View Full Version : [3.5] Lists of Necessary Magic Items

2011-02-18, 12:47 PM
Frequently when building characters, you find that there are some things that are more or less "essential" for your character to survive after the first few levels.
And worse, you sometimes find that your class doesn't grant them. Which means you have to rely on magic items to make sure your character doesn't end up useless half the time.

This post is a collection of lists of items that can help you get these "essential" capabilities down by using magic items. I assume that if you are looking through the lists that all of your class levels, feats, skills and resources other than magic items are already tied up - if you have a class feature (like a spell) that can give this to you, it is usually the most efficient way to take care of it. I also assume that you are looking for a "long-term" solution - I do not include scrolls and potions (although I do include wands).

Also, I focus primarily on defensive and tactically enabling items. I assume that your class provides you with ways to perform the task your class needs you to perform - this list is for the things your class may not provide, but still needs.

A note on custom items: I sometimes refer to the custom item creation guidelines (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/creatingMagicItems.htm). These are, obviously guidelines that are subject to DM approval. I list them here because sometimes they are simply a very handy way to take care of a problem.

I reference the following sources (in Abbreviation: Book Name) format:AEG: Arms and Equipment Guide
BoED: Book of Exalted Deeds
CArc: Complete Arcane
CChamp: Complete Champion
CMage: Complete Mage
CScou: Complete Scoundrel
CotSQ: City of the Spider Queen
DComp: Dragon Magazine Compendium Volume I
DMagic: Dragon Magic
DMG: Dungeon Master's Guide
DMG2: Dungeon Master's Guide II
DotU: Drow of the Underdark
DotF: Defenders of the Faith
DSc: Dungeonscape
ECS: Eberron Campaign Setting
EbEx: Eberron Explorer's Handbook
FF: Fiend Folio
FoE: Faiths of Eberron
Ghost: Ghostwalk
LoD: Lords of Darkness
LoM: Lords of Madness
MIC: Magic Item Compedium
MoE: Magic of Eberron
MoF: Magic of Faerūn
OA: Oriental Adventures
PGtF: Player's Guide to Faerūn
PHB: Player's Handbook
PLH: Planar Handbook
RotD: Races of the Dragon
Sand: Sandstorm
SpC: Spell Compendium
SS: Savage Species
ToB: The Book of Nine Swords: Tome of Battle
ToM: Tome of Magic
UE: Unapproachable East
Und: Underdark
XPH: Expanded Psionics Handbook

Why you need it: Two reasons. One, the tactical advantage of not being constrained to two dimensions is... invaluable. Really, if two people are fighting, and only one of them can fly, the earthbound one is going to die unless the relative power difference between them is massive. Second, it's useful for getting around, for everything from crossing a chasm to making sure you're attacking the Wizard's tower from the top down, not the ground up.

Amber Amulet of Vermin: Giant Wasp (MIC). 800GP, throat slot. Once per day, get a flying bug thing to carry you around for one minute.
Wand of Swift Fly (SpC). 4500GP, held. Swift action activation, flight (as Fly spell) for one round. Requires the ability to activate Sorcerer/Wizard Wands or a DC 20 Use Magic Device check. If you prefer a permanent but less versatile solution, use an eternal Wand (MIC/ECS) instead, which changes the price to 4420GP and limits the use to 2/day.
Owlfeather Armor (MIC). 8160GP, body slot. Fly three times per day (40', good maneuverability) for five rounds. Swift action activation, has some secondary benefits.
Cloak of the Dragon (CChamp). 6000GP, shoulders slot. Fly speed equal to your land speed, maneuverability not specified, for 10 minutes once per day.
Reins of Ascension (MIC). 3300GP, throat slot. Allows your mount (nothing preventing you from using it yourself, I suppose, but you'll look kinky as hell) to briefly fly by expending 2 or 3 of the 3-per-day charges.
Dragonscale Cloak (MIC). 5000GP, shoulders slot. Winged flight (60', good maneuverability) for 2 hours per day. Swift action activation. Unfortunately, it's a relic.


Feathered Wings graft (FF). 10000GP, slotless. Demon wings are grafted onto your body, yummy! All-day flight, average maneuverability, twice your land speed. Drives you bonkers if you're not Evil.
Winged Mask (MoF). 13000GP, face slot. Can cast Fly at will, which means you're recasting it every 5 minutes for all-day flight. Also makes you glow for some reason. Be wary of Dispel Magic, as the CL on this thing is only 5.
Phylactery of Change (AEG). 11200GP, head slot. All-day Polymorph up to 7HD, with some limitations. Not particularly good for in-combat flight (unless you build around Polymorph somehow), but a great item for general utility.
Winged West (MIC). 12000GP, torso slot. Allows you to fly for 5 rounds at 60', good maneuverability. This is not an all-day flight item, but it is better than most such due to the swift action activation time. Good to bring up once you or your DM has become disgusted by permaflight items from semi-obscure 3.0 books.
Broom of Flying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#broomofFlying). 17000GP, ridden rather than worn. It's not all-day (only 9 hours), it's not very fast, and you can get knocked off. Still possibly your best bet in a core-only game.
5x5 Carpet of Flying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#carpetofFlying). 20000GP, ridden rather than worn. The all-day, more comfortable version of the Broom.


Phoenix Cloak (MIC). 50000GP, shoulders slot. All-day flight at your land speed, with perfect maneuverability, no bells or whistles.
Horseshoes of Flame (SS). 30240GP, feet slot (presumably). Not for you, but your horse, which turns into a smart magic nightmare thing that flies at a speed of 90', with good maneuverability, for 21 hours/day total. Use Magic Device it to cheese it onto yourself.
Wings of Flying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#wingsofFlying) (DMG). 54000GP, shoulders slot. The core go-to for true personal permaflight. More expensive than the Phoenix Cloak, and only good maneuverability. But this one's flight speed is fixed at 60', which can be an advantage over the Phoenix Cloak if you are slow as a halfling wearing full plate.
Ring of Solar Wings (BoED). 118000GP, ring slot. All-day flight at 150', with good maneuverability. As expensive as it gets, but it's really fast.

Not recommended:
Buffeting Wings (RotD), Wand of Winged Watcher (CScou), Hawkfeather Armor (MIC), Skin of Celestial/Fiendish Embrace (MIC), Figurine of Wondrous Power -Bronze Griffon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bronzeGriffon) or Ebony Fly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#ebonyFly) (DMG), Wild Shape Amulet (MoF), Horseshoes of a Zephyr (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#horseshoesofaZephyr) (DMG), Winged Boots (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bootsWinged) (DMG), custom item of continuous Swift Fly (DMG, SpC), Boots of Gravity (PLH), Celestial Armor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm#celestialArmor) (DMG), Feathered armor enhancement (DotF), Winged Shield (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm#wingedShield) (DMG).

Mind Blank

Why you need it: Mind Blank protects you from two things - divinations and [Mind-affecting] spells. Being the victim of those means you're getting stabbed in your sleep, and made useless (or worse, hostile to your allies) in battle.

Continuous custom item of Protection from Evil/Good/Law or Chaos. 4000GP, head or shoulders slot? Following the magic item creation guidelines, this would cost 1 (Spell level) x 1 (Caster level) * 2000 (continuous multiplier) * 2 (Duration multiplier) = 4000 GP. This doesn't provide the full protection Mind Blank does, but it can effectively prevent you from being turned into a liability in combat. Worth mentioning due to being an order of magnitude cheaper than even the cheapest full Mind Blank item.
Command-activated custom item of Mind Blank (DMG). 43200GP, head or shoulders slot? Following the magic item creation guidelines, this would cost 8 (Spell level) x 15 (Caster level) * 1800 (Command word multiplier) * 1/5 (Once per day) = 43200 GP. The price is so low that I'd not allow the item myself, but you can use this as a starting point for your haggling with the DM.


Third Eye Conceal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#conceal) (MIC, XPH). 120000GP, face slot. More or less what it says on the tin - Mind Blank, all day.
Ring of Mental Fortitude (DMG2). 110000GP, ring slot. Gets you the mind-affecting immunity aspect, but not the anti-divination aspect.
Cortical Armor (Und). 146650GP, body slot. Mind Blank while worn, and a few side benefits that may be useful to some.
Cowl of Warding (MoF). 200800GP, head slot. Mind Blank, along with Freedom of Movement and Spell Turning. If you don't need the Spell Turning, it would be cheaper to get a ring for the other two effects.

Not Recommended

Eyes of the Spider (CotSQ)

Stun negation

Why you need it: Stun is one of those conditions that makes you unable to act. Which means that when you're stunned, your character is a sitting duck, and you're sitting at the table counting cheetos.

Third Eye Clarity (MIC). 3000GP, face slot. Once per day, negate the Stun as an immediate action. Can negate other nasty stuff too. Great pick.
Talisman of Undying Fortitude (MIC). 8000GP, held. Swift action activation, gives you lots of undead immunities for 3 rounds, including stun.


Banner of the Storm's Eye (MIC). 15000GP, held or shoulders slot. Negates stunning and other nasty stuff for you *and* your allies. Top pick.
Wakeful Mind graft (FoE). 14000GP, slotless. Other minor benefits, including no longer needing to sleep. Also makes you slightly less healthy and less knowledgeable, but that's the price you pay for having robot components embedded in your head.

Daze negation

Why you need it: Daze is like stun, only you don't lose your dexterity bonus and everything you are holding - and it is much more difficult to become immune to. The latter part is what leads optimizers everywhere to look at this condition as one of "the" conditions to inflict on their enemies (probably right after the condition of "death" in its popularity).

Third Eye Clarity (MIC). 3000GP, face slot. Daze is another of the conditions it can negate. See the Stun negation list.
Minor Schema of Favor of the Martyr (MoE, SpC). 11200GP, held. The Favor of the Martyr Paladin spell grants immunity to the condition, a Minor Schema allows you to get it 1/day if you can activate it.


Custom item of continuous Favor of the Martyr (SpC). 128000GP, shoulders slot? Following the magic item creation guidelines, this would cost 4 (Spell level) x 8 (Caster level) * 2000 (Continuous item multiplier) * 2 (1 minute/level multiplier) = 128000 GP. "HOLY CRAP, that's expensive!", you're thinking? Well, take a look at the immunities you're getting.


Drakehelms (EbEx) and the Ring of Theurgy (CArc) offer access to the spells of other classes with few limitations. It may be possible for you to nab Favor of the Martyr from the Paladin list this way. Also, see this list (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10449509&postcount=46).

Fear immunity

Why you need it: Fear effects include stuff that make you cower, be panicked, or even kill you. What's worse, the DCs can be based on a skill check, which means they can be sky-high.

Brash weapon enhancement (MIC). +1 weapon enhancement cost. Immunity to fear while raging.


Banner of the Storm's Eye (MIC). 15000GP, held or shoulders slot. Suppresses fear in a radius round the bearer, along with other nice benefits.
Prayer of anger (MoF). 14350GP, held. A +2 greatsword that renders the wielder immune to fear (and extends the duration of his Rage ability by 1 round, if he has it).
Horn of Plenty (MIC). 12000GP, held. Creates a Heroes' Feast (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/heroesFeast.htm) once per day as a standard action.


Any item that grants Mind Blank (see above). Immunity to mind-affecting constitutes immunity to Fear as well.

Not recommended:

Continuous custom item of Lionheart (DMG, SpC), Minor Schema of Heroes' Feast (MoE)

True Seeing

Why you need it: Illusions tend to be "no save, you just don't know what's going on" effects. Also, miss chances can make you pull your hair out if you rely on attack rolls. True Seeing is the hard counter.

Scout's Headband (MIC). 3400GP, head slot. Allows you to flush out all of the item's daily charges to gain True Seeing for one minute. Standard action activation. Can spend fewer charges to gain lesser vision-based benefits.
Eyes of Truth (MIC). 5500GP, face slot. Once per day, True Seeing for one round. Swift action activation.


Runestaff of Divination or Vision (MIC). 21000GP or 16000GP, respectively, held. As runestaffs, these are only useful for those who have arcane spell slots, but if you're a Sorcerer or such, they will do just fine.
Chalice of True Seeing (DComp). 21600GP, held. Standard action activation, True Seeing once per day.
Truelight Lantern (MIC). 36000GP, held. Standard action activation, and only 10 minutes per day, which looks limited for the price, but is rather unique in working within a radius rather than just showing everything to you, which means your party gains its benefits as well.
Rod of Revealing (DComp). 60000GP, held. Not real True Seeing, but the rod creates an effective antimagic field for 110 min/day that suppresses illusion spells only. Specialized, but makes Illusionists cry.


Hathran Mask of True Seeing (UE). 75000GP, face slot. Continuous True Seeing, off you go. Occupies the face slot.
Gem of Seeing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#gemofSeeing). 75000GP, held? Offers True Seeing for up to 30 minutes per day, divided up as you wish. The reason this isn't completely inferior to the Hathran Mask is that this one doesn't explicitly take up a body slot. Try Sovereign Glue-ing it to your eyeball.

Not recommended:

Helm of Vision (DotF), Continuous custom item of True Seeing (DMG), Eyes of the Spider (CotSQ).

Miss chances

Why you need it: Some things you fight have attack bonuses that are too high to be effectively mitigated by AC. Miss chances are flat percentage rolls, and care not how good your opponent is. In addition, miss chances resulting from Concealment mean you can not be Sneak Attacked. Beware, though - relying on miss chances alone to keep you alive means you'll be toast if your opponent has a way of countering them (usually True Seeing, see above).

Shadowy Diadem (DMagic). 4400GP, head slot. Grants concealment for one minute as a swift action, and immunity to energy drain to boot. It doesn't like being caught in high level light spells, but that's not exactly an everyday occurrence.
Smoking weapon enhancement (LoD). +1 weapon enhancement cost. This 3.0 enhancement grants you concealment, with some limitations. Usually considered woefully underpriced.
Shadow Sibling (MoE). 8000GP, symbiont. 50% concealment as an immediate action, constitution modifier times per day. It's as awesome as it sounds, only problem is that it requires sharing your body with some kind of usually-lawful-evil incorporeal aberration thing. May not be available at the local Magic Mart.
Shadow Cloak (DotU). 5500GP, shoulders slot. Grants concealment for 1 round as an immediate action three times per day, along with (good) secondary benefits.
Torc of Displacement (MIC). 2000GP, throat slot. As an immediate action, spend charges to gain varying degrees of concealment for one round.
Blurring armor enhancement (MIC). +1 armor enhancement cost. Three times per day, blur effect (as the spell) for 5 rounds. Swift action activation.
Displacement armor enhancement (MIC). +1 armor enhancement. Once per day, displacement effect (as the spell) for 5 rounds. Swift action activation.
Mithralmist Shirt (MIC). 3400GP, body slot. Gain concealment as a swift action seven times per day, but it is due to a cloud that doesn't follow you if you move.
Eversmoking Bottle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#eversmokingBottle) (DMG). 5400GP, slotless. Creates a huge cloud of nasty fog without daily limits. This hampers vision (creates total concealment) for everyone involved, but the clever player can work around that.


Minor Cloak of Displacement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#cloakofDisplacementMinor) (DMG). 24000GP, shoulders slot. Continuous 20% miss chance, thank you, come again.
Ring of Blinking (DMG). 27000GP, ring slot. Blinking at will, which is handy for more reasons than the (rather involved) miss chance it grants. An often-overlooked problem with this ring is that being at will is not the same as being continuous - you're going to be spending one standard action out of seven reactivating your Blink if you want it on all the time.
Greater Blurring armor enhancement (MIC). +3 total armor enhancement cost. Blur effect (as the spell) for 10 minutes per activation, and there is no limit on the number of activations per day. The same "problem" as the Ring of Blinking has in not being truly continuous, but with a duration this long, I can't imagine it becoming an issue. If you don't have any other enhancements on your armor, this is cheaper than the minor cloak of displacement.
Gleaming (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/armorAndShields.htm#gleaming) armor enhancement (XPH). +3 armor enhancement cost. Continuous concealment. Very similar to Greater Blurring (above), but can not be bought in steps, and does crazy flashes, which a DM might rule to interfere with your hide checks.
Burnoose of Moonless Nights (Sand). 33000GP, body slot?. Standard action activation, grants total concealment for 10 rounds. It's slightly better than the Greater Cloak of Displacement, as it grants real total concealment. Only works in dark or shadowy conditions.
Obi of Protection (DComp). 48000GP, waist slot. Continuous 20% miss chance if you have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat (or the unarmed strike ability). The only reason this item is worth mentioning despite the price tag is that this is a true miss chance - True Seeing or anything that helps see through concealment doesn't help.

Not recommended:

Blinking armor enhancement (MIC), Shroud of Night (ToM), Continuous custom item of Veil of Shadow (SpC), Major Cloak of Displacement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#cloakofDisplacementMajor) (DMG).

Tactical teleportation

Why you need it: As the name of the list suggests - for purposes of tactics, sometimes tumbling just won't cut it. Also has great utility potential out of combat.
Cheap/Short range:

Anklet of Translocation (MIC). 1400GP, feet slot. Range 10', swift action activation. Works twice per day (buy a few!). Requires line of sight and line of effect. Requires line of sight and line of effect.
Wand of Benign Transposition (SpC). 750GP, held. Standard action, switch the locations of two willing creatures.
Boots of Swift Passage (MIC). 5000GP, feet slot. Range 20'. Move action activation. Works five timesper day. Requires line of sight and line of effect.
Shadow Cloak (DotU). 5500GP, shoulders slot. Teleport 10' as an immediate action three times per day, along with (good) secondary benefits. Requires line of sight, but apparently not line of effect.
Dimension Stride Boots (MIC). 2000GP, feet slot. Range 20' to 60' depending on charges spent, 5 charges per day. Standard action activation. Requires line of sight and line of effect.
Bolt Shirt (MIC). 5000GP, torso slot. Range 60'. Move action activation. Works once per day. Explicitly useless for escaping undetected. Requires line of sight and line of effect.
Boots of Big Stepping (MIC). 6000GP, feet slot. Range 60, standard action activation. Works three times per day. Teleports as Greater Teleport.
Novice Shadow Hands of Shadow Jaunt (ToB). 3000GP, hands slot. Range 50', standard action activation. No daily limitation, but effectively once per encounter unless you have a recovery method. Requires line of sight and line of effect.

Longer range:

Belt of the Wide Earth (MIC). 8000GP, waist slot. Only useful for spellcasters, but for those that are so blessed, this effectively allows you spontaneously cast Teleport twice per day if you have the 5th level slots to burn.
Cloak of Mysterious Emergence (DMagic). 13000GP, shoulders slot. Dimension Door with a 120' range 3/day, or 1/day 120 mile teleport. Slightly more expensive than the DMG Cape of the Mountebank, but much better.
Aporter armor enhancement (MIC). +20000 GP. Dimension door twice per day, standard action activation. The reason this isn't in the "not recommended" category is that this one doesn't burn a body slot.

Not recommended:

Cape of the Mountebank (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#capeoftheMountebank) (DMG), Vanishing weapon enhancement (MIC), Dislocator weapon enhancement (MIC) (but it is hilarious), War Wizard Cloak (MIC), Runestaff of Transportation (MIC), Cli Lyre (MIC), Boots of Teleportation (DMG), Runestaff of Passage (MIC), Helm of Teleportation (DMG), Humillianthir (DComp).

Immunity to Death effects and/or energy drain and/or negative energy effects. (Lumped together because most things that protect against one of them protect against them all.)

Why you need it: Death effects kill you. Negative levels/energy drain are a very common, very wide-spanning debuff, which stack with themselves. Also, some of them cause you to permanently lose levels, which means you have to back-edit your character sheet, and no one wants to bother with that. All sorts of nasty things are caused by "negative energy".

Talisman of Undying Fortitude (MIC). 8000GP, held. Swift action activation, gives you lots of undead immunities for 3 rounds, including those that are relevant here.
Death Ward armor enhancement (MIC). +1 armor enhancement. Once per day, ignore Death effects, energy drain and negative energy effects as an immediate action.
Crystal of Adaptation armor crystal (MIC). 3000GP, armor crystal. Protects from the negative levels bestowed by visiting major negative-dominant planes.


Soulfire Armor Enhancement (BoED). +4 armor enhancement. Total immunity to Death effects, energy drain, and negative energy.
Choker of Life Protection (MIC). 14000GP, throat slot. The cheaper version of the Bone Ring (below), requires immediate action activation, and can't handle ability drain, but is significantly cheaper.
Bone Ring (MIC). 20000GP, ring slot. Protects against three negative levels (or points of ability drain) per day, but not against Death effects or general "negative energy" effects.
Ring of Negative Protection (MIC). 36000GP, ring slot. Immunity to negative levels and negative-dominant planar traits, but not Death effects or negative energy effects in general.
Absorbing Armor Enhancement (DotF). +3 armor enhancement. Weird enhancement that allows partial protection against ability drain and "level drain". I'd hold out for Soulfire, but this is cheaper.

Not recommended:

Phylactery of Virtue (MIC), Scarab of Protection (DMG), Cornucopia of the Needful (MIC), Runestaff of the Undead Slayer (MIC), Cloak of Blackflame (MoF), Bone Bracers of the Death Deity (MoF)

Freedom of Movement

Why you need it: Because of Solid Fog, because you can be insta-killed if you are paralyzed, and because monsters have ginormous grapple checks.

Third Eye Freedom (MIC). 2600GP, face slot. Once per day, as an immediate action, gain Freedom of Movement for one round. Excellent panic button.
Periapt of the Sullen Sea (MIC). 6000GP, throat slot. Allows you to spend a 4th level spell slot to cast Freedom of Movement. Useless if you don't have 4th level spell slots to spread around, but a nice backup otherwise.
Vest of Free Movement (MIC). 12000GP, torso slot. Freedom of Movement for 3 rounds, three times per day. What is good about the activation is that it's a swift action, what's bad is that it's a command activation, which means it won't work if you have already been paralyzed.


Ring of Freedom of Movement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#freedomofMovement) (DMG). 40000GP, ring slot. Continuous Freedom of Movement. One of the more expensive and powerful rings in 3.5, can be well worth it at very high levels.
Freedom armor enhancement (MIC). +5 armor enhancement. Continuous Freedom of Movement, just like the ring provides. This one is cheaper if you don't have any other armor enhancements, otherwise the ring is cheaper.


Cowl of Warding (MoF). 200800GP, head slot. Comprehensive, powerful protective item that includes FoM. See the Mind Blank entry.

(Extradimensional) storage space

Why you need it: Because the ancient copper dragon doesn't sleep on a triple-standard pile of easily transported diamonds, and because when you are locked in a melee with some berserker, you don't have an inteterminable number of rounds to look for your scroll of Dimension Door in the disorganized pile that is your backpack.

Mule (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/mule.htm) (PHB). 8 GP, plus 4 GP for saddlebags, no slot (it's an animal, not an item). I'm not kidding. It can carry almost twice as much as a Haversack without breaking a sweat (and over five times as much by getting into the heavy load). It's cheap enough to be bought at level 1, and is often all you need in order to move your loot around.
(Heward's) Handy Haversack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#handyHaversack) (DMG). 2000GP, no slot (it's a backpack). Extra space, move action to retrieve any item stored in it, which doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. In my games, I usually let people get away with accessing any small item they have on their sheets as an AoO-free move action once they have gotten one of these - because that's approximately what it does. Usually considered a "must have" for a reason.
Glove of the Master Strategist (Ghost). 3600P, hands slot. Works as a Glove of Storing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#gloveofStoring), only cheaper and also lets you use True Strike 1/day. How can this be cheaper, then? Because the Glove of the Master Strategist is based on the 3.0 version of the Glove of Storing, but never got updated. I'd call this cheesy if I weren't busy calling the 3.5 Glove of Storing overpriced. In any case, this allows you to retrieve or store one item as a free action.
Enveloping Pit (MIC). 3600GP, no slot. It's a relic that, if you're lawful evil, lawful neutral, or neutral evil, works pretty much like a Portable Hole (see below), only cheaper and deeper (over 1000 cubic feet!), making this a clear replacement if you can activate it. It can also serve as an OK-ish trap, but I'm more interested in using it to haul around ludicrous amounts of stuff.
Quiver of Ehlonna (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#efficientQuiver) 1800GP, no slot (it's a quiver). Not a general-purpose storage device, but a way to keep your golf bag of weapons handy without looking as if you're on your way to kit out an army. The real advantage it has over other kinds of storage spaces is that retrieving an weapon from it works just like drawing a weapon normally, which should mean that your Quick Draw feat and least Crystals of Return allow you to get them as a free action. Also, there's that slightly ambiguous clause about ruptured bags some DMs might use to screw you over if you try loading your weapons gallery into Bag of Holding based storages.

Less cheap:

Bag of Holding I to V (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bagofHolding) (DMG). 2500GP to 10000GP, no slot. A very traditional way to carry around your enormous list of loot. Unless your DM is very good at keeping track of how much your stuff weighs, I'd take the Haversack instead, as these don't have the nice "no AoOs" clause the Haversack does. But if the DM is a stickler about bag capacity, this should be your go-to. They are pretty damned big.
Belt of Many Pockets (CArc). 11000GP, waist slot. Like the Handy Haversack, only bigger and divided up into multiple smaller pockets. Potential upgrade.
Infinite Scrollcase (MIC). 2800GP, slotless. Actually only holds 50 scrolls, but whatever. It has secondary benefits as well.
Quiver of Plenty (DComp). 18000GP, slotless. Not a true storage item, but mentioned here for those whose true intent was to never having to worry about having to visit the market for ammo.
Ring of Arming (MIC). 5000GP, ring slot. A standard action, and now you're armed and armored. Niche item, but can be handy if you really need to wear armor, but also really need to take it off from time to time.


Portable Hole (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#portableHole) (DMG). 20000GP, slotless. Volume limitation (as far as I can tell, it is pi*((6/2)^2)*10 = approximately 282.74 cubic feet = approximately 8 cubic metres), no weight limitation. Has a defined amount of air available in it. No good for retreiving items in-battle, but the storage space is immense.

Not recommended:

Wand Bracelet (MIC), Glove of Storing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#gloveofStoring) (DMG), Casting Glove (MIC), Belt of Hidden Pouches (MIC).

Dispel Magic and its counters

Why you need it: Buffstacks (that is, many beneficial spells affecting the same target) are a big part of high level gameplay. As such, you need a way to protect your own buffs and remove those others have up.

Ring of Counterspells (DMG). 4000GP, ring slot. Load it with a Dispel Magic, and you're protected from the next Dispel Magic. Simple, and can be loaded with Greater Dispel Magic once that time comes. Of course, you can load this with other spells too, if you know you'll be up against something specific.
Spellblade (PGtF). 6000GP (fixed cost) weapon enhancement. This keys your weapon to a certain spell (read: Dispel Magic).
Ring of Enduring Arcana (CMage). 6000GP. This is for your friendly neighbourhood buff-providing spellcaster (which, of course, might be yourself). Adding +4 to the dispel DC is a very significant increase on when the roll is as "hard" to boost as a CL check.
Dispelling Chord (MIC). 1000GP, torso slot. Another for the spellcasters. If you know how to cast Dispel Magic, there's little reason not to get this, to give your dispel checks that slight edge.

Less cheap:

Ring of Spell-Battle (MIC). 12000GP, ring slot. You can use this ring to use Dispel Magic to counterspell as an immediate action. But that's the least it can do, really. If you're not familiar with the item, look it up.
Dispelling, Greater (MIC). +2 total weapon enhancement cost. Unlike its lesser counterpart, Dispelling, this one actually has a decent (but still eventually obsolete) caster level. Requires you to strike someone with a weapon, which is a problem if the spells you want to dispel happen to provice miss chances or AC boosts. Note that this works on ranged weapons too.
Magic Siphon (MIC). 25000GP, held. A rod that uses a CL 20 Greater Dispel Magic on all creatures adjacent to you. Seriously expensive for what it does, but the bonus isn't trivial.

Not recommended:

Dagger of Denial (MIC), Ring of Greater Counterspells (MIC), Third Eye Repudiate (MIC, XPH version overridden), Canaith Mandolin (MIC), Dispelling enhancement (MIC), Wand of Dispel Magic (DMG).


Why you need it: Because losing the initiative roll means the other guy has a chance to kill you before you get a chance to kill him. Giving the enemy "free" shots at you is generally a bad thing, especially at high (or very low) levels, when the stakes are high. Also, initiative is the one roll you are (almost) guaranteed to have to make in every single combat of your carreer, and it is very often the most important roll of any given encounter.

Wand of Sign (SpC). 750GP, held. Similar to Nerveskitter (see below), but less ambiguous, is for Clerics, and requires a bit more planning. Gets better as you level, and acquire more control over when encounters take place. Note that the version in the Miniatures Handbook is overridden by the SpC version, and is both different and potentially better. Requires the ability to activate Cleric Wands or a DC 20 Use Magic Device check.
Ring of Anticipation (DoTU). 6000GP, ring slot. Roll all initiative checks twice. This is the favorite initiative item of Claudius Maximus (who provided most of this list, by the way), and now it's my favorite one too.
Helm of Righteous War (CChamp) 5000 gp, head slot. +2 insight bonus to initiative, and secondary bonuses.
Sandals of the Vagabond (CChamp) 4000 gp, feet slot. +2 luck bonus to initiative, and secondary bonuses.
Bracers of Blinding Strike (MIC) 5000 gp. Arms slot. +2 competence bonus, which means it doesn't stack with the Belt of Battle, but it's cheaper and less likely to be struck by your DM's nerfbat.
Warning (MIC). +1 weapon enhancement cost, held. +5 insight bonus to initiative (doesn't stack with the Helm of Righteous War) Don't put this on your primary weapon, put this on something like your armor spikes. If you can somehow get away with it, put it on a shuriken and use the ammunition pricing rules to get it at a 98% discount. Then try getting away with holding the shuriken in your teeth, because it makes you look like a badass and leaves your hands free.

Eager (MIC). +1 weapon enhancement cost, held. +2 untyped bonus to initiative, and a secondary benefit. The bonus is smaller than on the Warning enhancement (see above), so get that one first.

Wand of Nerveskitter (SpC). 750GP, held. Grants a +5 untyped bonus on initiative. Note that although the Rules Compendium made the activation time of wands equal to the spell's normal casting time (in this case, an immediate action), it might not be enough to allow the use of a spell trigger items under the special circumstances that Nerveskitter requires. If your DM says it works, it's a perfect fit for a Wand Chamber (DSc) in a weapon you hold at all times. Requires the ability to activate Sorcerer/Wizard Wands or a DC 20 Use Magic Device check.

Less Cheap:

Belt of Battle (MIC). 12000GP, waist slot. +2 competence bonus to initiative. At 12k it doesn't really fit in the bargain bin, but it's going to be one of the first items on your wish list anyway, because the secondary benefit is granting EXTRA ACTIONS.
Phylactery of Change. (AEG). 11200GP, head slot. All-day Polymorph up to 7HD, with some limitations. You can use that to assume a form with a higher dexterity score than your own.
Roaring Armor (MIC). +3 armor enhancement cost. Grants a +4 competence bonus. Expensive, but it's a +4 (that doesn't stack with the Belt of Battle). You decide if you want it enough. The reverse-arrows secondary effect isn't likely to be useful at the level you get it, but potentially hilarious.
Dragonfly Medallion (AEG). 29760GP, throat slot (probably). Grants Improved Initiative or a +1 competence bonus if you already have that feat. Definitely not worth it if you have the feat, and only maybe if you don't.
Burning (ECS). +2 weapon enhancement cost, held. +2 untyped bonus to initiative. Too expensive for that benefit, but I think I should mention it for those who were actually thinking about taking the Fiery Burst enhancement (urgh).
Fire elemental grafts (MoE). Cost varies, slotless. Every fire graft beyond the first grants a +2 untyped bonus to initiative as a secondary benefit. These tend to be expensive, however.

Not recommended:

Bracers of the Blinding Strike (MoF, not the same as the MIC item), Flexible Spine graft (LoM), Stone of Good Luck (DMG), Ioun Stone, Pale Green (DMG), Initiative weapon enhancement (OA), Rod of Alertness (DMG).

Special senses

Why you need it: Not knowing where your enemies are is deadly.

Gem of the Glitterdepth (MIC). 4500GP, throat slot. Blindsense 30', the cheapest you can get - but it's a relic.
Glaring Eye (RotD). 10000GP, slotless (graft). Grants Blindsense 30', all day.
Blindfold of True Darkness (MIC). 9000GP, face slot. Grants Blindsight 30' - but you can't see while wearing it. You decide if it's worth it.
Tremor Graft (MoE). 6000GP, slotless (graft). Not quite Tremorsense, but as a move action, you can learn of the presence and locations of all creatures within 20'.


Blindsighted weapon enhancement (Und). +30000GP weapon enhancement cost. Grants 30' blindsight while wielded.
Dragon's-Eye Amulet (MIC). 55000GP, throat slot. Blindsense 30'. Similar to the (much) cheaper Glaring Eye, but listed due to grafts not always being available (or desirable).
Sandform Ring (Sand). 24000GP, ring slot. For up to 10 minutes per day, you can assume a (otherwise blind) form that has Blindsight 60'.

Not recommended:

Continuous custom item of Blindsight (SpC), Goggles of Draconic Vision (MIC), Scorpion Carapace (Sand), Platinum Helm (MIC)

2011-02-18, 12:53 PM
Nice resource. Thumbs up :smallbiggrin:

Keld Denar
2011-02-18, 01:08 PM
Very nice guide. I mention this to a lot of people, but this allows me to just link it. Very crucial for melee folks, but also useful for everyone else.

2011-02-18, 01:16 PM
To those that read this: Please point it out if there are more items that provide the stuff in the pre-existing categories, AND if you think there are some new categories I should include.

Nice resource. Thumbs up :smallbiggrin:
Very nice guide. I mention this to a lot of people, but this allows me to just link it. Very crucial for melee folks, but also useful for everyone else.
Whee, thanks. :smallbiggrin:

And yes, getting magic items for everything is particularly essential when your class features consist entirely of "I hit better" and "more feats". :smallyuk:

2011-02-18, 01:16 PM
I'd add a Necklace of Adaptation (DMG, 9,000 gp) to the list, because cloudkill, posionous fumes, and anything else that might inhibit your ability to breathe suck. Not sure what to call a category for it, though.

Nice list!

2011-02-18, 01:18 PM
I'd add a Necklace of Adaptation (DMG, 9,000 gp) to the list, because cloudkill, posionous fumes, and anything else that might inhibit your ability to breathe suck.

Nice list!

Useful item indeed.

Should I perhaps make an "other" category for things like these?

2011-02-18, 01:22 PM
Useful item indeed.

Should I perhaps make an "other" category for things like these?

That could work, definately.

2011-02-18, 01:27 PM
Shadow Cloak from DotU. For 5.5k you get +1 deflection bonus and 3/day when attacked gain either concealment or teleport 10' as an immediate action.

Keld Denar
2011-02-18, 01:35 PM
ToM has a vest slot item that gives full concealment as per the Flicker mystery for 1 minute.

Also, you mention body slots in some of your lists, and some are pretty self explanatory (ie boots), but some are not. Could you include body slots, perhaps in your source parenthesis (MoF, Head) or (MIC, Neck). That would really help when shopping for gear, knowing what slots you have open and what items you need.

2011-02-18, 01:36 PM
This post is a collection of lists of items that can help you get these "essential" capabilities down by using magic items.
Great idea!

I assume that if you are looking through the lists that all of your class levels, feats, skills and resources other than magic items are already tied up - if you have a class feature (like a spell) that can give this to you, it is usually the most efficient way to take care of it.
Eh, that's arguable. A spell is usually more efficient, but a lot of the items you list, I would rather buy than spend a Feat to duplicate.

Miss chances

Why you need it: Some things you fight have attack bonuses that are too high to be effectively mitigated by AC. Miss chances are flat percentage rolls, and care not how good your opponent is. In addition, miss chances resulting from Concealment mean you can not be Sneak Attacked. Beware, though - relying on miss chances alone to keep you alive means you'll be toast if your opponent has a way of countering them (usually True Seeing, see above).

Smoking weapon enhancement (LoD). +1 weapon enhancement cost. This 3.0 enhancement grants you concealment, with some limitations. Usually considered woefully underpriced.
Displacement armor enhancement (MIC). +1 armor enhancement. Once per day, displacement effect (as the spell) for 5 rounds. Swift action activation.
Torc of Displacement (MIC). 2000GP. As an immediate action, spend charges to gain varying degrees of concealment for one round.
Mithralmist Shirt (MIC). 3400GP. Gain concealment as a swift action seven times per day, but it is due to a cloud that doesn't follow you if you move.


Minor Cloak of Displacement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicitems/wondrousitems.htm#cloakofDisplacementMinor) (DMG). 24000GP. Continuous 20% miss chance, thank you, come again.
Ring of Blinking (DMG). 27000GP. Blinking at will, which is handy for more reasons than the (rather involved) miss chance it grants. An often-overlooked problem with this ring is that being at will is not the same as being continuous - you're going to be spending one standard action out of seven reactivating your Blink if you want it on all the time.

Not recommended:

Blinking armor enhancement (MIC), Continuous custom item of Veil of Shadow (SpC), Major Cloak of Displacement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#cloakofDisplacementMajor) (DMG).

Greater Blurring Armor (MIC) deserves a mention too. Not sure which category, though. It's a +3-equivalent enhancement, gives you 20% concealment at-will, but requires a command to reactivate every 10 minutes (IIRC).

Novice Shadow Hands of Shadow Jaunt (ToB). 3000GP. Range 50', standard action activation. No daily limitation, but effectively once per encounter unless you have a recovery method. Requires initiatator level 3, which means 6HD for those of you not fortunate enough to have levels in martial adept classes. Requires line of sight and line of effect.
As I understand it, maneuvers granted by items actually don't have initiator level requirements. At least, that's how they ruled the issue in Test of Spite, which is normally a pretty trustworthy indication. (A Level 13 character used a Level 9 maneuver via item ...)

Also, Belt of the Wide Earth doesn't have to be an arcane spell slot. The item set is sort of intended for Druids especially, in fact.

Freedom of Movement

Why you need it: Because of Solid Fog, because you can be insta-killed if you are paralyzed, and because monsters have ginormous grapple checks.

Third Eye Freedom (MIC). 2600GP. Once per day, as an immediate action, gain Freedom of Movement for one round. Excellent Panic Button.


Ring of Freedom of Movement (DMG). 40000GP. Continuous Freedom of Movement. One of the more expensive and powerful rings in 3.5, can be well worth it at very high levels.


Cowl of Warding (MoF). 200800GP. Comprehensive, powerful protective item that includes FoM. See the Mind Blank entry.

Also in this category:

Vest of Free Movement (MIC) (I might be remembering the name wrong, but it was definitely a Vest, part of the Fleet Warrior's Array item set): 3/day swift (command) activation, 12k gp. Unfortunately command activation doesn't help if you're paralyzed.
Periapt of the Sullen Sea (MIC, 9k gp): part of the Raiment of the Four item set. 2/day standard action (mental) activation, requires expending a 4th-level spell slot.

2011-02-18, 01:47 PM
As I understand it, maneuvers granted by items actually don't have initiator level requirements. At least, that's how they ruled the issue in Test of Spite, which is normally a pretty trustworthy indication. (A Level 13 character used a Level 9 maneuver via item ...)

The Crown of White Ravens(and associates) entry specifically says that you must meet the requirements of the maneuver. If it didn't, a good suggestion would have been an Iron Heart Vest of Iron Heart Surge just for general use, but you need another Iron Heart Maneuver and to have an IL of 6.

2011-02-18, 01:55 PM
How about a category on air, food, sleep, and water. Basically a category that covers ways to provide, enhance the quality of, or negate the need for those.

2011-02-18, 02:21 PM
The Crown of White Ravens(and associates) entry specifically says that you must meet the requirements prerequisites of the maneuver. If it didn't, a good suggestion would have been an Iron Heart Vest of Iron Heart Surge just for general use, but you need another Iron Heart Maneuver and to have an IL of 6.

Fixed that for you. And the term prerequisites is ambiguous in this case; it definitely includes the "other Iron Heart Maneuver" part (in the case of your Iron Heart Surge example), but the "initiator level" part is arguable.

2011-02-18, 02:28 PM
Fixed that for you. And the term prerequisites is ambiguous in this case; it definitely includes the "other Iron Heart Maneuver" part (in the case of your Iron Heart Surge example), but the "initiator level" part is arguable.

How is the IL arguable? You need an IL of at least 5, my mistake when I said 6, to use 3rd level maneuvers. IHS is a 3rd level maneuver so the prerequisites for using it should be 1 Iron Heat Maneuver and an IL of 5, 5th level for ToB classes and 10th level for everyone else, or higher.

Edit: I see where you might be getting the IL requirement being arguable. I don't think I could get that by anyone I play under though.

2011-02-18, 02:33 PM
How is the IL arguable? You need an IL of at least 5, my mistake when I said 6, to use 3rd level maneuvers. IHS is a 3rd level maneuver so the prerequisites for using it should be 1 Iron Heat Maneuver and an IL of 5, 5th level for ToB classes and 10th level for everyone else, or higher.

Au contraire, the only mention of IL for maneuvers is selecting them to learn, on page 39. The various magic items just add that maneuver to your list, full stop, so long as you have the prerequisite number of maneuvers known. Cheesy? Sure. Something that might have been addressed had Tome of Battle errata not been replaced with Complete Mage? Probably. Against the rules, technically? Nope.

2011-02-18, 04:59 PM
Fear immunity

Domain Drought (MIC). 3300 GP. Lasts 24 hours. Dream domain grants immunity to fear.

Whiteshiver Elixir (Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk). 1500 GP. Lasts 10 minutes, grants all of the immunities of the plant type (but slightly better personality), including mind-affects. Also, immune to stun.

Prayer of Anger (MoF). 14350 GP. +2 greatsword, wielder immune to fear, and if wielder can rage, increases duration by 1 round. Dagger of Defiance got nerfed in the MIC, but this one still works.

Tactical teleportation

Panic Button of Escaping (Complete Scoundrel). 750 GP. One-shot item, dimension door up to 30'. If you're not wearing armor, can be activated in your square as as swift action.

Freedom of Movement

Freedom Armor Enhancement (MIC). +5 armor enhancement. Continuous FOM as the ring, but slightly cheaper if that's the only enhancement on your armor (36000 GP for armor +6, or 40000 GP for the ring).

2011-02-18, 05:16 PM
OP: What about extradimensional space?

How about a category on air, food, sleep, and water. Basically a category that covers ways to provide, enhance the quality of, or negate the need for those.

Those tend to be over priced and not worth the investment if you've got a cleric. Hardly necessary, anyway.

2011-02-19, 12:35 AM
Shadow Cloak from DotU. For 5.5k you get +1 deflection bonus and 3/day when attacked gain either concealment or teleport 10' as an immediate action.
Woah! That's one awesome item.

Belongs under both tactical teleportation and miss chances. :smalltongue:

ToM has a vest slot item that gives full concealment as per the Flicker mystery for 1 minute.
Can't find it. Anyone have the name and/or a page reference? :smallconfused:

Also, you mention body slots in some of your lists, and some are pretty self explanatory (ie boots), but some are not. Could you include body slots, perhaps in your source parenthesis (MoF, Head) or (MIC, Neck). That would really help when shopping for gear, knowing what slots you have open and what items you need.
Hmm, something that should be there, agreed. I'll start working it in.

Eh, that's arguable. A spell is usually more efficient, but a lot of the items you list, I would rather buy than spend a Feat to duplicate.
Well, I did say "usually". The point was mostly that if you are a Dragonfire Adept, you probably want to look through your Invocation list before you start salivating over a Phoenix Cloak. :smalltongue:

Greater Blurring Armor (MIC) deserves a mention too. Not sure which category, though. It's a +3-equivalent enhancement, gives you 20% concealment at-will, but requires a command to reactivate every 10 minutes (IIRC).
Ooo, I missed that one.

It's potentially pretty damned good, I'd say. A +4 armor is only 16k, while the closest equivalent, the minor Cloak of Displacement, is 24k. So it's cheaper if you don't need/want/intend to get any other armor enhancements.

As I understand it, maneuvers granted by items actually don't have initiator level requirements. At least, that's how they ruled the issue in Test of Spite, which is normally a pretty trustworthy indication. (A Level 13 character used a Level 9 maneuver via item ...)

I'll just remove the reference about the initiator level requirement, not my job to tell DMs whether to allow it.

Also, Belt of the Wide Earth doesn't have to be an arcane spell slot. The item set is sort of intended for Druids especially, in fact.
Ah, right you are. Will fix.

Also in this category:

Vest of Free Movement (MIC) (I might be remembering the name wrong, but it was definitely a Vest, part of the Fleet Warrior's Array item set): 3/day swift (command) activation, 12k gp. Unfortunately command activation doesn't help if you're paralyzed.
Periapt of the Sullen Sea (MIC, 9k gp): part of the Raiment of the Four item set. 2/day standard action (mental) activation, requires expending a 4th-level spell slot.

Right, the FoM list was looking way too short. Will add.

Domain Drought (MIC). 3300 GP. Lasts 24 hours. Dream domain grants immunity to fear.

Whiteshiver Elixir (Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk). 1500 GP. Lasts 10 minutes, grants all of the immunities of the plant type (but slightly better personality), including mind-affects. Also, immune to stun.

Prayer of Anger (MoF). 14350 GP. +2 greatsword, wielder immune to fear, and if wielder can rage, increases duration by 1 round. Dagger of Defiance got nerfed in the MIC, but this one still works.

Panic Button of Escaping (Complete Scoundrel). 750 GP. One-shot item, dimension door up to 30'. If you're not wearing armor, can be activated in your square as as swift action.

Freedom Armor Enhancement (MIC). +5 armor enhancement. Continuous FOM as the ring, but slightly cheaper if that's the only enhancement on your armor (36000 GP for armor +6, or 40000 GP for the ring).
I was trying to avoid one-shot items, which the Domain Drought, Whiteshiver Elixir (which I had never heard about) and the Panic Button are. "Relying" on potions and such for situations that are likely to arise often is what I'd be steering to avoid. =/

But the Prayer of Anger (Nice find!) and the Freedom armor enhancement are definitely going in.

OP: What about extradimensional space?
Hmm. Is there something available aside from the Handy Haversack, the various Bags of Holding, and the Portable Hole? Those make a rather sparse list.

I usually just take a HHH and call it a day...

Those tend to be over priced and not worth the investment if you've got a cleric. Hardly necessary, anyway.
Yeah, not the most useful of things unless you frequently find your mid-level self stranded in a desert without spellcasters.

Then again, protection from negative energy thingies isn't very useful unless you're facing undead and necromancer types. Sustenance being an issue is less common, though.

2011-02-19, 12:40 AM
He means the Shroud of Night which gives you the use of the Dancing Shadows mystery 1/day. It also lets you use Shadow Skin 1/day (gives DR, I think), and gives a +2 Deflection bonus to AC. Cost is 10,160gp.

2011-02-19, 02:05 AM
Those tend to be over priced and not worth the investment if you've got a cleric. Hardly necessary, anyway.

Wha? They're 2-4k and some of the most awesome and versatile items around. Ring of sustenance to only sleep for 2 hours and never need nourishment. Marvelous pigments to get any item you want, be it food or a battering ram. Maybe there could be a category for magic items for base needs. Not sure what to call it or what exactly it should cover.

Doc Roc
2011-02-19, 02:19 AM
A good thing, I brought you one (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=350.0).

Glyphseals are one of my essentials, by the by. Just give them a read. MIC.

2011-02-19, 02:20 AM
Wha? They're 2-4k and some of the most awesome and versatile items around. Ring of sustenance to only sleep for 2 hours and never need nourishment. Marvelous pigments to get any item you want, be it food or a battering ram. Maybe there could be a category for magic items for base needs. Not sure what to call it or what exactly it should cover.

Dunno, but Everfull Mug, Everlasting Rations, a Magic Bedroll, and anything with continuous flame on it basically lets you camp anywhere all for the convenient price of 1150 GP. Maybe have the group pitch in for a Field Provisions box if you want quality food.

2011-02-19, 02:23 AM
The Gleaming armor enhancement (from XPH) is better than Greater Blurring (continuous concealment, no need to use an action to activate it every 10 minutes). Same price too.

Doc Roc
2011-02-19, 02:26 AM
Dunno, but Everfull Mug, Everlasting Rations, a Magic Bedroll, and anything with continuous flame on it basically lets you camp anywhere all for the convenient price of 1150 GP. Maybe have the group pitch in for a Field Provisions box if you want quality food.

Which bedroll are we discussing? The one from Complete Mage?

2011-02-19, 02:30 AM
Which bedroll are we discussing? The one from Complete Mage?

Nope, from Magic Item Compendium.

Doc Roc
2011-02-19, 02:33 AM
Nope, from Magic Item Compendium.

So not the one that lets you recycle spells with rapidity?

2011-02-19, 02:35 AM
So not the one that lets you recycle spells with rapidity?

Nope, the one you can actually sleep in every night and everyone can get a benefit from. I wasn't even aware of the one you mentioned.

2011-02-19, 02:36 AM
Nope. It just has a continual Endure Elements effect and gives an additional hitpoint per character level back when you sleep a full 8 hours in it. It's also only 500 gp as opposed to the 3000gp of the Fortifying Bedroll.

Doc Roc
2011-02-19, 03:23 AM
Nope. It just has a continual Endure Elements effect and gives an additional hitpoint per character level back when you sleep a full 8 hours in it. It's also only 500 gp as opposed to the 3000gp of the Fortifying Bedroll.

All that given, I do think I prefer Heward's Fortifying Bedroll. The ability to rapidly refill spells, or reset them... It's just really charming to me.

2011-02-19, 03:44 AM
It's potentially pretty damned good, I'd say. A +4 armor is only 16k, while the closest equivalent, the minor Cloak of Displacement, is 24k. So it's cheaper if you don't need/want/intend to get any other armor enhancements.
True, but that's a big "if." Considering e.g. Soulfire and Freedom, also both from this thread.

I'll just remove the reference about the initiator level requirement, not my job to tell DMs whether to allow it.

Hmm. Is there something available aside from the Handy Haversack, the various Bags of Holding, and the Portable Hole? Those make a rather sparse list.

I usually just take a HHH and call it a day...
For the true pack rat character, the Belt of Many Pockets (not to be confused with the Belt of Hidden Pockets) is a good upgrade to HHH. Complete Arcane, IIRC. 64 cubic feet and 640 pounds of capacity, and still with the whole "draw an item with no attack of opportunity provoked" thing.

The Gleaming armor enhancement (from XPH) is better than Greater Blurring (continuous concealment, no need to use an action to activate it every 10 minutes). Same price too.
Two minor quibbles here:

Greater Blurring is nice in that you can purchase it in steps, starting with Blurring (which is pretty weak) before adding the upgrade.
If you want to use your concealment to Hide, your DM might rule that the flashes of light mentioned in Gleaming's flavor text are counterproductive.

All that given, I do think I prefer Heward's Fortifying Bedroll. The ability to rapidly refill spells, or reset them... It's just really charming to me.
Magic Bedroll is very nice at the very low levels, where you can't afford Heward's Fortifying Bedroll yet and Endure Elements is still a painful spell slot to give up. But once you're past Level 5 or so, yeah, there's no contest: HFB is better for any character with daily abilities.

HMS Invincible
2011-02-19, 05:10 AM
I approve of this thread.

2011-02-19, 01:45 PM
Under Fear Immunity, a Minor Schema (MoE 122) of Heroes' Feast costs 26,400 GP, but you can split the cost among the entire party, because it benefits everyone. You just need someone capable of using it, which means someone who can use bard spells, cleric spells, or UMD.

2011-02-19, 03:23 PM
Why you need it: Death effects kill you.

I'll be honest, I lol'd. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-19, 05:28 PM
He means the Shroud of Night which gives you the use of the Dancing Shadows mystery 1/day. It also lets you use Shadow Skin 1/day (gives DR, I think), and gives a +2 Deflection bonus to AC. Cost is 10,160gp.
Ah. I see it. Was looking for something that gave Flicker.

But, erm... I'm not loving it. Standard action command activation, once per day, Dancing Shadows last for 5 rounds? =/

A good thing, I brought you one (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=350.0).

Glyphseals are one of my essentials, by the by. Just give them a read. MIC.
I'm aware of BBB, but I was trying to accomplish something different. BBB is a list of cost-effective items for each slot, I am trying to list functional items for each purpose. For example, the Amulet of Tears is a good, cheap neck slot item... but it isn't exactly plugging any build holes.

And yeah, Glyph Seals are... powerful.

True, but that's a big "if." Considering e.g. Soulfire and Freedom, also both from this thread.True. Still, I don't think it belongs in a worse category than the minor cloak.

For the true pack rat character, the Belt of Many Pockets (not to be confused with the Belt of Hidden Pockets) is a good upgrade to HHH. Complete Arcane, IIRC. 64 cubic feet and 640 pounds of capacity, and still with the whole "draw an item with no attack of opportunity provoked" thing.
4 items. Enough for a list?

The Gleaming armor enhancement (from XPH) is better than Greater Blurring (continuous concealment, no need to use an action to activate it every 10 minutes). Same price too.

Two minor quibbles here:

Greater Blurring is nice in that you can purchase it in steps, starting with Blurring (which is pretty weak) before adding the upgrade.
If you want to use your concealment to Hide, your DM might rule that the flashes of light mentioned in Gleaming's flavor text are counterproductive.

Let's leave it to the buyers. :smalltongue:

Under Fear Immunity, a Minor Schema (MoE 122) of Heroes' Feast costs 26,400 GP, but you can split the cost among the entire party, because it benefits everyone. You just need someone capable of using it, which means someone who can use bard spells, cleric spells, or UMD.

Consider it added!

Doc Roc
2011-02-19, 05:30 PM
Hum, we should try and pull together the short list for daze immunity, neh? I don't think that's collected anywhere.... Might be easier to just pull together the short list for access to off-list spells. This I can do, if you would like.

2011-02-20, 08:09 PM
What about Wings of Flying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#wingsofFlying) or psychoactive skins (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#psychoactiveSkins)? The Psychoactive Skin of Proteus (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#skinofProteus) is very versatile in its forms, though expensive.

Consider effects from The IP Proofing Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=11073.msg379512#msg379512).

2011-02-21, 06:28 PM
For the true pack rat character, the Belt of Many Pockets (not to be confused with the Belt of Hidden Pockets) is a good upgrade to HHH. Complete Arcane, IIRC. 64 cubic feet and 640 pounds of capacity, and still with the whole "draw an item with no attack of opportunity provoked" thing.

You can still include the Belt of Hidden Pockets, as they both have HHH's move to draw with no AoO. The BoHP is also half the cost, at 5k for 150 lbs of storage, compared to 11k for 640 lbs. Whether the BoHP is worth upgrading from the HHH for 30 pounds of extra carrying, I leave to the consumer. :smallwink:

2011-02-22, 05:24 AM
Novice Ring of the Diamond Mind of Mind over Body (ToB). 3000 GP. 1/encounter (more often if you have a recovery method) spend an immediate action to make a Concetration check instead of a Fortitude save. While this technically isn't "immunity" to almost anything that allows a Fortitude save (including but not limited to most death effects, stunning effects, ability draining effects, energy draining effects, and negative energy effects, as well as quite a few paralysis-causing and movement-impeding effects), if you have Concentration as a class skill and invest in a competence bonus item later, it might as well be.

Novice Ring of the Diamond Mind of Moment of Perfect Mind (ToB). 3000 GP. As above, but for anything that allows a Will save (e.g.- scrying, most mind-affecting effects, illusions provided you already suspect something's up, and a host of other nasty effects). In fact, because of the loose way "encounters" are defined outside of combat, this possibly amounts to a continuous anti-scrying item for ridiculously cheap.

2011-02-22, 11:05 AM
Hum, we should try and pull together the short list for daze immunity, neh? I don't think that's collected anywhere.... Might be easier to just pull together the short list for access to off-list spells. This I can do, if you would like.
Coverage on daze immunity would be appreciated, yes. Without sailing into the murky waters of custom items, I only know of exactly one item that can get you out of the condition (the Third Eye Clarity), and that isn't even immunity.

A list of ways to get spells that aren't on your list would be useful, but probably beyond the scope of this thread.

What about Wings of Flying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#wingsofFlying) or psychoactive skins (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#psychoactiveSkins)? The Psychoactive Skin of Proteus (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#skinofProteus) is very versatile in its forms, though expensive.
Wow, I forgot about the Wings of Flying? :smallbiggrin:
Will add.

Psychoactive skins (including the Skin of Proteus) are useful, but rather unfocused for what I'm trying to assemble here. The only one that can provide the specific kind of utility I am looking for is the Proteus skin, which can provide 24/7 flight. Can you think of more generic uses for it?
While I'm on the Proteus skin... what are the rules from switching from form to form with it? :smallconfused:

Consider effects from The IP Proofing Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=11073.msg379512#msg379512).
Sounds like a useful resource in making. More focused on helping the high tiers use their abilities than it is to get those who don't have any abilities some abilities, but there is bound to be some overlap.

Spellblades remind me... dispel magic, and protection against it. That's something you need to have, or you're dead.

And anti-transmutations... looks like I'm heading towards a Miscellany section after all.

You can still include the Belt of Hidden Pockets, as they both have HHH's move to draw with no AoO. The BoHP is also half the cost, at 5k for 150 lbs of storage, compared to 11k for 640 lbs. Whether the BoHP is worth upgrading from the HHH for 30 pounds of extra carrying, I leave to the consumer. :smallwink:

Storage space section, coming up.

Novice Ring of the Diamond Mind of Mind over Body (ToB). 3000 GP. 1/encounter (more often if you have a recovery method) spend an immediate action to make a Concetration check instead of a Fortitude save. While this technically isn't "immunity" to almost anything that allows a Fortitude save (including but not limited to most death effects, stunning effects, ability draining effects, energy draining effects, and negative energy effects, as well as quite a few paralysis-causing and movement-impeding effects), if you have Concentration as a class skill and invest in a competence bonus item later, it might as well be.

Novice Ring of the Diamond Mind of Moment of Perfect Mind (ToB). 3000 GP. As above, but for anything that allows a Will save (e.g.- scrying, most mind-affecting effects, illusions provided you already suspect something's up, and a host of other nasty effects). In fact, because of the loose way "encounters" are defined outside of combat, this possibly amounts to a continuous anti-scrying item for ridiculously cheap.
Damn, these things are cheap.

I'll try to find some place to put them (along with the Headband of Conscious Effort).

Doc Roc
2011-02-22, 12:11 PM
You can also get a minor schema for favor of the martyr, but drakehelms and the ring of theurgy will both get you it from off-list.

2011-02-22, 12:50 PM
Hmm... useful guide. Are you planning on expanding it to encompass things like immunity to ability damage and stuff like that?

2011-02-22, 06:36 PM
Some defensive items I'm a fan of:

Boots of Sidestepping (3kgp, Dungeonscape): Whenever you have to make a reflex save vs a spell, spell like ability, or supernatural effect, you get to move 5' as an immediate action. If this means the effect can't hurt you anymore, you don't get hit at all. Really cheap and provides near immunity to many traps, plus in confined areas it means you can possibly dodge behind cover to be safe from reflex based spells (remember, the more cover you have the better the bonus to reflex saves).

Sandals of the Setting Sun: Counter Charge (3kgp, ToB): Spoil one charge once per encounter. Works best if you're small with high dex. It can really save your bacon!

Steadfast Boots (MiC, 1400gp): Any two handed weapon you wield is automatically readied against the charge and does double damage in that situation. Combined with a Guisarme with Improved Trip or the Standstill feat it's basically a guaranteed charge spoiler. Note that when combined with the Sandals above, you can hit them, THEN stop the charge.

Dimension Stride Boots (MiC, 2kgp): Teleport 5 times per day as a standard action (and +2 Jump). Guaranteed escape artist success!

Note that it's not too expensive to combine all these into a single pair of boots.

Ring of Entropic Deflection (8kgp): If you move more than 10' in a round and have a magic item that boosts your movement speed, all ranged attacks against you that need an attack roll have a 50% miss chance

Ring of Spell Battle (12kgp): Automatically know about all casting within 60' of you, once per day can counter one spell (as with dispel magic) or retarget the spell onto any legal target.


2011-02-25, 08:51 PM
Some defensive items I'm a fan of:

Boots of Sidestepping (3kgp, Dungeonscape): Whenever you have to make a reflex save vs a spell, spell like ability, or supernatural effect, you get to move 5' as an immediate action. If this means the effect can't hurt you anymore, you don't get hit at all. Really cheap and provides near immunity to many traps, plus in confined areas it means you can possibly dodge behind cover to be safe from reflex based spells (remember, the more cover you have the better the bonus to reflex saves).

Sandals of the Setting Sun: Counter Charge (3kgp, ToB): Spoil one charge once per encounter. Works best if you're small with high dex. It can really save your bacon!

Steadfast Boots (MiC, 1400gp): Any two handed weapon you wield is automatically readied against the charge and does double damage in that situation. Combined with a Guisarme with Improved Trip or the Standstill feat it's basically a guaranteed charge spoiler. Note that when combined with the Sandals above, you can hit them, THEN stop the charge.

Dimension Stride Boots (MiC, 2kgp): Teleport 5 times per day as a standard action (and +2 Jump). Guaranteed escape artist success!

Note that it's not too expensive to combine all these into a single pair of boots.

Ring of Entropic Deflection (8kgp): If you move more than 10' in a round and have a magic item that boosts your movement speed, all ranged attacks against you that need an attack roll have a 50% miss chance

Ring of Spell Battle (12kgp): Automatically know about all casting within 60' of you, once per day can counter one spell (as with dispel magic) or retarget the spell onto any legal target.

Dimension Stride Boots are already in the OP, the Ring of Spell-Battle will be put in the upcoming "Dispel Magic" list.

The others - well, they'll probably end up on the Miscellany list. :smalltongue:

You can also get a minor schema for favor of the martyr, but drakehelms and the ring of theurgy will both get you it from off-list.
The minor schema is now in the OP, along with the Third Eye Clarity and *shudder* a continuous custom item of Favor of the Martyr. Drakehelms and the Ring of Theurgy went to an "other" category - they help, but they're really indirect about it.

For completeness, I will put together what I hope is a fairly exhaustive list of ways to get daze immunity in my next post. Let me know if there's something you (plural) find missing.

Hmm... useful guide. Are you planning on expanding it to encompass things like immunity to ability damage and stuff like that?
I am expanding it, yes.

Immunity to ability damage is hard to get from items, though. Talisman of Undying Fortitude covers the physical ability scores, not sure how much else there is.

2011-02-25, 08:53 PM
For those that weren't satisfied by the methods in the actual list, here's a list of ways to obtain daze immunity (and other things that may prevent daze from ruining your day):
Spell: Favor of the Martyr, Paladin 4 spell from the Spell Compendium. It is a reprinting of the Favor of Ilmater spell from the Player's Guide to Faerūn. Usually the easiest way to get daze immunity is to get this spell in one form or another.
Feat: Mark of the Dauntless, from Dragonmarked. Flat-out immunity to stun and daze, has a true dragonmark as a prerequisite.
Feat: Quick Recovery. Does not in any way prevent the daze from being applied, but it allows you to save against it, even if the original effect didn't allow one.
Template: The fire-souled template, from Dragon Magazine 314. Blanket immunity. LA+3.
Magic Item: Third Eye Clarity, from the Magic Item Compendium. 1/day, negate the condition as an immediate action.
Spell: Permissive readings of the Freedom of Movement spell/effect.
Spell: The Heal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/heal.htm), Healing Lorecall (Spell Compendium), Panacea (Spell Compendium) and Renewal Pact (Spell Compendium) spells can remove the condition after it has been applied - the problematic part is getting them when you can't take any actions. Renewal Pact is a permanent-duration thing you cast in advance (of limited use, though, since the dazed condition tends to only last one round, and there is a 1-round delay on the Pact), for the others you will need either an ally to cast it on you or some kind of contingent effect or other trick.
Soulmeld: the lawful version of Incarnate Avatar renders you immune. As far as I know, not accessible unless you are a single-classed, 19th level lawful Incarnate or have spent an Epic feat on unlocking the Soul chakra.

2011-10-31, 09:56 PM
Storage space section, coming up.

The enveloping pit from the MIC is freaking WONDERFUL. It's alignment specific, but you can either have the alignment or have someone fake it with UMD. But its 3600 gold for a portable hole that's 10'x10'x50' deep. And if you can get the relic power you're even better!

2011-10-31, 10:04 PM
id just like to say thanks for writing this thread, its been amazing resource for me :smallbiggrin:

cheers Ernir

2011-10-31, 10:12 PM
To those that read this: Please point it out if there are more items that provide the stuff in the pre-existing categories, AND if you think there are some new categories I should include.
As for items. Something that provides True Seeing: The Eye of Vecna. I want to say it's in the DMG under the relics guideline. It's a magic item as far as I'm concerned.

You find it, put it in your eye, take a small hit to charisma, and become evil. It gives you true seeing, and some daily spell abilities.

2011-10-31, 11:13 PM
Woha. Hello old guy!

Mods, any chance of treating this as a Raise Dead rather than an Animate Dead? Seeing as I'm still here and accepting updates, and a closure and a reopening would break some links? :smalleek:

As for items. Something that provides True Seeing: The Eye of Vecna. I want to say it's in the DMG under the relics guideline. It's a magic item as far as I'm concerned.

You find it, put it in your eye, take a small hit to charisma, and become evil. It gives you true seeing, and some daily spell abilities.
It's not a relic, unfortunately, but a Greater Artifact. That kind of pushes it out of scope.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.

id just like to say thanks for writing this thread, its been amazing resource for me :smallbiggrin:

cheers Ernir
*bow* :smallbiggrin:

The enveloping pit from the MIC is freaking WONDERFUL. It's alignment specific, but you can either have the alignment or have someone fake it with UMD. But its 3600 gold for a portable hole that's 10'x10'x50' deep. And if you can get the relic power you're even better!
Nice find!


2011-11-01, 01:39 AM
I'd like to echo others and give a big thank you for writing this up. It's really useful and I have it bookmarked for future reference.

Question for my group that uses Pathfinder though. Do the prices of these items match up with the Pathfinder pricing system and/or are there any other problems with porting them over to Pathfinder?

2011-11-01, 08:26 AM
I'd like to echo others and give a big thank you for writing this up. It's really useful and I have it bookmarked for future reference.

Question for my group that uses Pathfinder though. Do the prices of these items match up with the Pathfinder pricing system and/or are there any other problems with porting them over to Pathfinder?
I'm not very familiar with the changes PF made to items. I just looked at the prices of some of the core items, though, and those were unchanged. So it looks like the value of the GP didn't change from 3.5 to PF.

Basket Burner
2011-11-01, 10:25 AM
The value of the items themselves often did though, at least in regards to defensive items. Things that granted an immunity no longer doing so for example, rendering that manner of defense pointless.

2011-11-01, 10:32 AM
I just want to point out that under Flight:Cheap, you listed an "Amber Amulet of Vermin: Giant Vasp". I've never heard of a Vasp before. Where are they statted?

2011-11-01, 12:51 PM
I just want to point out that under Flight:Cheap, you listed an "Amber Amulet of Vermin: Giant Vasp". I've never heard of a Vasp before. Where are they statted?

It's in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/giantWasp.htm), and in the first Monster Manual.

Edit: I got it.

Claudius Maximus
2011-11-01, 01:57 PM
Would Initiative boosting items have a place here? They're not quite as necessary as some of the examples here, but at high levels the game gets pretty rocket-taggy, so going first can have a big effect. I know it was pretty useful in the Test of Spite, for example.

Basket Burner
2011-11-01, 02:42 PM
Would Initiative boosting items have a place here? They're not quite as necessary as some of the examples here, but at high levels the game gets pretty rocket-taggy, so going first can have a big effect. I know it was pretty useful in the Test of Spite, for example.

I don't think he is listing basic stat items. He really should, as just because they're more obvious doesn't make them less necessary and there are still plenty that falsely believe that stat boosters are not necessary.

Claudius Maximus
2011-11-01, 03:57 PM
I wasn't counting Initiative as a basic stat like an ability score. It has a more specialized importance depending on things like optimization. I think ability score boosters are simply assumed.

Although, adding a stat boost category makes room for exotic and/or really good sources of to be listed. Like that armor quality that adds a +4 competence bonus to charisma. I'd understand though if this thread is supposed to be more focused than "all of the good items."

Basket Burner
2011-11-01, 05:52 PM
I wasn't counting Initiative as a basic stat like an ability score. It has a more specialized importance depending on things like optimization. I think ability score boosters are simply assumed.

Although, adding a stat boost category makes room for exotic and/or really good sources of to be listed. Like that armor quality that adds a +4 competence bonus to charisma. I'd understand though if this thread is supposed to be more focused than "all of the good items."

What I mean is that while +x to y stat items are clearly useful and necessary, the thread seems to be focused on lateral items. Immunities, utility, and the like that is still necessary.

While I agree those things should be included, I can see why they are not.

Claudius Maximus
2011-11-01, 07:44 PM
I see what you mean there. I see we don't have AC, CL, or save boosters either. So something that simply obviated initiative would be more appropriate. And I can't think of any of those that are best in item form, other than maybe a crafted Contingent Celerity or some kind of insane continuous Shapechange item.

What about means to escape death or disaster, in case you die in spite of all the rest of the stuff in the OP? Reroll-granters, contingent resurrection plans (Craft Contingency + Revivify is technically an item) and so forth.

Or perhaps anti-stealth items, like those that grant things like Blindsight, Blindsense, Tremorsense, and Scent. True Seeing won't save you from everyone.

2011-11-01, 08:01 PM
Not an item, so probably doesn't belong on the list, but worth mentioning the Necropolitan template in Libris Mortis, with rules and costs for any character who wants to add it mid game (1k gold, about a level's worth of xp, min level 3). Grants the undead type with all the usual benefits and penalties, including immunities to many of the effects this list concerns itself with, as well as the usual drawbacks (d12 hit die + no con mod is a neutral or positive trade for most arcane types, and even some diviners or skill monkeys, but bruisers are likely taking a hit to their HP; plus vulnerability to turning/rebuking, death at 0 hp, opposite effects from heal & inflict spells, etc).

It can be a good choice for characters looking to snag immunity to a pile of these effects independent of class features or feats and at a cost far below that of most of these items. Loss of xp is a pain, the whole party doesn't want to go necro all at the same time, but you will earn it back in a couple levels.

Since it has a GP cost and is independent of other race/class/feat concerns, many players might consider it alongside items in their heads.

2011-11-01, 08:08 PM
What's the armor that gives +4 competence to charisma? This intrigues me.

Claudius Maximus
2011-11-01, 09:08 PM
Command from Defenders of the Faith. I haven't seen any evidence of it being reprinted, but I have not had the time to check all books, so I'm not totally sure yet. The MIC's apparent attempt to nerf it actually failed, as the new one has a different name, leaving the old one apparently legal, if mildly shady. Sort of like that Sudden Stunning enhancement from DMGII.

DotF has a lot of interesting/amazing items that nobody ever seems to bring up, like a prosthetic arm that gives a +2 untyped bonus to strength and dexterity, an armor enhancement that adds a free Enervation effect to every shield bash or touch attack you make (great on unarmed characters!), an armor enhancement that forces every enemy who attacks you to save vs. a charm effect every hit (it'll work eventually?), and insanest of all, an armor of continuous 3.0 Haste. That one doesn't work any more, but really, what must they have possibly been thinking there?

Basket Burner
2011-11-02, 09:22 AM
Isn't that the one with the weapon enchantment that heals half the damage you deal?

2011-11-02, 10:50 AM
Isn't that the one with the weapon enchantment that heals half the damage you deal?

Vampiric, +2, IIRC MiC, adds 1d6 and you heal the 1d6 so hardly "effective" on anything but TO builds with hundreds of attacks per round. Also, though not official, is usually seen as evil.

Doc Roc
2011-11-02, 10:52 AM
Isn't that the one with the weapon enchantment that heals half the damage you deal?

You're thinking of Wrathful Healing. Source eludes me.

Basket Burner
2011-11-02, 12:36 PM
You're thinking of Wrathful Healing. Source eludes me.

Yes, that one. I think it is DotF.

2011-11-02, 01:30 PM
You're thinking of Wrathful Healing. Source eludes me.

It's in Enemies and Allies. Love that book. :smallwink:

I see what you mean there. I see we don't have AC, CL, or save boosters either. So something that simply obviated initiative would be more appropriate. And I can't think of any of those that are best in item form, other than maybe a crafted Contingent Celerity or some kind of insane continuous Shapechange item.

Polymorphing into a Dire Tortoise is usually the way people go about that.

2011-11-03, 02:05 PM
Wow!, this thread is a great way to quicky fixing your basic needs.

How about adding a category for classes or class specific mechanics? Liek perma invisibility or something for rogues, the many times mentioned save boosters, enemy specific items (liek versus undead, use this, versus x, use y).

also have a cookie for this thread...

2011-11-03, 03:50 PM
Belt of Battle (MIC) should be in here somewhere, probably in the other section. There's not many ways of getting extra actions.

2011-11-03, 10:48 PM
I don't think he is listing basic stat items. He really should, as just because they're more obvious doesn't make them less necessary and there are still plenty that falsely believe that stat boosters are not necessary.
They are important, but they are some of the best-known items in the game, and they're just right there in the DMG. I think listing them would be superfluous.

Would Initiative boosting items have a place here? They're not quite as necessary as some of the examples here, but at high levels the game gets pretty rocket-taggy, so going first can have a big effect. I know it was pretty useful in the Test of Spite, for example.
Hmm, perhaps. Technically it's just another plus on a roll, but it's the one roll (virtually) everyone is guaranteed to have to make at the start of every single battle, and it's pivotally important to make it. And not everyone has in-class ways to boost it.

Yeah, I think it's a fit.

I see what you mean there. I see we don't have AC, CL, or save boosters either. So something that simply obviated initiative would be more appropriate. And I can't think of any of those that are best in item form, other than maybe a crafted Contingent Celerity or some kind of insane continuous Shapechange item.
Might be good, but as you said, we don't really have much to list here.

What about means to escape death or disaster, in case you die in spite of all the rest of the stuff in the OP? Reroll-granters, contingent resurrection plans (Craft Contingency + Revivify is technically an item) and so forth.

Or perhaps anti-stealth items, like those that grant things like Blindsight, Blindsense, Tremorsense, and Scent. True Seeing won't save you from everyone.
Panic buttons? Those we have a few of, scattered about. I'll see what I can dig up.

Alternate sight modes could make a rather fat list too.

Thanks for the suggestions. :smallsmile:

DotF has a lot of interesting/amazing items that nobody ever seems to bring up, like a prosthetic arm that gives a +2 untyped bonus to strength and dexterity, an armor enhancement that adds a free Enervation effect to every shield bash or touch attack you make (great on unarmed characters!), an armor enhancement that forces every enemy who attacks you to save vs. a charm effect every hit (it'll work eventually?), and insanest of all, an armor of continuous 3.0 Haste. That one doesn't work any more, but really, what must they have possibly been thinking there?
Many interesting ones, yes. I was really surprised when I first read it.

Most of them are seriously expensive, though. I've mentioned three items from the book in the thread so far, but only two made it out of the "not recommended" category.

Wow!, this thread is a great way to quicky fixing your basic needs.
Thanks. :smallsmile:

How about adding a category for classes or class specific mechanics? Liek perma invisibility or something for rogues, the many times mentioned save boosters, enemy specific items (liek versus undead, use this, versus x, use y).
Those kind of item lists would be more appropriate in individual class handbooks, I think. The items I've been listing so far may be more useful to some classes than to others (the example I've used before - flight-enabling items are less useful to Warlocks and DFAs than to others, due to them having very strong in-class ways to get off the ground), but it's still, in principle, a general list.

"Lists of Necessary Magic Items by Party Role" could be a useful thread, but I don't think this is it.

Belt of Battle (MIC) should be in here somewhere, probably in the other section. There's not many ways of getting extra actions.

Yep. It's going to end up on the initiative list too.

So, I have:
Dispelling and defenses against it (I actually have a bit of this already, but I see that I never finished it. Lazy me. :smallconfused:)
Panic buttons
Alternate perception modes

I'll get some work done on this in the weekend.

Claudius Maximus
2011-11-04, 05:09 PM
Some initiative items off the top of my head:

Ring of Anticipation (DoTU). 6000 gp. Ring slot. Roll all initiative checks twice. This is by far my favorite initiative item.
Helm of Righteous War (CChamp) 5000 gp. Head slot. +2 insight bonus.
Sandals of the Vagabond (CChamp) 4000 gp. Feet slot. +2 luck bonus.
+1 Eager Warning Shuriken (MIC) 366 gp, 2 sp. +5 insight, +2 untyped. No slot per se, but must be held/wielded. Extremely cost-effective, with the little trick of using the ammo enchanting rules to divide the cost by 50.
Roaring Armor (MIC) +3 bonus, armor enhancement. +4 competence bonus. Rather expensive IMO.
Bracers of Blinding Strike (MIC) 5000 gp. Arms slot. +2 competence bonus. Doesn't stack with Belt of Battle, so I guess it probably won't see too much use in init optimization.
Bracers of the Blinding Strike (MoF). 102000 gp. Arms slot. "The benefits of the Improved Initiative feat". Amusingly, the slightly different name means that the above MIC item didn't replace this. Way expensive in any case.
Dragonfly Medallion (A&EG) 29760 gp. Neck slot? Grants Improved Initiative or a +1 competence bonus if you already have it (blech). Not the best, but it's the only item source of the feat I know of that isn't 100k+, so it might be used for prereqs and such.

And the Belt of Battle of course. I'm sure there are plenty others. Feel free to include or cut any of them, as you see fit.

2011-11-04, 05:12 PM
Turning into a Dire Tortoise is good for initiative.

2011-11-04, 10:21 PM
On a boring level, of course anything that boosts DEX also boosts Initiative.

+1 Eager Warning Shuriken (MIC) 366 gp, 2 sp. +5 insight, +2 untyped. No slot per se, but must be held/wielded. Extremely cost-effective, with the little trick of using the ammo enchanting rules to divide the cost by 50.
Eager and Warning both deserve to be mentioned, but this particular trick absolutely doesn't work. Eager is a melee-only enhancement. Shuriken are not melee weapons.

+1 Warning Shuriken is still amazing for its cost if your cheese tolerance is high enough, though.

Bracers of Blinding Strike (MIC) 5000 gp. Arms slot. +2 competence bonus. Doesn't stack with Belt of Battle, so I guess it probably won't see too much use in init optimization.
Unless the Belt is banned, as it is when I DM.

2011-11-06, 11:39 PM
I updated the main post, managed to get the Dispel and Initiative out of the way.

Remaining to-do list:

Panic buttons
Alternate perception modes

Some initiative items off the top of my head:

Ring of Anticipation (DoTU). 6000 gp. Ring slot. Roll all initiative checks twice. This is by far my favorite initiative item.
Helm of Righteous War (CChamp) 5000 gp. Head slot. +2 insight bonus.
Sandals of the Vagabond (CChamp) 4000 gp. Feet slot. +2 luck bonus.
+1 Eager Warning Shuriken (MIC) 366 gp, 2 sp. +5 insight, +2 untyped. No slot per se, but must be held/wielded. Extremely cost-effective, with the little trick of using the ammo enchanting rules to divide the cost by 50.
Roaring Armor (MIC) +3 bonus, armor enhancement. +4 competence bonus. Rather expensive IMO.
Bracers of Blinding Strike (MIC) 5000 gp. Arms slot. +2 competence bonus. Doesn't stack with Belt of Battle, so I guess it probably won't see too much use in init optimization.
Bracers of the Blinding Strike (MoF). 102000 gp. Arms slot. "The benefits of the Improved Initiative feat". Amusingly, the slightly different name means that the above MIC item didn't replace this. Way expensive in any case.
Dragonfly Medallion (A&EG) 29760 gp. Neck slot? Grants Improved Initiative or a +1 competence bonus if you already have it (blech). Not the best, but it's the only item source of the feat I know of that isn't 100k+, so it might be used for prereqs and such.

And the Belt of Battle of course. I'm sure there are plenty others. Feel free to include or cut any of them, as you see fit.
Thanks, this was a great help.

Turning into a Dire Tortoise is good for initiative.

It is, but do you have an item for that? :smalltongue:

Claudius Maximus
2011-11-07, 12:23 AM
For dispelling weapons, Suppression (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/weapons.htm#suppression) is often a good choice if you have ML. No activation cost, and it works on every hit for a melee weapon.

2011-11-07, 01:54 AM
For dispelling weapons, Suppression (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/weapons.htm#suppression) is often a good choice if you have ML. No activation cost, and it works on every hit for a melee weapon.

Yes, this one is AWESOME. I'm so glad MIC's "fix" of certain items "missed" this one. (Unlike Sudden Stunning vs. Stunning Surge, which was actually a good fix.)

2011-11-07, 02:26 AM
Wand of Nerveskitter (SpC). 750GP, held. One of the reasons spellcasters win at initiative, this grants a +5 untyped bonus on initiative. A perfect fit for a Wand Bracer (DSc). Note that the Rules Compendium made the activation time of wands equal to the spell's normal casting time (in this case, an immediate action).

There's a problem with such a wand.
“Unlike other immediate actions, you can cast this spell while flat-footed.” There's no allowance to activate any item when you're flat-footed, even if you would be allowed to cast a spell that the item contains. So a wand of Nerveskitter is useless.

2011-11-07, 02:34 AM
There's a problem with such a wand. There's no allowance to activate any item when you're flat-footed, even if you would be allowed to cast a spell that the item contains. So a wand of Nerveskitter is useless.

There are plenty of immediate action magic items.

edit: nm, irrelevant to this discussion.

2011-11-07, 02:37 AM
There are plenty of immediate action magic items.
Yes, and none of them can be activated when you're flat-footed. Since Nerveskitter only works when you're flat-footed, an item containing that spell, which you cannot activate then, is useless.

2011-11-07, 02:38 AM
Yes, and none of them can be activated when you're flat-footed. Since Nerveskitter only works when you're flat-footed, an item containing that spell, which you cannot activate then, is useless.

Bah, you caught me mid-edit. That's what happens when I post this late :p

Of course, that isn't to say that I've ever met a DM that actually ruled that way. Most take the "same casting time" thing pretty seriously, so when you have a spell that ignores certain initiative rules, the item that duplicates the spell does too.

2011-11-07, 12:46 PM

2011-11-07, 12:57 PM
{Scrub the post, scrub the quote}

For the win and for the character are not mutually exclusive playstyles. They can coexist in the same player/character. If you don't like powergamers, then don't play with them. Don't go out of your way to ruin our fun or chastise us for not playing the game "right."

Doc Roc
2011-11-07, 01:35 PM
For the win and for the character are not mutually exclusive playstyles. They can coexist in the same player/character. If you don't like powergamers, then don't play with them. Don't go out of your way to ruin our fun or chastise us for not playing the game "right."

To phrase it a bit more directly, I think it would be out of character for an arch-mage to suck at magic. I just want to be fabulously arch-magical. Is that so wrong?

Keld Denar
2011-11-07, 01:49 PM
And how is this list at all for "power gamers"? Its a list of common weaknesses, and their common cures. If your DM assigns all of your treasure, this list doesn't affect you. If you have any say in what treasure your character gets, its a good idea to keep this list in mind. Why wouldn't your character want to acknowledge his weaknesses and try to make amends? Your fighter gets dominated in 4 straight encounters, so he tries to find an item to keep evil spellcasters out of his head. Your wizard is sickly, so he makes sure that he has magic to protect him from dark forces that try to snuff it out.

Basically, if you are gonna say that someone else's idea of "fun" is invalid, then you need to watch where you ride your high horse.

2011-11-07, 03:59 PM
Yeah. The fact is, your character having character (seewhatididthere?) does not stop them from being build and equipped in a way that makes them able to contribute and survive. Unless you're playing someone dense, suicidal, or masochistic, there's little reason for not optimizing to whatever extent is possible. Some of the optimizing things aren't even in-character tactics, in which case it doesn't matter at all what sort of personality your character has (example: Luck feats).

2011-11-07, 04:50 PM
Command from Defenders of the Faith. I haven't seen any evidence of it being reprinted, but I have not had the time to check all books, so I'm not totally sure yet.

It was updated in the Arms & Equipment Guide. They changed the wording slightly, now it gives a +4 competence bonus to Charisma-based checks. You could buy the +4 competence bonus for each Cha-based skill and only spend about 3200 GP, less if you ignore the skills you never roll (I'm looking at you, Profession). The +2 morale bonus to all allies within 30' is somewhat useful, but if you have any clerics in the party casting bless or bards with inspire courage, then it's probably redundant.

DotF has a lot of interesting/amazing items that nobody ever seems to bring up, like a prosthetic arm that gives a +2 untyped bonus to strength and dexterity

Well, you still have to lose one of your arms first.

an armor enhancement that adds a free Enervation effect to every shield bash or touch attack you make (great on unarmed characters!)

Unfortunately, they nerfed the shield bash effect in the 3.0 errata. However, they left the touch/unarmed strike version as-is... unlike the shield bash version, I think it's only 1/round, but I believe it's still a no-save effect.

an armor enhancement that forces every enemy who attacks you to save vs. a charm effect every hit (it'll work eventually?)

Will save DC is only 11, but yes, someone will eventually roll a 1. That was never udpated/errata'ed.

and insanest of all, an armor of continuous 3.0 Haste. That one doesn't work any more, but really, what must they have possibly been thinking there?

Speed enhancement was updated in the MIC. It's sucktastic now: swift action 3/day for 1 round of haste.

2011-11-07, 08:18 PM
(I'm looking at you, Profession).

Profession is Wisdom-based, unless y'mean the Profession(Oldest). :smalltongue:

2011-11-08, 09:01 PM
There's a problem with such a wand. There's no allowance to activate any item when you're flat-footed, even if you would be allowed to cast a spell that the item contains. So a wand of Nerveskitter is useless.

Hmm, I see what you mean. Activating a spell trigger item is not the same as casting a spell.

I moved the item further down the list and added a note regarding this.

2011-11-08, 10:04 PM
Eager is a melee-only enhancement. Shuriken are not melee weapons.

Aren't arrows given statlines as improvised melee weapons?

2011-11-08, 10:12 PM
Aren't arrows given statlines as improvised melee weapons?

Emphasis on "Improvised". Everything can be an improvised melee weapon, except things that are normally melee weapons. The restriction on "melee only" or "ranged only" is pointless if you allow improvised melee weapons to work for "melee only" enchantments, and improvised thrown weapons to work for "ranged only". Then you could put weapon enchantments on your armor, your shirt, your jar of toenail clippings, whatever.

2011-11-08, 10:17 PM
. Then you could put weapon enchantments on your armor, your shirt, your jar of toenail clippings, whatever.

Wait, you're saying I can't have vorpal toenail clippings? :smallfrown:

Claudius Maximus
2011-11-08, 11:29 PM
Yeah, sorry about that error. I'll try to actually research things if I ever dump items again.

2011-11-09, 12:28 AM
Yeah, sorry about that error. I'll try to actually research things if I ever dump items again.

Hey, no worries. It was still a great starting-list of initiative items, including some I had never heard of.

2011-12-09, 09:03 PM
Hey, no worries. It was still a great starting-list of initiative items, including some I had never heard of.
Especially the Ring of Anticipation is a GREAT item!

2012-04-03, 02:34 PM
Wonderful thread! Thank you so much. I always love item suggestions.

2012-04-20, 11:12 AM
I thought it was worth noting you could create a 2 charge overland flight spell item using the dmg rules for crafting magic items: 5 (spell level) * 9 (caster level) * 1,800 / 2.5 (5/number of uses a day) = 32,400, probably boots slot. This could conceivably last 18 hours of flight, but there's dispelling and you'll only have 40' (average) or 30' under medium or heavy load, or with medium or heavy armor. Cheaper, plus the slight bonus of falling safely for 1d6 rounds if dispelled. You could raise the caster level to 10, 11 or 12 and get 20, 22 or 24 hours for 36,000, 39,600, or 43,200 instead too, assuming you could find someone to make or buy it from.

2012-04-20, 03:55 PM
sure, but the winged mask is at-will, lasts long enough that you won't shouldn't need to refresh it during an encounter and, being emulation of the actual spell, can be used on the rest of the party. (while you wear it. that's a bit silly, I admit.)

UMD horseshoes of flame on yourself is the best idea, though.

2012-04-21, 06:43 AM
Great stuff! Thanks for posting the items which are required for magic and the site is very helpful.

2012-04-21, 08:03 PM
I thought it was worth noting you could create a 2 charge overland flight spell item using the dmg rules for crafting magic items: 5 (spell level) * 9 (caster level) * 1,800 / 2.5 (5/number of uses a day) = 32,400, probably boots slot. This could conceivably last 18 hours of flight, but there's dispelling and you'll only have 40' (average) or 30' under medium or heavy load, or with medium or heavy armor. Cheaper, plus the slight bonus of falling safely for 1d6 rounds if dispelled. You could raise the caster level to 10, 11 or 12 and get 20, 22 or 24 hours for 36,000, 39,600, or 43,200 instead too, assuming you could find someone to make or buy it from.

I think this is the method used to find the price of the Broom of Flying. It's effectively 1/day OLF, with some nuances whose net effect seems to have caused its price to have been rounded up.

But yes, the problem with an item like this is that the Winged Mask still completely blows it out of the water. =/

Great stuff! Thanks for posting the items which are required for magic and the site is very helpful.

Thanks. :smallsmile:

2012-04-22, 05:11 AM
In addition, miss chances resulting from Concealment mean you can not be Sneak Attacked.

Please forgive my ignorance, but could you point me to the rule you're referencing here?

2012-04-22, 05:20 AM
Please forgive my ignorance, but could you point me to the rule you're referencing here?
From the Rogue (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/rogue.htm) class description:

A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

2012-04-23, 06:48 PM
I don't know if you're still updating this Ernir, but would you consider a list of must-have wands for UMD?

I see that you already have wands in a few places, but... well, I don't know much about wands, but it seems to me there'd be more must-have wands out there.

2012-04-24, 09:04 AM
I don't know if you're still updating this Ernir, but would you consider a list of must-have wands for UMD?

I see that you already have wands in a few places, but... well, I don't know much about wands, but it seems to me there'd be more must-have wands out there.

The thread isn't dead.

But no, I don't think I'll be adding generally useful wands (unless/when I actually get around to that miscellany section I've mentioned a few times for the last year or so). As-is, I'm listing items by purpose, not by item type.

2012-04-27, 11:07 PM
Shadowy Diadem [Dragon Magic 103] grants Concealment AND Immunity to Energy Drain for 1 minute as a swift action 3/day. All for a mere 4.4k gold.

2012-04-28, 10:28 AM
You listed the Glove of Storing but not the Ring of Arming, which stores both weapons and armor, and fast-equips you with them (so you can go to, say, a nobles' ball, dress casually, and be ready in an instant when the monsters attack.) MIC, 5,000 gp, which is more expensive than either the Gloves of the Master Strategist, or Glamered armor, but provides some of the benefits of both.

If a DM doesn't like the Gloves of the Master Strategist for the reasons you listed, this is an alternative.

2012-04-28, 10:31 AM
Wait, you're saying I can't have vorpal toenail clippings? :smallfrown:

Can't wait to see the look on a player's face when that one goes down. "The elderly inventor, panicked at your sudden appearance, grabs the closest jar on the desk and flings it at you. It shatters, showering you with a bunch of toenail clippings. (rolls dice) Snick-snack, you are decapitated." :smallcool:

2012-04-28, 12:45 PM
It is, but do you have an item for that? :smalltongue:

Shapechange wand?

2012-04-28, 01:42 PM
Shapechange wand?

I'd love to see how you get a 9th level spell in a wand, which are limited to 4th level. You'd need a staff or scroll for that.

2012-04-28, 01:45 PM
I'd love to see how you get a 9th level spell in a wand, which are limited to 4th level. You'd need a staff or scroll for that.
Forgot that rule...

Shapechange staff, or polymorph, or PAO.

2012-04-28, 03:52 PM
I'd love to see how you get a 9th level spell in a wand, which are limited to 4th level. You'd need a staff or scroll for that.
A scepter would work also.

2012-04-28, 04:08 PM
Saves - empyreal armor. Get magic vestments and get up to +5 sacred bonus to saves. BoED +2

Barricade buckler - 3/day create a 5 by 5 wall of force for 1 min. Tunnel blocker supreme. 4165g

Transmuting weapon enhancement - Hit target and next turn overcome their DR regardless of what it is. Can't find any rule anywhere that it can't overcome DR/epic. +2

Ghost shroud - natural attacks hit incorporeal creatures and 1 def AC. 5k

Belt of ultimate athleticism - take 10 on some physical skill checks including tumble and 1/day take 20. 3.6k

Shirt of the leech - 3/day steal a heal spell within 30 feet. Don't be fooled by the ability to auto identity heal spells of 4th or lower, doesn't say you can't steal a Heal spell. Also gives touch spells a range of 30 feet....:smallbiggrin: 8k

Vampiric Torc - 2/day heal have of the dmg on your next melee hit. Even on constructs/undead etc. 5k

Skin of power damping - spells that have dice to roll deal minimum damage 3/day. 10k

Mantle of second chances - reroll a d20 once per day 12k

amulet of fortune prevailing - reroll save 1/day 5k

Sphere of awakening - awakens all within 60' burst.... Not enough? Removes all fatigue and exhaustion and makes them immune to said effects for 10 minutes. 1800g (too expensive? its as party item so split the cost :smalltongue:)

Eternal wands are probably worth their own section if you are so inclined.

Just a few gems I have written down. Not exactly sure where you'll put them all and I'm sure one or two at least have already been mentioned.

All items without a listed book should be from the MIC

2012-04-28, 06:58 PM
A scepter would work also.

Not quite, scepters only go up to 7th, which is still quite a bit but still not enough for Shapechange.

2012-04-30, 02:19 AM
This should so be a Handbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?board=77.0)!

2012-04-30, 09:51 AM
Not quite, scepters only go up to 7th, which is still quite a bit but still not enough for Shapechange.
Really? That's... interesting/dumb. Oh well.

2012-04-30, 12:56 PM
Really? That's... interesting/dumb. Oh well.

They're supposed to be a compromise between wands and staves, so it makes sense in that respect. You can still Polymorph with a Wand or Scepter and Limited Wish is the classic use of Scepters.

2012-05-10, 11:03 PM
Time to catch up on more of those subscribed threads!

As for the whole shapechange/PaO discussion... it's still not going to make a very good list. Should I just chuck it on to the initiative list? :smalltongue:

Shadowy Diadem [Dragon Magic 103] grants Concealment AND Immunity to Energy Drain for 1 minute as a swift action 3/day. All for a mere 4.4k gold.
Woah! Awesome!

I never really fished through Dragon Magic before. Found a find teleporting item too.

You listed the Glove of Storing but not the Ring of Arming, which stores both weapons and armor, and fast-equips you with them (so you can go to, say, a nobles' ball, dress casually, and be ready in an instant when the monsters attack.) MIC, 5,000 gp, which is more expensive than either the Gloves of the Master Strategist, or Glamered armor, but provides some of the benefits of both.

If a DM doesn't like the Gloves of the Master Strategist for the reasons you listed, this is an alternative.
Huh. Good enough. Added.

Saves - empyreal armor. Get magic vestments and get up to +5 sacred bonus to saves. BoED +2

Barricade buckler - 3/day create a 5 by 5 wall of force for 1 min. Tunnel blocker supreme. 4165g

Transmuting weapon enhancement - Hit target and next turn overcome their DR regardless of what it is. Can't find any rule anywhere that it can't overcome DR/epic. +2

Ghost shroud - natural attacks hit incorporeal creatures and 1 def AC. 5k

Belt of ultimate athleticism - take 10 on some physical skill checks including tumble and 1/day take 20. 3.6k

Shirt of the leech - 3/day steal a heal spell within 30 feet. Don't be fooled by the ability to auto identity heal spells of 4th or lower, doesn't say you can't steal a Heal spell. Also gives touch spells a range of 30 feet....:smallbiggrin: 8k

Vampiric Torc - 2/day heal have of the dmg on your next melee hit. Even on constructs/undead etc. 5k

Skin of power damping - spells that have dice to roll deal minimum damage 3/day. 10k

Mantle of second chances - reroll a d20 once per day 12k

amulet of fortune prevailing - reroll save 1/day 5k

Sphere of awakening - awakens all within 60' burst.... Not enough? Removes all fatigue and exhaustion and makes them immune to said effects for 10 minutes. 1800g (too expensive? its as party item so split the cost :smalltongue:)

Eternal wands are probably worth their own section if you are so inclined.

Just a few gems I have written down. Not exactly sure where you'll put them all and I'm sure one or two at least have already been mentioned.

All items without a listed book should be from the MIC
Thanks for the list.

Most/some of them should find their way on to the miscellany list, when/if I get around to it one day.

This should so be a Handbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?board=77.0)!
If I find my way over to the minmaxboards, sure.

Not going to happen until I really have this more or less completed, though. Maintaining threads on multiple forums is a real PitA. :smallsigh:

2012-05-11, 09:48 PM
Nice thread and good work!
I like the idea of using cool magic stuff without relying on items considered being banned by the DM (like, belt of battle).

One thing I must disagree:

The comparion between the ring of spell-battle and the ging of greater counterspells.
I consider the ring of greater counterspells as the better one between both of them.

1) You have the advantage of the ususal, core ring of counterspells. So, you have one free, automatic counterspell if you charge the ring with dispel magic or greater dispel magic.
2) The main ability of the ring of greater counterspells allows you to use a dispel effect similar to greater dispel magic.
Sure, you must still succeed on a CL-check. But you can apply a greater dispel effect while the ring of spell-battle goes only up to CL 10 (it is limited to a normal dispel magic spell).

Sure, the ring of spell-battle is a bit more versatile since you can just decide to redirect the spell instead of countering it. And you succeed automatically.

The ability to identify any spell being cast is not that worthy, IMHO.
Normally, as an arcane caster, you should accomplish in that discipline anyway.
Furthermore, you would make use of arcane sight on a daily routine.
At last,the ring of greater counterspells does not need any spellcraft check to identify the counterspelled spell.

Well, ideally, I would go so far and forge a perfect dispelling ring which consists of:
ring of (greater) counterspells + spell-battle + enduring arcana.
The costs are still managable and you would cover all your bases.

2012-05-11, 10:05 PM
How about a section for healing items like the Healing Belt? It seems like often times healing is ineffective due to any number of things and magic healing items come in very handy.

2012-05-13, 11:24 PM
Lactantius - yes, the redirection ability of the Ring of Spell-Battle is the big seller. Countering a Dispel Magic by chucking it back at the caster is what makes it something unique. I don't think I've ever actually used the Dispel option of the item.

invaderk2 - huh. That's a rather universal need, yes. It's well documented (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=q3hggrupee8fujougpt40pk8p5&topic=2710.0) elsewhere, but yes, it probably belongs.
Hell, this is one place where magic item reliance is always mentioned as a replacement for the classes that offer the feature!

2012-08-10, 01:40 PM
Is there a reason Celestial armor is left off the flight list?

It's not that pricey, provides decent armor for some classes, and grants flight once per day. I've found it to be pretty useful.

2012-08-14, 08:03 AM
Is there a reason Celestial armor is left off the flight list?

It's not that pricey, provides decent armor for some classes, and grants flight once per day. I've found it to be pretty useful.

It's good armor for high dex types, but it's a really bad flight item. Standard action activation for 1/day Fly at CL 5 just isn't very competitive, even with the cheaper options.

(Also, I kind of forgot it had flight. :smallredface:)

2012-09-09, 11:50 AM
Is it just me, or are Winged Boots (DMG) missing from the flight list?

2012-09-09, 12:06 PM
Is it just me, or are Winged Boots (DMG) missing from the flight list?

They are missing. Thanks for pointing them out!

They aren't very good compared to the other options, but they exist. :smalltongue:

The Random NPC
2012-09-09, 12:08 PM
Is it just me, or are Winged Boots (DMG) missing from the flight list?

They are missing. Thanks for pointing them out!

They aren't very good compared to the other options, but they exist. :smalltongue:

I was going to say that they are strictly inferior to the Winged Mask and therefor probably left out on purpose, but I see that I was incorrect.

2012-09-09, 12:24 PM
I was going to say that they are strictly inferior to the Winged Mask and therefor probably left out on purpose, but I see that I was incorrect.
Most things are strictly inferior to that thing.

I added the Winged Boots and the Celestial Armor to the "not recommended" bin.

Also moved the Winged Vest out of it. I suppose it's good to have something in the "recommended" category that isn't from a weird 3.0 book. :smalltongue:

2012-09-22, 02:26 AM
If you count a maneuver-granting item of Shadow Jaunt/Shadow Stride/Shadow Blink for short-range teleportation, go for it! (3K, 15K, 45K for Jaunt/Stride/Blink. May also require an initiator level of 3/9/15.)

2012-09-23, 01:58 PM
If you count a maneuver-granting item of Shadow Jaunt/Shadow Stride/Shadow Blink for short-range teleportation, go for it! (3K, 15K, 45K for Jaunt/Stride/Blink. May also require an initiator level of 3/9/15.)
Hmm. I already have the Novice Shadow Hands listed. You think the other two are good enough for the cost?

2012-12-08, 10:12 AM
This is not something that gives true sight, but
Illusion Theft +2

both of these weapon enchantment make it so you negate all mis-chance caused by illusions also if you hit you can dispel them (or steal them in the case of Illusion Theft). They don't give true sight, but they counter the same thing(miss chance).

2012-12-08, 07:42 PM
The concealment list doesn't feature eversmoking bottle, from the DMG. It provides one the largest area effect concealments in the game, easily covering the entire party and providing real ambiguity as to where they might have run to.

2012-12-12, 05:09 PM
Hmm. It's not that the Illusion Bane enhancement is bad (in fact, I've used it on a character), but I don't think it fits the "True Seeing" bill well enough to make the list, it's a very, very partial fulfillment.

On the eversmoking bottle, though, wow. I can't believe I didn't have that one! :smalleek:

Thanks, both of you. :smallsmile:

2012-12-12, 08:47 PM
Hmm. It's not that the Illusion Bane enhancement is bad (in fact, I've used it on a character),

It's a superb (and not especially cheesy) example of a situational enhancement that is great to put on ammunition (for 1/50 the cost), without having to pay for the full normal price increase on your main weapon.

2012-12-13, 07:25 AM
The concealment list doesn't feature eversmoking bottle, from the DMG. It provides one the largest area effect concealments in the game, easily covering the entire party and providing real ambiguity as to where they might have run to.

You can combine this with the fire eyes spell from Masters of the Wild, a 0-level Druid spell that lets you see normally through smoke, fire, and fog. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on magical fog. Fortunately, magical smoke != magical fog.

2012-12-14, 06:33 AM
Random addition to this on carrying gear... a Magebreed Mule (Eberron Campaign Setting) can have +4 Str over a regular Mule and +10' movement speed, and still only costs 16gp. That gives it almost double the carrying capacity and better jump checks as well as better ability to keep up with a horse mounted party. At low levels, it's totally worth it. I pretty much always buy these for low level parties that want to carry stuff.


2012-12-14, 03:02 PM
Random addition to this on carrying gear... a Magebreed Mule (Eberron Campaign Setting) can have +4 Str over a regular Mule and +10' movement speed, and still only costs 16gp. That gives it almost double the carrying capacity and better jump checks as well as better ability to keep up with a horse mounted party. At low levels, it's totally worth it. I pretty much always buy these for low level parties that want to carry stuff.


What do you need a mule's Jump check for? Aside from playing the most epic campaign in the universe, I mean.

2012-12-14, 05:33 PM
What do you need a mule's Jump check for? Aside from playing the most epic campaign in the universe, I mean.

Pits are common enough in low-level dungeons. Also giving the small character an emergency mount to escape on and over difficult terrain isn't a bad thing.

2013-02-24, 04:14 AM
It's obviously situational, but would a wand of winged watcher (from Complete Mage) count in the flight category? It seems to be as good as the wand of swift fly for most applications, but at 1/6 the cost.

2013-02-25, 03:44 AM
It's obviously situational, but would a wand of winged watcher (from Complete Mage) count in the flight category? It seems to be as good as the wand of swift fly for most applications, but at 1/6 the cost.

Huh. Nice find.

It's seriously niche at CL 1, but yes, it could get you across a chasm. :smallsmile:

Will most likely add once I have looked up the Polymorph subschool details.

2013-02-27, 05:06 PM
You temporarily replace all your statistics with that of a raven or owl, except you keep the following:

You are treated as having your normal HD for purposes of spells such as sleep
You still understand the languages you knew beforehand. (If you can speak and/or write in your new form, you can speak/write those languages. This doesn't apply here, obviously)

Other than that, you replace your character sheet with the monster manual entry for raven/owl for the duration of the spell.

For the record, owls and ravens have a fly speed of 40 ft (average). So, not as good as a lot of other options...

2013-02-27, 05:51 PM
For miss chances you're missing:
Gloves of the Shadow Hand, Novice: Child of Shadow (stance)

2013-03-25, 02:51 PM
Under the heading of Mind Blank, there's a custom item that grants immunity to a subset of mind-affecting effects. It's a continuous item of Protection from Evil, that's 4000gp (because of the duration). The wording is:

(...) blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person).

It depends a lot on the interpretation by the DM, but at least you're not going to be Dominated or Charmed anytime soon. Plus, it's very cheap.

Sgt. Cookie
2013-03-25, 02:58 PM
Scrying Shard (MiC). At-Will Scrying for any character for 1350 and it acts as a Focus for said Scrying.

Yeah, really.

2013-03-25, 11:11 PM
You temporarily replace all your statistics with that of a raven or owl, except you keep the following:

You are treated as having your normal HD for purposes of spells such as sleep
You still understand the languages you knew beforehand. (If you can speak and/or write in your new form, you can speak/write those languages. This doesn't apply here, obviously)

Other than that, you replace your character sheet with the monster manual entry for raven/owl for the duration of the spell.

For the record, owls and ravens have a fly speed of 40 ft (average). So, not as good as a lot of other options...
Ooofff, I completely forgot about this one. Sorry about that.

For miss chances you're missing:
Gloves of the Shadow Hand, Novice: Child of Shadow (stance)

Can Stances really be put into the maneuver items? I've always assumed they can't, but I don't know the RAW here off-hand. Anyone more certain?

Under the heading of Mind Blank, there's a custom item that grants immunity to a subset of mind-affecting effects. It's a continuous item of Protection from Evil, that's 4000gp (because of the duration). The wording is:

It depends a lot on the interpretation by the DM, but at least you're not going to be Dominated or Charmed anytime soon. Plus, it's very cheap.
Oooo, that's cool. Why didn't I think of that?!
Adding now.

Scrying Shard (MiC). At-Will Scrying for any character for 1350 and it acts as a Focus for said Scrying.

Yeah, really.


I don't quite buy it.

You actually found a DM that took the 1350 GP no-activation item with the description of "A character of any class can cast scrying using a scrying shard as a focus." to mean "anyone can use this item to cast scrying at any time" rather than "A character can use a scrying shard as a focus for a scrying spell regardless of character class" (normal scrying focuses are really cumbersome)? The wording could be more concreate, but...

REALLY? :smalltongue:

The Random NPC
2013-03-25, 11:45 PM
The Scrying Shard thing was recently in the Dysfunction Thread, so I assume that's where it's from, and no Stances can not be put into those items.

Ninja PieKing
2013-06-03, 10:33 PM
For extra dimensional there is
CASTING GLOVE: like glove of storing but can activate stored magic items once per round even consuming potions. 20,000 from MIC

2013-06-04, 09:07 AM
For extra dimensional there is
CASTING GLOVE: like glove of storing but can activate stored magic items once per round even consuming potions. 20,000 from MIC

Thanks for pointing it out.

I'm not sure the item is any good, though. Is there an advantage to not having to retrieve the item (as a free action) before using it that I'm not seeing? Disarm attempts?

2013-06-04, 09:22 AM
Thanks for pointing it out.

I'm not sure the item is any good, though. Is there an advantage to not having to retrieve the item (as a free action) before using it that I'm not seeing? Disarm attempts?

Having your hands full.

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-04, 09:35 AM
and no Stances can not be put into those items.

You would be wrong on that.

Tome of Battle page 149]Activation: A crown of White Ravens requires a day to attune to its wearer once it is donned. After wearing it continually for 24 hours, the wearer must choose one of the White Raven maneuvers that the item can grant for which he meets the prerequisite. He then gains knowledge of that maneuver and can use it as long as the crown is worn. Should the crown be removed and then replaced, it requires another day to attune itself to the wearer before it can grant knowledge of any maneuvers.

Effect: A person who has worn a crown of White Ravens for 24 hours gains the use of a single White Raven maneuver for which he meets the prerequisite. The maneuver can be of a martial adept level up to the highest level the item grants. A novice crown of White Ravens grants a maneuver of up to 3rd level, a scholar crown of White Ravens grants a maneuver of up to 6th level, and a master crown of White Ravens grants a maneuver of up to 9th level.

Stance: A stance is a special type of maneuver.

RAW is clear, stances are a subset of maneuvers and a Crown of the White Ravens (or the other discipline items) can grant the use of any maneuver that is 1) of the specified discipline, 2) that you meet the prerequisites for (i.e. maneuvers known), and 3) that is of a level that the item can grant.

2013-06-04, 11:09 AM
RAW is clear, stances are a subset of maneuvers
Actually, that's where there's a difficulty. RAW is NOT clear; some parts of ToB (like the line you quoted) treat Stances as a type of maneuver, while many other parts of the book do not treat stances as maneuvers.

And the general consensus has always been that you can't get Stances from the magic item series. I can't remember the exact evidence/arguments that led to this consensus (I want to say it was an FAQ clarification), so you may want to appeal to more rules-lawyer-expert forumites.

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-04, 11:30 AM
Actually, that's where there's a difficulty. RAW is NOT clear; some parts of ToB (like the line you quoted) treat Stances as a type of maneuver, while many other parts of the book do not treat stances as maneuvers.
No, RAW is quite clear. Page 5 of Tome of Battle defines the term "Stance" for the martial magic system of D&D 3.5 and it states outright that it is a special type of maneuver.

There is absolutely no RAW ambiguity at all.

And the general consensus has always been that you can't get Stances from the magic item series. I can't remember the exact evidence/arguments that led to this consensus (I want to say it was an FAQ clarification), so you may want to appeal to more rules-lawyer-expert forumites.

Then the "general consensus" is incorrect (it wouldn't be the first time). RAW is utterly clear on this with no ambiguity at all.

Stances are Maneuvers and the items give maneuvers.

EDIT: Page 5, which defines the rules terms for the system, couldn't be any clearer that Stances are maneuvers.

"Unlike other maneuvers, most stances can remain in effect for
an indefinite time"

Stannum (IV)
2013-06-05, 01:34 AM
The lawkeeper's lock from ghostwalk, is a 12100g amulet which provides constant protection from chaos, and can be used once for summon monster V and once for order's wrath. Worth noting if a DM doesn't buy into the standard guidlines for item creation, alongside other options for effective partial mind blank.

2013-06-09, 03:31 PM
There is absolutely no RAW ambiguity at all.
Completely agree with this. Stances are manoeuvres, just like strikes, counters and boosts are also manoeuvres. They count towards your known manoeuvres with regards to prerequisites for other manoeuvres and everything.

Ninja PieKing
2013-06-17, 04:17 PM
Figured out a use for casting gloves, using an extra rod.

Corundum Dragon
2013-08-04, 01:29 AM
The spell permanency could give you a lot of effects without wasting body slots. It's not an item, but if you had some one make it into a rod. Make it 1 use a day to reduce cost. I think this is how pricing would go , but I'm not sure Command word 1/day use. ((Spell level 5 × caster level (9 through 17) × 1,800 gp )/5) xp x 50 x 5 gp.

to make
1st lv (5 x 9 x 1,800)/5 = 16,200 gp; 500 XP x 50 = 25,000 xp
2nd lv (5 x 10 x 1,800)/5 = 18,000 gp; 1,000 XP x 50 = 50,000 xp
3rd lv (5 x 11 x 1,800)/5 = 19,800 gp; 1,500 XP x 50 = 75,000 xp
4th lv (5 x 12 x 1,800)/5 = 21,600 gp; 2,000 XP x 50 = 100,000 xp
5th lv (5 x 13 x 1,800)/5 = 23,400 gp; 2,500 XP x 50 = 125,000 xp
6th lv (5 x 14 x 1,800)/5 = 25,200 gp; 3,000 XP x 50 = 150,000 xp
7th lv (5 x 15 x 1,800)/5 = 27,000 gp; 3,500 XP x 50 = 175,000 xp
8th lv (5 x 16 x 1,800)/5 = 28,800 gp; 4,000 XP x 50 = 200,000 xp
9th lv (5 x 17 x 1,800)/5 = 30,600 gp; 4,500 XP x 50 = 225,000 xp
to buy
1st lv 16,200 gp + 25,000 x 5 gp = 141,200 gp
2nd lv 18,000 gp + 50,000 x 5 gp = 268,000 gp
3rd lv 19,800 gp + 75,000 x 5 gp = 375,000 gp
4th lv 21,600 gp + 100,000 x 5 gp = 521,600 gp
5th lv 23,400 gp + 125,000 x 5 gp = 648,400 gp
6th lv 25,200 gp + 150,000 x 5 gp = 775,200 gp
7th lv 27,000 gp + 175,000 x 5 gp = 902,000 gp
8th lv 28,800 gp + 200,000 x 5 gp = 1,028,800 gp
9th lv 30,600 gp + 225,000 x 5 gp = 1,155,600 gp

Note rod lv would be the max spell lv cast able, and could be used on lower lv spells.

Never mind buying one that gets expensive to fast. Please someone tell me I figured that out wrong. Although I know there are ways to cut the cost if you craft it yourself. And after you and your party have used it all you want you could rent it out for x gold a day. And most spells you would want are 1st through 3rd lv. Maybe ask for one as a quest reward, or get a lv 1 and just keep upgrading it.

1st Comprehend languages, Detect magic, Read magic, Enlarge person, Magic fang, Reduce person, Resistance
2nd Darkvision, See invisibility,
3rd Arcane sight, Tongues, Greater Magic fang
Permanency Handbook

2013-09-18, 12:35 AM
Great thread!

I have some other items I would recommend. My wizard never goes out of the house without them:

- Artificer's Monocle: 1,500gp. Grants you the identify spell as long as you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (arcana).
You don't have to take care of white pearls neither of spending spell slots to identify. Plus, you can identify faster since normally, a caster would not prepare identify while in "dungeon mode."
Lastly, you could argue that a wizard with those 5 ranks would alos gain the continous second power, detect magic at will.

- Bracers of Arcane Freedom: 2,300gp. You get the metamagic feat Still Spell apllied twice per day with a swift action. I wonder why I rarely find this one as default recommended wizard item.

- Runestaff of Power: 38,300gp. An expensive item, but the reason why I recommend it is that you can use it as template for your own customized runestaff.
So, with other words, for 38,300 gp you get a staff which the following, spontaenous casting ability:
1/day: 1 - 2x, 2 - 2x, 3 - 2x, 4 - 1x, 5 - 3x
Secondary abilites: +2 weapon enhancement (which you could split to +1 and warning, for example);
+2 luck bonus on AC
and a minor smile ability.

- War Wizard Cloak: 16,000gp. I don't know why this item gets no love. Getting additonal spells per day is always nice for a wizard, and this item gives you almost all kind of staple spells you need daily.
And we have the continuous effects of endure elements and feather fall.

- Headband of Conscious Effort: Only 2,000. Gives a wizard an almost sucessful defence against incoming fortitude checks since our concentration skill should be maxed.

2013-10-30, 10:52 AM

- Runestaff of Power: 38,300gp. An expensive item, but the reason why I recommend it is that you can use it as template for your own customized runestaff.
So, with other words, for 38,300 gp you get a staff which the following, spontaenous casting ability:
1/day: 1 - 2x, 2 - 2x, 3 - 2x, 4 - 1x, 5 - 3x
Secondary abilites: +2 weapon enhancement (which you could split to +1 and warning, for example);
+2 luck bonus on AC
and a minor smile ability.


Whooo, a minor Smile Ability. Shiny. Comes in handy for every bard!

Isn't that the one with the weapon enchantment that heals half the damage you deal?

Wrathful Healing was mentioned for this. Now if you combine that with a retributive amulet from the BoED which deals half the damage to the attacker, this will get really powerful.

For extra dimensional there is
CASTING GLOVE: like glove of storing but can activate stored magic items once per round even consuming potions. 20,000 from MIC

I always found that item quite overpriced for what it does, but it may have its purpose. For example I just realized it would help to store your Spell Component pouch in it, so nobody can try to use disarm on your spell component pouch.

2013-10-30, 11:13 AM
Lactantius: thing is, this isn't a thread about good magic items in general, or good magic items for a spellcaster. It's a checklist thread for areas of expertise for all characters to make sure they have covered, and then if they can't (which is mostly the case for non-spellcasters), it provides ideas about how they can use magic items to fill the gap.

- Artificer's Monocle: 1,500gp. Grants you the identify spell as long as you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (arcana).
You don't have to take care of white pearls neither of spending spell slots to identify. Plus, you can identify faster since normally, a caster would not prepare identify while in "dungeon mode."
This might qualify for this thread, since identify and detect magic are useful (if minor) abilities for any character. But you do have to worry about how many characters don't have the skill ranks to get any use out of this item at all.

Lastly, you could argue that a wizard with those 5 ranks would alos gain the continous second power, detect magic at will.
No. Just no. Nothing in the item's text suggests this at all.

- Bracers of Arcane Freedom: 2,300gp. You get the metamagic feat Still Spell apllied twice per day with a swift action. I wonder why I rarely find this one as default recommended wizard item.
It is indeed a fantastic item for wizards; practically no reason not to have one, as long as the DM is liberal about combining multiple magic items into one body slot. But it's not the sort of item this thread is about. A Totemist or Dragon Shaman has absolutely no need to check and make sure they are able to cast spells while tied up, because they don't cast spells.

- Runestaff of Power: 38,300gp. An expensive item, but the reason why I recommend it is that you can use it as template for your own customized runestaff.
Yeah ... I wouldn't be quite that liberal as a DM, and I'm guessing most DMs wouldn't either.

- War Wizard Cloak: 16,000gp. I don't know why this item gets no love. Getting additonal spells per day is always nice for a wizard, and this item gives you almost all kind of staple spells you need daily.
And we have the continuous effects of endure elements and feather fall.
By the time you can afford this item (roughly 14th level), you are much better off casting Mage Armor yourself. Having it last 14+ hours and being harder to dispel is much better than having it last 9 hours. And you have plenty of Level 1 spell slots by this point.

Despite how useful it is in OotS, Protection from Arrows is a spell most casters don't bother with, because any significantly dangerous enemies will have magic weapons (after Level 5 or so).

You can get constant Endure Elements for 500 gp. You can get constant feather falling for roughly 3300 gp. You can get Sending 1/day for 1400 gp (admittedly restricted to a certain target). So the Cloak is roughly like buying a 1/day Dimension Door item for 10800 gp. That's ... Eh. Could be worse, but it's not a must-have by any means.

- Headband of Conscious Effort: Only 2,000. Gives a wizard an almost sucessful defence against incoming fortitude checks since our concentration skill should be maxed.
Vastly inferior to a Novice Ring of the Diamond Mind, which costs 3000 and lets you do the same thing 1/encounter instead of 1/day. Getting both is a viable option, though.

Emperor Tippy
2013-10-30, 11:53 AM
Vastly inferior to a Novice Ring of the Diamond Mind, which costs 3000 and lets you do the same thing 1/encounter instead of 1/day. Getting both is a viable option, though.

And can also be dumped onto one of your other rings for just 4,500 GP.

No brains
2013-12-08, 10:33 PM
This might be a *bit* too specific, but I think it could work for your list. Turn Resistance. Now, normally humanoids don't need to worry about being turned, but undead, elementals, and outsiders can be crippled by a turn. Also consider that some players look to changing type in order to get an immunity or two. Gaining turn resistance/immunity is just as important as getting an item that you eschewed by changing type. A necropolitan may be immune to fear and mind control, but a turn/rebuke can do exactly the same thing.

2013-12-09, 01:52 AM
Considering there are "custom" items on the list, I call BS on not allowing just about anything to be on this thread.

2013-12-09, 01:56 AM
Considering there are "custom" items on the list, I call BS on not allowing just about anything to be on this thread.
It's a list defined by the fact that what is provided is universal in its utility and necessity. Having items that are specific to certain classes, and that fall outside of the bounds of any category given, makes little sense. Custom magic items do nothing to harm the list, but unnecessary necessary magic items removes the entire point.

2013-12-09, 10:46 AM
- Artificer's Monocle: 1,500gp. Grants you the identify spell as long as you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (arcana).
You don't have to take care of white pearls neither of spending spell slots to identify. Plus, you can identify faster since normally, a caster would not prepare identify while in "dungeon mode."
Lastly, you could argue that a wizard with those 5 ranks would alos gain the continous second power, detect magic at will.Um, not the version in the Magic Item Compendium. I forgot how it works for Artificers, but for everyone else, all it does is allowing people with five ranks in Knowledge (Arcane) to use "Detect Magic" as an improvised "Identify" spell. Still incredibly useful (Detect Magic is lower-level and has no components or focus), but you need to cast Detect Magic for it to work.

2013-12-09, 01:45 PM
Considering there are "custom" items on the list, I call BS on not allowing just about anything to be on this thread.

The categories are pretty exclusive, even if the options for meeting them are pretty liberal.

2014-02-09, 05:31 PM
Under "Miss Chances," the Minor Cloak of Displacement link is broken. You left "items" uncapitalized twice in the link.

2014-02-12, 05:09 PM
Under "Miss Chances," the Minor Cloak of Displacement link is broken. You left "items" uncapitalized twice in the link.

Fixed! Thanks for the tip.

2014-03-15, 10:08 PM
One good buff for general use and specific campaigns dealing with mobs that have it also; Incorporeality. Nonmagical damage is ignored, and anything magical that isn't either Force, Ghost Touch, or otherwise specifically calls out being able to hit Incorporeal has a 50% failure chance on top of everything else. As long as the martial guys get Ghost Touch weapons, this is equally good for casters and everyone else. The fact that you treat Incorporeal mobs as if they were corporeal (which obviates a LOT of their abilities, and makes them much easier to hit also) is a bonus (unless you're dealing with a Ghost Dragon or something else equally absurd, but that's rare).

EDIT: Another good bonus of it; you get several fun abilities (some of which are even on this list, like flight) as rider effects of this.

2014-05-01, 03:36 PM
Has anyone considered contingent item (CArc) for this list? A contingent heal seems like a much better answer for daze, stun, etc., and you could also benefit from contingent death ward, true seeing, etc.

Also, I think you could get by without some of these, since there are situations that can be overcome with your character's abilities or are just too situational.

2014-05-01, 03:51 PM
I feel like some of the items stop being useful at a certain point - for example, Freedom of Movement is really good while it's expensive, but lategame when it's cheapish, I could easily see nobody except unintelligent grapplebrute monsters bothering with grapples or movement-restricters as anything other than an incidental side-effect of the attack (because why bother when the other guy obviously has Freedom of Movement). And that's the point when you start not buying it to save the money. Of course, the ultraparanoids would probably stick with it anyway in case of enemies second-guessing, but otherwise it could save an item slot.

2014-05-01, 07:31 PM
Boots of Tremorsense (MIC), 5000 gp. Swift activation, gain tremorsense 30 ft for five rounds. Usable three times per day.

2014-05-02, 09:34 AM
One good buff for general use and specific campaigns dealing with mobs that have it also; Incorporeality. Nonmagical damage is ignored, and anything magical that isn't either Force, Ghost Touch, or otherwise specifically calls out being able to hit Incorporeal has a 50% failure chance on top of everything else. As long as the martial guys get Ghost Touch weapons, this is equally good for casters and everyone else. The fact that you treat Incorporeal mobs as if they were corporeal (which obviates a LOT of their abilities, and makes them much easier to hit also) is a bonus (unless you're dealing with a Ghost Dragon or something else equally absurd, but that's rare).

EDIT: Another good bonus of it; you get several fun abilities (some of which are even on this list, like flight) as rider effects of this.
1. Sorry about not responding. Looks like you slipped under my radar!
2. Hmm, incorporeality. I didn't think of adding it, mostly because dealing with incorporeality hasn't ever been a huge issue in any game where I've been the player.

But since you brought it up - can you think of enough items to deal with it to make a list?

Also, this list would have a problem. The steps different classes have to take in order to handle incorporeals are very different. Fighters are getting Ghost Touch weapons, while spellcasters are switching to force spells and such...

Has anyone considered contingent item (CArc) for this list? A contingent heal seems like a much better answer for daze, stun, etc., and you could also benefit from contingent death ward, true seeing, etc.
Do you mean Craft Contingent Spell? I don't think that really applies, just because that feat is a solution to more or less everything. =/

Also, I think you could get by without some of these, since there are situations that can be overcome with your character's abilities or are just too situational.
Yup, I address the class issue in the opening text.

As for whether some are too situational... well, "Necessary" may be pushing it for some of the lists. It's possible to survive without both True Seeing and special senses, and such. As it stands, I still think each list has value.

I feel like some of the items stop being useful at a certain point - for example, Freedom of Movement is really good while it's expensive, but lategame when it's cheapish, I could easily see nobody except unintelligent grapplebrute monsters bothering with grapples or movement-restricters as anything other than an incidental side-effect of the attack (because why bother when the other guy obviously has Freedom of Movement). And that's the point when you start not buying it to save the money. Of course, the ultraparanoids would probably stick with it anyway in case of enemies second-guessing, but otherwise it could save an item slot.
Heh. The game of "I know that you know that I know" can result in counter-able strategies not even being attempted. But it's not always played, and the point is more to not be caught completely with your pants down when someone calls your bluff.

(Two sessions ago, I saw a 14th-level character die to a fairly random fear effect because we decided that him skipping the Heroes' Feast couldn't be that bad. Awkward!)

Boots of Tremorsense (MIC), 5000 gp. Swift activation, gain tremorsense 30 ft for five rounds. Usable three times per day.

Oooo, cool, thanks. Don't know how I missed that one. Will add!

2014-09-03, 03:23 PM
Frequently when building characters, you find that there are some things that are more or less "essential" for your character to survive after the first few levels.
And worse, you sometimes find that your class doesn't grant them. Which means you have to rely on magic items to make sure your character doesn't end up useless half the time.

This post is a collection of lists of items that can help you get these "essential" capabilities down by using magic items. I assume that if you are looking through the lists that all of your class levels, feats, skills and resources other than magic items are already tied up - if you have a class feature (like a spell) that can give this to you, it is usually the most efficient way to take care of it. I also assume that you are looking for a "long-term" solution - I do not include scrolls and potions (although I do include wands).

Also, I focus primarily on defensive and tactically enabling items. I assume that your class provides you with ways to perform the task your class needs you to perform - this list is for the things your class may not provide, but still needs.

A note on custom items: I sometimes refer to the custom item creation guidelines (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/creatingMagicItems.htm). These are, obviously guidelines that are subject to DM approval. I list them here because sometimes they are simply a very handy way to take care of a problem.

I reference the following sources (in Abbreviation: Book Name) format:AEG: Arms and Equipment Guide
BoED: Book of Exalted Deeds
CArc: Complete Arcane
CChamp: Complete Champion
CMage: Complete Mage
CScou: Complete Scoundrel
CotSQ: City of the Spider Queen
DComp: Dragon Magazine Compendium Volume I
DMagic: Dragon Magic
DMG: Dungeon Master's Guide
DMG2: Dungeon Master's Guide II
DotU: Drow of the Underdark
DotF: Defenders of the Faith
DSc: Dungeonscape
ECS: Eberron Campaign Setting
EbEx: Eberron Explorer's Handbook
FF: Fiend Folio
FoE: Faiths of Eberron
Ghost: Ghostwalk
LoD: Lords of Darkness
LoM: Lords of Madness
MIC: Magic Item Compedium
MoE: Magic of Eberron
MoF: Magic of Faerūn
OA: Oriental Adventures
PGtF: Player's Guide to Faerūn
PHB: Player's Handbook
PLH: Planar Handbook
RotD: Races of the Dragon
Sand: Sandstorm
SpC: Spell Compendium
SS: Savage Species
ToB: The Book of Nine Swords: Tome of Battle
ToM: Tome of Magic
UE: Unapproachable East
Und: Underdark
XPH: Expanded Psionics Handbook

Why you need it: Two reasons. One, the tactical advantage of not being constrained to two dimensions is... invaluable. Really, if two people are fighting, and only one of them can fly, the earthbound one is going to die unless the relative power difference between them is massive. Second, it's useful for getting around, for everything from crossing a chasm to making sure you're attacking the Wizard's tower from the top down, not the ground up.

Amber Amulet of Vermin: Giant Wasp (MIC). 800GP, throat slot. Once per day, get a flying bug thing to carry you around for one minute.
Wand of Swift Fly (SpC). 4500GP, held. Swift action activation, flight (as Fly spell) for one round. Requires the ability to activate Sorcerer/Wizard Wands or a DC 20 Use Magic Device check. If you prefer a permanent but less versatile solution, use an eternal Wand (MIC/ECS) instead, which changes the price to 4420GP and limits the use to 2/day.
Owlfeather Armor (MIC). 8160GP, body slot. Fly three times per day (40', good maneuverability) for five rounds. Swift action activation, has some secondary benefits.
Cloak of the Dragon (CChamp). 6000GP, shoulders slot. Fly speed equal to your land speed, maneuverability not specified, for 10 minutes once per day.
Reins of Ascension (MIC). 3300GP, throat slot. Allows your mount (nothing preventing you from using it yourself, I suppose, but you'll look kinky as hell) to briefly fly by expending 2 or 3 of the 3-per-day charges.
Dragonscale Cloak (MIC). 5000GP, shoulders slot. Winged flight (60', good maneuverability) for 2 hours per day. Swift action activation. Unfortunately, it's a relic.


Feathered Wings graft (FF). 10000GP, slotless. Demon wings are grafted onto your body, yummy! All-day flight, average maneuverability, twice your land speed. Drives you bonkers if you're not Evil.
Winged Mask (MoF). 13000GP, face slot. Can cast Fly at will, which means you're recasting it every 5 minutes for all-day flight. Also makes you glow for some reason. Be wary of Dispel Magic, as the CL on this thing is only 5.
Phylactery of Change (AEG). 11200GP, head slot. All-day Polymorph up to 7HD, with some limitations. Not particularly good for in-combat flight (unless you build around Polymorph somehow), but a great item for general utility.
Winged West (MIC). 12000GP, torso slot. Allows you to fly for 5 rounds at 60', good maneuverability. This is not an all-day flight item, but it is better than most such due to the swift action activation time. Good to bring up once you or your DM has become disgusted by permaflight items from semi-obscure 3.0 books.
Broom of Flying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#broomofFlying). 17000GP, ridden rather than worn. It's not all-day (only 9 hours), it's not very fast, and you can get knocked off. Still possibly your best bet in a core-only game.
5x5 Carpet of Flying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#carpetofFlying). 20000GP, ridden rather than worn. The all-day, more comfortable version of the Broom.


Phoenix Cloak (MIC). 50000GP, shoulders slot. All-day flight at your land speed, with perfect maneuverability, no bells or whistles.
Horseshoes of Flame (SS). 30240GP, feet slot (presumably). Not for you, but your horse, which turns into a smart magic nightmare thing that flies at a speed of 90', with good maneuverability, for 21 hours/day total. Use Magic Device it to cheese it onto yourself.
Wings of Flying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#wingsofFlying) (DMG). 54000GP, shoulders slot. The core go-to for true personal permaflight. More expensive than the Phoenix Cloak, and only good maneuverability. But this one's flight speed is fixed at 60', which can be an advantage over the Phoenix Cloak if you are slow as a halfling wearing full plate.
Ring of Solar Wings (BoED). 118000GP, ring slot. All-day flight at 150', with good maneuverability. As expensive as it gets, but it's really fast.

Not recommended:
Buffeting Wings (RotD), Wand of Winged Watcher (CScou), Hawkfeather Armor (MIC), Skin of Celestial/Fiendish Embrace (MIC), Figurine of Wondrous Power -Bronze Griffon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicitems/wondrousitems.htm#bronzeGriffon) or Ebony Fly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicitems/wondrousitems.htm#ebonyFly) (DMG), Wild Shape Amulet (MoF), Horseshoes of a Zephyr (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicitems/wondrousitems.htm#horseshoesofaZephyr) (DMG), Winged Boots (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bootsWinged) (DMG), custom item of continuous Swift Fly (DMG, SpC), Boots of Gravity (PLH), Celestial Armor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm#celestialArmor) (DMG), Feathered armor enhancement (DotF), Winged Shield (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm#wingedShield) (DMG).

Mind Blank

Why you need it: Mind Blank protects you from two things - divinations and [Mind-affecting] spells. Being the victim of those means you're getting stabbed in your sleep, and made useless (or worse, hostile to your allies) in battle.

Continuous custom item of Protection from Evil/Good/Law or Chaos. 4000GP, head or shoulders slot? Following the magic item creation guidelines, this would cost 1 (Spell level) x 1 (Caster level) * 2000 (continuous multiplier) * 2 (Duration multiplier) = 4000 GP. This doesn't provide the full protection Mind Blank does, but it can effectively prevent you from being turned into a liability in combat. Worth mentioning due to being an order of magnitude cheaper than even the cheapest full Mind Blank item.
Command-activated custom item of Mind Blank (DMG). 43200GP, head or shoulders slot? Following the magic item creation guidelines, this would cost 8 (Spell level) x 15 (Caster level) * 1800 (Command word multiplier) * 1/5 (Once per day) = 43200 GP. The price is so low that I'd not allow the item myself, but you can use this as a starting point for your haggling with the DM.


Third Eye Conceal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalitems.htm#conceal) (MIC, XPH). 120000GP, face slot. More or less what it says on the tin - Mind Blank, all day.
Ring of Mental Fortitude (DMG2). 110000GP, ring slot. Gets you the mind-affecting immunity aspect, but not the anti-divination aspect.
Cortical Armor (Und). 146650GP, body slot. Mind Blank while worn, and a few side benefits that may be useful to some.
Cowl of Warding (MoF). 200800GP, head slot. Mind Blank, along with Freedom of Movement and Spell Turning. If you don't need the Spell Turning, it would be cheaper to get a ring for the other two effects.

Not Recommended

Eyes of the Spider (CotSQ)

Stun negation

Why you need it: Stun is one of those conditions that makes you unable to act. Which means that when you're stunned, your character is a sitting duck, and you're sitting at the table counting cheetos.

Third Eye Clarity (MIC). 3000GP, face slot. Once per day, negate the Stun as an immediate action. Can negate other nasty stuff too. Great pick.
Talisman of Undying Fortitude (MIC). 8000GP, held. Swift action activation, gives you lots of undead immunities for 3 rounds, including stun.


Banner of the Storm's Eye (MIC). 15000GP, held or shoulders slot. Negates stunning and other nasty stuff for you *and* your allies. Top pick.
Wakeful Mind graft (FoE). 14000GP, slotless. Other minor benefits, including no longer needing to sleep. Also makes you slightly less healthy and less knowledgeable, but that's the price you pay for having robot components embedded in your head.

Daze negation

Why you need it: Daze is like stun, only you don't lose your dexterity bonus and everything you are holding - and it is much more difficult to become immune to. The latter part is what leads optimizers everywhere to look at this condition as one of "the" conditions to inflict on their enemies (probably right after the condition of "death" in its popularity).

Third Eye Clarity (MIC). 3000GP, face slot. Daze is another of the conditions it can negate. See the Stun negation list.
Minor Schema of Favor of the Martyr (MoE, SpC). 11200GP, held. The Favor of the Martyr Paladin spell grants immunity to the condition, a Minor Schema allows you to get it 1/day if you can activate it.


Custom item of continuous Favor of the Martyr (SpC). 128000GP, shoulders slot? Following the magic item creation guidelines, this would cost 4 (Spell level) x 8 (Caster level) * 2000 (Continuous item multiplier) * 2 (1 minute/level multiplier) = 128000 GP. "HOLY CRAP, that's expensive!", you're thinking? Well, take a look at the immunities you're getting.


Drakehelms (EbEx) and the Ring of Theurgy (CArc) offer access to the spells of other classes with few limitations. It may be possible for you to nab Favor of the Martyr from the Paladin list this way. Also, see this list (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10449509&postcount=46).

Fear immunity

Why you need it: Fear effects include stuff that make you cower, be panicked, or even kill you. What's worse, the DCs can be based on a skill check, which means they can be sky-high.

Brash weapon enhancement (MIC). +1 weapon enhancement cost. Immunity to fear while raging.


Banner of the Storm's Eye (MIC). 15000GP, held or shoulders slot. Suppresses fear in a radius round the bearer, along with other nice benefits.
Prayer of anger (MoF). 14350GP, held. A +2 greatsword that renders the wielder immune to fear (and extends the duration of his Rage ability by 1 round, if he has it).
Horn of Plenty (MIC). 12000GP, held. Creates a Heroes' Feast (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/heroesFeast.htm) once per day as a standard action.


Any item that grants Mind Blank (see above). Immunity to mind-affecting constitutes immunity to Fear as well.

Not recommended:

Continuous custom item of Lionheart (DMG, SpC), Minor Schema of Heroes' Feast (MoE)

True Seeing

Why you need it: Illusions tend to be "no save, you just don't know what's going on" effects. Also, miss chances can make you pull your hair out if you rely on attack rolls. True Seeing is the hard counter.

Scout's Headband (MIC). 3400GP, head slot. Allows you to flush out all of the item's daily charges to gain True Seeing for one minute. Standard action activation. Can spend fewer charges to gain lesser vision-based benefits.
Eyes of Truth (MIC). 5500GP, face slot. Once per day, True Seeing for one round. Swift action activation.


Runestaff of Divination or Vision (MIC). 21000GP or 16000GP, respectively, held. As runestaffs, these are only useful for those who have arcane spell slots, but if you're a Sorcerer or such, they will do just fine.
Chalice of True Seeing (DComp). 21600GP, held. Standard action activation, True Seeing once per day.
Truelight Lantern (MIC). 36000GP, held. Standard action activation, and only 10 minutes per day, which looks limited for the price, but is rather unique in working within a radius rather than just showing everything to you, which means your party gains its benefits as well.
Rod of Revealing (DComp). 60000GP, held. Not real True Seeing, but the rod creates an effective antimagic field for 110 min/day that suppresses illusion spells only. Specialized, but makes Illusionists cry.


Hathran Mask of True Seeing (UE). 75000GP, face slot. Continuous True Seeing, off you go. Occupies the face slot.
Gem of Seeing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#gemofSeeing). 75000GP, held? Offers True Seeing for up to 30 minutes per day, divided up as you wish. The reason this isn't completely inferior to the Hathran Mask is that this one doesn't explicitly take up a body slot. Try Sovereign Glue-ing it to your eyeball.

Not recommended:

Helm of Vision (DotF), Continuous custom item of True Seeing (DMG), Eyes of the Spider (CotSQ).

Miss chances

Why you need it: Some things you fight have attack bonuses that are too high to be effectively mitigated by AC. Miss chances are flat percentage rolls, and care not how good your opponent is. In addition, miss chances resulting from Concealment mean you can not be Sneak Attacked. Beware, though - relying on miss chances alone to keep you alive means you'll be toast if your opponent has a way of countering them (usually True Seeing, see above).

Shadowy Diadem (DMagic). 4400GP, head slot. Grants concealment for one minute as a swift action, and immunity to energy drain to boot. It doesn't like being caught in high level light spells, but that's not exactly an everyday occurrence.
Smoking weapon enhancement (LoD). +1 weapon enhancement cost. This 3.0 enhancement grants you concealment, with some limitations. Usually considered woefully underpriced.
Shadow Sibling (MoE). 8000GP, symbiont. 50% concealment as an immediate action, constitution modifier times per day. It's as awesome as it sounds, only problem is that it requires sharing your body with some kind of usually-lawful-evil incorporeal aberration thing. May not be available at the local Magic Mart.
Shadow Cloak (DotU). 5500GP, shoulders slot. Grants concealment for 1 round as an immediate action three times per day, along with (good) secondary benefits.
Torc of Displacement (MIC). 2000GP, throat slot. As an immediate action, spend charges to gain varying degrees of concealment for one round.
Blurring armor enhancement (MIC). +1 armor enhancement cost. Three times per day, blur effect (as the spell) for 5 rounds. Swift action activation.
Displacement armor enhancement (MIC). +1 armor enhancement. Once per day, displacement effect (as the spell) for 5 rounds. Swift action activation.
Mithralmist Shirt (MIC). 3400GP, body slot. Gain concealment as a swift action seven times per day, but it is due to a cloud that doesn't follow you if you move.
Eversmoking Bottle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#eversmokingBottle) (DMG). 5400GP, slotless. Creates a huge cloud of nasty fog without daily limits. This hampers vision (creates total concealment) for everyone involved, but the clever player can work around that.


Minor Cloak of Displacement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#cloakofDisplacementMinor) (DMG). 24000GP, shoulders slot. Continuous 20% miss chance, thank you, come again.
Ring of Blinking (DMG). 27000GP, ring slot. Blinking at will, which is handy for more reasons than the (rather involved) miss chance it grants. An often-overlooked problem with this ring is that being at will is not the same as being continuous - you're going to be spending one standard action out of seven reactivating your Blink if you want it on all the time.
Greater Blurring armor enhancement (MIC). +3 total armor enhancement cost. Blur effect (as the spell) for 10 minutes per activation, and there is no limit on the number of activations per day. The same "problem" as the Ring of Blinking has in not being truly continuous, but with a duration this long, I can't imagine it becoming an issue. If you don't have any other enhancements on your armor, this is cheaper than the minor cloak of displacement.
Gleaming (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/armorAndShields.htm#gleaming) armor enhancement (XPH). +3 armor enhancement cost. Continuous concealment. Very similar to Greater Blurring (above), but can not be bought in steps, and does crazy flashes, which a DM might rule to interfere with your hide checks.
Burnoose of Moonless Nights (Sand). 33000GP, body slot?. Standard action activation, grants total concealment for 10 rounds. It's slightly better than the Greater Cloak of Displacement, as it grants real total concealment. Only works in dark or shadowy conditions.
Obi of Protection (DComp). 48000GP, waist slot. Continuous 20% miss chance if you have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat (or the unarmed strike ability). The only reason this item is worth mentioning despite the price tag is that this is a true miss chance - True Seeing or anything that helps see through concealment doesn't help.

Not recommended:

Blinking armor enhancement (MIC), Shroud of Night (ToM), Continuous custom item of Veil of Shadow (SpC), Major Cloak of Displacement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#cloakofDisplacementMajor) (DMG).

Tactical teleportation

Why you need it: As the name of the list suggests - for purposes of tactics, sometimes tumbling just won't cut it. Also has great utility potential out of combat.
Cheap/Short range:

Anklet of Translocation (MIC). 1400GP, feet slot. Range 10', swift action activation. Works twice per day (buy a few!). Requires line of sight and line of effect. Requires line of sight and line of effect.
Wand of Benign Transposition (SpC). 750GP, held. Standard action, switch the locations of two willing creatures.
Boots of Swift Passage (MIC). 5000GP, feet slot. Range 20'. Move action activation. Works five timesper day. Requires line of sight and line of effect.
Shadow Cloak (DotU). 5500GP, shoulders slot. Teleport 10' as an immediate action three times per day, along with (good) secondary benefits. Requires line of sight, but apparently not line of effect.
Dimension Stride Boots (MIC). 2000GP, feet slot. Range 20' to 60' depending on charges spent, 5 charges per day. Standard action activation. Requires line of sight and line of effect.
Bolt Shirt (MIC). 5000GP, torso slot. Range 60'. Move action activation. Works once per day. Explicitly useless for escaping undetected. Requires line of sight and line of effect.
Boots of Big Stepping (MIC). 6000GP, feet slot. Range 60, standard action activation. Works three times per day. Teleports as Greater Teleport.
Novice Shadow Hands of Shadow Jaunt (ToB). 3000GP, hands slot. Range 50', standard action activation. No daily limitation, but effectively once per encounter unless you have a recovery method. Requires line of sight and line of effect.

Longer range:

Belt of the Wide Earth (MIC). 8000GP, waist slot. Only useful for spellcasters, but for those that are so blessed, this effectively allows you spontaneously cast Teleport twice per day if you have the 5th level slots to burn.
Cloak of Mysterious Emergence (DMagic). 13000GP, shoulders slot. Dimension Door with a 120' range 3/day, or 1/day 120 mile teleport. Slightly more expensive than the DMG Cape of the Mountebank, but much better.
Aporter armor enhancement (MIC). +20000 GP. Dimension door twice per day, standard action activation. The reason this isn't in the "not recommended" category is that this one doesn't burn a body slot.

Not recommended:

Cape of the Mountebank (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#capeoftheMountebank) (DMG), Vanishing weapon enhancement (MIC), Dislocator weapon enhancement (MIC) (but it is hilarious), War Wizard Cloak (MIC), Runestaff of Transportation (MIC), Cli Lyre (MIC), Boots of Teleportation (DMG), Runestaff of Passage (MIC), Helm of Teleportation (DMG), Humillianthir (DComp).

Immunity to Death effects and/or energy drain and/or negative energy effects. (Lumped together because most things that protect against one of them protect against them all.)

Why you need it: Death effects kill you. Negative levels/energy drain are a very common, very wide-spanning debuff, which stack with themselves. Also, some of them cause you to permanently lose levels, which means you have to back-edit your character sheet, and no one wants to bother with that. All sorts of nasty things are caused by "negative energy".

Talisman of Undying Fortitude (MIC). 8000GP, held. Swift action activation, gives you lots of undead immunities for 3 rounds, including those that are relevant here.
Death Ward armor enhancement (MIC). +1 armor enhancement. Once per day, ignore Death effects, energy drain and negative energy effects as an immediate action.
Crystal of Adaptation armor crystal (MIC). 3000GP, armor crystal. Protects from the negative levels bestowed by visiting major negative-dominant planes.


Soulfire Armor Enhancement (BoED). +4 armor enhancement. Total immunity to Death effects, energy drain, and negative energy.
Choker of Life Protection (MIC). 14000GP, throat slot. The cheaper version of the Bone Ring (below), requires immediate action activation, and can't handle ability drain, but is significantly cheaper.
Bone Ring (MIC). 20000GP, ring slot. Protects against three negative levels (or points of ability drain) per day, but not against Death effects or general "negative energy" effects.
Ring of Negative Protection (MIC). 36000GP, ring slot. Immunity to negative levels and negative-dominant planar traits, but not Death effects or negative energy effects in general.
Absorbing Armor Enhancement (DotF). +3 armor enhancement. Weird enhancement that allows partial protection against ability drain and "level drain". I'd hold out for Soulfire, but this is cheaper.

Not recommended:

Phylactery of Virtue (MIC), Scarab of Protection (DMG), Cornucopia of the Needful (MIC), Runestaff of the Undead Slayer (MIC), Cloak of Blackflame (MoF), Bone Bracers of the Death Deity (MoF)

Freedom of Movement

Why you need it: Because of Solid Fog, because you can be insta-killed if you are paralyzed, and because monsters have ginormous grapple checks.

Third Eye Freedom (MIC). 2600GP, face slot. Once per day, as an immediate action, gain Freedom of Movement for one round. Excellent panic button.
Periapt of the Sullen Sea (MIC). 6000GP, throat slot. Allows you to spend a 4th level spell slot to cast Freedom of Movement. Useless if you don't have 4th level spell slots to spread around, but a nice backup otherwise.
Vest of Free Movement (MIC). 12000GP, torso slot. Freedom of Movement for 3 rounds, three times per day. What is good about the activation is that it's a swift action, what's bad is that it's a command activation, which means it won't work if you have already been paralyzed.


Ring of Freedom of Movement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#freedomofMovement) (DMG). 40000GP, ring slot. Continuous Freedom of Movement. One of the more expensive and powerful rings in 3.5, can be well worth it at very high levels.
Freedom armor enhancement (MIC). +5 armor enhancement. Continuous Freedom of Movement, just like the ring provides. This one is cheaper if you don't have any other armor enhancements, otherwise the ring is cheaper.


Cowl of Warding (MoF). 200800GP, head slot. Comprehensive, powerful protective item that includes FoM. See the Mind Blank entry.

(Extradimensional) storage space

Why you need it: Because the ancient copper dragon doesn't sleep on a triple-standard pile of easily transported diamonds, and because when you are locked in a melee with some berserker, you don't have an inteterminable number of rounds to look for your scroll of Dimension Door in the disorganized pile that is your backpack.

Mule (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/mule.htm) (PHB). 8 GP, plus 4 GP for saddlebags, no slot (it's an animal, not an item). I'm not kidding. It can carry almost twice as much as a Haversack without breaking a sweat (and over five times as much by getting into the heavy load). It's cheap enough to be bought at level 1, and is often all you need in order to move your loot around.
(Heward's) Handy Haversack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#handyHaversack) (DMG). 2000GP, no slot (it's a backpack). Extra space, move action to retrieve any item stored in it, which doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. In my games, I usually let people get away with accessing any small item they have on their sheets as an AoO-free move action once they have gotten one of these - because that's approximately what it does. Usually considered a "must have" for a reason.
Glove of the Master Strategist (Ghost). 3600P, hands slot. Works as a Glove of Storing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#gloveofStoring), only cheaper and also lets you use True Strike 1/day. How can this be cheaper, then? Because the Glove of the Master Strategist is based on the 3.0 version of the Glove of Storing, but never got updated. I'd call this cheesy if I weren't busy calling the 3.5 Glove of Storing overpriced. In any case, this allows you to retrieve or store one item as a free action.
Enveloping Pit (MIC). 3600GP, no slot. It's a relic that, if you're lawful evil, lawful neutral, or neutral evil, works pretty much like a Portable Hole (see below), only cheaper and deeper (over 1000 cubic feet!), making this a clear replacement if you can activate it. It can also serve as an OK-ish trap, but I'm more interested in using it to haul around ludicrous amounts of stuff.
Quiver of Ehlonna (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#efficientQuiver) 1800GP, no slot (it's a quiver). Not a general-purpose storage device, but a way to keep your golf bag of weapons handy without looking as if you're on your way to kit out an army. The real advantage it has over other kinds of storage spaces is that retrieving an weapon from it works just like drawing a weapon normally, which should mean that your Quick Draw feat and least Crystals of Return allow you to get them as a free action. Also, there's that slightly ambiguous clause about ruptured bags some DMs might use to screw you over if you try loading your weapons gallery into Bag of Holding based storages.

Less cheap:

Bag of Holding I to V (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bagofHolding) (DMG). 2500GP to 10000GP, no slot. A very traditional way to carry around your enormous list of loot. Unless your DM is very good at keeping track of how much your stuff weighs, I'd take the Haversack instead, as these don't have the nice "no AoOs" clause the Haversack does. But if the DM is a stickler about bag capacity, this should be your go-to. They are pretty damned big.
Belt of Many Pockets (CArc). 11000GP, waist slot. Like the Handy Haversack, only bigger and divided up into multiple smaller pockets. Potential upgrade.
Infinite Scrollcase (MIC). 2800GP, slotless. Actually only holds 50 scrolls, but whatever. It has secondary benefits as well.
Quiver of Plenty (DComp). 18000GP, slotless. Not a true storage item, but mentioned here for those whose true intent was to never having to worry about having to visit the market for ammo.
Ring of Arming (MIC). 5000GP, ring slot. A standard action, and now you're armed and armored. Niche item, but can be handy if you really need to wear armor, but also really need to take it off from time to time.


Portable Hole (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#portableHole) (DMG). 20000GP, slotless. Volume limitation (as far as I can tell, it is pi*((6/2)^2)*10 = approximately 282.74 cubic feet = approximately 8 cubic metres), no weight limitation. Has a defined amount of air available in it. No good for retreiving items in-battle, but the storage space is immense.

Not recommended:

Wand Bracelet (MIC), Glove of Storing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#gloveofStoring) (DMG), Casting Glove (MIC), Belt of Hidden Pouches (MIC).

Dispel Magic and its counters

Why you need it: Buffstacks (that is, many beneficial spells affecting the same target) are a big part of high level gameplay. As such, you need a way to protect your own buffs and remove those others have up.

Ring of Counterspells (DMG). 4000GP, ring slot. Load it with a Dispel Magic, and you're protected from the next Dispel Magic. Simple, and can be loaded with Greater Dispel Magic once that time comes. Of course, you can load this with other spells too, if you know you'll be up against something specific.
Spellblade (PGtF). 6000GP (fixed cost) weapon enhancement. This keys your weapon to a certain spell (read: Dispel Magic).
Ring of Enduring Arcana (CMage). 6000GP. This is for your friendly neighbourhood buff-providing spellcaster (which, of course, might be yourself). Adding +4 to the dispel DC is a very significant increase on when the roll is as "hard" to boost as a CL check.
Dispelling Chord (MIC). 1000GP, torso slot. Another for the spellcasters. If you know how to cast Dispel Magic, there's little reason not to get this, to give your dispel checks that slight edge.

Less cheap:

Ring of Spell-Battle (MIC). 12000GP, ring slot. You can use this ring to use Dispel Magic to counterspell as an immediate action. But that's the least it can do, really. If you're not familiar with the item, look it up.
Dispelling, Greater (MIC). +2 total weapon enhancement cost. Unlike its lesser counterpart, Dispelling, this one actually has a decent (but still eventually obsolete) caster level. Requires you to strike someone with a weapon, which is a problem if the spells you want to dispel happen to provice miss chances or AC boosts. Note that this works on ranged weapons too.
Magic Siphon (MIC). 25000GP, held. A rod that uses a CL 20 Greater Dispel Magic on all creatures adjacent to you. Seriously expensive for what it does, but the bonus isn't trivial.

Not recommended:

Dagger of Denial (MIC), Ring of Greater Counterspells (MIC), Third Eye Repudiate (MIC, XPH version overridden), Canaith Mandolin (MIC), Dispelling enhancement (MIC), Wand of Dispel Magic (DMG).


Why you need it: Because losing the initiative roll means the other guy has a chance to kill you before you get a chance to kill him. Giving the enemy "free" shots at you is generally a bad thing, especially at high (or very low) levels, when the stakes are high. Also, initiative is the one roll you are (almost) guaranteed to have to make in every single combat of your carreer, and it is very often the most important roll of any given encounter.

Wand of Sign (SpC). 750GP, held. Similar to Nerveskitter (see below), but less ambiguous, is for Clerics, and requires a bit more planning. Gets better as you level, and acquire more control over when encounters take place. Note that the version in the Miniatures Handbook is overridden by the SpC version, and is both different and potentially better. Requires the ability to activate Cleric Wands or a DC 20 Use Magic Device check.
Ring of Anticipation (DoTU). 6000GP, ring slot. Roll all initiative checks twice. This is the favorite initiative item of Claudius Maximus (who provided most of this list, by the way), and now it's my favorite one too.
Helm of Righteous War (CChamp) 5000 gp, head slot. +2 insight bonus to initiative, and secondary bonuses.
Sandals of the Vagabond (CChamp) 4000 gp, feet slot. +2 luck bonus to initiative, and secondary bonuses.
Bracers of Blinding Strike (MIC) 5000 gp. Arms slot. +2 competence bonus, which means it doesn't stack with the Belt of Battle, but it's cheaper and less likely to be struck by your DM's nerfbat.
Warning (MIC). +1 weapon enhancement cost, held. +5 insight bonus to initiative (doesn't stack with the Helm of Righteous War) Don't put this on your primary weapon, put this on something like your armor spikes. If you can somehow get away with it, put it on a shuriken and use the ammunition pricing rules to get it at a 98% discount. Then try getting away with holding the shuriken in your teeth, because it makes you look like a badass and leaves your hands free.

Eager (MIC). +1 weapon enhancement cost, held. +2 untyped bonus to initiative, and a secondary benefit. The bonus is smaller than on the Warning enhancement (see above), so get that one first.

Wand of Nerveskitter (SpC). 750GP, held. Grants a +5 untyped bonus on initiative. Note that although the Rules Compendium made the activation time of wands equal to the spell's normal casting time (in this case, an immediate action), it might not be enough to allow the use of a spell trigger items under the special circumstances that Nerveskitter requires. If your DM says it works, it's a perfect fit for a Wand Chamber (DSc) in a weapon you hold at all times. Requires the ability to activate Sorcerer/Wizard Wands or a DC 20 Use Magic Device check.

Less Cheap:

Belt of Battle (MIC). 12000GP, waist slot. +2 competence bonus to initiative. At 12k it doesn't really fit in the bargain bin, but it's going to be one of the first items on your wish list anyway, because the secondary benefit is granting EXTRA ACTIONS.
Phylactery of Change. (AEG). 11200GP, head slot. All-day Polymorph up to 7HD, with some limitations. You can use that to assume a form with a higher dexterity score than your own.
Roaring Armor (MIC). +3 armor enhancement cost. Grants a +4 competence bonus. Expensive, but it's a +4 (that doesn't stack with the Belt of Battle). You decide if you want it enough. The reverse-arrows secondary effect isn't likely to be useful at the level you get it, but potentially hilarious.
Dragonfly Medallion (AEG). 29760GP, throat slot (probably). Grants Improved Initiative or a +1 competence bonus if you already have that feat. Definitely not worth it if you have the feat, and only maybe if you don't.
Burning (ECS). +2 weapon enhancement cost, held. +2 untyped bonus to initiative. Too expensive for that benefit, but I think I should mention it for those who were actually thinking about taking the Fiery Burst enhancement (urgh).
Fire elemental grafts (MoE). Cost varies, slotless. Every fire graft beyond the first grants a +2 untyped bonus to initiative as a secondary benefit. These tend to be expensive, however.

Not recommended:

Bracers of the Blinding Strike (MoF, not the same as the MIC item), Flexible Spine graft (LoM), Stone of Good Luck (DMG), Ioun Stone, Pale Green (DMG), Initiative weapon enhancement (OA), Rod of Alertness (DMG).

Special senses

Why you need it: Not knowing where your enemies are is deadly.

Gem of the Glitterdepth (MIC). 4500GP, throat slot. Blindsense 30', the cheapest you can get - but it's a relic.
Glaring Eye (RotD). 10000GP, slotless (graft). Grants Blindsense 30', all day.
Blindfold of True Darkness (MIC). 9000GP, face slot. Grants Blindsight 30' - but you can't see while wearing it. You decide if it's worth it.
Tremor Graft (MoE). 6000GP, slotless (graft). Not quite Tremorsense, but as a move action, you can learn of the presence and locations of all creatures within 20'.


Blindsighted weapon enhancement (Und). +30000GP weapon enhancement cost. Grants 30' blindsight while wielded.
Dragon's-Eye Amulet (MIC). 55000GP, throat slot. Blindsense 30'. Similar to the (much) cheaper Glaring Eye, but listed due to grafts not always being available (or desirable).
Sandform Ring (Sand). 24000GP, ring slot. For up to 10 minutes per day, you can assume a (otherwise blind) form that has Blindsight 60'.

Not recommended:

Continuous custom item of Blindsight (SpC), Goggles of Draconic Vision (MIC), Scorpion Carapace (Sand), Platinum Helm (MIC)

if you are going for really good items that are super useful you might try the ioun stones they range from 4k gold to 40k gold there are 16 different stones of various shapes and colors
im going to list the various effects and how much gold they have
you must grasp the stone and hold it for 30 seconds to take command of the stone then they float 1d3 feet around your head in a circle they have an ac of 24 hp of 10 hardness of 5 can be found in the dmg any one can grab them but you get an attack of oppurtunity unless you are a sleep there is no limit to the amount of ioun stones you can have of any type so this is a cheap way to gain immense power really fast for super cheap
1. clear spindle sustains a creature without the need for food or water at 4k(the cheapest of the ioun stones)
2dusty rose prism +1 insight bonus to ac 5k gold
3deep red sphere +2 enhancement bonus to dexterity 8k
4incandescent blue sphere +2 enhancement bonus to wisdom 8k
5. pale blue rhomboid +2 enhancement bonus to strength 8k
6.pink rhomboid +2 enhancement bonus to constitution 8k
7.pink and green sphere +2 enhancement bonus to charisma 8k
8.scarlet and blue sphere +2 enhancement bonus to intelligence 8k
9.dakr blue rhomboid grants alertness as a free feat 10k
10.vibrant purple sphere stores 3 levels of spells useable by any one as a ring of spell storing minor 36k
11.iridescent spindle sustains wearer with no need for air 18k
12.pale lavender ellipsoid absorbs and negates 20 castings of spells of 4th level and lower after 20 castings the ioun stone turns to a dull grey rock and is completely useless forever requires a readied action 20k
13.pearly white spindle regenerates 1 point of damage per hour only restores hp lost while wearing the ioun stone works the same as the troll's regeneration meaning suffacing drowning stravation or disease damage does not get healed 20k
14.pale green prism +1 competence bonus on attack rolls skill checks saves and ability checks 30k
15.orange prism +1 caster level(only useful for mages with things like dispell checks and any time they do damage based on caster level 30k
16 lavender and green ellipsoid absorbs and negates 50 castings of spells aimed at the wearer of 8th and lowr requires a readied action after 50 castings negated the stone turns into a grey dull useless rock 40k

this can be found on pages 260-261 of the dmg theres even a pic of a guy with multiple ioun stones floating around his head its a great items set and lets you have lots of great powers and abilities the one negative is that any one can grab the ioun stones and hold them for 30 seconds without interruption they can take your powers and items away from you

2014-09-03, 06:00 PM
...Did you just quote the entire OP and then copy/paste the Ioun Stone entry?:smalleek:

2014-09-03, 06:12 PM
...Did you just quote the entire OP and then copy/paste the Ioun Stone entry?:smalleek:


Good thread though. Worth the bump.

2014-09-05, 06:35 PM
Yeah, thanks for the bump, but I don't think I will be adding the Ioun stones unless there's a particular purpose one of them could help with. :smalltongue:

2014-09-09, 01:22 AM
...Did you just quote the entire OP and then copy/paste the Ioun Stone entry?:smalleek:
i posted a quote of the op i have yet to use this site enough to not make a full quote of someones post with out it showing their stuff
i didnt copy paste i typed it out manually would have been easier if i copy pasted it but pdfs dont show up as text they show up as pics so i had to manually type it out
sorry if this broke the rules

the ioun stones are only good if you want one of the specific abilities they grant this was a good thread hope you get more people to visit

2014-09-09, 02:21 AM
i posted a quote of the op i have yet to use this site enough to not make a full quote of someones post with out it showing their stuff

1. Quote the post.
2. Before submitting your reply, manually erase whichever parts you don't want to quote.

The Random NPC
2014-09-09, 03:22 AM
Or, if you're lazy like me, use the spoiler tags.
You can quote me to see the spoiler tags

2014-09-09, 09:31 AM
1. Quote the post.
2. Before submitting your reply, manually erase whichever parts you don't want to quote.

Thank you. This is really basic netiquette. I know plenty of people who don't even do this in group emails and they get absurdly long and cluttered. It's too bad high schools don't teach netiquette but I suppose we can just add it to a long list of basic life skills they don't bother to convey.

2014-10-07, 10:28 PM
.thx i will do that from now on

2014-10-09, 12:32 AM
I was perusing Sandstorm and came across the list of new mounts. Flipping to the respective monster entries, two of them turned out to be relevant to this thread:

Ashworm (200 gp): Tremorsense 60 ft. You'll need to train it to signal enemy positions (and not flee from combat), which shouldn't be too hard.

Dust Twister (1500 gp): Fly 5 ft (perfect). Slow, but cheap and unlimited use. The mounts section says it's difficult to control in combat, but the monster entry doesn't and in fact it has 4 INT, so I'm leaning towards "not difficult."

2014-10-10, 11:53 PM
Here's a good one. Durability enhancers, AKA things that make it harder for your HP to go down. Yeah, HP damage isn't as instant-gratification as a SOD, but it's still there, and it's NOT difficult for a stray mob to use the same tactics the party beefcake uses on the party. PC hit points tend to be lower, after all, so even if they're not as good as a barbarian charger at it, they don't need to be. This category is for things like DR, Elemental Resistance/Immunity (which has its own benefits, swimming in lava or acid for instance, or the inevitable ice level), and other things that don't mess with the opponent's ability to hit as much as it does their ability to do any more than make contact. In other words, Stoneskin yes, Mirror Image no.

2014-10-12, 08:38 PM
I have fixed a few SRD URLs that have broken sometime in the last few months or years. (Thanks, DracoDei!)

I was perusing Sandstorm and came across the list of new mounts. Flipping to the respective monster entries, two of them turned out to be relevant to this thread:

Ashworm (200 gp): Tremorsense 60 ft. You'll need to train it to signal enemy positions (and not flee from combat), which shouldn't be too hard.

Dust Twister (1500 gp): Fly 5 ft (perfect). Slow, but cheap and unlimited use. The mounts section says it's difficult to control in combat, but the monster entry doesn't and in fact it has 4 INT, so I'm leaning towards "not difficult."
Oo, thanks. Will look through Sandstorm.

Here's a good one. Durability enhancers, AKA things that make it harder for your HP to go down. Yeah, HP damage isn't as instant-gratification as a SOD, but it's still there, and it's NOT difficult for a stray mob to use the same tactics the party beefcake uses on the party. PC hit points tend to be lower, after all, so even if they're not as good as a barbarian charger at it, they don't need to be. This category is for things like DR, Elemental Resistance/Immunity (which has its own benefits, swimming in lava or acid for instance, or the inevitable ice level), and other things that don't mess with the opponent's ability to hit as much as it does their ability to do any more than make contact. In other words, Stoneskin yes, Mirror Image no.

Hmm, to be honest, I feel like damage reduction and its relatives aren't... necessary enough. :smallconfused:

Do people disagree?

2014-10-12, 08:47 PM
Hmm, to be honest, I feel like damage reduction and its relatives aren't... necessary enough.

Do people disagree?

I tend to think that exactly what he describes is why stuff like miss chance and mobility are on the list. To completely shut those threats down.

Because here's the problem: You really have to work to get any serious amount of DR in D&D. Generally you're going to see somewhere between DR1 and DR5 on an item, there might be something out there that gives as high as 10 or 15. And none of it stacks. Ever. Explicitly. Even by lower mid levels (6-8) you are looking at bog standard enemies that deal 20-30 damage per hit. DR5 isn't going to make any sort of difference against that. DR15 would look pretty nice right around then, but by the time you could actually get that kind of DR you're looking at more like 50+ damage on a hit.

And these are standard non-modified encounters! If you are coming up against any sort of optimized chargers, or other optimized high damage builds, your best defense is not "Block a few points of damage from them" it's "Make sure they NEVER get an opportunity to hit you".

That said if there are items out there that do things like "For a hit that drops you below 0 hit points, get reduced to 1 hit point instead" or "Immediate action take a movement now" (or any other immediate action denial abilities) I would say they warrant a place on the list.

2014-10-12, 10:19 PM
Yeah, DR is mostly only good for standing off hoards of ECL-3 enemies or something like that I should think.

2014-10-12, 10:37 PM
I personally feel like damage reducers of any variety do loose the majority of their appeal at mid levels, but I do think that certain utility side-effects might warrant including at least some of them. Going to space to swim in a pool of acid and all that.

2014-10-13, 01:26 AM
I personally feel like damage reducers of any variety do loose the majority of their appeal at mid levels, but I do think that certain utility side-effects might warrant including at least some of them. Going to space to swim in a pool of acid and all that.
I don't think anyone contests the idea that these things are nifty, or occasionally useful. It just doesn't seem, y'know, necessary. Plenty of characters go their whole lives without DR, particularly because it's a surprisingly rare ability, and they do just fine, likely never shouting out with their dying breath, "If only I had DR." DR just doesn't fit the parameters of this list, filled with solutions to problems typically encountered, or perfect solutions to highly lethal problems occasionally encountered.

2014-10-13, 08:36 AM
Okay, so my last idea wasn't all that great. What about things that flat-out rearrange the landscape in tactical, strategic, and both flavors? Stuff like Lyre of Building or that one alchemical acid that goes through stone like toilet paper. Sure, a charger or certain initiators may be able to do the second one to some effectiveness, but that's not going to be available all the time, and it's going to be pretty noisy nonetheless. Fabricate may apply if you use it like a spell version of the Lyre (and more versatile to boot), but I can't really think of ways to change the map by way of item that's useful.

2014-10-13, 05:36 PM
Do caltrops, marbles, and lamp-oil poured on the floor count? Probably not what you were talking about.

Feather Token (Tree) on the other hand probably qualifies.

2014-10-13, 05:49 PM
Do caltrops, marbles, and lamp-oil poured on the floor count? Probably not what you were talking about.

Feather Token (Tree) on the other hand probably qualifies.
That's really more of a Shax's Indispensable Haversack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148101-3-x-Shax-s-Indispensible-Haversack-(Equipment-Handbook)) thing, I think.

2014-10-13, 07:09 PM
Do caltrops, marbles, and lamp-oil poured on the floor count? Probably not what you were talking about.

Feather Token (Tree) on the other hand probably qualifies.

For the first group, maybe levels 1-2. Past that, they can be largely ignored with the exception of marbles for a sneak-attacker, and even then it can be situational.

The tree (and for the matter, Swan Boat) tokens would count, though. Kinda hard to get around a solid oak tree or a fairly large boat without physically moving yourself or the obstruction, and that takes actions the other party might not be able to take without drawbacks.

2014-10-15, 03:20 PM
Hmm, I actually do like the idea of a BFC list.

Mostly, I'm concerned about the item-based solutions to it not being all that good. BFC is usually the realm of class features - or maybe that's just how I've been playing.

I will take a look.

2014-10-15, 08:31 PM
Here's another idea that, while not exactly necessary all the time, is very bloody useful all the time also. Namely, the 'swiss army knife' items. Things like Shapesand that can be used for multiple disparate purposes, in general utility and combat in some cases. If you're wondering about how Shapesand could be useful mid-fight despite the ability to take control of it with a Wis check, read this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17923411&postcount=10) post by yours truly (in short, you can use it to make a 2-1/2" by 5' by 10' slab basically in an instant, which is enough to serve as an effective door plug if nothing else, not to mention the various tools that it allows free use of). I'm actually not that sure about how many things could qualify for this, though Adamantine equipment may qualify even if it doesn't need to be enchanted to work most of the time (a lockpick even Og the Destroyer can make sense of and use!:smallbiggrin:)

2015-02-10, 07:32 PM
This is good.

2015-04-17, 11:28 PM
In my games, I usually let people get away with accessing any small item they have on their sheets as an AoO-free move action once they have gotten one of these - because that's approximately what it does.
You don't have to. That's EXACTLY what it does.

When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top

It also carries 120 pounds, which is enough for most equipment.