bit of a calming presence.

Other Details: Emile is a strong believer in innovation; in combat, in art, in everything. It's good to make changes sometimes. Being only the second Moyen Isolator, Emile will get defensive when people question his authority or position and his temper could get the better of him if they prod him about it enough.

Of course, double the people, double the hijinks!

So, will we just introduce them indivicualy on their wayto the capital or do you have a better idea?

2011-02-21, 01:50 AM
Also, DB, check your formspring! Cyban is so fun to listen to!

2011-02-21, 02:09 AM
Hey, Techno. It seems like a good time for your character to say something in the IC thread. You should do so so I can reply in the morning.

In short, *poke*

Lix Lorn
2011-02-21, 09:52 AM
Interest delayed until I have a clue. :smallsmile:

2011-02-21, 10:04 AM
Clue #1: Hooray, DLB is involved!

Clue #2: Dwen speaken like this, in thirden personen.

Clue #3: Everyone is demons!!

Clue #4: Not everyone is demons.

Clue $5: Don't listen to Vic.


Lix Lorn
2011-02-21, 10:06 AM
No, Vic. You aren't the demons.

And then vic wasn't a zombie.

2011-02-21, 10:18 AM

Am I still a horrible monstrosity?

Lix Lorn
2011-02-21, 11:08 AM
If you like?

2011-02-21, 12:41 PM
Of course, double the people, double the hijinks!

So, will we just introduce them indivicualy on their wayto the capital or do you have a better idea?

I have no better idea.

2011-02-21, 06:48 PM
If you like?


Take that, humanity! Can't touch this!

Darklord Bright
2011-02-22, 02:38 AM
I notice a distinct lack of '-en's in Cuffen's speech! :smalltongue:

He's an impostor! A real Dwen would never say 'master'! Always 'masteren'!

2011-02-22, 02:41 AM
Yeah? Well I notice a distinct lack of Minnys in the Ciniplex in Inside! So there!
*runs off*

*runs back and glomps*

2011-02-22, 02:54 AM
Well, I think I'm getting on to this character. Should be fun.

2011-02-22, 02:56 AM
Everyone wants to knock boots with poor Josephine! :smallfrown:


2011-02-22, 03:25 AM
That and mooch off her for a free room. :smalltongue:

2011-02-22, 03:39 AM
And that.

Though if he hadn't bought a drink he had no intention of drinking, he could have afforded one... :smalltongue:

2011-02-22, 10:06 AM
I don't know if a drink costs as much as a room.:smalltongue:

Besides, he's got to keep up appearances.

2011-02-22, 07:22 PM

*Is keeping an eye on you*