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Lord Loss
2011-02-17, 10:25 AM
I haven't seen such a thread, so I thought I'd make one of my own. Post your character deaths, either characters you lost (as a player) or characters you've killed (as a DM). Feel free to include deaths from games other than D&D.

First Grave: Kenris, Idiot Rogue

I was running a new D&D 3.5 campaign in which the players were clearing out a monster-infested, long abandoned sanatorium, filled mostly with undead. They had begun discovering the grisly details of the mad priest in charge of the place's obsession with hands and had found many clues suggesting that a terrible creature that was not to be messed with lay in the crypt beneath. Most people had resolved not to go down there until they had cleared out the first dungeon, but Kenris the rogue insistedon going down there and, even worse, he decided they should split up to save time. The other players said. We're going to scout this area, we suggest you follow us, but didn't want to argue with Kenris. So the bold rogue opens the door to the basement and, seeing a few corpses scattered around and feeling the air chill, decides to call out "Hello? is there anyone there?". Receiving no answer, he scouts the area and runs into


He flees up the stairs and calls for his allies, fighting the creature off whilst they arrive. By the time they get there, it's managed to implant an egg into his brain and return to its lair.

Second Grave: Agent Clockwork, Noble Sacrifice

Agent Clokwork, my character in a CoC campaign distracted a group of cannibals in order to let the others get by. We would have fought them off, but a swarm of mythos-empowered bugs of some sort were chasing us (giant mosquitoes, I think) and we didn't have time for that. So I got eaten alive whilst Agent Ghost and Agent Brick escaped. Agent Ghost was going to try and save me, but I took out a grenade and pulled the pin so that he'd leave. One of my more heroic character deaths.

2011-02-17, 10:52 AM
Third grave: Kajfar - dwarven barbarian, woodcutter

A dwarf that missed two quests so far. Was about to miss the party's third quest - so he could chop trees in the woods for the fun of it.

Me: Are you sure?
K: Yes, I'm sure.
Me: OK, let me give you an encounter, so you don't fall behind the others. How about a treant?
K: OK.

Several rounds of combat later he is down and the treant has 3 hp left.

Me: Well, not a big problem. They will find you, since they know where you went and you will be up and running as soon as they get back.
K: Nobody knows where I am, didn't even say hi. I don't like them.
Me: :facepalm: Go make another char, they will find you along the way.

Fifth grave: Makoto Nagano - human ninja, night stroller

The party was fighting two mounted vampires. They killed one and the other one fled, or so they assumed. The ninja decided to have a stroll to see if he can find the vampire, even after an "Are you sure?". He found her and promptly died.

This one is for the same ninja, only this time he was raised. They fight illithids in a huge tunnel system. The last illithid flees with 1 hp, falls into an improvised trap made by the ninja and dies. The player decides to go alone and find the corpse. When he gets there the corpse is back and kicking as an illithid ghoul. Illithid kills ninja, eats the brain, and goes to meet his final death.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-02-17, 10:55 AM
Forth Grave: Elijah the Elf
My first D&D character was an elf when elf was a class. He delved into a ruined temple (now controlled by an evil cult), and him and his companions were crippled by an encounter with a bone gollem from which they had to flee. They wandered half-alive and without a cleric through the labyrinth avoiding evil minions and searching for stairways to the next level. Eventually they were stabbed to death when they ran into a room filled with orcs while running from zombies.

He was my first ever character. May he rest in peace.

some guy
2011-02-17, 12:26 PM
I DM more than I play, so these are my player's deaths in my long running campaign. The deaths in my DnD/CoC one shots are a bit too many to remember*/list here.

Sixth grave: Terrance Tumbleweed - halfling rogue
The adventuring group had just used guerilla techniques against an army base camp. They were hiding in the woods which were searched by a gnoll team, led by the chieftain of the gnolls. The group decides to set up an ambush 1 kilometer away. Terrance would lure them over the ambush spot. He got spotted when one-shotted a gnoll, from then on, it would get bad. He could hide in plain sights, but with an enemy group so large he was bound to be spotted.
The chieftain downed some potions (enlarge, expeditious retreat) and brought him with two attacks of oppurtunity (Terrance and I forgot the tumble skill) in the negatives.

Seventh grave: Meira Gwendalin - elven druid
Terrance Tumbleweed was not alone. The raven familiar of the sorceress was with him as the gnoll team chased him. The raven alerted the group and so they decide to abandon their ambush. The druid changes into a megaraptor and arrives 2 rounds before the rest. On seeing the ferocious beast, the gnolls coup-de-grace poor unconscious Terrance and kill Meira in one round.
Never split the party.

Eighth grave: Bellefleur - half-elven sorceress
While traveling through the woods the adventuring party gets ambushed by tendricolosi. Bellefleur gets hit, grappled, eaten, paralysed, pulled through the digestive system and then eaten again.

Sixth grave continued: Terrance Tumbleweed - dwarven rogue
While trying to save the sorceress and their newly acquired dervish, Terrance gets hit with two attacks of oppurtunity (again, forgetting his tumble skill) and is now grappled by two tendricolosi. Eventually, one of the tendricolosi wins the grapple with the other and eats Terrance.

Addendum: Terrance Tumbleweed is after a reincarnation his halfling self.

*Although, I am quite amused by one. I ran a dungeon for two players (both monks), they had survived almost everything, acquired the treasure and killed the beasties. Only thing left to do was escape the dungeon. Alas, the heavy load of hard cash let one of the monks fail his jump checks and he fell in lava. Why I'm amused by this? He could have taken precautions to safely jump the lava. He was literally brought down by his greed and incautiousness.

2011-02-17, 01:14 PM
Seventh grave Tordek half-elf samurai
died by rats in his sleep 2 minutes into the campaign.... I hate elves now

2011-02-17, 02:25 PM
Seventh grave Tordek half-elf samurai
died by rats in his sleep 2 minutes into the campaign.... I hate elves now

Half-elves need sleep? :smallconfused:
edit: And - how did you not wake up on taking damage?

2011-02-17, 02:31 PM
Half-elves need sleep? :smallconfused:
edit: And - how did you not wake up on taking damage?

he did wake up but he was already half dead and yes only elves use the one hour trance thing

Edit: also suprise round is a *****

2011-02-17, 02:51 PM
he did wake up but he was already half dead and yes only elves use the one hour trance thing

Edit: also suprise round is a *****

Wow - that'd make Hulk angry. :smallyuk:

2011-02-17, 03:02 PM
Eight Grave: Marcinda King, Fighter
Leapt from a towering height into the single compound eye of some enormous Eldritch Abomination, blade-first. Death was not instantaneous for either of them.

Combat Reflexes
2011-02-17, 03:24 PM
Ninth Grave: undead hunter Julio van Amstel
Julio was the bane of all things undead (old family grudge). After dungeon-crawling his way through an undead-infested crypt and having single-handedly defeated two vampires and a devourer, he spots a single kobold skeleton with a longspear at the other end of a long corridor. He tells the party that 'this minion's 'his'' and charges down the hall, leaping over two pit traps and shrugging off a negative energy burst trap in the process. The kobold got an AoO. Natural 20. Natural 20. Natural 20.
My new character is a kobold with a longspear.

Darth Stabber
2011-02-17, 03:33 PM
N+1 th Grave: Kragk, Human Dragon Shaman
CN, Main healer (yay vigor aura), Joined a battle against some large beast (not realizing it was supposed to be just scenery to us), 1 AoO crit'd me, Death by massive damage :(

2011-02-17, 03:53 PM
11th Grave: Nornioc, human paladin

I was standing in a bank, when some shady people walk in. A few minutes later, they pull out crossbows and fighting begins. I win initiative. I roll a natural 1 on my attack. It was houseruled earlier that rolling a natural 1 means you attack yourself. I roll the attack and crit myself. End of story.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-17, 05:35 PM
12th Grave: Yowa, Human Beguiler/Fighter

Was on an airship about to explode, jumped, survived terminal velocity fall.
Few weeks later, the party had turned on her, she had no choice but to leap off another airship. Didn't survive this time...

Lord Loss
2011-02-18, 07:15 AM
13th Grave: Krazus Draig'Henhart, Both Feet In His Own Plane

Krazus, a green half-dragon and his allies, Anorix the Shadowcaster, Sir.W the Knight and (a really, really long name that no one had bothered to learn in the first place) the Cleric of Cas had fought their way through hordes of undead and aberrations when they finally entered the old church they had sought out. Fighting off the Grell that had inhabited it, they found a portal of pure white light. As they did so, the ground started to rumble and shake, the result of a swarm of hungry grell's passage through the church's narrower walls. Inside the portal, a beautiful elf implored the characters to come through and help her. Most did as she said and stepped through the portal... except Krazus. He hated the idea of heading to another plane, and so he began to leave the church.... and was stuckr head-on by a mob of ravenous Grell. Who promptly ate him.

2011-02-18, 11:11 AM
14th Grave, Unnamed ranger

I was Dming.

So, the party is fighting a dragon in the open. The dragon has made several attempts (and failures) the grab someone in his claws. Finally, very low on health, he makes a final attempt and grabs the ranger.

He attempts to flee, and just before he leaves range, he is hit with a large crossbow bolt for critical damage and dies.

He releases the ranger (who falls to the ground). The ranger survives the fall, but not the dragon landing on top of him.

15th Grave, Unnamed ranger

Shortly after reviving their ranger, the group takes a contract to hunt some werewolves. Sadly, the ranger decided to stay back and while the party was fighting a rather nasty werewolf, he was flanked by two other werewolves and eaten. They didn't revive him this time.

2011-02-18, 12:13 PM
Im new here so i dont know how to do the fancy spoiler things so im just going to post:

I was playing a Maug monk/rogue/ reaping mauler and i had a custom made necklace of fireballs. All of them were the max 10d10. Well as the party and i were fighting underground in this ruined city, the mage decides to shoot his own fireball thinking i could dodge since i was on the very edge of it.... Natural 1. So since i failed that save the DM decided i could not get an additional reflex save to prevent my necklace from going off.. so i took all that damage, as did the rest of the party for being withing range of me. Including the mage. Needless to say no one survived. We all sat around going "WTF just happened?.... New campaign?"

2011-02-18, 01:10 PM
16th grave, Some dwarf in M.E.R.P
My step dad got me and his son into gaming and we started of with M.E.R.P. My step brother got on a ferry and started harassing the ferry operator which ended up with guy getting caught in the paddles.

My step brother jumped in after him, pulled him up and started giving him "The Breath Of Life". The townsfolk thought he was kissing a dead body and 50 commoners surrounded him and brutally killed him.

2011-02-18, 01:17 PM
17th Grave, Rork halfling gladiator

Didn't have enough coin to bribe a Templar that showed up when I discovered a dead body. Thrown into slavery. Died horribly from a crit in a pitched arena battle... at the hands of another PC.

2011-02-18, 01:26 PM
18th Grave: Tierr, Azamer Druid/Blighter
We walkied into a old house after dispatching some random mob, and we heard something upstairs. So, another party member and myself walk up the stairs while our 3rd member (only 3 in the party) stayed downstairs and searched. When we got up the stairs we found some cultists talking to a demon. Well, the demon turned around and it was a Marilith. After a few rounds and ducking behind the other mage for cover (as far as I could move for that turn) the mage teleports behind me and I, sadly, am left to take a full attack from the Marilith. Luckily, the dread necro downstairs was able to raise me as a corpse creature.

19th Death: (Not mine, and not technically a 'death', but close enough to be mentioned)
Earlier in the same campaignfrom above, the friend who was there to witness my blighter's tragic death, was playing a summoner. We were in the northern frozen tundra so we all needed cold weather gear. He didn't have any. So, one of our other party members lent him his since he had just gotten a travel cloak. Well, normally that wouldn't be bad, except the person who lent it to him was a Cancer Mage. Said summoner was diseased beyond repair and he had to roll a new char.

Jair Barik
2011-02-18, 01:53 PM
20th death, The Cleric

First ed D&D, my first character was a cleric (likely unnamed) and the game was the first dungeon. Only two PC's (me and a rogue), we killed the carrion crawler, killed the goblins in the courtyard but ultimately many goblin arrows layed us both low.

21st grave, The Dragon Blooded

Three dragonblooded set off on a quest (one shot) to hunt and kill a Lunar. All were devoured by themighty T-Rex.

22nd grave, The Professor

Cthulu one shot. He had gone insane after succeeding to summon Cthulu through a magic ritual, one of the other characters began eating his beard and so his last word was 'Hastur'. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Occasional Sage
2011-02-18, 02:35 PM
22nd grave, The Professor

Cthulu one shot. He had gone insane after succeeding to summon Cthulu through a magic ritual, one of the other characters began eating his beard and so his last word was 'Hastur'. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Summoning Cthulhu is never a good idea.

Jair Barik
2011-02-18, 02:40 PM
Oh no! We were cultists, summoning Cthulu was a great idea! I meant saying Hastur whilst part of my head was inside someones mouth seemeda good idea at the time :smallamused:

2011-02-18, 03:21 PM
23rd grave, Pyrus Daeron, Servant of Pelor

So there we were, battling a demi-god on top of his 700 ft tall tower, deep within the underworld. I am the party's cleric. Lvl 18. Two of my most frequently cast spells were Delay Death and Greater Status. The first allowed me to operate for nearly two minutes without paying attention to my own wounds, while the second allowed me to "push" touch range healing spells to the rest of the party without actually being near them.

Nearing the 30th (!) round of combat, my spell list is nearly empty and I am at -173HP. We were joking about how I was more magically covered wounds than actual flesh at this point. Two other party members are down, with only the Knight and one other caster still standing.The demi-god picks me up and hurls me off the tower, but I pull out my trusty immovable rod and press the button. I am now hanging in mid-air off the edge of the tower. That very same round, the knight (finally) delivers the killing blow to the huge demon... who is standing near the edge. The DM rolled a d8 right out in the open to determine the way he fell.... and sure enough he fell RIGHT ON ME. Well an immovable rod only holds so much, so we both begin to plummet, with me pinned underneath like a fly beneath a falling hand. DM rules I can spend a round crawling around and end up on top. He also rules I have 3 rounds before impact. Round 1: Push a healing spell to the caster, who was hurting a little bit. Round 2: Firmly grip holy symbol and position self above chest of dead demi-god. Round3: According to the DMG, turns can be used in a way other than turning undead, such a activating some specific items, etc. I tell the DM that rather than simply casting my remaining spells, little by little, or expending my turns one at a time like always before, I am going to "open the floodgates" and let out all of my positive energy at once, searing the holy symbol of Pyrus into the demi-god's corpse. 10 turns, 6 of them Greater Turns, one sixth level spell, a few 4th level spells, and a full allotment of 0th level spells. Oh yeah, and all the existing magical effects I have on me, like Delay Death. Upon impact, the (very few) remaining parts of my body, no longer magically bound, fling apart into the underworld.

Pyrus is no more. But his mission was accomplished, that agent of evil will forever bear the mark of Pelor squarely on his chest.

2011-02-18, 05:11 PM
24th grave, Slyte Wormwood, Wild Elf Rogue
Our party, a little short on funds, takes on a small side job to clear out an old mountain fortress now infested with goblins. As we are delving deeper, my rogue fails a jump check over a pit, but succeeds in his reflex save to catch hold of the side. The party's bard pulls him up over the side of the pit, pulls the rogue up, and then fails his own jump check. The rogue pulls him out. This continues back and forth for a bit, before both get over to the other side. The bard gets fried by a beholder the goblins where keeping captive, and then a few sessions later when we are trying to return to town, my rogue slips into the pit again and dies from the fall.

2011-02-18, 05:18 PM
Grave N+1, Gnome RogueOne of the PCs in a game I ran, he had the unfortunate bad luck to just fail on a very-important Jump check, and fell into some lava, where he was immolated. Humorously enough, the amount by which he missed was exactly the amount he'd been Strength-damaged by a poison trap earlier on in the dungeon...

Combat Reflexes
2011-02-18, 05:38 PM
Grave N+1, Gnome RogueOne of the PCs in a game I ran, he had the unfortunate bad luck to just fail on a very-important Jump check, and fell into some lava, where he was immolated. Humorously enough, the amount by which he missed was exactly the amount he'd been Strength-damaged by a poison trap earlier on in the dungeon...

A lot of nasty things happen to rogues in this thread...

Samuel Norther, the Master of (his own) Disaster rogue
Samuel was a 7th-level rogue that spent almost all his money on rods, mainly Immovable Rods (because they were SOOO useful). One day he was knocked off a very high tower (>400 ft.) and intelligent as he was, he pulled out one of his Immovable Rods. He activated it mid-flight, hoping it would stop him. The thing tore his arm off and he died of blood loss, trauma and falling damage at the same time. Don't mess with Newton.

2011-02-18, 05:48 PM
@^: Sounds like he should've invested in some "Slowly-moveable rods," yes? :smalltongue:

Lord Loss
2011-02-18, 06:41 PM
Im new here so i dont know how to do the fancy spoiler things so im just going to post:

I was playing a Maug monk/rogue/ reaping mauler and i had a custom made necklace of fireballs. All of them were the max 10d10. Well as the party and i were fighting underground in this ruined city, the mage decides to shoot his own fireball thinking i could dodge since i was on the very edge of it.... Natural 1. So since i failed that save the DM decided i could not get an additional reflex save to prevent my necklace from going off.. so i took all that damage, as did the rest of the party for being withing range of me. Including the mage. Needless to say no one survived. We all sat around going "WTF just happened?.... New campaign?"

To use a spoiler, press the button on the top right that says "Spoil" in a little speech bubble and write what you want to spoiler in between the words, like this:

(SPOIL) your text here (SPOIL)

Occasional Sage
2011-02-18, 07:09 PM
To use a spoiler, press the button on the top right that says "Spoil" in a little speech bubble and write what you want to spoiler in between the words, like this:

(SPOIL) your text here (SPOIL)

Not quite. It should be
your text here